February 2015 Beaumont and Banning California Keys to World

February 2015
We thank God for You! Together we are doing what our
Wonderful Savior, Jesus, told us to do and that is to “Go
into all the world with this Good News.”
When I was baptized in the Holy Spirit at age 30, I was
all excited and I told myself, “I have to go and tell somebody!” I remember so clearly that the Holy Spirit said to
me, “How much of this harvest do you want?” He took
me from one acre to nations. Jesus said, “Ask largely so
your joy can be made full.”
Little did I know how that would be fulfilled! As I look
back and see what God has done for us, it is hard to
believe. I thought I would never get out of the city limits.
Here I am 77 years old, and He has taken us to 77 nations—to England 50 times and we are going there three
times this year. Wow, that is really exciting! Every trip
is very exciting—I can hardly wait to see what the Holy
Spirit is going to do.
Beaumont and
Banning California
Dedicating Abigail Joy and her
family in Beaumont, California
I had a wonderful time with
Rob and Kelli Ruehle, pastors of Abundant Life Fellowship in Beaumont, in their
great conference where I was
privileged to speak six times.
Here are a few miracles that
I saw the Holy Spirit accomplish.
• Last year I prayed for a
young man who had seizures
almost every day. He was
healed and hasn’t had a seizure since that day. He and his wife
now have a baby girl, Abigail Joy, and I was privileged to
dedicate her and her family. Awesome!
• A fifty-year-old gentleman was adopted as a baby by
Christian parents but felt that he missed out on his life because
of the adoption. While I was speaking, the Holy Spirit revealed
to him that the adoption was a great blessing. His birth parents
were atheists and he may not have had a chance to be born
again. I then prayed for him, and he was set free and healed of
three major health problems. He literally changed in front of us.
He received the revelation about his true identity that set him
What a great time with Dan and
Nancy Thompson, pastors of Faith
Builders Family Church in
Banning. This precious couple is
working with us on the Leadership
Team of Faith Ministries
International Network.
• An elderly lady had warts all over
her body. I did not know she was
Dave, Dan and Nancy
Thompson, pastors of FBFC, a practicing witch. She was saved
and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Banning, CA
• The next night the “former” witch’s son, one of the
largest drug dealers in the area, was saved and filled with the
Holy Spirit! Thank you Jesus for your grace!!
Keys to World Evangelism
Paul, in Romans 1:14-16 gives us his keys to reach the world. I
am a debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to
the wise, and to the unwise. So, as much as in me is, I am ready
Dave Duell Ministries
PO Box 609, Littleton, CO 80160-0609 USA
Phone 303.777.1113 Fax 303.777.9342
to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also. For I am not ashamed of
the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one
that believes: to the Jew first, and also to the Greeks.
Paul made three decisions that directed his life. 1. I am a debtor. 2. I am
ready. 3. I am not ashamed. Many people want to serve God, but only as
advisors. This one thing I do, not these things I dabble in.
Everything we do, we must relate it to eternity. We must be available to His
ability. Paul preached the Gospel, or Good News. What is the Gospel? Jesus died and rose again. Every battle has been won. God is in a good mood.
My sins are forgiven. God gave me righteousness as a free gift.
Arnie Scofield, Dave, Faith Builders
Family Church, Banning, CA
Paul couldn’t get into many churches today. What would he preach? You
need to be born again, filled with the Holy Spirit and he would probably cast
out a few devils.
Jesus is our proto-type and model. Hebrews 12:2 says, “Looking unto Jesus
the author and finisher of our faith.” Training is teaching by example. Jesus
became everything that we were in order that we might become everything
that He is now! The more you study about Him, the more you will learn
about yourself.
Dinner to honor Jim and Heidi Beeler,
with former FMF Greeley folks, Lowell
and Louanne Marner, Elly Kraii, Bill and
Patti Ruth, Tamara, Juli, us
I am ready. God has prepared me all of these years. I have been to BBU,
Burning Bush University and I am still in school. God said to Bonnie and
me, “Build a strong home base and reach the World for Jesus. I will supernaturally provide money for you to go. Be ready and help others get ready to
go.” We don’t change the message; the message changes us.
Getting ready to go to Brasilia, Brazil!
I am so excited for this trip on February 15! 4,000 young people will be at
this conference for three days—and I get to minister to them! Wow, on the
last night we will all go out on the streets and bring this Good News alive to
many people. Would you pray and help us go on this historic trip?
We love you,
Dave and Bonnie
Dave with Paul and Christina Nordmark,
Alyssa and Chloe, Abundant Life Church,
Dave Duell Ministries
PO Box 609, Littleton, CO 80160-0609 USA
Phone 303.777.1113 Fax 303.777.9342
Celebrating our December
Every third Saturday at Faith Ministries Church
February 21, 6:00 p.m.
7700 W Woodard Dr
Lakewood, Colorado 80232
March 27-28
FMIN Youth Event near Wichita, Kansas
February 6, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Valentine Marriage Upgrade
Mountain High Christian Center, Colorado
April 10-12
Z Ministries Grace and Power Conference
February 10 and March 3
Healing Meeting
Greeley, Colorado
April 17-19, 2015
FMIN Overflowing Women’s Gathering
Marriott Kansas City
Country Club Plaza
4445 Main Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64111
Jan Whitaker 816.965.7141
February 15-21
Brasilia, Brazil
March 17-19, 2015
Good News Conference--Celebrating God’s
Faith Ministries Community Church
12222 Blue Ridge Ext
Grandview, Missouri 64030
April 3-5
Momentum Church
Jacksonville, Florida
Danon and Amanda Winter, pastors
June 14-29
Family Mission Team to
Kenya, East Africa
July 7-11
Navajo Nation Camp Meeting
Ganado, Arizona
July 20-24
FMIN Youth Camp
Bear Trap Ranch, Colorado
Family at Connor’s high school
basketball game, Tamara, Gentry,
Bonnie, Connor, Juli, Savannah,
August 28-30
FMIN Men’s Encounter
Conifer, Colorado
Valentine Marriage Upgrade
February 6, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Mountain High Christian Center
Conifer, Colorado
• Speakers:DaveandBonnieDuell;Ed
• ForCouplesandSingles
• PizzaandSaladDinner
• Bringyourwrittenmarriagequestions
• Childcare:$5perchild
• Anofferingwillbereceived
• Forreservationsemail:
September 17-19
FMIN England Conference
Contact Andy Greene:
September 23-25
FMIN India Conference
Contact Silvi Kothapally:
October 22-24
Carol Stream, Illinois
November 5-22
Tree of Life Churches
London, England
Wednesday Afternoon during GOOD NEWS
CONFERENCE Workshop with Andrew Ironside,
Hillsong Australia
March 18, 3:00p.m.
for Musicians, Singers, Sound Techs and all
interested in honing skills.
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