TIMELINE Divided Kingdom of Israel Note: All dates BC Prophets in Israel And main message 934 Ahijah Said Israel would split in 2 & stated that God had chosen Jeroboam to lead the 10 tribes Warned he should remain faithfu to God The Northern Kingdom of Israel (Ten Tribes) Capital: Shechem, then Tirzah, then Samaria 930 Jeroboam I (22 years) Fortified a capital city (Shechem), set up two golden calf idols, led the nation into sin, allowed anyone to be a priest (1 Kings 11:26-14:34) (2 Chr. 10:12-13:20) The Southern Kingdom of Judah (Two Tribes) Capital: Jerusalem 930 Rehoboam 17 yrs Built many fortified cities, strengthened the economy (despite the tribute paid to Egypt), followed God for 3 years, but then set up idols & shrines to foreign gods (1 Kings 11:43-14:31) (2 Chr. 9:31-12:16) 913 Abijah (3 years) Despite his wickedness, he called for God’s help to win the battle against Israel. (1 Kings 14:31-15:8) (2 Chr. 13:1-14:1) 909 909 Nadab (2 years) (1 Kings 15:25-28) 908 Baasha (24 yrs) Led people in idol worship (1 Kings 15:27-16:7) (2 Chr.16:1-6) 886 Elah (2 years) Continued in idol worship (1 Kings 16:6-14) 885 Zimri (7 days) (1 Kings 16: 9-20) 885 Tibni (1 Kings 16: 21, 22) 885 Omri (12 years) Built the capital city of Samaria, had great military power, but continued to lead Israel into idolatry (1 Kings 16: 16-28) 910 Asa (41 years) Destroyed pagan altars and rebuilt altar of God, built fortified cities, gained much wealth from plunder of foreign conquest, removed the queen mother for worshipping Asherah, led the people to worship God with their hearts, provided peace on home soil, was greatly loved, and given a beautiful funeral. (1 Kings 15:8-24) (2 Chr. 14:1-16:14) Prophets in Judah And main message Prophets in Israel 875 Elijah Urged Ahab to turn back to God. On Mt Carmel he proved who is the one true God 1 Kings 18 The Northern Kingdom of Israel (Ten Tribes) 874 Ahab (22 yrs) Married Jezebel (a non-Jew and extremely wic-ked woman), worship-ped Baal, & suffered 3 years of famine caused by his inconsistent disobedience to God. (1 Kings 16:28-22:40) (2 Chr. 18:1-34) 872 Jehoshaphat (25 years) Arranged for the marriage of his son to a daughter of Ahab (who made trouble later on), had a strong military (kept troops in cities of Israel his father had conquered) collected tribute from the Philis-tines, worshipped the Lord & destroyed idols, established education, appointed judges/courts (1 Kgs 15:24-22:41-50) (2 Chr. 17:1-21:1) 853 Ahaziah (2 yrs) Proposed a joint trade venture with Judah 1 Ks 22:40- 2 Ks.1:18 (2Chr. 20:35-37) 853 Jehoram (8 yrs) Married a wicked daughter of Ahab, compelled the people to worship idols, and killed all his brothers (2 Kings 8:16-24) (2 Chr. 21:1-20) 852 Joram (12 yrs) Suffered famine & war during most of his reign (2 Kings 3:1-8:25) (2 Chr. 22:5-7) 848 848 Elisha Expressed by his actions the importance of helping ordinary people in need The Southern Kingdom of Judah (Two Tribes) 841 Jehu (28 years) Was responsible for the deaths of Joram (king of Israel),Ahaziah (king of Judah), Jezebel (wicked mother of Joram); dest-royed the priests and temples of Baal, did not consistently follow God (2 Kings 9:1-10:36) (2 Chr. 22:7-12) 814 Jehoahaz (17 yrs) Evil reign included worship of Asherah, usually called “detestable” (2 Kings 13:1-9) 841 Ahaziah (1 year) Friend of Joram of Israel (2 Kings 8:24-9:29) (2 Chr. 22:1-10) Prophets in Judah 855 Obadiah God would judge the Edomites for taking advantage of God’s people 840 (?) 841 Athaliah (Queen) (6 years) Killed all her grand-children except Joash who was hidden by his nurse for 6 years, and ravished the temple to furnish Baal’s temple (2 Kings 11:1-20) (2 Chr. 22:10-23:21) 835 Joash (40 years) Crowned king when 7, by Jehoiada (the high priest), promoted peace and prosperity, repaired the temple, smashed the altars of Baal – but after Jehoiada died, Joash abandoned God, & had Jehoiada’s son killed (2 Kings 11:2-12:21) (2 Chr. 22:11-24:27) 835 Joel As a plague of locusts had come to punish the nation, he called the people to turn back to God before greater judgement occurred. 797 796 (?) Prophets in Israel 793 753 753 The Northern Kingdom of Israel (Ten Tribes) Jonah Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, should repent of it’s sins 760 Amos Warned against those who exploited the needy 798 Jehoash (16 yrs) Even though he was evil, he recognised the authority of Elisha as a prophet of God (2 Kings 13:10-14:16) (2Chr. 25:17-24) 793 Jeroboam II (41 years) Very evil but politically powerful, his nation enjoyed economic prosperity and military peace (2 Kings 14:16-29) 753 Zechariah (6 months) Encouraged idol worship (2 Kings 14:29-15:11) 752 Shallum (1 mnth) (2 Kings 15:10-15) 750 Hosea Condemned the people of Israel because they had sinned against God as an adulterous woman sins against her husband 752 Menahem (10 yrs) Imposed heavy taxes & oppressed his people. (2 Kings 15:14-22) 742 Pekahiah (2 yrs) Continued idol worship (2 Kings 15:22-26) 740 Pekah (8 yrs) During his reign many of the people were taken captive to Assyria (2 Kings 15:25-31) (2 Chr. 28:5-8) 732 Hoshea (9 yrs) Suffered heavy taxation by Assyria and eventual conquest- bringing about Israelite captivity and resettlement of foreigners in Israel (2 Kings 15:30-17:1-6) 715 722 END OF THE NORTHERN KINGDOM Israel taken to Assyria by Shalmaneser The Southern Kingdom of Judah (Two Tribes) Prophets in Judah 796 Amaziah (29 yrs) Was basically good but did not completely wipe out idol worship, organised and mustered the army (2 Kings 14:1-20) (2 Chr. 25:1-28) 792 Azariah (Uzziah) (52 years) Rebuilt a city named Elath, owned many farms and vineyards, constructed water reservoirs and fortified towers, reorganised the army (so powerful that his fame spread to Egypt), but violated God’s laws for priestly function – so God struck him with leprosy (2 Kings 15:1-17) (2 Chr. 26:1-23) 750 Jotham (16 yrs) Rebuilt the Upper Gate of the temple, rebuilt walls and cities, but still permitted idol worship. (2 Kings 15:32-38) (2 Chr. 27:1-9) 742 Micah Predicted the fall of both kingdoms showing how much God cared for them 740 735 Ahaz (16 yrs) Sacrificed his own son to pagan gods, nailed the temple doors shut (2 Kings 16:1-20) (2 Chr. 28: 1-27) Isaiah Called the people back to God Prophets in Israel The Northern Kingdom of Israel (Ten Tribes) The Southern Kingdom of Judah (Two Tribes) 715 Hezekiah (29 yr) Was a devoted follower of God, reopened the temple doors, purified the temple, reinstated priests and their duties, organised orchestra to aid worship, destroyed idols (inc. the bronze snake set up by Moses as people had begun to worship it), celebrated the Passover and even invited people living in the north to participate, constructed large public waterworks, was given extra 15 years of life, foolishly showed mess-engers wealth in temple 2 Kgs 16:20,18:1-20:21 (2 Chr. 29:1-32:33) 697 Manasseh (55 yrs) Rebuilt all the pagan shrines, sacrificed 1 of his own sons, practiced sorcery, set up an idol right in the temple, mu-rdered many of his own people, repented during Assyrian captivity (2 Kings 21:1-18) (2 Chr. 33:1-20) 642 Amon (2 years) (2 Kings 21: 18-26) (2 Chr. 33:20-25) 640 Josiah (31 years) Loved God with all his heart, repaired temple, found lost scroll of law (he promised to obey it, thus God delayed des-truction of Judah until after his death), per-sonally oversaw the major project of dest-roying idol shrines, re-stated priests of God, celebrated Passover with greater zeal than had been since Sam-uel’s day, was greatly loved by people. (2 Kings 21:26-23:30) (2 Chr. 33:25-35:27) Prophets in Judah Micah Isaiah 687 681 663 Nahum the mighty empire of Assyria that oppressed God’s people would soon tumble 654 640 Zephaniah A day will come when God as judge will severely punish all nations & then show mercy. 632 621 627 Jeremiah Huldah Prophets in Israel The Northern Kingdom of Israel (Ten Tribes) The Southern Kingdom of Judah (Two Tribes) Prophets in Judah 612 609 Jehoahaz (3 months) Jailed and taken to Egypt where he died (2 Kings 23:30-34) (2 Chr. 36: 1-4) Jeremiah Repentance would postpone Judah’s coming judgement at the hands of Babylon 609 Jehoiakim (11 years) Burned part of God’s words given to Jeremiah, was a puppet king for Egypt and then Babylon, watched gold and articles taken from the temple to Babylon, saw first exile (in which Daniel taken) (2 Kings 23: 34-24:6) (2 Chr. 36: 5-8) Habakkuk He couldn’t understand why God seemed to do nothing about wickedness in society - then saw that faith in God would one day supply the answer 598 Jehoiachin (3 months) Saw next exile to Babylon (2 Kings 24:6-15, 25: 27-30) (2 Chr. 36:10-21) 597 Zedekiah (11 years) Saw the Temple burned and Jerusalem destroyed, was tortured and carried away in final exile to Babylon (2 Kings 24:17-25:21) (2 Chr. 36: 10-21) 586 END OF THE SOUTHERN KINGDOM Carried off Captive to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar 589 586
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