Hungarian and Eskimo-Aleut with Paleo-Siberian Cognates BY P ROF . D R . A LFRÉD T ÓTH Mikes International The Hague, Holland 2007 ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Kiadó 'Stichting MIKES INTERNATIONAL' alapítvány, Hága, Hollandia. Számlaszám: Postbank 7528240 Cégbejegyzés: Stichtingenregister: S 41158447 Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken Den Haag Terjesztés A könyv a következő Internet-címről tölthető le: Aki az email-levelezési listánkon kíván szerepelni, a következő címen iratkozhat fel: A kiadó nem rendelkezik anyagi forrásokkal. Többek áldozatos munkájából és adományaiból tartja fenn magát. Adományokat szívesen fogadunk. Cím A szerkesztőség, illetve a kiadó elérhető a következő címeken: Email: Levelezési cím: P.O. Box 10249, 2501 HE, Den Haag, Hollandia _____________________________________ Publisher Foundation 'Stichting MIKES INTERNATIONAL', established in The Hague, Holland. Account: Postbank 7528240 Registered: Stichtingenregister: S 41158447 Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken Den Haag Distribution The book can be downloaded from the following Internet-address: If you wish to subscribe to the email mailing list, you can do it by sending an email to the following address: The publisher has no financial sources. It is supported by many in the form of voluntary work and gifts. We kindly appreciate your gifts. Address The Editors and the Publisher can be contacted at the following addresses: Email: Postal address: P.O. Box 10249, 2501 HE, Den Haag, Holland _____________________________________ ISSN 1570-0070 ISBN-13: 978-90-8501-118-7 NUR 616 © Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007, All Rights Reserved ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - II - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates PUBLISHER’S PREFACE Today we publish four new works of Professor Alfréd Tóth. Present volume is entitled ‘Hungarian and Eskimo-Aleut — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates’. The following volumes of Prof. Tóth were published electronically by Mikes International: 1. TÓTH, Alfréd: ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF HUNGARIAN (in English) (792 p.) 2. TÓTH, Alfréd: HUNGARIAN, SUMERIAN AND EGYPTIAN. — HUNGARIAN, SUMERIAN AND HEBREW. Two Addenda to ‘Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian’ (EDH) (in English) (113 p.) 3. TÓTH, Alfréd: HUNGARIAN, SUMERIAN AND PENUTIAN — Second Addendum to ‘Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian’ (EDH) (in English) (37 p.) 4. TÓTH, Alfréd: HUNGARIAN, SUMERIAN AND INDO-EUROPEAN — Third Addendum to ‘Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian’ (EDH) (in English) (118 p.) 5. TÓTH, Alfréd: IS THE TURANIAN LANGUAGE FAMILY A PHANTOM? (in English) (36 p.) 6. TÓTH, Alfréd: HUNGARO-RAETICA (in English) (39 p.) 7. TÓTH, Alfréd: HUNGARO-RAETICA II. (in English) (38 p.) 8. TÓTH, Alfréd: SUMERIAN, HUNGARIAN AND MONGOLIAN (INCLUDING AVARIC) (in English) (89 p.) 9. TÓTH, Alfréd & BRUNNER, Linus: RAETIC — An Extinct Semitic Language in Central Europe (in English) (167 p.) 10. TÓTH, Alfréd: HUNGARIAN-MESOPOTAMIAN DICTIONARY (HMD) (in English) (152 p.) 11. TÓTH, Alfréd: HUNNIC-HUNGARIAN ETYMOLOGICAL WORD LIST (based on the editions of the Isfahan codex by Dr. Csaba Detre and Imre Pető) (in English) (66 p.) The Hague (Holland), November 24, 2007 MIKES INTERNATIONAL ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - III - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates CONTENTS Publisher’s preface........................................................................................................... III 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 2 2. Etymological Dictionary ........................................................................................................ 4 3. Conclusions .........................................................................................................................174 4. Selected Bibliography..........................................................................................................175 About the author ............................................................................................................177 ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - IV - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates This study is dedicated to the blessed memories of Marcus Wøldike (? 1699 – Copenhagen 1750) Professor of Theology in the University of Copenhagen Founder of Siberian-Hungarian Studies Ferenc Otrokocsi Fóris (Rimaszécs 1648 – Nagyszombat 1718) Professor of Law in the University of Utrecht Founder of Semitic-Hungarian Studies Heinrich Julius von Klaproth (Berlin 1783 – Paris 1835) Professor of Orientalistics at the University of St. Petersburg Founder of Altaic and Altaic-Hungarian Studies ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 -1- ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates 1. Introduction Uralo-Siberian is still considered to be a hypothetical language family consisting of Uralic, Yukagir, Chukotko-Kamchatkan and Eskimo-Aleut and being a part of the highly hypothetical Nostratic macrofamily. Chukotko-Kamchatkan and Yukagir are part of the Paleosiberian languages to which also Yenisean (Ket) and Gilyak (Nivkh) belong. The relation of the latter languages both to the TibetoBurman and to the Caucasian language families is controversial. The literature about possible linguistic connections both as genetical relationships and Sprachbünde is galore. Especially unclear is also the position of Ainu and Burushaski to the Paleosiberian languages. Recently, Heinrich Werner suggested a Yenisean-North American-Indian Urverwandtschaft (Werner 2004) in the bigger frame of Greenberg’s Na-Dene macrofamily (Greenberg 1987). But like in all recent theories, also in our case, there have been the pioneers. In 1746, the Danish theologian Marcus Wøldike compared Greenlandic to Hungarian (Wøldike 1746a, b). In 1818, Rasmus Rask considered Greenlandic to be related to the Uralic languages (Rask 1818). In 1924, Aurélien Sauvageot compared Eskimo and Uralic morphology (Sauvageot 1924). In 1959, Knut Bergsland published his “Eskimo-Uralic Hypothesis” (Bergsland 1959), and in 1962, Morris Swadesh proposed a relationship between the Eskimo-Aleut and Chukotko-Kamchatkan language families (Swadesh 1962). An Uralo-Yukagir family was especially supported by Angere (1956) and Collinder (1940, 1965). Several hundreds of word-equations were established especially in the works of Karl Bouda, René Bonnerjea and Oliver Guy Tailleur (cf. bibliography). Even more confusing are the attempts to connect all or parts of the mentioned languages and language families with Indo-European (cf. the synopsis of Kortlandt 2005). In our study we therefore want to find out: 1. Is there a genetic relationship between Hungarian and the Eskimo-Aleut and/or the Paleosiberian languages? 2. And if there is one: Are Eskimo-Aleut and/or the Paleosiberian languages closer to the Finno-Ugric, the Uralic or the Altaic languages? We therefore base our present study on the one side on Tóth’s “Hungarian-Mesopotamian Dictionary” (Tóth 2007) in which 1317 Hungarian root-words have been traced back to Sumerian and/or Akkadian and Rhaetic always considering the traditional reconstructions of proto-forms by classical Finno-Ugristics, Uralistics and Altaistics and on Fortescue-Jacobson-Kaplan (1994) on the other side. The following map (taken from and copyrighted by Wikipedia) shows the present territory of the Eskimo-Aleut languages: ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 -2- ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 -3- ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates 2. Etymological Dictionary Note: Where there is no meaning indicated, the word concerned has the same meaning as the last one in the list. Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Sumerian Akkadian Rhaetic a, az (definite article) *o, *u “that, yon” *o “that” *o(w) “this, that”, *ta “that” *na, nä “this” a-ne (Old Sumerian) vs. e-ne (Old Babylonian) “he, she” šū “he” vs. šī “she” is, es “this” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian ács “carpenter” *aak- “to skin a small animal or bird” ak (3643x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ak; a “to do; to make; to act, perform; to proceed, proceeding (math.)” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian acsari “sour” *ciiRnaq- “to be sour” zag ĝar, wr. zag ĝar “(to be) sour” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian acsarogni “to have a grudge against sb.” *atcik- “to be far down” šag dab, wr. šag4 dab5 “to feel hurt, to be angry, to be worried” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian ádáz “ferocious, fierce, furious” *attaq- “to pay back (in return)” ud (266x: ED IIIb, Lagash II, Old Babylonian) wr. ud “storm; storm demon” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Yukagir Sumerian Rhaetic adni “to give” *amta*tun∂- “to give” *aittuq- “to give” tV- “to give” ad gi (73x: Old Babylonian) wr. ad gi4 “to advise, give advice” atu-, tin- “to give”, etu, etau “I give” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 98) ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 -4- ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian Akkadian ág “branch” *šaŋka *avayaq “branch” a (6115x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. a2 “arm; labor; wing; horn; side; strength; wage; power” ahu; idu Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian agár “greyhound” *aδγuR- “to go against current or wind” urgir (478x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ur-gir15 “(domestic) dog” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik Sumerian Akkadian agg “aged, senile, very old; old man” *soŋkз-, *soŋgз- “to become old; old” *aŋukaRaq “old man” sugin (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešsugin “rot; decayed matter” sumkīnum Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian Akkadian agg- “to collapse, to fall down” *aci “area below”, *acivaR “to go down” sugin (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešsugin “rot; decayed matter” sumkīnum Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian Akkadian aggódik “to worry” *aŋke(-) *aγwtaR- “to feel uncertain/uncomfortable” šag dab, wr. šag4 dab5 “to feel hurt, to be angry, to be worried” zenūm Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Sumerian agy “brain” *ajŋge “skull” *oj(wa) “head, neck” ugu (1025x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ugu2; ugu; ugu3; ugux(|U.SAG|); ugux(|A.U.KA|); ugux(SAG∂n∂g) “skull, pate; first section of a balanced account, capital; on, over, above; against; more than; top” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian ágy “bed” *aδ’з, *oδ’з “a sleeping-place that has been covered; to go to sleep” *wol’з *aci “area below” udi, wr. u3-di “(to be) dazed; sleep” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 -5- ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian agyag “clay, loam, potter’ earth; terracotta” *aci “area below” im (680x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. im “clay, mud; tablet” + dug (3196x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. dug; dugx(BI) “(clay) pot; a unit of liquid capacity” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian agyar “fang” *ońća-rз “tusk” *k∂γun “tooth” gug (45x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gug; gug6 “tooth; blade; beak; dogbite” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian Akkadian ágyék “groin, loin” *ańćз “the bottom” *aci “area below” išdum, wr. išdumx(|DU@g|) “root” išdum Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian ágyú “cannon, gun” *kuk∂γ-, kukuγ- “to light a fire” gug (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. gug6 “stick; weapon” kakku Hungarian aj, áj “fissure, slit; ravine, valley”, ajak “lip”, ajazni “to distend, to stretch out, ájó “mark in the form of a half-moon in the ear of cattle”, ajtó “door” *ágà, *áge- “mouth; to open the mouth” *aŋe “opening” *aŋ∂ “opening” *qisiq “lip” ig gub (4x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešig gub “to let a door stand open?; to dislodge a door” (ig “door”, gub “stand”) Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Yupik Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Inuit ajánlani “to commend to sb., to offer, to recommend, to suggest, to dedicate, to propose” *aγ∂- “to go (over or past)” a, aĝ (116x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. a2 aĝ2 “to command; to instruct” akadni “to fall into, to get stuck; to occur; to stumble upon”, akasztani “to hang up” *S8kkз- “to find, to meet; to get stuck” *∂ž∂t- “to fall (into water” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 -6- ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian tag (266x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. tag “to touch, take hold of; to bind; to attack” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian akarni “to want” *aγ∂- “to go (over or past)” a aĝ (116x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. a2 aĝ2 “to command; to instruct” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Yupik Sumerian al- “underpart” *ale “below, lower” *ala “lower, to space something, sub” *al(a), ïl(a) “below” *aci- < *al-t∂ (?) “lower part” lal (9977x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. lal; lal2 “(to be) small, little; minus sign; (to be) insignificant, low-value; diminution” Hungarian Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian ál- “false, imitation, sham” atla “other” (< *at-la) asl- “time/position corresponding to –“ łva “id.” (< *aet-vae?) ael-vae “other” alan (399x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. alan; urudalan “statue; form” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian alak “figure, shape” *alaq “sole” alan (399x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. alan; urudalan “statue; form” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik Sumerian áldani “to bless” *alз*ala- “desire” bala (3308x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bal; bil2 “to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)” palūm; elūm Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Inuit alkotni “to call into begin, to create; to compose, to write; to construct, to form, to make”, alku “trade, business”, alkuszik “to trade” *alaq “sole” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 -7- ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian Akkadian ak (3643x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ak; a “to do; to make; to act, perform; to proceed, proceeding (math.)” or alĝar (12x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešal-ĝar; al-gar “a musical instrument” alūm Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Chukotko-Kamch. Sumeria áll “chin, lower jaw” *oŋlз, *8ŋз, *8ŋз-lз “lower jaw” *ol(u) “cheek, jaw” ∂lp∂-lŋ∂n “cheek” saĝ (3582x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. saĝ “head; person; capital” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian állni “to be, to exist; to stand” *salkз*qikaR- “to stand” (l)qut- “to stand up” silig (29x: Old Babylonian) wr. silig “to cease” Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Sumerian alma “apple” *alγnaq “type of red berry” [?] ul (19x: Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ul “fruit; bud” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Yupik Sumerian alom “bedding” *ala-ma, *alз-mз *al(a), ïl(a) “below” *aci- < *al-t∂ (?) “lower part” lal (9977x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. lal; lal2 “(to be) small, little; minus sign; (to be) insignificant, low-value; diminution” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumeria álom “dream, reverie; sleep”, aludni, alsz-, alv- “to sleep” *oδa- “to lie, to sleep”, *oδa-mз “dream” *qavaR- “to sleep” u ku (47x: Old Babylonian) wr. u3 ku; u3 ku4 “to sleep” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ángy “sister-in-law” *ańa “wife of the older brother” *ama- “tu suckle” ama (863x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ama “mother”, amagan (8x: Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ama-gan “breeding female animal; childbearing mother” ummu Akkadian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 -8- ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Sirenikski Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Ugric Chukotko-Kamch. Koryak Wakashan Sumerian anya “mother” *ańa “wife of the older brother” *an’a “older female relative” nana “mother” ama (863x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ama “mother”, amagan (8x: Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ama-gan “breeding female animal; childbearing mother” ummu apa “father” *áp’a *appe *ap(p)a, *ïp(p)ï “grandfather” *aepae “grandfather” abba (107x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ab; abba; abba2 “old (person); witness; father; elder; an official” abu apadni “to decrease (moon)”, to ebb, to be on the ebb (of the sea), to fall, to subside (river)” *šoppз-, *šappз*∂p-naR “cliff” ∂p- “steep; to fall into sea/river” šab (25x: Old Babylonian) wr. šab “to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear” esēpum ápolni “to take care of” *∂ppaRiR “to lick clean” [?] ibila (133x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. ibila; i3-bi2-la; ibila2; i3-bi-lu “heir” or ubara, wr. ubara “divine protection” aplum ár “flood” *Sarз “lake caused by flood” aer- “to flow out”, aer-iŋ “shore” aj-γ∂jŋ∂n “low tide” erxe- “to flow”, eri “river” a ĝar (102x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. a ĝar “to irrigate” (a “water” + ĝar “place” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 -9- ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ár “article of trade, commodity; price” *arwa, *arγa “price, value” *aeRRi “to hurry, to be busy” ar (56x: Old Babylonian) wr. ar2; a-ar2; a-ar; a-ar3 “(hymn of) praise; fame”, aratta (5x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. aratta “heavy; important; praise, glory” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ártani “to harm, to hurt” *arз- “to rend, to rip, to tear” *ał∂γ- “to rip” bur (197x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bur12; bu7 “to tear out” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Proto-Yupik Sumerian ara “fiancée”; daughter-in-law; mother or sister’s brother” *arз, *arwa *aRnaR “woman” *aRnaRaq “girl” erib (6x: Old Babylonian) wr. e-ri-ib; e-rib; erib “sister-in-law; father-inlaw” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian Akkadian arány “proportion, rate, ratio” *arз, *urз *aR∂nqiγ- “to fix, to arrange” *aRaR- “to move” arahi (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. a-ra-hi “a mathematical term (math.)” arahū Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian aratni “to reap” *aRcaR- “to grab” ur (612x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ur4; ur5 “to pluck; to gather, collect; to harvest” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian árny “ghost, spectre; shade, shadow” *aRli(C) “to be overwhelmed or overburdened” gu’erim, wr. gu2-erim2 “hostile, enemy” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian árok “ditch” *aeRRi(t)naR “bag for hunting” hiritum (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. hi-ri-tum2 “ditch” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 10 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Finno-Ugric Akkadian árva “orphan” *∂liγaR(aR) “orphan” *orpa(sз), *orwa(sз) “orphan, orphaned; widow, widowed” erūm; urrūm “to be empty” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian ásni “to dig” *at(∂)- “down”, at∂R “to go down” sidug (5x: Old Babylonian) wr. si-dug4; sidug; sidug2 “cavity, hollow; depth; tream, wadi, gorge; (hunter's) pitfall; pit” šuttatu Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Akkadian ásítani “to yawn” *8ćз*aγittaR- “to open mouth”, *aγittaRuR- “to yawn” nesūm “to open” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian aszik “to wither”, aszú “dry” *Sasз- “to dry” caluγ- “to tan, to be tanned dry” saaluX “dry weather” sig (343x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. sig “(to be) weak; (to be) low; (to be) thin; (to be) narrow” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ászok “gauntry (for supporting barrels)” *at∂tu- “to be wide below” esaĝ (21x: Ebla, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. e2-saĝ; esaĝ2 “grain-store” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian asszony “lady; queen” *aRnaR “woman” kisikil (158x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ki-sikil; lu2ki-sikil; mu-tin; mu-ti-in “young woman” aššatu “wife” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian átkozni “to curse, to scold” *attз- “to say” *attaq- “to pay back (in return)” aš (51x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. aš2 “curse” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Yukagir atya “father” *attз “father, grandfather” *ata “father” ec’e(C) “father” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 11 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian adda (178x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ad-da; ad “father” Hungarian Akkadian avik “to grow into, to penetrate”, avatni “to dedicate, to inaugurate; to initiate sb. into sg.; to (pre-)shrink, to sanforize”, avatkozik “to interfere, to meddle” *siúŋu “to sink” *soŋe- “to enter” *ataaq- “to go down (towards coast)” si (401x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Old Babylonian) wr. si “to draw water; to brew beer; to fill, load up” sabūm; sâbum Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ázik “to get wet” *S8ćз- “to become wet” *aRi(t)- “to become wet” šeš (14x: Old Babylonian) wr. šeš2 “to anoint” Hungarian -ba/-be “into”, -ban/-ben “in”, -ból/-ből “out of”, bel “inner”, bél “intestines” *bēlke, bēlki “waist, lap” *pälз “the inside” *paδ∂ “opening, entrance” pah, wr. pah “leg of an animal, haunch, lap”; bi- (locative-terminative prefix), bad (11x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešbad “leg or foot of a piece of furniture” Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Inuit Sumerian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian bácsi “uncle” *ap(p)a “grandfather” pap (86x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. pap “first and foremost, pre-eminent; father; male, virile; brother” + šeš 1579x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. šeš "brother; junior worker, assistant” abu “father, male, brother” + ahu “brother” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian bágyadni “to become weak; to grow faint” *pa(C)a- “to fight, to struggle” dada (15x: Old Akkadian, Ur III) wr. da-da; da3-da3da “(to be) hostile; to be difficult” Hungarian baj “ailment, complaint, sickness, bother, vexation; evil, ill, misfortune, trouble; misery, woe” *pa(C)a- “to fight, to struggle” bul (27x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bul; i3-bul5-bul5 “to shake” Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 12 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Eskimo Akkadian báj “charm, grace” *bā- “to bind” *paγuγ- “to fasten down with pegs” ebēţu “(to be) tied, cramped up” Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian bajusz “mustache” *uŋak “beard or mustache” munsub (5x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. munsub; munsub2; munsubx(|KA×SUHUR|); sumunsub; sumunsub2; u2-šu-p? “hair; barber” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian bakó “bag, satchel” *pak∂γ- “to bend, to flex” pag (2x: Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. pag “to enclose, confine, cage (a bird)” Hungarian Chagatai Kuman Uigur Proto-Eskimo Sumerian bakó “hangman” bakavul “taste-tester in the court of a prince” bogaul “custos, vigil” bögäül “secret guard or sentry” *pak∂γ- “to bend, to flex” pagdu (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. pag-du3 “expert” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Yupik Sumerian bal “left” *palз “left” *palu- “to be lying on one’s stomach” palu- “to be sad; to starve; to lie on stomach” bala (3308x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bal; bil2 “to rotate, turn over, cross; to pour out, libate, make a libation; reign, rotation, turn, term of office; to revolt; to hoist, draw (water); to transfer (boats over weirs etc. blocking a stream); to carry; to boil (meat in water); to change, transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian Rhaetic ballagni “to move slowely, to wander” *maliγ- “to follow, to accompany” bala “to rotate, to turn over” alākum “to go” elukum “id.” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 61) Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Sumerian Akkadian balta “axe” *qalqa “axe” bal (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. na4bal “type of stone” allu “hoe, pickaxe” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 13 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Akkadian bár “albeit, although, notwithstanding” *p∂γn∂m “barely” balum “without” Hungarian Tatarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian bátor “brave” mādyr “hero” *pat∂γ- “to slap” [?] mes (29x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. mes “hero; (to be) manly; young man” eţlu Akkadian Hungarian Sumerian Chukotko-Kamch. Inuit Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian bece, boca “calf”, becenév “surname” ab (5272x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. ab2 "cow" pe(j)ecvak “young male reindeer” p’e-c “child, son” becs “value, worth” *pik∂- “to own” mu (135x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. mu5 “good, beautiful” banū Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian begy “animal’s stomach” *pijra *paγuγ- “to bring food to” [?] bar (2579x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur “liver; innards” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian béka “frog” *p∂k∂- “to jump up” bizaza (16x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bi2-za-za; bil2za; bi-za-za “frog; ~ figurine” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian béklyó “fetter, shackle; hobble” *ipiq(-) “tie; to tie” be (99x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. be4; be6 “to deduct, remove; to diminish, reduce; to withdraw, receive (as an allotment)” + kalag (2398x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. kal-ga; kalag; kal-la "(to be) strong, powerful, mighty; to reinforce; to provide for” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 14 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian bélyeg “stamp” *tull∂q- “to trample” ti-bala (3x: ED IIIa, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešti-bal; uruduti-bal “sign” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Sumerian bér “rent; wages” *p∂R∂- “to bend” *p∂Riŋa “to be bent” bur (176x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian, uncertain) wr. bur2; bur “to release, free; to reveal; to spread out, cover” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Akkadian berek “bushes, grove; marshy pasture” *perз “excrement; swamp” *p∂lu(R) “dust, dirt” aburriš “meadow, pasture” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Rhaetic berke “bud (of a tree)” *paγunRaR “berry” gurun = buru7 (38x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gurun “fruit, flower; ~ figurine; sexual appeal” inbu, enbu, unbiu (Brunner and Tóth 1987, pp. 97, 99) Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Akkadian betű “letter, typ” *p∂t∂-, *p∂tuR- “to penetrate or pass through” abātum “to carve, cut; to engrave” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Sumerian beze “gland” *q∂n∂cir “tonsil; gland” *p∂ŋuy(y)ak “swelling on skin” [?] maz (9x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ma-az “to swell, rejoice” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian bíbor “purple, scarlet” *kaviR “to be red” babbar (1109x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. babbar2; babbar “(to be) white”, but cf. also tabarru “purple” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian bicsak, bicska “pocket-knife” *k∂γun “tooth” bazu wr. ba-zu2; ĝešba-zu2? “a toothed knife” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian bilincs “shackles” *ipiq(-) “tie; to tie” be (99x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. be4; be6 “to deduct, remove; to diminish, reduce; to withdraw, receive (as an ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 15 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian allotment)” + la (1399x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. la2; la; lal2 “to bind; binding, (yoke-)team” alālu Akkadian bocsátani “to admit to, to let go” *paq∂t- “(to go and) find” bur (176x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian, uncertain) wr. bur2; bur “to release, free; to reveal; to spread out, cover” pašāru; šuparruru Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian bog “bend, knot” *pakša “gnarl, knot; protuberance (on the tree)” *puŋka, *poŋka “blister, boil, swelling” *paγuγ- “to fasten down with pegs” bun (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. uzubun; uzubun2 “bladder” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian boglya “hayrick” *p∂ŋuR “mound, hillock” bul (15x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. bul4; bul; bun; bul5 “to blow; to winnow; to sift; to inflate”, bun (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. uzubun; uzubun2 “bladder” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian bogrács “cauldron; kettle, stew-pot” *paγuγ- “to bring food” bariga (57x: Ur III) wr. ba-ri2-ga “a unit of capacity; a measuring container” parsiktu Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric, Proto-Uralic (?) Proto-Eskimo Sumerian bogyó “berry” Akkadian Rhaetic *pola *paγunRaR “berry” abulillum, wr. a-bu-lil-lum “boxthorn berry”, buluh, wr. buluh; šembuluh; ba-lu-hum “an aromatic tree or its resin” bulīlu; balahhu enbu, enpu, unbiu “fruit; berry” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, pp. 97, 99) Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Old Armenian Akkadian bojt “pompon, tassel” *pavlu “drum handle” boyth “earlobe; thumb” ubānu “finger; a unit of length” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 16 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Manchu Proto-Inuit Akkadian boka “ankle” baqalji “bones between a horse’s hoof and pastern-hairs” *pit∂kce “bow” eqbu “heel, hoof” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian bókolni “to bow, to curtsey” *pit∂kce “bow” bangi (11x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ba-an-gi4 "taper, bevel, slant, incline" Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Central Siberian Yupik Sumerian bonyolítani “to complicate, to entangle” *puńa “spun, winding; to twist, to wind” *puR∂t∂- “to deceive, to pretend” puuXt∂- “id.” pana (63x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešpana; ba-na; ĝešpanax(|ŠE.NUN&NUN|) “bow; a geometric figure” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian borjú “calf” *nuRRaR “caribou calf” amar (2771x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. amar “calf; young, youngster, chick; son, descendant” būru; māru Hungarian Proto-Inuit Eastern Canadian Inuit Rhaetic boróka “juniper” *paunRaqun “juniper or crowberry bush” paurŋaquti “plant on which small black berries grow” *burāšu “id.” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 97) Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian boszorkány “witch” *puqiγ- “to be intelligent” puzur (5x: Old Babylonian) wr. puzur4; puzur5; puzur; puzur2 “secret, shelter; protection, aegis, shadow, shelter” puzru Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian bot “stick” *put- “to stoop or bend forward” pa (293x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. pa; pa9 “wing; branch, frond” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 17 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Sirenikski Akkadian over” botorkálni “to stagger/stumble along, to totter” putŋuR- “to bend forward” bâ'um + etēqum “to pass, go along; to go past; to go through; to cross Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian bödön “jar” *putu “hole” bandudu (61x: ED IIIb, Ur III) wr. ba-an-du5; giba-an-du8-du8 “seeding basket of a plow” banduddū Hungarian Chukotko-Kamch. Akkadian bögöly “gadfly, horsefly” wapaqa “fly agaric” (< *paŋka, cf. Fortescue 1998, p. 149) baqqu “(small) fly, mosquito” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Aleut Sumerian bölcső “birthplace; cradle” *pula- “to slip under cover” hula- “dawn; to begin (month or day), to be new (moon); to bloom” peš (147x: Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. peš; peš5; peš4; peš6 “innards; to breathe; grandson; descendant; to give birth (to); (to be) pregnant; pregnancy; to gather; (to be) thick; (to be) wide” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian bősz “anger”, bőszíteni “to enrage, to make furious” *puqla “heat” mir (25x: Old Babylonian) wr. mir “(to be) angry; anger, rage” uzzu Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian bújik, búv- “to creep into, to nestle in, to slip into; to hide”, búvár “diver” *puke- “to hide” *puqtu- “to be high (in water)” p∂k∂- “to jump up” hiki- “to disappear” bu (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. bu-u2bu-u2 “secret” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian Akkadian búcsú “farewell, parting; pilgrimage” *pucit- “to turn upside down” pag, wr. pag “to leave behind” ezēbu Hungarian Sumerian buga “of small horns, hornless” bunga (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. bunga “child, suckling” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 18 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian buta “stipid” *puqiγit- “to be stupid” Probably to bu (28x: Old Akkadian, Ur III) wr. bu; bu2 “perfect” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian búsz, búz “haze, mist, steam” *puqla “heat” [?] muru (21x: Old Babylonian) wr. muru9; muru3 “rainstorm; mist; drizzle” murū Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian buzogni “to bubble, to sprout, to well” *p8śз- “to dribble, to drip” *puvlaγ, *puvlaR “bubble or air in sth.” biz (12x: Old Babylonian) wr. bi-iz; biz “to trickle, drip” başāşum Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Akkadian buzogány “mace” *puvlaR- “to be frightened away” pêşu “to break up, crush, grind; to split, split up; to cut open” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Eskimo Central Siberian Yupik Sumerian bűbáj “charm”, bűvész “conjurer; magician, wizard”, bűvös “bewitching, charming, enchanting, magical” *bògé “wizard; holy” *puvała “whaling festival” puvala “a certain ceremony” mu (18x: Old Babylonian) wr. mu7 Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumeria bűn “crime, sin” *puv∂- “to swell” bun (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. uzubun; uzubun2 “bladder” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian bütyök “bunion; gnarl, knot, lump; knuckle” *put- “to stoop or bend forward” dibida, wr. di-bi-da “to swell, to have colic” Hungarian cábár “ill-bred, ill-raised; liberated, released, roaming; prostitute; slovenly, sluttishly; uneducated; vulgar ciδam∂(t)- “to scatter, to pulverize”, ciδaγ- “to spread out; to stretch” cimaet- “to break up” [?] sapāhum “"to cut down; to untie, loosen; to cut; to scatter, disperse; to decide” Eskimo-Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Akkadian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 19 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Eskimo-Aleut Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian Akkadian cemende “dirty, flithy; soiled linnen; prostitute” ciq∂R, ciqqi- “to splash” cq- “wet” ciŋkae- “to spit”, ciŋqe(ciŋ) “spurt of water” sumun (522x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sumun “(to be) old; old wood, rot, decayed matter” sumkīnum Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian cickány “shrew” *k∂γi(C)aR “beaver” zu gaz (4x: Old Babylonian) wr. zu2 gaz “to chew” gaşāşum Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian csabak “a kind of fish” *t∂puk “whitefish” ku’abak, wr. ku6-ab-baku6 “sea fish” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian csákány, csáklya “pickaxe” *k∂γinaR “blade” šukara (32x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeššukara2 “tool, implement, utensil” Hungarian Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian csalni, cselni “to cheat” q∂la “spirit; to perform sorcery” qlat- “to deceive, to tempt” silig, wr. silig2; silig4 “hand; (cupped) hand” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian csapa “trail (of game)” *t∂p∂ “smell” sabu (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. sa5-bu8 “gain” Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Yukagir Sumerian Akkadian csapat “company, troop” *s’ap(p)∂- “to hack” s’avk∂- “to knock, to crack” šab (25x: Old Babylonian) wr. šab “to gather together, collect, scrape up” esēpu Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Yukagir csapni “to strike” *č’ap’a, *č’ap’u, *č’ap’i “to chop” *ćappз- “to strike” *s’ap(p)∂- “to hack” s’avk∂- “to knock, to crack” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 20 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian Akkadian šub (495x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. šub “to fall; to drop, lay (down); to thresh (grain)” habātum Hungarian Proto-Yupik Akkadian csarnak “a kind of ferry boat” *q∂RaRun “to sail” kāru “quay, port; bank” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Rhaetic csatak “mush, mud, dirt” tutuk “dirt” śade, śate “field, soil” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 98) Hungarian csatolni “to buckle, to clasp; to bind, to fasten; to annex a territory to (another); to enclose, to inclose” tat∂- “to jam in” caci- “to cover, to close” kad (20x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. kad5; kad4; kad6; kad8 “to tie, gather; to itch, scratch; to weave a mat?” Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Akkadian csavarni “to screw, to twist” *qi(C)∂t-, *qit- “to be convulsed” Akk. šapāşu “to grip, to twist” Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Chukchi Yukagir Sumerian csegely “wedge-formed field, isle or meadow” *s’ak∂-, *s’äk∂- “to freeze” *c∂q-, *l∂q- “to be cold” c’aq∂- “to freeze; fish” zag “side”, zag dib (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. zag dib “to pass, to surpass” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian cselekedik “to act, to do” *aδγa(R), *aδγaγ “hand” “hand” silig, wr. silig2; silig4 “hand; (cupped) hand” Hungarian Eskimo Eskimo, Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian csendes “quiet, calm, still” t’am- “to stay calm”, tamar “still” t∂msazin “to stay calm” t∂mγ∂- “to be still, calm” huĝ (5x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Old Babylonian) wr. huĝ “to pacify” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo csepegni “to dribble, to drip, to drop” *ć8ppз- “drop; to drop” *k∂p∂t- “to dye” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 21 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian šub (495x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. šub “to fall; to drop, lay (down); to thresh (grain)” habātum csép “flail, csépelni “to thrash” *k∂p∂- “to cut” šub (495x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. šub “to fall; to drop, lay (down); to thresh (grain)” habātum Akkadian csere “exchange, cserélni “to alter, to exchange” *kiput- “to exchange, to reverse” sa (991x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sa10 “to pay for, buy; to be paid for, sell” šâmum Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian cserény “pen” *t∂r∂tquq “angle, corner” ĝarig (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝa2-rig7 “animal pen” Hungarian csiga “block, pulley; curl, helix; snail; (spinning/whipping) toy top; volute” *t∂γγun “hook” si, wr. si14 “spider?, snail?” Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Altaic Old Turkic Khanty Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian csigolya “osier; vertebra” *si_àgi “a kind of a foilage tree” sögüt “tree” saxte(pā) “willow” *t∂γγun “hook” šagkal (10x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeššag4-kal “a tree, a type of willow” šakkullu Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian csiholni “to strike (a match)” *k∂γ∂- “to bite” sig (17x: Old Akkadian, Old Babylonian) wr. sig3 “to burn (of digestion)” Hungarian Proto-Inuit csík “stripe” *t∂kkuk- “to stick out” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 22 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates North. Alaskan Inuit Sumerian tikkuk- “bristle; to stand out stiffly” [?] zag “side”, zag dib (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. zag dib “to pass, to surpass” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian csiklandani, csiklandozni “to tickle” *k∂γ∂- “to bite” sag (186x: ED IIIb, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sag3; sag2 “to strike, beat; weave” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik Sumerian csillag “star”, csillogni “to shine” *č’i_ōli, *c’i_ōle, *č’i_ālo “grey; light” *ć8lkз- “to glimmer, to shine, to sparkle” *aγyaq “star” zalag (135x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. zalag; zalag2; su-lu-ug; sulug “(to be) pure; (fire) light; (to be) bright, to shine” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian csillapítani “to appease, to calm, to pacify, to quell; to relieve, to quench, to soothe” *k∂luvaR- “to move back” zil (23x: Old Babylonian) wr. zil2 “(to be) good; (to be) benificent” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian csípni “to pinch” *č’abo “to pinch” *ć8ppз(-) “fingertip, pinch; to pinch” *k∂p∂- “to cut” sib “to touch” (Bobula) Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian csipa “rheum, secretion of the eyes” *k∂p∂- “to cut” šab (25x: Old Babylonian) wr. šab “to inspect exta; to incise; to draw, design; to gather together, collect, scrape up; to break off, deduct; to trim, peel off; to dig, hollow out; to have a grooved shape; to cut, fell (of trees); to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to make clear” esēpum Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian csipke “thorn; lace” *k∂p∂t- “to penetrate” si (262x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. si “horn; finger; fret” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 23 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian csipő “hips” *cipyaR “hip” ib (36x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ib2 “hips; middle” qablu Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian csir “hinge (e.g. of a door) *ćara “cone, hinge (of a door)” *ciRu “cover” sur (4x: Old Babylonian) wr. sur5; surx(ERIN2) “to harness, tie up; to suspend, be suspended; harness team (of draft animals or workers)” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian csira “bud, germ, ovum; nucleus” *ć8rз, *ć8rkз “germ” *ciRu “cover” šir (13x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. šir “testicle; bulb” Hungarian Sumerian csóka “jackdaw” šaghab (2x: ED IIIa, Old Babylonian) wr. šag4-hab2mušen “a bird” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian csókolni “to kiss”, csók “kiss” *ć8kkз(-lз)*ciq(q)i “to splash” sag (2955x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian) wr. sag8; sag9; sag10; šeg10; sag12 “(to be) good, sweet, beautiful; goodness, good (thing)” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik Sumerian csokor “bouquet” *č’ugu “bundl” *ćukk3, *ćukkз-rз *ciquq “cottonwood” sagi (12x: ED IIIb, Ur III) wr. sa-gi “reed bundle” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Yukagir Sumerian csomó “bundle, knot”, csoma “bulb” (?) *ćolme “bundle, knot; to tie” c’olo- “to tie on, to add” sa (4558x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sa; gisa “reed-bundle” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian csont “bone” *ćutte “ankle-bone” *caun∂q “bone” zingi (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. zi-in-gi4 “ankle bone” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 24 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian csoport “group” *cip∂(γ)- “to split” šab (25x: Old Babylonian) wr. šab “to gather together, collect, scrape up” esēpu Hungarian Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian csög “knot (in wood, etc.) *ć8ŋkз “knot; to tie into a knot” cukaR “post, support” sig (91x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sa2; sig9 “to tie (shoes)” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian csög, csök “root, stump” *č8økkз “block (of wood)” cukaR “post, support” sig (343x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. sig “(to be) weak; (to be) low; (to be) thin; (to be) narrow” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Inuit Yukagir Sumerian csúcs “point, top (of a hill)” *ćukkз “hill, point, top” *tuδka “tip” *t∂kkuaq- “point” kic’- “end, top” saĝ (3582x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. saĝ “head; person; capital” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Ugric Sumerian csuhé “fishing-net” *kuvδaR “net” *cujз sa (50x: Old Babylonian) wr. sa “net” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Inuit Sumerian csukni “to close, to shut” *čukka- “to enclose” *cikunRiq- “to close eyes” za, wr. za “to close?”, sig (74x: Old Babylonian) wr. si-ig; šeg5 “(deathly) hush; (to be) silent” (Bobula) šaqummatu “to be silent” Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Aleut Sumerian csuklik “to bend one’s knees (and fall down); to have the hiccups” *cajuγ- “to tug, to twitch” saju- “to pull” dub gurum (6x: Old Babylonian) wr. dub3 gurum “to sit down, to take a rest” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 25 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian csukorodik “to crouch, to extend, to stretch” *ćukkз-, *ćokkз- “to bend oneself, to pull together” *taci(γ)- “to stretch” šu sud (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. šu sud “to stretch the hand out” Akk. ? Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian csupor “small container” *ćuppз “little pot made of birch-bark, vessel” *cupluγ, *cupluR *tube” zabar (810x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. zabar; zabar3 “measuring vessel made of bronze; a metal bowl” sappu; siparru Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian csücsülni “to sit down” *cittuR “to sit with legs extended” su (54x: Old Babylonian) wr. su; su3 “to submerge; to sink” ţeb “to submerge; to sink” or šegū “to go up or down”? Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian csüd, csög, csüg, csűg “bird’s foot; pastern” *ć8ŋз “joint (?), knuckle” *it∂gaR “foot” zid (1475x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. zid “right; to be right, true, loyal”, su (2785x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. šu; sum5; šu-x “hand” qātu “hand” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian csülök “hoof, hooves” *aδγa(R), *aδγaγ “hand” “hand” silig, wr. silig2; silig4 “hand; (cupped) hand” Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian csűr “barn” *ciRu- “cover” sur (127x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. su7 “threshing floor; abandonment” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian dadogni “to stutter” *kutak- “to speak in an indistinct way” dug (3878x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, uncertain) wr. dug4 “to speak, to talk, to say” dabābu Akkadian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 26 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Wakashan Sumerian dagadni “to swell” *toŋз-, *taŋзt∂nu- “to push” hnu- “to reach” t∂nup “hill”, t∂not-γ∂rγ∂n “swelling” tinu(pa). “to swell (like a boil)” daĝal (745x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. daĝal; dam-gal; di-am-ga-al; da-ma-al “(to be) wide; width, breadth” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian dal “song”, dalolni, danolni “to sing” *t∂li- “to tell” du (6x: Old Babylonian) wr. du9-du9 “lament” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian derék “waist” *t∂riqšaq “belt” dara (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. tug2dara4; dara2; tug2dara2 “belt, sash, girdle; string” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian dob “drum” *tap∂R “frame of drum” adab (42x: Old Babylonian) wr. a-da-ab; a-da-ba “a drum; a song” adapu Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian doboz “box” *taput∂- “to include” dab (8723x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. dab5; dab; dab5-dab5; dabx(|LAGAB×GUD|) “to seize, take, hold; to bind; to envelop, overwhelm; to choose (by extispicy); to accept; to take charge of” şabātum Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian dőlni “to fall, to topple over; to lean, to tilt; to pour (of rain)” *tuluR- “to butt or bump into” dirig (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. dirig “to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to fall down, collapse” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Proto-Eskimo Sumerian dugni “to cram, to hide, to put in, to stuff” *tuŋke- “to break through, to cram, to stuff” *tutquq- (< *tunquR-) “to store away” *tuŋvaR- “id.” taka (667x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. tak4 “to set aside, leave behind; to save, keep back, hold back” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 27 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian dúlni “to devastate, to ravage” *tuluR- “to butt or bump into” dul (10x: Old Babylonian) wr. dul2 “to lower; (to be) deep” Hungarian e-, i-: e, ez “this”; i-tt “here”, i-de “hither”, innen “from here”; így “so”; i-lyen “such as this” *e-, *i*e- “this” uv(a)- “this” wa- “id.” waj “here you are”. waj∂ŋ-qen “that just there” e(duŋ) “id.” ti/tu “this” a-ne (Old Sumerian) vs. e-ne (Old Babylonian) “he, she” šū “he” vs. šī “she” is, es “this” Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Koryak Yukagir Sumerian Akkadian Rhaetic Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian égni “to burn” *äŋз- “fire; to burn” *∂k∂- “to burn” šeĝ (261x: ED IIIa, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. šeĝ6 “to cook; to dry a field; to fire (pottery)” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Aleut Sumerian egy “one; (indefinite article)” *ataRuciR “one” ataqan “one” ge4 “one” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Proto-Yupik Sumerian ék “spike, wedge” *S8ŋз “plug, wedge” iq∂R “corner of mouth” iiqi-X “inside corner” jeqa- “nose” *iq∂k “point, tip” saĝ (3582x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. saĝ “head; person; capital” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian elő “forward”, el- “away” *ílék’a, *élík’a, *élíka “front; before” *eδe- “forward, that which is in front of ...” ali “place far off” ul (161x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ul; ul-li2; ul-li “(to be) distant (in time); distant time” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 28 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Kamassian Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Sumerian élni “to live”, élelem “food” d’ili “alive” *elä*el(ä)- “to be, to exist” til (770x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. til3 “to live; to sit (down); to dwell” Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian elég “enough; rather” *al∂γ- “to feel confident” ul, wr. ul4 “greatly” Hungarian elleni “to bear, to bring forth, to droup (young), to give birth (to a litter), to yean” *sente- “to give birth” *∂l-tur “grandchild; grandfather (?)” (w)alādum “to bear young; child-bearing” Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Yupik Sumerian ellik “to mount, to ride; to place, to set” *sälз-, sälkз- “to mount, to place (oneself) onto/on top of ...” *∂lγaR- “to settle; to be settled” zal (2798x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. zal “to get up early; to finish, come to an end; to dissolve, melt, disintegrate, break down, collapse; to quake; to pass time” Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Rhaetic élvezni “to enjoy” *aŋla- “to enjoy” lavise “enjoy (imperative pl.)” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 98) Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Yukagir Sumerian Akkadian Rhaetic emik “to suckle”, eme “female of an animal”, emse “sow” *emV-, *ami- “to suck” *ime- “to suckle” *emä “mother” emej “mother” ama (863x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ama “mother” ummu em, emu, um (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 97) Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo én “I” *bi *m8ø *uvaŋa “I” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 29 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian Akkadian me (750x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Old Babylonian) wr. me “Being, divine properties enabling cosmic activity; office; (cultic) ordinance”, me (2860x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. me; em; am3 “to be” mū Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ének “song” *ane “noise, sound, voice” *∂me “voice”, ∂m∂ŋ∂(R)- “to sing, to hum” inim (1317x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. inim; e-ne-eg3 “word; matter (of affairs)” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Yukagir Sumerian Akkadian enni, esz-, ev- “to eat”, étek, étel “food”, etetni “to feed” *sīju-, *sījo*seγe-, *sewe*seγ∂- “to eat” leγ “to eat” sud, wr. zu2 sud2 “to bite” gaşāşum Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian enyelegni “to chatter, to gossip, to talk; to flirt; to dawdle, to loaf, to lunge” *8ń3- “to flirt, to gossip” *uŋul∂γ- “to shake” en, wr. en2 “incantation, spell” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian enyh “reconciliation; relief, soothing” *8nз “place” *uŋlu “nest” in (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. in “sector” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo North Siberian Yupik Sumerian epe “gall” *säppä *cuŋa(R) “gall” suŋaq “bile, bead” ze (16x: Old Babylonian) wr. ze2; ze4 “gall bladder; bile” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Chukotko-Kamch. Koryak Wakashan Sumerian ér “vein; source, well, brook” *säre “rivulet; vein” aer- “to flow out”, aer-iŋ “shore” aj-γ∂jŋ∂n “low tide” erxe- “to flow”, eri “river” sur (13x: Old Babylonian) wr. sur3; sur6; sur7 “canal, ditch; foundation pit of a building” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 30 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Akkadian sūru Hungarian Eskimo-Aleut Proto-Yupik Chukotko-Kamch. Sumeria érni “to attain, to reach; to touch” uR-n∂γ- “to go towards” *uR-niR- “to aim at” joR(∂)- “to reach” ere (68x: Ur III) wr. re; er; e-ra; erx(|DU.DU|); re6; re7; er-re; i-ri “perfect plural stem of ĝen[to go]” alākum Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Uralic Inwit Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumeria Akkadian esik “to fall”, ejteni “to drop” *ećз- “to fall” est- “id.” it- “to fall”, icaRi- “to drip” jit- “to drip” šeĝ (70x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. šeĝ3; šeĝx(|IM.A.A|); šeĝx(|IM.A.AN|) “to (fall as) dew; to rain; rain” šahāhu “to fall down” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian esketni “to marry”, eskü “oath” *ečkз- “to praise” *it∂r- “to enter” saĝba (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. saĝ-ba; saĝ-ba-a “oath”, su-gid: su (495x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. su “flesh; body; entrails (omen); body” + gid (13x: Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. gid2 "to drag, tow (a boat upstream); to pass along, transfer; to flay?; to milk" Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ész “mind” *itaγ- “to take care of” sa (46x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sa2 “advice, counsel; resolution, intelligence”, si, wr. si “to remember” hasāsum Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ev “matter, pus” *säje(-) “to fester, to rot; rottenness” *aRu- “to rot” sissi (160x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. si12-si12; sissix(GI) “(to be) green-yellow, pale” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Yupik North Siberian Yupik evet “squirrel” *säpз, *šäpз or *täpз *qiγuiq “squirrel” qiwik “ground squirrel” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 31 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian si (262x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. si “horn; finger; fret” + pa (293x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. pa; pa9 “wing; branch, frond” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian evezni “to row” *suγe*iput “to row” zigan (12x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešzi-gan “rudder” sikkānu Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian fa “tree; wood” *p’(iù)ju “a kind of tree” *puwe “tree; wood” puq∂ “bottom; behind” pa (293x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. pa; pa9 “wing; branch, frond” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Akkadian facsarni “to wring; to wring out” *pućз-rз- “to press, to squeeze”, *päćзrз- “to press, to wring” putjuγ-/pumjuγ- “to pinch” mazū “to squeeze” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sirenikski Sumerian Akkadian fagyal “privet” *p’ude, *p’udi *pajз “a type of salix” *uqviγ “willow (shrub)” uqf∂x “tree” buluh, wr. buluh; šembuluh; ba-lu-hum “an aromatic tree or its resin” balahhu Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Mokša Mordvin Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian fagyni “to freeze” *pal’a “to freeze; frost, ice-crust” pulta- “to burn” paliR “to be parched” bil (50x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bil2; bil3; bil “to burn” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian fágyni “to roll into a ball” *p8čз- “to place in a layer, to wind; stratum” *paŋkiγ- “to grasp” pakeγ- “to bend, to flex”, pakiγ- “to hook fingers into, to dig into” vak(∂Ro)- “to sit”, vaeγ∂lku- “to scratch”, vaeγ- “claw” pahar (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. pa-har “gathering” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 32 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian faggyú “suet, tallow” *p8l’ćз “fat, tallow” *puvala- “to be fat” peš (147x: Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. peš; peš5; peš4; peš6 “(to be) thick; (to be) wide” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Yukagir Akkadian fáj “hurt, pain” *poδ’з- “shaving; to split” paj- “to hit” [?] būdum “to cut open, to slit, to split” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian fajd “wood grouse” *paδ’tз “Tetrao urogallus” *qat∂- “deep or loud voice” pec, wr. peš2mušen “a bird”, peš (1x: ED IIIa) wr. peš2mušen “a bird” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian fakadni “to blossom” *p’ók’ù- “to swell” *pakka “to burst, to rend” *puv∂- “to swell” pag, wr. pag “to leave behind” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian fal “wall” *p’ádo “wall” *paδe “dam, weir” paδ∂ “entrance” haδγi-X “channel, narrow entrance (to bay)” bad (2910x: ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bad3 “wall, fortification” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian falni “to devour”, falat “morsel” *pala- “te devour; morsel” *palu- “to be lying on one’s stomach” bala, wr. bala “wastage (in processing grain)” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-(Finno-?)Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian Rhaetic falu “village” *palge “town” *palγз *palliq “dry willow twigs” barim (24x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bar-rim4; barim “dry land” [?] *ālu “village” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 97) ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 33 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik Sumerian fan “down, hair” *p’úńe “hair; feather” *puna “hair” *pun∂rt∂- “skim surface” munsub (5x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. munsub; munsub2; munsubx(|KA×SUHUR|); sumunsub; sumunsub2; u2-šu-p? “hair; barber” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian far “bottom, rear; rump, stern” *p’i_òrí “back; west” Hungarian *purkз “back, rear” *p∂quR, p∂kuγ “upper back of neck” bar (2579x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur “back, shoulder” Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian faragni “to carve, to cut, to whittle (wood), to hew, to trim”, forgács “wood splinters” *puŕi-, *puŕe- “to crush2 *parз- “to cut, to remove, to scrape, to shave” *pilaγtuR- “to cut up” bar (2579x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur “ to cut open, slit, split”, bur (3x: Old Akkadian, Ur III) wr. burx(|KA׊U|) “to cut” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo-Aleut Proto-Inuit Chukchi Sumerian fasz “man; penis” *paćз “male sex organ” *pat’k(∂)- “to penetrate” *p∂t∂- “id.” *p∂ttaq “hole” pat-γ∂rg∂n “hole” penzer (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. pe-en-ze2-er “female genitals” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo-Aleut Proto-Inuit Chukchi Sumerian fazék “pot” *pata “kettle, pot” *pat’k(∂)- “to penetrate” *p∂t∂- “id.” *p∂ttaq “hole” pat-γ∂rg∂n “hole” ba (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. dugba “type of vessel” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 34 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian fedni “to cover”, fedél “cover, covering; roof” *bi_ót’è “to cover” *bat*büte*pentз- “to close, to cover” *p∂tluγ- “to survive” bad (2910x: ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bad3 “wall, fortification” Hungarian feddeni “to rebuke, to reproach”, fegyelem “discipline”, fegyver “weapon” *pilaun “knife for butchering” [?] badara (12x: Old Babylonian) wr. ba-da-ra; ba-dar “dagger, weapon” pattarum Proto-Inuit Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian fejni “to milk” *päδ’з-, *pije- “to milk” *ituγ “milk of animal” [?] bad (147x: ED IIIa, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bad; ba; be2 “to open” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Inuit Sumerian fejsze “axe” *p8jćз “axe, hatchet” *paki(γ)uR- “to take a stroke” [?] pašu (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. pa-a-šu “type of axe” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian fejteni “to unstitch, to undo, to remove the husk/pod” *pejз- “to undo” *paδ∂ “opening, entrance” bal (511x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ba-al; bal; bal3; bal4; pe-el "to unload (a boat)” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian fék “brake; fetter” *päkkз “bridle” paekul “knife” [?] be (99x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. be4; be6 “to deduct, remove; to diminish, reduce; to withdraw, receive (as an allotment)” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Yukagir fekély, fekel “chancre, ulcer” *p8kkз- “to break apart; chancre, ulcer” *poŋk∂ “hillock” pöŋk∂ “hill” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 35 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Eskimo Sumerian *p∂ŋuR “rounded hillock on tundra” pag, wr. pag “to leave behind” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian fekete “black” *p8kkз-ttз “black” *paγu(la) “soot” ukuk (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. u2-ku-uk “to burn”, bar (20x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bar7 “to burn; to fire (pottery)” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian fekszik, feküd-, fekv- “to be situated, to lie” *päkkз- “to sit” puci- “to turn over, be upside down” hasuγ- “to lie prostrate” pag, wr. pag “to leave behind” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian fel, föl “above, up, upper”, föl- “skimmings”, fenn “above” *piδe, *piδe-kä “high; long” piŋ- “up there” hiŋ- “right there” bad (147x: ED IIIa, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bad; ba; be2 “(to be) remote; to open, undo; to thresh grain with a threshing sledge” fel (phel), bel “sir” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 97) Rhaetic Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian Akkadian fél-: ajtófél “doorpost” *pele, *pēle “post, stand” *pel(aγ)- “to cut up, flense” pilaγ- “to cut up” hilγi- “to dig (out)” bulug (56x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bulug; urudbulug; mu-lu-ug; bulu-ug “needle; stake; boundary; seal pin” pulukku Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Central Alaskan Yupik Sumerian félni “to be afraid/scared” *belV “hysterics, panic; mourning” *pele- “to frighten, to scare” *p∂llicci- “to be unable to keep one’s eyes open” p∂lli- “to have a nightmare” buluh (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. bu-luh; bu-lu-uh2; bu-lu-uh3; buluh “to fear, tremble, be afraid” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic fél, fele- “fellow human, friend”, feleség “wife” *bołe “an indirect relative” *pälä “half; side” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 36 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian Akkadian ila “relative, friend, part” ba (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. ba3; ba7 “half; thirty” palāhum “to work (the earth), to plow” > Arabic falahā “to plow” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Aleut Sumerian fél “half; one side (of two)” *pälä “half; side” *pel(aγ)- “to cut up, flense” hilγi- “to dig (out)” ba (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. ba3; ba7 “half; thirty” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian felhő “cloud” *bulu, *bula, *bulo *pilwe-, *pilŋe *p∂lu(R) “dust” ibi (18x: Old Akkadian, Old Babylonian) wr. i-bi2; i3-bi2; ibbi; ibbix(NE) “smoke”, bil (50x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bil2; bil3; bil “to burn” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian fém “metal”, fémlik “to shine”, fény “light” *qauma- “to be bright” [?] bur (78x: ED IIIa, Old Akkadian, Ur III) wr. bur2; bu7 “light; to glow, shine” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian fenni “to hone, to sharpen, to whet; to rub in” *pänз(-) “whet; whetstone” piŋu- “to push” hiŋu- “id.” p∂nae- “to whet, to sharpen” kin (2x: Old Akkadian, Old Babylonian) wr. kin2 “to grind” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian fene “damned, devilish, infernal” *pene *p∂ŋ∂γ- “to be worried” ib (35x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ib2 “(to be) angry; to curse” + nam kud (72x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. nam kud “to curse” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian féreg “noxious animal; vermin; worm” *p’iáru “a kind of worm” *perkз, *perkkз “worm” *P∂r∂- “to bend” piriĝ (205x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. piriĝ; piriĝ3; bi2-ri-iĝ3; ĝešpiriĝ; piriĝ2 “lion; bull, wild bull” parākum “to wriggle, to squirm (snake)” Akkadian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 37 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Rhaetic *farāk-, *farāg Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian férfi “man”, férj “husband”, fiú “boy, son” *āri, *ēra “man” *irkä, *ürkä “boy, son, husband” *iRni- “to give birth”, *uγi “husband” [?] ili (3x: Old Akkadian, Old Babylonian) wr. i3-li2 “man”, pil, wr. pil6 “male” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric (?) Proto-Eskimo Aleut Sumerian férni “to arrive, to reach; to fit, to have room” *purз-, p8rз- “to go into” *p∂r∂- “to bend” haXt “to stand up, to get up” bar (2579x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur “outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; outsider; to cut open, slit, split” parūm “to cut, to cut open” *far- Akkadian Rhaetic Hungarian Proto-(Finno-?)Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian Akkadian feslik “to become unsewn; to burst” *päće “to loosen, to stretch out” *p∂tuRaq- “to come through; to reach” ba (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. ba3; ba7 “half; thirty” + sil (119x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. si-il; zil; silx(|EZEN×LAL2|); sil5 “to split apart; to split, slit” šalātu Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian festeni “to paint” *p8čз “colour; paint” *miŋul∂q- “to paint, to smear” pendu (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. pe-en-du “spot” [?] Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian fészek “nest” *pesä *p∂tuγ- “to fasten, to secure” puzur (5x: Old Babylonian) wr. puzur4; puzur5; puzur; puzur2 “secret, shelter; protection, aegis, shadow, shelter” puzru Hungarian Proto-Eskimo feszíteni “to tighten (tr.)”, feszülni “to tighten (itr.)” *p∂tuγ- “to fasten, to secure” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 38 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian Akkadian si sa (410x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. si sa2; si si-sa2 “to make straight; to make vertical” ešērum Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian figyelni “to notice, to observe, to pay attention” *piδaq∂(naR)-, *piδaR(naR)- “to be difficult” pad (2313x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. pad3 “to find, discover; to name, nominate” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Inuit Sumerian fog “tooth” *piŋe “tooth” k∂p∂- “to cut” (with metathesis?) k∂pk∂p “tooth” gug (45x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gug; gug6 “tooth; blade; beak; dogbite” Hungarian fogni “to catch”, fogoly “prisonner”, fogadni “to take”, foglalni “to occupy, to seize” *puŋз- “to catch, to get” pakiγ- “to hook fingers onto” paŋk(u)-l “net” [?] pag (2x: Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. pag “to enclose, confine, cage (a bird)” Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Yukagir Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Yukagir Sumerian fogyni “to decrease, to diminish, to lessen, to wane; to loose weight” *pučз- “to decrease, to reduce, to shrink” *p∂k∂- “to jump up” hiki- “to disappear” *piŋku- “to jump” pöγ-, pöŋk- “to run away” be (99x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. be4; be6 “to deduct, remove; to diminish, reduce; to withdraw, receive (as an allotment)” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian fojtani “to drown; to strangle”, fúlni “to suffocate” *póga “to tie up” *puwз-, *puŋз- “to suffocate, to smother” *∂p∂- “to suffocate” bul (27x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bul; i3-bul5-bul5 “to shake” [?] ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 39 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Proto-Yupik Central Siberian Yupik Akkadian Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Uralic (?), Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian folyik “to flow, to run, to stream; to ensue, to follow, to go on, to be in progress”, folyó, folyam “river, stream”, folytatni “to continue, to go ahead/on, to run on; to extend, to prolong, to follow, to lead (a life), to pursue, to wage (a war) *p8lз- “to gush, to stream” *puγ∂- “to flow” hux “bag” pvat- “to float” *p∂γ-at- “id.” *p∂γt∂- “to drop, to let go” puγ-naan “inflated poke, float” palgu par (130x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. pa5; pa6 “(small) canal, irrigation ditch” fordítani “to turn (tr.)”, fordulni “to revolve, to turn (itr.)”, forogni “to turn (itr.)” *p8rkз-, *p8rgз- “to revolve, to turn” *pucit- “to turn upside down” bala (3308x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bal; bil2 “to rotate, turn over, cross” palūm Akkadian forrani “to boil”, forradalom “revolt, revolution, uprising”, forradás “scar” *qała- “to boil, to churn” bala (3308x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bal; bil2 “to rotate, turn over, cross” palūm Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian fos “thin, liquid excrement” *pućka, *paćka “excrete; thin excrement” *puγ∂- “to surface, to emerge” bed (17x: Old Babylonian) wr. bed3 “to defecate; excrement” Hungarian Proto-(Finno-?)Ugric Proto-Inuit North Alaskan Inuit Sumerian foszlik “to fray, to get threadbare/tattered” *puśз- “to tear; to tear oneself” *putžuq “hole worn in sth.” pužžuq “hole worn in boot sole” bir (7x: Old Babylonian) wr. bir7; bir6; bir9 “to shred” Hungarian Proto-Altaic fő, fej “main; head” *p’èk’V “brain; head” Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 40 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian *päŋз “head” *päŋ∂ “top” paeŋ-kae(l) “hat” ba (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. dugba “type of vessel” (cf. Latin testa “vessel” > “vessel of the brain” > Italian testa, French tête, etc. “head”) Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Koryak Chukchi Wakashan Sumerian főlni, főzni “to cook, to heat” *p’uje- “to whirl; to boil” *peje- “to cook” *pej∂(γ)-, *poj∂(γ)- “to cook, to steam” *pujae- “to cook on hot stones in pit” puj?epuj “soot” poju- “to smoke” bil (50x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bil2; bil3; bil “to burn” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Khanty Proto-Eskimo Sumerian fú “a species of waterfowl” *p8jзpai “a type of black duck” *puvyar “bird’s crop” buru (13x: ED IIIa, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. buru4mušen; guur2mušen; buru15mušen; buru16mušen; buru6mušen “crow; a bird of prey or a vulture” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Inuit Aleut Sumerian fújni “to blow” *p’ulgi*puγз-, *puwз*puw∂, *puγ∂- “to swell” *puvak “lungs” hum- “to swell, inflate” bul (15x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. bul4; bul; bun; bul5 “to blow; to winnow; to sift; to inflate” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Yupik Sumerian Akkadian fullánk “dart, sting” *pulз- “to stab, to thrust” *pul∂nt∂- “to hit on the right spot” bulug (56x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bulug; urudbulug; mu-lu-ug; bulu-ug “needle; stake; boundary; seal pin” pulukku Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Chukotko-Kamch. fúrni “to bore, to drill” *p’i_òŕ-, *p’èŕo- “to screw, to carve” *pura(-) “borer; to bore, to drill” *pura “to go in” -ra- “house, yaranga” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 41 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian bulug (4x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bulug “to sew” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Inuit Sumerian futni “to run” *póki “to run, to run away” *pukta- “to flee, to hop, to run, to skip” *paaqtuq- “to go (continually) towards sth.” pag, wr. pag “to leave behind” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Inuit Sumerian fül “ear” *peljä “id.” *pel(ju) “leaf or ear” pełu “leaf” (< *p∂lalu[γ]?) p∂la (p∂l) “leaf” kul (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. kul “a handle” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian fűlik “to become warm, to heat” *pilз- “to burn” *puqla “heat; hot water” bil (50x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bil2; bil3; bil “to burn” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian fürdik “to bathe, to take a bath” *pilkз- “to bathe (oneself)” *puqla “heat; hot water” bil (50x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bil2; bil3; bil “to burn” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian fürt “bunch of grapes; bundle; tuft of hair, tress” *p8rз “bunch” *p∂r∂- “to bend” buru (206x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. buru14; gur7; gur16 “harvest, summer” ebūru Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian füst “smoke” *pičз, *pićз *puyuR “smoke” mes (56x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. mes; ĝešmes “blackness, black spot; black wood” Hungarian fűzni “to bind (e.g. flowers into wreaths), to knit, to lace, to fasten; to sew, to stitch (of books)” *pitä- “to hold” *pit(uγ)- “to tie up” p∂z- “id.” Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Inuit ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 42 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Chukotko-Kamch. Akkadian *v∂t- “to tie up” patālum “to turn, to wind, to tie up” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sirenikski Sumerian Akkadian fűz “osier; willow” *pećз “willow”; *pesз, *pečз “withe” *uqviγ “willow (shrub)” uqf∂x “tree” buzin (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. bu-zi2-in “a plant” buşinnu Hungarian gamó, kamó, kajmó, kampó “crook, hook”, gáncs “click, trip (with a leg)”, gönc “odds and ends; old clothing that is bound into a knot”, gomb “button; knob”, gomba “mushroom”, gombóc “ball; dumpling”, gombolyag “ball, clew, coil; cop, hank, reel, skein”, gomoly “isolated mass of cloud, fog or smoke”, gomolyogni “to puff up, to wreathe (of smoke)”; to swirl, to whirl (of clouds)”, göb “little bundle or knot”, gömb “ball, orb; globe; sphere”, gömbölyű “rounded”, göncölni “to cram, to press, to stuff”, göngyölíteni “to roll into a cylinder shape”, gubancolni “to entangle”, homorú “concave, hollow”, homp “clod of earth”, kanyar “bend (in a river, etc.), kanyarítani “to bend”, konya “bent downward”, konyulni “to bend down”, kunkorodik “to curl (of hair)” *kúmi, *komi “cavity; hollow; inner angle” *k8mз “hollow” *käm(∂γ) “footware” kamlu “round cap”, kaδ∂v∂(t)- “to go round” (< *kavδ∂-?) koma- “to dress, to put shoes on” (< *kame-) kaemlil “circle”, k∂mγ∂t- “to bunch up”, k∂mRukaet- “to roll up in a ball”, kawra- “to go round” gam (33x: Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeškab; ĝešgam3; ĝešKIN “shepherd's crook, bent stick; haft, hilt”, gurum (138x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gurum; gur8; gur; gurumx(GURUN) “to bend, curve, wrap around; to bow; to roll up; to curb, restrain; to watch over”. Also the Gönc(z)ölszekér “Ursa maior/minor” has his name for Sum. gam, since this constellation of stars describes a kind of chain. gamlu; kanāšu, kanānu Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian gar “arrogant, disdainful, haughty, presumptuous” *qaRa “decoration (on parka)” [?] kur (489x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, uncertain) wr. kur2; gur “(to be) different; (to be) strange; (to be)estranged; (to be) hostile; to change; to become strange; to alternate (math.)” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 43 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Yukagir Sumerian Akkadian gatya “linen trousers worn by peasants; underwear” *kuδjз “blanket, cover” *kuδ’∂, kul’∂ “above, cover” *qu(C)∂k “bone in rear flipper of seal” qulγ∂n “(fish) skin; bark” kuδ∂- “to rise, to go up” gada (633x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gada “flax; linen” kitū Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian Akkadian gebe “worn-out horse” *gibe “mare” *kebel *geγó-n *gibu*kewe “mare; female (of animal)” k∂v∂g- “to raise”, kumsa- “id.” kaew(ji)- “to rise”, kaewkaew “hill” kab (8x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. kab “wing of a horse bit; noserope” kappu “wing; hollow hand; paw” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian gége “windpipe” *k8ŋkз “Adam’s apple, throat” qak∂R(luγ) “throat”, quŋ∂ciR “neck” gu (753x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gu2 “bank, side; neck” Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Proto-Yupik Sumerian gerinc “spine” *q∂r- “height” *q∂RaR- “to rise up” eĝir (393x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. eĝir; eĝir5(LUM); egir4; eĝir6(MURGU2) “back, rear; after; estate, inheritence” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian gödény “pelican” *quγδuγ “swan” guddu (2x: ED IIIa, Old Babylonian) wr. gud-du7mušen; gud-temušen; gud-damušen “a bird?” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian görcs “gnarl, knot; spasm” *p∂R∂- “to bend, to flex” gur, wr. gur2 “loop, hoop, circle” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 44 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian gördíteni “to push, to roll, to wheel”, gördülni “to move, to roll (along), to travel, to trundle; to revolve, to turn” *p∂R∂- “to bend” gurum (138x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gurum; gur8; gur; gurumx(GURUN) “to bend, curve, wrap around; to bow; to roll up; to curb, restrain; to watch over” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian görény “skunk” *p∂R∂- “to bend” gur (4x: ED IIIa) wr. gur8 “a designation of animals” Hungarian gügyü “a little part of mown grass; a handful; reed-bundle ready for the stove” *k∂γaq- “notch” gug (76x: Ur III) wr. u2gug4; gug4; gug; u2|ZI&ZI|; u2|A.ZI&ZI|; u2|ZI&ZI.A|; u2|ZI&ZI.EŠ2.ŠE| “a grass; rush, sedge” Proto-Inuit Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian gyakni “to hit” *δ’8kkз- “to poke, to prick, to sting” *j8kkз- “to prick, to stab, to thrust” ∂gu(z)- “to pierce, to sting” γu- “to penetrate” j∂γu- “to bite” tag (266x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. tag “to touch, take hold of; to bind; to attack” Hungarian gyakor “numerous”, gyakori “frequent, repeated”, gyakorolni “to practise” *jowkkз “heap, mass” *uγlaR- “to be many” du (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. du8 “to heap up, pile up” Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian gyalulni “to cut, to slice; to plane; to shred” *j8rз “planing iron, shaver; to scrape, to shave” k∂liγ- “to scrape” kele “to write”, kle- “to rub” kaeli- “to draw”, kili-/kele- “to rub” dal (9x: Old Akkadian, Ur III) wr. dal “dividing line, transverse line”, gul (518x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gul; gu-ul “to destroy; to break; to flatten; to carve, cut; to engrave” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Central Alaskan Yupik gyanú “suspicion” *kama- “to be nervously attentive” kama- “to feel suspicious” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 45 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian sun (16x: Old Babylonian) wr. sun7; sun5 “to be haughty” Hungarian gyarmat “colony”, gyarapodik “to grow strong”, gyarapítani “to add to, to enlarge, to increase” *qaRmaR *temporary dwelling” gur (124x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gur3-ru; guru3; gur; gur17; guru6 “bearer; to lift, carry” Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian gyékény “bulrush, matgrass; doormat, matting” *uqviγ “willow” gi (4900x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gi “reed, cane; a unit of length” qanū Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian gyenge “weak” *uqiŋit to be light” gigan, wr. gi-gan “twig” Hungarian Chagatai Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian gyeplő “rein, ribbons” string, thread *t∂p∂- “drift ashore” dab (8723x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. dab5; dab; dab5-dab5; dabx(|LAGAB×GUD|) “to seize, take, hold; to bind” şabātu Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian gyep “lawn”, gyepű “hedge(row), fence” *t∂p∂- “drift ashore” dubban (8x: Old Babylonian) wr. dub-ba-an; gidub-ba-an “fence” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian gyér “scarse” *ir(∂)l∂g “to be stingy” dirig (110x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. dirig “to tear out” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian gyerek, gyermek “child” *iRni(C)aR “offspring” dumu (28245x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian, uncertain) wr. dumu; du5-mu “child, son, daughter” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo gyom “weed” *tukuRnaq “kind of seaweed” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 46 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian gin, wr. gin4; u2|ZI&ZI|; u2|A.ZI&ZI|; u2|ZI&ZI.A|; u2|ZI&ZI.EŠ2.ŠE| “a grass” Hungarian Common Turkic Kipchak Proto-Eskimo Sumerian gyomor “stomach” yum- “to press” yumur “one of the parts of a ruminant’s stomach” *uŋuman “heart” gum (18x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. gum; gum2 “to crush” Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian gyónik “to confess (to a priest)” *qana- “to be ill” dun (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. dun5-na “humble” Hungarian Proto-Yupik Akkadian gyopár “cudweed” *tumaγliq “plant type” daprānu, duprānu “juniper” [?] Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian gyors “fast, quick” *k∂vaγ- “to do fast” sar (68x: Old Babylonian) wr. sar “to run, hasten” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian gyökér “root” *j8kkз-rз *iqquR “buttock or end of sth.” ur (441x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ur2; ur5 “root, base; limbs; loin, lap” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian gyöngy “bead; bubble; pearl”, gyönyörú *qip∂- “to twist” gun (1x: Early Old Babylonian) wr. al-gu2-gu2 “to twist” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian gyönyörű “splendid” *uŋul∂γ- “to shake, to tremble” [?] ugunu (20x: Old Babylonian) wr. u3-gun3; ugunu; ugunu2; u3-gun; ugunu “decorative inlay; ointment” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian gyötörni “to agonize; torment, to torture; to trouble, to worry” *q∂tER- “to jump (on)” gud (28x: Old Babylonian) wr. gu4-ud; gud2 “to jump (on); to attack; to escape; to dance; hero, warrior” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian győzni “to win, to triumph” *q∂tER- “to jump (on)” gu us (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. gu2 us2 “to raise the neck” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 47 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian gyúrni “to knead, to press” *p∂R∂- “to bend” gurum (138x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gurum; gur8; gur; gurumx(GURUN) “to bend, curve, wrap around; to bow; to roll up; to curb, restrain; to watch over” Hungarian Turkish Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian gyűjteni “to collect, to gather” yığ- “to heap, to pile up” *q∂ŋžuR-, *q∂ŋžaR- “to gather, to assemble” gu kin, wr. gu3 kin; gu3 kin5 “to gather” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turksih Proto-Inuit Sumerian gyűlölni “to hate” *dūli “mad, crazy” *jül- “to be mad, to be crazy” *pivli- “to be crazy” gul (518x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gul; gu-ul “to destroy; to break” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian gyümölcs “fruit” *tukšuk- “to crush” gum (18x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. gum; gum2 “to crush” (common semantic development: “to crush” > “to eat” > “food”) Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian gyűrű “dogberry bush; maple tree” *p∂R∂- “to bend” GIR (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešGIR3 “a type of tree” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian gyűrű “ring” *p∂R∂- “to bend” gur, wr. gur2 “loop, hoop, circle” Hungarian Turkish Proto-Inuit Sumerian gyűszű “thimble” yüksük *tukšuk- “to crush” sug (863x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. sug4 “(to be) empty” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian hab “foam” *k’óp’i, *k’op’e *kumpa qapuγ “foam” uhpu (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. uh2-pu2 “foam” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 48 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Karakhanid Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo Aleut Koryak Akkadian had “army; host” *kòt’V “village, locality” *kunta “clan, gens, progeny, large family” qutu “group of people” *kunta “fellow(s), tribe” *-qan, -qat∂ “fellow-“ -qasi “fellow-“ kudej∂ “tribe, family” kimtu “clan” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian hadarni “to speak quickly and incomprehensibily” *qat∂kit- “to have a soft or high voice” ad (26x: Old Babylonian) wr. ad “voice; cry; noise” Hungarian Proto-(Finno?-)Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian hágni “to ascend” *kaŋз-, *kaŋkз- “to ascend, to climb” *kaγu- “to reach in or under sth.” saĝ “head”, in: saĝ il (181x: Lagash II, Old Babylonian) wr. saĝ il2 “to raise the head”, saĝ us (41x: Old Babylonian) wr. saĝ us2 “to raise the head”, saĝ zig (14x: Old Babylonian) wr. saĝ zig3 “to raise the head” šaqū “high” Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian hagyni “to leave, to let” *ga- “to take; to put” *kaδ’a- “to abandon, to leave, to remain” *qaδ∂(t)Rut∂- “to go over” sud (488x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sud; su3-ud “(to be) distant; (to be) remote” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian hagyapni “to spit; to kiss” *kuδ’з-, *kulз- “to spit” ciq∂R, ciqqi- “to splash” cq- “wet” ciŋkae- “to spit”, ciŋqe(ciŋ) “spurt of water” sud, wr. sud5 “to purify” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Wakashan Sumerian hagy-, in: hagymáz “spotted fever” *kolja “angry ghost” *k8ńć “an illness accompanied by a fever; to be feverish, to be sick” kama- “to be nervously attentive” kamak “evil spirit” kamaγ- “to be angry” gidim (45x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gidim; gidim2 “ghost” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 49 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Rhaetic Akkadian Vitamu, Vitammu eţemmu Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo Wakashan, Inuit Nivkh Sumerian hagyma “onion” *kaćmз, *koćmз haγi “allium victorialis”, gekoč “bear root (meum athamanticum)” xekem “bear root (meum athamanticum)” hagi “allium onion” šum (2958x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. šum2; šum2sar “garlic; onion” šūmū Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian haj “hair” *kajз *qaδqaR “top of mountain” siki (4753x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. siki "wool, fleece; hair; (animal's) pelt" Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian háj “blubber; leaf-lard” *kujV “thick; saturated” *kuje “blubber, fat” *qaiq- “to be smooth” gur (133x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gur4; gur14; gur13 “(to be) thick; (to be) big, to feel big” Hungarian hajítani “to throw, to toss”, hajlik “to bend (itr.)”, hajolni “to bend down”, gacos “club-footed”, kajcsos “bent, curved; knockkneed”, kajla “bent down” *kaja-, *kajз- “to throw; to bend (itr.)” *aj(aγ)- “to push forward” *kaju- “to be strong; to have hopeful expectation” *kajuŋŋiq “to be eager to go” γajma- “to be eager, happy”, ajtat- “to chase, to herd” gu la (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. gu2 la2 “to lean over” Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian: Proto-Eskimo-Aleut Proto-Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian hajnal “dawn” *gi_òjńu “dawn, daylight” *koje *qaRu- “dawn” gug (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. gug “(to be) bright” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 50 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian hajó “ship” *gàjá “oar, boat pole” *kappз “a kind of tree which can be worked into; aspen, etc.” kap∂- “to stab” gabatab (94x: Ur III) wr. ĝešgaba-tab; gaba-tab “a wooden pole used for manual seeding” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian hajtani “to drive, to lead” *kujз-, *kajз- “to drive, to steer” ajtat- “to chase, to herd” gu (1850x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gu “cord, net; unretted flax stalks” qū Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Yukagir Sumerian hal “fish” *kalu “a kind of a fish” *kala “fish” *iqałuγ “fish” kal- “id.” kad (1x: ED IIIa) wr. kad4ku6 “a fish” + IL (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. ILku6 “type of fish” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian halni “to die” *kola*qul∂ “area above” [?] hal (55x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal “to divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian hálni “to sleep” *kalз- “to spend the night” *qavaR- “to sleep” ku (96x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ku “to place, lay (down)” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Chukotko-Kamch. Akkadian haladni “to depart, to proceed” *k’òlke “to row; boat” *kulke- “to go, to travel (on land or water)” *kal∂γ- “to tow, to drag” qal(a)- “direction, side, area round” alākum “to go” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric halk, halok “incision, notch in a tree that is being cut down” *kolз “fissure, gap, split” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 51 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Inuit Sumerian *k∂γaq- “notch” gul (518x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gul; gu-ul “to destroy; to break; to flatten; to carve, cut; to engrave” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-(Finno-?)Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian hallani (< *hadl-) “to hear” *k’ùjlu-, *k’ùjlo- “ear; to hear” *kule- “ear; to hear” *kunta-kз- “to hear, to perceive” *kul∂- “to make sound” quli- “to cry, to shout” kul (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. kul “to collect; to collect” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Finno-Ugric Komi Proto-Yupik Sumerian háló “net” *kalз *kalз-mз kulem “net, (weir-)basket *kalŋak, *kalŋaq “bag” hal (154x: Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gihal “a basket” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Yupik North Alaskan Inuit Koryak Sumerian halom, halm- “hill; heap” *caulluq- “to remove marrow” caγil “thigh(bone)” saulluq “spinal cord” c’oRul “spinal cord, marrow” hal (3x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. hal; u2-lum “upper thigh” Rhaetic *aluw “hight, hill” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 97) Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian hályog “film, skin” *k’ałi “napless skin, membrane” *kal’wз “film, membrane, skin” qul∂- “above” quixi- “(fish) skin; bark” qulγ∂n “id.” kul (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. kul “to remove, take away” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut Akkadian hám “cuticle, peel”, hámlik “to cover, to wrap” *kama “peel, skin” kam∂γ “boot” kamū “sth. which is on the outside” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 52 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian hamu “ash” *k’uli, *k’ule “to heat, to burn” *kul’mз *kuδ’mз *qaveyaR “sand” kum (78x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. kum2; kum4 “(to be) hot” Hungarian hant “clod, lump of earth; grave”, hany “clod, lump of earth; marsh, moor, swamp” *kanз “band, edge” *k8mз “hill in the moor” *kaŋ∂R “top” gana (666x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gana2; gan2-ne2 “field; area (of a geometric figure)” Proto-Uralic Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Finno-Ugric Khanty Turkish Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian Akkadian hányni “to cast, to fling; to throw, to toss; to vomit” *k’ūńe “ladle” *kanз- “to dig; to strew, to throw” χanda- “to draw, to ladle, to scoop” kaşık “spoon” qaniγ “falling snow”, qanax “winter” ganum (7x: Old Babylonian) wr. gan; ga-an-nu; ĝešgan-nu-um “(vessel)stand; a large vessel”, kunrim, wr. kun-rimzabar; kun-du3; dugkun-rim; dugkun-ri “a libation vessel” kannu Hungarian Eskimo Eskimo, Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian hanyagni “to be careless, indifferent, negligent” t’am- “to stay calm”, tamar “still” t∂msazin “to stay calm” t∂mγ∂- “to be still, calm” huĝ (5x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Old Babylonian) wr. huĝ “to pacify” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Yukagir Sumerian hany-att “supine; on one’s back” *konз- “on the back” q∂ŋaR “nose” qeqeŋ “(animal) nose, beak” qiŋ- “(animal) nose, beak” könte- “to lie” huĝ (5x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Old Babylonian) wr. huĝ “to pacify” Hungarian Proto-Inuit harács “a kind of tax; booty”, harácsolni “to gather up, to amass” *qaRit- “to bring or hand over” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 53 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian Akkadian ar (11x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ar2; arx(|URU×A|?) “ruin” karmu Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian harag “anger” *kurз(-) “anger; to become angry” *qaRya “deep voice” kur (489x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, uncertain) wr. kur2; gur “(to be) different; (to be) strange; (to be)estranged; (to be) hostile; to change; to become strange; to alternate (math.)” Hungarian Chuvash Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian harang “curch bell” xuran “boiler, cauldron, kettle” *qaRya “deep voice” hurum (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. hu-ru-um “a designation of a pot” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian harap “a dry fallen leaf” *korз *∂δ∂-vkaR- “to fall” *∂ž∂t- “id.” aeraet- “to fall” hara, wr. ĝešha-ra “palm shoot”, haran (64x: Ur III) wr. u2har-an “a plant” harū Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian harapni “to bite” *karз-, *korз*k∂γ∂- “to bite” ur (53x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ur3 “to go along; to wipe clean; to beat, sweep away; to drag; to raise a boat” kapāru Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian harkály “woodpecker” *karз, *karз-kajз *k∂γ∂- “to bite” arak (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. a-ra-akmušen; a-rakmušen; a-rig2mušen “a bird”, harhar, wr. har-harmušen “a bird”, karkid, wr. kar-kidmušen “a bird” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo harmat “dew” *k’irma “snow, hoar-frost”, *ki_āra “thin snow, hoar-frost” *kura “fine snow, frost” *quRluR- “to stream, to flow” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 54 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian kur (17x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III) wr. kur “to burn, light up” (semantically cf. s.v. fagyni) hurbāšu “shivers” három *ŋ[i_u] “three; thirty” *gu*kolme, *kulme *qul∂(t) “ten” gur (27945x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gur; gur9 “unit of capacity; a measuring vessel” kurru hárs “lime/linden tree” *koćkз, *końćkз “(tree) bark” *kanaγ “shin” ĝeš (5552x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeš; mu; u5 “tree; wood” işu (< *wişu) Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Yupik Sumerian hárulni “to fall to the lot/share (of sb.)”, hárítani “to refuse, to defend” *kurз “bent, curved; to make bent/curved” *quRluR- “to stream, to flow” quXłuR- “to fall; cascade (water)” gur, wr. gur2 “loop, hoop, circle”, gur (659x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gur “to reject (legal evidence), to turn away; to turn, return” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian has “belly” *kačз “something bent” pukiR “white belly fur” haš (20x: Old Babylonian) wr. haš2; haš4 “lower body, abdomen; thigh” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Ekismo Sumerian hasadni “to burst, to crack”, hasítani “to cleave, to split” *kaćз- “to burst, to split” *qup∂- “to split (lengthwise)” haš (13x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. haš “to break off; to break; to divert (water)” haşābum; hašūm “to crush” Akkadian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 55 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Akkadian használni “to use”, haszon “advantage, benefit; gain, profit” *kaćз(-) “to give; gift” *kaswa- “to gain, to grow, to increase” *pik∂- “to own” qiāšum “to give (a gift)”, qīštu “gift” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian hatni “to affect, to impress, to influence”, határ “border” *kattз- “to move, to penetrate, to proceed” *tap∂t- “to permeate, to penetrate” gid (13x: Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. gid2 "to drag, tow (a boat upstream); to pass along, transfer” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian hat “six” *kutte *putu “hole” kud (1111x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. kud; gur5 “to break off, deduct; to separate, cut off; to cut” (“cut” in the row of numbers in the Sumerian sexagesimal system) Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian hát “back” *kuttз *kiŋuRaq “back part of sth.” gú-tál “back of head” (Lieberman 1977, no. 276) kutallum “back of head, back side” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian hattyú “swan” *kottзŋз *quγδuγ “swan” guddu (2x: ED IIIa, Old Babylonian) wr. gud-du7mušen; gud-temušen; gud-damušen “a bird?”, cf. s.v. gödény. Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Yupik Sirenikski Sumerian ház “house” *kota “house, hut, tent” *qut∂ “(steep) shore” quta “land seen from sea” quta “dry land” ĝa (67x: Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝa2; ma “house”, kadu (11x: Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ka-du3 “cover”, katab (8x: Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. kuška-tab; ĝeška-ta-pu-um “a lid, covering; an object” katammu; katappu Akkadian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 56 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian hazudik “to lie, to tell a lie” *iqlu- “to lie, to deceive” gu šub, wr. gu2 šub “to neglect; to scorn” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian Akkadian hegy “mountain” *kaδ’a “mountain” *kaśa “end, peak, summit, top” *kaδ’a “mountain” qacXi-X “skin, bark” qalγe-jp∂ “to go across mountain, to hang across sth. (itr.)” ĝeškur (2x: Lagash II, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeš-kur “a tree”, hursaĝ (598x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. hur-saĝ; PA.DUN3 “mountain, foothills; steppe”, iš (15x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. iš “mountain(s)”, kur (2494x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. kur; kir5 “underworld; land, country; mountain(s); east; easterner; east wind” giškurrū; hursānu; šadū Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian héj “bark, crust, shell” *koja “bark, crust, peel, skin” *iqaRt∂ “(outer layer of) skin” kadu (11x: Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ka-du3 “cover” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Rhaetic hekus “cop, bull” *kannuyaR “copper” enkus “bronze” (> Hebrew nhšās, Aramaic, Syric n’hašā, Arabic nuhās “copper, brass” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 98). Also Engl. “cop” is shortened from “copper”. Hung. hekus is thus both phonetically and semantically a clear proof that a part of the Hung. vocabulary goes directly (and not via Akk.) back to Rhaetic. This proof is even confirmed by the fact that the same word went to the ancestors of the Eskimos while it is neither conserved in any Uralic nor Altaic language. Hungarian Eskimo Eskimo, Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian henyélni “to dawdle, to idle, to lounge” t’am- “to stay calm”, tamar “still” t∂msazin “to stay calm” t∂mγ∂- “to be still, calm” huĝ (5x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Old Babylonian) wr. huĝ “to pacify” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Chukotko-Kamch. Yukagir here “drone; testicle” *koj(e)-ra “male” < *koje “man; husband” *koj(ra) “male animal” qora “domestic reindeer” köj “man” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 57 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian ĝuruš (9902x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝuruš “young adult male; ablebodied male worker; semi-free male worker” Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Chukotko-Kamch. Yukagir Sumerian here “clover”, tyúk-húr “chickweed” *koj(ra) “male animal” qora “domestic reindeer” köj “man” haran (64x: Ur III) wr. u2har-an “a plant” Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Chukotko-Kamch. Yukagir Akkadian Sumerian herélni “to castrate” *koj(ra) “male animal” qora “domestic reindeer” köj “man” kurū “cripple; lame” guru (46x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gur5 “to grind, grate; to cut up, chop; (to be) trimmed, pruned” urrū (< *wurrū) Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian hervadni “to wilt, to wither” *korpe- “to burn, to become burned/singed” *kurз- “to come to an end, to finish, to stop” *isu(k) “end” (< *iyu(γ), iyuŋŋaR) kur (489x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, uncertain) wr. kur2; gur “to change; to become strange”, kur (17x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III) wr. kur “to burn, light up” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian hés “bridegroom, wooer; hero; young man”, hős “hero” *kaća “young unmarried man” *uγiŋ(ŋ)uδaR “man a women lives with is not her real husband) ĝeš (47x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeš3; mu “penis; male” išaru (< *wišaru) Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian hév, hé, hő “ardour; heat, warmth” *kiδaγ “heat; summer” kum (78x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. kum2; kum4 “(to be) hot” Hungarian hiba “fault, mistake”, hibázik “to make a mistake, to be mistaken”, hibáztatni “to rebuke”, hibbant “crazy, foolish, mad” *ul∂q- “to mistake, to confuse” ib (35x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ib2 “(to be) angry; to curse”, SIG7.abala (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. SIG7-a-bal “a defect” Proto-Inuit Sumerian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 58 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Ossetian Sanskrit Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian Akkadian híd “bridge” xīd, xōd sétav *tat∂k “bridge of nose” gid (13x: Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. gid2 “to drag, tow (a boat upstream); to pass along, transfer” šadādu Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Chukotko-Kamch. Yukagir Sumerian hím “masculine” *ki_úne “person; people; country” *koj(e)-mз “man, husband” *koj(ra) “male animal” qora “domestic reindeer” köj “man” Either to ĝuruš (9902x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝuruš “young adult male; able-bodied male worker; semi-free male worker”, cf. s.v. here, or because of the Proto-Altaic form to ki (32379x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. ki “place; ground, earth, land; toward; underworld; land, country; lower, down below” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian hír “fame; news” *ququR- “to call” ar, (56x: Old Babylonian) wr. ar2; a-ar2; a-ar; a-ar3 “(hymn of) praise; fame” Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Aleut Proto-Finno-Ugric Sumerian hiu “attic, garret, loft; breach, gap” *kiγ(aγ)- “to perforate” *k∂γ∂- “to bite” *k∂γaq “notch” kiγ- “to bite” *k8mз “cave, hollow” KU, wr. KU “hole” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian hívni “to call; to invite” *kanз-, *kaŋз- “to call” *ququR- “to call” kiĝ (108x: Old Babylonian) wr. kiĝ2 “to seek” Hungarian hízelegni “to adulate; to flatter”, hízeledik “id.”, hízik “to gain weight; to gloat over sg.” *katз- “to become fat” khot- “to gain weight” Proto-Ugric Mańśi ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 59 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Eskimo Sumerian *quγi- to be fat” kud (65x: Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ku7 “(to be) good; (to be ) (honey-)sweet” Hungarian ho-: hogy “how”, hol “where”, honnan “whence”, hová “wither”, ha “if” *k’a(j) “who (interr.)” *ku-, *ko- “where, which, what” *qanuq “how” qaŋa “when” qana- “which, where” akkil, wr. akkil2 “where; when” Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Inuit Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Inuit Sumerian Akkadian hó, hava- “snow” *kóbe “to freeze” *kumз “thin snow” *kan(iγ) “cold, winter” kan∂R “frost”, kankaz “winter” kank- “to spend winter” halba (5x: Old Babylonian) wr. halba2; halba6; halba; halpi “frost, ice, cold weather; (to be) cold” halpū Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Proto-Yupik Sirenikski Sumerian hó-nap “month”, hold, hód “moon” *kuŋe “month; moon” *n∂ržuγ- “to be bright” *iRaluq “moon” nur∂X “id.” kun (4x: Old Babylonian) wr. kun2 “to shine brightly” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian hód “beaver” *kumtз, *kuntз *k∂γi(C)aR “beaver” kundar, wr. kun-dar “an animal” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian holló “raven” *k’ùła “a kind of a big bird” *kulз(-kз) *tulukaR “raven” gurgal, wr. gur8-galmušen “a bird”, gurgur (4x: Old Babylonian) wr. gurgurmušen; gur4-gur4mušen “a bird”, kirkir (5x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeškiri6-ĝeškiri6mušen; ka5-kar2mušen; ki-kar2mušen; kar-karmušen “a bird” kurkurru; kirikarru Akkadian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 60 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Yukagir Sumerian hol “dawn”, in: hol-nap “tomorrow (nap “day”) *galV “clear (of sky, weather)” *kuδз “morning” *kuδ’(∂), kul’(∂) “above, cover” kuδ∂- “to rise, to go up” ud (29106x: Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ud “day; heat; a fever; summer; sun”, ul, wr. ul4; ul6 “to become bright, shine” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Akkadian hólyag “bladder” *k’i_oba(kV), *k’i_abu(kV) “bladder; scrotum” *kupla- “to bubble; to make bubbles” *nakacuγ “bladder’ kupputtu “a measuring pot”, kupputu “growing rampant (liver)” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Proto-Finno-Ugric Sumerian homály “dim, darkness” *k’òlmV “shadow; cloud” qavlu(R) “eyebrow” qami-x “eyebrows” *kumз “cloud” kana (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. kana6; kana5; kana3 “(to be) dark, gloomy; gloom” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Sumerian hombár “granary” *qumiγ- “to put object or arms inside parka sleeves” * qumiu *to bring or keep back food for sb.” kimu (10x: Ur III) wr. ki-mu “storage, a store house” + guru (849x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. guru7 “grain heap, grain store; unit of capacity” Hungarian homlítani “to lay (seeds, etc.), homlok “forehead”, homorú “concave, hollow” *k’i_ōme “to throw (upside down)” *kuma- “to bend oneself; bent, crooked position” *pak∂γ- “to bend, to flex” (metathesis k – m > m – k and substitution of m by homorganic p) gam (33x: Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeškab; ĝešgam3; ĝešKIN “shepherd's crook, bent stick; haft, hilt” gamlu Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian homok “sand, dust” *qaveyaR “sand” imanak (7x: Old Babylonian) wr. na4im-ma-an “a stone; a type of sand”, or kum (78x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. kum2; kum4 “(to be) hot” (cf. s.v. hamu) ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 61 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Akkadian immanakku; emēmu Hungarian hon “homeland”, honn “at home”, itt-hon “(here) at home”, otthon (there) at home” *kunз “belly, gut” *an∂ “place”. This is one the 86 Greenlandic-Hungarian etymologies already found by Wøldike (1746, p. 160). unu (1511x: Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. unu6; unu2; unu “banquet; dining hall; the most sacred part of a temple; seat, throne; dwelling, domicile, abode; temple” Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian hón “shoulder” *k’ò(b?)*kōjn *koŋ *xobanī *konз, *kanз *kiγay∂γ “shoulder blade” gu (753x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gu2 “bank, side; neck” ahu Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Sumerian hordani “to carry” *kurз- “to drag, to pull” *k∂v∂γ- “to lift” *k∂vγumiaq- “to carry in arms” gur (124x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gur3-ru; guru3; gur; gur17; guru6 “bearer; to lift, carry” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Eastern Canadian Inuit Sumerian horkolni “to snore” *qamRui-, *qamŋui- “to snore” qaRŋui “id.” hur (44x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. hur “to scratch, draw” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian hornyolni “to incise, to notch” *kurńa “furrow, groove” *qupn∂R “to crack, to split” hur (44x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. hur “to scratch, draw” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric hor-hó “cleft, narrow passage” *kurз “indentation; to pass” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 62 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Eskimo Sumerian *qupn∂R “to crack, to split” hur (44x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. hur “to scratch, draw” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian horolni “to graze, to scratch”, horzsolni “id.” *k’[ù]ri- “to rake up” *korз-, *korwз- “to scrape, to scratch, to shave” *qupn∂R “to crack, to split” gur (470x: Ur III) wr. gurx(|ŠE.KIN|); gur10; gurx(|ŠE.KIN.KIN|) “to reap” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian hossz-ú “long” *końće, *koćз *tak∂- “to be long” niĝul (33x: ED IIIb, Lagash II, Old Babylonian) wr. niĝ2-ul “an everlasting thing” Hungarian hozni “to bring, to carry, to convey, to fetch; to bring forth, to produce; to bring in, to yield”, -hoz/-hez/-höz, hozzá “to/towards sb. *kućз “edge or side of sth. χo_źi, χoźà “for/to/towards sb. or sth.” *k∂v∂γ- “to lift” *k∂vγumiaq- “to carry in arms” kašādum “to bring, to carry” Proto-Ugric Khanty Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian hölgy “lady; ermine” *kaδ’wa, *kaδ’wз “female; female animal” *aŋ∂- “to be big” gal (6612x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gal; gu-la; gu-ul; gal-gal; kuul “(to be) big, great, noble” Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian húg “younger sister” *sac’(c’)a(γ)- “paternal aunt” accaγ “id.” ∂ccaj “aunt” egia (69x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. e2-gi4-a “bride” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo húgy “star” *k’ùčV “a kind of star” *kućз, *kuńćз *umluR “day” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 63 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Inuit Sumerian Akkadian *uvluRiaq “star” gug (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. gug “(to be) bright” kakubu, kakkabu “star” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Yupik Sumerian húgy “urine”, húgyozik “to urinate” *k’uDŽV “part of stomach; bladder” *kuńće(-), *kuće(-) “urine; to urinate” *quR∂- “to urinate” quX∂-, uX∂- “id.” kaš (4x: Old Babylonian) wr. kaš3 “urine” Hungarian hullani “to die; to drop down/off, to fall off; to flow, to fall out”, hulla “corpse”, hullám “wave” *kulзul∂- “to overflow” ulRi- “id.” hal (55x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. hal-ha; ha-la; hal "to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away” halālum; šahālum Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Yupik Sumerian hunyni “to turn a blind eye; to close or cover the eyes in a game of hide-and-seek; to die” *kuńa*qunik “matter in eye, tear” huĝ (5x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Old Babylonian) wr. huĝ "to pacify" Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Akkadian hupolyag “bubble-shaped swelling; bulge on a tree; pustule” *kuppa “blister, bump” *puvlaγ “bubble” kupputtu “a measuring pot”, kupputu “growing rampant (liver)” Hungarian húr “intestine; string”, hurka “intestine; sausage made from intestines” *iŋaluk “intestine (of animal)” gu (1850x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gu “cord, net; unretted flax stalks”, gu u2-rum testified in VS 14, 108 o ii qū, kurrū “short cord” Proto-Inuit Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian hurok “loop, noose, sling, slip-knot; mesh, snare” *n∂γurluR loop” gur, wr. gur2 “loop, hoop, circle”, gur (2x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešgur2 “(circular) rim” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 64 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Akkadian húzni “to pull” *kupз-tз- “to rend, to pull, to tear” *qamuR- “to pull, to tow” kapārum “to wipe, to wipe off” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian hűlni “to cool (itr.)”, hűteni “to cool (tr.)”, hűvös “cool” *qiRu- “to freeze to death” halba (5x: Old Babylonian) wr. halba2; halba6; halba; halpi “frost, ice, cold weather; (to be) cold” halpū Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Sumerian hüvely “pod; sheath, vagina” *kymзl’з “pod” *qumiγ- “to put object or arms inside parka sleeves” * qumiu *to bring or keep back food for sb.” gum (18x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. gum; gum2 “to crush” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Sumerian Akkadian ia: iafia “child” *äγз, *äwз, *äkз “daughter, girl” *mik∂- “to be small” *mik∂ql∂qtuq “child” egi- in: egizid (18x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. egi-zid; egi2-zid; igi-zid “a priestess” igişītu Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian ibrik “mug, pot” *tuqmik “container of some sort” ebir (6x: Ur III) wr. ĝešepir2; ebir; ĝešebir3; ĝešebir4 “a large vessel” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian ici: ici-pici “itsy-bitsy, very small” *ićä, üćä “few, small” *mik∂- “to be small” i’iz, wr. i-iz “seed” zēru Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian ideg “nerve; bowstring” *jänte “sinew, tendon” *ivalu “sinew”; *uli(C)un “sinew from back of animal” gunu (39x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gu-nu “flax” qū Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski idő “time” maqaq “heat” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 65 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Classical Mongol Sumerian üde “midday” ud (29106x: Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ud “day; heat; a fever; summer; sun” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian i-fyú “young; a youth” *äjз “small, young” *mik∂- “to be small” a’e, wr. a2-e3 “foster-child” Hungarian Proto-FinnoVolgaic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian igaz “authentic, genuine, real, true, veritable; honest, just, loyal, straight, true; truth” *wojke “straight” *ilumun “truly” igi (3906x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, uncertain) wr. igi; i-bi2; igi3; i-gi “first, earlier; front; face” Hungarian Old Turkic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ige “verb; word” üge “magic word; word” *iciγwa “that is what I thought” ug, wr. ug2 “lamentation” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian igen “yes” *šeŋä “good, healthy; straight” *i(i) “yes” sig (8x: Old Babylonian) wr. si-ig “to be clear” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian ígérni “to promise” *eŋkз-rз- “to chant music words, to swear, to vow” *n∂Riuqšuq- “to promise” en, wr. en2 “incantation, spell” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Turkic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian íj “bow”, ív “arch, bend” *DŽēja “sharp point, arrow” *joŋ(k)sз “bow” *jāń > jāj *ivalu “sinew”; *uli(C)un “sinew from back of animal” gun (1x: Early Old Babylonian) wr. al-gu2-gu2 “to twist” Hungarian Turkish Chukotko-Kamch. Proto-Inuit iker “twins” ikiz aek∂k(ae) “son” *akkak “paternal uncle” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 66 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian igi (1133x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. igi; i-bi2; i-gi “eye; carved eye (for statues)” Hungarian iktatni “to intervene; to note down, to register, to take the minutes (down); to put in, to set up” *jakka- “to get (into), to go, to reach” *iγaq “mark” ak (3643x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ak; a “to do; to make; to act, perform; to proceed, proceeding (math.)” Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian Hungarian Turkic Manchu Proto-Eskimo Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian Hungarian ildomos “becoming, courteous, tactful” yïl “to slip, to slide” ildamu “nimble, quick; funny, witty” *ila(C)aR “patch; addition”, *ilaγaR- “to join in”, *ilak∂- “to be part or one of” jelRa “cousin” ul (39x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ul4 “to hasten, (be) quick; (to be) early” illik “to belong to, to be someone’s right; to concern, to refer, to relate; to be decent” *ila(C)aR “patch; addition”, *ilaγaR- “to join in”, *ilak∂- “to be part or one of” jelRa “cousin” la (1399x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. la2; la; lal2 “to supervise, check; to weigh, weigh (out), pay; to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to show, display; to bind; binding, (yoke-)team; to press, throttle; to winnow (grain); to carry” Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian illik “to disappear; to decay, to fall to pieces”, illat “odour, perfume” *ilu- “move” *il∂q∂- “to shake head”, *il∂qšaq- “to squirm” ilu- “to move, stir” la (1399x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. la2; la; lal2 “to rain; to fall, to fall”. According to EWU (pp. 606s.), the semantic development is: “to fall” > “to disappear” > “to disappear like odour/perfume”. Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Komi Proto-Yupik imádni “to adore, to worship”, ima “prayer”, imádkozik “to pray” *w8mз “to enchant; magic word” vomid’ź “illness, pain” *umi- “to be distant” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 67 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian emeĝar (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. emeĝarx(|KAx(ME.GAR)|) “magic” Hungarian Sumerian ím, ime “ecce” e-ne (Old Babylonian) “he, she” + me (2860x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. me; em; am3 “to be” *me “here, this” ma(δ)- “this, here” Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Komi Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian ín “sinew” *síŋri “sinew” *sene, *sōne “sinew; vein” sõn “sinew; vein” *uli(C)un “sinew from back of animal” sa (68x: Old Babylonian) wr. sa “gut; sinew, tendon; string (of a bow, musical instrument); catgut string”. The stem on nasal is present in: saĝkešed (104x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. saĝ-keš2; kušsaĝ-keš2 “a strap; loop, string”. Akk.? dāmu Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian indítani “to initiate, to get underway, to set off; to set in motion, to start”, indulni “to start (itr.)” *jomз- “to be on one’s way, to go” *jut∂(γ)- “to go (in)to” it∂R- “to go in” j∂t- “to go for/to” im (10x: Old Babylonian) wr. im2 “to run” Hungarian Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian ing, ümög “chemise, slip; shirt” uŋ∂R “to tie, to lace up” gunu (39x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gu-nu “flax” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Yupik Sumerian ingerelni “to excite, to stimulate; to irritate, to nettle, to vex” *un-, *ut∂- “means for doing sth.” un, (u)taq “instrument; device for doing sth.” in dub (18x: Old Babylonian) wr. in dub2 “to insult”, in (32x: Old Babylonian) wr. in; e-mu “abuse” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian inká-bb “more, rather, sooner” *uδ∂γtuR- “to measure” aĝ (219x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. aĝ2 “to measure” Hungarian Proto-Altaic inni, iszik, iv- “to drink” *ōp’à ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 68 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian *ōp*uγ(u)*juγe-, *juke*im∂(γ)- “to suck (breast)” ∂m∂R- “to drink; drinking water” ma-qδa- “suck breast” anaĝ (10x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. a-naĝ “drink” Hungarian ínség “dearth, want; distress, misery, need, penury, poverty; famine, hunger, starvation” *ŋicaγ- “to be in need of” aĝ (219x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. aĝ2 “to measure” Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Eskimo-Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian inteni “to admonish, to exhort; to beckon, to make a sign; to warn against; motion, nod, wave, wink kiŋu- “after, behind” -γiŋ “below” igiĝal (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešigi-ĝal2 "sign, signal" Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Komi Proto-Eskimo Sumerian íny “gums, palate” *ēŋa(k’V) “chin; jaw” *ike-ńз, *ike-ńe an “gum” *tamlu “chin” unu (6x: Old Babylonian) wr. unu2 “upper cheek” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian ipa “father-in-law” *áp’a “father” *appe “father-in-law” *ap(p)a, *ïp(p)ï “grandfather” *aepae “grandfather” abba (107x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ab; abba; abba2 “old (person); witness; father; elder; an official” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian ipar “handicraft; industry”, iparkodik “to take trouble, to make an effort” *ip∂Raq- “to release” ibira, wr. ibira; ibira2 “merchant, businessman” Hungarian Proto-Ugri c Mańśi Proto-Eskimo ír “balm, ointment” *terз(-) “to rub; a substance that is rubbed on” tērpi “mash, mush, ointment” *uluγ- “to soften skin by rubbing” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 69 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian zir (373x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. zi; zi-ir; ze2-er “to tear out; to break, destroy; to be troubled; to erase” Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian ír “root” *iqž∂k “point, edge” [?] ur (441x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ur2; ur5 “root, base; limbs; loin, lap” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian írni “to write” *jarз- “to mark, to paint, to write” *iγaq “mark” sar (277x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sar; sarar “to write” Hungarian iramlik “to hurry, to run, to rush, to scurry, to sweep”, iramodik “to start to hurry; to run after sb.” *aR∂R- “to move” ere (68x: Ur III) wr. re; er; e-ra; erx(|DU.DU|); re6; re7; er-re; i-ri “perfect plural stem of ĝen[to go]” alākum Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Akkadian ir-: iránt “about, for, in the direction of, to, toward(s); opposite, facing” *arз, *urз *aR∂R- “to move” ere (68x: Ur III) wr. re; er; e-ra; erx(|DU.DU|); re6; re7; er-re; i-ri “perfect plural stem of ĝen[to go]” alākum Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Yupik Sumerian irgalom “compassion, mercy, pity”, irgalmas “merciful, pitiful” *j8rз- “to loose one’s way” *iRa- “to be horrified” uru (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. uru9 “support; imposition; repair” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Proto-Yupik Sumerian irigy “envious” *caŋiak- “to be jealous” *cikna- “to be jealous” hulu (13901x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. hul; hul3 “to destroy; (to be) bad-smelling, maloderous; (to be) bad, evil; (to be) slight, lightweight; (to be) false; (to be) criminal, dishonest; enemy; to raid; to strike the eyes; blinker, winker, one with vision problems”, igi hulu (8x: Old Babylonian) wr. igi hul “to look with envy” Akk. ? qallum Proto-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian Akkadian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 70 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Osman, etc. Sakha Proto-Eskimo Sumerian iró “buttermilk” airan “mildly alcoholic drink made of fermented mare’s milk, koumiss” arī “melted Russian butter” *ituγ “milk of animal” ara (58x: ED IIIb, Ur III) wr. ara3 “designation of milk” Hungarian irtani (< ortani) “to exterminate (insects, pests); to clear, to root out” *šurз- “to cut, to divide” *k∂pδaR- “to cut off” šar (23x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. šar2 “to slaughter”, sur, wr. sur4 “to cut cloth” Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Akkadian Sumeria ismerni “to know, to get to know” *alicima- “to know” šamūm “to listen” zu (964x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. zu “to know; to learn”, umuš (52x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. umuš “(fore)thought, plan(ning); understanding; instruction; consideration, sagacity” Hungarian Persian (Farsi) Eskimo Sumerian isten “god” eztahn “god”, hahstahn “creator” atausek “one” (Kleinschmidt 1851, p. 37) aš (191x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. aš “one”, diš (5x: Old Akkadian, Ur III) wr. diš; de-eš-šu2; di-id; di-t- “one”, ešda, wr. eš3-da “one” ištēn Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian isz, ísz, iz “bane, canker; a kind of gum disorder in children that soon hinders speech” *iće, *iśe “shadow” *iŋkiR “gum” ĝissu (68x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝissu; aĝ2-ze2 “shade, shadow; protection, aegis” ívik “to copulate (especially of fish), to pair, to spawn” *jokse-, *jookse*nulik- “to copulate” eban (381x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian) wr. e2-ba-an; e2-ba; e-ba-an; e-pa-na; e2-pa-na “pair”. The PFU reconstruction is thus mistaken. Estonian jookse- “to beget, to breed; to flow, to run; to rut” and Finnish juokse- “to flow; to run” do not belong to Hung. ív-. ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 71 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian íz “taste; jam”, ízes “tasty; with jam, sweet” *ipз, *ip-sз, *ipз-śз “odour, taste” *ama- “to suckle”, *mamaR- “to taste good”. Substitution of original – p- by homorganic –m-, then partial reduplication. ir (36x: ED IIIa, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ir; ir7 “smell, scent; sweat, exudation” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian íz “limb, particle”, izmos “muscular”, izom “muscle” *jäse, jäsne “joint, limb” *j8t∂ “joint, limb” *ipi(γ) “limb of a quadruped” ed (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. e11 “strengthen” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumeria izé “something, ‘watchamacallit’” *ytз “thingamy” *itaq- “to take care of (belongings)” [?] i dUtu “woe, O Sungod” (Edzard 2003, p. 169) Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian izzadni “to sweat”, izzik “to be glowing” *äsз- “to heat; to become hot” *kiδaγ(-) “to heat; summer” izi (257x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. izi; izi2 “fire; brazier” išātu Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Turkish Proto-Yupik Sumerian járni “to go; to travel” *jorз-, *jorkз- “to spin, to turn, to wind” yürü- “to go, to march” *ca(C)u “to turn and face” gur (659x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gur “to turn, to return” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian ját “close friend; namesake” *j8ttз “comrade, friend” *cat∂ “inside or skin-side of a pelt” gud “team”, in: gudapin, wr. gud-apin “plow team” (apin “plow”) Hungarian játszik “to play (e.g. a game, a musical instrument, with a toy, etc.) *jukta “to recite, to speak, to tell” *ayyutaR- “to play game (like hockey)” gud (28x: Old Babylonian) wr. gu4-ud; gud2 “to jump (on); to attack; to escape; to dance” Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 72 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sirenikski Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian jég, gyég “ice” *k’i_óŋo “cold” *jäŋe “ice” *n’∂γ-i|aR “parka ruff” n’∂γ∂R “north wind” γi-δγi- “to breeze” j∂γica “wind” j∂γ/iγ∂ “id.” šeg (11x: ED IIIb, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. šeg9; šeg4 “snow; sleet; cold weather; frost, ice; burning, incineration; chills, shivers” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian: Proto-Eskimo Koryak Yukagir Akkadian Sumerian jegy “mark, sign; ticket”, jel “mark, signal” *jälke jel∂γ- “to burn” *∂l∂g- “to get burnt” jelož∂ “sun” jel’∂- “to boil, to be cooked” eqū “to use make-up” igiĝal (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešigi-ĝal2 “sign, signal” (ĝal2 “to be”) Hungarian Proto-Ugric ProtoYupik Sumerian jó “good”, jól “well” *jomз *asiR- “to be good” mu (135x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. mu5 “good, beautiful” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian jó, -jó “river, creek” *i_ge(ŕV) “river, small river” *ügüŕ *üjer *ugē(r) *joke *kuδ∂γ “river” id (1086x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. id2; id3; id6; id7; id5 “river, watercourse, canal” Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian jonh (< *juχun [?]) “belly, guts; interior; body-soul” *än(∂)-, an(∂γ)- “to breathe” an∂R “to breathe”, an∂Rn∂R “breath, soul” an∂ŋ- “inside” su (495x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. su “flesh; body; entrails (omen); body” zumru Akkadian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 73 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-(Finno?-)Ugric Proto-Eskimo Proto-Yupik Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian Akkadian jönni, gyönni, jöv- “to come” *j8ŋз-, *j8gз-, *j8kз*aju- “to go further” *ajumiq “long ago” ajŋon “long ago” gin (924x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gin6; gi-na; gi-in; ge-en; gin “(to be) permanent; to come”, ĝen (2789x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝen; ma “to go; to flow” kânum; kīnum Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian juh “ewe, sheep” *uče “sheep” *∂pnaRiR “mountain sheep” u (4255x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. u8; u8munus; u10 “sheep, ewe”, us, wr. us5 “sheep” Hungarian jutni “to arrive, to come; to attain, to come by, to get at; to become” *juta- “to go, to wander” *juktз- “to come” *jut∂(γ)- “to go (in)to” it∂R- “to go in” j∂t- “to go for/to” sa dug (10x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sa2 dug4 “to arrive; to cause to arrive (regularly)”, šu dag (65x: Old Babylonian) wr. šu dag “to roam about” Proto-Uralic Proto-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian kabak, kobak “skull; pumpkin; pear” *s’ep(u) “neck” civu “front” caew∂t/ laew∂t “head” hab (241x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. u2hab2 “a plant” Hungarian Yukagir Sumerian kacs “a narrow clinging shoot or sprout, tendril; loop, noose” kök∂ “head (of fish or other animal)” saĝ (3582x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. saĝ “head” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kacsa “duck” *qaγiŋŋiR “(kind of) duck” GAKI, wr. GA2.KImušen “a bird” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 74 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian kádár “cooper; a kind of chieftain or priest who is a dignitary” *qaδ∂- “top or surface of sth.”, *qaδ∂liR- “to cover” kad (20x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. kad5; kad4; kad6; kad8 “to tie, gather” kaşārum Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian káka “(bul)rush, reed” *k∂k∂- “to break off (after notching)” [?] kakkala (4x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb) wr. kakkala(KU7); kakkala “a designation of plants”, ga-ga-lum in Ebla Sign List 36 Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kalauz “conductor (of a streetcar or train); guide *qalmaR- “to call to dogs” [?] kalag (2398x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. kal-ga; kalag; kal-la “(to be) strong, powerful, mighty; to reinforce; to provide for” Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian kallantyú “bolt, latch (of a door); fastener; hook” *nuŋiRt∂- “to fasten with drawstring” gilim, wr. gigilim “type of clasp”, gilim (25x: Old Babylonian) wr. gilim; gilibx(|GI%GI|)ib; gi16-il; gil-gilil “to lie across; to be entwined; to entwine, twist; to block”, gilim, wr. ĝešgilim “barrier, bolt” Hungarian kallódik “to be thrown about (in neglect), to decay and perish (by degrees), to get lost” *uγžiγ- “to go down” gul (518x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gul; gu-ul “to destroy; to break” Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian kalokány, karakány, kolokány, karlokány “a prickly grass that grows in lakes, aloe” *ciilavik “kind of grass” kankal, wr. kankal "oil-processing, perfume-making" Hungarian Proto-Inuit Yupik Akkadian kalpag “a kind of rimless fur headgear; hat” *qaγla(k) “circular rim” qaγlak “upper part of bucket” qalpum “peeled, skinned” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian kancsó “jug, pitcher; tankard” *ki_àntú “a kind of vessel” qan∂R “mouth; to speak” ganum (7x: Old Babylonian) wr. gan; ga-an-nu; ĝešgan-nu-um “a large vessel” kannu Akkadian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 75 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian Akkadian kancsuka “knout” *qanžak “small sled” gam (33x: Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeškab; ĝešgam3; ĝešKIN “shepherd's crook, bent stick; haft, hilt” gamlu Hungarian Sumerian Eskimo-Aleut Chukchi kánya “milan” akan, wr. akanmušen “a bird” kaŋuR “snow goose” kaŋolγ∂n “kind of seagull” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kantár “bridle, reins” *qaγ∂(R) “wave breaker” kad (20x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. kad5; kad4; kad6; kad8 “to tie, gather; to itch, scratch; to weave a mat?” Hungarian Chagatai Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kanyaró “measles” qaramuq “a kind of disease which gives a rash” *kaviR- “to be red” gum (28x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gan; gum2 “mange, scab, leprosy” garābu Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Eskimo Sumeria Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kapni “to get, to receive; to grasp, to grab” *k’ap’V- “to press, to grasp” *kap∂- “to stab” dab (8723x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. dab5; dab; dab5-dab5; dabx(|LAGAB×GUD|) “to seize, take, hold; to bind; to envelop, overwhelm; to choose (by extispicy); to accept; to take charge of” şabātum kapu “gate” *k’ap’u “barrier” *kapput∂- “to stick into” gababum (3x: Early Old Babylonian) wr. ga-ba-bu-um “shield”, kababum (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. kuška-ba-bu-um “shield” kabābu kar “arm” *tałiR “arm” gur (470x: Ur III) wr. gurx(|ŠE.KIN|); gur10; gurx(|ŠE.KIN.KIN|) “to reap” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 76 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kár “loss, damage; too bad!, what a pity!” *qacu “to become loose” [?] kar (158x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. kar “to take away (by force), remove; to deprive” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian karám “(sheep-)pen” *qaRiaq “storage alcove” kar (251x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. kar “harbor, quay” kāru Akkadian Hungarian Karachai Middle Turkic Osman Uigur Modern Uigur Proto-Yupik Sumerian Akkadian karó “post, prop, stake, stick, support” kazak “post, stake” kazuŋuk “id.” kazyk “id.” kazγuk “id.” kozuk *ayaγta “pole or support” gaz (402x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gaz; gaz2; kaz8 “to kill, slaughter; to grind, grate; to beat; to thresh (grain); to execute, impose a death sentence; to break” hašālu Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian karom “claw”, köröm “nail, claw” *kukiγ “claw, nail” gur (35x: Old Babylonian) wr. gur21; kuš-buru4-mušen; eur2 "shield (birds)" Hungarian Chuvash Karachai Proto-Inuit Sumerian karvaly “sparrow-hawk” χ∂rχi “eagle; a kind of mouse-eating bird” qïrγïy “hawk” *qilriq “rough-legged hawk” gurgal, wr. gur8-galmušen “a bird”, girgilum (4x: ED IIIa, Old Babylonian) wr. giri16-i-lumušen; gur8-galmušen?; gir-gi-lummušen; gir-gi4-lumušen; ĝir3-gi-lumušen; kir4-gi4-lummušen “a bird”, kirkir (5x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeškiri6-ĝeškiri6mušen; ka5kar2mušen; ki-kar2mušen; kar-karmušen “a bird” Akk. girgilu; kirikarru; kurkurru Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Rhaetic kása “mush” *akut- “to mix” *kaššu “cheese” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 98). *kaššu means “massive, bulky”, which fits both for “mush” and for “cheese”. Engl. cheese, Germ. Käse, Rhetor. chaschöl, etc. go also directly back to the ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 77 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Rhaet. word. Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kászu “a little container or pot made of bark” *ka(C)∂Ru(R) “(birch) bark” kasu (4x: Old Akkadian, Ur III) wr. gu2-zi; dugKU.ZI; duggu2-zi; dugka-a-su; dugKA.ZI “goblet; bowl” kāsu katáng “a plant with sky-blue coloured flowers arranged in a nest-like shape, cichory” *q∂t∂ŋŋun “half-sibling”. Obviously, the nest-like shape of the plant made its name. gid (13x: Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. gid2 “to drag, tow (a boat upstream); to pass along, transfer; to flay?; to milk”. The cichory plant contains a milky liquid. Hungarian Osman Chuvash Proto-Eskimo North Alaskan Inuit Sumerian kazán “boiler” kazan “boiler, cauldron” xuran “boiler, cauldron, kettle” *qaltaR “bucket” qattaq “water barrel with lid” hurum (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. hu-ru-um “a designation of a pot” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian -ke (diminutive suffix) *-kk (diminutive formant) qaej-/quaej “small, young” genna (4x: Old Babylonian) wr. genna “small” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Eskimo-Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian kebel “bosom, breast; lap” *kepV “upper part of body, trunk” uvin∂γ “body, skin” uvik(i) “body”, uvig-ril “trunk” gaba (821x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. gaba “breast, chest; frontier” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kéd-: ekkédig “until now” *kentз, *käntз “time” *qaŋa “when” kid (6x: Old Babylonian) wr. kid7 “to cut, fell” Hungarian kedv “mood”, kedves “nice, friendly”, kedvenc “favourite”, kegy “favour, mercy”, kegyelni “to love, to like” *k8ntз “mood” Proto-Ugric ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 78 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian *keδ’e(γ) “warmth, summer” kiδaγ “summer, heat” gandu, wr. ga-an-du8 "a position of responsibility; friendship" Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Khanty Proto-Yupik Sumerian kégy “arena, circle, stadium” *kećз “circle, hoop, ring” kusi “barrel-hoop *qaγla(k) “circular rim” gud (55x: Old Babylonian) wr. gud3; gigud3 “coil of bird's nest; reed nest, shelter; nest” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric kéj “delight, pleasure; lechery, lust”, kény “arbitrariness; lust” *keje-, *k8jγз- “to delight, to enjoy, to take pleasure (in); rutting; to mate” *keδ’e(γ) “warmth, summer” kiδaγ “summer, heat” gu (283x: ED IIIb, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gu3 “voice, cry, noise” Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian Hungarian Manchu Proto-Inuit Sumerian kék “blue” kuku “blue-gray” *qiyu(γ)(-) “blue (esp. berry)” kukku (63x: Old Babylonian) wr. ku10-ku10; kukku5 “(to be) dark” or giggi (941x: ED IIIa, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. giggi; gi6-gi6 “(to be) black” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Inuit Aleut Sumerian kelni “to arise, to ascend; to go, to start traveling” *kela “to rise” *kaδa- “to arise”; *kälä “to wade” *käl∂- “to wade across” *qu(C)∂k “bone in the rear flipper of seal” quδγ- “top, back” ĝal (3954x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝal2; ma-al; ga2gal2 “to be, to exist” + am “bird” Hungarian Osman Proto-Inuit Sumerian kelengye “dowry” gelinlik “dowry” *pilliun “gift” gir, wr. gigir “dowry; gift”, gil (50x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III) wr. gil “treasure” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric kelleni “to be needed, to be necessary” *kelke “to be important, must, should” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 79 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Inuit Sumerian *γiaqaq “must” (< yaR- + ŋkaR) kal (389x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. kal “(to be) rare, valuable” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian kém “spy” *qiiŋa- “to grimace (rolling eyes)” kiĝ (108x: Old Babylonian) wr. kiĝ2 “to seek” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian kemény “solid” *kämä “hard” *käm(∂γ)- “hard, strong” k∂m∂k “flesh” kimaš (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. na4ki-maš “a stone” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Akkadian kémény “chimney” *qam∂- “to go out (fire)” qamū “to burn (tr.) Hungarian kende “the head of the Magyar confederation in the 8th and 9th centuries A.D.), kend “you (ancient and rural formal address)” *kunta “fellow(s), tribe” *-qan, -qat∂ “fellow-“ kudej∂ “tribe, family” kingal (23x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Babylonian) wr. kingal; kingal “grandee; crown authority over land, labor recruiter” Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo Koryak Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kengyel “stirrup” *qaδvaR- “to rise, to put on top” kuĝ (51x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeškuĝ5; kun4; ĝeškuĝ4; kun5; ĝeškuĝx(LUM) “stair(case); ladder; threshold” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kenyér “bread” *k∂γ∂- “to bite” kagu (106x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. ka-gu7 “a type of bread” + ninda (11296x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ninda; inda “bread; food” Hungarian kény-szer “compulsion”, kény-szeríteni “to compel, to force, to oblige, to press” *k∂γiR- “to be in pain” kiĝ (1111x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. kiĝ2 “to work”, gu (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. gu2 “force” Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 80 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kép “picture” *k∂ppaR “piece cut off” [?] gub “to write” (Oberhuber 1990, p. 204) Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Akkadian kepe “shock (of corn)” *k∂ppaR “piece cut off” [?] kappu “hollow hand” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Proto-Yupik Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian kér “membrane (of brain, belly)”, kéreg “bark” *k’éŕŕ “bark” *kere “crust, rind, skin” *ker∂, *kor∂ “skin” k∂l∂(t)- “to cut skin into strips (for rope)” *k∂l∂v∂- “id.”, *qalt∂ “bark” ker(ker) “woman’s fur combination suit, clothes” guruš (12x: Old Babylonian) wr. guruš3; guruš4 "to cut, fell, trim, peel off; a cutting; stubble" Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian kérni “to ask for, to look for” *kerз- “to ask, to request” *ap∂R∂- “to ask” gir (13x: Old Babylonian) wr. gir5 "to ask for asylum; slip (in or through), glide" Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kerek “round”, kerék “wheel”, keríteni “to enclose, to fence in”, kert “garden”, kerülni “to avoid; to go in a roundabout route” *kerä-, *keerä- “round; to roll, to turn, to wind *p∂R∂- “to bend” gur, wr. gur2 “loop, hoop, circle”, kiri6 “garden”: kirimah (14x: Ur III) wr. ĝeškiri6-mah “pleasure garden, park”, ukiri (4x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. u2-ĝeškiri6 “garden produce” (u2 “bed”) Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian kérész “mayfly” *caq∂l∂kitaR “butterfly” giriš (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. giriš “butterfly” kurşiptu Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Akkadian kés “knife” *k’i_ut’u “a kind of knife or arrow” *kečз “knife” *q∂c(c)uγ- “to scratch or dig claws into” qazāzum “to cut, to cut off” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 81 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian késa “a provincial term used to describe legal battles over territory near rivers”, késálni, késálkodik “to fight, to struggle, to battle” *kiśkз- “to rend, to tear” *q∂c(c)uγ- “to scratch or dig claws into” ĝeš-kiĝ-ti “artisan, forge” (Lieberman 1977, no. 295) kiškattu, kiškittu “weapon” keseregni “to grieve over sth.”, kesergő “dirge, lament”, keseríteni “to embitter”, kesernyés “tart”, keserű “bitter” *k8ćз(-rз) *k∂γδaγ- “to be rough” ĝiškim (60x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝiškim “sign, omen; trust, aid” giskimmu; cf. also kišpum “magic, witchcraft, omen”, kišubu “end of a song” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Inuit Akkadian keshedni “to become frayed/threadbare, to wear out” *käńćз(-), *käćз(-) “thin; to thin out” *caat “to be thin” qātū “to come to an end; to be finished”, qatnu “thin”. A perfect match in sound and meaning between Proto-Inuit and Akkadian. Hungarian Tatarian Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Akkadian késik “to be late” kič “evening; late” q∂cuγ- “to tear out, to scratch” qiciX “sth. sharp” qātū “to come to an end; to be finished”, qatnu “thin” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Akkadian keskeny “narrow” *känčз, *käčз “narrow, tight” *caat “to be thin” qatnu “thin, narrow”; cf. keshedni. Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Akkadian kész “finished, ready; prepared (to), ready (to); obliging, willing” *k8ćз “ready, willing” q∂cuγ- “to tear out, to scratch” qiciX “sth. sharp” qātū “to come to an end; to be finished”, qatū “finished, ready” Hungarian Komi Chukotko-Kamch. Nivkh keszeg “bream; extremely thin” gyć “Crucian carp” ukiδ “capelin (fish)” ukk “kind of carp” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 82 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Akkadian Sumerian qatnu “thin, narrow” kizi (10x: ED IIIb) wr. ki-ziku6 “a fish” [?] Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic Eskimo Mańśi Sumerian két, kettő “two” *gàgtà “one of a pair” *kat *gagča *gagda *kakta, *käktä pingasok “two” (Kleinschmidt 1951, p. 37) kit “two” kid (7x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. kid2; gir8; kid4; kid7 “to break off, pinch off”, gag (304x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešgag; gag; urudgag “arrowhead; peg, nail” (Akk. sikkatu “id.”) šitta “two (fem.)” Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kéve “sheaf” *k∂p∂- “to cut” kib (599x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gig; gib “wheat” kibtu kevés “few; small” *kup’e “light (of weight); floating on the surface” *kepu-, *kopu- Akkadian *kepä *uqiŋit- “to be light” kabduga (2x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. kab-dug4-ga “capacity measure (container)” quppu “container” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kéz “hand” *käte *aδγa(R), *aδγaγ “hand” kišib (11x: Old Babylonian) wr. kišib-la2; kišib “hand, wrist” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian kezdeni “to begin, to start, to lead off” *liq- “to begin” [?] ku (96x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ku “to place, lay (down), lay eggs; to spread, discharge” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 83 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian ki “out”, kinn “outside”, kívül “outside; without (derivative)” *ki(-mз), *kü(-mз) “the outside” uŋa(n) “area on other side” ŋa-rŋ∂n(en) “outside; weather” ki (32379x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. ki “place; ground, earth, land; toward; underworld; land, country; lower, down below” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian ki “who” *k’a(j) “who (interrogative)” *kem, *ka *ken, *ka *xia, *xai *ken *ki “who” ki-na “id.” k’e “id.” mae-ki “id.” ĝá-e, ĝe24-e “I, me”, akkil, wr. akkil2 “where; when” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kicsi, kicsiny, kis “small” *mik∂- “to be small” gi17 “small” (Oberhuber 1990, p. 175) Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Yukagir Sumerian kígyó “snake” *k’ile “a kind of fish or lizard”, *kulV “snake; worm” *kije, *küje kumaγ “louse” k∂mR∂(k∂m) “worm, caterpillar” kelinc’∂ “worm” gi (1485x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gi4; gi “to turn, return; to go around; to change status; to return (with claims in a legal case); to go back (on an agreement)” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric kilenc “nine” (< kil-, kül- to kí-vül “outside” + -nc “ten”?) *kilз-, *külз- “to decay, to disintegrate, to fall; to become worn, to worn out” *iγt∂- “to fall” ì-li-mu, ilimmu “nine”, gul (518x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gul; gu-ul “to destroy; to break” Proto-Yupik Sumerian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 84 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian Akkadian kímélni “to save, to spare, to protect” *q∂m∂lRu- “to examine” geme (4025x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. geme2; gi4-in “female worker” amtu Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kín “pain” *k∂γiR- “to be in pain” gana (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešgana2 “shackles” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian kincs “treasure” *aŋŋi- “to keep secret” aeŋi- “to tell sth. secret” giĝ (18136x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, uncertain) wr. giĝ4 “a unit of weight, shekel; a unit of area; a unit of volume” šiqlu Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian kísérni “to accompany, to escort, to follow”, kísérlet “experiment”, kísérteni “to seduce; to haunt”, kísértet “ghost” *kećз- “to follow a path” *atuaq- “to follow” us (9695x: ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. us2 “to accompany, to follow”, kiši, wr. kiši12 “secret” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Kazakh Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kívánni “to wish” *kúbé “to wish, to hope, to like” *küb-, *gübquvan- “to be happy” *q∂l∂n∂R(aR)- “to want sth. urgently” gub (5043x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gub "to stand; (to be) assigned (to a task)" Hungarian koboz “a kind of four- or five-stringed lute/lyre-like instrument of old Hungary” *q∂δuγ “wood” qēbū “wooden flute?” Proto-Eskimo Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian kóc “tow”, kócos “dishevelled, tousled, unkempt” *qacal(l)uq “bark of tree) guz (110x: ED IIIa, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. guz "to be tufted” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 85 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Eskimo-Aleut Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian Akkadian kocsány “stalk, stem (of a blossom)” kita- “foot, kit-miγ “heel” ketxed “feet” k∂t-ka “foot” gu (1850x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gu “cord, net; unretted flax stalks” qū Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Yupik Sumerian kókadni “to fade, to wither; to bend down faded” *gùk’à(-) “curve, hook; to cling to” *qaviR “curve” gug (76x: Ur III) wr. u2gug4; gug4; gug; u2|ZI&ZI|; u2|A.ZI&ZI|; u2|ZI&ZI.A|; u2|ZI&ZI.EŠ2.ŠE| “a grass; rush, sedge” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian komócsin “Phleum pratense, a sweet-grass” *qama(C)uγ “sled” gam (33x: Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeškab; ĝešgam3; ĝešKIN “shepherd's crook, bent stick; haft, hilt” gamlu Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian konda “swineherd” *qanit(t)aR “porch of a traditional house” gan “swine”, in: šagan (150x: ED IIIb) wr. šaganx(|GA2×AN|)gan; šagan; šaganx(AMA)ša “a designation of pigs” Hungarian koppintani, koppantani “to knock, to tap; to wolf down (food); to extinguish (a candle) pako- “to flick, knock against” *pakak- “to knock into” (with metathesis?) kappu “wings (of a bird)” [?] Chukotko-Kamch. Proto-Inuit Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian kopó “hound, foxhound; detective, sleuth” *puŋŋuuq “(shaman’s word for) dog” (metathesis k – p > p – k and substitution of k by homorganic ŋŋ). qīpum “thrustful; representative, commissioner” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Akkadian koporsó “casket, coffin” *kop’é “to bend; elevation; convexity” *koppa “something hollow” *putu “hole” qubūru “grave; hole”, kipūm, kapāpum “to bend” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 86 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Yupik Inuit Sumerian kor “age; epoch, era, period, time” *kilγaq “wilderness” kułX “tundra” gara (1x: Ur III) wr. gar4 “(to be) deserted” Hungarian Proto-Yupik Rhaetic kor “ill; illness” *q∂n∂ “to be ill” karabu, garapu “leprosy” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 98) Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Akkadian korbács “scourge” *tukku(R) “host” qarābum “to approach hostily; to bring a weapon” Hungarian korcs “bastard, half-breed, freak, mongrel; crippled, freakish; degenerate; hybrid” *tukku(R) “host” kur (489x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, uncertain) wr. kur2; gur “(to be) different; (to be) strange; (to be)estranged; (to be) hostile” Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Eskimo-Aleut Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian kóró “thistle; stalk” kita- “foot, kit-miγ “heel” ketxed “feet” k∂t-ka “foot” gur (133x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gur4; gur14; gur13 “(to be) thick; (to be) big” Hungarian Sumerian korom “soot” kur (2494x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. kur; kir5 “underworld; land, country; mountain(s)” *qiRn∂R- “to be black or dark” kudāru “a kind of territory” kudra “dark color” (cf. Tóth und Brunner 2007, p. 117, s.n. “Grabs”). Interesting, but not unique semantic development: “territory” > “world” > “underworld” > “black” > “soot”. Proto-Eskimo Akkadian Arabic, Rhaetic Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian korsó “beer glass, tankard (1/2 liter)” *kuciR- “to drip” kur (607x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. kur2; gur2 “unit of capacity based on a vessel size” Hungarian Proto-Yupik kosár “basket” *qantaq “container” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 87 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Rhaetic khus, kus “vessel” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kosz “dirt; scab, scabies” *iqa(R) “dirt” ĝešgisaĝkešed (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝiš-gi-saĝ-keš2 “disease”. The cuneogram ĝeš-, ĝiš- is nothing but a phonetic indicator, sag 2 means “to strike, to beat” and has thus the same meaning like keš2, so that either gi-saĝ or keš2 are the Sum. basis for Hung. kosz. Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kő, köv- “stone” *kiwe *qaluR “rock” kim, wr. kim3 “a stone” with –m < *-b/-p < -w-/-v-. Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian köcsög “milk-jug; mug, pot” *k’āč’V “a kind of vessel” *kičз, *küčз “vessel made of birch bark” *cupluγ, *cupluR *tube” gaZUM, wr. ga-ZUM “a vessel” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian köd “fog” *k’edò “wind; fog” *kintз “fog, mist, smoke” *taγ∂tuγ “fog” ki (32379x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. ki “place; ground, earth, land; toward; underworld” + di6 “to bring” Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian ködmön “a kind of overcoat made of fur” *qasp∂q “parka cover” gadamah (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. gada-mah “a garment” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian kökény “blackthorn, wild-plum” *qiyu(γ)(-) “blue (esp. berry)” giggi (941x: ED IIIa, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. giggi; gi6-gi6 “(to be) black” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian kökörcsin “anemone” *qiyu(γ)(-) “blue (esp. berry)” giggi (941x: ED IIIa, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. giggi; gi6-gi6 “(to be) black” + kiĝ (108x: Old Babylonian) wr. kiĝ2 "to seek" ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 88 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian kölcsön “loan” *aŋŋi- “to keep secret” aeŋi- “to tell sth. secret” gilsa (62x: Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gil-sa; gi16-gi16-sa “treasure” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian köldök “navel” *qalaciR “navel” gilim, wr. gigilim “type of clasp” Hungarian Chagatai Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kölyök, kölök “puppy” köšäk “young camel” *qal∂R.- “to make characteristic cry (animal)” kisikil (158x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ki-sikil; lu2ki-sikil; mu-tin; mu-ti-in “young woman” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kölyű “hand-mill” *ciŋaR- “to crush” gilim (25x: Old Babylonian) wr. gilim; gilibx(|GI%GI|)ib; gi16-il; gilgilil “to lie across; to be entwined; to entwine, twist; to block; (to be) difficult to understand” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian könnyű “easy, light; thin” *k’èńó “light; thin” *k8nз “easy” *piδa-q∂nit “easy” gin (924x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gin6; gi-na; gi-in; ge-en; gin “(to be) permanent; to confirm, establish (in legal contexts), verify; (to be) true; a quality designation; medium quality” kânu; kīnu Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Sumerian könyök “elbow” *k’i_ùnč’o “sleeve; top of the boat” *kińa, *küńä or *kinä, *künä gun (1x: Early Old Babylonian) wr. al-gu2-gu2 “to twist” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian könyörögni “to beg, to supplicate” *kenз- “to growl, to roar, to scream” *q∂l∂ŋu “to growl” kiĝ (108x: Old Babylonian) wr. kiĝ2 "to seek" Hungarian Proto-Eskimo könyv “book” *qaliR “covering; seal” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 89 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian Akkadian kišib (17468x: ED IIIb, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. kišib3; kišib; na4kišib “cylinder seal, sealed tablet” kunukku Hungarian Proto-Inuit Akkadian köpönyeg “cloak, gown; mantle, cape, wrap” *qapt∂t- “to tighten” kapālum “to wrap, to wind, to tie” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Akkadian köpű “beehive; churn”, köpűlni “to churn” *quδu- “to close in” [?] quppu “container, vessel” Hungarian kör “circle”, köré “around, about”, körül “close, nearby”, környék “environs, surroundings” *ki_úŕu “a kind of vehicle” *kyŕ*kür*kur*kere “circle, ring” *p∂R∂- “to bend, to flex” gur, wr. gur2 “loop, hoop, circle” Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Akkadian kőris “ash” *arδa “ash” harāşu “to break off, cut off; to cut”. Cf. Latin fraxinus “ash” to frangere “to break”. Hungarian Proto-Inuit Seward Peninsula Inuit Akkadian kőrő “brittle, crumbly, fragile” *k∂k∂- “to break off” kiγi- “to make a notch in” harāşu “to break off, cut off; to cut” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian köszörülni “to whet, to grind” *k8śз- “to sharpen, to whet” q∂cuγ- “to tear out, to scratch” qiciX “sth. sharp” guz (110x: ED IIIa, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. guz “to be tufted” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo köszvény “gout” *keśз- “to rend, to rip, to tear” *kut∂- “to drip” (cf. “rheuma” < Greek rheîn “to flow, to drop, to drip”) kuš (13x: Old Babylonian) wr. kuš7 “devastation” Sumerian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 90 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian kötni “to bind, to fasten, to tie” *kitke-, *kütke- “to bind, to tie” *k∂t∂k “strap for fastening sth.” kad (20x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. kad5; kad4; kad6; kad8 “to tie, gather” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Finno-Ugric Estonian Eskimo Inuit Wakashan Chukchi Sumerian köveszteni “to (par)boil bacon” *keju- “to boil”, *k’ùńe “to burn” Akkadian *keje- “o be cooked; cooked” keema “to be boiling, to simmer” qav- “id.” qejv(e)- “to boil” q’av- “very hot, boiling” qewj-at- “to evaporate” kum (78x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. kum2; kum4 “(to be) hot” emēmu Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian követni “to accompany, to follow” *kijз-, *küjз- “to follow, to trail” *maliγ- “to follow” (k- > m- like in PE mik∂- vs. Hung. kicsi, cf. ici) gi (1485x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gi4; gi "to turn, return; to go around” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian köz “interspace”, közép “middle” *kitз, *kütз, *kitз-ppe, *kütз-ppз aku “space between” gi (1485x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gi4; gi "to turn, return; to go around”. Probably közép < *köz-zép with –zép < PFU *seka “gap, interval, middle, inside” < Sum. šaĝ, wr. šag4; ša; ša3-ab “inner body; heart; in, inside”. Hungarian Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Rhaetic kullogni “to stroll, to saunter” k∂lu “area at back” klu- “to go into (e.g. bay)” *khūlu “way, path” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 98) Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Akkadian kupak “cap, bowl; cover, hood, piece; lid” *kap∂- “to cut”, *p∂ppaR “piece cut off” kappu “hollow hand” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 91 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian kúszik “to climb; to crawl, to creep” *ku(C)im∂- “to swim” kas4 “to run” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Akkadian kút “well” *kut∂ “to drop” kutū “vessel, jug” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Akkadian kutak “small, tiny” *kut∂ “to drop” qatnu “(to be) weak; (to be) low; (to be) thin” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian kutya “dog” *qiluγ- “to bark” kuda (5x: ED IIIa, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. kud-da “an animal” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian küllő “spoke (of a wheel)” *t∂γu(R)liq “handle” kul (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. kul “a handle” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Yukagir Sumerian kürni “to bind, to tie, to be bound in the yoke (of oxen)” *kèra- “to bind, to wind around” *kärз- “to bind, to tie” c’olo- “to tie on, to add” gir, wr. gir11 “to yoke, harness” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian küsz “a kind of freshwater fish, Alburnus alburnus” *kiśkз “a kind of small fish” *citu(C)aR “beluga” gizi (1x: ED IIIa) wr. gi-ziku6 “a fish” Hungarian Proto-Inuit küszöb “threshold, doorstep” *avluR∂q “threshold” [?], perhaps with metathesis sz – b > v – s and rhotacism s > r. askuppu “threshold” Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian küzdeni “to battle, to fight, to contend, to strive for” *k8śз “game, race; to play, to race” *curδuγ- “to attack” gaz (402x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gaz; gaz2; kaz8 “to kill, slaughter; to grind, grate; to beat; to thresh (grain); to execute, impose a death sentence; to break” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 92 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Akkadian kaşāşum; šagāšum Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian láb “foot, leg” *l8mpз *niRulu “root or foot of sth.” lib (3x: ED IIIa) wr. lib “inner body; heart” libbu “heart; body; trunk” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut North Alaskan Inuit Seward Pen. Inuit Sumerian lágy “mild; soft”, langyos “lukewarm; mild, slack, soft” lońća “mild, weak” n’∂vγuR “fish slime” niuγuq, juuγuq “id.” juγγuq “id.” luGAM (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. lu2-GAM “weak” Hungarian lak “dwelling”, lakik “to dwell”, lakás “apartment”, lakat “doorlock” *lakka “eaves, roof” (l)q∂t- “to go off” (~ *lak “to arrive”) la (10x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. la2 “to stretch out; to be in order” Proto-Finno-Ugric Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian láng “flame” *lomз, *lamз “flame; warmth” *∂k(∂)n∂R “fire” [?] lum (107x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. lum “(to be) full, replete, satisfied (with); (to be) grown (tall); to fruit; (to be) fructified; to shine” Hungarian lankadni “to droop, to flag; to wilt, to wither”, lanyhulni “to become tepid; to weaken” *nuk∂niq- “to be weakened” lah (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. lah2 “to dry” Proto-Inuit Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian lap “page; sheet; flat surface” *láp’ì “flat; broad” *lappз “flat; flat surface” *nat∂R(aR)naR “flat fish” la (10x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. la2 “to stretch out; to be in order” lapāpum “to wind sth. round sth.”, lippu “cover” Hungarian Proto-Altaic láp “marshy meadow; moor” *lébù(-nV), *lépù- “swamp” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 93 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian *lampз “bog, marsh, pond, *l8ppз “debris floating on the water, driftwood, fallen tree” m∂caγ “swampy ground” la, wr. la6 “flooding” lapātum “to moisten” Hungarian Sumerian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Yukagir lapát “shovel” lubi (5x: Old Babylonian) wr. urudlub-bi; ĝešlib-bi “an ax” *lep(p)∂ “oar” ipu-t- “row”, ipu-γ- “to lever up” lip∂ “snow shovel” Hungarian Mańśi Proto-Inuit Sumerian lassú “slow” let’šäl “low, small, soft (of a sound)” *naq∂klo “to become lower” lal (9977x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. lal; lal2 "(to be) small, little; minus sign; (to be) insignificant, low-value; diminution" Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian látni “to see” *l8ttз*nuγ∂- “to appear” [?] la (1399x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. la2; la; lal2 “to supervise, check” alālum Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian laza “loose, slack” *l8ćз “loose, wide” *mak∂- “to become loose” la (1399x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. la2; la; lal2 “to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended; to bind; binding” alālum Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik Akkadian le- “to become; to be, shall be, will be” *le- “to be, to become, to live” *∂liR- “to become a certain way” alālum “to be strong” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Yupik Sumerian le-: leány, lány “girl” *l8jз “small, young” *al(a), ïl(a) “below” *aci- < *al-t∂ (?) “lower part” lal (9977x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 94 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. lal; lal2 “(to be) small, little; minus sign; (to be) insignificant, low-value; diminution” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Yupik Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian le- (< lewe) “down (prefix)”, lenn, lent “below, down” *l8 “lower, the lower part, sub, under” *al(a), ïl(a) “below” *aci- < *al-t∂ (?) “lower part” qale-lle-ŋ “downriver” lal (9977x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. lal; lal2 “(to be) small, little; minus sign; (to be) insignificant, low-value; diminution” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Chukotko-Kamch. n∂mi(n∂m) “broth” Sumerian lé, levet “juice”, leves “broth, soup” *leme, lēme “sap, soup” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Eskimo-Aleut Sirenikski Sumerian Akkadian li, wr. li2 “oil; fat; cream” lebegni “to float, to hover; to hang”, lobogni “to blaze; to blow”, lobogó “flag” *lempз-, *lämpз- “to fly, to hang” *napatkaq- “to fall head first” n’apa- “to be upright” japaR- “to raise” la (1399x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. la2; la; lal2 “to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended”, lu (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. lu9 “to flare up”. The Hung. apophony thus already exists in Sum. alālum Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian leg- “most, -(e)st (superlative suffix), legesleg- (elative suffix) *l8ŋз “fairly, very” *ilumun “truly” limum (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. li-mu-um; li-im “one thousand” limu. These word-equations belong to the best proofs of the continuity between Sum., Akk., Uralo-Sib., Ural., FU and Hung. Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian légy “fly” *l8ńćз *n∂vyuvaγ “fly” lili, wr. li-limušen “a bird” liligū ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 95 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Akkadian lék (< weyk) “hole in the ice; leak” *le(j)kka(-) “crack, fissure; to split, to cut” *nayuγ- “to hollow out” laqūm, leqūm “to take; to take away, to remove” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian lelni “to find” *lewδδ*nani “to find” lal (9977x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. lal; lal2 “to diminish; diminution". The PFU form that is only reconstructed of the basis of Finnish löytä- and Estonian leidma is thus wrong. Hungarian lélek “soul, spirit, breath-soul (vs. body-soul, cf. jonh)”, lélegzik “to breathe” *lewlз “breath; spirit” ∂p∂- “to choke, to suffocate” [?] w∂je-ŋto- “to breathe”, w∂ji- “air” lil (92x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. lil2 “wind, breeze; ghost” Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo lépni “to step, to take a step, to tread; to move; to play (e.g. a chess-piece) *läppз- “to enter, to go into” *napa- “to be standing (upright)” lib (3x: ED IIIa) wr. lib “inner body; heart” lép “milt, spleen” *li_ap’V “spleen” *japal *niγalta *lip-če Akkadian *läppз, *δäppз, *leppз, *δeppз *napu “cross-piece of sled” (cf. German Zwerch-fell, Zwerch “cross-, crosswise”) lipiš (40x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. lipiš; lipišx(|AB2.ŠA3|) “inner body; heart; anger, rage” libbu Hungarian Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut Sirenikski Sumerian lepke “butterfly” *l8ppз n’apa- “to be upright” japaR- “to raise” lib (8x: Old Babylonian) wr. lib “dazed silence; (to be) dazed”. The Sumerian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 96 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates dazing effect is due to the quick movement of the wings, from which also German Falter (to flattern “to flutter”), Italian farfalla and Latin papilio (> French papillon) originate. Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian lesni “to lurk, to keep watch on, to spy, to watch” *läćз(-) “hideout; to spy on” *nakima “to wander around” [?] li (26x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. li2; li9 “to press, to push” Hungarian Proto-(Finno?-)Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian levél “leaf, sheet; letter” *l8pз, lepз “sheet” *lepa-, *lempa- “flap” ∂ve(R)-luγ- “flap” leval- “wave” la (1399x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. la2; la; lal2 “to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended”, lub (25x: Old Babylonian) wr. lu-ub2 “a type of bag” Hungarian Wakashan Eskimo Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian lidérc, lüdérc “demon, will-o’-the-wisp” ligs “wolf” ligz “id.” Xivne, Xigne “id.” l(∂)Riγ∂ “id.” li (26x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. li2; li9 “to press (oil)” (cf. incubus) + dirig (2166x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. diri; RI “(to be) very great, supreme, excellent” (a demon). Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian liszt “flour” *leśe, *liśe “crushed, ground” *n∂q∂ “food” liš (2x: Ur III) wr. liš “crumb, scrap” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Sumerian lódítani “to throw”, lógni “to dangle, to hang down, to swing” *loŋe- “to throw, to toss” *miluR- “to hit with thrown object” *milluuq- “to throw things at sth.” la (1399x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. la2; la; lal2 “to hang, balance, suspend, be suspended” alālum Akkadian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 97 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian lom “broken ice floating in a river in spring; hoar-frost on trees; mud, slime, sludge; urine; junk, rubbish” *lume “snow” *niiquq- “to crunch (snow underfoot)” lum, wr. lum “excrement” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Sumerian lőni, löv- “to shoot, to fling” *lewe- “to shoot, to throw” *miluR- “to hit with thrown object” *milluuq- “to throw things at sth.” lah (167x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. lah5; lah4 “plural stem of de [to bring, to sail, to driv off, to fling away, etc.]” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Sumerian lökni “to cast, to fling, to throw, to toss; to give a push or shove, to knock, to push, to thrust” *likkä-, lükkä- “to push, to shove” *miluR- “to hit with thrown object” *milluuq- “to throw things at sth.” lah (167x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. lah5; lah4 “plural stem of de [to bring, to sail, to driv off, to fling away, etc.]” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian lúd “goose” *lunta “bird; wild goose” *n∂rl∂r, n∂ql∂r “goose” luĝa, wr. luĝ2 “to submerge oneself in water” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian lyuk “cavern, den, pit; aperture, hole, opening” *lowkkз “hole, opening” *nayuγ- “to hollow out” laga (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. la-ga “vulva” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Eskimo Sumerian -mad- (ordinal number suffix) *-mt (ordinal suffix) -at- (ordinal suffix; cf. Kleinschmidt 1851, p. 38) -am: “A secondary means to form ordinal numbers [from cardinal numbers, A.T.] was to put the number in the genitive followed by the copula [am]: u4-2-kam [u(d)-min-ak-am] ‘it is of the day two’ = ‘the second day’” (Edzard 2003, p. 67). ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 98 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian mag “grain, seed; gist, pith, core, the main point”, mag(reflexive pronoun), magas “high”, magasztalni “to praise highly” *muŋkз “body” *mäk∂- “to go up” mak∂(t) “to get up” haγ “to grow up, to open” mug, wr. mug2 “female genitals, vulva” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian máj “liver” *piàki “liver” *maksa m∂cu(γ) “liquid” [?] peš (147x: Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. peš; peš5; peš4; peš6 "innards; (to be) thick". Semantically, also German Leber and English liver mean originally “the fat one” < Greek liparós “fat” to lípos “fat, oil”, cf. also Italian fegato < Latin (iecur) ficatum “fattened liver” (Kluge 2002, p. 563). Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian makacs “obstinate” *mait- “to be sensitive” makkaš (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. makkaš2; makkaš “lamentation” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Akkadian mál “slope of a mountain; belly part of the skin of an animal” *m8lз, *m8ljз, *m8lkз “breast” majuR- “to go up” hajuR- “id.” majo-lγ∂n “low hill” mēlū “hill” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian malát, malád “a bushy or grassy area after the return of a flooding” *malkз “a kind of willow” *palliq “dry willow twigs” mulgana (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. mul-gana2 “type of plant” Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Rhaetic málha “luggage” *mal∂γ- “to press up against” malka “herd, property” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 98) Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Yupik mámoros “ecstatic; drunk, wrecked” *qavaR- “to sleep” *qavaŋuq “dream” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 99 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian mamud (45x: Old Babylonian) wr. ma-mu2; ma-mu “dream” Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Rhaetic marha “cattle; property” *mal∂γ- “to press up against” malka “herd, property” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 98) Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic Proto-Yupik Sumerian marni “to bite, to gnaw” *mi_úru “to press, to damage” *buŕ-, *boŕ*muru*mura, *murз “to break apart; crumb, fragment, piece” *paruq “bug” [?] mu (9x: Old Babylonian) wr. mu11; ma5; mu7 “to crush, mangle” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian mar “withers (on an horse’s back)” *m8rз “sth. extraordinary; convex form of a body-part” *paδviγ “wrist” mur (20x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. mur “lung” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian maradni “to stay” *m8rз- “to bold back” *paγi- “to stay at home” mar (8x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ur III) wr. mar “louse; worm; parasite” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Central Alaskan Yupik Sumerian mart “bank, beach, shore; edge or side of a ditch; ravine, hillside, brow of a hill”, part “bank, shore” *māro “sand; stony earth; marsh” *bōr *mara*mar*mortз “edge, end” *maRRaR “mud” maraq “marshy, muddy low land” bar (2579x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur “outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian mártani “to douse, to souse; to immerse, to plunge” *marз*maRu- “to sink into soft ground or snow” mar (13x: Old Babylonian) wr. mar “to smear, to immerse” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 100 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian más “other”, másik “the second” *mu “other; this” uv(a)- “this” wa- “id.” waj “here you are”. waj∂ŋ-qen “that just there” maš (4x: Old Babylonian) wr. maš “twin”, or ba (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. ba3; ba7 “half; thirty” [?] Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian -máz: hagymáz “spotted fever” *mučз “some form of sickness” *puyuR “smoke” mes (56x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. mes; ĝešmes “blackness, black spot; black wood” Hungarian meg “and, but, then, thus”, meg- (aoristic prefix, sometimes also indicating the return of an action), mögé “to the back”, mögött “behind”, mögül “from behind, from the back” *miŋä, *müŋgä “space behind sth.” *q∂r- “height” *q∂RaR- “to rise up” eĝir (393x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. eĝir; eĝir5(LUM); egir4; eĝir6(MURGU2) “back, rear; after” Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Proto-Yupik Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian menni, megy, mé-sz “to go” *meŋa- “to run, to trot” *baŋ*meŋde*meŋmene *men∂- “to go” m∂n∂t- “to pass over at distribution” man-ŋ “dispersing, in different directions” ma “to go” (Oberhuber 1990, p. 304) Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian meggy “sour-cherry” *melu “a kind of berry” *beleł mojil*m[e]likte *mol’з, *moδ’з “a kind of edible wild berry” *paγunRaR “berry” mudum (6x: Old Akkadian, Ur III) wr. mu-dum “a fruit” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 101 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Udmurt Proto-Eskimo Sumerian méh “bee” *mekše muš *∂v∂γtaR “bee” mušen (454x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. mušen; mu-ti-in; mu-tin “bird” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Inuit Aleut Sumerian meleg “warm” *mälз(-) “warm; to become warm” *mal(iγ), mïil(iγ) “wave” *mal∂k “wave” hal- “windward” bil (50x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bil2; bil3; bil “to burn” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Inuit Aleut Sumerian mell “bosom, breast, chest; bust” *mälke, *mälγe *mäl(k∂) “chest” malak “chest” hala- “to turn head” meli, wr. mel3; melix(|KA×GAR+ŠA3+A|); meli2; melix(|KA×U2|) “neck” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Yupik Sumerian Akkadian méltó “deserving of, fit to, worthy of; fair, just; worthy of sb. *m8lз- “enter into, to fit in, to go into” *m∂laR- “to plug” mu, wr. mu6 “manly; young man” + eţlum “manly, reliable” Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian mély “deep” *m∂laR- “to plug” mar (13x: Old Babylonian) wr. mar “to smear, to immerse” Hungarian mely “which”, melyik “which one”, mennyi “how much”, mi “what”, mikor “when” *mV (an interrogative root) *m8 “thing; what” *nat∂- “which” mea (155x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. me-a; ma6; ma-a; ma-a-a "where?, whither?" Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut mén “stallion” *mänз “any sort of animal” manniγ “egg” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 102 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian nunuz (130x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. nunuz; na4nunuz “ovoid bead; egg” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian mén “sweep of a well” *mōŋi, *mōŋe “round” *bōn-čuk *möγer *muŋu-, *muŋbu- Hungarian Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian *minз(-) “bending, curve; to bend, to bow, to curve” *p∂qu- “to bend; to be bent” men (83x: ED IIIb, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. men; men4 “tiara, type of crown” menekedni, menekülni “to escape”, menteni “to resue” *mänз- “to rescue/save oneself” *annaγut∂- “to save” ma (5559x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ma2; ĝešma2 "ship, boat" Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Sirenikski Koryak Sumerian meny “daughter-in-law” *mińä “daughter-in-law; young woman” *an’a “older female relative” nana “mother” n’el “daughter-in-law” (< *nVjVl) munus (3079x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. munus; nu-nus “woman; female” Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Sirenikski Sumerian meny: menyhal “burbot” *an’a “older female relative” nana “mother” mun (5x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb) wr. munku6 “a fish” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian menny “heaven”, mennyezet “ceiling” *mińз *qilaγ “sky” men (83x: ED IIIb, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. men; men4 “tiara, type of crown” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo menyülni: kimenyülni “to be/to become dislocated, sprained” *menз *annaγut∂- “to save” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 103 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian kimanzer (6x: Old Babylonian) wr. ki-ma-an-ze2-er “slippery place” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian merni “dare, to make bold, to venture” *märз- “to believe, to venture” *p∂R∂- “to stand up” me (750x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Old Babylonian) wr. me “being, divine properties enabling cosmic activity; office; (cultic) ordinance” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian merni “to dip, to immerse, to plunge” *märзamu “to pull up”, amlu- “to draw, to bail out” amilRi-X “fishing place” me (750x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Old Babylonian) wr. me “being, divine properties enabling cosmic activity; office; (cultic) ordinance” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian mérni “to measure” *merз- “to measure” mul∂(γ) “nipple”, m∂luγ “nipple; to suck” huluX “nipple; seed” (for semantic development cf. meredni) me (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. me “stiffness” Hungarian meredni “to become fixed; to fix; to gaze, to stare; to rise; to stand out, to stand up”, meredek “steep”, meredt “stiff” *merз-, *märз- “to press, to wring” mul∂(γ) “nipple”, m∂luγ “nipple; to suck” huluX “nipple; seed” me (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. me “stiffness” Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian méreg “poison; anger” *mirkkз “poison” *naR∂- “to smell” [?] mir (347x: ED IIIa, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. mir; tumumir “north wind; north; storm” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian mese “fairy tale” *mańćз-, *maćз- “to narrate; story” *maniγuR- “to soothe, cajole” maškim (3492x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. maškim “an administrative position; a demon” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 104 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Yupik Sirenikski Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian messze “far” *mōč’a “edge, end” *būč*muč*mećä “the edge or side of sth.” *muγ∂- “to roam” *m∂g∂-/muγu- “to go off far” muγu|?ij “caravan” m∂γu- “to nomadize”, m∂γu-jil “reindeer caravan” meše (22x: Old Babylonian) wr. me-še3 “where to?” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian mét: métháló “driftnet made from stalks” *mäktз(-) “a kind of net; to cast a net” *kuvδaR “net” mehi (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. me-hi “tissue” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Akkadian méz “honey” *mete m∂cu(γ) “liquid” matqu “syrup, honey” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian mező “domain, range, field”, mez “cloth”, meztelen “naked” *mećз-, *meśз- “to clothe oneself” *∂vγun “cloth” mur (66x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. mur10 “to get dressed, clothe oneself” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian mi “we” *ba, *bi_u-n *bi-ŕ *ba, *man*bue, *mü-n *m8 *uvakut “we” me Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian mi “what” *mз “what; thing” *mi “what” miŋ-(k∂) “where, which” ana “what”, niĝ (1641x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 105 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates niĝ2; aĝ2 “thing” Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian mohó “avid, greedy, eager” *aR-maγ “greedy” mah (3271x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. mah; mah2 “(to be) great” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Yukagir Sumerian mondani “to say, to speak” *m8nз-, *monзan∂R- “to breathe” anR(i)- “breath; voice; soul” mon- “to say” mu (8x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. mu7 “to make a sound” + ana (3x: ED IIIa, Old Babylonian) wr. an-na “upper” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian mony “egg; penis” *úmu*jumu*öm-, *em*umū*muna “egg; testicle” manniγ “egg” nunuz (130x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. nunuz; na4nunuz “ovoid bead; egg” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Proto-Yupik Sumerian mór, mor: mórágy, morágy “kind of forest” *mūro “tree; forest” *morз “a type of tree” *maRRaR “mud” maRtu- “to be thick” mu (520x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. mu2; mu2-mu2 "to grow" Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian mosni “to wash” *muśke-, *mośke*tan∂γ-, *tan∂t- “to wash” mul (129x: ED IIIb, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. mul; mul2; mul4 “star; to shine, radiate (light)” + šun, wr. šun2 “to shine”, or me, wr. me “to wash, refine” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian mosolyogni “to smile” *mućз-, *muśз*aŋlaR- “to laugh” mud (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. mud5 “joy” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 106 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Inuit Sumerian mozogni “to move”, mozdulni “to begin to move” *m8ńćз-, *m8ćз*maŋat- “to get to move” ma “to go” (Oberhuber 1990, p. 304) Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian múlik “to elapse, to go by”, mulatni “to spend time, to entertain oneself” *mulз- “to elapse, to go by, to pass over” mulu- “to stay away a long time” ma “to go” (Oberhuber 1990, p. 304) + la (1399x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. la2; la; lal2 “to hang, to be suspended; over" Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Central Alaskan Yupik Sumerian murcos “dirty, muddy” *maRRaR “mud” maraq “marshy, muddy low land” mudur (13x: Old Babylonian) wr. mu-dur7 “dirt” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian mutni, mutatni “to show, to demonstrate” *muja- “to feel, to touch, to touch lightly” *maniγuR- “to soothe” mud (8x: Old Babylonian) wr. mud “to create” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian mű, műv- “handicraft, work; opus” *meke(-) “deed, work; to do, to make, to work” *ca-vaγ- “to work” mu (9x: Old Babylonian) wr. mu11; ma5; mu7 “to crush, mangle” Hungarian -(e/o/ö)n (superessive suffix, e.g. ház-on “on a house”, ház “house”) -na, -nä (locative suffix) ∂n∂ “place”, -me-, -ne (casus localis, cf. Kleinschmidt 1851, p. 79) na(γ)- “inside” -a (locative suffix), -na (possessive locative marker): dub-ba-na “his/her tablet” Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian nagy “big, tall” *n8ńćз “hard, strong” aŋ∂- “big” aŋu-na- “big”, aŋax “power; steward” aeŋaeŋ “spirit, god” niga (12565x: Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. niga; niĝ2-gu7-a “(to be) fattened” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 107 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Ugric Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo Aleut Sumerian -nál/-nél (adessive suffix), nála “at/by him/her/it” *na- “nearness” *na “that/this (one) here” *na, nä “this” -na (singulative of dem./q-words”) -n “id.” ne-e(n) “this” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian nap “sun; day” *macaR “sun” na (527x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. na4; na; na4na “stone” + Akkadian abnu “id.”. Semantically, cf. mennykő “lightening”, lit. “heaven-stone” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Sirenikski Sumerian napa “mother-in-law” *anзppē *an’a “older female relative” nana “mother” nunus, munus (3079x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. munus; nu-nus “woman; female”. The second part seems to be Sum. –bar that occurs in “in-law” parentships: ušbar (19x: ED IIIa, Old Babylonian) wr. ušbar; ušbar3; ušbar2 “father-in-law; mother-in-law”, cf. also Hung. ip, ipa “father-in-law” and Sum. pap (86x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. pap “father; male, virile; brother” related to Akk., Rhaet. abu “father”. The first part er- in Sum. erib “father-in-law; sister-in-law” seems to be the still unexplained word –er in emb-er “human” and may be related to Sum. ere “to go”. Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian nem, ne “not” *nä-mi -(ŋ)il- “not” -la(γ) “id.” na, nu (785x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. nu “(to be) not, no; without, un-“ Hungarian Proto-Uralic Eskimo Sumerian -nak/-nek (dative and directional suffix), neki “to him/her/it” *nä “this” + *-k (lative suffix) -mik-, -nik- (casus modalis, cf. Kleinschmidt 1851, p. 84) ne; ne-en; ne-e “this” + (a/V)k (genitive suffix) Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut néni “aunt”, néne “older sister” *naj(aγ) “girl” najaγ “younger sister” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 108 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Central Asian Yupik Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian najaγ “unmarried girl” ∂ninae-lR∂n “elder brother” nunus, munus (3079x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. munus; nu-nus “woman; female” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo nép “people, folk” *iŋuγ, *inuγ “human being”. This etymon may also be the basis for Hung. ember. In this case, Hung. ember and nép would go back to the same root. me (2860x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. me; em; am3 “to be” + pap (86x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. pap “father; male, virile; brother” abu “father”; cf. also for the first part Akk., Rhaet. nammaššū “to move; living being; population, people” Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Proto-Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Yukaghir Sumerian Akkadian név “name” *nime *nim∂ “name; call” n∂p∂ “sound, voice” *n∂maaq- “to groan” n∂nn∂ “name” (< *n∂m(n∂m)?) neve, nim, niu “id.” nam (567x: ED IIIb, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. nam; naaĝ2 "ticket of of destiny, sign, mark", mu (2994x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. mu “name; line of text; son” nību “name” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian nevetni, mövetni “to laugh” *m8kз- , *m8gз*mak∂- “to become loose” [?] mu (18x: Old Babylonian) wr. mu7 “incantation, spell”, or from a word with the meaning “to make noise” (like e.g. “laugh”, German “lachen”, etc.): mu (9x: Old Babylonian) wr. mu11; ma5; mu7 “to crush, mangle”, mu (8x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. mu7 “to make a sound” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Akkadian nézni “to watch, to glance”, néző “augur (person)” *näke- “to see, to watch” *naku(R)- “to squint; to stare at” natālum “to watch, to glance” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 109 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Uralic Eskimo Sumerian -nól/-nől, -núl/-nűl “from”, -nott/-nitt/-nött “at” (adessive/allative-locative) *-nä (a locative suffix) -me-, -ne (casus localis, cf. Kleinschmidt 1851, p. 79) ne-e(n) “this” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian nő “woman” *néŋu “female relative, sister’s or brother’s wife” *jeŋe *naga*neŋu*ńiŋä “wife; woman” n∂ŋjuR “oldest woman in household” mim-sx, older ŋim-sx “woman”, ŋi-c “wife” ŋaev (< *n∂ŋaev?) “woman” nunus, munus (3079x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. munus; nu-nus “woman; female” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian nyak “neck” *ni_ake “neck; vertebra” *jaka *nigu*niki*ń8kkз cik∂(t)- “lower head” ciikit- “tilt” cik(jae)- “to dive” gag (304x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešgag; gag; urudgag “arrowhead; peg, nail” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Yukagir Sumerian nyalni “to lick” *ńole-, *ńōlen’el- “to lick” ĝeli (5x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeli3 “throat; windpipe” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic nyál “saliva; slime, mucus” *làlè “sticky substance”; *DŽālu “saliva” *jilik; *jālga*nila; *DŽal-gi-, *DŽal-ka*lala; *DŽali*ń8lз “sap; slime; to be slippery; to come off” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 110 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Eskimo Proto-Finno-Ugric Sumerian *nuvaγ “saliva” *ńolke “mucus, snot”, *ńila “sap; slime; to be slippery; to come off” ĝeli (5x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeli3 “throat; windpipe” Hungarian nyaláb “armful, bundle, faggot, file, truss” (< nyolc “eight” + -áb [nominal suffix]) *tałiR “arm” gal (6612x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gal; gu-la; gu-ul; gal-gal; kuul “(to be) big, great” + -ab (nominal suffix, e.g. adab, wr. a-da-ab; ada-ba “a drum; a song”, ad (26x: Old Babylonian) wr. ad “voice; cry; noise” Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian nyár “summer” *ńi_āŕ[ŕ] “young; spring; summer” *jāŕ *nirai *ńar-gu *maqaq “heat” buru (206x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. buru14; gur7; gur16 “harvest, summer” Hungarian Wakashan Eskimo Salishan, Inuit Uka Sumerian nyárs “spear, spit” q’ax “lance” qaX “id.” quaquanoč “lance, spear” kokonoc “id.” gar (31x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gar3 “knob” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian nyék “game preserve; neighborhood; pen, stable” *näkз-, *nekз- “to bind” *nayaŋaR “nod” < *nay∂- “to bend head” niĝin (214x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. niĝin2; niĝin “to prowl, roam; to enclose, confine; to encircle; to search; to turn; to return; to go around; to tarry” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Finno-Ugric Yukagir Sumerian nyelni “to swallow” *ńolō*ńele, *ńēlen’el- “to lick” ĝeli (5x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeli3 “throat; windpipe” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 111 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian nyelv “tongue; language” *ńälmä “tongue” *ulu(q) “tongue” ĝeli (5x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeli3 “throat; windpipe” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian nyerni “to win” *ńärз- “to pull, to rip” *nelŋu(R) “to be tough” gir, wr. gigir “dowry; gift”, nir “omen” (Oberhuber 1990, p. 374) Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian nyereg “saddle” *närkз *nelŋu(R) “to be tough” giri (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. girix(|GIŠ.LU2|); girix(|GIŠ.ŠU.LU2|) “a seat” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian nyers “raw” *uγuŋilaR “raw food” girah (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. girah “a raw material” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian nyesni “to trim, to prune” *ńeč’V “to scrape off (skin); to fade” *ńećз-, *ńečз- “to rend, to tear” *ałeγ- “to tear” mes (81x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešmes “a tree” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik Sumerian nyest “marten”, nyuszt “id.” *nak’i, *nak’o “a kind of skin” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Japanese Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo *ńukśe, *ńukз-śз “marten, sable” *qavcicuaq “marten” [?] kuš (3818x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. kuš “skin; leather” nyíl “arrow” *ńóro “arrow; harpoon” *DŽoruγa *ńuru *m∂rí, *muarí *ńele *qaRδuR “arrow” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 112 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian ĝiri (198x: ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝiri2; urudĝiri2; me2-er; me-er; me-ri “razor; sword, dagger” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Ugric Selkup Proto-Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian nyír “birch; reed, sprout, stalk (of reeds); twig” *nèra “a kind of big tree”, *níre “a kind of foilage tree” *n8rз, *ń8rз, *ń8rkз “rod, young shoot” njärh “willow-tree” *ulγil∂ “birch” mir (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. mir “a mythical snake; a snake-like weapon” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian nyír “the frog in the horsehoof” *nerkз, *ńörke “cartilage” *natanqur “cartilage” bir (35x: ED IIIa, Old Babylonian) wr. bir5; buru5; bur5 “locust” Hungarian Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian nyírni “to cut, to lop, to trim, to prune” *ńirз- “to scrape, to shave” ŋiR- “to remove; to be deprived of” bir (7x: Old Babylonian) wr. bir7; bir6; bir9 “to shred” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic Yukagir Sumerian nyirkos “humid” *ni_úŕe “to become wet; to soak” *jüŕ*nor*ń[ü]r*norз “swamp” n’or(i)l “swamp, meadow” ĝiri3 “flood” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Sumerian nyom “footprint’, nyomni “to press” *ńi_ŕmi “trace” *jam *DŽim *ńiam *nolз(-mз)- “to press”, *ń8mз- “to press down together” *n’om(∂γ)- “to squeeze” gul (518x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gul; gu-ul “to flatten; to carve, cut; to engrave” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 113 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian nyugszik, nyugod-, nyugv- “to rest”, nyugodt “quiet, calm”, nyugat “west” *ńuŋз- “to rest, to relax; to sleep” n’∂ka- “to feel inferior” ni gid, wr. ni2 gid2 “to stretch oneself, to relax?” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian nyújtani “to offer; to lengthen”, nyúlik “to seize, to grab” *n8jз-, *ń8jз- “to stretch oneself” nulqaR- “to stop, to hesitate” [?] nu (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. nu “male genitalia; sperm; offspring” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo nyúl “hare”, nyuszi “little hare; rabbit” *ńoma-lз ukaδiR “hare” (-k- represents here – as in intial position q- does – Hung. ny-) gilim, wr. gilim2; gir12 “rodent wild animal” Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian nyúzni “to skin an animal” *ńujз-, *ńowз*n’ar(u) “skin with hair removed” n’alu(C)aR “bleached sealskin” kuš (3818x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. kuš “skin; leather” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Ugric Proto-Yupik Sumerian nyű “maggot” *neji “louse, nit” *ńiŋз, *ńiwŋe “maggot, worm” n∂R∂sta “louse” mar (8x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ur III) wr. mar “louse; worm; parasite” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian nyűni “to pull out/up; to wear down/out/threadbare” *ńikз-, *ńükз- “to rend, to rip” nuccuγ- “to tug” mu (9x: Old Babylonian) wr. mu11; ma5; mu7 “to crush, mangle” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ocsú “refuse of wheat, tailings” *ut∂- “to fall out (hair)” us (9695x: ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. us2 “(to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; to accompany, follow; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate?” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 114 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian odor “cavity; lateral room in a barn”, odros “glutton”, odú “hollow, cavity”, odvas “hollow” *omte “(abdominal, chest) cavity”, *oŋte “hole, hollow” *uki- “to get a hole” udug (41x: Old Babylonian) wr. dudug; u2-dug4; udug “a demon (of desert, mountain, sea, tomb)”, sidug (5x: Old Babylonian) wr. si-dug4; sidug; sidug2 “cavity, hollow; depth; stream, wadi, gorge; (hunter's) pitfall; pit” ok “cause, reason, motive”, okos “bright, reasonable”, okoskodik “to brood, to muse”, okozni “to cause” *uki- “to want more of sth.” [?] ak (3643x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ak; a “to do; to make; to act, perform; to proceed, proceeding (math.)” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian okádni “to throw up, to puke” *ōki-, *ōke- “to belch; to nauseate” *okз- “to spew, to vomit” *q∂ciR “to spit” [?] ahan (2x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. a-ha-an “to vomit”, or ak (3643x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ak; a “to do; to make; to act, perform” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Eskimo-Aleut North Siberian Yupik Aleut Estonian Finnish Proto-Eskimo Sumerian oldani (< ovdani) “to loosen, to open, to unravel” *àŋa “hole, crack, gape” *aŋa- “to loosen, to open up” aŋ-va “open” aŋi- “to loosen (by soaking)” aŋit- “to unwrap” aŋi- “to start” ava- “to open” auko- “to open” uvi(t)- “to open eyes” ub (6x: Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ub4 “cavity”. Obviously, -b > v > *g > k. Hungarian oltani “to graft (of plants); to inculcate/instill in sb.; to inoculate, to vaccinate; to quench (of thirst)” *alз-(ttз) “to add, to fit” *ilat∂- “to add” al du (29x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. al du3 “to perform a type of hoeing; to dig” Proto-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 115 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Yukagir Sumerian olvadni “to melt” *ši_òlí “juice; fluid” *söl *silö *šōla *sula(-) “fluid, melted; to liquefy, to melt” *sula- “to thaw” *ul∂- “to overflow” *ulRi “id.” aelae “summer” al’(a)- “to melt” zal (2798x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. zal “to dissolve, melt” Hungarian omlik “to crumble, to fall into pieces”, ömlik, ömölni “to flow, stream”, ontani “to pour out” *kum∂ “to flow” *kuv∂- “to pour”, *kuδ∂γ “river” *kum- “id.” kiv “river” hum (8x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. hum “to snap off; to run, flow (bodily fluids); to move, be in motion” Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Aleut Inuit Sumerian Hungarian Chagatai Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ondó “semen, sperm” un “meal” *n∂q∂ “food” unu (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. unu2; unu6 “meal, food; meal(-time); table” Hungarian Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian orr “nose” *were, *wōre “mountain” *ioŋRiR “mountain” [?] bur, wr. bur8 “crotch” Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian Akkadian orsó “arbor, bolt, pin, reel, shaft, spindle; bobbin, spool” *uRluv∂R “bow” ur (17x: Old Babylonian) wr. ur4 “to be convulsed” arārum “to bind, to tie up” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit orv “sinister, sneaky; thief” *ujvi “mental ability” *ujvala- “to practise sorcery” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 116 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian ujwael- “(to pronounce) magic spell” erim2 “hostile” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolian Proto-Tungusic Proto-Finno-Ugric Estonian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian orvos “physician” *arV “witchcraft; craft” *ar*arga *ar*w8rpз arp “destiny, fate; magic, sorcery” *ujvi “mental ability” *ujvala- “to practise sorcery” ujwael- “(to pronounce) magic spell” irhandi, wr. irhandi “sorcerer” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian óvni “to advise sb. not to do sth., to caution/warn sb. against sth.; to guard (against, from), to protect (against/from), to save from” *w8jз- “to see”, *8mз- “to wait” utaq∂- “to wait” [?] eme, wr. eme2 “wet nurse”, u, wr. u5 “shepherd” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Yupik Sumerian ő “he, she” *hen “he, she” *∂ł(∂)ŋa “he, she” ∂łiin “id.” a-ne, e-ne Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian őblíteni “to rinse” *m∂Rq∂- “to rinse” gub (4x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. gub2 “to bathe, wash oneself; (to be) pure” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian öböl “bay, creek, gulf, inlet; bosom, cavity, hollow” *∂k∂R “bay, sound, strait” ubur (42x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. ubur; ubur2; u3-bur; u2-bi-ur “breast” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Inuit öcs “younger brother”, öcsi “little friend” *āk’V “elder brother” *ećз *äk(k)ä “male relative (of father)” *akkak “paternal uncle” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 117 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Yukagir Sumerian c’aca “older brother” ug, wr. ug2 “tiny, very small” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ölni “to kill” *oli- “to die; to be hungry; to be exhausted” *weδз*tuqut- “to kill” (metathesis) ul, wr. ul4 “to grind” Hungarian Osman Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian ölteni “to stitch” ïlt-, ilet “to carry, to conduct, to lead, to take” *käl(uγ) “to lace up” k∂luγ “to stitch” kala- “string (beads or fish on line)” il (1362x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. il2; il5; il2li2 “to raise, carry” Hungarian Proto-Mongolic Proto-Inuit Sumerian ölyv “hawk, buzzard” *elige *qilRiq “rough-legged hawk” il (1x: ED IIIa) wr. il2mušen; alURUmušen “a bird” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ördög “demon, devil” *š8rtз “angry spirit” *iδ∂rar “spirit being” udug (41x: Old Babylonian) wr. dudug; u2-dug4; udug “a demon (of desert, mountain, sea, tomb)” utukku Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian öreg “old” *erз “big, many” *serä “aged, old” *uvlaaq “morning” (cf. régi) šar (245x: ED IIIa, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. šar2; šar; šar2-šar2 “totality, world; (to be) numerous; 3600” Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Serenikski Sumerian örök “eternal”, örökös “eternal; heir”, örökölni “to inherite”, örökség “inheritance” *paγit∂- “to inherit” hur (42x: Old Babylonian) wr. hur “ever (again)” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo őrölni “to grind” *aγiγ- “to file, to rub, to grind” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 118 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian ara (416x: ED IIIb, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ara3 “to grind” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian öröm “joy”, örülni “to be glad” *irwз “glad, happy” *iRyaγ- “to grimace” [?] ar (56x: Old Babylonian) wr. ar2; a-ar2; a-ar; a-ar3 “(hymn of) praise; fame” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian Akkadian őrülni “to make crazy/furious/mad” *uRulu “to be angry” ur (17x: Old Babylonian) wr. ur4 “to be convulsed” arāru Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian örv “collar (for dogs); verticil, whorl” *uRluv∂R “bow” ur (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. ur4; ur-ru-ur “to roam around, to surround” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian ős “ancestor; ancient” *ač’V “ancestor” *ićä “father” *civuliRaR “ancestor” aš (191x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. aš “one” išten Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ősz “autumn” *sikśe, *sükśe *ukyuRaR “autumn” sig (48x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sig7; sig8 "to pluck hair or wool; (to be) trimmed, pruned" Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Akkadian Rhaetic pajtás “bud, chum, companion, comrade, fellow, mate, pal” *p∂t∂-, *p∂tuR- “to penetrate or pass through” bītu, bētu “house” *beita “hut” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 97). According to EWU, p. 1097s. borrowed from Osman paydaş “comrade, person involved”. According to our etymology the meaning is “one who shares the house with sb., familiar” and proves that initial Hung. p- can be inherited, either from b- or from p (v.s.). Hungarian para “light piece of wood on the edge of the fishing net that prevents it from sinking” *p’árà “cross-beam, constructing piece” Proto-Altaic ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 119 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic Komi, Udmurt Proto-Eskimo Central Asian Yupik Sumerian *Ara*(h)ara*para*parз, *porз “group, mass, pile” pur “raft” *paRt∂(R) “string, rope” paXtak “spruce root stretched above water’s surface” bur, wr. ĝešbur “a tree” (inherited Hung. p-). Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian paskolni “to clap, to slap, to hit” *pat∂γ- “to slap” pašu (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. pa-a-šu "type of axe". Inherited Hung. p- (EWU, p. 1123: onomatopoetic). Hungarian Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian patak “brook” p∂t∂- “to penetrate” pu (95x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. pu2 “well; fish pond; source (of river)” + tag4 “to open” (Oberhuber 1990, p. 465). Inherited Hung. p- (EWU, p. 1129: borowed from a Slavonic language). Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian peregni “to move in a circle, to rate” *p’erkV “to tie around, to surround” *hergi*perke- Hungarian Proto-Altaic Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian *pire(-), pirä(-) “circle, ring; to enclose, to surround” *p∂R∂- “to bend, to flex” bir (37x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bir; bi-bi-re; bir9 “to scatter, disperse” perem “edge, rim, margin, seam” *p’èrì “edge” p’∂lXaŋ “cheek” ∂lp∂-lŋ∂n “id.” (with metathesis) bar (2579x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur “outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split”. Without doubt also related is Sum. par (130x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. pa5; pa6 “(small) canal, irrigation ditch” (cf. the name of the river Ó-Perint in Vas megye). The etymology given by EWU, p. 1145 (Germ. Bräme “seam”) is thus mistaken, and we have another proof for inherited Hung. p-. ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 120 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian pír “flush of dusk; red colour”, pirítani “to toast, to roast”, piros “red” *p’òre “fire; to burn” *ört *(h)örde. *puri-/piripiR-tuR “snowstorm” (< *puq∂-?) bir9 “to blow; to flame up” (Oberhuber 1990, p. 59). Inherited Hung. p-. When EWU (p. 1165: onomatopoetic) keeps denying the existence of inherited Hung. p-, then the Proto-forms cited above at least prove that also “onomatopoetic” words can be inherited, which implies also the inheritance of Hung. p-. But as the Proto-forms with concrete, non-onomatopoetic meanings prove by themselves, this word-family is not onomatopoetic, either. Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Sumerian pohár “glass, tankard” *putu “hole *puγγutaq, *puuγutaq “bowl” pihu, wr. dugpi-hu; dugpihu; dugpihu2; dugpihu3; dugpihu4; dugpihu5; dug|NUNUZ.AB2×IGI@g| “a beer jar”. Inherited Hung. p- (EWU, p. 1179: borrowed from Old Bavarian pehhari, German Becher “tumbler, mug”). The problem with the EWU’s etymology is why Germ. b- changed in Hung. p-, while it did not e.g. in the case of Hung. boglár “clasp, buckle” which is borrwed according to EWU (p. 116) from Middle High German buckelaere. EWU (loc. cit.) gives as alternative a borrowing of pohár from High German, but then pcannot be explained because only Old Bavarian b- > p- from the beginning of the 8th c. and most of all at this late time vowel harmony did not apply anymore (e.g. pantofli “slippers”). Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo Yukagir Sumerian ponk “hillock, little hill” *poŋk∂ “hillock” *p∂ŋuR “rounded hillock on tundra” pöŋk∂ “hill” bun (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. uzubun; uzubun2 “bladder”. Inherited p. Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian por “dust; powder” *bóru “dust; smoke; whirlwind” *p∂lu(R) “dust, dirt” bur (176x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian, uncertain) wr. bur2; bur “to release, free; to reveal; to spread out, cover”. Inherited p-. Hungarian Proto-Eskimo pödörni “to twirl, to twist” *qip∂- “to twist” [?] ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 121 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian dub (30x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. dab6; dub “to go around, encircle, turn; to search; to tarry”. Metathesis dub > *bud > pöd- like in Hung. pökni vs. köpni “to spit”? (EWU, p. 1198: “probably onomatopoetic”.) Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian pökni, köpni “to spit” *q∂ciR “to spit” uhpu (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. uh2-pu2 “foam”. EWU, p. 819, s.v. “köp”: “onomatopoetic”; pök- is lacking. Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian Akkadian rab “captive, prisoner” *arvak- “to catch a whale” raba (37x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešrab3; ĝešraba; raba; rab-ba “clamp; neck stock; hoop” rappu Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian ragyogni “to glitter, to shine” *akiR- “to shine” ra, wr. ra3 “(to be) pure; (to be) clear” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ránc “fold, plait, pleat; wrinkle” *q∂l∂γ-, *q∂luγ- “to get scorched or wrinkled” rah (597x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. rah2; ra-ah “to beat, kill; to break, crush; to flood; to thresh (grain with a flail)” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik Sumerian ravasz “cunning, shrewd, sly” *repä(-ćз) “fox” *ulaγaq “arctic fox” rib (62x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. rib; ri-ba “(to be) surpassing, outstanding; (to be) strong, massive”. The Hung. denominative noun suffix –sz < Sum. terminative particle –šè (cf. Edzard 2003, p. 42). Hungarian reg, reggel “morning”, rég “long ago”, régi “old”, rögtön “immediately” *reŋkз “hot, warm” *uvlaaq “morning” ri (475x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. RI; ru "to lay down, cast, place; to throw down; to release, let go; to imbue; to pour out; to lead away". The Sum. etymology clearly shows that the original meaning of the Hung. word family is “old”, not “hot”: The morning releases the old day, imbues it (to which the night also belongs). Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 122 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian rejteni “to hide, to conceal”, rejlik “to be hidden” *iδ∂R- “to hide” ri (475x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. RI; ru “to lay down, cast, place; to set in place; to lead away”. The original meaning of Sum. ri is “to remove, to sweep away” and then “to hide”. “to sweep away” developed to “to graze” in Akk. and Rhaet., where we find re’ū “to graze; shepherd”, in which the meaning of the supervisor of the grazing animals is thus included. The feminine form of re’ū, rē’ītu “shepherdess”, became the name of the highest goddess of the Rhaetians who got their name for her which appears in Rhaetic inscriptions as Reitu and Ritu (cf. Brunner and Tóth 1987; Tóth and Brunner 2007). Therefore, while rej-l-ik goes directly back to Sum., rej-t-eni must either originate in Rhaet. rē’īt-, or the “causative suffix” was – like the verbal derivative suffix –l-, already present in Sum. Hungarian rém “apparition, ghost”, rémálom “nightmare”, rémíteni “to frighten” *iγvaR- “to appear” erim2 “fiend” (Oberhuber 1990, p. 147) Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Yukagir Sumerian Akkadian repedni “to crack, to burst” *r8ppз-, *reppз- “to burst, to rend, to split” lepe “to break off” ri (475x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. RI; ru “to throw down”; cf. also: rapāsum “to be cracked, burst” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Central Siberian Yupik Sumerian repíteni “to sling, to throw”, repülni “to fly (itr.)” *r8ppз- “to beat with the wings, to fly” *qaR∂- “to come up” qarleγ- “to rise in the air” ri (475x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. RI; ru “to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian rés “fissure; hole, opening” *raćз “hole” *∂laγ- “to dig” ri (475x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. RI; ru “to throw down; to pour out” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric rész “part, piece, section” *räćз “piece” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 123 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Eskimo Sumerian *ilak∂- “to be part or one of” ri (475x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. RI; ru “to lay down, to cast, to set in place; to lean on” Hungarian Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian révület “ecstasy, trance” *rekз, *reŋз *iγvaR- “to appear” rib (62x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. rib; ri-ba “(to be) surpassing, outstanding; (to be) strong, massive”. The root-enlarging elements –k and –ŋ are based solely on the Mańśi forms rèγ and rei and are mistaken in view of the Hung. form ending on –v < -b. Thus, révület is phonetically related with ravasz “sly” to which it also belongs semantically. Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Sumerian rezegni “to quiver, to shake, to tremble” *reńćз-, *rećз- “to quake, to shake” *∂vcuγ- “to shake” *ikciq- “id.” zir (373x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. zi; zi-ir; ze2-er “to tear out; to break, destroy; to be troubled; to erase”. Metathesis like e.g. in pökni vs. köpni. Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ríni, rív- “to cry, to howl”, rivallni “to cry out; to shrill” *qiδa- “to cry” RI, wr. RI “to cry out”, er (242x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. er2; i-ra “weeping, mourning; tears; to weep” Hungarian róni, rov- “to carve, to engrave, to notch”, rovásírás “Magyar runic writing” *rokз-, *roγз-, *rowз- “to cut, to notch” *cana- “to carve” hur (44x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. hur “to scratch, draw” Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian rogyni “to fall” *uł∂R-, *ułRu- “to fall” ru, ri (475x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. RI; ru “to lay down; to lean on; to walk along” Hungarian Finnish Proto-Yupik ró-ka “fox” (-ka is diminutive suffix, cf. EWU, p. 1275) repo *ulaγaq “arctic fox” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 124 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian rib (62x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. rib; ri-ba “(to be) surpassing, outstanding; (to be) strong, massive” + -ga (derivative suffix of unknown meaning, possibly also diminutive), cf. ab2 “cow”, ab2-ga “milk; cow” Hungarian rokkanni “to descend continuously closer”, rokkant “crippled, disabled; invalid” *r8kkз- “to collapse, to fall down” *uł∂R-, *ułRu- “to fall” ru, ri (475x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. RI; ru “to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away” Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian rokon “relative, kin” (-n is a locative deverbative or denominative noun suffix) *rakka(-) “to draw near; nearby” *qanli- “to approach” uru, wr. uru9 “immediate vicinity, adjacent (place)” Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Aleut Inuit Sumerian romlik “to crumble, to fall into pieces” *kum∂ “to flow” *kuv∂- “to pour”, *kuδ∂γ “river” *kum- “id.” kiv “river” hum (8x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. hum “to snap off; to run, flow (bodily fluids); to move, be in motion”, cf. omlik. bomlik, omlik and romlik build a series with assumingly free variation of the initial consonant. Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Aleut Inuit Sumerian rongy “rag, clout, floor cloth” *kum∂ “to flow” *kuv∂- “to pour”, *kuδ∂γ “river” *kum- “id.” kiv “river” hum (8x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. hum “to snap off; to run, flow (bodily luids); to move, be in motion”, cf. omlik. Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Aleut Inuit Sumerian rohadni, roshadni, rossadni, rothadni “to rot, to decay” *kum∂ “to flow” *kuv∂- “to pour”, *kuδ∂γ “river” *kum- “id.” kiv “river” hum (8x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. hum “to snap off; to run, flow (bodily luids); to move, be in motion”, cf. omlik. ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 125 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Aleut Inuit Sumerian rossz “bad, evil, ill, vicious, wicked” *roćз “meager, tired, weak” *kum∂ “to flow” *kuv∂- “to pour”, *kuδ∂γ “river” *kum- “id.” kiv “river” hum (8x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. hum “to snap off; to run, flow (bodily luids); to move, be in motion”, cf. omlik. The Hung. denominative noun suffix –sz < Sum. terminative particle –šè (cf. Edzard 2003, p. 42). Cf. omlik. Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian rövid “short” *rikз(-), *riγз(-) “(cut-down) piece; to cut up” *k∂ppaR “piece cut off” lugud (115x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. lugud2; lugud3 “(to be) short; (to be) tight; (to be) short of breath” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian rúgni “to kick” *r8ŋkз- “to give a kick” *it∂γmiγ- “to kick” rugu (32x: ED IIIb, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ru-gu2 “to withstand; to sail upstream” Hungarian Proto-(Finno-?)Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian rút “base, mean; hideous, ugly” *r8tз “fragile, rotten” *qayak(naq)- “to be fragile” uru, wr. uru12 “litter; dung" Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian rügy “bud, burgeon” qałaciR “navel” ur (189x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ur3 “roof, top” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ság “forest, grove; hill, mountain” *ć8ŋka *iŋRiR “mountain” saĝ (3582x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. saĝ “head” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo -ság/-szág/-ség (derivational suffix) *čeŋke “dampness, humidity” *ćeŋз, *ćiŋз “time” *iŋRiR “mountain” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 126 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian -saĝ (suffix with unknown basic meaning, e.g. esaĝ “heir; store”, but often denominating the agent or the place where an action takes place, e.g. bursaĝ “servant; building”) Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian sajtó “press” *čajз- “to press” *inuaq- “to murder” (< ŋaR-) su (54x: Old Babylonian) wr. su; su3 “to submerge; to sink” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian sápadni, sápulni “to turn pale” *čappз(-) “pale; to become pale” *qak∂(R)- “to be pale or bleached” sisa (335x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. si-sa2 “fair” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralo-Siberian: Sumerian sár “dirt, mud”, sárga “yellow” *si_áŕi “earth, sand, marsh” *siaŕ *siraγu *siru*ciγ(uγ), *cuγ(uγ) “sand” sahar (982x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sahar “earth, soil; dust”. sárga < sahar-gi4 "dust-guard”, Akk., Rhaet. sahargūm. Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian sarj “bud, shoot, sprout; descendant, offspring” *caRliγaR “child held in lap” šir (13x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. šir “testicle; bulb” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian Akkadian sárkány “dragon” *caRayak- “monster” hurin (23x: Old Babylonian) wr. u11-ri2-inmušen; ĝešu11-ri2-inmušen; A.BALAGmušen; BALAGmušen; erinmušen; u11-ri-inmušen; u2-riinmušen; u4-ri-inmušen; u4-ri2-inmušen; u5-ri-inmušen; urinmušen; uri3HUmušen “eagle” urinnu Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian sárlik “to be in heat, to rut (horse) *caRat “to be moist or slippery on surface” sar (68x: Old Babylonian) wr. sar “to run, hasten” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian sarló “sickle” *qaRδuR “arrow” zur (35x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Old Babylonian) wr. zur-zur “to ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 127 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates break” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian saru “cradle, rocker; sandal, shoe” *qaltaR “bucket” esir (212x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. kuše-sir2; e-sir2; kušesir3; kušesir4; kušesir5; LAK173 "sandal(s), shoe(s)" Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian sas “eagle” *qat∂ “deep or loud voice” ses, wr. sesmušen “a bird” Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian sátor “tent” *qatviaq “kind of hide or skin” šubtum (7x: Old Babylonian) wr. šubtu6; šubtu3; šubtu5; šubtu4; šubtu7 “dwelling, encampment; ambush” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-(Finno?-)Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian savanyú “sour” *šappa(-) “sour; to become sour” *čawз(-), *čapa(-) “id.” *quγ∂l∂m- “to be sour” sumun (522x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sumun “(to be) old; old wood, rot, decayed matter” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian seb “bruise, hurt, injury, sore, stab, wound” *ip∂γ- “to be sharp” zib (16x: ED IIIb, Ur III) wr. za3; zib “a mark; mark, token; colour, paint” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian séd “rivulet, steam” *itδ∂ “cold” si (401x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Old Babylonian) wr. si “to draw water; to brew beer; to fill, load up” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ség “hill, mountain” *ćiŋkä, *ćüŋkä *iŋRiR “mountain” saĝ (3582x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. saĝ “head” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo segéd “assistant”, segíteni “to help” *čäŋk8*ikayuR- “to help” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 128 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian sig, wr. sig10 “to equal” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo Aleut Sumerian Akkadian segg “buttock” *śäŋkз “back, rump” *t’ono, *t’eno “back”, teno “shoulder” *tunu “id.” *cunu-X “back of neck” sigba (3x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sig-ba “lower body” šuhhu Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian sellő “mermaid; rapid” *ćärlз “rapid” *q∂la- “to urge; to be urged on” sil (119x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. si-il; zil; silx(|EZEN×LAL2|); sil5 “(to be) remote; to split apart; to split, slit”, or tul (109x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. tul2; |LAGAB×TIL| “public fountain; fish pond, pit; ditch, channel; excavation, trench” Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian Akkadian seperni, söpörni “to sweep”, seprő “broom” *iqaniR- “clean” šu sub, wr. šu su-ub “to gather up, to collect, to scrape together” esēpu Hungarian Proto-Yupik Akkadian seprő “lees (of wine)” *iqaniR- “clean” šuburru “Boden” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian sereg “army” *iRtuR- “to break or crack (skin)” šar (245x: ED IIIa, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. šar2; šar; šar2-šar2 "totality, world; (to be) numerous; 3600" Hungarian sérteni “to insult; to wound”, sérik “to be in pain, to suffer”, sérelem “affront, insult” *ćärз- “to burn”, *ćärkз- “to break; to be in pain; to do pain” *iRtuR- “to break or crack (skin)” ∂ra- “to cut up” sur (69x: ED IIIb, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sur; sur8 “to press, squeeze”, or tar (237x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. tar; tarar “to cut down; to untie, loosen; to cut; to scatter, disperse; to decide” Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 129 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian seríteni “to turn, to twist” *iRtuR- “to break or crack (skin)” sur (200x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sur “to spin; to twist; to slither” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian serke “nit” *iŋqiR “louse nit” tur (1719x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. tur; tu “(to be) small” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Akkadian serkedni “to begin to grow, to sprout” *quRluR- “to stream, to flow” śurrū “to begin” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian serte, sörte “bristle” *iRtuR- “to break or crack (skin)” suhur (95x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. suhur “tuft, plume; crown (of a tree)” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian sietni “to hurry” *čejз-, *čekз-, *čeŋз-, *čijз-, *čikз-, *čiŋз*q∂la- “to urge; to be urged” zig (8574x: Lagash II, Ur III) wr. zig3 “to issue; to levy, raise, muster; to swell; to expend; to rise” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian sík “flat ground” *iqaq- “to be stiff” sig (343x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. sig “(to be) weak; (to be) low; (to be) thin; (to be) narrow” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian sima “even, plain, smooth” *iqaq- “to be stiff” sig (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. sig10 “to flatten, lay flat” Hungarian sínylik “to pain; to suffer”, sínylődik “to languish, to long for, to pine away, to vegetate” *iŋŋit- “to come upon people” inni(t)- “to come upon sb. wounded; to get refuge” sumun (522x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sumun “(to be) old; old wood, rot, decayed matter” Proto-Eskimo Inuit Sumerian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 130 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Sumerian sír “grave, tomb” *ćiγз-rз, *čiγз-rз, ćikз-rз, čikз-rз *qiR∂- “to freeze” *qiRa(ta)- “to be stiff” sur (13x: Old Babylonian) wr. sur3; sur6; sur7 “canal, ditch; foundation pit of a building” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian sírni “to weep, to cry” *ciRl∂R- “to have a hard time” širsaĝ (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. šir3-saĝ “ament” (-saĝ (suffix with unknown basic meaning) Hungarian Proto-Altaic Mańśi Selqup Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian só “salt” *sak’o ćih, śäh sak, šak *taR(∂)yur “salt” sikil (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. na4sikil “a stone” sikillu Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Yupik Sumerian sodorni “to turn, to twist” *qutu(γ) “collarbone” *qutŋuR- “to bend forward” šu dug (93x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. šu dug4 “to turn into something” Akk. ? Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian sóhajtani “to sigh” *sìgà- “to sigh; holding breath”, *soge- “to breathe; breath” *šoka- “to breathe; to sigh” *iqci- “to be afraid” suham (3x: unknown) wr. suh-am3-bi; suh-am3 “cry”, zi (815x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. zi; ši; ši-i “to breathe; life” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian sok “much, many” *č’ák’o(-) “many; to be full; enough” *čokkз, *čukkз “dense, thick” *quγi- “to be fat” saĝ ĝal (39x: Old Babylonian) wr. saĝ ĝal2 “(to be) measured out as a heaped amount; to measure out a heaped amount” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian sólyom “falcon” *k∂δ(∂)kaviγ “falcon” šillum-gu, wr. ši-il-lum-gumušen “a bird” (gu “bird”, so the stem is ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 131 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Akkadian šillum-) šilingu Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Serenikski Sumerian som “cornel, dogberry” *ciRunaq “horn, antler” si (262x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. si “horn”. Like in many languages (e.g. Engl. cornel, French corneille, Slowakian drien, etc.), the name of the cornel is derived form the word for “horn”. Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Inuit Sumerian sorvadni “to have atrophy, to decline, to pine/waste away” *šorwa- “to dry up, to become dry” *iyaŋa- “to be weak” sur (69x: ED IIIb, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sur; sur8 “to press, squeeze; to flash; to drip; to rain; to milk”, cf. semantically German Aus-Zehrung, aus-zehren, lit. “to pull out, to squeeze out”. Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian sovány “lean, meager, thin” *čupa *qup∂- “to split (lengthwise)” sumun (522x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sumun “(to be) old; old wood, rot, decayed matter” Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian sőreg “sterlet” *q∂RiR- “to be shiny” šer (29x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sir2; šeer “reddening, sunburn (?); (to be) bright; brilliance, ray”. Semantically, the Latin name of the sterlet is Acipenser stellatus, whereby stellatus means “with stars, shining”. Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian sügér “perch” *qac∂li- “to sting” suhur (66x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. suhurku6; ku6suhur “carp” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian süket “deaf” *tucilaR- “to be deaf” sig (74x: Old Babylonian) wr. si-ig; šeg5 “(deathly) hush; (to be) silent” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian sün, sül “porcupine”, sün-disznó “hedgehog” (disznó “swine”) *śije-le *isaluq “porcupine” zuhul (4x: Old Babylonian) wr. zu-hu-ul “to pierce” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 132 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian süllő “zander, pike-perch” *qac∂li- “to sting” zuhul (4x: Old Babylonian) wr. zu-hu-ul “to pierce”. The zander is zoologically a stizostedion, whereby Greek stízein (cf. Latin stingere, stīg-) means “to prick, to sting, to pierce”. Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic Karelian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian süly “scurvy; tumor” *si_òge “wart” *sigöl, *sögil *söγel *sogi*ćiklä, *ćüklä, *ćikl’ä, *ćüklä “wart” süglä “wart” *avδaR “wart” asag (23x: Ur III) wr. a2-sag3 “a demon; a disease” asakku Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian süppedni “to give way, to sink, to subside” *čeppз- “to drown, to sink, to submerge” *qappit- “to sink down” šab (25x: Old Babylonian) wr. šab “to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear” Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian sűrű “close, compact, dense, thick” *ciRu- “to cover” sir (11x: Old Babylonian) wr. sir2 “(to be) dense” Hungarian sütni “to bake, to broil; to shine (sun)”; sülni “to be baked, to be boiled” *čittз- “to bake, to broil; to shine” ∂l∂γ- “to get burnt”, ilγ “stench” zil (4x: Old Babylonian) wr. zil “to boil”. So, sülni and not sütni (as assumed by EWU, p. 1375) is the basic word, sütni is derived with the usual causative suffix –t-, while the –l belongs to the root, as the Sum. form shows. Thus, the problem with –tt- > -t- as well as the explication of the –l- in sülni as analogy given by EWU are mistaken, and so is the PU form. Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian Hungarian Porto-Eskimo Sumerian süv “uncle; brother-in-law” *aŋaγ “maternal uncle” ušbar (19x: ED IIIa, Old Babylonian) wr. ušbar; ušbar3; ušbar2 "father-in-law; mother-in-law" ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 133 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Chagatai, Osman Chuvash Proto-Eskimo Sumerian süveg “high (fur-)cap” jelek “ruling hat” ∂sl∂k, ∂śl∂k, š∂l’∂k *kamlu “(rounded) cap” dul (260x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. dul; dul9; dul5; dulx(DUN3) “to cover” Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Proto-Yupik Chukotko-Kamch. Yukagir Sumerian szabni “to cut” *s’up(p)∂- “to cut, to stab” caviγ “knife” saami-X “stone knife” *civ∂- “to cut through” c∂vi-/l∂vi “to cut” c’owï-n∂ “spear” šab (25x: Old Babylonian) wr. šab “to incise; to trim; to cut, fell (of trees)” esēpum Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Inuit Sumerian szád “river-mouth”, száj “mouth” *śuwe *isu(k) “end” sub (126x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. su-ub; sub; sub6 “to suck; to rub” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Tungusic Proto-(Finno?-)Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian szádok(fa), száldok, szaldék(fa) “linden tree” (fa “tree”) *č’ali “membrane; bark” *čel*čal*śal’з “tree-bark” *qacal-(l)uq “bark (of tree)” asal (338x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešasal2; ĝešasalx(|A.TU.NUN&NUN|); ĝešasalx(ASAL2~a); ĝešasalx(|A.TU|); ĝešasalx(|A.TU.GABA.SIG.GAR|) “poplar” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szag “odour, scent, smell” *śaŋkз(-) “odour, taste; to smell, to taste” *t∂p∂ “smell” zig (8574x: Lagash II, Ur III) wr. zig3 “to swell; to expend; to rise”. Semantically, cf. s.v. illik, illat. Hungarian Proto-Ugric száguldani “to run at full speed, to rush” *ś8ŋз- “to flee, to gallop, to jump” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 134 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian *saγ∂- “to come, to go” aγ∂- “to go over”, aγγiR- “to come” aγ- “to go by, to pass” saĝgul (28x: ED IIIb, Ur III) wr. sag-kul; saĝ-gul “globe-lightning”. According to EWU (pp. 180s.), -uld is a suffix, but the Sum. form clearly shows that only –d- is a suffix, wile –ul belongs to the second syllable. The semantic connection between “to run” and “lightning” is given by the Hung. saying: “Megy, mint a villámlás = száguld, vágtat” (O. Nagy Gábor, Magyar szólások és közmondások. 8th ed. Budapest 1999, p. 725, no. 495) that originates in Sum., as the following example proves: “The sixth beats at the flanks of the mountains like a battering flood. The seventh flashes like lightning, and no one can deflect its power” (Gilgameš and Huwawa [Version B]: c. This etymology is an incontestable proof for the genetical relationship between Hungarian und Sumerian. Hungarian szak “age, era, period; branch, profession, subject; division, part, section; stanza, strophe, verse” *śakkз, *śukkз “piece” *taq∂- “to stop, to give up” saĝ ĝal (39x: Old Babylonian) wr. saĝ ĝal2 “(to be) measured out as a heaped amount; to measure out a heaped amount” Proto-(Finno?-)Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szak “hanging chin (of pigs, sheep); double-chin” *tak∂- “to be long” siki (4753x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. siki “(animal's) pelt” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szakáll “beard” *tak∂- “to be long” siki (4753x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. siki “(animal's) pelt” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szál “fibre, thread” *śalkз “rod, stick; tree-trunk” *ayaγun “push pole” sal, wr. sal3 “a pole” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szál “raft” *ayaγun “push pole” sal, wr. sal3 “a pole”. A raft made of poles (in accordance with EWU, p. 1385). Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo szaladni “to run” *ćaδa(-), śaδa(-) “to flee, to run; fleeing, running” *aqva- “to run” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 135 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian zal (2798x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. zal “to get up early; to finish, come to an end; to dissolve, melt, disintegrate, break down, collapse; to quake; to pass time” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szalag “ribbon” *s’alз(-) “to bind; ribbon, strap” *śalз*qa(C)∂Rul∂γ “ribbon seal” sur (200x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sur “to spin; to twist; to slither” Hungarian szállni “to fly; to embark in, to get into/on< to put up at< to stay at (a hotel) *soŋ∂- “to get into/onto sth.” iŋ∂t- “to sit down” uŋut “id.” ŋae- “to get in or on” (< *soŋe- “to go in) zal (2798x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. zal “to dissolve, melt, flow; to pass time” Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szalu “a hoe-shaped axe” *ś8lkз, *ś8lγз “axe” *qalqa “axe” < Chukchi ał∂gatte “id.” sil (119x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. si-il; zil; silx(|EZEN×LAL2|); sil5 “(to be) remote; to split apart; to split, slit” Hungarian Chagatai, etc. Proto-Inuit Sumerian szám “number” sana- “to think” *icuma- “to think” sa (452x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sa2; sax(ZAG); se3 “to equal, compare, compete, be equal to, rival” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian szánni “to regret, to determine; to dedicate” *qiγluk- “to regret a loss” sa (452x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sa2; sax(ZAG); se3 “to equal, compare, compete, be equal to, rival” Hungarian Bashkir Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szapu “little chest; lye” haba “container for koumiss” *qat∂γ- “chest” gub (4x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. gub2 “to bathe, wash oneself; (to be) pure” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 136 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szar “shit” *sèrV(-) “buttock; to defecate” *syry-, *sary*sari*seri*śarз(-), *ćarз(-) “shit; to shit” *taR∂- “dark” sur (69x: ED IIIb, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sur; sur8 “to press, squeeze; to flash; to drip; to rain; to produce a liquid” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Yukagir Sumerian szár “bootleg; stalk, stem” *ś8rз “leg, shank, skin” sar- “root” zar (425x: ED IIIb, Ur III) wr. zar3; zar “sheaf (of barley); stack of sheaves” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian száradni “to become dry, to dry up, to wither”, száraz “dry” *śarз- “to dry, to become dry” caluγ- “to tan, to be tanned dry” saaluX “dry weather” sa (19x: Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sa “to roast; to parch” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian származik “to descend, to issue, to originate, to spring (from” *quR-luR- “to stream, to flow” sar (68x: Old Babylonian) wr. sar “to run, hasten” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szárny “wing” *iyaquR “wing” sur (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešsur9 “plectrum?; a musical instrument?”. The plectrum was a little piece tortoiseshell, similar to a wing, to touch the strings of musical instruments. Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Proto-Finno-Ugric Sumerian szarv, szaru “horn (of an animal)” cirun∂q “horn, antler” *śorwa si (262x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. si “horn; finger; fret” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szedni “to collect, to gather, to pick, to pluck” *śentä “to pluck, to rip, to tear” *itaγ- “to take care of belongings” sig (48x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sig7; sig8 ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 137 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates “to pluck hair or wool; (to be) trimmed, pruned” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian szédülni “to be/feel dizzy/giddy” *ś8jз- “to wind; to be dizzy” *iŋut- “to stir up” suh (64x: Old Babylonian) wr. suh3 “to confuse; confusion” ešītum Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo Aleut Proto-Chukchi Sumerian szegni “to border (along sth.), to fringe, to hem; to break, to cut” *ćäŋkз-, *śäŋkз- “to break” *s’äŋk∂- “to break” ciγi- “to be brittle, to crack” sixsi- “to break in two” *ciγ- “egg” zag (902x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. zag “side; border, boundary, district; limit; right side, the right” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Sumerian Akkadian szeg, szög “angle; nail; point” *śeŋkз “spike, wedge” *i*q∂(R) “corner of mouth” *iq∂žRaq “corner” sahin, wr. sa-hi-in “peg” sikkatu Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szegy “brisket”, szügy “breast of animals; brisket” *śićä, *śińćä “innards” *∂vyaŋ(ŋ)iR “breast” sug (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. sug “back, upperside, upper part” Hungarian szégyelleni “to be/feel ashamed”, szégyen “shame, discredit, dishonour, disgrace, scandal” *aγl∂R- “to observe taboo” azag (6x: Old Babylonian) wr. azag “taboo, forbidden thing” asakku Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szék “seat, stool, chair; egg-yolk” *∂γγi(R) “yolk” zig (8574x: Lagash II, Ur III) wr. zig3 “to issue; to levy, raise, muster; to swell; to expend; to rise”, or zig, wr. zigx(|PA.GI|) "town, center". According to EWU, p. 1406, szék “egg-yolk” has nothing to do with the other word szék and is “of unknown origin”. The Sumerian etymology presented here, however, shows that starting form a basic meaning “to rise”, both words are one and the same. ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 138 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian szekér “cart, wagon” *säkзrз “a kind of vehicle” *caka- “to rock back and forth” zig (8574x: Lagash II, Ur III) wr. zig3 “to issue; to levy, raise, muster; to swell; to expend; to rise” + hara, wr. harax(|NUNUZ.AB2×BI|) “a part of a wagon”. Since in Sum. “the rising” one is associated with “seat”, szekér means a wagon with a seat. Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian szelni “to slice”, szelet “slice; part; schnitzel” *śälä-, *čälä- “to cut” całiγ- “to scrape skin clean”, cili- “to sharpen” saaliklaasi-X “skin scraper” sil (119x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. si-il; zil; silx(|EZEN×LAL2|); sil5 “(to be) remote; to split apart; to split, slit” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szél “edge”, széles “wide, broad” *śelз “edge, rim” *aRvaγ “edge of hand” sil (119x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. si-il; zil; silx(|EZEN×LAL2|); sil5 “(to be) remote; to split apart; to split, slit” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szél, szel- “wind” *anuq∂ “wind” til (770x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. til3 “to live”. Semantically, we have here the connection of “to breathe, to live” with “to blow; breath, wind”, cf. Greek ánemos “breath, wind”, Latin animus “mind”, Greek pneîn “to blow”, pneūma “breath, wind” > “mind, soul of the world”. Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian szem “eye” *śilmä *∂δ∂ “eye” c∂lae, l∂lae “eye” sim (4x: Old Babylonian) wr. sim; si-im “to sieve, filter” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Aleut Sumerian szén “coal” *śine “charcoal”, *ś8ne “tinder” *una- “to handle” una- “to cook, boil, bake, prepare food” šeĝ (261x: ED IIIa, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. šeĝ6 “to cook; to fire (pottery)” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric szép “beautiful, handsome, pretty” *śeppä “clever” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 139 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Eskimo Sumerian *ip∂γ- “to be sharp” šab (25x: Old Babylonian) wr. šab “to trim; to make clear”. Since a participle in the sense of inflectional languages does not exist in Sumerian (non-finite verbal forms lack prefixes and suffixes, cf. Edzard 2003, p. 130), šab means also “trimmed, made clear” and thus “beautiful”. Hungarian Proto-Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian szeplő “freckle” *isuRiq “spotted seal” < Aleut isuX, isuRi-X “id.” zib (16x: ED IIIb, Ur III) wr. za3; zib “a mark; mark, token; colour, paint” Hungarian szer “instrument, appliance; material, means; order, succession”, -szer/-szor/-ször “... times”, sor “row, line, order” *śerз “order, progression, series” *s’erä “surroundings, nature” cila “weather, nature, outside” sla-X “id.” šar (245x: ED IIIa, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. šar2; šar; šar2-šar2 “totality, world; (to be) numerous; 3600” Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szérű “barn floor, threshing yard” *ilu “inside” šu rah (13x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. šu rah2 “to beat; to knead” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szesz “alcohol, spirit” *iδ∂RaR “spirit being” ses (42x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ses “(to be) bitter, brackish”. Obviously, it concerns beer; there are not less than 12 denominations for “beer”. Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Proto-Finno-Volgaic Sumerian szidni “to scold”, szitkozódik *aRyuR- “to scold” *śoδa(-), *śoδ’a(-), śota(-) “battle, strife, war; to battle, to fight” šud (115x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. šud3; šu-tu; šudx(|KA.ŠU|) “prayer, dedication; blessing”. Semantically, cf. Latin sacer “holy; damned” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Inuit Sumerian szíj “strap” *ś8wз “draught-cord” *k∂t∂k “strap for fastening sth.” sa (68x: Old Babylonian) wr. sa “gut; sinew, tendon; string” Hungarian Proto-Ugric szik “natron, alkali” *ć8kkз “salt” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 140 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Inuit Sumerian *quqcuq-, *quqcuk- “to be yellowish” sig (343x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. sig “(to be) weak; (to be) low; (to be) thin; (to be) narrow”. “weak” concerning the soil means dry, and natron-soil is dry, which makes the etymological connection to aszik, aszú (v.s.). Thus, the meaning of the PU form is wrong. Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Finnish Yukagir Sumerian szil “elm” *śala salava “brittle willow” s’al sil (119x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. si-il; zil; silx(|EZEN×LAL2|); sil5 “(to be) remote; to split apart; to split, slit”. Sum. sil may also be the origin of Germ. Sal-weide “a kind of willow, Salix caprea”, which is of uncertain etymology (cf. Kluge 2002, p. 783), because to be brittle is a characteristic of willows (but not of the Salix caprea who thus must have gotten its denomination by analogy from other types of willows). Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian szilni “to chop, to cut, to plane, to slice” *śale- “to splice, to split” *t∂ža- “to slice for drying (fish or meat) sil (119x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. si-il; zil; silx(|EZEN×LAL2|); sil5 “(to be) remote; to split apart; to split, slit” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szimat “flair, foresight; scent, sense of smell” *t∂p∂- “to smell” šim (819x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. šim “aromatic substance” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian szirony “a colourful, narrow lather strap” *k∂t∂k “strap for fastening sth.” [?] sir (4x: Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sir3; sir2 “to bind” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szirony “sleet, wet snow” *č’era “crust; snow crust” *śarз “frozen snow, ice-crust on the snow” *aRi(t)- “to become wet” kar (52x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. kar2-kar2; kar2 “to blow; to light up, shine; to rise” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian szirt “cliff, ledge, rock” *qiRa(ta)- “to be stiff” sir, wr. sir5 “(to be) pointed” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 141 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szív “heart” *śiδä(-mз), *śüδä(-mз) *uŋuman “heart” sub (126x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. su-ub; sub; sub6 “to suck”. The heart not as “pumping”, but as sucking organ. The PU form with –δis solely based on Finn. sydän, Lapp. čāδâ and Mordv. sedej, sedeńg, while all other FU reflexes show –m-, -l- or –j-. Given the Sum. etymology, the Finn., Lapp. and Mordv. words do not belong here and the PU form is thus mistaken. Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szívni “to suck” *šimi “to suck; to soak” *mamaR- “to suck breast”, *m∂luγ- “id.” sub (126x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. su-ub; sub; sub6 “to suck”. The etymological connection, denied by EWU, p. 1441, is shown clearly not only by our Sum., but also by the PA etymology. Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Ugric Proto-Inuit Yupik Sumerian szó “word” *sāba “sign” *sawз *akp∂t- “to start to sing or talk” akuzi- “to speak” sa (46x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sa2 “to advice, to counsel”, or zib (16x: ED IIIb, Ur III) wr. za3; zib “a mark; mark, token; colour, paint”, perhaps a contamination of both words, not unusual in Sum. Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szomj “thirst” *śomз “hunger, thirst” *ka(C)∂γ- “to be hungry” išim (8x: Old Babylonian) wr. u2-šim; i3-šim “hunger” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Proto-Yupik Proto-Chukchi Sumerian szomorú “sad” *śomз-rз(-) “grief; to be sad” *s’om(∂γ)- “to worry, to think” cumiγ- “to be anxious” cum∂R- “to think” *cimğ∂Ru- “id.” sum, wr. sum5 “(to be) poor; pauper” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szórni “to scatter, to spread, to sprinkle, to strew” *ciδaγ- “to spread out, to scatter” šurum, wr. šurumx(|URU×GU|) “to sprinkle oil” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 142 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Akkadian zarūm Hungarian szorgalom “diligence, industry, zeal”, szorgalmas “diligent, industrious” *sarз “fast, quick” *k∂γδaγ- “to do fast” sar (68x: Old Babylonian) wr. sar “to run, hasten”. Semantically, to run in order to be punctually at a certain place, thus “diligent”. Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian szórítani “to force, to urge, to restrict; to hurt, to pinch”, szoros “narrow, tight, dense; mountain pass”, szorulni “to become narrow; to be jammed, to be stuck” *śorз(-) “tight; to become tight” *q∂la- “to urge; to be urged on” sur (69x: ED IIIb, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sur; sur8 “to press, squeeze” szőni, szöv- “to weave; to plot, to spin” *śäŋз(-) “to spin, to weave; hair” *qilaγ- “to knit, to weave” sig (48x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sig7; sig8 “to pluck hair or wool”, siki (4753x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. siki “wool, fleece; hair; (animal's) pelt” šīpātum “wool”. Since the Akk., Rhaet. word with it enlarged root must be a borrowing from Sum., Sum. -g, -k- > Akk., Rhaet. –p- > Hung. –v-, so that the PFU form with its –ŋ- is mistaken (it is strange anyway, since a nasal doesn’t occur in any Uralic word). Moreover, the Hung. word, as the phonetical development shows clearly, must have come from the Rhaetians and not directly from the Sumerians. Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian sző, szőke “blond” *šàŋu “clear, light” *čaŋ *čaŋ *sā(ŋ) *säŋз “bright, clear, light” *quama- “to be bright” sig (8x: Old Babylonian) wr. si-ig “clear” Hungarian Chuvash Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szökik “to jump, to skip” sik- “to skip” *q∂t∂γ- “to jump” zig (8574x: Lagash II, Ur III) wr. zig3 “to swell; to rise”, zig, wr. zig “threshold” 2002, p. 833. Semantically, we have “to rise” > “to go out”, which may include the meaning of “threshold” (“to go out” = ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 143 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates “to walk over the threshold”). The two Sum. words zig “to go out” and zig “threshold” may even be one and the same, cf. in German Schwelle “threshold” and schwellen “to swell” (connection denied by Kluge 2002, p. 833). Hungarian Bashkir Sumerian szőlő “grape” yeläk “berry” gilim (25x: Old Babylonian) wr. gilim; gilibx(|GI%GI|)ib; gi16-il; gilgilil “to be entwined; to entwine, twist”. Thus, the original meaning is “vine”. Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian szőr “body hair” *śäγз-rз, *säkrз *ulaRiq “apple berry” suhur (95x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. suhur “tuft, plume; crown (of a tree)” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szösz “tow, flax; junk”, szöszke “flax-coloured, blond” *säćз, *sećз “fine fibre” *∂paγ “grain, fibre” šusar (38x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. šu-sar; urudšu-sar “string, cord, wire” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szú “wood-borer, worm” *ćuγз, *śukз *quam(R) “intestinal worm” gu (1672x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. gu7 “to eat, consume” akālu Akkadian Hungarian Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian szúnyog “midge, mosquito” n∂vju-vaγ “fly” su (1x: ED IIIa) wr. su7mušen “a bird” + nu (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. nu “(small) fly, mosquito”. One of the few double-words in Sum. (cf. rima) Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian szupojkó, szupujkó “suddenly grown thin; shrivelled; small” *ćuppa “narrow, tight” *amilRuq “narrow part” šub (495x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. šub “to fall” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo szúrni “to prick, to stab” *śurwa- “to shove, to stab, to thrust” *kap∂- “to stab”, *kapuR- “to stab repeatedly”. –R- is here obviously ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 144 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian iterative suffix that is common both in PE and in Hung, although the PFU etymology does not make that clear. sur, wr. sur4 “to cut cloth” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szurok “pitch, tar” *śurз “resin” *kuccuR “resin, gum” sur (69x: ED IIIb, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sur; sur8 “to press, squeeze; to flash; to drip; to rain; to milk”, but cf. also esir (1097x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. esir2; esir; esir2(|LAGABxHAL|) “bitumen, pitch” the palatal vowel of which fits to Komi śir “bitumen, resin, tar”. Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szűcs “furrier” *k∂p∂- “to cut” sug (863x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. sug4 “to cut clear, strip”. Semantically, “to cut clear” > “to skin”. Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian Rhaetic szűk “tight” *cukak- “to be tight; to tighten” sig (91x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sa2; sig9 “to tie (shoes)” seg-, seke “to bring sb. in distress” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 98) Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szülni “to give birth” *śilз- “to acquire, to gain, to get” *iRni- “to give birth” zal (2798x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. zal “to get up early; to finish, to come to an end”. Semantically, cf. also Engl. to get vs. to be-get. Hungarian Proto-Altaic Chuvash Proto-Inuit Sumerian szűnik “to cease, to stop” *si_ūni “to fade, to extinguish” sün- “to fade” *in∂q- “to finish” kun (225x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. kun “tail” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian szür, szürke “gray; dark” *ćerз “gray” *tar∂- “dark” sur (69x: ED IIIb, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sur; sur8 "to flash” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 145 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Sumerian szűrni “to filtrate, to strain” *t∂ŋuq∂- “to strain” *ciŋuk- “id.” sur (69x: ED IIIb, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sur; sur8 “to press, squeeze; to drip” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik Sumerian szűz “virgin” *sićз, *śüćз “clean, clear” *iqaŋiR “clean” sig (8x: Old Babylonian) wr. si-ig “to be clear” Hungarian Wakashan Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian -(e/o/ö)tt (fossilized locative suffix, e.g. itt “here”, ott “there” and still used in certain place names, e.g. Kolozsvár-ott “in K.”, Pécs-ett “in P.”, Győr-ött “in Gy.”) *t’a, *t’e “that” *tä, *te, *ti “this” *ta “that” -mit-/-nit- (casus ablativus); -kut-/-gut- (c. vialis); -mut-/-nut- (c. terminalis) (cf. Kleinschmdit 1851, p. 80ss.), txy “on” -t’xy “on” -tky-n “on top of” -da (comitative suffix) Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tábor “camp” *taŋmaq “camp” tab (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. tab; tab4 “companion, partner” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tag “limb; member” *ipi(γ) “limb of a quadruped” tag (266x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. tag “to touch, take hold of; to bind; to attack” Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian tág “ample, large, loose, spacious, wide” *uyatu- “to be wide” tah (274x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. tah “to add, increase” Hungarian Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian tagadni “to deny, to contest; to negate” tuk∂R “to brace or push against with feet” tuk, wr. tukx(|IM.KAD3|) “to break off, pinch off; to cut, fell; to demolish; to scratch; to soften, dissolve” Hungarian Proto-Altaic táj “country, land, region” *tàku “to attach, to touch, to reach” Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 146 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Uralic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian *takka- “to hang, to remain stuck” *takkз- “to hang, to model, to work” *taγз-, *takз- “to place, to spot” *taγ∂- “to go up (on shore)” *taγi- “to come (towards speaker)” tag (266x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. tag “to touch, take hold of; to bind; to attack” Hungarian tákolni “to assemble hastily; to patch together (badly); to slap together (crudely)” *katŋuR-, *katuR- “to assemble” tuku (151x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. tuku5 “to beat, strike of cloth; to weave” Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian tál “charger, dish, platter; course, dish” *talз “dish (made of wood?)” *kalukaq “wooden bowl” utul (221x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. utul2; u2-du; u2-da; dugutul2; ĝešutul2 “tureen, large bowl” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian találni “to find; to meet (with) sb.” *tule- “to come” *paδ∂RcaR- “to go to meet” dul (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. du6-ul “to gather”, or du (5868x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. du “imperfect singular stem of ĝen[to go]” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Eskimo-Aleut Inuit Yupik Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian talp “sole” *aluR “sole” *alaq “id.” ałŋiγ “id.” atłemk’a-n∂ŋ “id.” ar-im∂ “id.” al-p∂nŋ∂n “patch on sole” dul (10x: Old Babylonian) wr. dul2 “to lower; (to be) deep” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian táltos “priest-magician, shaman” *tultз “magic power, sorcery” *aqiun “magic song” tu (1x: ED IIIa) wr. tu “priest”, lal (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. lal3 “type of priest”, atua (76x: Old Akkadian, Ur III) wr. a-tu5; a-tu5-a-tu5; lu2atu5-a “a type of priest”. Triple-word? About double-words cf. rima, szúnyog. ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 147 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tanítani “to teach”, tanulni “to learn” *t’uŋe- “to inform” *tuna- “to accustom oneself, to learn” *∂licaR- “to learn; to teach” du (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. du8 “to heap up, pile up”, dub (107x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. dub “to heap up, to pile”, tub (29x: Old Akkadian, Old Babylonian) wr. tu11; tu10 “to heap up” + na (411x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. na “(compound verb nominal element)”. Obviously, the original meaning is “to heap up knowledge” (in Proto-Altaic, there was for sure no word for “to inform”!). Hungarian Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Eskimo Chukotko-Kamch. Alutor Sumerian tántorogni, tántorodik “to stagger, to sway” *t’ant’∂-, *t’unt’∂- “to step” *tut∂- “to step, to tread on” taeŋti- “to tread on” caŋci, taŋti “id.” dun (17x: Old Babylonian) wr. dun5 “to roam around; to rock, churn” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tanú “witness” *∂n∂ŋiR- “to take sb.’s place”, *∂ŋqaR- “to remember” dan (32x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. dan6; dan3; dan4; dan2 “(to be) pure, clear; to clean”, or cf. s.v. tanítani. Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tapló “tinder; a kind of tree fungus (Phellinus ignarius)” *∂k(∂)n∂R “fire” tab (13x: Old Babylonian) wr. tab; tab2 “to burn, fire; to dye (red); to brand, mark”. The fungus’ botanical name ignarius is derived from Latin ignis “fire”. Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian taposni “to trample” *tāp’V “to stamp; to press” *tappa- “to stamp with the feet; to strike” *tap(p)a(γ)- “to strike” tupaγ- “to startle” tuhmδa- “to produce a crack, to explode” tava- “to crush” tab (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. tab “to flatten” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian tar “bald, barren; crippled” *tu(C)utcin∂q “bald place” tar (237x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. tar; tarar “to cut down” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 148 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian Rhaetic tár “depot, warehouse” *qaRiaq “storage alcove” tur (277x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. tur3; e2tur3 “animal stall” *torva “granary, warehouse” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 98) Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tárni “to open up wide” *tara(-) “free, open; to open” *q∂łpaR- “to open” dar (402x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. dar “to cut open” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian taraj “comb, crest; rowel” *il(l)aγiRun “comb” dirig (2166x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. diri; RI “(to be) big, huge; on, over, above; to build high” Hungarian tarhonya “granulated dried pastry made of flour and eggs, ‘eggbarley’” tarhana “a kind of soup made of flour and milk” *∂vt∂R “juice” tar (237x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. tar; tarar “to cut down; to untie, loosen; to cut; to scatter, disperse; to decide” + kana (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. kana6; kana5; kana3 “(to be) dark”. The Tarhonya dough is traditionally pressed through/cut by a special sieve in order to get the “egg-barleys” (so the American name, derived from Austrian German “Eiergerstel”: Germ. Gerste “barley”). After the tarhonya are dry, they are roasted (“darkened”) in lard. Our etymology thus shows that the pastry is primary and the soup secondary. Therefore, the Hung. word cannot be borrowed (as usually assumed; cf. EWU, p. 1484) from the Turkish word, but the Turkish word is borrowed from the Hung., which explains that the two words are phonetically almost identical. Both words, however, go back to Sumerian. Turkish Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tarja “spare rib” *turja *tulimaR “rib” dirig (2166x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. diri; RI “(to be) big, huge; on, over, above; to build high”. Same etymology as taraj (v.s.), but with already Sum. metathesis dirig > *dirgi > tarja. The spare rib is taken from the neck part of the animal, thus from there where the “crest” is (cf. German Kamm “crest; spare rib”). ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 149 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Kazakh Proto-Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian tar, tarka “multi-coloured; mottled” tarlan “reddish-yellow or black spotted white (of horses)” *isuRiq “spotted seal” dara (43x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. dara4 “(to be) red; (to be) brown” Hungarian Classical Mongolian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tarló “stubble-field” tari- “to plow the land” *kiliR- “to cut” tar (237x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. tar; tarar “to cut; to plow” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tartani “to hold, to keep” *terta- “to pull” *dart*tata- < *data*derde*tarttз- “to get stuck, to stick” *kal∂v∂(t)- “to sink into mud” dara (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. tug2dara4; dara2; tug2dara2 “belt, sash, girdle; string” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian tat, tatfa “crossrail (in a ship); poop, stern” (fa “tree; wood”) *tuktз “crossrail” *kaγaluq “stern of boat” tug (54x: ED IIIb) wr. tugx(LAK483) “a kind of plow?” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian tathal “tench (Tinca tinca)” (hal “fish”) *totke *kaγaluq “stern of boat” tug (54x: ED IIIb) wr. tugx(LAK483) “a kind of plow?”. The tail of the tench has a high stalk with a fin that ends even and thus resembles to the knive of a plow or a crossrail. Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tavasz “spring” *towkз *kδaR “(early) spring” (cf. Fortescue 1994, p. 377, s.v. up∂n(∂)RakδaR) tab (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. tab “begin” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut távol “far”, tova “away”, túl “beyond” *to “that” tulaγ- “to arrive; land”, cala- “id.” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 150 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Inuit Wakashan Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian t’al- “far” tala- “to be far”, tylf “far t∂lae- “to go” dub (30x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. dab6; dub “to go around, encircle, turn; to search; to tarry”. EWU (p. 1537) explains –v- as “Hiatustilger” which is ad hoc; as the Sum. word shows, it belongs to the stem. Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian te “thou, you” *si “thou” *t8 “you (here)”, *to “you (there)” *∂lp∂t, *∂łv∂t “you” za-e, zé (contracted) “you” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian tegezni “to shoot with arrows” *t’úŋgi- “to quiver” *täŋ-tз- “id.” *quiliqta- “to tremble” tag (266x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. tag “to attack”. The phonetically identical verb Hung. tegezni “to address sb. in the informal way (German: duzen)” and its counterpart magázni “to address sb. in the formal way (Germ.: siezen)” are built of the basis of te “thou” and maga “you (formal)”, whereby the derivational suffix –az/-ez is probably formed according to Germ. –z- (du-z-en, sie-z-en, lit. “to say ‘thou’ (to sb.); to say ‘you’ (to sb.)”. Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tekerni “to twist, to wind” *qip∂- “to twist” tag (266x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. tag “to bind” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tekinteni “to look, to watch; to regard as” *täkkз- “to notice, to observe” *∂δ∂k∂- “to watch” tag (266x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. tag “to touch, take hold of; to bind; to attack” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian teknő “trough” *∂k∂- “to get or put in” dug (3196x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. dug; dugx(BI) “(clay) pot; a unit of liquid capacity” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric tél “winter” *tälwä ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 151 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Eskimo Sumerian *ukyuR “winter; year” til (627x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. til; til3 “(to be) complete(d); (to be) old, long-lasting; to end” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian telik “to be filled”; tele, teli, teljes “full”, tölteni “to fill, to stuff” *täwδe, *tälkз “full” *ul∂vkaR- “to fill; to be filled” til (627x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. til; til3 “(to be) complete(d); (to be) old, long-lasting; to end” Hungarian telek “plot (of land), building site”, telep “colony, settlement”, telepedik “to settle” *täwδe, *tälkз “full” *katcuq- “to be settled”. The PFU etymology is thus wrong. til (770x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. til3 “to live; to sit (down); to dwell”. The PFU etymology is semantically highly improbable. Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian temetni “to bury”, temető “cemetery” *quŋuR(-) “to bury; grave” dim, wr. dim3 “corpse”. EWU (p. 1500) derives temetni from tömni “to stuff” with causative suffix –et, which is semantically senseless. Probably Hung. tetem “corpse” is related to Sum. dim, too. Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Central Siberian Yupik Sumerian tengely “axle; spindle” *tat∂ “support” tat∂k∂ “intersection of poles at top of traditional houses” dimgal (11x: Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. dim-gal; di-im-guul “a pole” Hungarian Chagatai Turkish Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tenger “sea” täŋiz deniz *taŋ∂R- “sea” diĝir (1837x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. diĝir; dim3-me-er; dim3-me8-er; dim3-mi-ir; di-me2-er “deity, god, goddess”. Since Turkish has also tanrı “god” and Mongolian tenger “god”, the semantic development is probably: “god” > “heaven” > “sea”, whereby the connection between “heaven” and “sea” is made by the common blue colour or by the fact that the heaven is mirrored in the sea. Hungarian Proto-Altaic tenni, tesz, tev- “to do, to make, to place, to put” *t’ebV “to put” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 152 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian *teγe*teb*teke- “to do, to make” *toγ∂- “to take” taejk∂- “to do, to make” tag (266x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. tag “to touch, take hold of; to bind; to attack” Hungarian tépni “to pluck (of feathers or petals); to rip, to split open; to tear, to shred” *qup∂- “to split” dab (8723x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. dab5; dab; dab5-dab5; dabx(|LAGAB×GUD|) “to seize, take, hold; to bind; to envelop, overwhelm; to choose (by extispicy); to accept; to take charge of” Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tér “room, space” *tärз “space” *pula- “to slip in under cover” tir (404x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. tir; ĝeštir “mud; forest, wood” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian térd “knee” *t’i_ūŕe “leg; knee” *dīŕ *tür*tür*ciγeδquR “knee” tir (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. tir; ĝeštir “bow”, cf. Latin genu, Greek góny “knee” < “angle”. Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian térni “to fit” *terз- “to find or make room” *pula- “to slip in under cover” tir (404x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. tir; ĝeštir “mud; forest, wood”. Hung. térni is derivated from tér < Sum. tir. Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Rhaetic térni “to turn” *qiv∂(R)- “to turn back” tir (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. tir; ĝeštir “bow” turu “return” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 99) ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 153 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian test “body” *t∂m∂ “body” diš (5x: Old Akkadian, Ur III) wr. diš; de-eš-šu2; di-id; di-t- “one” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tetű “louse” *t’ijV *taigi*ti-kte *kumaγ “louse” dih (132x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešdih3; dih3; ĝeštehi “a weed with thorns”. Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian teve “camel” *t’ibŋe “camel; elk” *debe *teme-γen *tibŋa *paγn∂R “caribou bull” dibid, wr. di-bi-id “camel” Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tévedni “to be mistaken/wrong, to err, to slip” *tepз- “to err, to make a mistake” *k∂nluR “wrong” dub (186x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. dub2; dub “to tremble, make tremble; to push away, down; to smash, abolish” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ti “you (pl.)” *t’i “thou” *t8 *∂lp∂t, *∂łv∂t “you” me-en-zé-en, za-e-me-en-zé-en, i.e. the pronoun of the 2nd pers. sg. za-e, zé with prefixes and suffixes (Edzward 2003, p.55) Hungarian tidó “birch-bark; a small torch made of bound birch-bark used by fishermen; a salt shaker made of the bark of birch- or cherrywood” (Székely) *t8ntз “birch brake” *k∂nataγ- “to apply brake” te (31x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. te “membrane” Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 154 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian tikkadni “weaken (due to exhaustion, heat or thirst)” *iyaŋa- “to be weak” dig, wr. dig “(to be) paralyzed, to suffer paralysis” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tilni, tiltani “to forbid, to prohibit”, tilos “forbidden” *tan∂R- “to forbid” til (627x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. til; til3 “(to be) complete(d); (to be) old, long-lasting; to end” Hungarian tiló “flax or hemp meant to be stripped; the household machine used for this purpose” *uliγ(-) “blanket; to cover” dul (10x: Ur III) wr. dul4 “a textile” Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tinó “heifer” *iRni(C)aR “offspring” [?] dumu (28245x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian, uncertain) wr. dumu; du5-mu “child, son, daughter” Hungarian titok “secret (noun)”, titkos “secret, confidential”, tit-kár “secretary” *tajз-ttз- “to hide > to keep secret” *taqiγ- “to be secretive about sth.” di (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. di “to go, to escape” + taka (667x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. tak4 “to set aside, leave behind; to save, keep back, hold back”. One of the few double-words in Sum. Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Yupik Sumerian tó, tav- “lake” *towз “lake, pond” *qaγan “lake at head of river” tul (109x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. tul2; |LAGAB×TIL| “public fountain; fish pond, pit; ditch, channel; excavation, trench” [?] Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tojik “lay (eggs)”, tojás “egg” *p∂kyu “egg” du (2639x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. du8 “to bake; to spread out mud to make bricks; to caulk” or utud (847x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. tud; u3-tu; tu-ud “to give birth (to), bear a child” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 155 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tok “box, case, chest, scabbard, sheath” *qat∂γ- “chest” dug (3196x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. dug; dugx(BI) “(clay) pot; a unit of liquid capacity” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo tokhal “sturgeon” (hal “fish”) *ayaγta “pole” (cf. German Stock-fisch, Stock “stick, pole”, Northern German Kabel-jau, Kabel “cable > cord > stick, pole”) dug (3196x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. dug; dugx(BI) “(clay) pot; a unit of liquid capacity”. Same etymology as Hung. tok “box”, cf. semantically the parallele of Hung. tok and tokhal with English sturgeon (via Normannic < Old French esturjon) and to stir from the common Germanic etymon sturio “sturgeon” (> Old English styria). Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian toklyó “one- or two-year old lamb” *∂pnaRiR “mountain sheep” tukur (8x: Old Babylonian) wr. tukur2; tukur; tukur3 “to shear, pluck wool”. Semantically cf. Engl. sheep, Germ. Schaf to Germ. schaben “to scrape” > “to cut, to trim, to shear”. Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Inuit Yupik Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian toll “feather; pen” *tulka “feather; wing” *tuγlï, *tiluγ “wing, feather” culuγ “wing feather” telxp “id.” siluk “id.” til(til) “wing” dal (59x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. dal; dalx(HU) “to fly” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tolni “to push, to shove; to delay, to postpone” *tojз- “to push, to shove, tu thrust” *kayu- “to be strong”, *kay∂m∂(t)- “to push (forward)” du (82x: ED IIIb, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. du7 “to push, thrust, gore” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian tolvaj “thief” *sala(-) “to hide; to steal; thief” teγleγ- “id.” cxa- “id.” tu-lRaet- “to steal” sul, wr. su-ul “to cover” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 156 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian tompor “hip, waist; a hump located between the hip and hind quarters” *tuppз “rear” *tup(∂γ)- “cover” tup∂R “tent, temporary dwelling” [?] top- “to cover” [?] dub (55x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. dub3; ze2-eb “knee” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian top “ham from a pig’s back” *tuppз “loin” *∂γunaq “meat or whale skin left to rot” dub (55x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian) wr. dub3; ze2-eb “knee”. “knee” instead of “back” because both body parts share the curving, cf. tompor. Hungarian tor “feast (especially after a funeral and a pig-slaughtering [disznóölés])” tor “dinner with guests, hospitality” *kasiyuq “(bladder) feast” tar (237x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. tar; tarar “to cut down; to untie, loosen; to cut; to scatter, disperse; to decide”. Chagatai Proto-Yupik Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian tor “thorax” *qilaγ- “to knit, to weave” qił∂R- “to tie”, qilağ- “to knit” qisat- “to tie”, qilRi-X “umbilical cord” dur (28x: ED IIIa, Old Babylonian) wr. dur; gidur “binding, knot, bond, tie; umbilical cord; rope”. Same etymology as szőni. Hungarian Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian torok, tork- “gullet, throat, windpipe; mouth, muzzle” *turз “neck, throat” tuqluR- “throat; to call out” cuqa- “throat” dur (28x: ED IIIa, Old Babylonian) wr. dur; gidur “binding, knot, bond, tie; umbilical cord; rope” Hungarian Karachai, etc. Proto-Eskimo Sumerian torma “horseradish” turma “turnip” *quliR “upper part” [?] turmahba (82x: ED IIIb) wr. tur-mah-ba “a kind of ration” [?] ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 157 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian torontál “kind of falcon; former district (megye) in the Bánát” *qilRiq “rough-legged hawk” durum (1x: Ur III) wr. dur-ru-ummušen “a bird”. Cf. also s.v. turul. Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tő “root; trunk (of a tree)” *tèmò “root; strength; soul” *damor *taŋ-gi < *dam-gi *p∂kn∂R “kind of edible root” dim (38x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. dim; dim3; ĝešdim “post, pillar, pole” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tőgy “udder, mamilla” *tuδ’ka-mз(-) “sth. that protrudes; tip” *∂vyaŋ(ŋ)iR “breast” tuditum (48x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. tu-di-da; urudtu3-di3-da; tudi-tumzabar; urudtu3-di-da; urudtu-di3-da “toggle pin” tudittum. Considering the 3 consonant-root, here we have most probably an Akk.-Rhaet. loanword in Sumerian (which proves, in accordance with Lieberman 1977, p. 20 that Sumerian was still spoke in Old Babylonian time). Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tölgy “oak” *t∂γ∂γ “to be hard or stiff” tillug (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. til-lu-ug “elephant”. The semantic connection between “oak” and “elephant” is the hardness of the wood and the teeth, resp., similar to Engl. oak = Germ. Eiche, which are denominated after the word for “ice” (*ajeg-, Kluge 2002, p. 230; cf. Hung. jég). Hungarian tömény “concentrated; numerous; crowded”, tömni “to cram, to fill, to stuff” *temз(-) “full; to jam, to stuff” *ul∂vkaR- “to fill; to be filled” idim (12x: Old Babylonian) wr. idim “(to be) heavy, (to be) important” Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian tömlő “tube, bag”, tömlőc “dungeon, prison; a kind of fish-trap” *tuqmik “container”, but cf. also PE *ul∂vkaR- “to fill; to be filled” (telni). tun (6x: Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeštun3; tun3 “bag; stomach; a container” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo tőr “dagger; rapier, foil” *terä “edge” *aRvaγ “edge of hand” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 158 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Sumerian dur (9x: Old Babylonian) wr. dur10 “ax”, but cf. also ĝiri (198x: ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝiri2; urudĝiri2; me2-er; me-er; me-ri “razor; sword, dagger” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian tőr “snare, trap” *pullan “stone trap” dur (28x: ED IIIa, Old Babylonian) wr. dur; gidur “binding, knot, bond, tie; umbilical cord; rope” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian törni “to break, to crack, to crush, to pound, etc.” *ułiR “to crack (open)” tar (237x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. tar; tarar “to cut down; to untie, loosen; to cut; to scatter, disperse; to decide” Hungarian törölni “to wipe, to dry (with a towel); to abolish, to annul”, törlő “hand-towel” *allaR(iR) “to wipe clear” dirig (313x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. dirig "to drift (clouds); to float, glide (along/down); to go; to soak, steep, dissolve in liquid”, dirig (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. dirig “to become loose, fall out; to disintegrate; to disappear; to fall down, collapse” Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian törvény “law” *ułiR “to crack (open)” tar (237x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. tar; tarar “to cut down; to untie, loosen; to cut; to scatter, disperse; to decide”. Same etymology as törni. Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian tőzeg “peat, turf” *tutuk “dirt” de (702x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. de2 “to pour; to winnow” + sig (836x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sig10 “to cast” (double-word?), or ze, wr. ze2 “dirt” [?] Hungarian Proto-Uralic Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Sumerian tudni “to know (a fact), to be able to” *tumte- “feel, to touch, to touch upon” tucaR- (< *tut-jaR-) “to hear” tut(a)- “to hear, to feel” zu (964x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. zu “to know; to learn” edūm (double-word?) Akkadian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 159 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian tulok “(young) ox, young cow” *kulavak “caribou cow” šul (305x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. šul “(to be) manly; youth; young man” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian túrni “to dig” *tokrз-, *toŋreз-, *toprз*∂laγ- “to dig” dun (32x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Old Babylonian) wr. dun “to dig” Hungarian Chagatai Proto-Inuit Sumerian turul “a totemic eagle or mythological falcon-like beard” turgul “a type of small black falcon” *qilRiq “rough-legged hawk” [?] dur (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. durmušen; dur2mušen “a bird”, duršul (1x: ED IIIa) wr. dur2-šulmušen; dur-šulmušen “a bird”, cf. also dug (1x: ED IIIa) wr. dug3mušen; dumušen “a bird” (contamination?); cf. also s.v. torontál. Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian túzok “bustard, Otis tarda” *qilRiq “rough-legged hawk” [?] dug (1x: ED IIIa) wr. dug3mušen; dumušen “a bird”, šag.ZIZIA (1x: ED IIIa) wr. šag4-|ZI&ZI.A|mušen “a bird” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tű “needle”, tövik “to puncture, to stab”, tövis “thorn” *tekз- “to push, to shove” *kay∂m∂(t)- “to push (forward)” dih (132x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešdih3; dih3; ĝeštehi “a weed with thorns” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Proto-Inuit Sumerian tüdő “lung” *täwe *k∂maγnaq “lung” *puvak “id.” ti (27x: ED IIIa, Old Babylonian) wr. uzuti “rib” Hungarian tündér “elf, fairy, nymph”, tündöklik “to shine, to gleam, to glisten” tengri “god” *akiR- “to shine” diĝir (1837x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. diĝir; dim3-me-er; dim3-me8-er; dim3-mi-ir; di-me2-er “deity, god, goddess; cf. s.v. tenger. Chagatai Proto-Yupik Sumerian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 160 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian tűnik “to appear; to seem”, tüntetni “to demonstrate, to show” *akiR- “to shine” teĝ (454x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. teĝ3; teĝ4 “(to be) near to; to approach” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian tűrni “to bear, to endure; to suffer” *∂lp∂k∂-, *ikviγ- “to suffer” dirig (2166x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. diri; RI “(to be) powerful, to exceed” Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian tűrni “to roll up, to fold” *quγluk- “to fold, to pleat” dur (28x: ED IIIa, Old Babylonian) wr. dur; gidur “binding, knot, bond, tie; umbilical cord; rope” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian tűz “fire” *t’oge *tüγз-tз, *tüwз-tз *uγut- “to burn” (with metathesis, cf.: t∂lv∂- “to burn (oneself)” tab (13x: Old Babylonian) wr. tab; tab2 “to burn, fire; to dye (red); to brand, mark”. Probably also tüstént “immediately”, cf. rögtön “id.” < PFU *reŋkз “hot, warm”. Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian ugar “fallow (field/ground/land) *tamlaγ- “(to come to) land” [?] agar (135x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. a-gar3; agar4; agar2; agar3; ada-ar “meadow” ugāru. Since Sum. shows traces of vowel harmony, Sum. agar < Akk., Rhaet. ugāru, so we have here another possible Akk. and Rhaet. borrowing in Sum. and thus another proof that Sum. was still spoken in Old Babylonian time (cf. Lieberman 1977, p. 20). The Akk. and Rhaet. word is also phonetically closer to the Hung. and may be the etymon for ugor “Ugric” > Germ. Ungar, Engl. Hungarian, French Hongrois, Russ. Vengerskiy, etc. Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ugrik “to jump, to leap, to spring” q∂t∂γ- “to jump” ug (1x: ED IIIa) wr. ugx(EZEN) “(to be) exalted” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian új “new” *wuδ’e *nutaR- “to renew” ud (29106x: Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ud “day; sun”. On ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 161 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates the semantics cf. s.v. reg, reggel. Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian ujj “finger; toe; sleeve” *soja “arm” *suδ’з aδiR “sleeve” aδiX “lip; edge” ajval “wind side, wind break” sud (488x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. sud; su3-ud “(to be) distant; (to be) remote, longlasting; (to be) profound”, or zag (902x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. zag “arm; shoulder; side; border, boundary, district; limit; right side, the right” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian úr “sir; lord” *i_òre “male; young man” *er*ür*ur *urз “husband” *uγi “id.” ur (22x: Old Babylonian) wr. ur “man” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Uralic Proto-Yupik Sumerian úszik “to swim” *òje “to swim” *üj-, *oj*ujV*uje-, *oje*ku(C)im∂- “to swim” u (156x: ED IIIb, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. u5 “to ride; attatchment to a plow; upper pivot of a door; ship's cabin; to gain control” Hungarian Nenec Selqup Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Proto-Yupik Sumerian út “path, way” ŋu’, ŋut “path, track, way” muõtt∂, wat “id.” *utka “path, track” *nuγ∂- “to appear; to rise (water)” *nuγ- “way” inti (10x: Old Babylonian) wr. in-ti; en-ti “way, path”. As it seems in this unique case, the Samoyed people have conserved the Sum. etymon phonetically much closer then the other Uralic languages, incl. Hung. ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 162 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian utálni “to abhor, to detest, to hate” *aktз- “to vomit” *nak∂Rit- “to go crooked” [?] ahan (2x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. a-ha-an “to vomit”, or ak (3643x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ak; a “to do; to make; to act, perform”. Same etymology as okádni (s.v.). Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Sumerian üdíteni “to freshen, to refresh”, üde “fresh” *uŋuma “to be alive” *uummaq “fresh green plant or wood” a tu (150x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. a tu15; a tu17; a tu5 “to wash, bathe” Hungarian üdv “well-being; salvation”, üdvös “salutary; advisable”, üdvözíteni “to bless”, üdvözölni “to greet, to welcome” *uŋuma “to be alive” *uummaq “fresh green plant or wood” a tu (150x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. a tu15; a tu17; a tu5 “to wash, bathe” + dub (30x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. dab6; dub “to go around” Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Proto-Inuit Proto-Finno-Ugric Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic ügy “matter; affair, business, concern; deal, transaction”, ügyelni “to pay attention”, ügyes “skilfull”, ügyés “lawyer” cuk(k)a- “to be fast” *cuq(q)ut∂- “to care about sth.” *siδ’з “aspiration, rush; busy, eager, quick” zid (1475x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. zid “right; to be right, true, loyal”, ziddu (19x: Old Babylonian) wr. zid-du “righteous(-acting)” ügy “lake, swamp; river, brook” *sid’з “humidity, marshy, wet place” *m∂caγ “swampy ground”. The FU etymology that has the same root for both words Hung. ügy is for this case thus wrong. id (1086x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. id2; id3; id6; id7; id5 “river, watercourse, canal”. EWU, p. 1586, has the same etymon for ügy “matter” and ügy “lake”, which is semantically impossible. ük “great-great grandmother; one’s distant ancestor” *ò[k’]è “wife, female” *ög, *ök “mother; sister” *oki-, öki- “girl; daughter” *uku- “female; daughter-in-law” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 163 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian *ewkkз “grandmother; old woman” *aγ∂- “to go over or past” ugu (98x: Old Babylonian) wr. ugu; ugu4 “to give birth (to)” Hungarian Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian ülni “to sit” uŋ-lu “nest” u (49x: Old Babylonian) wr. u3 “sleep” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian üldözni “to chase, to follow, to hunt” *ile- “to drive” *jälз- “to go” *maliRq∂- “to chase” ul (39x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ul4 “to hasten, (be) quick; (to be) early” Hungarian ürge “kind of squirrel that lives in the earth, Spermophilus citellus” örge, örke *qaŋanaq “squirrel” irgilum (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. ir-gi-lum “locust”. Semantical connection between “squirrel” and “locust” probably via their common habit of eating (locust swarms were infamous). Alternatively to urgir (478x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ur-gir15 “(domestic) dog”, which causes, however, also semantical problems. Khakass Proto-Yupik Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian üröm “wormwood” *qaŋanaRuaq “wormwood”. Cf. ürge: Since lit. “squirrel-wood”, Hung. ürge and üröm must have the same root. hurium, wr. u2hu-ri2-um “a plant” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian ütni “to beat, to hit, to strike” *süttз- “to beat, to strike” *unataq- “to beat, to struggle” tu, wr. tu14 “to beat; to weave”, tud (4x: Old Babylonian) wr. tud2 “to hit, beat”. Probably with metathesis tu > *ut. Hungarian Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian űzni “to chase, to hunt, to pursue” *itз- “to jump, to run” ajaγ “to push, thrust at with pole” ajaquδaax “sea otter spear, small harpoon” aj-tat- “to chase, herd” ed (595x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ed3; |UD×U+U+U.DU| “to go up or down, to ascend” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 164 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik Sumerian vad “wild; inhabited” *vamta *kilγaq “wilderness” bad (3x: Old Babylonian) wr. bad4 “hard ground”. Engl. “bad”, according to traditional etymological dictionaries a “mystery word, no apparent relatives in other languages” is most probably besides Hung. vad the phonetically closest successor of Sum. bad. Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian vágni “to chop, to cut, to hash; to slaughter; to throw” *waŋз*caki(t∂)- “to chop, to cut into” pana (63x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝešpana; ba-na; ĝešpanax(|ŠE.NUN&NUN|) “bow; a geometric figure”. In order to chop meat one still today best uses a bow-shaped knife (Germ.: Wiegemesser, but “wiegen” = “weigh” has nothing to do with cutting; thus perhaps Wiege- < Hung. vág- < Sum. pan-?). Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit vágyik “to desire, to long, to wish, to yearn, to crave” *wačз- “to chase, to drive, to hunt” *pikšamaaq- “to desire, to look forward to” ed (595x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ed3; |UD×U+U+U.DU| “to go up or down, to ascend”. Same etymology as űzni. Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Finno-Ugric Mari Mordvin Proto-Eskimo Sumerian vaj “butter” *majV “fat” *bań *maj*maj*woje “fat, grease” ü, üj “butter, oil” oj, vaj “butter, margarine; fat” *quγi “to be fat” i (8654x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. i3; u5; u2 “oil; butter”. The Sum. apophony is mirrored in the FU reflexes. As the Sum. and the Mari words show, diphthongization happened only in the single languages. Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian vájni “to hollow, to dig out” *uki- “to get a hole” u, wr. u “hole” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric vajúdik “to eke out a bare existence” *woje- “to be able to” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 165 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian *uγžiγ- “to go down, to come down” u (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. u8; u2 “defeat” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian vak “blind” *∂δ∂- “eye”, *∂δ∂łuγ- “to be blind” igi (1133x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. igi; i-bi2; i-gi “eye” Hungarian Proto-Uralic (?), Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian -val/-vel (instrumental suffix), vele “with him/her/it” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Eskimo-Aleut Inuit Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian *welje “brother, friend” *wel(ja) “thing or person next to” w∂lt∂- “close together” guli (91x: ED IIIb, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gu5-li; gu-li; gu7-li “friend, comrade” válik “to become; to divorce; to part, to split off”, váltani “to change, to exchange” *walka “to decend, to drop, to fall, to go down” *wol∂(γ) “knife; to cut” wal- “to cut”, ulu(R) “semi-lunar knife” fałc “id.” wala “knife” bala (3308x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bal; bil2 “to rotate, turn over, to cross; to turn” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Aleut Sumerian váll “shoulder”, vállalni “to take it upon oneself to do sth.” *wolka *tuy∂ “shoulder” cuyu-X “arm” bala (3308x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bal; bil2 “to carry” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian vallani “to admit, to confess”, vallatni “to interrogate” *t∂li- “to tell” bal (511x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ba-al; bal; bal3; bal4; pe-el “to dig, excavate; to unload (a boat)” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian van, vala, val- “is; to be” *bōlo “to be” *wole- “to be, to become” *le- “to become” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 166 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Eskimo-Aleut Yukagir Sumerian -li- “id.” *-li- “id.” bala (3308x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bal; bil2 “to turn, to turn into, to become” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Turkic Proto-Mongolic Proto-Tungusic Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian -van/-ven “numeral suffix, e.g. hat-van “sixty”, öt-ven “fifty” *mana “many; big” *bany-, *bony*mandu-, *mantu*mani *mone, *mune “a known quantity, many” *unuq- “to be many” imin (31x: ED IIIb, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. imin “seven” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian var “wart” *avδaR “wart” buru (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. buru8 “a disease” garābum “leprosy, scab” Hungarian Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian vásár “market, fair; bargain”, vásárolni “to buy” *tukviR- “to buy” [?] ba (839x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ba “to divide into shares, share, halve; to allot” + sa (991x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. sa10 “to pay for, buy; to be paid for, sell” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik-Sirenikski Sumerian védni “to defend” *wäntз- “to notice, to see” *iγžuR- “to defend verbally” bad (147x: ED IIIa, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bad; ba; be2 “to open, to undo” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian vég “end” *wuje “area, side; end”, *wiŋe “end” *isu(k) “end” ugu (1025x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ugu2; ugu; ugu3; ugux(|U.SAG|); ugux(|A.U.KA|); ugux(SAG@n@g) “on, over, above; against; more than; top” Hungarian vegyíteni “to mix”, vegyülni “to get into sth.; to get mixed up with sth.” *akut- “to mix” Proto-Eskimo ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 167 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Rhaetic phelna, belna “mix (imperative pl. fem.)” (Brunner and Tóth 1987, p. 97) Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian vejsze, vész “a kind of fence or net as fish-trap; fish-pond” *wajćз “weir”, *waja- “to sink, to submerge” *kuvδaR “net” gisig (15x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gi-sig; gi-sig7 “a reed fence” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Proto-Yupik Sumerian vékony “thin, slim, loin” *wakkз “thin” *caat- “to be thin” [?] *can∂γ(∂)t- “id.” [?] ug, wr. ug2 “tiny, very small” Hungarian vélni “to think, to believe, to mean”, vélekedik “to be of the opinion” *w8l8- “to feel (?), to taste (?); to see (?)” *ukv∂R- “to believe” bala (3308x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bal; bil2 “to rotate, turn over, to cross; to turn; to revolt; to change, to transgress (the terms of an agreement); conversion (math.)”; cf. šag bala, wr. šag4 bala “to ponder” Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian velő “marrow” *wiδ’з “marrow, bone” *pat∂R “marrow” bala (2579x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. bar; ba-ra; bala; bur “outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split”, or buluh, wr. buluh; šembuluh; ba-lu-hum “an aromatic tree or its resin”. Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Aleut Sumerian vén “old” *w8nз in∂q- “to be finished; adult” ina- “to finish” un (27x: Old Babylonian) wr. un3 “to arise; sky; (to be) high”. Cf. Latin altus “high” and German alt “old”, that are both related (yet indirectly, to the IE root *al- f.ex. in Latin alere “to nourish”). Hungarian Proto-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut venni, vesz- “to take; to buy” *weγ8qani- “to accompany part of the way” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 168 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Inuit Aleut Sumerian *aa-t- “to take” aγa-t- “id.” gaĝ (538x: Ur III) wr. gaĝx(IL2); ga-aĝ3 “to carry” Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian verni “to hit; to beat (heart)” *pul∂nt∂- “to hit” ur (53x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ur3 “to beat” Hungarian Proto-Yupik Sumerian verni “to twine, to twist (of cord, rope)” *pul∂nt∂- “to hit” ur (17x: Old Babylonian) wr. ur4 “to be convulsed” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian vér “blood” *wire *aδuγ “blood” urin (5x: Old Babylonian) wr. urin; u3-ri2-in “blood” Hungarian Proto-Finn-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian vésni “to chisel, to cut” *wäńgćз(-) “to cut; knife” *k∂p∂- “to cut” peš, wr. peš6 “to slice” paşādu Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian vészni “to get lost”, veszteni “to lose” *wočз- “to be lost”, *wäsз- “to disappear, to get lost” *tammaR- “to lose; to be lost” uš (3556x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. uš2 “to die; to be dead; to kill; death” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Inuit Sumerian Akkadian vessző “rod, twig, verge” *waćз “narrow, thin bent branch” *q∂ciqciun “twig, branch” ĝeš (5552x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeš; mu; u5 “tree; wood” işu < *wişu (cf. s.v. vese) Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Yupik Eskimo-Aleut Chukotko-Kamch. Chukotko-Kamch. Sumerian vetni “to cast, to fling, to throw; to drill, to sow” *wettä- “to throw” awit∂- “to move aside (itr.) av∂γ-/av∂t- “to separate” aw∂t(a) “skin scraper” aeww-aet- “to go away” gid (13x: Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. gid2 “to ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 169 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates transfer” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian vezetni “to lead, to guide” *wetä*tatyuR- “to lead by the hand” [?] gid (13x: Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. gid2 “to drag, tow (a boat upstream); to pass along, transfer” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Volgaic Proto-Ugric Proto-Uralo-Siberian Proto-Inuit Eskimo-Aleut Sumerian vézna “thin, slight” *wäćkз “narrow, thin” *wäńćз, *wäćз “narrow, thin” *wen(i)- “to stretch skin out to dry” *inniq- “to stretch skin for drying” ini- “to hang out”, ni-s “drying” sig (343x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian, 1st millennium) wr. sig “(to be) weak; (to be) low; (to be) thin; (to be) narrow”, gig (313x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. gig “to be) sick” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian vigyázni “to pay attention, to beware, to look out” *wića- “to notice, to see” *taŋ∂R- “to see” igi sig (8x: Old Babylonian) wr. igi sig10 “to see” Hungarian világ “light; world”, villám “lightening”, villanni “to flash, to sparkle, to twinkle”, villogni “to sparkle, to twinkle”, *walkз(-) “light, white; to light”, *wal’з- “to shine” *tanqiR, *tanqiγ “light; moon” bil (50x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. bil2; bil3; bil “to burn” Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Eskimo-Aleut Proto-Inuit Aleut Sumerian vinni, visz- “to carry, to bring, to take” *wiγeqani- “to accompany part of the way” *aa-t- “to take” aγa-t- “id.” gaĝ (538x: Ur III) wr. gaĝx(IL2); ga-aĝ3 “to carry”. Same etymology as venni (s.v.). Hungarian virág “flower”, virítani “to bloom”, virradni “to dawn”, virrasztani “to stay awake” *tanqiR, *tanqiγ “light; moon” bur (78x: ED IIIa, Old Akkadian, Ur III) wr. bur2; bu7 “light; to glow, shine”. According to EWU (pp. 1640ss.), the word-families vir- and vil- (cf. világ) belong together (but not the family virr-). The Sum. word bur, however, shows that this is not correct, the dark stem vowel Proto-Eskimo Sumerian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 170 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Akkadian u is even apparent in the ending –ani instead of –eni in virítani as well as in virradni instead of *virredni. arāqum “to bloom” < *warāqum, but unlike in the case of Hung. vese (s.v.), *w- < b-, not < g-. Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian vívni “to fight” *woje- “to be able to” *pa(C)a- “to fight, to struggle” u (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. u8; u2 “defeat” Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo víz “water” *wete *∂m∂R “fresh water” [?]. Possibly correct, since m often substitutes homorganic v, w, and R can also substitute R (cf. Sum. –z vs. Akk. –ş[ts] vs. PE –r- vs. PU t). biz (12x: Old Babylonian) wr. bi-iz; biz “to trickle, drip” başāşum (< Sum. biz). In this case, we can say from the palatal stem vowel both in Hung. víz (acc. vizet, not *vizot or *vizat) and Sum. biz that this word originates directly in Sum. and not in the Sum. borrowing Akk., Rhaet. başāşum, which shows a velar stem-vowel. Also PIE *wodor/*wedor/ *uder-, from root *wed- (cf. Hittite watar, Sanskrit udnah, Greek hydor, Old Bulgarian, Russian voda, Lithuanian vanduo, Old Prussian. wundan, Gaelic uisge “water”, Latin unda “wave” originate in Sum. biz and thus also genetically related to Hung. víz. Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Uralic Proto-Eskimo Sumerian Akkadian Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian vő, vej- “son-in-law” *wäŋз “bridegroom, stepson” *neŋa(C)u(γ) “son-in-law, brother-in-law” pap (86x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. pap “father; male, virile; brother” abu “father”. Hung. vő comes not directly from Sum. pap, but from the Sum. borrowing in Akk., Rhaet. abu, the meaning of which is, however, “father” and not “son-in-law”. The reason may be, that a related word, Sum. abba > Hung. apa “father”, so Sum. abu got its special meaning of a more distant male relative. Akkadian vöcsök “crested grebe (a kind of duck, family of Podicipedidae)” *wajćз “a kind of duck” *qaqutluγ “fulmar” uz (57x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. uz; uzmušen “wild duck” ūsu Hungarian Proto-Uralic völgy “valley” *waδ’kз “small river; bend or stretch of a river between two curves” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 171 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Turkish Proto-Inuit Sumerian vadi “valley” *qaluqšaq “valley, depression” id (1086x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. id2; id3; id6; id7; id5 “river, watercourse, canal” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian zaj “noise” *śoje(-) “audible sound; to make noise, to sound” *soj8(-) “id.” *ciRuRδuγ- “to make an indistinct noise (like wind)” šeg (28x: Old Babylonian) wr. še; šeg10; šegx(|KA×KID2|); šegx(|KA×LI|); šed15; šeg12 “voice, cry, noise” Hungarian Proto-Finno-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian zajlik “to drift (of ice)” *ćaka “drifting ice; thin ice” *t∂p∂- “to drift ashore” šeg (11x: ED IIIb, Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. šeg9; šeg4 “snow; sleet; cold weather; frost, ice” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian zakatolni “to clamour, to make noise”, zaklatni “to bother” *ciRuRδuγ- “to make an indistinct noise (like wind)” šeg (28x: Old Babylonian) wr. še; šeg10; šegx(|KA×KID2|); šegx(|KA×LI|); šed15; šeg12 “voice, cry, noise” + ad (26x: Old Babylonian) wr. ad “voice; cry; noise” (double-word) Hungarian Proto-Inuit Sumerian záp “rotten, putrid (egg)” *t∂ppak- “to stink” hab (41x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. hab2; hab “(to be) malodorous, fetid; (to be) redolent” Hungarian Proto-Altaic Proto-Ugric Proto-Eskimo Sumerian záp “rung; joist, purlin” *sáp’í “stick, pole” *sappз “post, stand” *cukaR “post or other support” zub (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. zub “bent stick (for throwing), throwingstick” Hungarian Proto-Eskimo Sumerian zöld “green” *cuŋaγ-, *cuŋaR- “to be green” usal (23x: ED IIIb, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. u2-sal; u8-sal; SAL.|LAGAB×(GUD+GUD)|.DI?; |LAGAB×(GUD+GUD)|.DI.UD.SAL? “meadow, pasture” Hungarian Proto-Ugric zug, szug “angle, corner” *suŋз “corner” ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 172 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates Proto-Inuit Sumerian *t∂R∂tquq “angle, corner” saĝ (3582x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. saĝ “head” Hungarian zsugorodik “to shrink; to become cramped; to hide; to beg; to be stingy” *ćuŋkз-(rз-) “to shrivel” *q∂luRt∂- “to shrink” šukurud (4x: Old Babylonian) wr. šukur2-ud “daily ration” Proto-Ugric Proto-Yupik Sumerian ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 173 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates 3. Conclusions Almost all of the 1317 Sumerian-Akkadian-Rhaetic etymologies of Hungarian also apply to the Eskimo-Aleut and Paleo-Siberian cognates. Moreover, it was possible to add a few dozens more Sumerian-Hungarian-Eskimo-Aleut etymologies, totally 1080. This proves without doubt that the Eskimo-Aleut languages are – speaking in the traditional manner of Finno-Ugrists – members of the Finno-Ugric, but not of the Uralic languages, since the Paleo-Siberian languages seem to be much closer to the Samoyed languages than to the Finno-Ugric languages. Eskimo-Aleut is closer to Hungarian than Yupik and the other related languages. Only a systematic analysis of the possible Sumerian-Obugrian cognates could decide if the Eskimo-Aleut languages are closer to Hungarian or to Ostyak and Vogul, but everything points to a closer relationship between Eskimo-Aleut and Hungarian. In many dozens of cases new etymologies and corrections of the standard Proto-Finno-Ugric and Proto-Uralic forms were possible, because the Proto-Eskimo-Aleut and Proto-Yupik forms stand in the time-frame between Sumerian and Hungarian. Because the dissolution of Uralo-Siberian and UraloYukagir coincides in time approximately with the dissolution of the Uralic languages (6000-4000 B.C., cf. Fortescue 1998, p. 219 and Décsy 1990, p. 12), Proto-Eskimo-Aleut and Proto-Yupik forms could be added instead of Proto-Uralic and Proto-Finno-Ugric forms, thus “filling the temportal gap” between Sumerian and Hungarian. After our result here one really wonders why traditional FinnoUgrists and Uralists did not yet come to the idea to consider Proto-Eskimo-Aleut forms in cases where f.ex. Hungarian words are considered to be “of unknown origin”: the idea to connect Eskimo and Hungarian goes back to 1746! Of very special interest is the fact that we have cases where Rhaetic words show up directly – i.e. not mediated via Sumerian or Akkadian – in Hungarian and in Eskimo-Aleut. This fact seems to point to a certain dissolution already amongst the Sumerian peoples. ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 174 - ALFRÉD TÓTH : HUNGARIAN AND ESKIMO-ALEUT — with Paleo-Siberian Cognates 4. Selected Bibliography Angere, Johannes, Die uralo-jukagirische Frage. Stockholm 1956 Bergsland, Knut, The Eskimo-Uralic hypothesis. In: Journal de la Société Finno-Ougrienne 61, 1959, pp. 1-29 Bonnerjea, René, Is there any relationship between Eskimo-Aleut and Uralo-Altaic? In: Acta Linguistica Hungarica 21/3-4, 1971, p. 401-407 Bonnerjea, René, Some probable phonological connections between Ural-Altaic and Eskimo-Aleut. I. In: Orbis 24/2, 1975, p. 251-275 Bonnerjea, René, Some probable phonological connections between Ural-Altaic and Eskimo-Aleut. II. In: Orbis 28/1, 1979, p. 27-44 Bonnerjea, René, Some probable phonological connections between Ural-Altaic and Eskimo-Aleut. III. In: Orbis 33/1-2, 1984, p. 256-272 Bouda, Karl, Das Tschuktschische. Leipzig 1941 (= Abhandlungen zur Kunde des Morgenlandes, XXV I,1) Bouda, Karl, Tschuktschisch und Finnisch-Ugrisch. [I.] In: Lingua 4, 1954-55, p. 286-317 Bouda, Karl, Tschuktschisch und Uralisch. [II.] In: ZDMG 111, 1961, p. 335-360 Bouda, Karl, Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der tschuktschischen Sprachgruppe III. In: ZDMG 119, 1969, p. 60-85 Bouda, Karl, Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der tschuktschischen Sprachgruppe IV. In: Orbis 19/1, 1970, p. 130-136 Bouda, Karl, Tschuktschisch und Uralisch.[V.] In: ZDMG 130, 1980, p. 393-396 Bouda, Karl, Die Sprache der Jenissejer. In: Anthropos 52, 1957, p. 65-134 Bouda, Karl, Die Sprache der Jenissejer. II. 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Lives in Tucson and Szombathely where his family comes from. ___________________________________________________________________________________ © Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 177 -
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