Celebrating 20 Years of American Craftsmanship WHAT’S INSIDE: 20th Anniversary Touring Bike Ƚ The Heart of a True Road Bike ȽCommuting into the Future Ƚ Tandems in Our DNA Ƚ Innovation for 2012 Ƚ ȽON THE BACK: Take our survey BIKE FRIDAY HANDMADE IN OREGON SINCE 1992 New World Tourist USA Classic Touring Bike 20th Anniversary New World Tourist USA our growth in too many ways to count, and California’s Doug White of White Industries is a shining example of that adventurous spirit. White’s travels with his Bike Friday inspired his Quick Draw crankset, which allows for quick release of the pedal when folding or packing. White Industries also provides the titanium bottom bracket as well as front and rear hubs. The headset is crafted by Portland’s renowned Chris King — true royalty of American craftsmen. California’s Paul’s Components made both our Vbrakes and levers, plus a set of perches for mounting thumbshifters on the bars. A Special Touch The seatpost is made by L.H. Thomson, in Georgia. The Selle Anatomic saddle and leather bar tape are produced in Wisconsin. The Ironweed panniers are handmade in Iowa. The wooden fenders are crafted by Creative Openings in Washington. The drivetrain is from SRAM and the quick releases are from Salsa Cycles — both American based companies. Another tribute to our Founders’ roots are the classic Bike Friday H-bars, designed by Co-Founder Alan Scholz and welded by Co-Founder Hanz Scholz at his shop in Washington. The result? A true American classic touring bike that will perform to match its look. We will build just 20 of these limited edition Anniversary bikes. Pre-order today by contacting a Bike Consultant. BikeFriday.com // 800-777-0258 // 1-541-687-0487 Made in America means a lot of things to a lot of people. For 33 dedicated Bike Friday employees in Eugene, Oregon it means pride in building a better tomorrow by offering individual solutions for transportation and health. Hanz and Alan Scholz committed to be a Made in USA company 20 years ago, and have stayed true to that vow through challenging economic times. To celebrate building every one of our more than 30,000 Bike Fridays in Oregon, our designers created the ultimate touring bike, our 20th Anniversary New World Tourist USA. We Did It Our Way This custom touring bike honors the trailblazers who create quality products and homegrown jobs. It begins with US-milled 4130 cro-moly steel tubing for the return of the diamond frame — a tribute to the original Bike Friday design. Our custom laser cut pieces are produced by Magic Metal in Washington. The frame’s unique Sparkle Green comes from Prismatic Powders of Oregon. Bike Friday owners have been instrumental in MADE IN USA A Celebration of Craftsmanship and Innovation Charging Out of the Dakota Plains Bike Friday’s Founders cut their teeth as elite, national caliber racers, and their dedication to high performance gave birth to the Pocket Rocket Select (above) and a 14-pound road prototype (left) shown by designer Rob English. No need to leave performance behind when you travel. ROAD Pocket Rocket Select BikeFriday.com // 800-777-0258 // 1-541-687-0487 tional level, younger brother Hanz battled against the district’s other rising junior star, Andy Hampsten. “Nomad was always the center of our The resurgence of American bicycle raccycling world,” says Hampsten, who ing in the 1970s gave birth to the essence ERXJKW KLV ÀUVW 3HXJHRW IURP 1RPDG·V of Bike Friday in Fargo, North Dakota. second store in Grand Forks. “When we’d That’s where Alan Scholz, just a teenDJHURSHQHGKLVÀUVWELNHVKRS1RPDGLQ go to Fargo, we’d check in to see what the Scholz family was up to, and what the the basement of his house. His parents, Earl and Mary Esther Scholz, latest news was.” With elite racing at the foundation of became the district reps, who organized their love of cycling, it was only natural racing throughout the Dakotas. that when it came time to design bicycles While Alan competed on the senior nathe Scholz brothers’ dedication to high performance trumped everything. That focus continues today. Bike Friday head designer Rob English is a Cat. 1 road racer, Oregon time trial FKDPSLRQDQGWRSÀQLVKHULQWKH%ULWish TT National Championships. Like many folks who work at Bike Friday, English started as a customer. He bought a Pocket Rocket 11 years ago, then came to work here. Our road roots shine in Bike Friday’s elite road creation: the Super Pro. The ultimate travel road bike, the Super Pro weighs in at less than 16 pounds in 2012. “It’s the best road bike I have From its one-piece titanium seat mast ever ridden. My typical rides are 50-70 /post to the Super Pro stem, it has evmiles with the New York Cycle Club. erything that makes it an elite road bike, It rides like a dream and as a bonus IT along with the ability to pack into a TravFOLDS!” el Case so you can show it off anywhere. — Gerald Ross A Simple Concept: Performance that Packs New World Tourist Select lead a world-wide invasion. “I was literally in the middle of nowhere in Japan,” Bike Consultant Ruthy Kanagy recalls, “with my Bike Friday parked out front of a restaurant on Rishiri Island. I suddenly heard someone shout, ‘BIKE FRIDAY! BIKE FRIDAY!’” Kanagy, another Bike Friday owner who came to work here, experi- enced an encounter all too familiar to owners. It’s the spirit that created the Bike Friday Community, which took on a life of its own. “We never imagined creating a community,” Alan Scholz says. “But that’s just what Bike Friday owners did. They created an inclusive community of their own, that welcomes in anyone, anywhere in the world.” “I’m crazy about this bike. I love the fact that a middle-aged gasser like me can do 3,000-foot climbs on it. I love that I can do 45 mph descents and still feel in control. I love how quickly it accelerates, and how nimble it is in WUDIÀF$QG,ORYHWKDW,FDQKDQJZLWK the guys on their carbon and titanium bikes on the noon rides at work.” — Noah Jacobs “I enthusiastically agree with the numerous positive reviews and comments about Bike Friday’s customer service and bicycle quality. ... In this age of mass production, it was great to see a business of this size thriving and contributing to the local community.” — Graham Smith TOURING “Hello. I am writing from Vietnam where I am traveling with my New World Tourist. I just want you to know how happy I am with this bicycle. It has done absolutely everything I’ve asked it to do, from riding off-road in Cambodia WKURXJKDFRUQÀHOGLQWKHGDUNWRULGing a paved road of spectacular vistas RIWKHULFHÀHOGVLQWKH0HNRQJ'HOWDµ — Nancy Janus BikeFriday.com // 800-777-0258 // 1-541-687-0487 When Hanz and Alan Scholz surveyed the landscape for travel bikes back in 1992, they saw obvious JDSLQJ KROHV WR ÀOO )LW DQG SHUIRUmance. “We thought, just having a travel ELNH WKDW ÀWV ZRXOG EH EHWWHU WKDQ WKH RQHVL]HÀWVDOO IROGLQJ ELNHV out there,” Alan says. “We didn’t stop there. We focused on delivering a high performance bike.” Bike Friday focused on high quality standards, and designed a bike that offers an entire Travel System. Fit is Key Experienced touring riders know that a high performance bike that ÀWV\RXUERG\LVWKHLQWHJUDOSDUWRI the equation. Being able to transport your bike HIÀFLHQWO\DQGVDIHO\ZLWKWKHDELOity to be completely self-contained — that is, transform your Travel Case into your trailer — proved to be the ideal solution. Bike Fridays eliminated the limits. They became familiar partners on the TransAm routes crossing the U.S. It didn’t take long for them to The Community Speaks: A Commuter’s Story Carbon Drive tikit “I have a beautiful steel touring bike and a Breezer Uptown 8. I love them both. The Breezer has served me well getting around Denver and commuting to work ... until recently. Half of my commute is on light rail. I ride to the gym early in the morning and then catch the train about 15 miles to work. At the end of the day I ride the bicycle home. It’s been working perfectly for several years, but lately the train is getting crowded with bikes. I’m happy to see more people riding but there are only six slots open for bikes and I didn’t want to start missing trains. Enter the tikit. I was worried that it would be redundant with the bicycles I already own. It’s not. It allows me to ride the train worry free.” — Richard Ray BikeFriday.com // 800-777-0258 // 1-541-687-0487 In 2007, Bike Friday targeted solutions for the commuter’s quandary: The Last Mile. Getting from home to mass transit, WKHQ WR WKH RIÀFH IURP WKH VWDWLRQ proved to be the greatest challenge slowing the growth of commuting as individuals searched to improve their daily lives. As usual, the Scholz brothers attacked the problem with attention WRÀWDQGSHUIRUPDQFH “We designed a bike you would want to ride more than a mile,” Hanz said. “We combined the quickest fold with the best ride.” The tikit folds in less than 5 seconds, and rolls easily onto a train or can be carried onto a bus. What sets the tikit apart? When you fold and unfold, you don’t need to readjust your saddle or bar height. Its ride is amazingly solid, and it can be built as a city bike, road bike, traveling bike or belt drive commuting wonder. )URPDRQHVSHHGÀ[HGJHDUWR the NuVinci Continuous Variable Transmission, the tikit offers versatility beyond compare. COMMUTE Fold and Go ... in Style Its versatility and durability make it an extremely popular choice as an Urban Assault bike, in addition to its deftness for expedition touring and trail riding. The Llama is our strong workhorse that offers a heavy rider upgrade to accommodate cyclists up to 280 pounds. A bike for everybody. “The Llama is becoming my favorite bike. It is certainly my most versatile bike. It is not specialized for any one type of riding, but can go just about anywhere a bike can go and can handle a variety of conditions well. As a city-bike, I’ve never ridden anything better.” — Ron Kokish MOUNTAIN The Pocket Llama is more than your typical mountain bike. The Llama began as a Bike Friday designed to tackle expedition touring and off-road excursions. With a higher bottom bracket for better clearance, the ability to take wide tires and a frame designed for heavy loads, the Llama became Bike Friday’s Transformer. Pocket Llama Select with disc brakes BikeFriday.com // 800-777-0258 // 1-541-687-0487 Pocket Llama with Aerospoke wheels Tandem DNA The Eyes of a Child General Manager Hanna Scholz (front) and Co-Founder Alan Scholz Tandem Traveler XL TANDEM “There is great utility in our tandems,” Alan Scholz says. “But more than anything, they are built to be legacy tandems. They are built to last and to be handed down from generation to generation.” Alan designed the Bike Friday Family Tandem for his youngest daughter, Sarah. He quickly learned the magic of a tandem. “Sarah was only four years old and we had it under the tree for Christmas,” Alan remembers, noting the stoker seat was set for a child -- one RIWKHEHQHÀWVD%LNH)ULGD\WDQGHPRIIHUV´:KHQZHFDPHRXWVKHZDV sitting on the stoker seat. Even a young child can see it’s right for her.” BikeFriday.com // 800-777-0258 // 1-541-687-0487 “Togetherness, never having to feel like one of us is left behind, seeing places we would never see otherwise ...” — Elaine Bradtke & Doug Kingston While Bike Friday has built an international reputation with its travel and folding bicycles, tandems always hold a special place in the company’s DNA. When Hanz and Alan decided to try their hand at designing bicycles, their ÀUVW FUHDWLRQ ZDV WKH %XUley Duet tandem. The Scholz brothers raced tandems on the national level, and put their designs to the ultimate stress test. That knowledge is built into every Bike Friday tandem. All Bike Friday tandems GLVDVVHPEOHDQGÀWLQWRWZR Travel Cases for air travel. The Bike Friday Two’sDay IROGV WR FRQYHQLHQWO\ ÀW LQ the trunk of most sedans or the back of an SUV. Whether you tour as a couple, or are a parent taking your child to school, few solutions are as fun as a tandem. Your Way This is How We Roll Budget Matters Unless you have a handful of Tour de France victories under your belt or have invented some wonderful dohickey no one can live without, you always have an eye on the bottom line. We understand that. Your budget is important, and we strive to meet your needs. Customizing doesn’t just mean spending more money. With each of our models, a Full Custom version can be designed to meet your budget. Your price will depend on the components you want to complete your package. Give us a budget. We’ll meet it. CUSTOMIZE When Co-Founder Alan Scholz put together a Super Pro, it went something like this: BikeFriday.com // 800-777-0258 // 1-541-687-0487 Did you ever dream about owning a bicycle factory? While away the hours fantasizing about how you would build your bike, from the ground up, if given the chance? That’s what Bike Friday is. It’s your factory. Your personal cycling dream come true. From the basic 8-speed New World Tourist that can be Custom built beginning around $1,200, to the belt drive Select tikit around $2,000 and all the way to the sky’sthe-limit Super Pro Red topping out at more than $8,000, we can build the bike of your dreams. The best part: These are the kind of projects our Bike Consultants and Dealers live for! They love listening to your aspirations, and then working with you to put together your favorite components with the right Bike Friday to make sure you live your cycling fantasy. Just give us a call or visit our webVLWHWRÀQGWKHQHDUHVW%LNH)ULGD\ Dealer. “E” Measurement is from drop bar end to drop bar end 'URSEDUVYLHZHG from above Road Bike 0RXQWDLQRU)ODW Bar Bike Our sizing formula begins with four simple measurements: Height, weight, inseam and riding sytle. 7KHQZHPDWFK\RXUEHVWÀWELNH·V VSHFLÀFLDWLRQV Whether you are considering a Select model (Page 11) or a Custom Bike Friday, you have the ability to Personalize your bike -- make it one of a kind. We believe sizing is the most important element LQEXLOGLQJDELNH6LPSO\SXWLILWGRHVQ·WÀW\RX won’t ride it. 2XUFXVWRPHUÀWWLQJIRUPSURYLGHVXVZLWKWKH LQIRUPDWLRQZHQHHGWREXLOGDELNHWRÀW\RXUERG\ Then comes the fun stuff: selecting a frame color from our 18 choices and cable housing and decal colors (seven choices). When all is said and done, you have a Bike Friday that’s yours, and yours alone. Unique. That’s why we give you a nameplate! BikeFriday.com // 800-777-0258 // 1-541-687-0487 Sounds logical, doesn’t it? That’s what we think. That’s why you won’t get caught in an automated phone system when you call us. You’ll probably talk to Rene, or Aron, maybe even Clare. The point is this: Figuring out exactly what you need to make your cycling dreams come true is no easy task. It’s not something you can do by just visiting our website a couple or even a hundred times. Our website can help you understand some of the basics. But nothing can replace personal one-on-one discussion with a friendly Bike Consultant or a Bike Friday Dealer. For 20 years we’ve prided ourselves in our ability to listen closely, DQGZRUNZLWK\RXWRÀQGVROXWLRQVWR any of your cycling needs. Our commitment won’t end with your purchase. Our Customer Service delivers the same dedication to make your Bike Friday experience like no other. We understand the world is changing, but we believe that one thing will never change. People like people. Size and Color PERSONALIZE People Like People Fits Your Body, Fits Your Needs HIGHLIGHTS Ⱦ7RXULQJJHRPHWU\ Ⱦ/LJKWJDXJHGRXEOHEXWWHGWXELQJ Ⱦ)UDPHVL]HVFPWRFPWRSWXEH Ⱦ3HWLWHVIRUULGHUVOHVVWKDQSRXQGV Ⱦ*UHDWIRUDQ\W\SHRIWRXULQJ Pocket Rocket Pro Petites also available HIGHLIGHTS Ⱦ5RDGUDFLQJJHRPHWU\ Ⱦ'RXEOHEXWWHGWXELQJ Ⱦ6LQJOHVSHHGXSWRVSHHGV Ⱦ/LJKWIDVWDQGDJLOH Ⱦ3HUIHFWIRUWUDLQLQJDQGURDGULGLQJ Super Pro HIGHLIGHTS Ⱦ:HLJKVLQDERXWSRXQGV Ⱦ7LWDQLXPRQHSLHFHVHDWPDVWSRVW Ⱦ)LWWLQJVWHPSURJUDP Ⱦ7RSHQGFRPSRQHQWVRI\RXUFKRLFH Ⱦ7KHXOWLPDWHWUDYHOLQJURDGELNH CUSTOM Crusoe Then we create your one-of-a-kind Bike Friday. The options are seemingly endless, from components, to size, to colors. We’ll let you know what works and what doesn’t. Our New World Tourist, Pocket Rocket and Pocket Llama will stand toeclip-to-toeclip with any bicycle. Yet, they have spawned offspring to cater to any needs: the Crusoe and the Pros. BikeFriday.com // 800-777-0258 // 1-541-687-0487 (YHU\RQHKDVDSDLURIVKRHVWKDWÀWMXVWULJKWRUDVXLWRUDSDLU of jeans. Fit means synchronicity and harmony. There is no other feeling like it. That’s what we do at Bike Friday. We build a custom bicycle that ÀWV\RXDQGQRRQHHOVH :HÀQGRXWZKDW\RXQHHGDQGZKDW\RXZDQW Let Our Bicycle Experts Select Your Components with the Select Group HIGHLIGHTS Ƚ27 speeds geared for touring ȽSealed-cartridge bearing headset Ƚ%UD]HRQVIRUUDFNVDQGWUDLOHUKLWFK ȽPerfect for self-contained touring ȽMost versatile Bike Friday Pocket Llama with the Select Group HIGHLIGHTS Ⱦ)URQWDQGUHDUGLVFEUDNHV Ⱦ7KXGEXVWHUVXVSHQVLRQVHDWSRVW Ⱦ7DNHVWLUHVXSWRLQFKHV Ⱦ'HVLJQHGIRUH[SHGLWLRQWRXULQJ Ⱦ*UHDWIRUWUDLOULGLQJ Pocket Rocket with the Select Group HIGHLIGHTS ȾVSHHGVZLWK··JHDUUDQJH Ⱦ:HLJKVLQDERXWSRXQGV Ⱦ+LJKSUHVVXUHWLUHV Ⱦ+DQJZLWKWKHORFDOURDGLHV Ⱦ3HUIRUPDQFHWUDLQLQJZKLOHWUDYHOLQJ SELECT New World Tourist 2XUGHVLJQHUVVHDUFKHGWKHJOREHWRÀQGWKHEHVWFRPELQDWLRQRI components that will deliver great performance for a reasonable price for each of our most popular models. The Select components work great as a group, and leave you with the choice of three standard sizes and a variety of 18 frame colors. Add seven cable housing and seven decal colors and you have 882 combination options. BikeFriday.com // 800-777-0258 // 1-541-687-0487 You can take advantage of the vast experience and expertise of our Bike Consultants when you design the Bike Friday that is perfect for your individual situation. $OO%LNH)ULGD\VDUHEXLOWWRRUGHUWRJXDUDQWHHWKHEHVWÀWDQGSHUIRUmance, and satisfy your needs. We understand that choosing components can be a challenge. To simplify that process, we created our Select Group of optimized Bike Friday models. Quickest Fold for All Seasons, Any Reasons Future’s tikit Speeding tikit HIGHLIGHTS with the Select Group HIGHLIGHTS ȽGates Carbon Drive belt ȽVSHHG$OÀQHLQWHUQDOKXE ȽSealed bottom bracket ȽNo greasy chain to mess with ȽLow maintenance ȽBelt drive system ȽVSHHG1H[XVLQWHUQDOKXE ȽNo greasy chain, low maintenance ȽQuickest folding technology ȽMakes Intermodal commuting a snap ȽWRVSHHGGURSEDUURDGELNH Ƚ STI shifters or bar cons Ƚ High pressure tires Ƚ Multiday touring Ƚ Long commuting HIGHLIGHTS tikit Carbon Drive tikit In keeping with the spirit of commuting, Bike Friday offers the One Way tikit ZLWKDÀ[HGJHDU7KH([SUHVVtikit adds Sport H-bars to the quick fold and the Speeding tikit showcases the road bike, drop bar experience. In 2011, Bike Friday launched its Carbon Belt Drive tikit with Gates technology to introduce greaseless, low maintenance commuting. For 2012, the Select tikit makes belt drive more affordable. BikeFriday.com // 800-777-0258 // 1-541-687-0487 Bike Friday launched the tikit in 2007 with its mission clear and simple: Get more people on bicycles and fewer cars on the road. With a distinctive fast and elegant fold, the base model set a new standard for quick folding bikes. ,WGLGQ·WWDNHORQJIRUDÁXUU\RIRSWLRQVWRHPHUJHIURPWKH base model creating a line of quick folding bicycles to cater to any cyclist’s dream. Rear Racks Travel System WHAT’S NEW What’s an Anniversary Celebration without a peek into the future? Here are some of the items that should be available in 2012. Lightweight Trailers Custom Handlebars ? What new product would you like to see? Let us know! BIKE FRIDAY The Bike Friday Travel Case transforms your bike into the ultimate travel package that allows you to begin your bicycle tour with Mile 1 at the airport. $OO%LNH)ULGD\VÀWLQWRD6DPsonite F’Lite GT case (lower left). The Bike Friday Travel Trailer kit turns your Travel Case into a trailer (upper left, below) with the ability to carry 78 pounds. BikeFriday.com // 800-777-0258 // 1-541-687-0487 Bike Friday Custom rear racks are designed to carry a load and pack easily. The Pocket Folding rear rack WRSÀWVRQRXULQFKZKHHO bikes. The tikit Folding rear rack (middle) expands to allow you to carry full size panniers. The tikit Standard rear rack (bottom) is all-purpose. ³=RH0H]LQ — The Benders “Photo, photo!” Five minutes into Day 1 of the ONE BIKE SHOP Tour of Bali, everyone ahead of me braked VXGGHQO\EHIRUHDKXJHVWDWXHWUDIÀF]LSSLQJSDVW “Satu, dua, tiga.” On the count of 3, we grinned. “Lagi, lagi!” Again, again! I learned many phrases in Bahasa Indonesian. Camera shutters clicked. So it went at every famous monument, temple, scenic spot, and monkey park. Thirty members of the Bike Friday Club rode, chatted, laughed, sang, and ate their way around the island of Bali for 5 unforgettable days. Whether your travels take you to Jakarta, Bali, Bangkok, Beijing, Taipei, Singapore, Seoul, or Tokyo, you will not get bored on an outing with the local Bike Friday club! Look them up for your next adventure. — Ruthy Kanagy BikeFriday.com // 800-777-0258 // 1-541-687-0487 “As full-time boating cruisers, we did weeks of research prior to purchasing two New World Tourists, our sole land transportation. Rarely is there a destination where they can’t take us. We fancy ourselves as BF’s greatest fans.” COMMUNITY “My Hot Pink tikit in Paris means getting to work every day in 15 minutes, instead of 20 minutes (via metro), 30 (on foot) or 45 (by bus). Rain or shine. Strike or not. With a smile on my face.” what your cycling needs are so we can enhance your experience. Some of our Bike Consultants ZHUHFXVWRPHUVÀUVW7KH\ERXJKW Bike Fridays and felt like part of the company. That kind of background is priceless. Other Bike Consultants worked their way up through the ranks here, starting on the production line and eventually moving into Consulting. They have intimate inside knowledge to share with you. Collectively our Consultants boast more than 30 years experience at Bike Friday. When it comes to building your custom Bike Friday, we have a set of Line Masters who can step into any position on the production line. Our commitment to the Toyota Production System means that anyone can stop production when they see an imperfection, which is why we can back every frame with a lifetime warranty. All told, we have more than 60 years of experience on the production line. We pride ourselves in customer service that has one rule: Make it right. With more than 30 years experience working on Bike Fridays, our Service Representives stand ready to walk you through any issues on the phone or online. No matter how you contact us, rest assured that you’ll be in touch with a real person, not a machine. BikeFriday.com // 800-777-0258 // 1-541-687-0487 <RXZRXOGEHKDUGSUHVVHGWRÀQG a more eclectic group than the Bike Friday Team. We’ve come from all walks of life, but have been joined together by an unwavering love of cycling. Hanz and Alan Scholz laid the foundation for this family business. And it feels just like that, family. We put our heart and soul into our work. It begins with the Bike Consultants, who listen closely to make sure they understand exactly BIKE FRIDAY TEAM Really Special People Can Make Really Special Bikes Your opinion counts Bike Friday has survived 20 years by listening. Our customers comprise the best Think Tank we know. So, please, tell us your opinion. Visit ZZZ%LNH)ULGD\FRP0RPHQWXPDQGÀOORXW our short survey. We’ll give you a voucher to use in the Bike Friday Webstore as a way of saying, Thank You. BIKE FRIDAY Custom folding and travel bicycles hand-crafted in Oregon SINCE 1992 3364 W. 11th Ave. Eugene, Oregon 97402 www.bikefriday.com PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID EUGENE OR PERMIT NO. 17
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