Attached is the sponsorship packet

Family Christian Health Center
15th Anniversary Celebration
Celebrating 15 Years of Service
Looking Forward to 15 More!
May 15, 2015
Tall Grass Arts Association
367 Artists Walk
Park Forest, IL 60644
Mr. Pablo E. Hernández
Director of External Affairs
Family Christian Health Center
31 West 155th Street
Harvey, Illinois 60426
Office: (708) 339-5568
Fax: (708) 339-5733
Web Page:
Family Christian Health Center
Presents Our
15th Anniversary Celebration
Family Christian Health Center (FCHC) proudly presents our 15th Anniversary Celebration,
an exhilarating event filled with live music, painting and celebrity guest performances. For one
unforgettable Friday evening, on May 15, 2015, FCHC will transform Tall Grass Arts Association
into a celebration of our history servicing the Southland community from the day we broke
ground 15 years ago, to the current life changing services we are still providing every day.
Please join us in our festivities of acknowledging FCHC’s first 15 years and preparing for 15
more years of delivering exceptional healthcare services!
Family Christian Health Center's mission is to provide excellent health care to the
community, regardless of their ability to pay, in a manner that communicates in
word and in deed the love and gospel of Jesus Christ.
Family Christian Health Center (FCHC), a not for profit 501 (c) 3, federally qualified healthcare
center. It was founded in April, 2000 to address the lack of access to basic health care for
individuals residing in south suburban Cook County area of Illinois. Since opening its doors,
FCHC has grown to become the medical home for more than 21,000 patients, most of whom
would otherwise not receive much needed care for one of the following two reasons: 1) their
only source of health insurance is Medicaid or 2) they do not qualify for Medicaid and must pay
out of pocket.
Young minority women and children make up the majority of the clinics’ patient population.
Making healthcare services readily available to the uninsured and underinsured is key to
ensuring our patients have the opportunity to lead healthy lifestyles and become contributors to
the overall wellbeing of the communities where they live, work, and attend school. Residents in
southland communities including (but not limited to); Calumet City, Chicago Heights,
Crestwood, Country Club Hills, Dixmoor, Dolton, Harvey, Hazel Crest, Homewood, Lansing,
South Holland, Markham, Midlothian, Olympia Fields, Matteson, Midlothian, Oak Forest, Park
Forest and Posen have come to rely on FCHC as their medical home.
The health center provides primary care and internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecological
care, family dentistry, Today Care (same day sick visits/walk-ins), HIV testing, and behavioral
health services. For the patients convenience a pharmacy is located onsite. Also, a Patient
Portal is available and by using a web enabled devise the patient can upgrade their
demographic information, schedule an appointment, and request a prescription refills.
This 15th Anniversary Celebration was created to help continue support the mission and the
services that FCHC offers the southland community we serve. Our goal is to continue to service
the Harvey community for 15 more years and we need your support to do it.
See below more information on the current demographics we serve:
Over 21,000 individual patients representing over 60,000 visits
Individual patients represent 63% females and 37% males
Age group 51% (0 to 19 years of age) 49% (21 year of age and over)
Ethnicity 84% African American with a growing Hispanic population
We hope that you will celebrate with us by becoming a valued sponsor for this event. Attached
is a copy of the corporate sponsorship levels for your review.
We look forward to your support!
Sponsorship Benefits:
All sponsorships include the following:
Company recognition in press releases, local newspapers and magazine articles.
Primary Care Suite Sponsor
Corporate name/logo displayed prominently on website
Corporate name/logo displayed prominently on stage
Corporate name/logo displayed prominently on marketing materials
Corporate name/logo displayed on program
Corporate name/logo/web page link displayed prominently on FCHC Web Site (starting 03/2015)
Corporate name/logo displayed in save the date and invitations
Fifteen (15) tickets to the event
Corporate name mention on social media i.e. Facebook and Twitter
Corporate SPONSOR announcement from stage
Pediatric Suite Sponsor
Corporate name/logo displayed prominently
Corporate name/logo displayed prominently on marketing materials
Corporate name/logo displayed on program.
Corporate name/logo/web page link displayed prominently on FCHC Web Site (starting 03/2015)
Corporate name/logo displayed in invitations
Ten (10) tickets to the event
Corporate Sponsor announcement from stage
Corporate name mention on social media i.e. Facebook and Twitter
$ 2,500
Dental Suite Sponsor
Corporate name/logo displayed day of event
Corporate name/logo listed on marketing materials
Corporate name/logo displayed on program
Corporate name/logo displayed on FCHC Web Site (starting 03/2015)
Corporate name listed in invitations
Corporate name mention on social media i.e. Facebook and Twitter
Corporate Sponsor announcement from stage
Eight (8) tickets to the event
$ 1,000
Healthy Kids Sponsor
Corporate name/logo displayed day of event
Corporate name/logo displayed on program
Corporate name/logo displayed on FCHC Web Site (starting 03/2015)
Corporate name mention on social media i.e. Facebook and Twitter
Corporate Sponsor announcement from stage
Five (5) tickets to the event
Community Sponsor
Corporate name displayed on program
Corporate name/logo displayed on FCHC Web Site (starting 03/2015)
Corporate name mention on social media i.e. Facebook and Twitter
Corporate Sponsor announcement from stage
Two tickets to the event
*Family Christian Health Center (FCHC) will customize all sponsorships to meet organizational marketing
Family Christian Health Center (FCHC)
15th Anniversary Celebration
Friday, May 15, 2015 from 6:00– 9:00 PM
Tall Grass Arts Association
367 Artists Walk
Park Forest, IL 60644
I would like to be a “Primary Care Suite” SPONSOR at - $10,000
I would like to be a “Pediatric Suite” SPONSOR at- $5,000
l would like to be a “Dental Suite” SPONSOR at - $2,500
l would like to be a “Healthy Kids” SPONSOR at - $1,000
l would like to be a “Community” SPONSOR at - $500
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Company/Organization: _________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: _________________________________Day Phone (
) ___________
Fax (
) ___________ Email Address: ____________________________________
(By providing my email address, I agree that FCHC can contact me electronically)
 I would like to purchase 15th Anniversary Celebration tickets: # of tickets________ x $100 = _____
 I am unable to be a sponsor or attend the event, but I would like to make a tax-deductible
Enclosed is my check for $ ___________ payable to Family Christian Health Center, Attn: Pablo E.
Hernández, Director of External Relations, 31 West 155th Street, Harvey, Illinois 60426, or please charge
my contribution to:
 Visa
 MasterCard
 Discover
Card No. ______________________________________________________________
Exp. Date _____________________________ Security Code# ___________________
Signature ______________________________________________________________
Please complete this form and fax your response to Family Christian Health Center, Attn: Pablo
Hernandez (708) 339-5733 by March 2, 2015. All business logos & ads should be submitted via JPEG or
EPS formats to If you have any questions you can contact Pablo Hernandez
at (708) 339-5568. Thank you for your time and your continued support!