Web Mar 15 - Faithbridge Church

Lead Pastor
Martin Giese
Youth Pastor
Phil Campbell
Senior Visitation Pastor
David Cripe
Assoc. Pastoral Min./Connections
Ken Polley
Admin. and Men’s Ministry Jim Sackett
Support Staff
Nicole Simpson
Worship Coordinator
Aaron Bradt
Curriculum Coordinator
Mary Paskvan
CE Preschool, Secretary and
Hospitality Coordinator Janna Phillippi
Connections Coordinator
Lorelei Polley
Compassion Coordinator
Jan Henderson
Jane Wolff Baker
Jim Phillippi
Parish Nurses
Colleen Gartner
Helene Kahlstorf
Cathy Schmidgall
March, 20
Faithbridge 15
“Helping you to connect, be involved and
grow spiritually through Worship, Instruction,
Fellowship, Caring, and Evangelism
using the Bible as our guide.”
Connect, Belong, Become
If you do not wish to receive this in your mailbox, please inform the office.
1505 Park Ave S., Park Rapids, MN 56470
www.faithbridgepr.org • faithbaptist@unitelc.com
Introducing Pete and Ann Lewis
Pete grew up in the Twin Cities and Bismarck,
ND. When he was eleven, his parents bought the
Owls Nest Resort on Fifth Crow Wing Lake, south of
Nevis. After high school, Pete moved to Fargo, ND
where he attended NDSU for a year and began to
work in the construction industry. Ann grew up on a farm near Michigan, ND. While
attending NDSU, she met Pete and they were married in 1983.
In 1984, Pete and two partners started Traffic Safety Services and Ann graduated
with a degree in Electrical Engineering from NDSU and began working for a consulting
firm. Fonda, Katie and Freddy were born during this busy time of life. The sudden
death of Pete’s younger brother in 1990 changed the direction of their lives as unanswered spiritual questions became important. The next year, the family moved to the
Twin Cities as Pete received an opportunity to work at Highway Services in Rogers,
MN. Ann organized a Lewis family reunion to meet Pete’s relatives in the area, but God
had a bigger plan. Pete’s great aunt Jean began praying in earnest for the family’s salvation, while her daughters invited Ann to Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). Through the
ministry of BSF, Ann came to the LORD which began a ripple effect in the family.
Pete and Ann currently live on the Strait Rail Ranch in Nevis, MN. Hannah (11) completed their family in 2003. Both girls, Fonda (Collin Galbreath) and Katie (Adam
Schieck) were married at Faith Baptist. God blessed Adam and Katie with Elijah (2) and
Hadassah (1). Pete and Freddy work for Mayo Construction, a ND company. Ann
homeschools Hannah and they stay busy with Classical Conversations, Bible Study Fellowship and Awana. Together the whole family enjoys fellowship around the table full
of food, family, friends and an abundance of laughter.
Table of Contents
Birthdays & Anniversaries ...11
Calendar ...................................9
Camp Lebanon .........................4
Christian Education ..........12,16
Community Happenings .......17
Faith Force ..............................2
Faith Mission Circle ..............2
Homeschool Drama................13
Library .......................................5
Mission Ministry Team ..........15
Missionaries ..........................18
Military List .....................14, 16
Schedules .................................3
Women’s Ministry.....................4
Page 1
All Church Information
8:15 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
10:45 AM
Worship Schedule
Traditional Worship
Fellowship Time
Sunday School for all ages
Contemporary Worship
Nursery is available for infants through age 3 at all services.
Children’s Church, ages 4-5, available during second service.
Parents, Please Note:
If your child is in the Gym, he/she must be supervised by you or a
responsible adult at all times.
The Mission Circle invites
you to their meeting
Monday, March 16 at
1:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
Planning for the Heritage
April Birthday Party will
take place.
Issue 44 March, 2015
FaithBytes is published monthly as
the official connection to what’s
happening at Faithbridge.
Inclusion of some information
does not necessarily indicate
endorsement by Faith.
Deadline for the
April, 2015 issue is:
Monday, March 23, 2015
Faith Force Seniors will
meet at noon for our regular potluck meal on Monday, March 23rd. Our
speaker will be Dave Overly
of the Red Compass Theatre. If you would like to
serve as host/hostess for
the March meeting, please
call Jan Francis, 652-2312.
Volleyball – Monday evenings
from 6-8 PM Everyone, ages
12 – adult, is invited to join us
in the gym for an evening of
fun, fellowship, and a good work-out!
Easter Sonrise Service
If you have been thinking
about baptism and what
it would mean to publically demonstrate your relation-ship
with Jesus, it’s simple. Jesus instructed, “Believe and be baptized.”
And that’s what those who chose to
follow Him did. Baptism is an outward
sign of an inward conversion experience – and it’s a celebration into a new
life of obedience. If you wish to be
baptized during our Easter Sonrise Service on April 5, contact the office or a
Page 2
Faith Schedules
Contact Person: Ruby Anderson
Mar. 1
Heiki Gross
Wed. 4th
Wed. 11th
Mar. 15
Wed. 18th
Mar. 22
Wed. 25th
Mar. 29
Mar. 1
Mar. 8
Mar. 15
Mar. 22
Mar. 29
Jessica Davis
Sunday School
10:45 AM Service
Audra Hill
Jennifer Kalita
Heiki Gross
Scout S. Sarah G.
Trever V, Sarah Gorder
Mar. 8
8:15 AM Service
Brenda Schwartz
Brenda Schwartz
Linda Hanninen
Trever VanBatavia Bria, Avery, Simone
Trever V, Bethany Holte, Sarah Gorder
Teresa Rockensock
Linda Downes
Elizabeth Bradt
Barb Melheim
Olivia F, Crystal H.
Trever V, Sarah Gorder
Ruby Anderson
Sarah Gwiazdon
Kathy Johnson
Ruby A. Gabriella H.
Rebecca Heinonen Katya & Annalise A.
Trever V, Bethany Holte, Sarah Gorder
Varian Halverson
Cora Henderson
Shana Gunn
8:15 AM Service
James, Sorenson
10:45 AM Service
Giese, Boettcher
Hanninen, Kellner
Barlow, Charley
Melheim, Bearden
Creager, Criswell
J & B Johnson
Thursday Office Volunteers
coffee and a lot more Jesus! So we are encouraging you to bring along your
mom, your daughters, sisters, mother-in-law, aunts, neighbor ladies, coworkers and your girlfriends and join us for a day of fun, food, fellowship,
flavorful coffee, praise and worship, dramedy, inspirational speakers and so
much more!" Yes, the flyer says "dramedy." $30 before March 27.
Mar. Children’s Church
Alyssa Olson
Lyn Wilmot
Family Sunday
Renee Becker
Sharon Wolff
Marlene, Jan F
LindaSue, Rich
Marlene, Lowell and Lorraine E.
Joyce, Mike
Marlene, Sandy, Diane
Becky, Pauline
Judy P., Joyce
Page 3
LOVE LIFE is a one-day retreat for teen girls and women to be held
Saturday, April 18 from 9 - 3 at Crosspoint Alliance Church in Perham.
Call 218-371-7291 The flyer reads: "Who doesn't need just a little more
Schrader Family
Marlene, Pam K., Barb A.
Ladies Night Out
Friday, March 13 7:00 p.m.
Come join us in the Fireside Room and watch "Mom's Night Out!"
Bring snacks to share. Cold water and hot water for tea will be available. If your taste buds are thirsty for soda, bring it with you!
Bring a camp chair, if you wish more comfortable seating.
Enter at E2 or S1 doors.
Summer Youth Camp Registration...
Early Bird Bonus: Campers enjoy Express Check-in when all
fees are paid in advance of the first
day of camp. Avoid the lines and
get started on camp fun sooner by
paying early!
In addition to qualifying for Express Check-In, all Super Kids, Junior
High, and Senior High campers
who prepay all fees in full by April 1,
2015 receive a $25 store credit that
is good for all program tickets
(paintball, zipline, etc.) as well as Canteen and Trading Post Purchases! The
Early Bird Bonus for Adventurers is a
$15 store credit.
Share Camp Bonus: Get a free
2015 camp theme t-shirt when you
bring a friend to camp for their first
time (non-sibling, same session, new
to Camp Lebanon). Your friend also
gets his or her own free t-shirt!
Camp Lebanon Night at Awana
with Rich Olson!
Page 4
Library News
Library Hours
After 1st Service (9:15 am) thru Fellowship Time (10:45 am)
After 2nd Service (11:45 am - 12:15 pm)
Wednesdays - During AWANA
“When will the new library open?” That’s a question I am getting asked
often. We are all getting anxious! I can’t give a definite date yet—but it
should be happening in the next couple of weeks. There are a few more details to be completed and we will be ready to make the big move!
Meanwhile, I have been weeding through books that haven’t been checked
out in the last seven years or so. Many are outdated or worn and I am removing them from circulation; some will be on the free table in the next
months. Some books will be replaced with updated versions. Some are
classics that will be kept.
So what topics are found in our NON-FICTION section of the library? Have you
taken the time to peruse the titles and topics there? We have books on…
• Creation or prophecy
• Bible study on a specific Bible character, book of the Bible or event/story in the
• Bible dictionary or Bible encyclopedia
• Concordance, a commentary, a Bible handbook, Bible maps, Bible atlas
• Christmas or Easter, those special days - what are they really about and how to
meaningfully celebrate them
• Passover or other Jewish feast day
• Angels, end times, death or faith
• Grace of God, Prayer
• Names of Jesus, portraits of Christ, finding Christ in the Old Testament
• Why is there only One Way to God?
• How to manage your strong willed child, or looking for help with disciplining your
• How to raise them up to be Christ followers
• Understanding your mate and making your marriage better
• Managing your finances
• Understanding the Islam faith
• Biographies of Billy Graham, C.S. Lewis, Jim Elliot, Corrie ten Boom and MANY
• Who is Watchman Nee or Sojourner Truth?
All these and more you can find in the Non-Fiction section of our church library –
an incredible amount of information and help available for you at no charge!
Here are a few oldies but goodies you might enjoy:
I was about ready to toss out “Married to Television? -- Restructuring Your
Prime Time” by Dale and Karen Mason, copyright 1990. The video guide to
the top 100 Christian videos may be a bit outdated (although we have a few
on DVD). Thoughts about how you spend your time and how to choose TV
programs wisely are still pertinent. But the redeeming feature in this book
is a section of 150 TV Alternatives for Christian Families. Beginning with thirteen ideas for Family Nights, twenty Going and Doing ideas, on to Indoor
Games, Outdoor Games, In the Kitchen, Reading and Writing, Listening and
Learning, Things to Make, Outreach Activities, Forgotten Work Projects, and
Plan Ahead Activities, there has to be something your family would benefit
from and enjoy doing together. And your kids will remember it long after
that TV show is completely forgotten.
“True for You, But Not for Me” by Paul Copan has the byline, “Deflating the
Slogans That Leave Christians Speechless.” Although it was written in 1998:
“This book is practical help for ordinary people bewildered by the cultural
collapse we see all around us. Intellectually sound yet popularly written, (it)
tackles what is undoubtedly one of our cultures most significant challenges
to Christianity: a disbelief in objective statements about truth, values, and
“Fearfully & Wonderfully Made – A Surgeon Looks at the Human & Spiritual
Body” by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey, copyright 1980. “With knowledge gained from the modern world of science and medicine, Dr. Brand
probes deeply into the world of cells, bones, skin, muscles, and nerves to
show how the human body so authentically expresses spiritual reality and
reveals the perfect aptness of Paul’s metaphor, the Body of Christ.”
Page 5
Page 6
And the Winners are...
Girls - Design
Hannah Lewis
Susanna Carter
Crystal Haataja
Girls - Speed
Aneka Gorder
Mallory White
Susanna Carter
Boys - Design
Luke Carter
Ian Ahrendt
Owen Van Batavia
Boys - Speed
Kiergon Wilkins
Nick Henry
Justin Baker
7th-12th - Design
Amanda Lindquist
Calvin Taylor
Peter VanBatavia
7th-12th - Speed
Kevin Lindquist
Michael Gunn
Peter Van Batavia
Open Class - Design
Joe Henderson
Colleen Taylor
Bruce Henderson
Open Class - Speed
Joe Henderson
Tyler White
Bruce Henderson
Kiergon Wilkins
Special Nights in March!
March is “Penny March” Month!
Clubbers are invited to bring pennies (or nickels, dimes,
quarters, even paper money!) that we will designate as a
love gift to our Awana Missionaries, Bill and Cindy Hoppe.
March 11 - T&T Girls - Crazy Socks Night
Faith Student Ministries 7th - 12th Grades
Most youth activities are announced on the Youth Website…
Be sure to keep checking for up to the minute changes.
TBA for March
S.P.R.O.G. Retreat coming in April
FSM Schedule
Sunday, 8:30 AM - TRANSFER (intense discipleship for staff and students
Sunday, 9:30 AM - SERIAL (weekly studies - Setting the bar high and whetting the appetite for transformation)
Wednesday, 7 PM - YOUTH GROUP in FLC South Room (weekly gathering for encouragement, learning, praise and worship)
Wednesday, 7 PM - JR HI YOUTH in the Chapel weekly
Page 7
Page 8
1 Communion Sunday
4-6 PM Gym use
3:30 Communion/Heritage
3:30-7 Cubbies Rm use
4-6:30 Man Cave in use
7:30 AM Men’s Bible Study Menahga 9 AM Gym use
9 AM Gym use
8:30 AM ReleaseTime
9-11 AM Fell. Hall use
9-11 AM Fell. Hall use
9:30 AM Bible Study @ B. Waller 1 PM gym use
6:55 PM AWANA,
Faith Student Ministries 6 PM Praise Team
Adult Pray/Bible Study 6 PM Singles BibleSty Eli.Echo
Women’s Bible Study
Time out for Parents 6 PM Oak Hills Fireside
9 AM Gym use
7:30 AM Men’s Bible Study Menahga 9 AM Gym use
10 AM PR Ministerium
8:30 AM ReleaseTime
9-11 AM Fell. Hall use
9:30 AM Bible Study @ B. Waller 1 PM gym use
6:55 PM AWANA,
Faith Student Ministries
Adult Pray/Bible Study 6 PM Praise Team
Women’s Bible Study 6 PM Singles BibleSty Eli.Echo
Time out for Parents 6 PM Oak Hills Fireside
9 AM Gym use
9-11 AM Fell. Hall use
6:30 PM Ladies Movie
Night - Fireside Room
6-9 PM Sanctuary Use
4:30 PM Hispanic
Fellowship-Fireside Rm
9 AM Gym use
7:30 AM Men’s Bible Study Menahga 9 AM Gym use
9 AM Gym use
8:30 AM ReleaseTime
9-11 AM Fell. Hall use
9-11 AM Fell. Hall use
1 PM gym use
9:30 AM Bible Study @ B. Waller
6:55 PM AWANA,
Faith Student Ministries
Adult Pray/Bible Study 6 PM Praise Team
CE Dinner
Women’s Bible Study 6 PM Singles BibleSty Eli.Echo
6:30 PM
Time out for Parents 6 PM Oak Hills Fireside
6 PM Volleyball
6:30 Trustee Brd
7:00 Deacon Brd
3:30-7 Cubbies Rm use
4-6:30 Man Cave in use
15Come, Let Us Worship 16
4-6 PM Gym use
Homeschool Day
Chapel and FLC
9-11 AM Fell. Hall use
1:30 PM Mission Circle
6 PM Volleyball
7:00 PM Missions
Ministry Team
22 Come, Let Us Worship 23
Homeschool Day
Chapel, FLC
9-11 AM Fell. Hall use
NOON Faith Force
4-6 PM Gym use
6 PM Volleyball
3:30-7 Cubbies Rm use
4-6:30 Man Cave in use
9 AM Gym use
Page 9
6 PM Volleyball
3:30-7 Cubbies Rm use
4-6:30 Man Cave in use
March is Food Shelf Month - Bring Canned Food
items or give $$ to Food Shelf.
March is Awana Penny March month collecting
pennies for Bill and Cindy Hoppe missionaries.
Early Bird Registration Deadline for Camp Lebanon due
April 1st.
Set clocks ahead
before going to
4:30 PM Hispanic
Fellowship-Fireside Rm
4:30 PM Hispanic
Fellowship-Fireside Rm
7:30 AM Men’s Bible Study Menahga 9 AM Gym use
9 AM Gym use
9-1 PM Fellowship Hall Use 8:30 AM ReleaseTime
9-11 AM Fell. Hall use
1 PM gym use
9-11 AM Fell. Hall use
9:30 AM Bible Study @ B. Waller
6:55 PM AWANA,
Faith Student Ministries
Adult Pray/Bible Study 6 PM Praise Team
3:30-7 Cubbies Rm use
Women’s Bible Study 6 PM Singles BibleSty Eli.Echo 7 PM Homeschool Play
4-6:30 ManCave in use
Time out for Parents 6 PM Oak Hills Fireside
Blood Pressure Checks
2:30 Homeschool Play
4-6 PM Gym use
9 AM Gym use
29 Come, Let Us Worship 30
Homeschool Day
Chapel, FLC
9-11 AM Fell. Hall use
9 AM Gym use
6 PM Volleyball
4-6 PM Gym use
9:30 AM Missionary
Presentation - Dan Penney
Homeschool Day
Chapel and FLC
9-11 AM Fell. Hall use
Homeschool Day
Chapel, FLC
9-11 AM Fell. Hall use
Missionary Moments
Both Services
Dan Penney
8 Come, Let Us Worship 9
Spring Quarter SS
Child Dedication
Giese Bridal Shower
1 PM
4:30 PM Hispanic
Fellowship-Fireside Rm
Page 10
Christian Education
All Invited To...
Come study and have fun digging deeper into the
foundational document of the Old Testament!
Oak Hills Christian College is offering a course titled "Genesis to Deuteronomy: The Torah of God"
to be taught by Dr. Gale Struthers at Faithbridge in
the Fireside Room.
Reading is to be completed on your own schedule with four meeting
times for instruction, discussion and application. The class meets on
Thursdays, March 5 - April 23, 6:00-8:30 pm. The course cost is $125
plus textbook. The text used is Encountering the Old Testament: A
Christian Survey, second edition, by Bill T. Arnold and Bryan E. Beyer,
to be purchased from Amazon. Credit for this course will be applied to
a Certificate in Biblical Studies; additional work may be arranged for
college credit. To register call Faithbridge Church, 732-1404.
Have fun and join in this learning adventure!
Mary Paskvan said, "It is so exciting to study the history, literature, and
geography of the Bible, which gives a much richer and deeper knowledge of our Christian faith."
Custodial Updates
Charles Dicken's Great Expectations
By Thomas Hischak
Friday, March 27th, 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 29th, Matinee at 2:30 p.m.
The life of the poor country lad, Pip, changes one day when
an unknown benefactor sees that the young man is brought
to London and made a gentleman. But who is behind
Pip’s “great expectations,” and why is it kept a secret? By the
time Pip learns the truth of his circumstances, he has gotten
involved with some fascinating people and undergone a vital
change of character. This is an excellent adaptation of the
Charles Dickens classic with multiple unique characters
and one you are sure to enjoy!
GOOD NEWS: The south bathroom and the Gym locker/bathrooms
and are now open and accessible.
Tickets available at the door
Adults $6 / Students $4
See photos on Page 14
Faithbridge Church
YOU CAN HELP...Wanted new or slightly used:
28.5 inch basketballs (4 - 6 of them)
29.5 inch basketballs (2 or 3 of them)
Official size volleyballs
Presented by
Jr/Sr PRAHSA Student Theater Group
If you would like to give a donation towards the purchase of new
basketballs or volleyballs, please indicate your donation for "gym
equipment". Thank You!
Page 12
Performed with special permission from
Eldridge Plays & Musicals
Page 13
Faith Missions Ministry Team
South Locker/Bathrooms
Short-term Mission Trips:
*Hannah Fischer (YWAM) is in
Ethiopia for outreach ministry.
Continue to pray for her as she is
challenged to trust God while
serving in various ministries
there. Pray for safety in travel as
she returns around March 9th!
Thank you to…
Charlie Schmidgall
Bob Johnson
Diane Sorenson
Jim Phillippi
Terry Becker
Dennis Rockensock
Matt Van Riesen
Upcoming Missionary visits to FBC:
*March 15th - Dan Penney will be
reporting on his and Esther’s ministry in Senegal during the Sunday
school hour. Everyone is invited to
hear of the work God is doing in
Our missionaries have expressed
their thanks for financial and prayer
support given by our church body.
“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and earth has been
given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to
obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to
the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20
Remember to pick up a Missionary Letter packet
located in each Foyer.
MOPS (Mothers Of PreSchoolers)
Military Pictures Needed
We want to update our Military Appreciation DVD and
are looking for pictures from those in our congregation
who have served in the military. We will use the ones we
already have but would like to add additional ones to it.
Please include the branch of service and the years that
they served. Please drop off the information and picture to the office
during the month of March. The picture will be returned to you after
it is scanned.
Page 14
We welcomed new
moms who enjoyed being
pampered at our last meeting in February. We invite all
mothers of pre-schoolers
that would like to join us, to our next
meeting on Tuesday, March 3rd. in
the Fellowship Hall of Faithbridge
from 9 to 11 am. After enjoying a
brunch, we will focus on another
aspect of our theme for the year:
Courage to Forget Compari-sons.
Then the next meeting will be
Page 15
on March 17th and Robin Kriens
will be speaking on Search for
The children will be well cared
for in the Moppets program. We
would welcome more help holding babies and taking care of the
one year olds. If you would like to
volunteer on either of
those Tuesday mornings
from 8:45 to 11:15, please call
Amanda Aho at 218 538 6690.
Community Happenings
Christian Education
Round Table Discussion SS class
The March Round Table Discussion class topic will be
on GRIEF, in all its many forms (loss of family member, job, pets, relationships, prodigal child,
heartache, financial loss and disappointments and
other issues.). The class will be led by Susan Bearden and Scott
Stewart. Join this Sunday morning class in the Fellowship Hall to
learn about the steps in grieving and resources available for help
for yourself or someone you know.
Sunday, March 15 - Hear Dan Penney at 9:30 am
Spring Quarter Adult Classes - starting March 8
Prayer Warriors - meeting in Lower Room each Sunday
Answers in Genesis - “The Messiah Arrives”- beginning the
study of the New Testament
Women’s Class - Finishing up the Beth Moore study,
“Children of the Day.” Then beginning the study by Jim Cymbala, “When God’s People Pray.”
Men’s Class - “Man In the Mirror” - continuing with Chapter 7
for men, 18 years and older
Faith Military Connections
We need your help: If the status of any of the following military personnel has changed,
please inform the office so we can update this list. Thank you!
Thanks for praying for these servicemen; for their safety and for the families:
Bethany Brown
Jason Boyer
Brian Evink
Orion Gray
Jeremy Hill
Jeff Krueger
BillyBob May
Aaron Lemke
Sean McGaffey
Joseph Mills
Marko Milosevic
Paul Minix
Vince Newland
Jeff Phillips
Chad Schmidt
Jim Sleesman
Amber/Nick Treziok
Ryan Vredenberg
Mike Wilmot
Annalea/Nick Grundyson
Chad Sackett
Please inform the office if any of the above are out of the military now.
Page 16
Blood Pressure Clinic at Faithbridge on Sunday,
March 29 at 9:30 a.m.
Thank you for your continued prayers for the family of Aden Munson.
For updates go to http://www.aden.myevent.com/
If you could give a few hours weekly to help Christa prepare the food
and juices needed for Aden’s diet, please give her a call. 237-0125
The Drop Box - Special showing in theaters in Fargo,
St. Cloud and Duluth on March 3,4 and 5 only.
Michael Card Concert - March 22, 7:00 PM at Walker
Calvary Church (218-547-1897) Tickets $15
Get your tickets early for:
Gaither Vocal Band, Bemidji at Sanford Center on April 17 (Ticketmaster)
Beth Moore “Living Proof”- Beth Moore will be at the FargoDome on August 28-29. The "early bird" special is $59 -if
you register before April 28 for the Friday p.m. and all-day
Saturday session.
Check it out. Go to LIFEWAY.COM/LIVINGPROOF or call 1-800-254-2022
Elijah’s Echo
(Friend on Facebook for details, directions, updates)
Grief Share, Tuesdays at 6:00 P.M
Celebrate Recovery, Wednesdays at 7:00 - 8:30 P.M.
Mom's in Prayer: Park Rapids Chapter - This group meets every Tuesday at Elijah's Echo at 8:00 AM (or shortly after, for those dropping off kids)
until 9:00 AM. We’ll specifically pray for Century Elementary and Middle
School students, teachers and staff. If you have any questions, please contact
April Hodge at 237-8910.
Page 17
Faith Missionaries of the Month
Williams, Zane and Roberta
Oak Hills Fellowship
Director of Mokahum Ministry Center, committed to training
tomorrow’s Native ministry leaders today.
• Praising God for continued financial provisions for the students.
• Praising the Lord for the students who are a “hungry” and
“Truth Seeking” group, anticipating what great things the Lord
will do in their lives.
• Pray that God will raise up supporters so students can continue to be helped financially.
• Pray that God will provide the needed $52,015 to update campus buildings and to end the
fiscal year in the black.
Bjorklund, Phil and Mimi
Cote d’Ivoire with WorldVenture
On-the-field training of young adults in preparation for future mission ministry.
• Please be praying that our current Journeyers will remain fully
engaged in their lives and ministries here, while planning well
for the future.
• Timothée, our fellow Journey Corps leader, has begun teaching
English classes, (17 students) many of whom are not believers.
Pray for opportunities to live and share our faith as we meet
with them also.
• We will partner with two young Ivorian couples to launch a
Young Adult Learning Center in town. Pray for wisdom for this amazing opportunity to
share Christ, while helping people.
• Pray for the students currently in application with Journey Corps for the Fall.
Blake, David and Rita
East Asia with Wycliffe
Language discovery and translation to peoples with no written
alphabet. Support through administration helps.
• Thank God with us for His providence in bringing us home at just the
right time before Rita’s father died.
• Please pray for David’s trip to visit team members in Texas (March 13) and to a ministry conference in California (March 4-7).
• Please pray for wisdom and grace as we homeschool, manage a
household, oversee workers in other countries and travel to visit our
Borstad, Mike and Sherry
Argentina with Cardón Ministries
Leadership development in Northwest Argentina, especially rural churches through
seminars, mentoring both long-distance and on-site.
• Praise God for the January trip to Argentina in which Mike was
able to give in-depth Bible teaching for youth from two different
• Pray for training that will arrive to more church leaders in the
rural areas of Northwest Argentina.
• Pray for the planning being done for the upcoming trip in July
and August of this year.
• Pray for Christian Argentine college students who are returning to classes in March and
face moral and intellectual opposition to their faith.