Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description ACANTHUS (Bear's Breeches) Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon Zone 5-9 early summer spinosus 36-48" ACHILLEA (Yarrow ) a dramatic foliage plant with deep cut, thistle-like leaves, dusty purple w/ white flowers sun/ps Zone 3-8 delicate, fernlike foliage, good cut flower, thrives in poor, dry soil summer blooming $6.50 millefolium Cerise Queen 24" sun/ps long blooming rose-pink $3.75 millefolium Paprika 18" sun/ps ruby-red flowers w/ yellow centers $3.75 $5.80 NEW Laura 14" sun/ps red flowers with white centers $3.75 24" sun/ps mix of red, pink and pastel shades $3.75 18-24" sun/ps red flowers with yellow centers Flowerburst Red Shades 24" sun/ps summer color mix of carmine to red shades $3.75 Moonshine 18" sun/ps yellow flowers above silvery foliage $3.75 millefolium Summer Berries millefolium Strawberry Seduction $5.80 $5.80 NEW ptarmica the Pearl 12-16" ACONITUM (Monkshood ) sun/ps bright white double pom poms, deep green serrated foliage Zone 4-8 upright thick, leathery leaves, helmet-shaped flowers on tall stalks azure blue flowers, strong, thick stems blooms mid to late summer 24-36" sun/ps Blue Lagoon 12" sun/ps grows just 12" tall with vibrant dark blue hooded flowers $5.80 napellus 36" sun/ps narrow cut leaves, tall spikes of blue $5.80 cammarum NEW Arendsii $5.80 ADENOPHORA (Ladybells) $5.80 Zone 3 summer bloomer hybrida Amethyst 28" AGASTACHE (Anise Hyssop ) sun/ps rugosa Bolero Blue Fortune phone 802-849-2775 $5.50 Zone 4-9 aromatic plants, drought tolerant, prefers well-drained soil 16" sun compact, rose/purple w/ purple calyx bronze leaf aromatic, highly branched $5.80 30" sun long-blooming blue- violet flowers $5.80 long blooming time mid-late summer x hybrida lilac blue bells on dense spikes 1 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon AGASTACHE continued NEW rupestris Orange Raspberry Daiquri NEW aurantiaco NEW Tango Violet Vision 20" sun hardy orange blooms that last all summer silvery-green foliage $5.80 10" sun vibrant raspberry-red spikes on laced foliage, rich fragrance $5.50 12" sun upright spires of fiery orange flowers a top grey-green foliage $6.00 18" sun lush violet wands attrack butterflies by the score w/ their sweet honey-licorice scent $6.00 Zone 3-9 hardy, fast, easy to grow ground cover AJUGA (Bugleweed ) blooms spring-late spring reptans Black Scallop 6" s/ps/sh dark scalloped leaves, violet flowers $3.75 reptans Burgundy Glow 6" s/ps/sh tri-colored leaves , violet flowers $3.75 6" s/ps/sh purplish-blue flower spikes on $3.75 NEW reptans Catlins Giant broad purple leaves reptans Chocolate Chip 6" s/ps/sh miniature dark leaves, blue spikes $3.75 reptans Silver Variegated 6" s/ps/sh blue flowers top low growing $3.75 green & white variegated foliage ALCHEMILLA (Lady's Mantle ) low growing ground cover Zone 3-7 light green fan shaped foliage blooms late spring to early summer mollis Thriller 18-20" sun/ps/sh clusters of small yellow flowers, $3.75 good for cut flowers eryhropoda Alma 4-8" sun/ps a mini mollis, small blue green leaves $5.80 $3.75 chartreuse blooms & stems turn burnt orange in fall ALLIUM (Native Prairie Plant) cernuum Nodding Pink Onion NEW senescens Glaucum Zone 3 12-24" 8" light pink flowers suspended sun/ps sun/ps $3.75 on long stalks $5.80 circle chives $6.00 blue/gray leaves grow in a whorl from the center lilac pom-poms NEW maximowiczzi Alba 8" sun/ps a small onion with showy pink buds $6.00 opening to creamy 1" spheres NEW Pink Pepper 8" sun/ps dwarf late flowering onion with $6.00 light pink globes, narrow swirling leaves phone 802-849-2775 2 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description ALYSSUM (Basket of Gold ) Zone 4 One Two Gallon Gallon nice border plant for spring color and showy foliage spring blooming montanum Two Quart Mountain of Gold 6" sun/ps clusters of small yellow flowers, $3.75 small, compact, wintergreen foliage AMORPHA (Lead Plant) $5.80 Zone 3 canescens Lead Plant 24" native prairie plant sun/ps $3.75 clusters of small dark purple flowers on green shrub like divided leaves AMSONIA (Blue Star Flower ) starry blue flowers, foliage turns yellow in fall clusters of navy buds open to blue star shaped flowers Zone 4-9 blooms early summer Blue Ice tabernae hubrichtii Blue Star 15" sun/ps 36" sun/ps narrow, needle-like leaves small clusters of light blue star flowers turns golden yellow in fall Zone 3-8 indigo blue flowers, good perennial sun/ps bedding plant for early summer bowl, shaped, bright blue flowers over lance shaped, bristly leaves ANCHUSA (Bugloss ) blooms early summer capensis Blue Angel 12-24" ANEMONE (Wind Flower ) Zone 4-8 low mound of foliage, flowers appear on long stems above leaves 34" sun/ps 34" sun/ps 24" sun/ps 15" sun/ps pure white flowers, w/ yellow eye mauve pink flowers, yellow ctr., large, saucer shaped pink blooms over maple-shaped foliage large creamy white flowers, long blooming starting in early spring late summer bloomers Honorine Jobert tomentosa Robustissima NEW hupehensis Pink Saucer hybrida Sylvestris blooms early spring pulsatilla Vulgaris Pasque 8-15" sun/ps showy, cup-shaped purple flowers $6.00 $6.00 $3.75 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $3.75 $5.80 $3.75 blooms early spring pulsatilla Vulgaris Rubra 12" blooms early spring ANTENNARIA (Red Pussytoes ) sun/ps low growing mounds of deep $3.75 green incised leaves produce burgundy-red velvety flowers Zone 4-7 spring bloomer dioica Rubra 4-6" wine-red flowers over wooly sun/ps $3.75 silvery-green mat foliage ANTHEMIS (St. John ) Zone 3-8 bushy plant covered with many orange daisies flowers sun/ps branching stems with many creamy daisy like flowers summer bloomer Sauce Hollanaise phone 802-849-2775 24" 3 $3.75 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description AQUILEGIA (Columbine ) Alpine Blue caerulea caerulea Biedermeier Mix McKana's Giant caerulea Songbird Series One Two Gallon Gallon Zone 3-8 upright clumps of basal foliage complex, interesting flowers 15" sun/ps large, true blue flowers $3.75 12" sun/ps semi dwarf, bushy classical columbines in many bright colors $3.75 long spurred flowers in red, pink and yellow shades $3.75 spring bloomer alpina Two Quart 30" sun/ps $5.50 $5.50 Blue Bird huge 3" flowers, largest flowering mid-blue sepals w/ white petals $3.75 Cardinal dark red sepals w/ white petals $3.75 Dove pure white $3.75 Goldfinch bright light yellow, long spurs $3.75 Nightingale lavender w/ white petals $3.75 hardy native red w/ yellow, long spurs $3.75 Canadensis 24" 16" sun/ps sun/ps $5.50 Little Lanterns vulgaris Clementine Series 8" sun/ps dwarf, red w/ yellow, long spurs 15" sun/ps fully double upward facing flowers $3.75 Clementine Blue Blue $3.75 Clementine Red Red $3.75 Clementine Salmon/Rose Salmon $3.75 NEW vulgaris Leprechaun Gold 24" sun/ps striking marbled gold & green foliage with violet flowers $3.75 NEW Music Red & Gold 18" sun/ps yellow center with red petals $3.75 NEW Spring Magic Blue/White 14" sun/ps long-spurred blue and white blooms $3.75 Sunburst Ruby 24" sun/ps golden leaves contrast the deep red blooms $3.75 Swan Pink & Yellow 20" sun/ps light pink outer petals surrounds yellow center $3.75 Tequila Sunrise 24" sun/ps large blue single flowers face upward $3.75 Winky Double Blue/White 15" sun/ps dark blue and white $3.75 Winky Double Red/White 15" sun/ps red and white $3.75 William Guinness 30" sun/ps deep purple/black flowers w/ white $3.75 NEW tipped centers over blue/green foliage phone 802-849-2775 4 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description ARABIS (Rock Cress ) 6" sun/ps brilliant crimson, long lived Lotti Deep Rose 6" sun/ps 6" sun/ps compact foliage with intense deep violet blooms olive green & creamy white splashed leaves w/ masses of sweet, white flowers ARENARIA (Sandwort ) Zone 4-8 attractive bushy mound on low growing, moss-like foliage sun/ps abundant white flowers on low growing moss-like foliage Zone 4-8 globe shaped flowers spring blooming montana Avalanche Two Gallon borders and edging Red Sensation Variegata One Gallon low growing, good for Zone 3-7 spring-early summer bloomer caucasica Two Quart 5" ARMERIA (Sea Thrift ) $5.80 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 dark grassy evergreen foliage summer blooming maritima Alba 8" sun white globes $3.75 maritima Splendens 8" sun pink globes $3.75 Zone 3-8 silvery gray foliage good contrast in the garden fern-like, silvery foliage dome habit $3.75 ARTEMESIA (Wormwood ) summer blooming schmidtiana Silver Mound 8-10" sun $5.80 stellerana Silver Brocade Powis Castle ludoviciana NEW Silver Queen Valerie Finnis 10" sun silvery white serrated w/ soft texture $3.75 36" sun silvery foliage with upright habit $3.75 24" sun silver, gray foliage, neat bushy habit $3.75 20" sun beautiful, broad leaved foliage $3.75 Zone 3-8 plants and flowers resemble astilbe prefer moist soil and shade ARUNCUS (Goat's Beard ) blooms early summer aethusifolia 10" fine, glossy fern-like foliage ps/sh dwarf Goat's Beard dioicus sylvester 36" ASARUM (HARDY GINGER ) canadense europeanum phone 802-849-2775 $3.75 creamy white feathery spikes $6.00 ps/sh tall wispy plumes w/ creamy flowers $5.80 Zone 2-8 grown for its heart-shaped foliage groundcover 6" ps/sh 3-4" shade soft green heart shaped leaf, groundcover shiny evergreen round leaves 5 $6.00 $6.50 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description ASCLEPIAS (Butterfly Flower ) Zone 3-7 blooms early-mid summer incarnata Swamp Milkweed 36" sun tuberosa Butterfly Weed 24" sun ASTER (Hardy Aster ) Zone 3-8 late summer laevis Bluebird novae-angliae New England Aster 36" sun/ps 36" sun/ps novae-angliae Purple Dome 18" sun/ps novae-angliae Vibrant Dome 19" sun/ps NEW alpinus Dark Beauty Blue Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon prized for attracting butterflies long blooming vanilla scented rose-pink clusters $5.80 vibrant orange flowers attractive seed pods valued for their late summer and fall floral display clusters of single violet-blue flowers w/ yellow centers violet to pink shades in late summer, attracts butterflies deep purple flowers garden native vibrant pink flowers tidy, round habit $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 sun/ps hardy alpine aster compact foliage $3.75 with many single flowered stems, blooms early summer 12" ASTILBE (False Spirea) Zone 3-8 large plumes in various sizes and shapes providing a long bloom season 32" s/ps/sh $5.80 32" s/ps/sh early-mid, tall open plumes, lavender flowers mid, good bloomer, pure white 26" s/ps/sh $5.80 22" s/ps/sh 24" s/ps/sh bronze tinged foliage turns to green light pink plumes favorite red, bronze foliage in spring blood red, narrow, upright plumes very full stocky plumes profuse bloomer, clear white summer bloomers arendsii types Amethyst early-mid blooming Brautschleier $5.80 aka Bridal Veil Erica mid season bloomer Fanal early/mid bloomer White Gloria early/mid bloomer chinensis types Color Flash late season bloomer Color Flash Lime early-late season bloomer NEW Delft Lace late season bloomer Pumila very late bloomer Purpurkerze aka Purple Candles- late bloomer Visions in Pink early/mid bloomer Visions Purple early/mid bloomer Visions in Red phone 802-849-2775 $5.80 $5.80 s/ps/sh pink flower spikes, above burgundy $6.00 purple foliage changing to vibrant orange, red and bronze in the fall 22" s/ps/sh soft pink flower spikes $6.00 light green, almost yellow foiage 24" s/ps/sh buds emerge deep salmon/pink $6.00 changing to soft apricot-pink 10-12" s/ps/sh double pink plumes, late bloomer $5.50 nice dwarf groundcover 36" s/ps/sh large thick blooms on shiny $5.50 dark foliage 18" s/ps/sh pale pink plumes with dense $6.00 compact, blue/green foliage 18" s/ps/sh lilac purple blooms $6.00 compact, bronze/green foliage 18" s/ps/sh deep red dense flowers $6.00 18" 6 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description 18" s/ps/sh 24" s/ps/sh 24" s/ps/sh 20" s/ps/sh 22" s/ps/sh 24" s/ps/sh 16" s/ps/sh 12" s/ps/sh 15" s/ps/sh 32" s/ps/sh 32" s/ps/sh One Two Gallon Gallon compact, bronze/green foliage dense white flowers early/mid bloomer Visions in White Two Quart $6.00 ASTILBE (False Spirea) japonica types Bonn early/mid bloomer Deutschland early/mid bloomer Montgomery mid season bloomer Peach Blossom mid season bloomer Rheinland early/mid bloomer deep rose-pink plumes glossy, deep green foliage pure white, lacy plumes glossy, deep green foliage dark red plumes on dark red stems bronze-red leaves turn dark green light pink flowers above light green foliage early flowering pink flowers spikes on large lush green foliage $5.80 a larger version of Sprite, clear pink plumes, rich, dark green foliage deep magenta blooms on dwarf deep green foliage shell-pink drooping blooms deep green foliage forms dense mound $5.80 salmon-pink arching blooms tall lush green foliage weeping white, Ostrich Plume $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 simplicifolia types Hennie Graafland mid-late season bloomer NEW Key West mid-late season bloomer Sprite mid-late season bloomer $5.80 $5.80 thunbergii types Straussenfeder aka Ostrich Plume/ mid season bloomer Professor van der Wielen ASTILBOIDES (Rodgersia tabularis) summer bloomer Zone 4 tabularis ASTRANTIA sun/ps/sh (Masterwort) summer bloomer NEW major Star of Beauty Zone 4-7 20" AUBRIETA (Rock Cress ) sun/ps Zone 4 spring blooming hybrida Audrey Purple/Red 6" sun/ps hybrida Audrey Light Blue 6" sun/ps BAPTISIA (False Indigo ) Zone 3-9 early summer blooming australis 3-4' sun/ps Carolina Moonlight 48" sun phone 802-849-2775 $5.80 a rare standout that provides an exotic touch huge, saucer-shaped leaves up to 30" across, with arching white blooms flowers are round with a collar plants forms a clump of light green foliage upright branched stems raspberry red flowers, light shiny foliage mat forming evergreen plant covered with tiny blooms more vigouous & compact thrives in rock and wall gardens large, vibrant blue flowers with yellow centers on compact foliage large native shrub-like perennial blooms early summer indigo-blue pea like spike flowers bushy mounds of blue-green leaves creamy yellow blooms, long blooming 7 $6.50 $6.50 $3.75 $3.75 $6.00 $6.50 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety australis Purple Smoke BAPTISIA ( False Indigo ) prairieblues Midnight prairieblues lactea Solar Flare White sphaerocarpa Yellow Wild Indigo Description Strawberries & Cream long smoky violet flower spikes on grey stems with grey-green foliage $6.50 36-48" sun long blooming deep blue-violet flowers spikes, 2 bloom cycles $6.50 36-48" sun $6.50 48" sun 36" sun lemon yellow turn blush orange blue-green foliage native prairie plant, smooth shrubby looking plants with white flower stalks pea-like bright yellow flowers over compact mounded bluish-green habit Zone 4 6-10" sun/ps 8" sun/ps 5" sun/ps Bellissima Rose Bicolor BERGENIA (Pig Squeak ) Zone 2 spring blooming cordifolia Red Beauty cordifolia Winterglut Two Gallon sun/ps BELLIS (English Daisy ) tasso One Gallon 36-48" spring blooming Bellissima Red Two Quart 12" sun/ps $6.00 large, highly double ray flowers on compact plant fully double bright red flowers on $3.75 tight compact plants, a hardy bellis cheerful flowers w/ deep pink centers $3.75 surrounded by creamy pink outer petals pompenette type flowers in shades of rose and white $3.75 shiny cabbage like foliage turns bronze in fall forms an attractive ground cover large smooth evergreen leaves rose clusters in spring a brilliant red with dark evergreen foliage 20" $3.75 $6.00 $3.75 $6.00 red flowers with large evergreen foliage 16" BOLTONIA (Star Flower ) $6.00 $6.00 Zone 4 fall blooming latisquama Jim Crockett dark green foliage with abundant lavender blooms with yellow centers 18-24" BUDDLEIA (Butterfly Bush) $3.75 Zone 4 late blooming davidii Buzz Magenta 3-5' sun/ps davidii Buzz Sky Blue 3-5' sun/ps phone 802-849-2775 compact plant, full sized magenta flowers compact plant, full sized sky blue flowers 8 $6.25 $6.25 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty NEW Variety davidii Description Buzz Midnight 3-4' sun/ps Buzz Purple 3-4' sun/ps davidii BRUNNERA (Heartleaf ) One Two Gallon Gallon true dwarf buddleia with abundant spikes of light purple flowers true dwarf buddleia with abundant spikes of light purple flowers Zone 3-7 beautiful heart shaped foliage small forget-me-not type flowers blooms late spring Two Quart $6.25 $6.25 macrophylla Hadspen Cream 15" ps/shade creamy white varigated $6.50 macrophylla Jack Frost 12" ps/shade frosty silver leaves w/ light veins delicate sky blue flowers $9.80 Zone 3 bright green, shiny round leaves great for moist or even boggy areas bright yellow flowers in spring CALTHA (Marsh Marigold ) spring bloomer palustris 12" CAMPANULA (Bellflower ) Dark Blue Clips $5.80 one of the most popular perennials a large range of growth habits, bell shaped flowers Zone 3-8 summer bloomer carpatica sun/ps 8" sun/ps wide, violet-blue cup-shaped flowers $3.75 compact, rounded dk green foliage carpatica White Clips 8" sun/ps wide, white cup-shaped flowers $5.80 $3.75 compact, rounded dk green foliage glomerata Bellefleur Blue glomerata Superba $5.80 6" sun/ps compact, blooms just over foliage $3.75 20" sun/ps large violet, bell shaped clusters $3.75 dark green foliage Sarastro persicifolia Takion Blue 16" sun/ps 18" sun/ps $5.80 dark purple flower buds, big dark purple flowers 3" long, compact growing extra large bright blue flowers that $6.00 $3.75 face up on multiple stems over compact mounds persicifolia Takion White 18" extra large white flowers that sun/ps $5.80 $3.75 face up on multiple stems over compact mounds poscharskyana 6" trailing, blue starry flowers sun/ps Serbian Bell flower poscharskyana punctata Blue Waterfall Cherry Bells phone 802-849-2775 $3.75 dark green ground cover 8" 18" sun/ps sun/ps $6.00 vigorous low growing sprays of starry lavender/blue flowers all summer $3.75 large, bright cherry-red tubular $3.75 9 $6.00 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description spotted bellflower flowers on erect stems Thumbell Blue violet blue bells more compact rotundifolia Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon $3.75 trailing dark green foliage CARYOPTERIS $5.80 Zone 5-8 blue mist spirea sun neat, upright growth habit with an abundance of very deep blue flowers Zone 4-9 clumps of grassy, gray- green foliage sun blue daisy like flowers $3.75 sun/ps hardy blue green leaves with light blue flowers $3.75 Zone 3-8 attractive clump-forming plant with unusual button-head flowers chartreuse foliage and vivid blue flowers summer bloomer clandonensis Dark Knight 30" CATANANCHE (Cupids Dart ) $3.75 summer bloomer caerulea 18" CATNIP NEW Zone 3 nepeta cataria 12" CENTAUREA (Bachelor Button ) late spring/early summer Gold Bullion 15" sun Montana Blue 24" sun early, long flowering unique $6.00 $3.75 blue flowers on bushy foliage CENTRANTHUS (Jupiter's Beard ) early summer bloomer ruber Valerian Red sun fragrant blooms above loose clumps of fleshy leaves fragrant red blooms Zone3-7 vigorous spreading groundcover Zone 4 24" CERASTIUM (Snow In Summer ) $5.80 $3.75 late spring bloomer tomentosum 6" wooly, gray/silvery foliage sun $3.75 covered with tiny white flowers CERATOSTIGMA ( Leadwort ) Zone 5-8 an interesting groundcover with green foliage in summer turning red sun/ps intense blue flower clusters over blooms late summer till frost plumbaginoides 6-8" $5.80 $3.75 glossy green foliage turning red in fall CHELONE ( Turtlehead ) Zone 3 summer to late fall glabra lyonii Hot Lips phone 802-849-2775 2-4' sun/ps 24" sun/ps dense upright clumps of dark green foliage w/ turtle head blooms spikes of white flowers top shiny green foliage hot pink blooms 10 $5.80 $6.00 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon good late summer color CIMICIFUGA ( Bugbane, Snakeroot ) late summer bloomer Zone 4-8 racemosa cordifolia 60" shade/ps long bottlebrush-like fragrant flowers large upright foliage loosely bushed plants with serrated, deeply veined green foliage $6.50 CIMICIFUGA ( Bugbane, Snakeroot ) ramosa Atropurpurea 60" shade/ps ramosa Brunette 48" shade/ps ramosa Hillside 48" shade/ps 36" shade/ps NEW ramosa Blk Beauty James Compton very tall w/ greenish-purple foliage $6.50 very dark purple foliage flowers open light pink fade to white $9.50 the deepest purple/black foliage fragrant cream-colored flowers on tall stems $9.50 a smaller more compact version of Hillside $9.50 dark foliage fragrant flowers ramosa Pink Spike ramosa White Pearl 48" shade/ps soft pink bottlebrush flowers dark bronze to near black cut foliage $9.50 48" shade/ps tall wands of fragrant creamy-white bottlebrush flowers are held high above light green, lacy foliage CLEMATIS (Bush Clematis ) $6.50 Zone 2-9 summer blooming integrifolia Blue Ribbons 16" sun an improved strain that grows as an $3.75 upright bush & produces indigo-blue nodding flowers CONVALLARIA (Lily of the Valley) spring bloomer majalis Convallaria 6" Zone 3-8 old fashioned garden favorite for a shady spot shade/ps clumps of fragrant, white bells $3.75 dangle along slender stems NEW majalis Rosea 6" COREOPSIS (Tickseed ) shade/ps fragrant, pale rose bells Zone 3-9 long blooming bright summer color summer blooming NEW $5.80 $3.75 grandiflora Baby Sun 16" sun brown eyed yellow daisies on compact mounds, blooms all summer in sun $3.75 grandiflora Domino 16" sun/ps golden yellow with a black center $3.75 grandiflora Early Sunrise 18" sun/ps double, yellow flowers on compact plants w/ rich green foliage $3.75 18" sun/ps golden fluted petals , very floriferous and compact Jethro Tull phone 802-849-2775 11 $6.00 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety grandiflora Description Presto Sunburst Double Gold Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon 8" sun/ps ultra compact plant, yellow semi double flowers $3.75 24" sun/ps double golden colored flowers $3.75 $6.00 grandiflora Sunfire 16" sun/ps large single flower, yellow with burgundy center, compact foliage $3.75 18-24" sun/ps lemon-yellow flowers cover thread-like deep green foliage $3.75 large creamy yellow flowers w/ red $3.75 COREOPSIS (Threadleaf ) verticillata Moonbeam Big Bang Red Shift 24" sun $5.80 centers- speckling on petals then "shift" to more red as the weather cools NEW $6.00 Big Bang Cosmic Eye 15" sun dark red blooms tipped in golden yellow $3.75 Center Stage 15" sun magenta red flowers cover this large, $3.75 hardy, mounding coreopsis verticillata Cruizin Broad Street 18" sun/ps bright red flowers w/ orange on $3.75 the undersides Permathread Red Satin 18" Route 66 18" Sienna Sunset 20" verticillata verticillata Zagreb 12-18" sun sun/ps sun/ps sun/ps deep wine red flowers w/ an orange center threadleaf foliage yellow flowers with burgundy centers that bleed into the petal tips $3.75 burnt sienna blooms dade to a rich salmon color $3.75 $3.75 golden yellow flowers over fine foliage $5.80 CRAMBE early summer cordifolia a cross between a cabbage and baby's breath! sun/ps huge, deeply lobed green leaves form a low mound with tiny star-shaped flowers on tall stalks Zone 4-9 CROCOSMIA (Montbretia) Zone 5-9 summer blooming lucifer 36" sun Norwich 30" sun DARMERA (Umbrella Plant ) summer blooming phone 802-849-2775 Zone 3-9 $6.50 large clumps of narrow swordlike foliage with long arching flowering stems flaming red flowers in arching clusters dark bronze stems canary/gold flowers on gracefully arched stems $6.00 $6.00 huge plant that flowers on leafless stalks shiny green leaves can reach up to 25" 12 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety peltiphyllum peltatum Description 26" DELOSPERMA (Ice Plant ) sun/ps flowers start white age to pink huge leaves Zone 4-9 dense carpet of succulent foliage fuchsia flowers on fast spreading succulent groudcover Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon $6.00 summer blooming John Profitt 2" sun Lavender Ice 3" sun DELPHINIUM (Larkspur ) masses of lavender flowers with $3.75 dark eyes- foliage turns purple in the winter Zone 3-9 summer blooming $3.75 stately perennial that are an old-time favorite with their impressive spikes true blue with white throat very strong stems Aurora Blue 32" sun Aurora Deep Purple 32" sun deep purple very strong stems $3.75 10" sun a marvelous dwarf, gentian blue upright habit $3.75 grandiflorum Blue Pygmy $3.75 MAGIC FOUNTAIN SERIES more compact plants with strong stems doesn't need as much staking elatum Dark Blue/Dark Bee 30-36" sun dark blue flowers with dark centers $3.75 $5.80 elatum Dark Blue/White Bee 30-36" sun dark blue flowers with white centers $3.75 $5.80 elatum Dasante Blue elatum Lavender/White Bee 30" sun hybrid bright blue color on compact plant 30-36" sun lavender flowers with white centers $5.80 $3.75 $5.80 elatum Sky Blue 30-36" sun sky blue flowers with white centers $3.75 $5.80 elatum Mid BlueWhite Bee 30-36" sun mid blue flowers with white centers $3.75 $5.80 elatum Pure White 30-36" spikes of pure white flowers sun $3.75 $5.80 PACIFIC GIANT SERIES beautiful tall spikes need more staking many rebloom again in early fall elatum Astolat 6' sun rosy lilac & raspberry w/ black bee $3.75 $5.80 elatum Black Knight 6' midnight-violet flowers sun $3.75 $5.80 elatum Blue Bird 6' sun med blue flowers with white centers $3.75 $5.80 phone 802-849-2775 13 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety elatum Blue Jay Description 6' sun med blue flowers with dark centers Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon $3.75 $5.80 elatum King Arthur 6' sun dark royal violet flowers w/ white centers $3.75 $5.80 DWARF DELPHINIUM SERIES forms compact mounds of well branched lacy foliage grandiflorum Summer Blues 16" sun soft blue blooms $3.75 grandiflorum Summer Cloud 16" sun bicolor blue and white flowers $3.75 grandiflorum Summer Night 16" sun deep blue blooms $3.75 Zone 3-9 nice mound or mat forming plants long blooming bright border color deep red, almost black, carnation-like flowers over dark green foliage purple with white edge compact Sweet William blooms all summer red with white edge compact Sweet William blooms all summer dwarf Sweet William mix of reds, whites and pinks DIANTHUS (Garden Pinks ) blooms all summer Heart Attack 12" sun Barbarini Purple Picotee 10" sun Barbarini Red Picotee 10" sun 6" sun 6-8" sun dwarf, tufted plant with deep rose flowers $3.75 12" sun $3.75 12" sun 8" sun bright pink blooms silver foliage cranberry red eye, pinked edges blue-green, loosely mounded foliage magenta pink flowers bloom profusely over silvery blue evergreen foliage NEW Barbarini barbatus Wee deltoides NEW Willie Zing Rose Bouquet Rose Cranberry Ice gratianopolitanus Firewitch $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $5.80 gratianopolitanus Red Beauty 6" sun beautiful red blooms, repeat flowering $3.75 gratianopolitanus Tiny Rubies 5" sun tiny, double, pink flowers on globe shaped, gray- green foliage $3.75 SCENT FIRST SERIES- BLUE-GREEN FOLIAGE SETS THE BACKGROUD FOR THESE SPICILY FRAGRANT FULLY DOUBLE FLOWERS NEW Angel of Forgiveness 20" sun magenta with white blotches $3.75 Coral Reef 8" sun deep coral color with white edge $3.75 6-8" sun double pink blooms w/ burgundy $3.75 Raspberry Surprise centers atop blue/green foliage Sugar Plum 8" sun raspberry colorig with dark eye $3.75 STAR SERIES- compact, mounding foliage, continuous flowering and high bud count Eastern Star 7" sun single deep pink with maroon center Fire Star 7" sun vivid red blooms w/ crimson eye clove scented phone 802-849-2775 14 $6.00 $3.75 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description Neon Star NEW 7" sun hot, fluorescent pink flowers clove scented, blue/gray foliage Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon $3.75 $6.00 Pop Star 7" sun double soft magenta with dark center $6.00 Starlette 7" sun double bright pink with red eye $6.00 Starburst 7" sun cherry red & light pink patterns $3.75 Shooting Star 7" sun overlapping petals of magenta purple $3.75 w/ a plum ring around the center Spangled Star 7" sun petals of scarlet w/ pale pink serrated $3.75 edges, throats & blotches, often reblooms DICENTRA (Bleeding Heart) eximia Zone 3-9 a favorite for its hanging heart shaped flowers with dangling tips clusters of small white buds open to pale pink hearts, ferny grey-green foliage 15" ps/sh 12" ps/sh grayish blue fernleaf foliage with white hanging hearts $6.00 10" ps/sh grayish/green fernleaf foliage with rose hanging hearts $6.00 12" ps/sh grayish/green fernleaf foliage with pink hanging hearts $6.00 spectabilis Old Fashion Pink 30" ps/sh pink heart shaped flowers on long stems of bushy green leaves $6.50 spectabilis Alba 30" ps/sh puffy white heart shaped flowers $6.50 Zone 4-9 tall spikes of tubular bell flowers in an unique range of color and spots hardy, light green basal foliage tall yellow spikes native fringed Bleeding heart formosa Aurora everbloomer formosa King of Hearts everbloomer formosa Luxuriant everbloomer Old Fashion White DIGITALIS (Foxglove) summer blooming ambigua 36" sun/ps grandiflora purpurea Camelot Lavender 48" sun/ps tall lavender spikes, speckled throated $6.00 $3.75 $5.80 $3.75 nodding flowers purpurea Camelot NEW x mertonensis AGM Rose Tetra 48" 36" sun/ps sun/ps tall rose spikes, speckled throated $3.75 nodding flowers $5.80 stout plat, large strong multi flower spikes $5.80 vivid raspberry, very hardy DALMATION SERIES- WELL BRANCHED, COMPACT, UNIFORM Dalmation Crème 24" spotted creme, well branched sun/ps $3.75 $5.80 phone 802-849-2775 15 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Dalmation Peach Description 24" peachy with light pink spots sun/ps Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon $3.75 $5.80 Dalmation Purple 24" sun/ps soft lavender rose with red flecks $3.75 $5.80 purpurea Foxy Virtuoso Red 50" sun/ps pastel color mix $3.75 30" sun/ps very compact, well branched bright violet $3.75 DORONICUM (Leopard's Bane) Zone 3 Little Leo nice bright color for early spring compact green foliage easy to grow early spring bloomer caucasicum $5.80 12" compact plants with sun $3.75 bright yellow double flower petals ECHINACEA (Coneflower) Zone 3-9 summer-late summer bloomer Big Sky Harvest Moon 24-30" sun a large, brightly colored daisy-like flowers, an easy to grow favorite soft orange petals surround a deep $6.50 orange cone Big Sky Solar Flare 24-30" sun large red flowers w/ contrasting $6.50 dark stem and dark cone, strong plant Big Sky Sundown 30" warm russet-orange flowers sun $6.50 with brownish cone, very fragrant Big Sky Sunrise 30-36" sun citron-yellow daisy flowers w/ a cone $6.50 that starts green and turns yellow, fragrant Kims Knee High 16" sun dwarf version of familiar species, short $6.50 habit, long summer bloom Cheyenne Spirit 18-30" sun a mixture of red, orange, purple, scarlet $3.75 cream, yellow and white flowers $6.50 purpurea Bravado 30" sun huge, rosy-red flowers supported by strong stems $3.75 purpurea Magnus 36" sun abundant red, daisy flowers w/ $3.75 maroon centers purpurea Pow Wow White 22' white w/ yellow cone sun $6.00 $3.75 $6.00 keep their color phone 802-849-2775 16 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Pow Wow Wild Berry Description 22' sun deep rose w/ rose cone 4" daisies Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon $3.75 keep their color Prairie Splendor $6.00 22" sun deep rose colored flowers blooms earlier $3.75 purpurea Primadonna White 28" sun white colored flowers $3.75 purpurea Ruby Star 36" sun reddish to dark pink flowers $3.75 $6.00 purpurea White Swan 36" large white flowers sun $3.75 $6.00 ECHINOPS (Globe Thistle) Zone 3 summer bloomer ritro 36" ritro Veitch's Blue 38" EPIMEDIUM (Barrenwort) sun NEW grandiflorum $3.75 $6.00 sun many steel blue globes on sturdy stems Zone 4-8 clump forming perennial excellent $6.50 $6.50 rubrum 6" ps/shade for deep shade and under trees cherry-red flowers in spring bushy dark green foliage Alabaster 10" ps/shade vigorous, white flowers Niveum 12" ps/shade spring blooming grandiflorum easy to grow long lived plant stout stems w/ sphere flowers, spiny leaves steely blue flower spheres on dramatic toothed leaves $6.50 tough evergreen foliage youngianum white flowers $6.50 very floriferous NEW youngianum Roseum 12" ps/shade small rose-pink flowers dangle above the $6.50 heart-shaped leaves, bronze edges in spring and change to crimson-red in fall ERYNGIUM (Sea Holly) on spiny foliage, neat texture all year summer blooming planum Blue unique ornamental flowers Zone 4-8 Glitter 36" sun silver-blue stems produce masses of $3.75 small shimmering blue pin-cushion flowers planum Blue planum Big Hobbit Blue NEW planum Blue Star 12" sun compact globe flower heads over slivery blue foliage 24" sun iridescent blue flower with blue stems $6.00 sun silver leaves, long bloom time strong stems with abundant lacy deep blue flowers $6.00 Zone 4-8 tall plants, good for the back border 30" EUPATORIUM (Joe Pye Weed) flat topped clusters of rich purplish flowers blooms mid summer until frost maculatum Atropurpureum phone 802-849-2775 $3.75 70" sun/ps purplish red flowers on very tall 17 $6.50 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety purpureum Baby Joe rugosum Chocolate Description 24" sun/ps 36" sun/ps EUPHORBIA (Spurge) sturdy red stems dwarf joe pye, mauve flowers compact foliage clusters of bright white blossoms w/ chocolate colored foliage Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon $6.00 $3.75 $6.00 plants have colorful foliage Zone 4-8 and unusual flowers, ornamental bracts polychroma Bonfire 12-18" sun/ps all season color, foliage first appears green $6.50 then turns maroon-red w/ orange tips polychroma 12" sun/ps attractive mounds of light green foliage, w/ bright chartreuse yellow bracts in spring polychroma First Blush 12" variegated foliage sun/ps $3.75 $6.00 $6.50 pink flowers age to yellow FERNS Zone 2-9 for shady to partial shady gardens 22" ps/shade beautiful foliage all season very graceful fern, delicate fan-shaped green fronds, forms a small clump 18" ps/shade highly variegated, green fronds shaded w/ silver-burgundy $6.00 20" ps/shade light green lacy fronds, will tolerate more sun w/ good moisture $6.00 32" ps/shade light green lacy fronds, will tolerate more sun w/ good moisture $6.00 24" ps/shade vigorous growing fern w/ dark green sturdy fronds $6.00 Matteuccia struthiopteris 46" ps/shade very tall vase-shaped form with gracefully arching fronds $6.00 Polystichum acrostichoides 22" ps/shade neat clumps of dark green leathery fronds $6.00 Zone 3-7 impressive plume like flowers 42-60" sun/ps likes moist soil very thick deep pink flowers on strong tall stems 12" sun/ps light rose flowers on short stems Adiantum pedatum Maidenhair Fern Athyrium niponicum Metallicum Japanese Painted Fern Athyrium filix-femina Lady Fern Athyrium filix-femina Lady In Red Fern Dryopteris marginalis Wood Fern Ostrich Fern Christmas Fern FILIPENDULA (Meadow Sweet) blooms early summer rubra Venusta vulgaris Kahome $6.00 $6.50 $6.00 very compact miniature vulgaris Hexapetala 18-24" white flowers on sun/ps $6.00 fern-like foliage phone 802-849-2775 18 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description GAILLARDIA (Blanket Flower) blooms all summer aristata aristata Arizona Apricot Arizona Red Shades aristata Arizona Sun Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon produces mounds of ever blooming flowers in full sun 9" sun apricot center turing golden yellow at $3.75 edge, large 3" flowers w/ salmon tips, green/yellow eye 10" 9" Zone 3-9 sun sun red flowers bloom continuously all summer $3.75 4" single, mahogany red, yellow edge $3.75 $6.00 dwarf plants flower continuously aristata Bijou 10" 4" single, mahogany red, yellow edge sun $6.00 $6.00 $3.75 just a little taller than Arizona sun aristata Goblin (Kolbold) 12" sun dwarf crimson, banded yellow $3.75 GAILLARDIA (Blanket Flower) aristata Mesa BiColor 16" sun yellow with red central ring, $3.75 sturdy plant aristata Mesa Yellow 18" pure yellow blooms over compact sun $6.00 $3.75 plants w/ a very long bloom time aristata Mesa Peach 16" large golden-yellow flowers sun $6.00 $3.75 w/ orange veins GALIUM (Sweet Woodruff) odoratum NEW 8" Zone 3-9 ground cover ps/shade fragrant whorled green leaves $6.00 $3.75 with small, white flowers GAURA (Apple Blossom Grass) Zone 5-9 blooms summer-fall lindheimeri lindheimeri Siskiyou Pink Whirling Butterflies butterfly like flowers on airy stems wine red buds openingto rose pink flowers w/ white stamens 18" sun 36" sun bright white flowers on thin spikes, in flower from June thru fall Zone 3-9 closed gentian GENTIANA $3.75 $3.75 blooms all summer True Blue 15" ps/shade large 2" tubular true blue flowers glossy green foliage, turns bronze in the fall GERANIUM (Cranesbill) Zone 4-8 hardy geraniums are long blooming blooms heavily in late spring then periodically throughout the summer cantabrigiense Karmina 10" sun/ps tons of cerise pink flowers in spring foliage turns bright orange/red in fall phone 802-849-2775 19 $6.00 $5.80 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon cantabrigiense Biokovo 10" sun/ps white flowers w/ pink stamens fragrant, groundcover $5.80 Brookside 18" sun/ps long blooming, large blue flowers w/ white eye attractive green foliage $5.80 12" sun/ps magenta flowers scented, hardy ground cover $5.80 12" sun/ps large leaf, magenta flowers hardy ground cover $5.80 12" sun/ps white flowers on a dense mat of aromoatic leaves $5.80 8" sun/ps rose/pink flowers are nestled among $5.50 macrorrhizum Beven's Variety macrorrhizum NEW macrorrhizum Spessart striatum Lancastriense in short, mounded, creeping form GERANIUM (Cranesbill) Purple Pillow 10" tidy mounds of blue/green foliage sun/ps $6.00 with reddish purple blooms w/ dark centers Rozanne 16" sun/ps large violet-blue flowers w/ white ctrs. $6.50 deep green foliage w/ lighter marbling sanguineum Max Frei 8" sun/ps deep magenta abundant flowers $5.80 compact foliage- nice fall color sanguineum 10" fuchsia pink flowers sun/ps $5.80 long blooming, low mounding plants Tiny Monster 16" GRASSES masses of showy lavender flowers cover compact, cut-leaf green foliage vigorous trailing variety makes a great ground cover sun/ps Zone 4-11 $5.80 provide long-season with summer foliage, fall flowers and died winter appeal CALAMAGROSTIS (Feather Reed Grass) acutiflora Karl Foerster 4-5' sun/ps clumping grass w/ upright growth habit $6.50 feathery plumes bloom early summer and mature to tan colored seed heads in fall and winter acutiflora Overdam 3-4' sun/ps foliage is variegated with creamy-white, vertical stripes $6.50 12" sun/ps variegated w/ creamy yellow leaves w/ dark green margins $6.50 CAREX (Sedge) oshimensis Evergold phone 802-849-2775 20 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty NEW Variety pensylvanica Description 8" sun/ps Pennsylvania sedge morrowii Ice Dance platyphylla Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon native, highly versatile groundcover $6.50 for dry, deciduous shade, spreads slowly 12" sun/ps 8-12" sun/ps variegated w/ dark green centers clear white margins $6.50 clump forming sedge with wide powder broadleaf sedge $6.50 blue foliage DESCHAMPSIS (Tufted Hairgrass) cespitosa forms low, dense tussock of med green foliage, summer flowers shades of silver, gold 12-24" lustrous foliage, compact habit, golden yellow plumes 24-36" cespitosa Goldtau $6.50 $6.50 FESTUCA (Blue Fescue Grass) glauca Elijah Blue 10" sun/ps short rounded clumps of soft powder $3.75 blue foliage $6.00 HELICTOTRICHON (Blue Oat Grass) sempervirens Sapphire 24" sun/ps improved silver-blue color tufting foliage w/ arching panicles $6.50 36" sun/ps brilliant red-orange fall foliage $6.50 sinensis Gracillimus 5-8' $6.50 sinensis Variegatus 5-7' slender uprigh blades fan-like plumes in fall sun/ps wide, green and white striped leaves cascading habit, plumes become fluffy as they age $6.00 MISCANTHUS (Maiden Grass) Purpurascens Autumn flame grass sun/ps $6.50 PANICUM (Switch Grass) virgatum Dallas Blues 5-6' virgatum Dewey Blue 60" wide-bladed blue foliage huge mauve pink long lasting flower heads sun/ps powder-blue blades, blue flowers virgatum Heavy Metal 3-4' sun/ps virgatum NorthWind virgatum Shenandoah 72" 3' PENNISETUM (Fountain Grass) alopercuroides Hameln 24" sun/ps stiff upright habit and metallic blue color sun/ps columnar steel blue wide thick leaf blades sun/ps erect foliage turns red by mid summer turning totally burgundy by fall, flowers by late fall $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 sun/ps compact grass seed heads appear in summer turning creamy tan with maturity $6.50 sun/ps Native- clump-forming fined leaved silver/blue foliage turns bronze in fall $6.00 SCHIZACHYRIUM (Little Bluestem) scoparium phone 802-849-2775 30" 21 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description Standing Ovation 36-48" sun/ps Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon sturdy, upright habit stands tall with color interest all year $6.50 SPOROBOLUS (Prairie dropseed) heterolepis 24" sun/ps upright, arching clumps emerald green leaves turn gold in fall w/ fragrant fine flowers GYPSOPHILA (Baby's Breath ) Zone 3-9 nice perennial for the cut garden flowers dry well summer bloomer cerastoides Pixie $6.00 Splash 4" pink-white, compact plants sun $3.75 $5.80 repens Filou Rose 5" dwarf, trailing plant with sun $3.75 tiny bright rose flowers repens Filou White 5" dwarf, trailing plant with sun tiny white flowers HELENIUM (Sneeze Weed ) Zone 4-8 a late season favorite with tall stems of terminal clusters with daisy-like flowers late summer bloomer $3.75 $5.80 Canary 36" sun bright canary yellow $6.00 NEW Dunkle Pracht 36" sun dark red-burgundy brown petals dark brown cone $6.00 NEW Fiesta 36" sun red & yellow bicolor $6.00 yellow gold band at end of petals flexuosum Tiny Dancer 20" low growing native sun $6.00 brown spherical cones are surrounded by a fring of bright yellow petals Mardi Gras 36" sun multicolored blooms in late summer $6.00 yellow petals splashed with orange & red streaks HELIOPSIS (False Sunflower) vigorous plant for the garden Zone 3-9 bright color summer thru fall summer bloomer helianthoides Scabra Sunburst helianthoides helianthoides NEW helianthoides Summer Sun Summer Nights Sunstruck HEMEROCALLIS (Daylily) single daisy-like bright yellow flowers on unique varigated foliage, bushy habit w/ strong stems 24-36" sun large double yellow daisy-like flowers on tall erect plants 36-48" sun golden yellow flowers w/ deep mahogany centers over dark red stems & dark foliage $5.80 variegated foliage of white w/ green veins with golden yellow flowers $5.80 24-48" 36-48" sun sun Zone 3-9 $5.80 easy to grow, low maintenance plant "flower for a day" summer bloomer (many rebloom) phone 802-849-2775 $5.80 22 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Always Afternoon Apricot Sparkles Arctic Snow Baja Bonanza Catherine Woodbury Chicago Apache Chicago Weathermaster Daring Deception Downy Woodpecker Frans Hals Gentle Sheppard Golden Prize Happy Returns Hyperion Little Grapette HEMEROCALLIS (Daylily) Mardi Gras Parade Mary Reed Night Beacon Pardon Me Pigmy Pirate Prairie Blue Eyes Purple D' Oro Rosy Returns Ruby Stella Stella D' Oro Strawberry Candy Summer Wine Description One Two Gallon Gallon 22" sun mauve, w/ purple eye, rebloomer $5.80 15" sun dwarf, everblooming apricot ruffling blooms $5.80 24" sun beautiful, large white flowers, yellow throat $5.80 26" sun bright red w/ yellow throats, large plant $5.80 34" sun yellow flowers w/ a red star center $5.80 30" sun light pink flowers w/ a yellow throat $5.80 30" sun intense scarlet red $5.80 32" sun large purple flowers $5.80 24" sun raspberry w/ dark eye $5.80 32" sun red $5.80 24" sun two toned, red and yellow $5.80 26" sun near white flowers lightly ruffled $5.80 24" sun large golden yellow $5.80 18" sun light yellow, everblooming $5.80 40" sun lemon yellow, rebloomer, fragrant $5.80 12" sun purple w/ yellow throat $5.80 25" sun bright rose/lav. tepals, wine eye $5.80 12-18" sun dwarf, deep lav. flowers w/ white racing stripes $5.80 27" sun 18" sun deep red, fragrant, rebloomer $5.80 22" sun reblooming raspberry red $5.80 26" sun lav. Flowers w/ yellow throats $5.80 purple w/ a light green throat reblooms $5.80 16" sun dark red, rebloomer $5.80 18" sun reblooming lavender $6.50 18" sun wine red stella, everblooming $5.80 18" sun golden yellow, rebloomer $5.80 26" sun deep pink w/ darker eye yellow throat $5.80 25" sun wine red large flower $5.80 Zone 3-9 clumping perennials with very colorful HEUCHERA (Coral Bells) foliage w/ spikes of small bell flowers early to mid summer bloomers NEW Two Quart Amber Waves 8" sun/ps ruffled amber colored leaves Amethyst Myst 12" sun/ps purple/black foliage frosted with a $6.50 compact plant $6.50 silvery-blue overlay, deep purple veins Autumn Bride Blackout phone 802-849-2775 12" 12" sun/ps green leaves turn purple by fall sun/ps 23 $3.75 white flowers $6.00 almost black glossy leaves $6.50 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon appear in dense layers creamy white flowers Bressingham Mix 24" dense, heart foliage sun/ps $3.75 crimson, coral or cream bells/stems Crimson Curls 12" sun/ps extremely ruffled chocolate-brown $5.50 $4.00 leaves with reddish/purple undersides $6.00 Caramel 8" sun/ps NEW Cherry Cola Soda 10" sun/ps rust red leaves and cherry red flowers $6.50 NEW Cherry Sorbet 10" sun/ps cherry red in spring to orange to bronze $6.50 glowing golden- orange leaves $6.50 to red brown in winter NEW Cinnabar Silver 10" sun/ps a profusion of cinnabar red flowers a top $6.50 compact mounds of showy metallic silver foliage Dales Strain 16" sun/ps silvery, marbled green & purple creamy white flowers Frosted Violet 10" sun/ps wonderful pink-violet marbling Marvelous Marble 24" sun/ps silvery purple foliage that changes Mocha 15" sun/ps $3.75 $6.50 $3.75 color through the season $5.50 the darkest sun tolerant heuchera $6.50 young leaves are bronze purple w/ royal purple undersides that that mature to dark purple almost black Palace Purple Plum Pudding 18' 12" purple ivy shaped foliage white, bell flowers sun/ps $3.75 $6.00 plum purple ruffled foliage sun/ps $6.50 dainty cream flowers Raspberry Regal 18" sun/ps 3' spikes of large raspberry flowers $6.50 attractive mounds of serrated maple-like leaves Ruby Bells 20" long blooming red blooms sun/ps $6.00 evergreen foliage Silver Scrolls 18" sun/ps mound of silvery leaves w/ dark $6.50 purple veins & undersides, white flowers Stormy Seas 12" sun/ps maroon ruffled leaves that turn $4.00 bronze/green HEUCHERELLA (Foamy Bells) phone 802-849-2775 Zone 4-9 a hybrid cross between Heuchera 24 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon and Tiarella, nice compact colorful foliage light pink, fragrant flowers $4.50 light green foliage w/ dark veins spring blooming Bridget Bloom 18" ps Blue Ridge 8" ps NEW Copper Cascade 8" ps rosy copper-gold muted foliage hold color all year NEW Goldstrike 8" ps compact golden lobed leaves w/ $6.00 red markings, white frothy flowers NEW Redstone Falls 8" ps ruby splashed warm autumn tones vigorous grower $6.00 NEW Sunspot 12" ps large red centered yellow spring leaves change to lime green $6.00 NEW Yellowstone Falls 8" ps chartreuse lobed leaves w/ deep crimson markings $6.00 Zone 2-8 a tall old fashion favorite HOLLYHOCK (Alcea Rosea) silvery green mounds of foliage w/ $4.50 wide burgundy veins- masses of white flowers $6.00 mid summer blooming ficifolia Indian Spring 48" sun a strong stemmed single flowered long lived hollyhock mix $3.75 ficifolia Las Vegas 5-6' sun $3.75 Blackberry Ripple 5-6' sun mix of brilliant colors single flowers ruffled double & semi double blooms in a mix of black current & white Chater Series Dbl. Golden Yellow Dbl. Purple/Violet Dbl. Salmon/Pink Dbl. Red/Scarlet 72" sun 4-5" double flowers on tall stems sun golden yellow $3.75 sun royal purple $3.75 sun mid pink $3.75 sun brilliant scarlet red $3.75 sun finally a true perennial hollyhock rosea rosea rosea Spotlight Series 5-6' $3.75 blooms first year!! Blacknight Mars Magic rosea Queeny Series 24" deep black - purple $3.75 Bright red $3.75 compact, bushy plant, sun double anemone flowers Purple Rose Pink Yellow phone 802-849-2775 dwarf, beautiful double purple $3.75 warm rosy pink $3.75 clear yellow $3.75 25 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description HOSTA (Plantain Lily) Zone 3-8 Amy Elizabeth 12" ps/sh August Moon 16" ps/sh Aureomarginata 24" ps/sh Blue Cadet 12" ps/sh Blue Angel 32" ps/sh Blue Umbrella's 36" ps/sh Brim Cup 14" ps/sh Fire & Ice 20" ps/sh First Frost 16" ps/sh Fragrant Bouquet 24" ps/sh Francee 20" Francis William 22" Gold Standard 22" Golden Tiara 15" Great Arrival 26" Guacamole 22" June 15" Krossa Regal 30" Minuteman 18" Night Before Christmas 18" Patriot 22" Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon grown for its decorative foliage hardy, easy to grow shade plant light green leaf with a medium green margin huge, brilliant gold to chartreuse leaves, sun tolerant med sized mound of green leaves w/ thin golden margins medium blue-green heart-shaped leaves huge, deep blue heart shaped leaves, slug resistant huge, blue-green leaves that cup downward, 1'long leaves dark green cupped leaves with creamy white margins heart-shaped white leaves w/ wide dark green edge, reverse of Patriot blue-gree leaf color gold margins changes to pure white later in the season $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 HOSTA (Continued) NEW NEW phone 802-849-2775 apple green w/ pale yellow margins white fragrant flowers ps/sh green leaves w/ narrow white margin sun tolerant, lavender flowers ps/sh blue-green leaves w/ wide chartreuse margins, slug resistant white flowers ps/sh golden leaves w/ emerald green margins, pale lavender flowers ps/sh small, heart shaped med. green leaves w/ wide chartreuse margins- turn gold in the sun ps/sh bright gold margins surround blue/green centers on large leaves ps/sh shiny round leaves w/ gold center wide green edge, fragrant lavender flowers ps/sh wide blue/green margins chatreuse centers ps/sh powdery blue wavy leaves upright vase-like habit, slug resistant ps/sh dark green leaves w/ a wide white pure white margin ps/sh huge dark green leaves with striking cream to white centers ps/sh green foliage w/ pure white margins sun tolerant, lavender flowers 26 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty NEW Variety Description Royal Standard 20" ps/sh Sagae 28" ps/sh Showboat 14" ps/sh Sieboldiana Elegans 26" ps/sh Stained Glass 14" ps/sh Sum and Substance 40" ps/sh Twilight 20" ps/sh T-Rex 36" ps/sh Wide Brim 24" ps/sh Winter Snow 26" ps/sh HOUTTUYNIA cordata Chameleon 8" Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon large shiny green leaves sun tolerant, white fragrant flowers vase-shaped habit w/ narrow creamy margins dark green leaves are surrounded by a wide creamy-white margin huge blue-gray rounded heavily textured leaves slug resistant, white flowers shiny, golden foliage w/ wide dark green margins enormous charteuse gold leaves sun tolerant, white flowers large thick leaves slug resistant creamy margins 6' wide, large green leaves with white flowers heart-shaped leaves w/ blue-green centers wide, cream borders upright wavy dk green leaves w/ pale yellow center Zone 4-9 aggressive, fast spreading ground cover sun/ps highly variegated, aromatic foliage $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $3.75 white flowers, marginal water plant IBERIS (Candy Tuft) Zone 3-9 mid spring- early summer bloomer sempervirens Purity 6-8" sun/ps 8" sun/ps NEW sempervirens Whiteout compact plants with evergreen foliage clusters of white flowers compact mounds of glossy green foliage produces loads of bright white flowers compact, evergreen foliage $3.75 $3.75 snow white blooms IRIS Zone 4-9 late spring blooming cristata cristata 6-8" blue-violet flowers sun/ps $6.00 a naturalizing woodland groundcover NEW GERMANICA IRIS (Bearded Iris) Blackalicious Brazilian Holiday Hemstitched Immortality Red Hawk Santorini Spirit of Memphis phone 802-849-2775 36" 34" sun/ps 30" sun/ps 28" sun/ps 30" sun/ps 30" sun/ps 30" sun/ps sun/ps truly black with ruffles bi-color of lavender over red falls deep lilac piccata edges on a white iris pure white w/ lemon beards fragrant best red with elegant ruffles two-toned white over sea blue sunny yellow 27 $6.50 $6.50 $6.50 $6.50 $6.50 $6.50 $6.50 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety NEW ensata Lion Description Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon King 34" sun/ps extraordinary "8 double blooms $6.50 NEW ensata Sensation 36" sun/ps deep velvety purple blooms w/ yellow stokes $6.50 26" sun/ps creamy white standards and pale $5.80 32" sun/ps deep velvety blue flowers $5.80 24" sun/ps very floriferous double blue petals that curl alone the edge $5.80 36" sun/ps sibirica Butter & Sugar buttery falls w/ greenish veins sibirica Caesar's NEW sibirica Concord NEW sibirica Pink Brother Crush Haze sibirica Silver Edge 26" sun/ps lavender-pink falls w/ lighter pink standards med blue flowers with silvery edge sibirica Snow Queen 36" sun/ps sparkling white flowers $5.80 30" sun/ps w/ a touch of yellow throat stunning blue flowers painted w/ navy $5.80 28" sun/ps blue-purple flowers, tall clumping native $5.80 KIRENGESHOMA (Wax Bells) Zone 5 sibirica Super Ego $5.80 $5.80 VERSICOLOR IRIS (Blue Flag) versicolor late bloomer palmata 30" KNAUTIA (Crimson Scabiosa) sun shrub like plant, maple like leaves up to 4" dia. pale yellow funnel shaped flowers on purple stems, late flowering $6.50 Zone 4 summer blooming macedonia Melton macedonia Red macedonia Pastels Cherry Thunder & Lightning 20" sun 20" sun 15" sun KNIPHOFIA (Red Hot Poker) Zone 5-10 summer blooming hirsuta Fire Dance mix hues of crimson/mauve/pink pin-cushion blooms deep red, double pin-cushion blooms deeply serrated, lacy green foliage beautiful cream and green leaves dark magenta pincushion flowers 15-18" sun clump-forming plant w/ grassy leaves 6" ps/shade shady areas, ground cover bright tri-color variegation small lavender flowers 8" ps/shade silver leaves w/ narrow green edges Zone 4-9 maculatum Beacon Silver phone 802-849-2775 $3.75 highly variegated foliage to brighten spring bloomer Greenway $3.75 with colorful flower spikes hardy yellow flower spikes $3.75 turning to bright red dwarf, blue-gray foliage LAMIUM (Spotted Dead Nettle) maculatum Anne $3.75 28 $3.75 $3.75 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon pink flower clusters maculatum Chequers 8" variegated leaves ps/shade $3.75 long blooming rose flowers maculatum Pink Pewter 6" silvery-variegated foliage ps/shade $3.75 pink flowers maculatum Red Nancy 8" ps/shade toothed, oval silvery, white leaves $3.75 w/ green margins, rose flowers maculatum Shell Pink 8" soft pink flowers ps/shade $3.75 green and white marbled leaves maculatum White Nancy 8" ps/shade silver-white leaves w/ green margins $3.75 white flower clusters LATHYRUS (Sweet Pea) a perennial sweet pea Zone 4-7 ground cover or trellis summer bloomer latifolius Mix 4' LAVANDULA (Lavender) sun/ps a vigorous climber w/ shades of purple/pink/white flowers Zone 4-9 short shrubby herb w/ aromatic sun gray foliage compact gray-green foliage w/ deep purple flowers $3.75 stays compact, gragrant, silver leaves $3.75 mid summer blooming angustifolia Hidcote angustifolia Lavance 12" Purple 8" sun $3.75 $5.80 with purple flowers angustifolia Munstead NEW x.intermedia Phenomenal 16" compact gray-green foliage w/ rich lavender flowers sun $3.75 $5.80 exceptional hardiness with little winter die back nice round form and a high oil content OK - WE WILL PUT THIS LAVENDER TO THE TEST! 24" LEONTOPODIUM (Edelweiss) sun $6.00 Zone 4 spring blooming alpinum 8" sun silvery, wooly foliage with white star-shaped flowers LEUCANTHEMUM (Shasta Daisy) summer blooming large daisy flowers Zone 3 superbum Alaska 36" sun/ps superbum Becky 48" sun/ps phone 802-849-2775 $3.75 the traditional, medium sized shasta daisy large 4" white daisy flowers on strong stems, with bright yellow centers 29 $3.75 $3.75 $6.00 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon superbum Brightside 32" sun/ps large, pure white blooms $3.75 superbum Crazy 24" sun/ps frilled, fully double, solid white petals $3.75 Daisy NEW Goldfinch 24" sun/ps long blooming semi double yellow flowers $6.00 NEW Ice Star 24" sun/ps double, icy white flowers $6.00 NEW Laspider 12" sun/ps $6.00 18-24" sun/ps large pure white double flowers w/ finely cut petals impressive double, pure white flowers on very sturdy stems 10" sun/ps superbum Sante superbum Snowcap superbum White Breeze LEWISIA (Bitter Root) early summer blooming cotyledon Elisa Mix 10-12" spicata Kobold dwarf daisy flowers early and in $3.75 abundance, large white blooms on strong stems unique evergreen foliage for rock gardens 6" sun/ps fleshy, evergreen foliage with $3.75 fleuroscent pink, salmon, yellow, orange and purple blooms Zone 3-9 24" sun/ps more compact, shorter spikes of mauve-purple flowers Zone 3-9 large clumps of bold foliage dentata Desdemona 37" den.t Marie 32" stenocephala The 36" Rocket stenocephala Little Rocket LILIUM (Hardy Lily) 48" 36" with flowering spikes sun/ps orange yelllow daisy-like flowers green foliage has purple underside sun/ps orange yelllow flowers glossy chocolate maroon foliage, compact habit sun/ps huge round purple leathery, leaves flat panicles of orange-yellow flowers sun/ps large arrowhead-shaped leaves w/ serrated edges, tall spires of bright yellow flowers sun/ps compact heart-shaped leaves w/ serrated edges, tall spires of bright yellow flowers Zone 3-9 blooms early summer lilium Asiatic NEW COLORS phone 802-849-2775 with tall upright stems tall narrow spikes of white flowers sun/ps late summer blooming dentata Othello native plants that forms small clumps 30" LIGULARIA (Ragwort) Britt Crawford $6.00 Zone 4-7 mid-late summer blooming White $3.75 sun/ps LIATRIS (Gayfeather or Blazing Star) spicata Floristan compact plants w/ large daisy flowers long-lasting blooms $3.75 sun/ps $5.80 $5.80 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25 $6.25 large, bold, showy plants in a rainbow of color and styles mix (list available upon request) 3 stems per container 30 $6.50 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description lilium Oriental sun/ps NEW COLORS oriental Star Gazer 32" LOBELIA (Cardinal Flower) 36" cardinalis Fried 36" Blue NEW speciosa Russian Princess Two Gallon $6.50 $6.50 late, bright summer color of tall elegant spikes sun/ps Native, cardinal red flower spikes $3.75 form a spectacular contrast w/ dark green foliage $5.80 an abundant of deep red blooms $6.50 sun/ps Green Tomatoes siphilitica Great One Gallon mix (list available upon request) 2 stems per container pink dark striped flowers w/ white edges, fragrant, 3 stems per container Zone 4-9 late summer blooming cardinalis sun/ps Two Quart upper foliage turns deep olive w/ maroon undersides 36" 20" sun/ps sun/ps deep blue flowers borne in leafy $3.75 spikes, above irregularly toothed foliage $5.80 hardy, vivid magenta/red spikes $6.50 burgundy foliage LUNARIA (Money Plant) biennis Honesty Zone 4-8 24-36" LUPINUS (Lupine) fragrant purple or white flowers are $3.75 followed by round, papery covered seed pods sun/ps Zone 4-6 dense spires of pea-shaped flowers 30" sun colorful spikes in all hues compact plants with colorful spikes $3.75 20" sun spires of blue flowers $3.75 early summer bloomer Dwarf Minarette Mix polyphyllus Gallery Series Gallery Blue $5.80 Gallery Pink 20" spires of pink/white flowers sun $3.75 $5.80 Gallery Red 20" spires of red flowers sun $3.75 $5.80 Gallery White 20" sun spires of white flowers $3.75 Gallery Yellow 20" sun spires of yellow flowers $3.75 $5.80 regalis Morello Cherry 36" LYCHNIS (Champion) rich cherry color sun $3.75 Zone 4-6 early summer bloomer chalcedonica Burning Love phone 802-849-2775 16" dwarf Maltese Cross deep red flowers sun 31 $5.80 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description LYSIMACHIA (Loosestrife) ciliata Firecracker One Two Gallon Gallon Zone 4-8 clump forming plants, many are 24" sun/ps vigorous and spread readily long-blooming, deep red flower arching plumes on gray foliage $3.75 18-24" sun/ps dainty lemon yellow flowers $3.75 long summer bloomer atropurpurea Beaujolais Two Quart above contrasting slender purple leaves, will spread clethroides White punctata Gooseneck 36" sun/ps white, slender spikes that gently curve forming gooseneck Yellow Loosestrife 24" sun/ps bright yellow long lasting $5.80 $3.75 $5.80 flower spikes above vigorous plant MALVA (Mallow) Zone 4 well branched stems w/ small sun/ps hollyhock-like flower long bloomer pink flowers, long blooming summer bloomer moschata rosea 36" $3.75 $5.80 moschata alba 36" MERTENSIA (Bluebells) sun/ps Zone 3-8 2" white flowers, summer blooming long lived $5.80 this ephemeral marks the onset of spring early spring NEW $3.75 virginica 18-24" sun/ps trumpet shaped flower buds start off $6.00 pink and slowly transition to a soft blue foliage has an attractive bluish cast, goes dormant in the summer MONARDA (Bee Balm) Zone 3-8 didyma Blue NEW fast spreading clumps of mint-scented foliage w/ unusual colorful flowers mid-summer bloomer Stocking 24" sun/ps violet-blue flowers on mint-scented foliage Cranberry Lace 12" sun/ps hot pink flowers emerge from a purple pin-cushion didyma Garden 36" sun/ps 2 lipped, rose-red blooms View Scarlet $3.75 $6.00 $3.75 highly mildew resistant didyma Grand Marshall 22" fushsia-purple flowers sun/ps $3.75 disease resistant didyma Grand Mum 15" sun/ps large, mauve pink flowers cover the $3.75 semi-dwarf plant dark green foliage is highly resisant to mildew didyma Jacob Cline 36" sun/ps large red flowers on tall plants $3.75 highly mildew resistant didyma Marshalls Delight phone 802-849-2775 36" sun/ps tall plants w/ hot pink flowers highly mildew resistant 32 $6.00 $3.75 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety fistulosa Claire hybrida Coral Description Grace Reef hybrida Fireball Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon 36" sun/ps soft lavender flowers, shiny foliage mildew resistant 36" sun/ps coral pink flowers mildew resistant $3.75 18" sun/ps medium height w/ bright red flowers $3.75 $6.00 more compact, mildew resistance hybrida Petite Delight 15" sun/ps very compact plants w/ crinkled foliage $6.00 $3.75 lavender-pink flowers, highly mildew resistant $6.00 NEW Petite Wonder 12" sun/ps clear pink blooms $6.00 NEW Pink Lace 14" sun/ps petite compact plants pink blooms with dark purple centers $6.00 36" sun/ps rich, wine red flowers hybrida Raspberry Wine $3.75 mildew resistance MYOSOTIS (Forget-Me-Not) Zone 4 an old time favorite for $6.00 sylvatica Bluesylva 8" sh/ps spring color abundant vibrant, tiny blue flowers compact, bushy plants $3.75 sylvatica Rosesylva 6" sh/ps dwarf, rose pink $3.75 mid-late spring bloomer early flowering, blooms spring on NEPETA (Catmint) Zone 3-8 summer blooming calamintha Blue faassenii Blue forms very floriferous clumps of scented foliage that becomes covered with small flowers Cloud 10" sun/ps numerous, small blue blooms aromatic foliage, drought resistant $3.75 Wonder 12" sun/ps violet blue flowers on gray-green $3.75 aromatic foliage faassenii Six NEW faassenii Six Hills Giant Hills Gold faassenii Walker's Low sun/ps violet blue flowers on gray-green 24" sun/ps aromatic foliage variegated cream and green fuzzy foliage w/ long blooming violet flowers $3.75 18" sun/ps compact plants w/ gray-green foliage $3.75 32" $6.00 lavender flowers, long blooming nervosa Blue Carpet 10" sun/ps long blooming blue spikes nervosa Pink Cat 10" sun/ps compact dark green foliage $6.00 $3.75 $5.80 tall flower stalks of large pink flowers phone 802-849-2775 33 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description OENOTHERA (Evening Primrose) summer bloomer Zone 4-9 missouriensis Missouri Primrose 12" sun/ps longifolia Lemon 40" sun/ps Sunset bright colored cup-shaped flowers that bloom all summer large deep yellow flowers that blooms all summer evenings large soft yellow flowers that mature Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon $3.75 $3.75 to a sunset red over red stems and deep green foliage tetragona Sundrops 15-20" Fruticosa $3.75 many spikes of cup shaped bright yellow flowers PACHYSANDRA (Japanese Spurge) Zone 4-9 terminalis red stems, dark green leaf sun/ps 6" PAEONIA (Garden Peony) $6.00 dense, evergreen groundcover shade fast growing, dense carpet of shiny foliage, white flowers in the summer Zone 2-7 classic garden plants that add charm $3.75 to the garden, low maintenance easy to grow blooms early summer don't plant too deep!! DOUBLE PINK Emile Debatene Monsieur Jules Elie Petite Renee Rosea Plena Sarah Bernhardt 24" MID 34" EARLY 22" MID 34" EARLY 36" LATE 36" EARLY 32" MID 36" MID 18" EARLY tufted pink centers, great for cutting light rose pink, very fragrant long, narrow center petals, light magenta outer traditional, large double pink double pink, edges are a little lighter $10.95 large, dk red shaded maroon showy yellow stamens double, bright red, fragrant dark wine red flowers traditional deepest, crimson red fragrant, rich vibrant double red $10.95 white flowers, strong stems very large flowers w/ red spots, fragrant light rose turning white, fragrant $10.95 deep pink/reddish flowers shell pink petals w/ large orange centers, fragrant fiery scarlet-red petals yellow center med sized rich red petals yellow center delicate white petals yellow center $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 PAEONIA (Garden Peony) DOUBLE RED Adolphe Rousseau Albert Niva Karl Rosenfield Rubra Plena Victoire de la Marne 32" $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 DOUBLE WHITE Duchesse de Nemours Festiva Maxima Shirley Temple 36" EARLY 34" EARLY 36" EARLY 34" EARLY 30" MID 22" MID 24" LATE 22" MID $10.95 $10.95 JAPANESE- SINGLE Paula Fay SeaShell Flame Sword Dance Moon of Nippon PAPAVER Nudicale (Iceland Poppy) phone 802-849-2775 Zone 2-5 34 fax 802-849-2630 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 $10.95 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety alpinum Alpine Description Poppy Mix 15" sun/ps 12" sun/ps nudicale 12" sun/ps nudicale 12" sun/ps 12" sun/ps nudicale Garden Gnome Wonderland Orange Wonderland Pink nudicale Wonderland Yellow dwarf poppy in white, yellow, orange shades, lacy foliage large, brightly colored papery flowers on dwarf compact plants large 4" orange flowers on thick stems large 4" pink flowers on thick stems large 4" yellow flowers on thick stems PAPAVER Orientale (Oriental Poppy) orientalis Allegro Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 Zone 2-5 hairy basal leaves w/ huge crepe paper like flowers 15" sun/ps dwarf poppy w/ scarlet red flowers $3.75 30" sun/ps tall, with deep crimson red blooms $3.75 $5.80 orientalis Beautyof Livermere $5.80 orientalis Brilliant Red 30" scarlet flowers sun/ps $3.75 $5.80 orientalis Prince of Orange 30" sun/ps bright orange flowers $3.75 Queen Alexandra carneum orientalis Royal Wedding 30" sun/ps new light salmon w/ dark eye $3.75 32" sun/ps white with black center $3.75 orientalis Princess Victoria 30" sun/ps salmon colored, large blooms $3.75 28" sun/ps 12" sun/ps unusual plum shade silver blue leaf, double apricot flowers long blooming and long lived orientalis Louise NEW orientalis Patty's Plum rupifragum Tangerine Gem $5.80 PENSTEMON (Beardtongue) Zone 3-8 summer blooming Rondo Mix 14" sun Carolyn's Hope 15" sun 18-36" sun barbatus NEW digitalis digitalis Dark Towers Husker Red x mexicali Miniature Bells 30" 18" sun sun long-blooming summer perennials with tubular flowers tubular flowers in pink/red shades tubular flowers w/ white throats dark pink buds $6.00 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 glossy bronze-red foliage topped by masses of tubular pink flowers $3.75 bronze foliage, white flowers in summer $3.75 large flowers bells, rose to purple $3.75 $6.00 $6.00 shades, white throats NEW Pikes Peak Purple phone 802-849-2775 18" sun grape purple flowers with white 35 $3.75 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon striped throats over dk green shiny leaves NEW Red Rocks 18" sun reddish flowers w/ white striped $6.00 $3.75 throats NEW Silverton 12" sun PEROVSKIA (Russian Sage) Zone 4-8 late summer blooming atriplicifolia NEW atriplicifolia Lacey 36" Blue sun 12-18" narrow, silvery foliage with blue bell shaped blooms in spring $6.00 shrub-type perennial with erect woody stems w/ aromatic silvery foliage open growth habit with $3.75 fragrant, small lavender-blue flowers lacy, silver foliage, dwarf, sun $3.75 long lasting flowers atriplicifolia Little Spire 25" shorter more compact sun $6.00 $3.75 fragrant, small lavender-blue flowers PERSICARIA (Mountain Fleeceflower) summer blooming amplexicaulis filiformis $6.00 $6.00 native perennial with terminal flower spikes, many tolerate moist soils 36" sun dense foliage vigorous, but noninvasive crimson blossoms, dark green, arrow shaped foliage Zone 4-8 Firetail Painter's Pallette 24" sun $6.00 green leaves have patches of cream, $6.00 pink & yellow brushed w/ mahogany bands, red flowers NEW pendula amplexicaulis polymorpha rose pendula flower sun 72" sun $6.00 giant fleece flower, white plumes over $6.50 bushy shrub like border plant PHLOX (Woodland Phlox) Zone 4-8 spring blooming stolonifera Home Fires 8" divaricatas and stoloniferas are Native with phlox-like color in the shade they are short woodland plants that bloom in the spring deep pink flowers held above sh/ps $3.75 dark green mat foliage stolonifera Sherwood Purple 8" sh/ps purple flowers 16" sh/ps small pink flowers that bloom in June $5.80 $3.75 great groundcover NEW Forever Pink $3.75 with repeat bloom all summer, dense, compact foliage PHLOX (Garden Phlox) Zone 3-9 summer blooming paniculata Blue Paradise phone 802-849-2775 30" $5.80 wonderful clump-forming plants that bloom large balls of color on sturdy stems sun flowers open pale blue, darken $3.75 to deep violet, mildew resistant 36 $6.00 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description paniculata Bright Eyes 36" sun paniculata David 40" sun NEW paniculata Double Hitter 36" sun large pale pink flowers w/ hot pink eyes, mildew resistant fragrant, long lasting white flower clusters, disease resistance pink raspberry blooms Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon $3.75 $6.00 $3.75 $6.00 $3.75 paniculata Eva Cullum 30" sun warm pink flowers w/ darker pink eye $3.75 paniculata Flame Coral 16" sun $3.75 paniculata Flame Pink 16" sun paniculata Flame Purple 16" sun new dwarf compact plants disease resistant, coral blooms new dwarf compact plants dark pink flowers with a red eye new dwarf compact plants dark purple flowers long blooming purple w/ white eyed flower clusters on compact plants fragrant lavender/lilac flowers very bright purple blooms w/ white centers, mildew resistant clusters of deep pink flowers stunning, large magenta flower heads $3.75 $6.00 paniculata Flame Purple Eye paniculata paniculata paniculata paniculata 12-18" sun Franz Schubert 36" sun Laura 48" sun Miss Candy Nicky 48" sun 36" sun $3.75 $3.75 $6.00 $3.75 $3.75 $6.00 $3.75 $3.75 $6.00 NEW paniculata Orange paniculata Perfection Peppermint Twist NEW paniculata Purple NEW paniculata Red Rain Riding Hood paniculata Sherbert Cocktail paniculata Starfire Red NEW paniculata Swizzle 36" 16" 36" 22" orange/red blooms $3.75 striking pink flowers w/ a five-spoke $3.75 white stripe pattern, good cluster on strong stems sun fragrant purple flowers very mildew resistant sun fragrant, bright cherry red blooms $3.75 sun sun 28" sun a blend of ivory, soft pink, $3.75 creamy yellow flowers set against chocolate maroon foliage 36" sun 20" sun PHLOX (Moss Phlox) bright red blooms on compact plants spring blooming Atropurpurea 6" sun/ps subulata Candy Stripes 6" sun/ps subulata Drummon's Pink 6" sun/ps subulata Emerald Blue 6" sun/ps subulata Emerald Pink 6" sun/ps $3.75 overlapping blush pink petals w/ hot pink eye $3.75 Zone 2-9 subulata phone 802-849-2775 $6.00 needle-like semi-evergreen foliage forms a tough, durable groundcover rich, hot pink flowers on evergreen moss like foliage pink and white striped flowers on evergreen moss like foliage an improved pink with larger pink flowers on needle-like foliage masses of clear blue flowers on mat forming foliage masses of pink flowers on mat forming foliage 37 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description subulata Fort Hill 6" sun/ps subulata Purple Beauty 6" sun/ps subulata Red Wing 6" sun/ps subulata Snow Flake 6" sun/ps PHYSALIS (Chinese Lantern) Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon soft lavender pink flowers on evergreen moss like foliage lavender-purple blooms with dark purple eyes tough, low growing plants with masses of brilliant red flowers low growing foliage with masses of white fragrant flowers $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 $5.80 Zone 4-8 spring blooming alkekengi Franchetti 24" sun/ps PHYSOSTEGIA (Obedient Plant) bright orange-red seed pods resembling lanterns mature in the fall $3.75 Zone 3-7 summer blooming virginiana Miss Manners 18-24" NEW virginiana Pink Manners 18-24" sun/ps 8" sun/ps Astra Pink 8" double lavender flowers on dwarf compact foliage sun/ps light pink bell shaped flowers Double Blue 24" sun/ps PLATYCODON summer blooming $6.00 well behaved, clump forming habit, light pink snapdragon-like flowers (Balloon Flower) Zone 4-8 plants have large, puffy buds, resembling balloons, that open to bell-shaped flowers $6.00 Semi-Double Lavender Astra NEW grandiflora Florist Pink NEW NEW well behaved, clump forming habit, pure white snapdragon-like flowers Florist White grandiflora Sentimental Blue sun/ps balloon shaped buds open to semi $3.75 $6.00 rich, violet blue balloons open into double star shaped blooms $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 26" sun/ps 26" sun/ps balloon buds open to pink star shaped flowers bright white flowers 10" sun/ps large, balloon shaped, vivid blue $6.00 $3.75 buds open to star-shaped flowers, dwarf plants POLEMONIUM (Jacob's Ladder) Zone 3-7 plants form thick clumps with upward spikes of fragrant blue flowers late spring-summer bloomer Apricot Delight 16" ps/shade soft clusters of pink-apricot blooms Bambino Blue 8" ps/shade early, more compact polemonium 18" ps/shade 18" ps/shade caeruleum Brise D'Anjou caeruleum Blue Pearl phone 802-849-2775 $6.00 $3.75 $5.80 bright violet flowers on tall stems over green foliage w/ creamy white edges clusters of bright blue flowers above 38 $6.50 $3.75 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description Bressingham Purple caeruleum Stairway to Heaven 15" ps/shade 20" ps/shade Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon oblong, dark green clump forming plants dwarf compact mounds of dark purple foliage, clusters of lavender-blue flowers $5.80 $6.50 green leaf centers are surrounded w/ $6.50 white margins tinged in pink, pale blue flowers POLYGONATUM (Solomon's Seal) Zone 3-9 late spring bloomer falcatum variegatum NEW woodland plant w/ single arching xhybridum stems, white flowers dangle under leaves 24" ps/shade 36-48" ps/shade PRIMULA (Primrose) Zone 3-8 variegated leaves edged creamy yellow turning white arching stems with small white, pendent bells large flowers Supernova Blue 6" compact, early flowering sun/ps Supernova Fire $3.75 mid blue flowers (replaces Pacific Giants) polyantha $6.00 hardy perennial, spring bloomer spring bloomer polyantha $6.00 6" copper red with large sun/ps $3.75 golden eye polyantha Supernova Pink 6" compact, early flowering sun/ps $3.75 pink flowers polyantha Supernova Red 6" compact, early flowering sun/ps $3.75 red flowers polyantha Supernova Yellow 6" compact, early flowering sun/ps $3.75 clear yellow flowers PULMONARIA (Lungwort) Zone 3-9 wonderful shade plants with colorful foliage, early bloom ps/shade large green leaves with round silvery spring bloomer saccharata Mrs. Moon 12" $6.50 spots, pink flowers turn blue RHEUM Zone 4-7 mid-summer bloomer palmatum var. tanguticum 72" RODGERSIA mid-summer bloomer henrici (pinnata superba) phone 802-849-2775 34" sun/ps huge foliage, tall dark stalk with coral red flowers Zone 4-7 bold coarse foliage that resembles a horse chestnut tree, tall flowers spikes clusters of delicate pink-purple flowers large dark green foliage, turns maroon in fall ps/shade 39 $6.50 $6.50 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety pinni. Fireworks Description 34" ps/shade Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon deep pink flowers on dark stems $9.50 large dark green foliage RUDBECKIA (Black-Eyed Susan) Zone 3-9 native, yellow daisylike flowers sun/ps with dark cone-shaped centers large, deep golden-yellow flowers with black cones $3.75 mid-summer till fall fulgida Goldsturm 24" $6.00 hirta 36" sun/ps wild Native has golden-orange daisy $3.75 Irish Eyes 30" sun/ps green eyes with bright yellow pointed petals $3.75 16" sun/ps a more compact form of goldstrum hirta Little Goldstar $6.50 large blooms on strong stems hirta Rustic Colors 20" sun/ps large blooms in a mix of yellow, $3.75 orange, mahogany shades w/ black eyes laciniata Goldquelle 36" sun/ps native, brassy double yellow flowers $6.00 nitida Herbstsonne 75" sun/ps golden yellow daisy-like flowers $6.00 long lasting flowering season, tall strong stems, native SAGINA (Irish Moss) creeping moss-like evergreen Zone 4-7 Scotch Moss ground cover 2" sun/ps dense, rounded tufts form a soft, $3.75 mossy carpet of yellow-green foliage w/ white flowers subulata Pearlwort 2" summer bloomer subulata Aurea Irish Moss sun/ps dense, rounded tufts form a soft, $3.75 mossy carpet of dark green foliage w/ white flowers SANGUISORBA (Dwarf Burnet) late summer bloomer NEW officinalis Tanna 15-18" sun/ps neat clumping ferny foliage with $6.00 bright pink flowers SALVIA (Meadow Sage) Zone 4-8 very reliable plant, flowers are long lasting summer bloomer Argentea Silver Sage 36" sun 3' panicles of small white flowers bloom $3.75 above large rosettes of soft, wooly, silvery leaves nemorosa Blue Hills 18" sun neat, clump forming plants w/ narrow leaves, flowers are truest blue of salvias phone 802-849-2775 40 $3.75 $6.00 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety nemorosa Description Burgundy Candles 26" sun burgundy buds and calyxes that Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon $3.75 accent the rich blue flowers nemorosa Caradonna 18" sun gray-green foliage with dark stems $3.75 of long lasting purple flower spikes nemorosa East Friesland 18" sun hardy spikes of intense violet-blue $6.00 $3.75 flowers over green foliage nemorosa Lyrical Blues 24" sun deep blue flowers on purple stems $6.00 $3.75 excellent branching habit for more flowers, sturdy plants, will rebloom 24" sun deep lavender flowers on dark stems $3.75 nemorosa Lyrical Rose nemorosa Lyrical Silvertone 24" sun deep blue flowers with silvery edges nemorosa Lyrical White 24" sun long white flower spikes $3.75 nemorosa May Night 24" sun outstanding, deep purple, long $3.75 $3.75 very hardy flowering, on compact plants nemorosa nemorosa New Dimension Blue 12" New Dimension Rose 12" nemorosa Sensation nemorosa Snow pratensis Eveline compact plants have strong bright $3.75 blue flowers Deep Blue Hill sun $6.00 sun compact plants have strong bright $6.00 $3.75 rosy pink flowers $6.00 12" sun spikes of soft dark blue flowers $6.00 18" sun long blooming compact plants white flower spikes long blooming compact plants $6.00 24" sun large light pink flowers w/ dark $6.00 pink calyces on tall spikes above a circular cluster of green foliage verticillata Purple superba Merleau Rain Blue 18" 14" SAXIFRAGA (Rockfoil) spring bloomer arendsii Purple Robe 6" SCABIOSA (Pincushion Flower) spikes of purple flowers above gray-green foliage $3.75 sun compact, well branched, deep violet blue spikes $3.75 Zone 4-9 mounded evergreen mossy foliage sun covered with small flowers deep carmine red, delicate looking $3.75 flowers bloom above clusters of bright green foliage sun everblooming plants Zone 4-9 with pretty pincushion blooms summer bloomer columbaria Butterfly $6.00 Blue phone 802-849-2775 15" sun delicate lavender flowers on long 41 $3.75 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon stems above mounds of deeply cut, fuzzy foliage columbaria Pink Mist 15" delicate pink flowers on long sun $3.75 stems above mounds of deeply cut, ferny foliage japonica Diamonds Blue 6" beautiful lavender-blue flowers sun $3.75 with creamy centers, long blooming japonica Diamonds Pink Fama Deep Blue caucasica 6" 24" ultra dwarf scabiosa, sun sun $5.80 $3.75 continuous bloomer $5.80 4" blue flowers, continuous blooming $5.80 good cut flower, tons of stems ochroleuca yellow 18" soft pale yellow to white flowers sun $3.75 blooms spring - frost SCROPHULARIA spring-fall (Red Birds in a Tree) NEW macrantha 36" bright cherry-red tubular flowers sun $3.75 high atop dark green foliage, giving the illusion of birds sitting in a tree SEDUM Zone 3-8 very hardy plants with succulent foliage and colorful terminal flower clusters summer bloomer TALL SEDUMS Autumn Joy 18" sun NEW Autumn Fire 24" sun NEW Bon Bon 16" sun Brilliant 18" sun Mr. Goodbud 15" sun 18-24" sun Purple Emperor 16" sun NEW Party Hardy Pool Party 15" sun succulent blue foliage $6.00 NEW Xenox 16" sun pink cauliflower-like heads dark purple foliage with warm pink flowers upright tidy habit $6.00 cauticola Lidakense 10" sun mounding blue foliage w/ arching stems and tiny pink star flowers $3.75 Rosy Glow 8" sun large clusters of pink flowers cover $3.75 NEW Munstead Dark Red large succulent gray-green leaves large pink flower heads tall sedum, strong sturdy stems rich red blooms rounded, branching habit of rich chocolate foliage, small pink flower clusters gray-green leaves w/ compact pink flower heads tight foliage dark mauve flowers purple tinted, dark green leaves w/ tall red stems topped by dark red flowers very dark foliage on compact purple stems, w/ reddish pink flowers $5.80 $6.00 $6.00 $5.80 $6.00 $5.80 $6.00 SEDUM continued MEDIUM SEDUMS phone 802-849-2775 42 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon blue-green foliage, upright habit Sieboldii 10" sun blue-green, nearly round foliage $3.75 with clusters of pink flowers NEW $6.00 Thundercloud 10" sun tiny, star shaped, white flowers cover the dwarf foliage mound $3.75 Vera Jameson 10" sun dark purple-blue foliage with $3.75 arching stems of dusty pink flowers $6.00 LOW GROWING SEDUMS Acre 4" sun carpet forming hardy groundcover $3.75 starry yellow flowers in spring Angelina 4" sun trailing mat of golden leaves turn $3.75 amber in fall, starry yellow flowers Bertram Anderson 4" sun Blue Spruce Reflexum 6" sun grey-green succulent foliage has $3.75 clusters of small, star burgundy flowers silvery-blue, spruce like foliage $3.75 with bright yellow flowers NEW Bronze Carpet 6" sun low growing mats of bronzy foliage $5.80 $3.75 bright rose-pink flowers Dragon's Blood 4" sun bronzy-green foliage Ewersii mini Kamtschaticum 8" sun creeping, wiry blue/green stems $3.75 4" sun semi-evergreen plant w/ narrow $3.75 $3.75 clusters of rose-red flowers green leaves, yellow flowers Kamtschaticum Variegatum 4" sun semi-evergreen plant w/ narrow $5.80 $3.75 green leaves edged in cream, yellow flowers NEW Lemon Ball 6" sun chartreuse foliage all season long $3.75 NEW Mystery Blues 4" sun tight low growing blue/green mats $3.75 NEW Purple Carpet 6" sun purple flowers dark foliage to form $3.75 a thick groundcover NEW SunSparkler Cherry Tart 6" sun NEW SunSparkler Blue Pearl 6" sun vivid pink flower clusters and $3.75 cherry red foliage blooms summer thru fall deep blue foliage, intensifies $3.75 throughout the season NEW SunSparkler Firecracker 6" sun very dense plants shiny red foliage $3.75 6" sun dense blue/green foliage $3.75 SEDUM continued LOW GROWING SEDUMS NEW SunSparkler Lime Zinger with burgundy edges phone 802-849-2775 43 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Tri Color Description 4" sun succulent bright variegated foliage Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon $3.75 clusters of rosy-pink flowers NEW Touchdown Teak 8" sun low mound of glossy, purple-brown $3.75 leaves on red stems Turkish Delight 5" sun deep burgundy foliage Voodoo 4" sun dark purple foliage on cascading stems $3.75 carmine red flower umbels $3.75 dusty pink flower clusters SEMPERVIVUM (Hens & Chicks) very low growing rosette-forming Zone 2-8 Black 3" sun Cobweb 2-4" sun NEW Emerald Express 2-4" sun NEW Forest Frost 2-4" sun Hopewell 2-4" sun Jade Rose 2-4" sun Pilioseum 3-4" sun Red Beauty 2-4" sun Red Heart 2-4" sun Red Rubin 3" succulent plants bright yellow/green leaves tipped in deep purple for tight rosettes dense webbing of gray threads over compact green rosettes open rosetts in solid gray-green $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 sun tight green rosettes with white center webbing bright green foliage on vigorous medium plants w/ loose rosettes green variety with narrow petals in tight rosettes striking med green foliage on vigorous plants w/ tight rosettes open rosettes of grey-green leaves w/ blood red tips gray petals are accented by the central red heart red petals are tipped with green $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 NEW Rocknoll Rosette 2-4" sun green rosettes w/ red tips $3.75 NEW Royal Ruby 2-4" sun red-gray rosettes $3.75 3" sun rosettes are reddish-silver $3.75 Silver King 2-4" sun $3.75 Spring Beauty 2-4" sun silver-green petals have a blush of red at the base rosettes of small evergreen foliage with a light green color Silverine SIDALCEA (Mini Hollyhock) Zone 4 very floriferous plant sun/ps mini hollyhock-like on sturdy stems reddish-purple summer blooming purpetta phone 802-849-2775 40" 44 $3.75 $3.75 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon single bowl-shaped flowers NEW Brilliant 24" sun/ps sturdy stems of carmine-red blooms $6.00 NEW Candy Girl 18" sun/ps spikes of deep rose blooms makes excellent cut flowers $6.00 Zone 4-9 low growing plant with STACHYS (Lamb's Ear) soft, silver-gray foliage mid-summer blooming byzantina Fuzzy Wuzzy 15" sun/ps hairy silver leaf, forms mats of thick $3.75 foliage, topped w/ purple flower spikes byzantina monieri Helen Von Stein 18" Hummelo 18" big ears sun sun/ps $5.80 $3.75 large, soft, furry leaves $6.00 large clumps of green leaves w/ sturdy $6.00 tall spikes of dense rose flowers Pink Cotton Candy 18" two-toned light & dark pink flowers sun $3.75 above deep green foliage NEW Silver Carpet 8" STOKESIA (Lamb's Ear) non-blooming sun/ps Zone 4-9 neat mounds of deep green foliage with large fringed flowers mid-summer blooming laevis Blue Danube $6.00 18-24" heat & drought tolerant plant sun/ps $3.75 with clumps of silver blue glimmering flowers TANACETUM (Pyrethrum) painted daisy Zone 3 brought this plant back for those inquiring summer blooming about it repelling ticks NEW Robinson's Red 24" sun/ps large, deep crimson, daisy-like $3.75 flowers with yellow centers THALICTRUM (Meadow Rue) branched panicles, clusters of flowers summer blooming NEW big, bodacious plant with well Zone 4-8 rochebruniaum Lavender Mist 40" aquilegifolium 36" sun/ps lavender flowers, yellow stamens $6.00 purple stems sun graceful, columbine-like foliage $6.00 with clusters of airy rose and white flowers flavum 40" golden yellow flowers with sun $6.00 blue/green foliage THERMOPSIS phone 802-849-2775 Zone 5-8 45 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon summer blooming caroliniana 36" spikes of sulphur yellow sun $6.00 resemble Baptisia or Lupines, compound foliage is attractive late into the season THYMUS big, bodacious plant with well Zone 3-9 branched panicles, clusters of flowers summer blooming citriodorus aureus Lemon Thyme 12" tiny, light green leaves w/ lemon scent sun $3.75 on spreading plant, tiny pink flower clusters coccineum Red Creeping 4" sun reddish-pink flowers on mat forming $3.75 smooth, dark leaves of sweetly scented foliage praecox Highland Crème 3" sun fragrant cream & green variegated $3.75 foliage w/ light pink flowers pseudolanuginosus Wooly 2" sun dense, silver-gray, wooly foliage $3.75 forms mat-like covering serphyllum Minus 1" sun fragrant, evergreen foliage with $3.75 showy light pink flowers serphyllum Mother of Thyme 3" sun an aromatic, dwarf creeper with $3.75 dark green leaves and pink flowers vulgaris argenteus Silver Thyme 12" sun shrubby growth of tiny leaves Zone 3-9 low-maintenance, low-growing $3.75 edged in silver TIARELLA (Foamflower) mounds of decorative foliage, bottlebrush-like flowers mid-late spring blooming wherryi 10" ps/sh abundant creamy pink, feathery $3.75 spikes above heart shaped leaves cordifolia Brandywine 10" ps/sh 12" ps/sh dense stand of heart shaped leaved $6.00 with a red center, numerous white flowers NEW cordifolia fairy-wand flowers of white/light pink $6.00 on green leaves tinged w/ burgundy cordifolia Dark Star 8" ps/sh mounds of deeply lobed green leaves $6.00 w/ a reddish-black central star, clouds of foamflowers NEW cordifolia Oakleaf 12" ps/sh long blooming green oak shaped leaves Running Tapestry 10" ps/sh light green foliage w/ red specks $6.00 turn burgundy in winter cordifolia $6.00 and reddish-brown midribs TRADESCANTIA (Spiderwort) terminal flower clusters on tall stems, long blooming early summer virginiana Purple narrow grass-like foliage with Zone 3-9 24" sun dense grass-like foliage w/ clusters $3.75 of blooms that open to purple flowers andersoniana Red Cloud 12" prolific blooms of rosy-red, sun/ps $3.75 3-petaled flowers, grassy foliage NEW Sweet Kate 18" dark blue flowers over unique sun/ps butter-yellow foliage blooms from early summer- frost phone 802-849-2775 46 $6.00 $3.75 $6.00 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description TRICYRTIS (Toad Lily) Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon woodland plant with arching Zone 4-9 stems with terminal and axillary orchid-like flowers fall blooming Samurai 45" shade/ps variegated leaves are edged in golden $6.00 yellow & topped w/ unique spotted purple flowers NEW Hatatogisa 23" shade/ps light blue flowers spotted with deep $6.00 purple bloom on long, arching stems over dark green spotted foliage TROLLIUS (Globe Flower) Zone 3-7 foliage, large globe-shaped flowers late spring-summer blooming chinensis Golden attractive dark green deeply cut Queen 24" sun/ps large, golden orange vibrant flowers $6.00 and attractive foliage Alabaster 18" unique creamy white flowers sun/ps $6.50 compact short growing habit NEW europaeus Superbus 24" sun/ps yellow flowers on dark green foliage $6.50 Morning Sun 20" sun/ps a compact version of golden queen $6.00 rich and large flowering VERBASCUM (Mullein) Zone 4 summer bloomer phoeniceum Southern Charm 24" beautiful spires of antiqued sun/ps $3.75 colored flowers phoeniceum Temptress Purple 18-24" sun/ps evergreen rosettes of scalloped, $3.75 wrinkled leaves w/ grape flower spikes VERONICA (Speedwell) Zone 3-8 sunny border, low maintenance summer blooming NEW Aztec Gold summer blooming plants for the 6" sun/ps brilliant gold leaves form a wide, low $3.75 spreading mound, short spikes of sky blue flowers austriaca Crater Lake Blue 15" clump-forming, dense foliage sun $3.75 with flowers spikes of gentian blue flowers hybrida Baby Bomb 12" sun/ps explosion of tightly bunched spikes of $5.50 $3.75 hundreds of bright blue flowers over dark green compact foliage NEW hybrida Blue Bomb 12" sun/ps NEW hybrida Pink Bomb 12" sun/ps explosion of bright blue flowers round plumes with tightly bunched $3.75 $3.75 pink flower spikes, compact green foliage NEW hybrida Blue Bouquet 15" sun/ps long, lavender purple blooms intense $3.75 plumes, sleek and smooth deep green foliage phone 802-849-2775 47 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description VERONICA (Speedwell) hybrida Explosion Blue 15" tightly bunched plumes with longer sun/ps Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon $3.75 spikes of blue flowers opening bottom to top NEW hybrida Explosion Purple 18" sun/ps multi stemed deep lavender/purple $3.75 spikes, opening bottom to top First Glory 22" sun/ps compact uniform plants with shor, thick $6.00 spikes of deep blue flowers First Love 12" sun/ps compact clump forming mounds w/ $6.00 masses of narrow flourscent pink spike flowers penduncularis Georgia Blue 3" sun/ps unique round blue flowers w/ a $3.75 white eye above low growing, dark green foliage spicata Baby Doll 10" sun/ps an extremely floriferous and compact $6.00 $3.75 plant that features vibrant pink flowers from early summer- fall spicata Giles Van Hees 6" bright pink spikes sun/ps $6.00 $3.75 $6.00 NEW hybrida Purpleicious 18" sun/ps bushy, clump forming 8" foliage is $3.75 topped w/ dense, purple flower spikes NEW hybrida Venice spicata Red Blue Fox $6.00 12" sun/ps deep blue flower spikes $3.75 18" sun/ps clump forming plant with $3.75 tapering red spikes hybrida Tidal Pool 3" sun/ps small, bright violet flowers with $6.00 $3.75 white centers on a spreading mound of dense, green trailing foliage spicata Royal Candles NEW longifolia Charlotte 15" 24" sun/ps showy, compact, low maintenance $3.75 plants w/ spikes of deep violet-blue flowers $6.00 striking variegated foliage of $6.50 sun/ps white and green with white flower spikes longifolia Eveline 15" sun/ps showy, compact, low maintenance $3.75 plants w/ spikes of deep magenta/purple flowers Waterperry Blue 4" sun/ps light blue blooms above handsome bronze tinted foliage that changes to purple in fall $6.50 $3.75 $5.50 VERONICASTRUM (Culver Root) summer blooming virginicum Zone 3-8 48" sun/ps big dramatic spikes of white Veronica $5.80 like flowers, very tough and long-lasting virginicum Lavender Towers phone 802-849-2775 4-5' sun/ps pale purple spires over shorled leaves 48 $5.80 fax 802-849-2630 Fairfax Perennials Catalog 2015 Qty Variety Description Two One Two Quart Gallon Gallon on unbranched stems VINCA (periwinlke) minor bowles Zone 4-9 6" sun/ps hardy, evergreen groundcover broad, glossy trailing evergreen foliage $3.75 with lavender-blue flowers VIOLA (Violet) heart-shaped leaves and small pansy-like flowers all-summer blooming Etain low mounding plants with Zone 4-8 8" sun large lemon yellow flowers w/ $3.75 contrasting lavender purple edge and orange eye corsica Little Gem 10" hardy, large blue flowers sun $3.75 blooms all summer NEW Black Out 6" fleuroselect winner sun $3.75 miniature black pansy WALDSTEINIA spring blooming Zone 3-7 border or groundcover (barren strawberry) ternata 4-6" bright yellow blooms over sun/ps $3.75 strawberry-like leaves that turn bronze in the fall phone 802-849-2775 49 fax 802-849-2630
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