Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church DeLand, Florida ““There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” (I John 4:18a) The verse above is from the epistle for the first Sunday of this month, the Fifth Sunday of Easter. In First John we get a beautiful picture of the very nature of Christ. Whether it was the apostle John or someone recorded historically as John the Elder, it is still written in the style of the gospel bearing its name. We see how that particular Johannine faith community believed in, and experienced, the resurrected Jesus. CHRIST IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED!! ALLELUIA!!! Remember: it’s still Easter for a few more weeks! The earliest witnesses-turned-disciples testified to the truth which has been since the beginning of time. Jesus is at the same time sacrificial lamb and the Good Shepherd of the sheep. Jesus was also certainly mortal AND divine. For us, it is not enough to just give lip service to our faith. Our faith is living and active, not just writing a check and warming a pew. It is necessary and natural “that we should at all times and in all places give thanks and praise” to our almighty and merciful God. Our sinful condition drives us to confession and forgiveness. Believing in the promise of redemption, we respond with joy in the new life our Savior offers. The written and lived-out Word has the power to breathe spiritual power into those who hear and seek. This month, we celebrate graduates and mothers. Graduations and Mother’s Day have their associated rituals and customs. They are both opportunities to give and receive love. It is a particularly special month for mothers who get to celebrate both occasions, within days of each other! Of course, mothers cannot “love away” the problems and challenges of their children transitioning from high school to college, or from college to the “real world.” However, we surely trust in a God who casts out our fears with His perfect love IN THIS ISSUE: for us. May all of us love without fear, Notes from the Pastor 2 and serve with passion the God who guides us, leads us, and loves us. 3 Council Highlights & Events I’ll see you in church! 4 May Calendar May News and Announcements Money Matters & Disciple Groups Prayer Chain Council Members, Staff & Business Directory 2 5 6 7 8 Located in the basement of the First United Methodist Church of DeLand Thanks to all who served in April! Great teamwork – thanks be to God! On Tuesday, April 14th, we served 81 meals and 22 carry-outs to the hungry. Big thanks go to the following for preparing and serving: Jim McLane (non-member), Ed Rosenberg, Mary Rosenberg, Don Gooden, Wayne Struble, MaryLou Struble, Pam Swanto, Mike Swanto and Debbie Wuertz. We serve on the second Tuesday of each month. This is a great opportunity for a group, club, or family to serve the community. There is no financial commitment necessary; simply a gift of time and service. The entrees for these meals are provided, but salads, side dishes, and desserts are always appreciated. We need a new Coordinator for this ministry. It isn’t hard. It just takes organization and contacting helpers and servers. Please lift this need up in prayer. Thank you! Our next turn is Tuesday, May 12th at 5:30pm. If you would like to serve, please call Debbie Wuertz at 453-9420. The 7 Habits of Jesus now! disciple groups are forming Please select a date/time that works for you then sign up in the fellowship hall or speak with one of the leaders. (books will be provided) Mary Magdalene: Leaders Dorothy Caldwell and Carol Sutton Meeting 1st & 3rd Sundays @11:00am during church service or following 9:30am service when only one service Learner (Thaddeus): Leaders Dan and Faith Eriksen & Richard Harris Meeting 2nd & 4th Thursdays @ 7:00pm at the Eriksen home in DeLand CONGREGATIONAL MEETING NUMBER ONE 1. The purpose of this meeting is to ask for a Capital Campaign of $26,000. Debby Boyer made a motion to approve a Capital Campaign of $26,000. The floor was open to discussion. Dorothy Caldwell made a motion to have a $10,000 capital campaign just for the two air conditioning units. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. We have a Capital Campaign starting now for $10,000. Put your contributions in an envelope with Capital Campaign written on it. 2. Pam Swanto and Craig Parrillo got four different bids and they were presented to the Church Council. The council decided to have ASAP insert the unit on the east side, which they did, and they also put a new thermostat in for the west side unit. Money was borrowed from one of our accounts, which we have to pay back. We need $10,000 for two a/c units. 3. Bids have been gotten on what it would cost to bring the church kitchen up to code with the fire suppressant system and electrical work so that we can use the stove again. Sherri Holzman got a bid of $16,000. We would need at least one half of the money for the kitchen collected before we could start it, then we could apply for grants or help from Thrivent, plus, CHMS said they will help. 4. We have two youth and Pastor Art who would like to go to the Youth Gathering in Detroit this summer. The boys are having money making projects to help pay their way, plus we have money in the Youth Fund that will help. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING NUMBER 2 1. Pastor Arthur Wuertz opened the Congregational Meeting Number 2 at 11:30 am. The topic was whether or not he can do blessings of same-gender unions in Faith Lutheran Church. The floor was opened to questions, comments and discussions. Many people spoke. Paper ballots were distributed and turned back in. The tally was: Yes 25; No 35; Invalid 1; Abstained 2. 2. Pam Swanto mentioned that there were still a couple of books available for the "7 Habits of Jesus". 3. Interfaith Kitchen could use #10 cans of beans, desserts and salads. COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS 1. Pastor Art will be taking a few days off June 3-6. 2. June 7th is the church picnic, which will be held at the church this year. 3. May 7th is the Mother's Day Banquet. Council members have tickets to sell. Bring sons, daughters, friends for an evening of good food and entertainment. 4. June 18th is the Father's Day Banquet. Dads, bring your sons and daughters for a night of good food and entertainment. Tickets will go on sale in a few weeks, Adults $7, children 5-10 will be $5, children under 5 are free. 5. Vacation Bible School will be held in the Fellowship Hall of Faith Lutheran Church from June 15-19. Next meeting will be May 11th 2015 Commemorate an anniversary, birthday, graduation, or any special date by giving the weekly Worship Folders or the monthly Sanctuary Candle. Call the church office at (386)734-2791 to find out how. 3 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 SATURDAY 2 FELC Day at 3 10 17 24 Contemporary Service 9 am Traditional Service 11 am Contemporary Service 9 am Traditional Service 11 am Contemporary Service 9 am Traditional Service 11 am Contemporary Service 9 am Traditional Service 11 am 31 4 Finance Meeting 5:30 pm Worship & Music 7 pm 5 11 12 18 19 20 25 26 27 Rebekah Circle 10am @ Good Samaritan 6 13 Potluck 6:00pm Potluck 6:00pm 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 Mother’s Day Banquet 6:00pm 5:30 Potluck 6:00pm Potluck 6:00pm 1 Service 9:30 am The Second Sunday of every month is May 1st May 4th May 6th May 7th May 8th Ingrid DeSellems May 15th Peggy Sherman May 21st Walter Peterson May 24th Isaac Tonjes May 27th Pamela Swanto May 28th Daniel Wolbert May 9th Amber Wheeler May30th May 11th Joshua Erickson May 13th Edward Rosenberg Carl Kaiser Dorothy Pomeroy Debbie Wuertz John Boatman Rebecca Hodges Alfred Policke Donald Lundquist Faith’s Outreach Ministry will be continuing our partnership with St Barnabas to help their Faith at Work Food Pantry! On the second Sunday of each month, everyone is asked to bring a specific non-perishable food item the pantry needs. On the third Sunday of each month there will be a second collection for various needs of the church. The collection on May 17th will go toward Office Supplies. 4 On May 10th Please Bring: Tasty ONE WORSHIP SERVICE CONGRATULATIONS, GRADUATES!! In case you were wondering… beginning Sunday, May 31st, we will have one Worship Service on Sundays at 9:30. Please pass the word! ALISON BEBEE PAUL BEBEE L.J. SMILEY We are proud of you all! Sign up to be a worship assistant! Call the church office for details, or look for the sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall. Be part of the worship service as a lector, Communion assistant, acolyte, or usher! The Music Ministry would like to express heartfelt gratitude to the congregation for their generosity! Thanks to you and your gift of $500, we are more than ever able to give the gift of music to those that are so eager to receive it. We invite you to join us in worship and fellowship so we can all share the blessing of music. You all have made that possible. Thank You! The Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for worship services. Members are responsible for the care and cleaning of the altar paraments, and are very knowledgeable in the aspects of the liturgy and Church seasons. There is no experience necessary, and training will be provided. If you would like to help serve the congregation by filling this vital role, please call the church office at (386)734-2791, or see Ruth Erickson On February 3rd, we sent 102 quilts, 10 personal care kits and 18 school kits to Redeemer Lutheran Church in Winter Park. Don and Debby Boyer and Gary and Janice Cornwell loaded and transported the 33 boxes of quilts and kits. We were so happy the they volunteered to do that big job. From Winter park the boxes were trucked to the Lutheran World Relief warehouse in Maryland. To see where the quilts and kits were sent in 2014, look on the quilt rack in the back of the sanctuary behind the pews. Lutheran World Relief was founded in 1945 and since then groups have been meeting in Lutheran churches to tie quilts and pack school kits, personal care kits and layettes for babies. Our church has been blessed all year with gifts of fabric and items for the kits. Thrivent dollars have purchased our quilt filling. Thanks you to everyone who helped with this project! If you belong to or know of any group that needs a meeting space, why not suggest our facilities? It’s a WIN/WIN! It can lead to new relationships forming, as well as helping our church out a little financially. Please call the office at 386734-2791 for more information! Thank you! 5 Attendance & offerings for the month of DATE ATTENDANCE TITHES DESIGNATED GIVING BUILDING FUND WEEKLY TOTALS MAR 1 89 $7471.00 $1014.00 $0 $8485.00 MAR 8 90 $2244.05 $3890.44 $0 $6134.49 MAR 15 84 $2384.00 $674.25 $0 $3058.25 MAR 22 101 $670.82 $1664..57 $0 $2335.39 MAR 29 96 $670.82 $1664..57 $261.00 $2596.39 Average: 92 Total Monthly Offerings: By Comparison: On this month in 2014 Weekly Average Attendance: 93 $22,609.52 Total Monthly Offerings: $19,702.91 Month of Mar All of 2015 $5963.00 $6384.96 Thank you for all your support! Please remember that Capital Fund donations should be in addition to your regular tithe. We still need your regular Thank you to these and all member who allotted their Thrivent Choice Dollars to faith Lutheran Church! Ruth Neiderstrasser, Wayne & Mary Struble, Helen Martin, Art & Debbie Wuertz, Robert Beebe, John Toenjes, Khristine Sholtis, Gerald Kimmel, Robert Smith. General & Ministry Offerings includes Regular and Loose Tithe offerings, Stewardship, and Sunday School offerings. Capital Fund Offerings are included with Memorial and other Pass-Thru Offerings Bank Account Deduction: Use the convenient Electronic Funds Transfer option and have your offering automatically deducted from your checking account. Never forget your check or offering envelope again! You choose how often and how much you give. Add fund splits for Building, Capital, Lutheridge, etc. On The Website Visit Click the Make A Donation link at the left side of the page. All major credit cards accepted. Fund splits for Building, Capital, Lutheridge, etc. Give a one-time gift, or set up recurring donations. 6 With Your Smartphone Upload the free QR code scanner app at the Google Play Store. Scan the QR code found on donation cards, bulletins, and newsletters. All major credit cards accepted. SUNDAY, JUNE 7TH After our ONE WORSHIP SERVICE AT 9:30, we invite everyone outside to enjoy food, fun and fellowship! This is an excellent opportunity to invite someone! If you have a creative idea for how to divide who brings what (vegetables/sides, drinks, desserts) rather than alphabetically by last name – that’s getting dull! – let the church office, a Council member, or Pastor Art know. We will also need strong helpers to set up tables and chairs. Come one, come all to our annual church picnic! Intercessory prayer is one of the Christian’s most powerful tools. By lifting up those in need, we bring them to the Lord for His healing hand, strength and comfort. We pray for those who are chronically ill, that God would be their daily companion and strength: Laura Coe, Nina Eriksen, Linda Feiler, Lloyd Zeller, Kerry Sholtis, Lance Borows, Faith Eriksen For those who are fighting cancer, that they will know they are not alone in the battle: Ray Bebee, Kitty Jones, Janet Persell, Peter Vrionides, Gary Cherwin, Curt Doroban, Bob Jordan, Alfred Mueller, Isabelle Lee Pritchett, Emily Snyder, Suzie Farris, Judy, Cathy, Mark Creel We rejoice with those who are recovering form injury, illness, or surgery: Nina Eriksen, Gary DiFiore Ridolph, Christopher Menza For those who are shut in, that they will feel the Lord’s constant presence: Lucille Eaton (FLHC), Jerry Kimmel, Irma Milward (FLHC), Doris Paskewitz (Cloisters), Dick Woodring (FLHC), Helen Long (FLHC), Millie Glover For those in mourning, that God Will comfort them: The family of Irma Swann We pray for those whose needs are known only to the Lord: Karin Goranson, Cathy Buchner, Marilyn Snow, Heather Kinney, Preston Kinney, Carolyn Stevens, Dick Woodring, Dorothy Caldwell, Scarlet Valdez We pray for the special concerns of our neighbors, our community, our nation and our world: Our men and women in the military, Habitat for Humanity, All people in war-torn nations, Storm victims, Rain for areas that need it, For our local, state and national leaders, for those in the grip of addiction to drugs and alcohol and for their families. Email you prayer request to or contact Faith Eriksen at 736-1799 If you have moved or changed any of your contact information, including home phone, cell phone, or email address within the last few years, we may not have your current information. Please call or email the church office, or fill out a yellow Contact Information form and give it to Pastor Art or an usher so we can update our records! 7 OUR MISSION STATEMENT: Sharing Christ’s love, our mission is to extend hospitality, serve our community, and spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. CONGREGATION COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pastor: Rev. Arthur Wuertz President: Pam Swanto Vice President: Don Boyer Council Secretary: Helen Martin Treasurer: Dora Mallett Financial Secretary: Debby Boyer Bob Bebee Julia Beckwith Dorothy Caldwell Janice Cornwell Debbie Morris Carol Sutton Sue Thurmond CHURCH OFFICE: 509 E. Pennsylvania Ave. DeLand, FL 32724 Hours: Mon. Wed. 9:00am - 5:00pm; Fri 9:00am - 1:00pm Phone: (386) 734-2791 Fax: (386) 943-8758 Email: Website: Children’s House Montessori School: Administrator: Sherri Holzman CHURCH STAFF: Pastor: The Rev. Arthur Wuertz Office Manager: Amy Cornwell Music Director: Deborah DeGaetano Church Sexton: Bob DeGaetano Organist: Tiffany Demps Nursery Attendant: Ruth Erickson Let your friends at Faith know about your business! See it listed here, and in the printed directory! Submit your business online, or get a submission form in the Communication Center in the back of the Sanctuary. Call the office for details! Custom Assembly & Installation Carpentry / Cabinets / Floors Bee Powell (386)956-9498 Commercial / Residential 24/7 Emergency Roadside Jennifer Graesart David Hickman Business & Home Computer Repair Pressure Washing & Painting No job to small! Open Fridays 8:00am-1:00pm Located inside the Orange City Flea Market Bob DeGaetano Guitar Bass Saxophone Ukulele Music Theory Private instruction for all skill levels 8 MOBILE DETAILING (407)914-5280
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