Wall of Remembrance 2015

Your gift will be a lasting
memorial for a loved one
and will be appreciated for
years to come in the Fairport
Baptist Homes community.
Judge and Mrs. Robert H. Wagner have
underwritten the Fairport Baptist Homes’
Wall of Remembrance as a tribute to Deacon
Lovett, a founder of the East Penfield Baptist
Church, to honor that enduring Church and
all the Lovett descendants.
Fairport Baptist Homes
Caring Ministries, Inc.
The Fairport Baptist Homes Caring Ministries
Foundation is the fund-raising arm of Fairport
Baptist Homes Caring Ministires, Inc. The
Foundation is charged with supporting and
expanding the philanthropic efforts of FBHCM
in order to expand the mission and services
of FBHCM to provide increased outreach and
services for older adults in Upstate New York.
and Honor
those whose lives
have touched ours
The FBHCM Foundation is a
501(c)(3) charitable organization
and your gift qualifies as a
tax-deductible contribution.
All gifts for the Wall of Remembrance are
designated to the FBHCM Foundation’s
permanent endowment fund.
Wall of Remembrance
Please contact Jessica Regan,
Director of Development,
with questions.
Phone: 585-388-2324
Email: jregan@fbhcm.org
Fairport Baptist Homes
Caring Ministries
Remembering or honoring
those we care about is a
tangible way of saying
“I love you and you
have made a
difference in
my life.”
One way to remember or honor a special
loved one is by purchasing a leaf or rock on
FBH’s Wall of Remembrance. All proceeds
from the Wall of Remembrance go into
FBHCM Foundation’s permanent endowment
fund, which supports the vital programs
and services for older adults that enhance
their comfort, hope and dignity in a
caring environment.
There are two ways to designate your gift
of love:
In Memory of . . .
If you’ve lost a dear friend or family member, a
memorial gift provides a way to express how
very much it meant for you to be a part of that
person’s life. A gift in memory of a loved one is a
wonderful expression of appreciation for his or
her life.
In Honor of . . .
An honor gift becomes a perfect tribute and the
ideal way to express: Thank you, Congratulations,
You are very special, or I’m thinking of you. An
honor gift that “gives back” to others makes a
perfect gift and an appreciated gesture.
Order Form
In Honor/Memory (circle one) of:
25 characters maximum
Brass Leaf
Copper Leaf
Small Rock
Large Rock
(2’’ x 4’’)
(2’’ x 4’’)
(4’’ x 6’’)
(5’’ x 7’’)
$ 150
$ 500
Your Name:
City, State, Zip:
Credit Card No.:
Expiration Date:
Sec. Code
If paying by check, please make
payable to FBHCM Foundation and
return form and payment to:
FBHCM Foundation
4646 Nine Mile Point Road
Gift Acknowledgement
A thank you will be sent to you acknowledging
your gift and the amount of your gift.
A tribute book accompanies the Wall of Remembrance.
Please print your desired inscription below.
A notice will be sent to whomever you honor or to
whomever you designate (without including the
amount of your gift). They can visit FBH to see
the leaf or rock on the Wall of Remembrance at
any time.
Example: With love for our wonderful mother. From
your family.