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FANNIN SENTINEL • Thursday, April 30, 2015
Mr. Shane Eric
Shane Eric Campbell,
age 41, of Cherry Log, GA
passed away Saturday, April
18, 2015 in the Wellstar Cobb
Hospital in Austell, GA. He
was born Nov. 15, 1973 in
Austell, GA and was an electrician.
Mr. Campbell is survived by his parents, Eddie
Mrs. Lillie Sowers
Lillie Sowers Anderson
Ballard, age 98, of Blue
Ridge, GA passed away
Tuesday, April 14, 2015 in the
Pruitt Health Care Center in
Blue Ridge, GA. Mrs. Ballard
was born on Dec. 15, 1916
in Marion, NC. She ran Blue
Ridge Florist for a number of
years. She was a member of
Blue Ridge United Methodist
Church. She was the last surviving child out of nine children born to David Grayson
Sowers and Isabelle Gragg
She is survived by sons
and Sheryl Campbell of
Cherry Log, GA; brothers,
Brian (Penny Trammell)
Campbell of Copperhill and
Chad Campbell of Cherry
Log; special nieces, Calen
Campbell and Tia Campbell,
both of Cherry Log; and a
host of other relatives and
Funeral services were held
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
at 5:00 p.m. from the Akins
of Blue Ridge Chapel with
Rev. Dale Jackson officiating. Music was by Erynn
Worthington. Donations in
memory of Mr. Campbell
may be made to help defray
final expenses to the Funeral
Home. Condolences may be
sent to the family at www.
Akins Funeral Home of Blue
Ridge was charge of arrangements.
and daughters-in-law, Ronnie
and Portia Anderson of Blue
Ridge; James A. “Butch”
and Karen Anderson of Blue
Ridge, and Mike Anderson
of Blue Ridge; daughter-inlaw, Sheila Anderson of Blue
Ridge; 6 grandchildren and
19 great grandchildren; special friends and caregivers,
Roy and Gail Conner of Blue
Ridge; and a large number of
other relatives and friends.
Funeral services were conducted Saturday, April 18,
2015 at 11 a.m. from the Akins
of Blue Ridge Chapel with
Rev. Ed O’Neal and Dr. Tom
Jordan officiating. Music was
by Logan O’Neal. Pallbearers
Mrs. Virginia Mae
“Gin” Hughes
Mrs. Virginia Mae “Gin”
Hughes, age 83 of Turtletown,
TN, passed away Monday,
April 13, 2015. Mrs. Hughes
was a member of the Turtletown
Church of God of Prophecy and
was a daughter of the late George
Oscar and Edith Kilpatrick Reid.
She was also preceded in death
by her husband, E.L. Hughes,
infant daughter, Connie Lynn
Hughes and siblings, Clyde
Reid, Edward Reid and Dorothy
She is survived by daughters
were Hunter O’Neal, Dawson
Sparks, Jeff Anderson, Jamie
Anderson, Michael Earley,
and Roy Conner. Honorary
pallbearers were Nate O’Neal,
Peyton Anderson, and Bryson
Cole. Interment followed
in Sugar Creek Church
Cemetery. Condolences may
be sent to the family at www. Akins
Funeral Home of Blue Ridge
was in charge of arrangements.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Chattahoochee Forest National Fish Hatchery
Rock Creek Road
OF April 20-24, 2015:
FANNIN: Big Creek, Hemptown Creek, Rock Creek,
Toccoa River, and Toccoa River
Tailwaters of Lake Blue Ridge.
LUMPKIN: Etowah River
and Nimblewill Creek.
UNION: Cooper Creek and
Toccoa River.
***NOTE: Information is
subject to change. Please call
the hatchery at 706-838- 4723
for questions. The hatchery
also provides trout for the state.
Please contact Georgia DNR for
information on sites stocked by
the state.
Confederate Memorial Day
Commemorative Ceremony
The public is invited to a
Confederate Memorial Day
Saturday, April 25th, 11 am,
at the Union County War
Memorial in Blairsville. April
26th is Confederate Memorial
Day. This day is set aside annually to remember those who
fought in the Confederacy in
the War Between the States.
Members of The Pvt. David
W. Payne Camp #1633, Sons
of Confederate Veterans, and
members of Smith’s Legion
#2699 will be participating.
A bit of local Civil War history - According to area Sons
of Confederate Veterans,
George Henry Plott enlisted
in the Confederate Smith’s
Legion which became Co. B,
6th Georgia Volunteer Calvary
Regiment. He left behind his
wife, Elizabeth Bryson Plott,
to tend the family farm. To
safeguard the family’s resources, Elizabeth and children
removed the floor boards from
the corn crib, dug down 15 feet,
and then dug a long horizontal
cave. Here she hid food, goods
and other family valuables. She
then put the wood floor back
in the corn crib and covered it
with corn. After years, the cave
was reopened by Elizabeth’s
great grandson, Odell Plott. A
cut into the hillside exposes the
horizontal cave. George Plott
survived the war and is buried
with his wife in Old Union
Baptist Church Cemetery.
To experience this local
“Civil War” history travel east
from Blairsville, Georgia on
U.S. 76 into Towns County.
Before entering Young Harris,
turn right onto Plott Town Rd.
The cut into the hillside and
cave entrance may seen from
the road, a few hundred yards
down the road and on the left
about a hundred yards off Plott
Town Rd. The entrance is surrounded by a rock wall and is to
the left of the picnic pavilion.
Smith’s Legion Chapter
#2699 draws membership
from Towns, Union, Fannin,
Clay and Cherokee counties. Objectives of the United
Daughters of the Confederacy
are Historical, Educational,
Benevolent, Memorial, and
Patriotic in nature. Membership
in the United Daughters of the
Confederacy is open to women
no less than 16 years of age who
are blood descendants, lineal or
collateral, of men and women
who served honorably in the
Army, Navy or Civil Service
of the Confederate States of
America, or gave Material Aid
to the Cause. For more information on UDC contact Beverly
Shreeve at 706.896.9850 or at
and sons -in-law, Deborah Jean
(Roger L.) Shuler of McCaysville,
GA, Sheryl Hughes of Blue Ridge,
GA, and Sandra Kay (James)
Abernathy of McCaysville, GA;
sisters, Geneva McFarland of
Cleveland, TN, Vivian Hughes of
Turtletown, TN; grandchildren,
Justin Abernathy and Christel Ray.
Funeral services were conducted Wednesday, April 15 at 6:00
p.m. from the Akins of Copperhill
Chapel with Rev. Dr. Tom Jordan
and Minister Barry Lee officiating. Music was by Minister Barry
Lee and Rev. Doug Simonds.
Pallbearers included Eddie Reid,
Keith Hughes, Roger Hyatt,
Ronnie Hughes, Mark Reid
and Jimmy Foster. Honorary
pallbearers included Reid
Blackwell, David Blackwell,
Claude Rogers, Jody Blackwell,
Wayne Hughes, Wayne “Butch”
Jones, Ricky Hughes and Kyle
Hughes. Interment followed
in the Crestlawn cemetery.
Condolences to the family may
be sent to Akins Funeral Home
of Copperhill in charge of the
Asaleen Rivers Purkel
Patterson 94, rode her chariot
home on April 17, 2015. She
was born Sept. 22, 1920 in
Blandville, Kentucky to Arthur
Rivers and Annie Elliott Purkel.
She was a 1939 graduate of
Blandville High School. Upon
graduation she left for Detroit,
Michigan where she met and
married Edward “Pat” Patterson.
They remained in Mich. until
1976 when they retired to “The
Little White House” in Mineral
Bluff, Ga., deep in the Blue
Ridge mountains.
She was known far and wide
Mrs. Linda Sue Jones
Mrs. Linda Sue Jones, age 71,
of Epworth, GA passed away on
April 25, 2015. Born in Fannin
County, GA, she was the daughter of the late Dave and Laura
Dilbeck Callihan. Mrs. Jones was
a long time and devoted member
of the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church.
She had worked for 33 years as a
Bailiff for Fannin County and as
the Chief Bailiff for the last ten
years. Sue was a loving wife,
mother and grandmother who
loved trout fishing. She was also
preceded in death by an infant
son, David Anthony Jones.
Survivors include her husband
of nearly 53 years, Herdis Jones;
son and daughter-in-law, Roger
and Sharon Jones of Copperhill,
TN; two grand daughters, Natalie
Jones and Courtney Green; brother and sister-in-law, Glen and
Grace Callihan of Blue Ridge,
GA; sisters and brothers-in-law,
Shirley and Richard Jones of Blue
Ridge, GA and Maggie Phillips
Workman and husband, Ray of
Epworth, GA; and several nieces,
nephews and other relatives and
Funeral services were conducted on Monday, April 27, 2015 at
2:00 p.m. from the Akins Funeral
Home Chapel with Rev. James
Worley officiating. Music was
by Brenda Millsaps and Betty
Hawkins. Interment followed in
the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Cemetery next to her son, David
Anthony Jones. Serving as pallbearers were Roger and Herdis
Jones, Mike Phillips, Phil Jones,
Ed and Brad Hawkins. Serving as
honorary pallbearers were Terry,
Bobby and Rick Callihan and
Tim Phillips. Condolences may
be sent to the family at www. Akins
Funeral Home of Blue Ridge was
in charge of
the arrangements.
for her Stitches of Love and
quilling (a lost art) for weddings,
funerals and birthdays. She was
a member of McCaysville First
Baptist Church, where she sang
in the Prime Time Choir and
made many bus trips far and
wide for concerts. She also
taught hundreds of children
through the years in her Sunday
School classes. Her albums are
full of these families.
She is survived by sister, Louise Ross, sister-inlaw, Virginia Purkel. Nieces,
Neilson and Lisa Henderson.
Nephews, Jimmy and David
Ross and Warren Purkel. She
also had a loving “family” in
Georgia; John and Mary Way,
Larry and Joann Kimsey, Aline
Wallace and Sandy Travis and
Cody. Preceding her in death
were: parents, husband, sister,
Catherine Geiger, brothers, twin
Asa, Arthur Warren and Louis.
Memorial services will be
held at a later date.
Memorials may be made to the
Prime Time Choir, Stitches of
Love, or Building Fund at First
Baptist Church, McCaysvilleCopperhill, 110 Toccoa St.,
McCaysville, GA 30555.
Misty Mountain Quilters Guild
announces 2015 Quiltfest
By Nancy Oliver Smith, MMQG Publicity
Plans are underway for the already booked space for sales will feature colorful and usehuge upcoming Fall quilt show, of machines, tools, fabric, kits, ful items made by the Guild
which is held every other year and other popular items needed members. Also, quilting books
in Blairsville. The Guild will by quilters. Around 200 artis- and magazines will be on sale.
host the event in the Union tic quilts are expected to be All quilters are encouraged to
County High School gym on on display and in competition, enter. For information, check
Glenn Gooch Bypass, October and door prizes will be given the website: www.mistymoun23-24. Many vendors have to lucky guests. The Boutique
In picture, Left to Right: Show coordinator, Rosemary Walker; Anita Derflinger of Blairsville; Margaret
Shattles of Hiawassee; Nancy Donegan of Young Harris; Ruth McKinley of Morganton, GA.
U.S. Senator
David Perdue
Temporary Number