Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Name Address Work Address Phone Email Web site Date of birth Fadi Amroush Camino Huertas de la vega, 22, 3.5, 37008, Salamanca, Spain D213, Facultad de Economía y Empresa, Campus Miguel de Unamuno, Universidad de Salamanca,37008, Salamanca, Spain +34-923-294640/294500 ext 3195 Mobile +34- 687124077 20 Jun 1983 EDUCATION 2009 -2012 PhD's Degree with honor in Economics and Business, Universidad de Granada, (Spain) Major in experimental economics, product selection, Decision Support Systems Thesis: "Three Essays On Informatics Decision Support Systems In Product Selection" (with honour ) 2010 -2011 Master’s Degree in Economics, Universidad de Granada, (Spain) Major in experimental economics, GPA: 8,638 (Scale 10) 2008 2006 -2009 Certificate in Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Florida International University, (United States) Master’s Degree in Informatics Engineering, University of Aleppo, (Syria) Major in Artificial Intelligence, GPA: 85, 72 (Scale 100) 2000 -2005 Bachelor’s Degree of Informatics Engineering, University of Aleppo, (Syria) Major in Computer Networks, GPA: 77.17 (Scale 100). Third-highest GPA WORK POSITIONS May 2011 – Now Freelancer trainer, various training centre & NGOs (Europe) Training IT and business courses in different training centres such as The Advanced Style for Training, Euro4train, Gulf training, British training centre, MBC training centres as well as NGOs such as COSV (Italy), and NPA (Norway). I trained more than 300 trainees in more than 50 courses in many countries such as Spain, France, Suisse, Austria, and Germany. I am giving courses in Business Process Management, Management, Decision support systems, and personal development. January 2014- Now Co-founder & CEO Afkar Afkar is a micro-incubator based in Hama that started in early 2014. Afkar provides a platform to enable entrepreneurs in Syria and Hama with the necessary support to help them turn their concepts into running and operational businesses. The incubator is based on 3 main pillars: 1. Information-based website specialized in news and resources for entrepreneurs 2. Professional e- learning and educational platform, and 3. An investor in small projects with potential for growth and profitability. Afkar aims to change work cultures among youth and fresh graduates to break away from traditional employment in the public sector and other “safe” industries, while promoting creativity and risk taking in the SME industry. 1 May 2012 – Now Visiting post doctorate researcher, Department of economics and economics, history, University of Salamanca, Spain My current research interest is consensus measures in group decision making. Sep 2011 - Feb 2013 EGEO Lab manager & research assistance, the experimental economics laboratory at the University of Granada, Spain Responsible for the day-to-day operations of the laboratory, providing IT support and technical expertise and advice to researchers, as well as supporting researchers in designing and running experiments. Aug 2005 - Aug 2008 Cofounder, web & training manager, Al-AQSA for Informatics Solutions, Aleppo (Syria) Managed the web team in developing websites and Content Management Systems (CMS), also managed the training centre. Oct 2006 - Sep 2009 IT Support Team Lead / Network Engineer, General Post Establishment, Aleppo (Syria) IT support involved monitoring LANs and wireless networks, including servers, routers, switches, and other communication hardware. In addition, I was accountable for testing and monitoring network performance and troubleshooting problem areas as needed, implementing policies and procedures for network administration, escalating problems, requirements and special issues as appropriate. I also managed the server through the Active Directory and Group Policy. Oct 2004 - Oct 2006 Translator/Editor, RAY Publishing & Science, Aleppo (Syria) Translating articles in informatics, Co-author two books. Jul 2005 - Sep 2009 Trainer, various countries in Aleppo (Syria) Teaching many IT courses in different training centres. I have taught the following courses since 2005: PHP programming, content management, language systems, wireless network, network management, ICDL. I have also trained more than forty students from Al- Mamoun University in Wireless networks. PAPERS & PUBLICATIONS 2014 “Experimental economics for web mining.” CoRR Vol. abs/1412.4726. Rustam Tagiew, Dmitry Ignatov, and Fadi Amroush. 2013 “Social Learning in Networks: Extraction of Deterministic Rules”. The Second International Workshop on Experimental Economics and Machine Learning (EEML 2013). Rustam Tagiew, Dmitry Ignatov, and Fadi Amroush. 2012 "Proposing a similarity measure in Case Based Reasoning for product selection, Experimental evidence". The Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, (ICAART2012), Vilamoura, Portugal, 2012, pages 499-502, DOI: 10.5220/0003746504990502. SciTePress 2011, ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9. 2011 "Applying Case-Based Reasoning in Decision support systems for Software products Selection" with A.Baderddeen Alkhoder. The Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (ICIST'2011), Algeria, 2011, page 628, ISBN: 978-99319004-0-5. 2 2009 Building a Programs' Evaluation System by Using CBR Cased Based Reasoning, published in Res. J. of Aleppo Univ. Engineering Science Series No.62/2009. 2008 "Using Artificial intelligence to select the optimal E-CRM Based business needs". With Alkhoder, A.Baderddeen and Yusef, Talal. The Proceedings of the First International Engineering Sciences Conference (IESC08) of the University of Aleppo. (02. November 2008). 2008 "Moving to E-CRM in Arab world to increase profit, AqsaCRM a case study of Building an Arabic E-CRM". With Alkhoder, A. Baderddeen and Yusef, Talal. The Proceedings of the First International Engineering Sciences Conference (IESC08) of the University of Aleppo (02. November 2008). INVITED SPEACKER 2013 Worksop “Nonstandard models in evaluating and decision making', Department of economics and economic history, 13 June, 2013, Salamanca, Spain. 2011 First International Conference on Tourism: with particular emphasis on Economics & Management Aspects of Tourism Activities, May 4-5, 2011. Tehran, Iran. PRESENTATIONS AT CONFERENCESES & WORKSHOPS 2011 Sixth Doctoral Workshop on Economic Theory, December 5-7, 2011. Bielefeld University, Germany 2011 Sixth Alhambra Experimental Workshop, October 13-15, 2011. University of Granada, Spain. 2010 "Network security policy in Wireless networks", Presented at Computer Networks Security workshop, Syrian Computer Society (SCS), 2010, University of Aleppo. 2009 "Towards implementing e-learning systems in universities - a case study of MOODLE learning management", presented at the First National Congress of the digital content industry, June, 13-15, 2009, Damascus, Syria. 2010 "Network security policy in Wireless networks", presented at the 16th SCS Scientific Symposium, Computer Networks, Security, November 27-28,2010, University of Aleppo, Syria. 2009 "A semantic based assessment system", presented at Sixth International Symposium language learning, November 19-20 2009, the Higher Institute of Languages, Aleppo, Syria 2008 "Use of virtual tours in tourism and Antiquities", presented at the SCS Scientific Symposium, Applying informatics Systems in Antiquities and Tourism, 11-12 May, 2008, Edlib, Syria. 2009 "Evaluating of Open Source CRM Systems", presented at the 14th SCS Scientific Symposium, Open Source Conference, November 12-13, 2008, University of Aleppo, Syria. of AWARDS & SCOLARSHIPS 2014 PEACE Post Doctorate grant at university of Santiago de Compostela, Period: 1 months 2013 EPIC Post Doctorate grant at university of Salamanca, Period: 6 months. 2009 JOSYLEEN PHD grant at University of Granada, (34 months). 2008 Top Ten candidates in Best Business Plan competition – SYEA Ventures 2008 – Title: Establishing a consulting and software company specialized in CRM System. 2008 Best Project - 12th Informatics Projects Competition, Syrian Youth 2008, Title: Virtual Tours 2004 IAESTE Scholarship for Students Exchange (6 weeks) .Serbia, Nis (Summer 2004). 3 2001 Award of the Academic Excellence, Ministry of Higher Education, Syria, (2000/2001). TRAINING COURSES 2010 Course in ORSEE and Z-tree. 2008 Strategic Management, The Syrian Enterprise & Business Centre (SEBC). 2008 Business Intelligence, The Syrian Enterprise & Business Centre (SEBC). 2008 Intellectual Property Rights, The Syrian Enterprise & Business Centre (SEBC). 2007 Network administration using Linux, Alep Campus Numeric Francophone. 2007 Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing & Switching (CCNA). 2006 Human Resource Management, The Syrian Enterprise & Business Centre (SEBC). 2005 Six weeks training at Positive IT & media – Serbia – Web sites programming and designing TECHNICAL SKILLS Experimental Economics Tools Online participant recruitment system (ORSEE), Z-Tree (Zurich Toolbox for Ready-made Economic Experiments). Networks Network administration, Wireless Network, CCNA, Certified (router configuration). Windows 2003 Server, Windows 7, Linux. Programming Statistical programs Pascal, C, C ++, Delphi, PHP, HTML, FrontPage, Dreamweaver. SPSS, R. Marketing CRM (Customer Relationship Managements), CMS (content management Systems). Server and website administration, Domain registration and hosting solutions. Business Management Business Process Management,Business Process Modeling, Business Process Simulation, Business Process Optimization, Business Process Orchestration, Business Activity Monitoring PERAONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Arabic Other language(s) Understanding Self-assessment Listening European level (*) English Spanish / Castellan C2 Proficient user Reading C2 Proficient user Speaking Spoken interaction C2 Proficient user Writing Spoken production C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user (*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level Other skills and competences Blogging, Translating, Walking, Mountain climbing. I have written many articles in many magazines, as well as I have co-authored two published books, Foundations and principles of programming, and Tips and solutions in Java 2 4 References Name Current Position Contact Details Name Current Position Contact Details Name Current Position Contact Details Prof. Nikolaos Georgantzís (main Supervisor) Full Professor of Economic Theory and Experimental Economics, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón(Spain) Phone :+34-964387628, E-mail Prof. José J. Sempere-Monerris (Full Professor) Full Professor in Department of Economic Analysis, Universidad de Valencia, (Spain), and CORE, Research Associate, Université catholique de Louvain, CORE (Belgium) Phone: +34-963828785, email: Antonio G. López‐Herrera (Associate Professor) Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Granada (Spain). Phone: +34-958240467, email: lopez-herrera@decsai.ugr 5
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