VBS and Day Camp Family Night Program You are invited to attend the Special Worship Service on Thursday, July 9th at 6:30 PM. Your children will participate in this service by demonstrating some of what they learned during their exciting, fun-filled week! Root Beer Floats and Fellowship will follow the service. Parents and childcare providers can help with VBS & Day Camp! Pray for the kids, staff and support people Invite a friend or neighbor to join the fun Sign up to volunteer with a classroom Sign up to help with crafts, music, or recreation Provide food or juice for snack time Bring your family to the Thursday Family Night Program Donate money to go toward camperships for those in need Provide transportation for a working parent’s child or someone in need Encourage your child to grow in Faith and Love for God! 2015 Vacation Bible School and Day Camp July 6th-10th 155 Boyson Road Marion, Iowa 52302 377.9700 Contact for Ewalu Day Camp: Daniel Stone Director of Youth and Family Ministry 377.9700 youth@faithlutheran.org Contact for VBS: Vicki Barnidge Youth Nurture Director 840-0607 youthnurture@faithlutheran.org We invite you to join us for Worship at Faith. During the summer, we gather at 5:30 PM on Saturdays and 9:00 AM on Sundays. MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! COME SHARE IN GOD’S COMMUNITY! Vacation Bible School Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM-11:30 AM EWALU Day Camp Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-3:00 PM For Children Entering 1st to 6th Grades Important Registration Information: To ensure the ordering of supplies and T-Shirts, Please Return Registration Forms to the Church Office no later than June 21st. A Love That Never Ends We are blessed to have a team of highly energetic, devoted staff from Ewalu to lead your children in Bible Studies, Music, Recreation, and Crafts at this year’s Day Camp! For Children 3 Yrs. To Entering Kindergarten VBS includes art, music, science projects, storytelling, food & fellowship! Each day in Spark Summer focuses on a Bible story about water. We will all become part of the stories. Music, crafts, games and drama will help children and volunteers grow in God’s love. The fee for Spark Summer is $15, which includes a T-Shirt. Snack and drink are provided daily. Our Day Camp theme is A Love That Never Ends, Deuteronomy 6:5: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Loving God and loving others sounds simple, but living it out gets more complicated. People of faith have often been called to do difficult things - to pack up and go when called, to speak difficult truths in challenging situations, to believe in God's promises, and to love even our enemies. This summer, campers will learn about their calling to love God and others from people of the Old Testament who struggled to do the same. The week’s activities will culminate on Friday with a field trip to Ewalu Camp in Strawberry Point! The fee for Day Camp is $40, which includes TShirt, daily snack and trip to Ewalu Camp. Please bring a sack lunch daily. *Please use Yellow Form to Register* *Please use White Form to Register* Please make checks payable to Faith Lutheran-VBS. Camperships are available by contacting: Pastor John, Pastor Amy, Danny Stone, or Vicki Barnidge. If you are able to volunteer in any way for this fun-filled week, we would greatly appreciate it. Sign up forms for volunteers will by posted in the Church Narthex, or you may contact: Danny Stone at youth@faithlutheran.org, or Vicki Barnidge at youthnurture@faithlutheran.org. Thank you for joining us!
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