Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Chapter 8. March 23, 2015 Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers There can be many reasons why entry may not occur: Cost advantages of the incumbent …rms economies of scale product di¤erentiation advantages (reputation) learning experiences consumers’loyalty Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers Sunk costs generate entry barriers Sunk Costs: cannot be reversed (legal fees and taxes, market surveys, advertising costs, equipment, etc.) Stiglitz (1987) There are two …rms A and B (potential entrant) Producing an identical product with identical marginal costs Sunk costs e Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers Sunk costs generate entry barriers Proposition 8.5: For any level of sunk cost satisfying 0 < e < π M , there exist a unique SPE where …rm A is a monopoly earning π A = π M e and …rm B stays out. Note that this result applies only to homogeneous products! What would happen if we consider that the …rms play Cournot after entry... Firm could receive an amount of φ > 0 upon exit, where φ e Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers Entry Deterrence Blockaded entry: the incumbent is not threatened by entry Deterred entry: The incumbent modi…es its behavior in order to deter entry. If prices are lowered, then we say that the incumbent exercises limit pricing Accommodate entry: Entry occurs, and the incumbent …rm modi…es its action to take into account of entry that occurs. Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers Entry Deterrence Bain-Sylos postulate: the entrant believes that the incumbent would maintain the same output after entry that it did before entry. Can we question the validity of the Bain-Sylos postulate? Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers Capacity commitment under the Bain-Sylos postulate Spence (1977) explicitly distinguishes between capacity and quantity produced. Quantity produced is constrained by the amount of capacity …rm 1 invests in the 1st period. if entry does not occur, the capacity is underutilized! In the event of a threat of entry, the incumbent can expand its output level (reducing price to the level that makes entry unpro…table) Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers Capacity commitment under the Bain-Sylos postulate Leader-Follower game In period 1: …rm 1 has to choose its capacity-output investment k1 2 [0, ∞) In period 2: …rm 2 chooses whether to enter (k2 > 0) or to stay out (k2 = 0) Firms are identical, and the entrant has to pay an entry cost E 0. Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers Second Period Firm 2 takes k1 = k 1 as given and chooses k2 ∂π 2 k 1 , k2 ∂k2 = 1 k2 = k1 = 0 2k2 k1 1 2 Then π2 = 1 k1 2 (1 k1 1 Which is greater than zero i¤ k 1 < 1 k1 2 ) p 2 E E Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers First Period Firm 1 knows p that small changes in its capacity around k 1 = 1 2 E may induce …rm 2 to alter its entry decision Firm 1 compare its pro…t with and without entry: π s = k1 (1 k1 1 2k1 ) versus π M = k1 (1 k1 ) Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers Relaxing the Bain-Sylos postulate Overaccumulation of capacity will not occur Two stage game (the following …gure illustrates the marginal-cost function facing the incumbent in the 2nd stage) assume that capacity accumulation in the 1st stage is costless to the incumbent Firm 2 has a unit cost of c, which is the same of the incumbent for producing beyond its capacity Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers Relaxing the Bain-Sylos postulate The best-response functions: Proposition 8.7: The incumbent cannot deter entry by investing in a large capacity. More generally, investing in excess capacity cannot serve as a tool for deterring entry. Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers Judo Economics (Gelman and Salop, 1983): when a potential entrant limits its capacity su¢ ciently, it is the incumbent’s best interest to accommodate entry rather than …ght it. Two stage game: 1st stage the entrant chooses whether to enter, its capacity level, k, and its price p e 2nd stage: the incumbent (it has an unlimited capacity) chooses its price, p I Production is costless, homogeneous product and demand p = 100 Q The demand facing each …rm is qI = 100 100 pI if p I < p e I k p if p I pe and q e = k if p e < p I 0 if p e pI Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers Judo Economics Suppose that the entrant enters and sets a capacity k and a price p e then, the incumbent can deter entry p I = p e (π ID = p e (100 p e )) or accommodate entry p I > p e (π IA = p I (100 k p I )) Hence under entry-accomodation, the incumbent choose a p I > p e to max π IA = p I (100 k p I ) p I >p e ( 100 k ) (100 k ) (100 k )2 Therefore pAI = , qAI = , π IA = 2 2 4 (100 k )2 I = p e (100 e) Comparing π IA = π p D 4 Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers Credible Spatial preemption Firms produce di¤erentiated, substitutable brands, so entry is likely to cause a head-to-head competition. How would the incumbent …rm react to partial entry, when entry into one market would a¤ect the demand in a market for a substitute good? Consider a monopoly …rm (…rm 1) which owns two restaurant, one Chinese (C) and one Japanese (J) Chinese Restaurant Japanese Restaurant Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers Credible Spatial preemption There are two consumers in town who are slightly di¤erentiated UC UJ β β β p c if eats chinese food :) λ p J if eats japanese food :( λ p C if eats japanese food :( β p J if eats chinese food :) Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers Entry into the market for Chinese food A new Chinese restaurant (…rm 2) that serves food identical to …rm 1 p1C = p2C = 0 How would entry into the Chinese food market a¤ect the price of a Japanese dinner? The maximum price the monopoly could charge is p J = λ Now suppose …rm 1 shuts down its Chinese restaurant and keeps only the Japanese restaurant. Then p1J = β = p2C Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers Limit pricing as cost signaling Milgrom and Roberts (1982) argue that limit pricing can serve as cost signaling device to the potential entrant who may not know the cost structure of the incumbent. Two periods t = 1, 2 and demand p = 10 Q Firm 1 (incumbent) has to choose q11 and …rm 2 choose whether to enter (or not) in t = 2 Assumption: In t = 2, if entry occurs, then both …rms play Cournot game. If entry does not occur at t = 2, …rm 1 produces the monopoly output level.(incumbent’s action has not in‡uence on the market structure at t = 2) Firm 2’s unit-production cost is c2 = 1 and entry cost F2 = 9 The cost structure of …rm 1 is known only to …rm 1 Firm 2 only knows the probability distribution c1 = 0 with probability 0.5 4 with probability 0.5 Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers Limit pricing as cost signaling Game: Solving the game assuming a high-cost incumbent Hence the entry …rm’s expected pro…t is E π 2 = 12 7 + 12 1.9 > 0, hence it enters Therefore, given entry, the best strategy for …rm 1 is to select the monopoly’s output in t = 1 Concentration, Merges and Entry Barriers II Entry Barriers Limit pricing as cost signaling Assume a low-cost incumbent c1 = 0 If …rm 2 were to know then it would not enter! But …rm 2 does not know.. hence the incumbent has incentives to reveal its cost to …rm 2 Proposition 8.11: A low cost incumbent would produce q11 = 5.83 and entry will not occur in t = 2
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