RECREATIONAL DANCE, CHEER & HIP HOP – TERM 2 NEWSLETTER STUDIO DIARY DATES FOR 2015 Saturday 2nd May Friday 1st May Saturday 9th May Monday 18 – 21st May Saturday 23rd May Friday 29th May Saturday 30th May Monday 8th June Friday 19th June Saturday 20th June Monday 22 – 25th June Fri 3rd Sat 4th Sun 5th July Competition Cheer Competition Dance & Cheer Competition Cheer All Studios / Athletes Competition Cheer Competition Dance & Cheer All Studios / Athletes Redbank Monday Studio Competition Dance & Cheer All Studios / Athletes All Studios / Athletes Competition Dance & Cheer Choreography Workshops (COMPULSORY) Aussie Gold Competition Payments Due Choreography Workshops (COMPULSORY) Chocolate Competition Starts Choreography Workshop (COMPULSORY) WCCD States Competition Payments Due Charity Day Display #1 Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday – No Classes AASCF States Competition Payments Due Studio Photo Day Chocolate Competition Finished Aussie Gold Cheer & Dance Competition SCHOOL HOLIDAYS - SATURDAY JUNE 27TH THROUGH TO SUNDAY JULY 12TH Monday 13th July Fri 24th – Sun 26th July Friday 7th August Saturday 8th August Wednesday 12th August Fri 21st Sat 22nd Sun 23rd Aug Friday 28th August Saturday 5th September Fri 11th Sat 12th Sun 13th Sept All Studios / Athletes Competition Dance & Cheer All Studios / Athletes All Studios / Athletes Redbank Wednesday Studio All Studios / Athletes Competition Dance & Cheer All Studios / Athletes Competition Dance & Cheer Chocolate Competition Winners Drawn WCCD States Cheer & Dance Competition Studio Grading Fees Due Charity Day Display #2 Ekka Show Day Holiday Studio Grading UCA-UDA Sydney Competition Payments Due ANZ Carnival AASCF States Cheer & Dance Competition SCHOOL HOLIDAYS - SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 19TH THROUGH TO SUNDAY OCTOBER 4TH th Monday 5 October Friday 30th October Saturday 31st October Friday 6th – 9th November Sunday 15th November Sunday 6th December Wednesday 9th December Redbank Monday Studio Labour Day Public Holiday – No Classes All Studios / Athletes Concert Fees Due All Studios / Athletes Concert Rehearsals #1 (Compulsory) Competition Dance & Cheer UCD-UDA Sydney Cheer & Dance Competition All Studios / Athletes Concert Rehearsals #2 (Compulsory) All Studios / Athletes Concerts Auditions for 2016 Competition Dance & Competition Cheer Teams FAD CHEER AND DANCE 2015! I hope all our athletes have been enjoyed their 1st term with FAD Cheer and Dance. Hopefully all our athletes are now settled into class and have made many new friends. All routines are now starting to take shape and we are progressing along nicely in class and starting to prepare ready for our 1st charity display on Saturday 30. We are all very pleased with the progress all athletes are making. Student Check In – Please make sure that when you arrive for your classes you check in with our receptionists, even if your classes have been prepaid or you have arrived with a friend. We love to say hello to all of our parents and students before class! It is also really important for work place health and safety reasons as we need to know who is on site at all times at the studio, plus we often have information to hand out. So please DO NOT Enter the studios without signing in. Studio Office - FAD Office hours are Monday to Thursday 9:00am – 2:00pm and Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm. Payment Facilities – At the studio we have Cash, Eftpos and Direct Debit payment options available. Credit Card payments can now also be taken over the phone by our office staff phone 07 3381 0838 to make a payment. Please see reception if you would like a copy of the FAD Ipswich bank account details. FAD Waiting Areas – Most of our studio halls have a foyer or under covered area to wait for athletes participating in classes. We ask that parents wait in these areas and not in the class rooms to help minimize the distractions to our athletes. Thank you for your co-operation. FAD Uniform – We recommend that all cheer and dance students wear the FAD uniform to class. If you are a team member of a cheer or dance competition team, it is a requirement that you wear your FULL FAD Uniform to every class. If you are cheerleader please also wear a Cheer Bow to class. Hip Hop & Jazz Shoes & Uniform Seconds – We have stock of “Second” Hip Hop & Jazz shoes and also Ex Try on Uniforms available for purchase from reception. These are brand new but have a few marks on them which is why we are unable to sell them at full price. Newsletters – Newsletters are issued on a regular basis to keep you up to date of all upcoming events and studio news. Newsletters will be emailed out and spares will be available from our studio reception. Newsletters will also be available online at our website timetable page: FAD Social Media – Keep up to date with all of our FAD Studio events and information at our FAD Facebook Page! Check out our FAD Facebook Calendar which has all of the FAD Ipswich Diary Dates! If you have any questions please feel free to speak to your coach, receptionist or phone the office on Ph: 07 3381 0838 or email us at COSTUMES Recreational Dance & Hip Hop Class Costumes Costumes are required for all athletes who wish to perform in our displays and end of year concert. Every effort is made to design beautiful costumes at a reasonable price. Each class group has one beautiful costume for the dance year. The costumes are worn numerous times throughout the year at the FAD Inter Studio carnival, photos, end of year concert, charity display and several local displays throughout the year. Performing is completely optional, but is heaps of fun and great for developing athlete’s self-confidence. Costumes are available for order during term 1 to term 3. Please allow six-eight weeks for delivery as these costumes are made on request. Remaining 50% Payments Due – Friday 8th May 2015 Recreational Cheerleading Class Costumes In 2015 we have a New Recreational Cheerleading Costume, we have had our FAD Blue Cheerleading dress for 7 years and are excited for a new sublimated top and skirt with matching bow costume. All Cheerleading students will need to get the new costume in time for our first display. Costumes are available for order during term 1 to term 4. Please allow up to foursix weeks for delivery. Remaining 50% Payments Due – Friday 8th May 2015. PERFORMANCES Charity Day Display #1 (All Studios & Athletes) Our first Charity display has been booked for Saturday 30th May 2015 and all athletes are welcome to come along and perform. Please remember performing is completely optional. Displays are heaps of fun and help to build great selfconfidence while performing in front of an audience of family and friends. This is a great opportunity for family and friends to enjoy a proud moment & see what we have been working extremely hard towards during the term. A gold coin donation will be asked for spectator entry and all entry proceeds will go to the “DANCE FOR KIDS” Foundation. In 2014 FAD raised in excess of $20,000 for “Dance for Kids”. We will have a full canteen on the day with sausage sizzle, drinks, chocolates and chips. There will also be stickers and balloons to give away to the kids. It will be a day filled with fun & energetic performances, a perfect family outing. Our Charity display will be open to the public and you are welcome to invite as many friends and family as you like. Each group will be performing their first routines. More details will be provided on separate newsletter closer to date. Date: Venue: Saturday 30th May Kruger State School, Kruger Parade, Bellbird Park QLD REDBANK STUDIOS Times: SPRINGFIELD STUDIOS Meet Starts Ends 9:00am 9:30am 10:45am Meet Starts Ends 11:15am 11:45am 1:00pm IPSWICH STUDIOS Times: Meet Starts Ends 1:30pm 2:00pm 3:15pm Charity Day Display #2 (All Studios & Athletes) Our second Charity display has been booked for Saturday 8th August 2015 and all athletes are welcome to come along and perform. Please remember performing is completely optional. Displays are heaps of fun and help to build great selfconfidence while performing in front of an audience of family and friends. This is a great opportunity for family and friends to enjoy a proud moment & see what we have been working extremely hard towards during the term. A gold coin donation will be asked for spectator entry and all entry proceeds will go to the “DANCE FOR KIDS” Foundation. In 2014 FAD raised in excess of $20,000 for “Dance for Kids”. We will have a full canteen on the day with sausage sizzle, drinks, chocolates and chips. There will also be stickers and balloons to give away to the kids. It will be a day filled with fun & energetic performances, a perfect family outing. More details will be provided on separate newsletter closer to date. Our Charity display will be open to the public and you are welcome to invite as many friends and family as you like. Date: Venue: Saturday 8th August Kruger State School, Kruger Parade, Bellbird Park QLD REDBANK STUDIOS Times: SPRINGFIELD STUDIOS Meet Starts Ends 9:00am 9:30am 10:45am Meet Starts Ends 11:15am 11:45am 1:00pm Meet Starts Ends 1:30pm 2:00pm 3:15pm IPSWICH STUDIOS Times: FAD Inter Studio Carnival 2015 (All Studios & Athletes) The FAD Inter Studio Carnival is our one of our major events for 2015 involving all FAD Cheer and Dance Studios throughout Queensland. The Gigantic Inter Studio Carnival is tentatively booked for Saturday 5th September 2015. All details regarding Carnival will be provided on a separate newsletter closer to the date. This is one of the main highlights of our year and should not be missed. Venue: Date: QSAC Stadium, Kessles Road, Nathan Saturday 5th September 2015 ADDITIONAL FAD EVENTS Chocolate Competition (All Studios & Athletes) The Competition is here!!! How much chocolate can you sell!!! More details will be provided on separate newsletter closer to date. Start Date: Finish Date: Winners Drawn: Monday 18th – Thursday 21st May Monday 22nd – Thursday 25th June Monday 13th July 2015 Studio Photo Day (All Studios & Athletes) Studio Photos will be taken on Saturday 20th June 2015 at the Kruger State School (Kruger Parade, Bellbird Park). Photographers from Comm23 will be coming to take our professional studio photos. Athletes need to come neat and tidy in their costumes with beautiful presentation as per a display with hair neatly done and make up on, (Don’t worry if you don’t have costumes, all athletes will still be in the individual & class photos). Glitter is Permitted. Class photos - We would like to have all athletes in the class photos (even if you don’t have costumes) as it is a nice record for us to keep! Individual & Sibling photos will also be taken of all athletes. (Unless requested otherwise). More details will be provided on separate newsletter closer to date. Date: Saturday 20th June Venue: Kruger State School, Kruger Parade, Bellbird Park QLD Costs: $25.00 Per Athlete (Family discount for 2 or more children - full price for the 1st child and half price for all other family members) Studio Grading (All Studios & Athletes) FAD Cheer & Dance Studio Grading is a great opportunity for athletes to receive acknowledgement for their efforts with their dance & cheerleading training. All our Coaches and instructors love to see their athletes striving to give their best performance and gaining confidence, skills and a sense of achievement when they receive their awards. I encourage all our athletes to take part in Studio Grading, as they will gain recognition for their efforts with dancing and or cheering throughout the year. All athletes who participate in grading will be presented with a trophy, certificate, results & report at our end of year Concert in December. Athletes choosing not to participate in grading will still be presented a certificate of achievement for each class they participated in at our end of year Concert in December. Athletes are given individual grades on their ability and performance on grading day. Athletes are not graded against each other. But DO NOT have to dance by themselves. Each class will enter the room together and dance or cheer as if they were performing at a regular display with their whole class. DANCE & HIP HOP GRADING Venue: Cost: Payable: Kruger State School Hall $25.00 (TBC) per class wishing to grade in Friday 7th August Grade Date: Times: Fri/Sat/Sun 21st 22nd 23rd August Studio/Class times will be provided on separate newsletter closer to date. CHEERLEADING GRADING Venue: Cost: Payable: Kruger State School Hall $30.00 (TBC) per class wishing to grade in Friday 7th August Grade Date: Times: Fri/Sat/Sun 21st 22nd 23rd August Studio/Class times will be provided on separate newsletter closer to date. FAD Dance Stars Competition (Any FAD Registered Athletes) Date: Venue: June – July 2015 TBC Show us your style with our very own Fad Dance Stars Choreography Competition. Choreograph your own routine, choose your music and design your very own dazzling costume. Recently added the all new cheer “Pom” category. (*Competition is not compulsory). More details will be provided on separate newsletter closer to date. CONCERTS & REHEARSALS Concert Rehearsals (All Studios & Athletes) Concert rehearsals are compulsory for all athletes wishing to take part in our end of year concert. Studio costumes are also required for athletes wishing to attend. Studio times will be provided on a separate newsletter closer to date. Rehearsal Fees: Hire Costumes: Rehearsal Fees & Hire Costumes Due: $ TBC $ TBC Friday 30th October 2015 REHEARSAL #1 Date: Venue: Saturday 31st October Kruger State School Hall, Kruger Parade, Bellbird Park REHEARSAL #2 Date: Venue: Sunday 15th November Ipswich Civic Centre, Cnr Limestone and Nicholas Streets, Ipswich QLD 4305 Concerts (All Studios & Athletes) Concert is our final event for the year, yet one of the most exciting of them too. Concert performances will run for approx. 2.5 to 3 hours including presentation of trophies, results from grading and some extra special awards. Studio times will be provided on a separate newsletter closer to date. SPRINGFIELD / REDBANK STUDIO’S Date: Sunday 6th December 2015 IPSWICH STUDIOS Date: Sunday 6th December 2015 DISPLAY GUIDELINES Uniforms - Athletes should arrive and leave in full studio uniform ie. FAD Studio polo shirt or Hooded Top, FAD Training pants or Shorts, tights, FAD Jazz, Hip Hop or Cheer shoes and hair as detailed below. This gives the studio a professional look. We ask athletes don’t arrive or leave in costume. Costume materials are generally not durable enough to be worn outside the actual performance and are easily stained from food and drink. Also it takes away from the display if costumes are visible prior to show. We request that athletes do not arrive in Tank tops or Costumes. Hair - Short fringes should be neat and there should be no fly away pieces of hair. No side fringes or hair left around the face. Short hair should be neat, preferably with hair off the face. Hair tie is to be the same colour as the athlete’s hair. Recreational Dance: High Pony Tail Recreational Cheer: High Pony Tail with Cheer Bow Costumes - Please ensure you bring ALL you’re costumes you need to perform in that day. Shoes/Tights - All athletes are required to wear the correct FAD footwear with their costumes: Clay jazz shoes, White FAD Hip Hop Shoes and Zephz Cheerleading Shoes. All athletes must wear flesh coloured transition tights with their costumes. Our studio stocks transition tights for your convenience. Make Up - Athletes should arrive with make up on. Suggested Make up, Foundation, blush, eye shadow (Colours to blend with Costume), mascara and red lipstick and eyeliner should be used for evening and stage performances. Make up should be applied to a level you/parents are comfortable with. Name Tags - Please label all costumes, shoes, uniforms etc. as they all look the same and are easily confused and often get mixed up in the craziness of costume changes. Underwear - Bra straps - No bra straps are to be visible in costume. We now stock clear bra straps. $5.00 per pair. Only plain, flesh coloured underwear to be worn under costumes please. No spots or prints that may be seen through the costume. Please take care not to have underwear showing underneath leotards. Cheerleaders Please Note: The Cheerleading Costume is based on white material and coloured bras and underwear can be seen through the costume. Please wear plain, flesh underwear. Jewellery - No jewellery is permitted for classes or performances as they may cause injury to you or your team mates. Only small plain silver or gold stud earrings should be worn to performances for Dance and Hip Hop athletes only. No watches, bracelets, anklets, rings, necklaces or large earrings should be worn to performances. No jewellery is permitted for Competition Athletes at Classes, Displays or Competitions. COSTUME GUIDELINES Just some guidelines on what to do and not do with costumes: Please do not eat in your costume, many of these materials cannot be washed. Please place your studio uniform over the top of costumes if you want to eat in a break. Do not wash costumes - most of these materials cannot be washed. Spot clean if necessary and air costumes. Fabric fresheners are good to use to freshen costumes after performances. Following is a guideline of what is expected of all students at any performances. Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to see your studio instructor, studio receptionist or to contact the office. Where possible upcoming displays are advised in the diary dates which are issued each term. Sometimes displays will come up during the term that may not be on the diary dates and we will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible of the dates. Display reminders are put out 1 to 2 weeks before each display. Unfortunately we sometimes get given very little notice, but we pass on all information as soon as it comes to hand. There will be a display roll with the receptionist and we ask you to make sure you advise them at least one week before the display if you will be performing to assist the instructors with making lines and preparing the students performing. If your name is not marked on the roll you may not be included in the lines as we will assume you are unavailable for the performance. The time given on your reminder is your assembly time, please arrive promptly to ensure we are able to start on time. The assembly time is needed to do a warm-up and stretch with the students and to arrange assemble lines and be prepared to start on time and we ask that all students please be punctual to help ensure that the performances run smoothly for all involved. Should the display be outside (i.e. school fete etc) please ensure that you apply sunscreen prior to arrival. Whilst we will endeavour to keep students in the shade as much as possible this sometimes is out of our control. Upon arrival at the assembly point please advise your instructor that you have arrived and have the students name marked off on the roll. Students will be required to stay for the whole performance (even after their routine has been completed) as all students will do a dance and bow at the end of the display. Unless students are required to change costumes during a display after they have completed their dance they are required to remain in their class group at the side of the performance in preparation of their final dance. Students are NOT permitted to wear costumes to and from displays unless it is our Charity Concert. Other than this event students are to arrive if FULL studio uniform, costume bases may be worn under their studio uniform. All students are expected to arrive and leave in full studio uniform which consists of FAD training pants/FAD Dance shorts and studio polo shirt or FAD studio hoodie. Please note that the lycra tank or crop tops will not be required at any displays. Costumes are not to be worn at any times except for performances. Remember that they are ONLY costumes and are not made to be worn and washed continually. Ensure all costumes and pieces are clearly named. Wet Weather Procedures If on the day of a display it is raining and you are uncertain if the display will go ahead please visit our Facebook Page or contact us on 0498 573 411 for more information. Please do not call until the day of the display as no decision will be made regarding wet weather until the day of the performance.
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