Pastor Gary - Faith United Methodist Church

Faith United Methodist Church
The Faith Connection Newsletter
May 2015 Edition
From the Pastor's Desk
Hannah was a great mother. She wanted to be a mother more than anything else. She begged
God for that privilege. She also dedicated her first born to the Lord’s service before she was
pregnant with him.
After little Samuel was able to eat on his own, Hannah and her husband took him to Eli, the high
priest, to serve with him in the work of the Tabernacle. Hannah only saw her son once a year,
when she would bring him newly made clothes and other goodies from home. (Read about
Hannah in the first chapter of 1 Samuel in the Bible.)
Parents need to be “good enough” parents. A parent who is “too good” of a parent will hold a child
so closely to themselves that the child will never learn to breathe on his own, never learn to make
his own decisions and to accept the consequences of his decisions. A child grows and matures by
making his own decisions, and then responding properly to the consequences of those decisions.
A “too good” of a parent will hold his child too closely to himself, not allowing him to struggle with
the terrible burdens of making one’s own decisions. The Apostle Paul exhorts parents to “not
exasperate your children” (Ephesians 6:4) to “not embitter your children, or they will become
discouraged.” (Colossians 3:21).
A parent who is “not good enough” of a parent allows too much distance between parent and child.
The “not good enough” parent is too busy, or too lazy, to listen to their child as they struggle with
life, to be next to the child in play and in work, and to share appropriately his own challenges with
life. A parent is a “not good enough” parent when there fails to be enough interaction, enough
intimacy, with the child. The child does not feel loved and supported by his or her parents.
Hannah was a “good enough” parent. I am sure that, although Samuel was distanced from his
mother by time and by space, he knew how much she loved him. Their short visits were no doubt
filled with hugs, kisses, tears, and conversation that enriched both of their lives.
Samuel’s distance from his parents meant that he had to grow up quickly, learning to be a
responsible person. This distancing from his parents, as well as his knowing that his parents were
there for him – that they loved and cared for him – allowed Samuel at a very young age to hear the
voice of his heavenly Father calling him to be a very responsible leader of Israel.
May God bless each mother, as well as each father, in being a “good enough” parent. For
parenting, “good enough” is best.
With you in God’s great resurrection grace,
Pastor Gary
P.S. A big part of being a “good enough” parent is to have your children with you in Sunday School
and worship. They need to learn about, and experience, the love of their heavenly Father in this way.
Faith United Methodist Church
7215 1st Ave West; Bradenton, FL 34209
Phone: 941-794-8067; Email:; Website:
Intentional Discipleship Team News
by Sherry Eldred
The Intentional Discipleship Team, working with the Worship Committee, was
extremely pleased with the Seder meal presentation given by Heather Drake, a missionary with
Jews for Jesus. Heather was informative and entertaining. She included in her presentation the
clues provided by the Seder meal and the elements used in that meal that reveal the need for
Jesus Christ as one’s Savior. She asked us to continue to pray with her that many Jewish people
in Florida and around the world will see the need for a relationship with Jesus.
Pastor Gary reports that confirmation classes are going well. He continues to have 4 students
faithfully attending.
The Committee is working to select a church-wide Advent study for Advent 2015. We are also
looking at offering some additional and new Bible Studies. Be watching for information.
OUTREACH NEWS by Shelly Powers
Championed by Faith’s Outreach
Team and due to the generosity of it’s
congregation during the kid’s little
silver buckets ‘Quarter Drill’, a check
was presented to Manatee Senior
High School Key Club (MSHSKC)
The Key Club’s goal is to ensure all
children feel welcome and can play at
Bradenton’s River Walk by raising
funds to build a special needs
playground there.
Our March Outreach project raised
$355.00 for the special needs
playground at Riverwalk Park in Bradenton. A check was presented to Manatee High School Key
Club representatives, Chris and Kendall Makay, by Pastor Gary on April 19th.
The month of May highlight is joining with The Bread for the World Ministry on a letter writing
campaign to encourage Congress to continue funding food programs for children in our schools. If
you would be willing to write a letter, please see any member of our Outreach Team for more
Solve House Annual Mother’s Day Rose Sale is under way order forms are available in office.
Anchor House director, Tim Huppert, will be our speaker in our worship services on May
17th. For more information on this important ministry, please go to their website:
Youth News by Shelly Powers
The youth group is continuing to work on The Recycled Dreams Fashion Show entry scheduled on
Saturday May 16, 2015.
Game Night will be held on Monday, May 18th for the Youth.
Upcoming events:
Rainbow River tubing trip planning is underway; if anyone would
like to accompany the youth group on this exciting trip, please see
Shelly or email her at
A Youth Group Lock In is being planned. It will be a great time of
fun and fellowship!
A Mission Trip to the United Methodist Children’s Home for a weekend of fellowship and service.
The youth will be working in the United Methodist Children’s Home Thrift Store.
Ruth Circle by Lynda Bellows
Ruth Circle met Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at the home of Betty Robin. Betty and
Jeanne Stocklin were hostesses. 18 attended. We opened with a prayer for our friends Jan
and Nord Dietz. In Jan Dietz's absence, Ruth Siegfried gave a devotion, a delightful recollection
that we enjoyed thoroughly. We were updated on Bill Galvano’s One Stop Center, ie: Turning
Points and it's continuing needs and services and reminded that the church is still trying to collect
children’s books, good used or new, to give to children at Palma Sola Elementary who have no
books of their own. There was a discussion on our donation to F.E.L.T. (feeding empty little
tummies) as well. Marlene Green gave an inspiring program on gifts; those given and those
received, quoting from a book by Norman Vincent Peale's "A Gift of the Heart", and "Giving Away
Love". Gifts at Easter, and Christmas, the gifts of salvation and of the heart which are gifts from
God and not earned. Linda Poutre offered the closing prayer. The May 3rd meeting is our Spring
Luncheon and will be held at Freedom Village; we will be gathering at the church at 11:20am to
carpool over. God's Blessings, Lynda Bellows
Faith’s Food Pantry
by Penny Frick
“WOW! I thank God for such giving hearts at Faith United Methodist Church.
You answered the call of restocking the pantry so we could help 10 families
during the Easter holiday. May you feel God’s hand in your life as you touched
the lives of others.”
Yes, hopefully you know who you are, but some others don’t know your name.
Please wear your church name tag. If you need one, please indicate so on
your ‘Lets Connect Slip’ or call the church office at 941-794-8067.
~Thank you, Pastor Gary
Faith officially welcomed our new Music Director, Jeff Genter and his family on Sunday, April
19th. Jeff is the son-in-law of our beloved charter members, Fred and Marge Mack. Jeff and
his wife Margie have three daughters, Elisabeth, Faith, and Sara. He has served many years
in other churches, barbershop quartets, and bell choirs, bringing his musical talents to Faith .
National Day of Prayer Event
On Thursday, May 7th at 11:45am at the Manatee County Courthouse downtown Bradenton
(on the western side of its campus). Sponsored by the Manatee County Ministerial
Associations. Christians from all backgrounds are welcome, as well as all who are not part
of a church.
Faith United Methodist Church is pleased to offer a
preventive health event. Life Line Screening, a
leading provider of community-based preventive health
screenings, will host their affordable, non-invasive
and painless health screenings on Saturday, May 30,
2015. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries
which is a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta;
hardening of the arteries in the legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular
heart beat which is closely tied to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women, used to
assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and
osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our church member discount). All five screenings take 60-90
minutes to complete. In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package
priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6450 or visit
Church Directories
Updated directories are now available at the Welcome Center (in the wall rack)
in the church narthex. Please help yourself.
Who Are The PrimeTimers? If you are an adult… it’s YOU!
MAY 2015 By: Sheila R. Rapavi
What Do MOSI & Chocolate Have In Common?
The PrimeTimers for one! The PrimeTimers April event was a ‘field trip’ to MOSI (Museum of Science & Industry). Meeting early at
Faith United Methodist Church on Saturday, April 18th, everyone loaded up and headed off to Tampa ~ Fowler Street, across from
the University of South Florida (USF), to be exact ~ where the group was greeted by friendly MOSI staff, escorted to the main
event, given admission wristbands and tokens for free parking.
Faith, Phyllis,
Janet, Austin,
Uncle, Shirley,
Lois, (Back)
Bob, Jill, Cleo,
Pat & Sheila
After a quick picture, everyone split off into smaller groups, going their own ways, but happily seeing one another here and there
throughout the museum. Along with the standard museum exhibits, the annual Festival of Chocolate provided an abundance to
see, taste and do on the four floors of the main section of the museum. Unlike horizontal floor plans that require excessive
walking, the vertical layout of the building proved to be quite handy as it provided fast, easy and timely access to the special
demonstrations, especially when using the elevator.
Lots of hands-on activities, the butterfly garden, exhibits (a 3-D printer used to repair diseased kidneys & livers), competitions
(cookie stacking, ‘best of’’ brownie, chocolate cake, confection, cupcakes) and demonstrations (liquid nitrogen ice cream, art of
making soft peanut brittle, chocolate and wine paring), featuring chefs from top eateries (such as Marriott Waterside Hotel &
Marina, Sand Pearl Resort & Spa, Seminole Hard Rock Café, etc.). Delicious!
PrimeTimers Do Party With A Purpose… Join Us!
Woody’s River Roo Grill
Lunch on the River ~ 5717 18th Street East, Ellenton ~ RSVP to Shirley 792-2244
Sunday ~ May 17th ~ 2PM
Woody’s River Roo Grill
Lunch on the River ~ 5717 18th Street East, Ellenton
RSVP to Shirley 792-2244
Sunday ~ May 17th ~ 2PM
Faith’s Outreach Ministry
Meals On Wheels Plus (MOW+) Friendship Dining
Program Leaders: Sheila R. Rapavi and Janet Hershey Written By: Sheila R. Rapavi
MAY 2015
Ah, Bingo Thursdays
are a favorite Friendship Dining activity.
A couple of times a month Fred Mack’s melodious voice
calls the numbers, and his wife, Marge, verifies the
There are prizes, too!
Nell, Fran, Elizabeth, Millie and Marge show off their tote
prizes, complete with outside pockets and user-friendly
Velcro closures. Nell’s going to put hers to good use
while watching her favorite baseball team ~ the Rays, “It’s
the perfect snack holder!” Elizabeth gave her tote to
Fran, who couldn’t wait to give them to her two
granddaughters; Marge and Millie figure the totes are great for Breezie tablets. Yes, prizes are always plentiful and happily
everyone goes home a winner at Faith!
April Fools
Uncle wasn’t fooled for long, he figured out Pat put a “Kiss Me” sign on him. Being no fool he went along
with it and happily collected the kisses!
The Tall & Short Of It
Pictured outside FUMC on April 16th with Deputy Bruce Meade (a
mere 6’5”), towering at 5’ and 5’1” respectively are Laura and Fran.
The Speakers Series provides a host of information on interesting
places, topics and events. It has fast become a popular part of the
Friendship Dining program.
Deputy Meade spoke about the Manatee County Citizens Law Enforcement Academy. The
Academy meets for eleven Monday 3-hour sessions (6:30-9:30PM). Classes cover detailed
information on topics such as crime prevention, special operations, criminal investigations, basic
law, and youth criminal law, patrol procedures, narcotics and vice, SWAT, K-9 and officer
survival. It’s free and the next session starts in September. Call Deputy Meade (941-747-3011
X2459) for more information.
Get Well Soon!
Yvie could ‘bearly’ keep her composure when Activity Coordinators Janet Hirschy and Sheila
Rapavi stopped by Blake Hospital with a bear, get-well card and happy 99th birthday card from
her friends at Faith.
She said she was going to read and re-read the cards many times. And when Yvie needs a hug
to cheer her up, she’s got a bear hug at her fingertips.
Come back soon, Yvie… there’s lots of friendly hugs waiting for you!
Friendship Dining welcomes adults 60+. See Sheila or Janet (9A-12Noon, MON-FRI) or call Meals On Wheels Plus (941.747.4655) today!
Transportation is available for qualified individuals. Remember MOW+ provides many valuable services to the elderly in our community and
depends on your tax-deductible donations & generosity to do so.
Farewell Sweet Music Man
As written in the Bradenton Herald, “A legendary musician
with perhaps the sweetest singing voice of Tampa Bay was
silenced April 8th, 2015.”
Many fondly remember Tom E. Mobley (1944-2015) and his
incredible voice from his Red Barn Flea Market
performances. A local favorite, he drew people from all over
the world back time and again.
During the memorial service on April 16th, Tom’s daughter,
brother and many attendees shared memories about this
remarkable family man.
VFW Post 10141
paid their respects to Tom, a U.S. Air Force veteran,
with a twenty-one-gun salute and taps. Musicians
thanked him for giving them their start in the business
(not a common practice in the entertainment world),
playing several songs in his honor.
Although in high demand, Tom graciously performed at
the MOW+ Friendship Dining grand opening ceremony at
Faith, as well as, the first anniversary ~ gratis.
Kicking back at the Café on the Beach, listening to Tom
was always a popular PrimeTimers fellowship outing each
Surprised, Tom was happily overwhelmed by the ‘We love Tom’ banner.
Greeting each person he met as though they were his long-lost best friend, Tom uncannily
remembered his audience, and the favorite song of most. He instinctively played Spanish Eyes
many a time just for ‘Uncle’.
Tom’s Faithful friends are deeply saddened to bid farewell to a beloved brother.
He will always be remembered for his warm heart, generous smile, big mustache, black hat and
for graciously sharing his amazing talents, leaving us with a sweet song in our hearts, pep in our
step and tear in our eyes. Rest in Peace, Tom Mobley.
Wishing You The Very Best
Glenn Rasmussen
Long-time Music Director, Glenn Rasmussen has filled the Sanctuary with
his phenomenal music for many years. Glenn holds a Certificate of
Performance from The Peabody Conservatory (John Hopkins, 1974) and
Bachelors and Masters degree from The Juilliard School (1980). He
performed and composed many original scores, including the Easter
He doesn’t just play chords his fingers literally dance across the keyboard,
producing rich, luxurious sounds that fill the hall and heart.
Although classically trained, Glenn is a down-to-earth, always
approachable gentleman. He shared his talents by teaching others to play
the piano, just ask Val Carlson. Yes, Glenn was more than just Faith’s
Music Director, he was our friend.
The congregation raised their hands to the ‘Bond of Love’ one last time with Glenn on April 12th.
Since Glenn always has a coffee mug in hand, the Choir gave him a set of six as a
love gift, which were wrapped with a picture of the church and the dates he served
as Music Director, plus several meaningful sayings that were also embossed on the
Presented by FUMC, the cake was bordered with a keyboard, topped with three red
roses. He and his wife, Carol, relocated to Tennessee closer to family. Glenn is and
will continue to be greatly missed.
Bishop’s Offering for 2015 Annual Conference
Dear Sisters and Brothers of the Florida Conference,
I am pleased to announce that a grand offering will be collected at the
2015 Florida Annual Conference event during June 10-13. Our theme this
year is “Next Generations–Together in the Baptismal Waters” and I invite
you to be a part of this special opportunity.
This offering will support our commitment to the next generations in
Florida and in the malaria-endemic world. In areas with high transmission
of malaria, the most vulnerable groups are young children and pregnant
women–whose immune systems are less able to fight the disease.
Malaria exacts its largest burden on Africa’s next generations. Half of our
offering will support our No More Malaria campaign and half will support
the continued growth and learning of Florida’s newly ordained clergy.
Imagine No Malaria (one-half). This will complete the Florida
Conference’s emphasis on this life-saving ministry, which is transforming
the continent of Africa, where so much of the church’s growth is taking
place. This is a profound ministry of healing in the name of Jesus.
Ordinand Pilgrimage to the Holy Land (one-half). We are beginning a
tradition that once every four years the Bishop will take to the Holy Land
(Israel and Palestine) those who have been ordained. Educational
Opportunities has made a commitment to partner with us on this at cost.
(Note: once every four years the Bishop also leads a pilgrimage to the
Holy Land that includes laity and local pastors). This experience will add
immeasurably to the teaching and preaching of clergy in their early
We are asking local churches to receive an offering on May 24
(Pentecost) as a participation in this expression of God’s mission.
Thank you for your support of our efforts to engage the next generation in
the mission of God and to develop leaders who have a heart for service
and will make a difference in our world.
The peace of the Lord,
Kenneth H. Carter, Jr.
Florida Area Resident Bishop
The United Methodist Church
New friends - Amazing experiments - Glacier games
Lip-smacking snacks - Surprising adventures - Incredible music
Vacation Bible School
for children ages 4 to 11
June 15 – 19
9am to Noon
at Faith United Methodist Church
Registration & Information
Linda Hasbrouck @ 941-761-9546
or the church office @ 941-794-8067
Ages: 4 to 11
(Please Print)
Child’s name:_____________________________________ Male or Female?__________
Child’s age: __________ Date of birth:____________ Last school grade completed:_______
Name of parents(s):_____________________________________________________
Street address: _________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________State: ___________ Zip: _______________
Home telephone: ___________________________ Cell:________________________
Caregiver’s #: __________________________________________________________
Home e-mail: __________________________________________________________
Home church: _________________________________________________________
T-shirt size: Child X-small (2-4)___Child small (6-8)____ Child Medium (10 – 12)____
Child Large (14-16) ____ Adult Med.____
Allergies or other medical conditions:
In case of emergency contact: _______________________________________________
Telephone # ________________
Fee: $15 or $25 a family. Scholarships available. Paid_____ Will pay later ___________
Please check here if you would like a scholarship for your child. ____________
I give permission for my child to be photographed and to use those images during a VBS
Parent or guardian signature: __________________________________
Please return this form to Faith United Methodist Church, 7215 1st Ave. W, Bradenton,
FL, 34209.
Please cut off the bottom of this form as a reminder.
A reminder that your child is registered for Faith UMC’s VBS program held at our church
June 15 – 19 from 9:00 – 12:00. There is a fee of $15 a child or $25 a family payable on or
before the first day. This fee includes a T-shirt, snack and many other take-home crafts and
wearables. Scholarships are available –check the blank above. Please call the director,
Linda Hasbrouck, if you have questions or concerns: 761-9546.
DAtes to RememberIn
Mitz Damstra
Shelly Powers
Jim Dart
Shirley Johnson
Barbara Rose
Martha Adams
Chuck Richell
Donna Lesch
Rich Pac
Bill & Debbie Doherty
Gary & Sherry Eldred
Lamont & Brenda Bellows
Ken & Janet Holmes
Upcoming Events
Spaghetti Dinners are currently on hold and will
resume again in the fall. Please join us then for good
food and fellowship.
Primetimer’s Event on Sunday May 17th at 2pm is Lunch on the River at
Woody’s River Roo Grill in Palmetto, FL RSVP Shirley @ 941-792-2244.
LifeLine Screening will be at Faith Church on Saturday, May 30th for
preventive health screenings of strokes, heart disease, diabetes, and
osteoporosis by appointment. Registration forms are in the church narthex
or call 888-653-6450.
May’s Calendar
Located on our church website: