JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. ???, XXXX, DOI:10.1029/, 1 2 Surfzone to inner-shelf exchange estimated from dye tracer balances K. Hally-Rosendahl, Integrative Oceanography Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla CA 92093-0209 ( F. Feddersen, Integrative Oceanography Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla CA 92093-0209 ( D. B. Clark, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MS#12, 266 Woods Hole Rd., Woods Hole, MA 02543 ( R. T. Guza, Integrative Oceanography Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla CA 92093-0209 ( D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X-2 3 4 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE Abstract. Surfzone and inner-shelf tracer dispersion are observed at an approximately 5 alongshore-uniform beach. Fluorescent Rhodamine WT dye tracer, released 6 near the shoreline continuously for 6.5 h, is advected alongshore by break- 7 ing wave- and wind-driven currents, and ejected offshore from the surfzone 8 to the inner-shelf by transient rip currents. Aerial multispectral imaging of 9 dye concentration and in situ measurements of dye, waves, and currents pro- 10 vide tracer transport and dilution observations spanning approximately 400 11 m cross-shore and 3 km alongshore. The alongshore dilution of near-shoreline 12 dye follows weak power-law decay; a 10-fold increase in downstream distance 13 from the source only reduces the concentration by 50%. Surfzone and inner- 14 shelf dye mass balances close, and in 5 h roughly 1/2 of the surfzone-released 15 dye is transported offshore to the inner-shelf. Observed cross-shore transports 16 from the surfzone to the inner-shelf are parameterized well using a bulk ex- 17 change velocity (correlation r2 = 0.85 and best fit slope 0.7). The best fit 18 cross-shore exchange velocity u∗ ≈ 1 × 10−2 m s−1 is similar to u∗ es- 19 timated using temperature observations on another day with similar wave 20 conditions, confirming the dominance of transient rip currents in surfzone 21 to inner-shelf cross-shore exchange during moderate waves at an alongshore- 22 uniform beach. D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE X-3 1. Introduction 23 The nearshore region, consisting of the surfzone (shoreline to xb , the seaward bound- 24 ary of depth-limited wave breaking) and the inner-shelf (xb to approximately 20 m water 25 depth), is vitally important to coastal economies, recreation, and human and ecosystem 26 health. However, nearshore water quality is often compromised by terrestrial runoff and 27 offshore waste disposal [e.g., Koh and Brooks, 1975; Schiff et al., 2000; Halpern et al., 2008]. 28 Globally, microbial pathogen exposure from polluted nearshore water causes an estimated 29 120 million gastrointestinal illnesses and 50 million severe respiratory illnesses annually 30 [Dorfman and Stoner , 2012] with significant economic impacts. Furthermore, excess nutri- 31 ents in polluted runoff can spur rapid growth of harmful algal blooms (HABs), damaging 32 ecosystems and causing serious and even life-threatening human illnesses through direct 33 ocean exposure or consumption of algal-contaminated seafood [Dorfman and Haren, 2013]. 34 Pathogens, nutrients, HABs, and other contaminants all act as nearshore tracers, the 35 transport and dilution of which are governed by surfzone and inner-shelf physical pro- 36 cesses. Yet, despite the detriment of contaminated coastal water to our health and econ- 37 omy, understanding of nearshore tracer transport and mixing remains relatively poor. 38 Several field experiments [e.g., Harris et al., 1963; Inman et al., 1971; Grant et al., 2005] 39 have tracked near-shoreline-released dye, simulating point source tracers of terrestrial or 40 surfzone origin. However, these studies were limited by sparse sampling and/or small spa- 41 tiotemporal extents of quantitative observations. A rapid-sampling, jetski-based dye mea- 42 surement platform [Clark et al., 2009] provided greatly improved observations. Analyses of 43 dye plume evolution at Huntington Beach, California (HB06) showed that surfzone cross- D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X-4 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 44 shore tracer dispersion is dominated by horizontal eddies [Clark et al., 2010; Feddersen 45 et al., 2011; Clark et al., 2011] forced by finite crest length wave breaking [Peregrine, 1998; 46 Spydell and Feddersen, 2009; Clark et al., 2012; Feddersen, 2014]. However, HB06 obser- 47 vations were limited to ≤ 2 hours and usually < 400 m downstream of the dye source with 48 analyses specifically restricted to surfzone-contained portions of the dye plumes. While 49 shoreline-source tracers are first transported and mixed within the surfzone, their fate 50 is ultimately determined by exchange with the inner-shelf [Hally-Rosendahl et al., 2014]. 51 An improved understanding of long distance surfzone tracer dilution requires quantitative 52 estimates of net cross-shore exchange between the the surfzone and inner-shelf. 53 The surfzone and inner-shelf are governed by drastically different dynamics. The sur- 54 fzone is dominated by breaking-wave-driven currents [e.g., Thornton and Guza, 1986] 55 and horizontal eddies [e.g., Peregrine, 1998; Clark et al., 2012], whereas the inner-shelf is 56 forced by a combination of wind, tides, buoyancy, and both surface and internal waves 57 [e.g., Lucas et al., 2011; Lentz and Fewings, 2012; Kumar et al., 2014; Sinnett and Fed- 58 dersen, 2014]. Furthermore, the surfzone is vertically well mixed while the inner-shelf 59 can be strongly stratified immediately offshore of the surfzone [Hally-Rosendahl et al., 60 2014]. The intersection of, and exchange between, these dynamically different regions is 61 particularly complex. The fall 2009 IB09 experiment at Imperial Beach, California was 62 designed to observe shoreline-released dye with better resolution and over longer times 63 and distances than preceding studies, and particularly to quantify surfzone and inner-shelf 64 exchange. Hally-Rosendahl et al. [2014] analyzed 29 Sept dye and temperature observa- 65 tions across the surfzone and inner-shelf, spanning 7-12 hours and 700 m alongshore. 66 Downstream dye dilution followed a power-law decay and was weaker than that expected D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE X-5 67 for a Fickian diffusive process as observed and modeled for surfzone-contained portions 68 of dye plumes [Clark et al., 2010, 2011]. Computed using temperature observations, a 69 bulk cross-shore exchange velocity ≈ 1 × 10−2 m s−1 was 10-15× larger than the estimated 70 Stokes drift driven exchange velocity, indicating that the observed transient rip currents 71 dominated surfzone/inner-shelf cross-shore exchange at the alongshore-uniform Imperial 72 Beach [Hally-Rosendahl et al., 2014]. However, the cross-shore dye transport was not mea- 73 sured, as coupled dye and velocity observations at high temporal and spatial resolutions 74 over large alongshore distances are required to resolve the transient and small scale rip 75 current ejection structure. 76 Here, aerial and in situ dye observations on 13 Oct, spanning the surfzone and inner-shelf 77 for even greater alongshore distances (up to 3 km) than 29 Sept, are used to investigate 78 far-downstream dye dilution and cross-shore transport estimated from surfzone and inner- 79 shelf dye mass balances. The experiment site, dye release, instrument platforms, and 80 sampling schemes are described in section 2. Wave and alongshore current conditions 81 are presented in section 3.1. In section 3.2, aerial dye observations are described, and 82 time periods and spatial regions for subsequent analyses are established. Surfzone cross- 83 shore dye structure is described in section 3.3. Alongshore dye dilution and transport are 84 examined in sections 3.4 and 3.5, respectively. Sections 4.1-4.3 present dye mass balances 85 (estimation methods are described in Appendix A). The closure of these balances allows 86 for observational estimates of cross-shore dye transport (section 4.4) which are compared 87 to parameterized estimates in section 5.1. Section 6 is a summary. 2. IB09 Experiment D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X-6 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 2.1. Field Site and Coordinate System 88 IB09 field observations were acquired during fall 2009 at Imperial Beach, California 89 (32.6◦ N, 117.1◦ W), a west (269.6◦ ) facing beach with an approximately straight shoreline 90 (Figure 1). In the right-handed coordinate system, cross-shore coordinate x increases 91 negatively seaward (x = 0 m at the mean shoreline), alongshore coordinate y increases 92 positively toward the north (y = 0 m at the dye release location), and vertical coordinate 93 z increases positively upward (z = 0 at mean sea level). The dye release discussed here 94 took place on 13 October, 2009. Bathymetry surveys from 9 October and 19 October 95 were similar, and are averaged to give a representative bathymetry for 13 October that is 96 approximately alongshore-uniform (Figure 1). All times are in PDT. 2.2. Dye Release 97 Fluorescent Rhodamine WT dye (2.1 × 108 parts per billion (ppb)) was released con- 98 tinuously at 2.4 mL s−1 near the shoreline at (x, y) = (−10, 0) m for approximately 6.5 h 99 (10:39-17:07 h). Visual observations suggested rapid vertical mixing, and measured dye 100 concentrations were reduced from O(108 ) ppb to O(102 ) ppb within 10 m of the release. 101 Therefore, the dye specific gravity was quickly reduced from 1.2 to ≈ 1. Rhodamine WT 102 has a photochemical decay e-folding time of approximately 667 h of sunlight [e.g., Smart 103 and Laidlaw , 1977]; decay over the ≈ 9 h of sunlight during this study is negligible. 2.3. In Situ Instrumentation: Surfzone and Inner-Shelf 104 2.3.1. Cross-Shore Array 105 A 125 m-long cross-shore array of six fixed, near-bed instrument frames (denoted f1-f6, 106 onshore to offshore) was deployed from near the shoreline to approximately 4 m water 107 depth (diamonds, Figure 1). The frames held Paros pressure sensors, SonTek acous- D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE X-7 108 tic Doppler velocimeters (ADVs), Yellow Springs Instrument Company thermistors, and 109 WET Labs ECO Triplet fluorometers (hereafter ET) to measure dye concentration D. 110 One frame (f4), located near the seaward edge of the surfzone, held instruments at three 111 different vertical locations (0.2, 0.7, and 1.3 m above the bed). Cross-shore array instru- 112 ments sampled for 51 min each hour, with the remaining 9 min used by the ADVs to 113 estimate bed location [Feddersen, 2012; Spydell et al., 2014]. On 13 Oct, the dye release 114 (y = 0 m) was 248 m south of this cross-shore array (Figure 1). 115 116 2.3.2. Surfzone Near-Shoreline Alongshore Array Four thermistor-equipped ETs were deployed near the shoreline at y = 82, 546, 1069, 1662 m 117 (circles, Figure 1), referred to as SA1-SA4, respectively. For some analyses, ET data from 118 f2 (at yf = 248 m) are used in conjunction with data from SA1-SA4. The ET on f2 119 sampled throughout (and after) the dye release, while SA1-SA4 were deployed after the 120 dye release started. 121 2.3.3. Cross-Shore Jetski Transects 122 Surface dye concentration and temperature were measured with fluorometers and ther- 123 mistors mounted on two GPS-tracked jetskis [Clark et al., 2009] that drove repeated cross- 124 shore transects from x ≈ −300 m to the shoreline (e.g., Figure 1) at various designated 125 alongshore locations between y = 5 m and y ≈ 2 km. The alongshore spacing between 126 transects varied from approximately 20 m (near the release) to 300 m (far downstream of 127 the release). Analyses only include shoreward transects, when jetskis were driven immedi- 128 ately in front of bores to minimize turbidity from bubbles and suspended sand. Seaward 129 transects, sometimes corrupted when jetskis swerved or became airborne jumping over 130 waves, are discarded. D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X-8 131 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 2.3.4. Inner-Shelf Alongshore Boat Transects 132 Offshore of the surfzone, the vertical and alongshore structure of dye concentration 133 and temperature were measured with a vertical array of five thermistor-equipped ETs 134 towed alongshore behind a small boat. The vertical array sampled from z = −1 to 135 −3 m at 0.5 m spacing. During 14:06-17:43 h, repeated ≈ 2 km-long alongshore transects 136 (e.g., Figure 1) were driven at roughly 1 m s−1 at a mean cross-shore location nominally 137 twice the surfzone width. The transects were approximately shore-parallel with deviations 138 to avoid large waves. 2.4. Remote Sensing Instrumentation: Inner-Shelf 139 Aerial observations of near-surface dye concentration were obtained from a small plane 140 with a multispectral camera system and coupled global positioning and inertial navigation 141 systems [Clark et al., 2014]. Two cameras captured images near the peak excitation 142 and emission wavelengths of the fluorescent Rhodamine WT. Dye concentrations were 143 determined by calibrating the ratio of emission to excitation radiances with coincident 144 in situ data. Aerial dye concentration errors range from ±1.5 ppb near D = 0 ppb to 145 ±4.5 ppb near D = 20 ppb. The georeferenced aerial images are combined into mosaics 146 and regridded onto a rectangular grid with 2 m × 2 m lateral resolution. See Clark et al. 147 [2014] for details. 148 Between 11:21 and 15:32 h, 23 mosaic images were obtained, each separated by roughly 149 6 min (with a longer gap from 13:08 to 14:56 h). The dye field was imaged from the 150 shoreline to roughly 400 m offshore and from the release to roughly 3 km downstream. 151 Pixels with excitation image brightness above an empirical threshold [Clark et al., 2014] 152 owing to sun glitter or white foam from breaking waves are discarded. The surfzone is D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE X-9 153 therefore often poorly resolved, and quantitative analyses of aerial images are confined to 154 the inner-shelf. 155 2.4.1. Corrections to Measured Dye Fluorescence 156 All aerial and in situ dye observations are corrected for temperature [Smart and Laidlaw , 157 1977], and all in situ dye observations are corrected for turbidity [Clark et al., 2009]. 158 Corrected D typically differ from measured D by less than 5%. 3. Observations 3.1. Wave, Wind, and Alongshore Current Conditions 159 During the dye release, the incident wave field (with peak period Tp = 13 s) is relatively 160 constant, and the tide varies less than 0.7 m (low tide at 12:33 h). The release-averaged 161 significant wave height Hs (x) shoals to a maximum of 0.87 m at f4 (break point xb = 162 −81 m, mean breaking depth hb = 2.1 m, Figures 2a and 2c). The mean alongshore 163 current V (x) is northward (positive) at all f1-f6 locations, with a near-shoreline maximum 164 of 0.40 m s−1 (Figure 2b). Offshore, V decreases to 0.12 m s−1 at the seaward surfzone 165 boundary xb and then increases slightly to 0.17 m s−1 at inner-shelf f6 (x = −135 m, 166 Figure 2b). The mean surfzone (f1-f4) alongshore current is VSZ = 0.22 m s−1 , and the 167 mean inner-shelf (f4-f6) alongshore current is VIS = 0.14 m s−1 . Wind is from the south 168 at 4-7 m s−1 . 3.2. Inner-shelf Surface Dye Evolution 169 Aerial images (e.g., Figures 3a-3f) spanning 0:42-4:53 h after the t0 = 10:39 h start of the 170 dye release are partitioned into three time periods based on temporal gaps in images and 171 the dye plume evolution: period I (early in release, 11:21-11:53 h), period II (mid-release, D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 10 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 172 12:08-13:01 h), and period III (late in release, 14:56-15:32 h). Approximately 40 min after 173 the release begins (Figure 3a, period I), surfzone dye has advected about 600 m alongshore 174 at ≈ 0.25 m s−1 , consistent with in situ VSZ = 0.22 m s−1 (Figure 2b). Surfzone dye is 175 ejected onto the inner-shelf in narrow (≈ 50 m) alongshore bands (Figure 3a), presumably 176 due to transient rip currents [e.g., Hally-Rosendahl et al., 2014]. As the dye release contin- 177 ues (Figures 3b-3d, period II), the leading portion of inner-shelf dye is alongshore-patchy 178 with length scales ≈ 50 m (as in Figure 3a). Behind the leading edge, slower alongshore 179 advection of inner-shelf dye (e.g., the feature at y ≈ 1250 m and 1500 m in Figures 3e 180 and 3f, respectively, period III) is apparent at a speed of ≈ 0.15 m s−1 , consistent with 181 in situ VIS = 0.14 m s−1 (Figure 2b). At these longer times and downstream distances 182 (Figures 3e and 3f, period III), inner-shelf dye advects alongshore, disperses cross-shore, 183 and moves to larger alongshore length scales. In particular, Figures 3e and 3f reveal a 184 coherent nearshore eddy feature (at y ≈ 1250 m and 1500 m, respectively) with an along- 185 shore length scale ≈ 300 m, roughly six times larger than the length scales of inner-shelf 186 dye patches when recently ejected from the surfzone. 187 In addition to the temporal partitioning into periods I, II, and III (defined above), 188 dye is cross-shore partitioned into the surfzone and inner-shelf (separated by xb = −81 m, 189 section 3.1) and alongshore partitioned into near- and far-field regions A and B, separated 190 by the cross-shore frame array at yf = 248 m (Figure 3a). 191 The leading alongshore edge of the dye plume yp (t) is defined as the northernmost 192 location where aerial-imaged inner-shelf D exceeds 3 ppb within 40 m of xb (green triangles 193 in Figures 3a-3e). The plume leading edge yp (t) increases roughly linearly during each 194 time period, with the fastest advance during period III (Figure 4). The associated mean D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE X - 11 195 alongshore velocity over periods I, II, and III is 0.17 m s−1 (Figure 4), between the surfzone 196 and inner-shelf means VSZ = 0.22 m s−1 and VIS = 0.14 m s−1 . 3.3. Cross-surfzone Mean Dye Profiles 197 Time-averaged surface dye profiles D(x, yj ) from repeated jetski cross-shore transects 198 at designated alongshore locations yj are cross- and alongshore-binned corresponding to 199 where near-shoreline dye is released (y = 0 m) and measured (SA1, f2, SA2, SA3, and 200 SA4, Figure 1). Near the release (y = 14 m), dye concentration is high (≈ 80 ppb) 201 near the shoreline and decays to ≈ 10 ppb near xb (Figure 5). Immediately downstream 202 (y = 87 m), as dye is dispersed offshore, the mean dye cross-surfzone profile begins to 203 flatten. At y ≥ 207 m, dye is well mixed across the surfzone (Figure 5), indicating that 204 surfzone-representative D can be estimated with near-shoreline measurements. 3.4. Near-Shoreline Alongshore Dye Dilution 205 Here, alongshore dye dilution is examined with near-shoreline in situ data from SA1- 206 SA4 and f2 (yellow circles and diamond, respectively, Figure 3). The SA1-SA4 data start 207 times (beginning progressively later with alongshore distance from the release) indicate 208 SA1-SA4 deployment times instead of dye arrival times at those locations (Figure 6). 209 With the exception of SA3 (y = 1069 m), SA instruments were recovered shortly after 210 the dye release ended. 211 When the dye field is roughly stationary, mean near-shoreline dye concentration decays 212 with downstream distance from the release (Figures 6 and 7) because dye is dispersed 213 cross-shore onto the inner-shelf as it is advected alongshore (Figure 3). Near-shoreline 214 dye variability also decreases significantly with y (Figure 6 and vertical bars in Figure 7). D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 12 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 215 For example, near the release at y = 248 m, D varies between 0-80 ppb with a mean of 216 15 ppb, while at y = 1662 m, D varies between 4-12 ppb with a mean of 8 ppb (Figures 6b, 217 218 6e, and 7). Furthermore, the time scale of dye variability increases with downstream −1/2 2 2 distance from the release (Figures 6a-6e); the characteristic time scale dD /D dt 219 increases monotonically from 71 s at y = 82 m to 584 s at y = 1662 m. Together with 220 the increasing time scale, the reduction of D variability relative to the mean suggests 221 that surfzone alongshore dye length scales also increase with y, consistent with inner-shelf 222 observations (Figures 3a-3f). The near-shoreline mean dye dilutes following a power-law, D = D0 (y/y0 )α , (1) 223 where y0 = 1 m is chosen for simplicity. The best fit constants are D0 = 98 ppb and 224 α = −0.3 (dashed line in Figure 7). Similar downstream dilution structure was ob- 225 served over shorter distances (700 m) during a 29 Sept dye release with α = −0.2 [Hally- 226 Rosendahl et al., 2014]. The downstream dilution power-law exponents α = (−0.3, −0.2) 227 are smaller than that expected for a shoreline Fickian diffusive process (α = −0.5, dye flux 228 proportional to mean concentration gradient). Deviation from α ≈ −0.5 observed and 229 modeled for surfzone-contained dye plumes [Clark et al., 2010, 2011] indicates that the 230 dispersion is not Fickian after dye saturates the surfzone and spreads onto the inner-shelf 231 [Hally-Rosendahl et al., 2014]. Note that α = −0.3 corresponds to relatively weak decay; 232 a 10-fold increase in y only reduces D by 50%. 3.5. Alongshore Dye Transport D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE X - 13 Dye is advected by the northward alongshore current V (Figures 2b and 3) from the release location (x, y) = (−10, 0) m past the cross-shore array at yf = 248 m. The alongshore dye transport T y,A/B from region A to region B through yf (Figure 3, diamonds) is estimated for the surfzone, y,A/B TSZ (t) = Z 0 d(x, t)V (x, t)D(x, t) dx, (2) d(x, t)V (x, t)D(x, t) dx, (3) xb and the inner-shelf, y,A/B TIS (t) = Z xb xf6 233 using in situ, 30 s-averaged total water depth d = h + η, alongshore current V , and D at 234 f1-f6, assuming vertically uniform V (x, t) and D(x, t). For the surfzone, this assumption 235 is a good approximation. The vertical structure of surfzone dye concentration is measured 236 at the seaward surfzone boundary xb in mean water depth hb = 2.1 m, where three ETs on 237 f4 are located 0.2, 0.7, and 1.3 m above the bed (Figure 2c). As for a 29 Sept dye release 238 [Hally-Rosendahl et al., 2014], surfzone D is vertically uniform on 13 Oct (Figure 8). 239 However, inner-shelf D is not necessarily vertically uniform, as thermal stratification can 240 inhibit inner-shelf vertical dye mixing, even immediately offshore of the vertically mixed 241 surfzone (not shown here, similar to 29 Sept dye release in Hally-Rosendahl et al. [2014], 242 Figure 15). Inner-shelf V may also be vertically sheared, likely larger in the upper water 243 column, driven by southerly wind. Lastly, dye at yf sometimes extends offshore of f6 244 (e.g., Figure 3), but V measurements, and therefore the extent of cross-shore integration 245 for (3), are limited to xf6 = −135 m. For these reasons, TIS 246 247 y,A/B is biased low. y,A/B and TIS The surfzone and inner-shelf alongshore dye transports TSZ y,A/B generally vary between approximately 0-1000 ppb m3 s−1 and 0-400 ppb m3 s−1 , respectively (Figures 9a D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 14 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE y,A/B 248 and 9b). Averaged during the release period, T SZ y,A/B = 320 ppb m3 s−1 and T IS = 249 76 ppb m3 s−1 , about 62% and 15% of the dye release rate Q, respectively. Therefore, 77% 250 of the released dye is alongshore-transported past yf = 248 m between the shoreline and 251 xf6 = −135 m (recall TIS y,A/B 252 is biased low). The cumulative (time-integrated) alongshore dye transports at yf for the surfzone and Rt y,A/B T t0 SZ (τ ) dτ and Rt y,A/B TIS (τ ) dτ , respectively, where t0 = 10:39 h is the 253 inner-shelf are 254 dye release start time and TSZ 255 surfzone alongshore transport 256 ure 9c) with small steps corresponding to pulses of TSZ 257 after the last of the dye is advected past the cross-shore array, approximately four times 258 as much dye has been alongshore-transported through yf between the shoreline and f4 as 259 between f4 and f6 (Figure 9c). y,A/B Rt t0 t0 y,A/B and TIS y,A/B TSZ are defined in (2) and (3). The cumulative dτ is roughly linear during the dye release (Figy,A/B (Figure 9a). At t ≈ 17:30 h, 4. Dye Mass Balances and Cross-shore Exchange 260 In sections 4.1-4.3, dye mass balances are shown to close in total, for near-field region 261 A and far-field region B, and for the surfzone and inner-shelf. These results are used in 262 section 4.4 to infer the surfzone to inner-shelf dye tracer exchange. 4.1. Mass Balance: Total and Regions Surfzone and inner-shelf dye masses integrated over the entire alongshore domain (regions A (0 < y = 0 ≥ 248 m) and B (y > 248 m) combined) are A+B MSZ (t) = Z yp (t) 0m D R A F T Z 0m xb Z 0m D(x, y, z, t) dz dx dy, (4) −h March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE X - 15 and A+B MIS (t) = Z ∞ −∞ Z xb −∞ Z 0m D(x, y, z, t) dz dx dy, (5) −h where yp (t) is the alongshore location of the leading edge of the northward-advecting dye plume (green triangles in Figure 3). Estimation methods for (4) and (5) are described in Appendix A. The total dye mass balance for the surfzone and inner-shelf is A+B MSZ (t) + A+B MIS (t) = Z t Q dτ , (6) t0 263 where Q is the steady dye release rate, t0 = 10:39 h is the dye release start time, and 264 A+B A+B MSZ (t0 ) ≡ MIS (t0 ) ≡ 0 ppb m3 . 265 The total dye mass balance (6) closes well over the 11:21-15:32 h time span of aerial 266 images (Figure 10a, compare red asterisks with line). On average, 88% of the released dye 267 tracer is accounted for using aerial and (relatively sparse) in situ measurements. Note, 268 A+B B MSZ (and therefore MSZ ) may be biased low because yp (t) may be underestimated 269 (Appendix A1). Analyses are broken into time periods I, II, and III based on temporal 270 gaps in aerial data (e.g., Figure 10a) and dye plume evolution (recall section 3.2 and 271 A+B A+B Figure 3). Early in the release during period I, MSZ ≈ MIS (Figure 10a). Starting in 272 A+B period II, as more dye spreads from the surfzone to the inner-shelf, MIS becomes larger 273 A+B A+B A+B . In period III, MIS ≈ 2MSZ (Figure 10a), indicating significant transport than MSZ 274 of the surfzone-released dye to the inner-shelf. 275 The surfzone and inner-shelf are also decomposed into near-field region A and far- 276 A B field region B (Figure 3a). For the surfzone, MSZ ≈ MSZ during period I (Figure 10b), 277 when dye has not advected very far downstream (e.g., Figure 3a). As the dye plume 278 B A advects farther alongshore during period II, MSZ becomes larger than MSZ . Though D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 16 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 279 dye concentrations are highest near the release (region A) and decrease downstream, the 280 power-law decay is weak (equation (1) and Figure 7), and the larger alongshore extent of 281 B A the dye plume in region B than region A results in period II MSZ ≈ 2MSZ (Figure 10b). 282 B During period III, dye has advected far downstream (e.g., Figures 3e and 3f), and MSZ ≈ 283 A 4MSZ (Figure 10b). Similar trends are observed for the inner-shelf. During period I, 284 A B B A MIS ≈ MIS (Figure 10c). In period II, MIS begins to dominate MIS , and during period 285 B A III, MIS MIS (Figure 10c). 4.2. Mass Balance: Near-field Region A In near-field region A, the total released dye mass ( Rt t0 Q dτ ) must balance the surfzone A A and inner-shelf accumulated dye mass (MSZ + MIS ) and the time-integrated alongshore R t y,A/B y,A/B transport from A to B ( t0 (TSZ + TIS ) dτ ), i.e., A MSZ (t) + A MIS (t) + Z t t0 y,A/B TSZ + y,A/B TIS dτ = Z t Q dτ . (7) t0 286 On average, the sum of the observed mass and cumulative transports account for 76% of 287 the released dye (Figure 11, compare red asterisks with red line). The largest terms of (7) 288 are the cumulative surfzone and inner-shelf alongshore transports, with 289 0.5 290 A A The region A dye masses MSZ and MIS are relatively small, especially during period III 291 (Figure 11, triangles). The 24% of dye unaccounted for in region A is consistent with the 292 low-bias of TIS Rt t0 Q dτ and Rt t0 y,A/B y,A/B TIS dτ ≈ 0.2 Rt t0 Rt t0 y,A/B TSZ dτ ≈ Q dτ (Figure 11, gray and blue curves, respectively). (described in section 3.5). 4.3. Mass Balance: Far-field Region B D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE X - 17 Similar to the near-field region A, the far-field region B accumulated dye mass must balance the A to B alongshore transport, i.e., B MSZ (t) + B MIS (t) = Z t t0 y,A/B y,A/B TSZ + TIS dτ. (8) 293 The observed mass and transport estimates agree well with 18% relative rms error (Fig- 294 ure 12, compare red circles with squares), confirming the consistency among aerial and 295 in situ data and the validation of mass and transport estimation methods. On average, 296 the region B accumulated dye mass (red squares, Figure 12) is slightly larger than the 297 time-integrated alongshore transport (red circles, Figure 12), again consistent with the 298 low bias of TIS y,A/B . 4.4. Exchange Between the Surfzone and Inner-shelf 299 Because the section 4.1-4.3 dye mass balances close, cross-shore surfzone to inner-shelf 300 x,A x,B transport estimates for regions A and B (TSZ/IS and TSZ/IS , respectively) can be inferred 301 from observations. The region A inner-shelf dye mass must balance cross-shore transport 302 input from the region A surfzone and alongshore transport loss to the region B inner-shelf 303 (Figure 13). The region B inner-shelf dye mass must balance cross-shore transport input 304 from the region B surfzone and alongshore transport input from the region A inner-shelf 305 (Figure 13). The corresponding equations are Z t Zt0t t0 D R A F T x,A TSZ/IS dτ = A MIS (t) + x,B B (t) − TSZ/IS dτ = MIS Z t Zt0t t0 y,A/B dτ , (9a) y,A/B dτ . (9b) TIS TIS March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 18 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE Adding (9a) and (9b), one recovers the expected inner-shelf balance for regions A and B combined: Z t t0 x,A x,B TSZ/IS + TSZ/IS A B dτ = MIS (t) + MIS (t) , (10) 306 stating that the total (A+B) inner-shelf-accumulated dye mass is the time integral of 307 the total cross-shore transport of surfzone-released dye. The time-integrated cross-shore 308 transports (9a), (9b), and (10) are inferred from the observed inner-shelf dye mass and 309 alongshore transport. 310 The inferred time-integrated cross-shore transports Rt t0 x dτ are approximately linTSZ/IS 311 x are estimated ear in each time period, and the associated cross-shore transports TSZ/IS 312 x,A from the slope of each best fit line (Figure 14). The region A cross-shore transport TSZ/IS 313 is similar for periods I and II (137 and 115 ppb m3 s−1 , respectively), consistent with the 314 fixed 248 m alongshore extent of region A, independent of the dye plume advecting far- 315 x,B ther northward with time. In contrast, the region B cross-shore transport TSZ/IS increases 316 significantly among periods I, II, and III (25, 263, and 495 ppb m3 s−1 , respectively) as 317 yp (t) moves northward (e.g., Figures 3 and 4). As a result, the region A and B combined 318 x,A+B cross-shore transport TSZ/IS also increases with time. During period I, when dye has not 319 x,A+B advected far downstream (e.g., Figure 3a), TSZ/IS = 162 ppb m3 s−1 = 0.32Q. During 320 x,A+B period II, when dye has advected farther downstream (e.g., Figures 3b-3d), TSZ/IS = 321 378 ppb m3 s−1 = 0.74Q. During period III, when dye has advected approximately 3 km 322 x,A+B downstream (e.g., Figures 3e and 3f), TSZ/IS = 498 ppb m3 s−1 = 0.97Q, and most of 323 the cross-shore transport occurs in region B (Figure 14, compare red with green best fit 324 slopes). Over the approximate 5 h of aerial observations, roughly 1/2 of the shoreline- D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 19 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 325 released dye is cross-shore transported to the inner-shelf, i.e., 326 (Figure 14, compare blue symbols with thin red line). Rt t0 x,A+B TSZ/IS dτ ≈ 1 2 Rt t0 Q dτ 5. Discussion 5.1. Parameterizing Cross-Shore Transport Estimates The box-model-based cross-shore tracer flux parameterization used for temperature by Hally-Rosendahl et al. [2014] is tested here for dye with the inferred estimates of surfzone x to inner-shelf cross-shore dye transport (section 4.4). The cross-shore dye flux FˆSZ/IS (units ppb m2 s−1 ) at the surfzone/inner-shelf boundary xb is parameterized as x FˆSZ/IS = hb u∗ ∆D, (11) where hb is the water depth at xb , u∗ is a bulk cross-shore exchange velocity, and ∆D = DSZ − DIS is the surfzone to inner-shelf mean dye concentration difference. Here ∆D is computed separately for region A and region B and for each time period using A A B B period-averaged dye mass estimates M SZ , M IS , M SZ , and M IS (section 4.1) and apA A A ). The surfzone volumes are proximate volumes V of each region (e.g., DSZ = M SZ /VSZ A,B defined by the integration regions for M SZ (see Appendix A1). The inner-shelf volumes are estimated using hdye (Appendix A2), cross-shore width | − 250 m − xb | = 169 m (e.g., Figure 3), and alongshore extents yf = 248 m and y p − yf for regions A and B, respectively, where y p is the mean of yp for each time period . The parameterized surfzone x to inner-shelf cross-shore dye transports TˆSZ/IS (units ppb m3 s−1 ) are then x,A TˆSZ/IS x,B TˆSZ/IS = D R A F T Z yp yf = Z yf 0 x,A FˆSZ/IS x,B FˆSZ/IS dy = dy = Z Z yf A A hb u∗ ∆D dy = hb u∗ ∆D yf , (12a) 0 yp B hb u∗ ∆D dy = hb u∗ ∆D yf March 17, 2015, 12:07pm B y p − yf (12b) D R A F T X - 20 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE for region A and region B, respectively, and x,A+B x,A x,B TˆSZ/IS = TˆSZ/IS + TˆSZ/IS (13) 327 x,A x,B x,A+B for regions A and B combined. The parameterized TˆSZ/IS , TˆSZ/IS , and TˆSZ/IS are each 328 computed for periods I, II, and III. 329 330 x x Parameterized TˆSZ/IS and inferred TSZ/IS are generally similar (Figure 15) with squared correlation r2 = 0.85 and best fit slope 0.7. Minimizing the rms error among parameterized 331 x x TˆSZ/IS and inferred TSZ/IS transports yields the best fit cross-shore exchange velocity 332 u∗ = 1.2 × 10−2 m s−1 . This is consistent with the u∗ = 0.9 × 10−2 m s−1 found using 333 temperature observations on another day with similar wave conditions [Hally-Rosendahl 334 et al., 2014]. 335 x,A The parameterized TˆSZ/IS are comparable between periods I and II and are similar to 336 x,A the inferred TSZ/IS (Figure 15, green circle and square), while the period III parameterized 337 x,A x,A TˆSZ/IS over-estimates the small inferred TSZ/IS (Figure 15, green triangle). The param- 338 x,B eterized TˆSZ/IS increases among periods I, II, and III (Figure 15, vertical coordinates of 339 red symbols) as yp (t) moves farther northward (Figure 4), consistent with the increase 340 x,B of inferred TSZ/IS (Figure 15, horizontal coordinates of red symbols). Similarly, parame- 341 x,A+B x,A+B terized TˆSZ/IS and inferred TSZ/IS are comparable and both increase with time among 342 periods I, II, and III (Figure 15, blue symbols). 343 x,A During period III, the inferred TSZ/IS is small (horizontal coordinate of green triangle 344 in Figure 15), suggesting that most of the region A surfzone dye is transported alongshore 345 to the region B surfzone rather than offshore to the inner-shelf. Consistent with this 346 inference, the mean period III surfzone alongshore transport T SZ y,A/B D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm = 507 ppb m3 s−1 is D R A F T HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 347 X - 21 within 1% of the dye release rate Q = 512 ppb m3 s−1 . Combined with small period III d dt A MIS (Figure 10c, triangles), this confirms that the period III cross-shore 348 A MIS and 349 transport within region A is small. 350 The inferred cross-shore exchange velocity u∗ = 1.2 × 10−2 m s−1 incorporates all po- 351 tential surfzone/inner-shelf exchange mechanisms, including both rip currents and Stokes 352 drift driven exchange (onshore near-surface mass flux balanced by undertow at depth). 353 Clark et al. [2010] found the Stokes drift driven exchange mechanism to be negligible for 354 cross-shore dye dispersion within the surfzone due to the surfzone being vertically well- 355 mixed (assumed in Clark et al. [2010], demonstrated here in Figure 8). However, seaward 356 of the surfzone, where dye concentration is not necessarily vertically uniform, the Stokes 357 drift driven exchange mechanism could potentially be important. Here, the u∗ magnitude 358 is compared to the estimated Stokes drift driven exchange velocity offshore of the surfzone. 359 Assuming normally incident, narrow-banded waves with the observed Hs (Figure 2a) and 360 peak period Tp = 13 s, the Lagrangian (Eulerian plus Stokes) velocity profile [e.g., Hally- 361 Rosendahl et al., 2014] at f6 is shoreward in the upper water column and seaward only 362 below z = −1.8 m. Averaging vertically over the seaward portion of the velocity profile 363 yields uLsea = 5.9 × 10−4 m s−1 , which is 20× smaller than the inferred exchange velocity 364 u∗ = 1.2 × 10−2 m s−1 . Observations at x ≈ 2xb (roughly 25 m offshore of f6) show that 365 inner-shelf dye (which has a vertically-mixed surfzone source) is surface-intensified and 366 decreases with depth (Figure 16). This requires seaward dye advection in the upper water 367 column, inconsistent with the Stokes drift driven exchange mechanism (shoreward in the 368 upper water column and seaward at depth). Furthermore, inner-shelf D is distinctively 369 alongshore-patchy (Figures 3 and 13), but Stokes drift driven exchange is expected to be D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 22 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 370 approximately alongshore-uniform. These discrepancies in magnitude, vertical structure, 371 and alongshore-patchiness suggest that the observed surfzone to inner-shelf cross-shore 372 dye transport is dominated by transient rip ejections on this day with moderate waves, as 373 also concluded using temperature observations from another day with similar wave condi- 374 tions [Hally-Rosendahl et al., 2014]. Farther seaward of 2xb , Stokes drift driven exchange 375 may be important [e.g., Lentz et al., 2008; Suanda and Feddersen, 2015]. 376 x,A The small TSZ/IS inferred for region A during period III and the associated lack of 377 significant transient rip ejections is not surprising, as transient rip currents are sporadic 378 in space and time, and region A is small (< 250 m alongshore) and period III short 379 (< 40 min). The cross-shore transport parameterization (12a) is a bulk quantity that 380 does not resolve the spatial or temporal variability of individual transient rip ejections. 381 Therefore, as ∆DA is comparable among periods I, II, and III, the parameterization (12a) 382 x,A is unable to reproduce the smaller period III inferred TSZ/IS . However, the period III 383 x,A+B parameterized TˆSZ/IS for the entire alongshore domain (regions A and B combined) still 384 x,A+B (Figure 15, blue triangle). agrees well with the inferred TSZ/IS 6. Summary 385 A continuous 6.5 h, near-shoreline release of fluorescent Rhodamine WT dye tracer 386 was observed on 13 October, 2009, at the alongshore-uniform Imperial Beach, California 387 (IB09 experiment). Surfzone and inner-shelf dye concentration was measured in situ with 388 fixed and mobile (jetski- and boat-mounted) fluorometers, and remotely with an aerial 389 multispectral camera system. Waves and currents were measured between the shoreline 390 and roughly 4 m water depth. Dye was advected alongshore by breaking wave- and wind- 391 driven currents, forming a several km-long plume. D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE X - 23 392 Aerial images showed the plume advecting alongshore while ≈ 50 m-wide dye bands 393 were ejected from the surfzone to the inner-shelf by transient rip currents. Near the 394 shoreline, alongshore dye dilution over ≈ 2 km was relatively weak and followed a power- 395 law with exponent −0.3, similar to 29 September dilution over 700 m with exponent −0.2 396 [Hally-Rosendahl et al., 2014]. Both of these dilution rates were smaller than previously 397 observed and modeled for Fickian dilution of surfzone-contained dye plumes (exponent 398 ≈ −0.5, Clark et al. [2010, 2011]). At a cross-shore instrument array 248 m downstream 399 of the release location, ≈ 75% of the released dye was alongshore-advected through the 400 array within 135 m of the shoreline. 401 Using aerial and in situ measurements, 88% of the released dye mass was accounted for 402 over the entire domain (≈ 400 m cross-shore and 3 km alongshore) during a 5 h period after 403 the start of the release. Mass and alongshore transport observations for separate near- 404 and far-field regions were also in agreement (and the small discrepancies were consistent 405 with low-biased inner-shelf alongshore dye transport estimates). The closure of these dye 406 mass balances allowed for inferred estimates of surfzone to inner-shelf cross-shore dye 407 transport, which amounted to roughly 1/2 of the shoreline-released dye during this 5 h 408 period. 409 The cross-shore dye transport was parameterized well using a bulk exchange velocity and 410 surfzone/inner-shelf mean dye concentration difference (inferred and parameterized cross- 411 shore dye transports were correlated (r2 = 0.85) with best fit slope 0.7). The resulting 412 best fit bulk exchange velocity was u∗ = 1.2 × 10−2 m s−1 , consistent with a temperature- 413 derived u∗ = 0.9×10−2 m s−1 from another day of IB09 with similar waves. Together with 414 the observed inner-shelf dye alongshore-patchiness and surface intensification, a 20-fold D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 24 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 415 difference between u∗ and Stokes drift driven velocity magnitudes indicates that transient 416 rip currents were the dominant surfzone to inner-shelf tracer exchange mechanism at this 417 alongshore-uniform beach during moderate wave conditions. Appendix A: Dye Mass Estimates A1. Surfzone The total surfzone dye mass in regions A and B is defined as A+B MSZ (t) Z = yp (t) 0m Z 0m xb Z 0m D(x, y, z, t) dz dx dy, (A1) −h where h is the water depth, xb is the seaward surfzone boundary, and yp (t) is the leading alongshore edge of the northward-advecting dye plume (Figures 3 and 4). The surfzone dye mass is estimated at times corresponding to the aerial images. The three MSZ integrals (dz, dx, dy) are estimated as follows. Dye is vertically well mixed in the surfzone (Figure 8 and Hally-Rosendahl et al. [2014]), and therefore the vertical integral becomes Z 0m D(x, y, z, t) dz = hD(x, y, t). (A2) −h Cross-shore D profiles do not exist for all y and t. However, cross-shore jetski transects were repeated at various y and are used to compute time-averaged cross-shore dye profiles (see section 3.3 and Figure 5) at alongshore locations near f2 and SA1-SA4, where nearshoreline dye was measured continuously. These mean profiles are used to compute a surfzone dye cross-shore uniformity parameter ξ(y) defined as ξ(y) = R0m xb h(x)D(x, y)dx hSZ LSZ D(x ≈ −10 m, y) , (A3) where hSZ is the mean surfzone water depth, LSZ = |xb | is the surfzone width, and x ≈ −10 m is the location of the shoreward-most observations. By definition 0 < ξ(y) ≤ 1, D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE X - 25 with ξ ≈ 0 corresponding to shoreline-released dye being highly shoreline-concentrated and ξ = 1 corresponding to dye being perfectly cross-shore uniform. Close to the dye release (y = 14 m), the cross-shore uniformity parameter ξ ≈ 0.5. Downstream, as dye mixes across the surfzone, ξ increases to > 0.9 by y = 810 m (Figure 17). The cross-shore integral is estimated as Z 0m h(x) D(x, y, t) dx = hSZ LSZ ξ(y)Dsl (y, t), (A4) xb where Dsl (y, t) is dye measured near the shoreline. Combining (A1)-(A4) yields A+B MSZ (t) = Z yp (t) hSZ LSZ ξ(y)Dsl (y, t) dy. (A5) 0 418 The integral (A5) is alongshore-integrated numerically using the trapezoid rule with 419 Dsl (y, t) at y = 1 m, ySA1 , yf , ySA2 , ySA3 , ySA4 , and yp (t) (Figure 3, yellow symbols 420 and green triangle). Nearest the release, Dsl (y = 1 m, t) = 98 ppb is estimated via the 421 best-fit (1) (see Figure 7) during times that dye is being released (note that all M esti- 422 mates are during this time period). Downstream, Dsl (yp (t), t) is also estimated using the 423 best-fit (1) (see Figures 4 and 7). 424 A+B A B MSZ (t) are decomposed into MSZ (t) (0 < y ≤ yf ) and MSZ (t) (yf < y ≤ yp (t)) 425 using the alongshore boundary yf = 248 m. MSZ estimates are computed for all aerial 426 B image times when in situ near-shoreline dye data are available. Note that MSZ (t) and 427 A+B (t) may be biased low because the inner-shelf yp (t) may be smaller than the actual MSZ 428 alongshore extent of the dye plume within the surfzone (where the alongshore current is 429 fastest (Figure 2b)) and the transient rip ejections from the surfzone to the inner-shelf 430 are episodic in space and time. D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 26 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE A2. Inner-Shelf The total inner-shelf dye mass in regions A and B is defined as A+B MIS (t) = Z Z ∞ Z xb −∞ −∞ 0m D(x, y, z, t) dz dx dy, (A6) −h where h is the water depth, and xb is the surfzone/inner-shelf boundary. Inner-shelf dye mass estimates are calculated using surface dye concentration maps Ds (x, y, t) from the aerial images (e.g., Figure 3) and in situ observations of inner-shelf vertical dye structure (Figure 16) from boat-towed vertical array data (section 2.3.4). These vertical array data resolve inner-shelf D for z = −1 to −3 m (section 2.3.4), thus requiring assumptions for the vertical structure outside this range. As inner-shelf dye comes from the vertically mixed surfzone (Figure 8 and Hally-Rosendahl et al. [2014]), inner-shelf D(x, y, z, t) is assumed vertically uniform in the upper 1 m. For z < −3 m, the best fit of mean D(z) (Figure 16) is extrapolated to the depth where it would vanish. This structure is then vertically integrated, and hdye is computed as the depth that yields an equivalent vertical integral hdye Ds (x, y, t). The inner-shelf vertical dye integral is thus estimated as Z 0 D(x, y, z, t) dz = hdye Ds (x, y, t), (A7) −h where h is the water depth, Ds (x, y, t) is the aerial-measured surface dye concentration, and hdye = min (2.67 m, h). The inner-shelf dye mass estimates are then A+B MIS (t) = Z ∞ −∞ Z xb hdye Ds (x, y, t) dx dy, (A8) −∞ 431 A+B integrated using the trapezoid rule in each lateral direction. MIS (t) are decomposed 432 A B into MIS (t) (−∞ < y ≤ yf ) and MIS (t) (yf < y < ∞) using the alongshore boundary 433 yf = 248 m. D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE X - 27 434 Acknowledgments. 435 IB09 field work and analysis was funded by ONR, NSF, and California Sea Grant. 436 K. Hally-Rosendahl was supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Re- 437 search Fellowship under Grant No. DGE1144086 and California Sea Grant under Project 438 No. R/CONT-207TR. Staff and students from the Integrative Oceanography Division 439 (B. Woodward, B. Boyd, K. Smith, D. Darnell, R. Grenzeback, A. Gale, M. Spydell, 440 M. Omand, M. Yates, M. Rippy, A. Doria) were instrumental in acquiring the field obser- 441 vations. K. Millikan, D. Ortiz-Suslow, M. Fehlberg, and E. Drury provided field assistance. 442 Imperial Beach lifeguards, supervised by Captain R. Stabenow, helped maintain public 443 safety. The YMCA Surf Camp management generously allowed extensive use of their 444 facility for staging and recuperation. The U. S. Navy provided access to Naval property 445 for data collection. Dr. M. Okihiro coordinated permits and logistics. We thank these 446 people and organizations. This work comprises a portion of K. Hally-Rosendahl’s PhD 447 thesis. As subsequent thesis chapters will use these same IB09 data, they are not shared 448 with this work. However, upon completion of K. Hally-Rosendahl’s thesis, IB09 data will 449 be made available at in accordance with the AGU data policy. References 450 Clark, D. B., F. Feddersen, M. M. Omand, and R. T. Guza (2009), Measuring fluo- 451 rescent dye in the bubbly and sediment laden surfzone, Water Air Soil Poll., doi: 452 10.1007/s11270-009-0030-z. 453 454 Clark, D. B., F. Feddersen, and R. T. Guza (2010), Cross-shore surfzone tracer dispersion in an alongshore current, J. Geophys. Res., 115 (C10035), doi:10.1029/2009JC005683. D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 28 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 455 Clark, D. B., F. 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Horizontal dashed line represents an idealized jetski cross-shore surface transect driven repeatedly at various alongshore locations. D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 32 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE H s ( m) 1 ( a) 0.5 V ( m s − 1) 0 0.4 xb (b) 0.2 0 z ( m) 0 xb (c) f3 −2 −4 −150 f2 f1 f4 f5 f6 −100 xb −50 x ( m) 0 Figure 2. Time-averaged (11:00-16:00 h) (a) significant wave height Hs , (b) alongshore current V , and (c) vertical locations of f1-f6 versus cross-shore coordinate x. In (c), the black curve gives the bathymetry h(x). The mean seaward surfzone boundary xb = −81 m is defined as the location of maximum Hs . D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 33 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE Figure 3. Aerial multispectral images of surface dye concentration (see colorbar) versus cross-shore coordinate x and alongshore coordinate y for six times (indicated in each panel). The mean shoreline is at x = 0 m. Green star indicates location of continuous dye release (starting at t0 = 10:39 h). Yellow diamonds indicate cross-shore array f1-f6 locations, and yellow circles indicate SA1-SA4 locations. Light gray indicates regions outside the imaged area, and black indicates unresolved regions due to foam from wave breaking. Vertical dashed cyan line at xb divides the surfzone (SZ) and inner-shelf (IS), and horizontal cyan line divides the near- and far-field regions A and B (see panel (a)). Plume leading edge yp (t) is shown with green triangles at x ≈ −100 m (for panel (f), yp ≈ 3250 m). Panels (a), (b)-(d), and (e)-(f) are in time periods I, II, and III, respectively. D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 34 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 3500 3000 y p ( m) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 I 0 11 Figure 4. II 12 III 13 14 t (h) 15 16 17 Alongshore coordinate of dye plume leading edge yp versus time. The determination of yp (t) is described in section 3.2. Magenta bar indicates duration of nearshoreline, continuous dye release at y = 0 m. Blacks bars denote time periods I, II, and III. 100 D (ppb) 80 y y y y y = = = = = 14 m 87 m 207 m 619 m 810 m 60 40 20 0 −80 Figure 5. −60 −40 x ( m) −20 0 Time-averaged, cross- and alongshore-binned surfzone D from jetski surface transects versus cross-shore coordinate x (see legend for alongshore locations y). D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 35 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 200 ( a) S A1, y = 82 m D (ppb) 150 100 50 0 80 ( b ) f 2, y = 248 m D (ppb) 60 40 20 0 50 ( c ) S A2, y = 546 m D (ppb) 40 30 20 10 0 20 ( d ) S A3, y = 1069 m D (ppb) 15 10 5 0 20 ( e ) S A4, y = 1662 m D (ppb) 15 10 5 0 10 Figure 6. 11 12 13 14 15 t (h) 16 17 18 19 20 Dye concentration D versus time at the near-shoreline f2 and SA1-SA4 (diamond and circles, respectively, in Figures 1 and 3). Alongshore location is indicated in each panel. Magenta bars indicate duration of near-shoreline, continuous dye release at y = 0 m. Vertical axes differ, and each time series begins at the instrument deployment time (not dye arrival time). D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 36 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 2 D (ppb) 10 1 10 0 10 0 10 Figure 7. 2 10 y ( m) 4 10 Mean (time-averaged) dye concentration versus alongshore coordinate y at the near-shoreline f2 and SA1-SA4 (yellow diamond and circles in Figure 3, respectively). Vertical bars are standard deviations about the means. Best fit line (dashed) is D = D0 (y/y0 )α , where y0 = 1 m is chosen for simplicity, and best fit constants are D0 = 98 ppb and α = −0.3. D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 37 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 50 D (ppb) f 4, 1. 3 mab 40 f 4, 0. 7 mab 30 f 4, 0. 2 mab 20 10 0 10 Figure 8. 11 12 13 14 t (h) 15 16 17 18 Dye concentration D versus time at three ETs with different vertical ele- vations (mab is meters above bottom) on f4 at the seaward surfzone boundary xb (see legend and Figure 2c). Magenta bar indicates duration of near-shoreline, continuous dye release (Figure 1, star) 248 m south of the cross-shore array (Figure 1, diamonds). Gaps in the time series result from sampling for 51 minutes of each hour. D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 38 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE TSZ A/B , y ( p p b m 3 s − 1) 4000 SZ ( a) IS (b) SZ IS (c) 3000 2000 1000 ( p p b m 3 s − 1) 0 800 600 TI S A/B , y 400 200 6 4 2 Rt t0 T A/B , y 3 d τ (ppb m ) 6 0 x 10 8 0 10 Figure 9. 11 12 13 14 t (h) 15 16 17 18 Time series of alongshore dye transport from region A to B in the (a) y,A/B surfzone (TSZ y,A/B defined in (2)) and (b) inner-shelf (TIS defined in (3)). Vertical scales differ. (c) Time series of cumulative (time-integrated) surfzone and inner-shelf alongshore dye transports (see legend). Magenta bars indicate duration of near-shoreline, continuous dye release (Figure 3a, star) 248 m south of the cross-shore array (Figure 3a, diamonds) dividing regions A and B . The dye release rate Q = 512 ppb m3 s−1 , and the total dye released is 1.19 × 107 ppb m3 . D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 39 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 6 x 10 10 Rt II III t0 Q d τ MSZ + MI S MSZ MI S 8 M ( p p b m 3) I 6 ( a) 4 2 6 0 x 10 10 (b) Rt (c) t0 Q d τ M SAZ + M SBZ M SAZ M SBZ 8 M ( p p b m 3) Rt 6 4 2 6 0 x 10 10 M ( p p b m 3) 8 6 t0 Q d τ M IAS + M IBS M IAS M IBS 4 2 0 11 Figure 10. 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 t (h) 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 Dye mass M versus time. Black bars denote time periods I, II, and III. (a) Surfzone estimates MSZ (gray) are from in situ observations, and inner-shelf estimates MIS (blue) are from aerial images. Red asterisks are MSZ +MIS . Red line shows the timeRt integrated dye mass released since t0 =10:39 h ( t0 Q dτ , where Q is the dye release rate). Estimation methods for MSZ and MIS are described in Appendix A1 and A2, respectively. (b) Surfzone dye mass MSZ versus time for the near-field region A (y ≤ 248 m, triangles) A+B and the far-field region B (y > 248 m, squares). Solid gray diamonds are MSZ . (c) Inner-shelf dye mass MIS versus time for region A (triangles) and region B (squares). A+B Solid blue circles are MIS . D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 40 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 6 x 10 10 Rt II III t0 Q d τ 2 R t 1 y , A/B y , A/B d τ + M SAZ ( t ) + M IAS ( t ) TSZ + TI S t0 Rt y , A/B TSZ dτ Rtt0 y , A/B dτ t0 T I S A MSZ (t) M IAS ( t ) 8 M ( p p b m 3) I 6 4 2 0 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 t (h) 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 Dye mass balance terms versus time for near-field region A (0 < y ≤ Figure 11. yf = 248 m). See legend and equation (7). Red line shows the time-integrated dye mass released since t0 =10:39 h. 6 x 10 10 I Rt 1 t0 M ( p p b m 3) 8 6 4 II y , A/B y , A/B + TI S TSZ M SBZ ( t ) + M IBS Rt y , A/B dτ t0 T S Z Rt y , A/B dτ t0 T I S B MSZ (t) M IBS ( t ) III 2 dτ (t) 2 0 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 t (h) 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 Figure 12. Dye mass balance terms versus time for far-field region B (y > yf = 248 m). See legend and equation (8). D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 41 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE SZ IS B MIS R B R A x,B TSZ/IS d⌧ y,A/B TIS R A MIS d⌧ x,A TSZ/IS d⌧ R Q d⌧ Figure 13. Planview photograph and superposed schematic of dye mass balances (9a), (9b), and (10). Star denotes location of dye released at steady rate Q. D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 42 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 6 x 10 Rt x t 0 T S Z /I S d τ ( p p b m3 ) 10 8 6 Rt I II III Q dτ 2 Rtt0 1 x , A x, B T + T S Z /I S S Z /I S d τ t R t0 x , A T dτ Rtt0 SxZ, B/I S t 0 T S Z /I S d τ 4 2 0 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 t (h) 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 Figure 14. Time series of cumulative (time-integrated) cross-shore dye transports from the surfzone to inner-shelf (circles) inferred from inner-shelf dye mass observations MIS y,A/B and alongshore transport measurements TIS . See (9a), (9b), and (10). Line segments are least squares fits for each time period, and line segment slopes yield inferred crossx . Thin red line shows the time-integrated dye mass released shore dye transports TSZ/IS since t0 = 10:39 h. D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 43 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE 500 A+B A B TˆSxZ /I S ( p p b m 3 s − 1 ) 400 I II III 300 200 100 0 0 Figure 15. 100 200 300 400 T SxZ /I S ( p p b m 3 s − 1 ) 500 x versus inferred cross-shore Parameterized cross-shore dye transport TˆSZ/IS x dye transport TSZ/IS for regions A, B, and A+B during periods I, II, and III (see legend). x x are inferred from follow (12a), (12b), and (13). The TSZ/IS The parameterized TˆSZ/IS aerial and in situ observations (see (9a), (9b), and (10)). D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T X - 44 HALLY-ROSENDAHL ET AL.: SURFZONE TO INNER-SHELF TRACER EXCHANGE −1 z ( m) −1.5 −2 −2.5 −3 0 5 D (ppb) 10 Figure 16. Mean inner-shelf dye concentration D versus vertical coordinate z from the boat-towed vertical array for data within inner-shelf dye patches (D(x, y, z = −1 m, t) ≥ 2 ppb). Dashed curves indicate standard deviations about the mean. 1 0.8 ξ ( ) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 Figure 17. 200 400 600 y (m ) 800 1000 1200 Surfzone dye cross-shore uniformity parameter ξ versus alongshore coordi- nate y (ξ is defined in (A3) and described in Appendix A1). D R A F T March 17, 2015, 12:07pm D R A F T
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