Document 118926

Light of the Hills
Lutheran Church
3100 Rodeo Road
Cameron Park, CA
A Birth Announcement
As we celebrate Christmas in the year 2011 and into 2012,
what will it take to get the attention of other people, especially those who don't even know who Jesus is? Do people
even hear the announcement of the birth of Jesus anymore?
Do they care?
Pastor Alan Sommer
On the night Jesus was born, the angels definitely got the
attention of the shepherds! But it seems to me that they had
unfair advantages! Think about it:
The shepherds were alone and away from the town of Bethlehem. There was no one to distract
• It must have been pretty quiet because it was at night. The only noises would have come from
nocturnal animals or shepherd conversations.
When the angel appeared, we are told that the glory of the Lord shown around the shepherds.
What about us? We live in a culture where it is pretty hard to impress other people.
We have electronic gadgets that can do so much, right in the palm of our hands.
We see incredible special effects in movies, where things that we know to be impossible seem to
occur right before our very eyes.
There are few times of quiet in our days, as the sounds of TV, music, and phone are everywhere.
How can we help people to hear?
I believe the account of the shepherds experience in Luke chapter 2, gives us some very strong hints.
The shepherds received a message from God's special messengers His angels face to face. And when
the shepherds left Mary and Joseph and Jesus, they had face to face in encounters with people they
In the same way, I don't think there is any substitute for face to face conversations about Jesus. Most
people are not impressed by shows of technology or special effects when it comes to being introduced
to God. They want genuine relationships with other people, and it is in those genuine, honest relationships that God reveals Himself to others. There is no substitute for positive relationships built on honesty in which we can share the love and the hope of Jesus Christ.
That's why I believe evangelism is so much more then bringing people to see a worship service or
meet the pastor, although those are very important things. I think the most powerful form of evangelism is when one friend tells another about what God has done.
What do you think? What is the best way to connect people to Jesus? What has worked for you?
What can you do to share the love of Jesus with people over the next few weeks?
Pastor Alan
Letter From
Vicar Tristan
Christ is the light of our lives that draws us to the Father. Every day we are renewed and brought to him.
May God bless you this coming year in all that you
do as we continue to serve our Lord faithfully!
Isaiah 60:1-3 “ A r i s e ,
shine, for your light has
come, and the glory of the
LORD rises upon you. See,
darkness covers the earth
and thick darkness is over
the peoples, but the LORD
rises upon you and his glory
appears over you. Nations
Vicar Tristan Engle
will come to your light, and
kings to the brightness of your dawn.
Vicar Tristan
Letter From
I’m kind of glad that it’s
2012. When I look back on
my life and think about the
last 10 or even 20 years,
there are so many memories. 10 years ago, I graduated from high school. 4
Annie Tiberg,
1/2 years ago I graduated
from college and moved to
Cameron Park. 5 years ago by brother got married. 11
years ago I went to my very first National Youth
Gathering in New Orleans, LA, in 2001, in addition
to Paris, France. My grandfather died 13 years ago.
So many memories to remember with joy, and maybe
even a little sadness. The funny thing about life is
how fast time flies. We ask God to give us patience,
and He gives us an opportunity to be patient, a time
when it feels like time is slower than molasses.
As a little boy I was always intrigued by the thought
of finding a genie’s lamp. Think of it. Three full
wishes that I could do whatever I wanted with. Anything at all and…Poof! I could have it in an instant.
All that power. Whew, I would always get so excited
just at the thought of it. And it’s something we’ve all
done. What would life be like if…you fill in the
And, during the days following the New Year, many
look to the coming year as a time of hope…of starting over. There’s so many wishes that we want and
we hope that we can fulfill just one of them. So I ask
you to consider…What is your greatest wish?
But in reality, time is a constant in our life. It passes
whether we want it to or not. We have no control
over time. Often, it’s the swift passing of time that
can cause us anxiety. Sometimes, when I’m in a reminiscing mood, looking through photo albums, or
checking up with old friends on Facebook, I’m reminded that with the passing of time comes new adventures, new opportunities to live out my faith and
to do life together with others. I’m reminded that
though the things, events, experiences and even people of the past are gone, there is still so much life to
be lived.
For most of us it is probably the ones we’ve had
every year; lose weight, spend more time with the
family, work harder for the promotion, etc. For me, I
always said, “This year…this year I’m going to stop
procrastinating on my homework.” That didn’t work
out too well.
And as we try and better our lives in whatever way
possible this coming year, we remember these words
Isaiah speaks to the Israelites. “Arise, shine, for your
light has come.” How true that is for them and us.
Our light has come. We just celebrated His coming
last week on Christmas with Jesus’ birth. He has
given us a new life in Him. Not a life steeped in darkness but one abounding in light. That’s why he talks
about the dawning of the day. With the dawn, everything begins again, fresh and new.
To live in the present is not necessarily an easy task.
We’re either stuck remembering the past, or focusing
so much on controlling our circumstances in the future that we forget to take time to breath and enjoy
the day at hand.
We celebrate this renewing of our bodies each and
every day, not simply once a year for the New Year.
This talk about time passing reminds me something
else: how we are to live each day for itself, and to
praise God in all things. Psalm 62: 8 says, “Trust in
Him at all times.” So in the good times, the joyful
times, the sad times, the tough times. Ecclesiastes 3 is
what I call the “time chapter”. God tells us that
there’s “a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven”. The fact that God has provisions for our time is amazing to me. That He knows
all and that His word tells us this multiple times over
and we still don’t trust Him with our past, present, or
future. We still don’t give Him all of us, we hold
pieces back to our sinful selves, so we can have control of something.
deemer of human life.”
Women’s Foothill Chorus
Christmas Concert
The Women’s Foothill Chorus performed their
Christmas Concert at LOTH on December 10. Another great performance was enjoyed by all who attended, and the Sanctuary was nearly filled with people.
LOTH Library News
This new year, I encourage you give all of you: your
hopes & dreams, struggles & challenges, fears & failures, relationships & friendships over to Jesus. Let
Him take control of your life, so that you can live
faithfully in the hope of His salvation. Remember that
you are dearly loved, and that the God who moves
mountains is the same God who lives in your heart.
Trust His plan for your life. Daily give Him your
heart. He always has and always will have your best
interests at heart.
Try this for a New Year’s Resolution—Read a book
from our LOTH Library. Our library houses many
books that are waiting for you to take home and read.
Try one of our many fiction books or as Pastor says
“five in the morning and five at night.” To help with
this we have several shelves of Bible Studies. You
don’t even have to return them. Take them home,
write in them, and take a journey in Scripture.
Carol Womble
Living in Faith & Hope with You,
2012 God’s Creation Calendars:
$5! ONLY 17 LEFT!
Church Library Book Review
by Donna Maier
Get your beautiful Scripture-verse infused 2012 calendar today! Quantities are limited! See the youth at
the table outside the Sanctuary! All proceeds go to
help lower costs for this summer’s Jr High and High
School youth events!
Gianna Aborted and Lived to Tell About It , written
by Gianna Jesson and Jessica Shaver stands as a powerful witness against the abortion industry and its war
on the unborn. God has used Gianna to reinforce respect for life and Jesus' love in her heart.
Gianna's beautiful voice and Christian witness have
emphasized that life is to be a cherished and protected. Realistic accounts by her birth mother, foster
mother, and adopted mother are included.
Children’s Play and Annual
Christmas Dinner
Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, Lutherans For Life, states”
When we view abortion through the lens of our
Christian faith, we do not see a moral issue that needs
correcting or a political issue that needs strategizing.
We see a spiritual issue that takes priority. The child
in the womb belongs to God, formed by His hands
and purchased by His blood. Abortion not only assaults human life, it assaults the Creator and Re-
Thank you so much to everyone who helped with the
Children’s Christmas Play, “Nothing is Impossible
with God” and the Annual Christmas Dinner. It was a
wonderful evening full of joyful celebrations of the
Savior’s Birth and fabulous fellowship. Thanks
Annie Tiberg, DYFM
The Children’s Christmas Play was held on December 11, at 4:00 PM. The story of Christmas was told in a
play that Annie Tiburg wrote. The Annual Christmas Dinner was held following the Children’s Christmas
Play, and held in our new Education Building’s Fellowship Room. Some 15 homeless persons from the Placerville area were our guests at the supper.
To finish up on a cold winter night with comfort food
and a wonderful desert by the fireside convinced all
of us that we would be signing up for next year.
LOTH Seniors - ”The Classics”
LOTH Seniors will meet for fellowship at the church
on Monday, January 16, at 12:00 PM, for a potluck
luncheon. All seniors are invited to attend, contact
Millie or Dick Anderson for any information 530-677
-4721. If you plan on attending, please let Millie or
Dick know and what food items that you can bring.
Needed food items are: Main Dish, Salad, Rolls,
Sign up’s will start in January and all new groups will
be put together. We will try very hard to put you with
someone you might never have met! This is such
wonderful fellowship opportunity that I hope we get
twice as many families next time! Don’t hesitate to
sign up if you are a single, I can testify that you will
feel very comfortable with your group and Vicars are
always willing to lend a hand when it’s your turn to
2011 Supper Club Wrap-up
Carla McCreary
The inaugural year of LOTH Supper Club is drawing
to an end and the word is that it was an overwhelming
success! We had eight “clubs” of four families
each….some families had children some families
were comprised of only one. Each family hosted one
dinner during the year. With schedules tight and lots
of people very busy we felt that three months would
give enough time to come up with one date that everyone could make. Some of our groups talked about
doing luncheons instead of evening dinners and that’s
a great idea if you have people in our group who
don’t like to drive at night. With that in mind you
could do a luncheon after church or a Saturday picnic? There are no rules other than to have fun and get
to know some new people. It’s amazing how we can
worship with people week after week and yet never
really know them.
Supper Club Coordinator
Quilting and Sewing Group
The LWML quilting and sewing group is changing
meeting dates starting in January. We will meet on
the 1st and 3rd Mondays from 9:30 until 3pm or so.
Note: The church is closed on January 2nd so we will
not be meeting.
On the third Monday when we meet, the Classics
group also meets. Come and sew with us and then we
can join the Classics for some food and fun.
We hope you will consider meeting with us for fellowship and sewing. We have jobs for non-sewers
My group consisted of three couples and me which
left an extra seat if you wanted to have an even number. No surprise our Vicars are more than willing to
fill that spot! Our group worked out where Vicar
Ryan came to two suppers and Vicar Tristan came to
two. I heard other groups also invited the Vicars plus
neighbors when there was available space. The Vicars both commented on how much they enjoyed getting to know members in an informal atmosphere.
Neighbors thought it was fun to meet new people and
find out those Church people really aren’t that scary!
Peggy Morlan
Thank You From
Pregnancy Counseling Services
Thank you for the beautiful handmade baby blankets.
Because of your love and generosity, babies and children will be warm this winter. Thank you for giving
us something to give.
As for food, well Lutherans are known for appreciating good food and my group was no exception. We
started off with a simple Italian meal then we had an
all American Barbeque followed by an exceptional
Oktoberfest meal. We finished in November with a
meal of pot pies and homemade macaroni and cheese.
With much gratitude,
Pregnancy Counseling Services
of Placerville
How about this headline? “LWML hits $100 million,
a mite box milestone.” This news clipping, from our
LCAMS Reporter, goes on to state that the Lutheran
Women’s Missionary League has received $100 million in mites since the organization’s founding in
1942.. This milestone includes funds from the
LWML Districts nationwide as well as those received
on the national level at the LWML’s office in St
Louis. These contributions have been used to support
Christian outreach in 42 countries on five continents.
It’s time! Information meeting for ALL CURRENT 8th graders-Graduating Seniors and
their parents, Sunday, January 22nd, 12:302pm. Please plan to be at this VERY important
information meeting to prepare for the next
NYG. Students must be turning 14 and entering their freshman year of high school by July
2013. We will be discussing general details for
the gathering, plus looking at fundraising. No
commitment is necessary that day, but the
first commitment deadline is coming in
March. Please PLAN to be there. Sign up on
Annie’s door!
See DYFM Annie Tiberg if you have questions.
LCMS National Youth Gathering; July 1-5
2013; San Antonio, Texas. Visit for more info on
Today, we look forward to the mission work of the
Lord set at the 2011 LWML convention with a mission goal for the 201-2013 biennium of $1.825 million to support 19 grants as we reach out to share the
joyfull news of Christ around the world!
Several of the LWML’s 19 grants are as follows:
Human care and pastoral ministries developed in
Latvia and Lithuania - $87,500
Lutheran Braille workers provide English Braille
bibles to Africa - $100,000
Light of Christ Chinese Lutheran Mission, St
Louis - $75,000
All praise be to God for giving us the opportunities to
contribute our mites each month, as we join with others to support our mission work around the world.
In other news, all LOTH ladies are invited to attend
our next LWML Quarterly Meeting on January 25, at
1:30 PM. We look forward to having Vicar Tristan
as our guest speaker that afternoon, as we enjoy a
time of fellowship and delicious refreshments. Please
make an effort to attend - we look forward to seeing
Marilyn Rutkowsky
Ladies: Where can you get a day of fun, fellowship,
hear a great speaker, PLUS lunch, for $5.00? Set
March 17 aside and come join all the Women in Misson at our LOTH Rally. Watch for details next
Sandi Schmidt
October 19, 1950 - December 19, 2011
Memorial Service
7 PM on December 28, 2011
Alice Wentland, President, LWML
High School Events!
Jr High Events!
Sunday, January 15th,
1-3pm: Bible Study on MOSES!
Bring your Bible, a snack to share
& a friend!
Sunday January 8th, 1-3pm:
Games & Bible Study! Bring
your Bible and a friend! Prepare
to LEAD!
SNOW DAY: Wanna go play in the snow? Saturday, January
21st, 8:30am-4pm! This all depends on IF we have snow!
Sunday, January 29th: Eskaton Worship! Come and help lead
worship with the residents of Eskaton Retirement Village in Cameron
Park. Meet at church at 2:45pm to go over our skit! Then we will
walk/drive over to Eskaton for worship at 3:30p. Parents can pick up
at Eskaton at 4pm.
Reminder: Sunday Morning Bible Class
This month, I’m highlighting another
article by one of my Concordia University, St Paul, MN
professors, Marilyn Sharpe. Marilyn works with congregations around the US to help partner churches
and families for faith-formation in the home.
Epiphanies By
Marilyn Sharpe
January 6th is the day the church celebrates Epiphany, commemorating the coming of the Magi to Bethlehem
to worship the infant Jesus. What an unlikely scenario – scholars from the East, bringing gifts fit for a king,
following a star and astrological predictions, challenged by the jealous and unscrupulous King Herod, arriving to
find the son of a peasant couple, falling down to worship this unlikely king! Elderly Anna and Simeon, present in
the temple when Joseph and Mary brought the infant Jesus to be dedicated, through the Holy Spirit, recognized
this baby as God’s redemption and salvation. This is the story of the entire season of Epiphany – people in
unlikely settings, times, and places see Jesus, and through a knowledge not their own, recognize Jesus as the
Messiah, the Son of God, the Savior of the world.
Now, 2,000 years later, the Holy Spirit still works through unlikely people in improbable places to recognize
Jesus in daily life. Where have you met this Jesus? Are you on the lookout? Often, it is our children who help us
with these sightings of the holy, in the midst of the mundane.
Trevor turned four in mid August two years ago. His mother came in to a class I was teaching that day with his
story. Too excited to sleep, Trevor was up before the sun and woke his mom. She wrapped him in a quilt and
they sat on the patio, waiting for the sunrise. When the sun crested the eastern horizon, Trevor gasped and
turned to his mother. “Mom,” he exclaimed, “How did Jesus know that orange is my best color?” A meteorologist
could have explained the color, but it took a four year old to declare the intimate presence of Jesus in his life!
Twenty years ago this month, our six year old neighbor was diagnosed with leukemia, placed in intensive care,
battling for his life. His brother was with another family. His parents spent virtually all of their time at the
hospital. A friend and I cleaned their home and I volunteered to do their laundry. There was only a tiny pile of
dirty clothes. No one was home to generate laundry. I returned home to face a virtual haystack of dirty clothes in
my laundry room. I remember picking up my nine year old son’s muddy jeans, hugging them to me, and thanking
God for the gift of children healthy enough to dirty clothes. To this day, I have never viewed laundry in the same
way. It is no longer a chore I dread, but an opportunity to give thanks for God’s gift of health and daily joys that
mark a life together in Christ. Epiphany!
Can we help the children we love to see the holy in the ordinary? Can we uncover the epiphanies all around
us? Can we create a culture of gratitude, and with the psalmist declare, “O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
for his steadfast love endures forever.” Ps. 107:1
1. At bedtime, recount all the things for which you are grateful in a prayer of thanks.
2. At dinner, give each family member two tea light candles. Light the first, naming a person who has been the
light of Christ to them this week. Light the second, naming one person for whom we have been the light of Christ.
3. Send all the kids on a hunt to find evidence in unlikely places of the things for which we can thank God, like
dirty dishes, too much food in the fridge, mud on the floor, toys strewn around, or laundry piling up. Gather,
share, and thank God.
4. Say thank you to one another for those countless daily gifts, like a ride to school, hot coffee, wet towel hung
up to dry, help carrying in groceries, cleaning up toys.
5. Cradle your child’s face in your hands, and say, “I see the face of Jesus in you.” What a blessing.
Serving Our Lord in January
E = 8:00 AM l = 10:45 AM
15 22 29
Altar Guild
Karin Arnal
e Shirley Fidler
Cody Adamovich
Pam Small
Dorothy Polster
Megan Horner
Chris Horner
Joe Fowler
Maureen Popielarz
Jordan Weistrich
Pam Small
Kilee Voll
Dorothy Polster
Delaney Rhodes
Emily Fowler
John Voll
Daniel Tucker
Cody Adamovich
e Darlene & Phil Bair
John Voll
l Gerlinde & Willie Zobel
Joe Fowler
Vicky & Paul Hough
Kristen Palmer, Becky Wolkenhauer
Eileen & Don Keesler
Alison Dumas
15 22 29
Sherry Fowler
Marilyn Helsley
Dolores & Bob Jarvis
e l e l Anne & Alan Diers
Fred Weber
Lynn & Del Haven
Jane & Will Nelson
Karin Arnal, Linda Olsen
George Ganschow, Ryan Tygenhof
Vicar Tristan
e Susan & Kirby Vickery
LRon Chan, Undine Krauss
e l e l e l e l e l Daniel Tucker, Sean Tucker
Coffee Setup/Clean Up
Paula Weeks
Ron Chan & Cliff Hendryx
January Birthdates
Date Name
01 – Mike Shaw
02 – Fern Haunschild, Staci Horner,
Kimberly Schneider, James Young.
03 – Dine Krauss, Phyl Rowe, Carter Wymer.
06 – John Lane
08 – Ron Chan, Susan Vickery
10 – Mike Cannon, Louise Gibbs, Sue Mackin
11 – Hannelore Hartmann
12 – Ellen Katz, Tanya Stanberry
15 – Lee Paul
16 – John Stanberry
Date Name
18 – Janet Rhodes
19 – Rita Fetterly
20 – Amanda Graziano, Mike Parish
21 – Dolores Jarvis
23 – Dee Benson, Logan Hoiseth
24 – Mark Hammer, Ryan Tygenhof
26 – Brigitte Auguston, John Eilders,
Leon Turnbull
27 – Tara Turnbull
31 – Delaney Palmer
December 2011 Statistics
YTD Total:
% Change 10/11:
YTD Change 10/11:
1st Service:
2nd Service:
Sunday Ave Attend: (251 in 2011)
Church Membership as of: 08-31-2011
> 60
31 - 60
18 - 30
13 - 17
6 - 12
> 60
31 - 60
18 - 30
13 - 17
6 - 12
Christian Symbols
“Ecce Agnus Dei”
Latin for “Behold, the
Lamb of God,” this is the
phrase John the Baptist used twice to point
out Jesus to others (John 1:29, 36). It
marks Jesus’ Epiphany (manifestation,
revelation) as the Anointed One (Christ,
Bible Quiz
In the book of Judges, a cycle is repeated many times:
The Israelites do “what is
evil in the sight of the LORD,” God hands
them over to an enemy nation, they cry out
to the Lord and he appoints a judge, or political/military leader, for them. Under the
judge’s leadership, the Israelites conquer
their adversary and prosper — until they
start doing “what is evil in the sight of the
LORD” all over again.
The Year
Who was not one of these judges?
The Year is closed, the record made,
The last deed done, the last word said.
The memory alone remains
Of all its joys, its grief’s, its gains.
And now with purpose full and clear,
We turn to meet another year.
—Robert Browning
A. Deborah
B. Ehud
C. Esau
D. Shamgar
Answer: C (See Judges 3–5.)
December Council meeting recap:
New Secretary. Council voted to approve Peggy Morlan as the new Church Council Secretary, and offered thanks to Maureen Popielarz and Annie Tiberg for taking minutes in the interim.
Property Development. Mark Jerpbak reported that an agreement was reached with the
State Water Resources Control Board regarding soil erosion on the site. Mark also indicated
that the Foothill Girls Softball League will be putting the infield in and likely taking care of
some of the ongoing maintenance for the ball field. The church is preparing to take a final
draw on its construction loan. A few large items, such as a canopy between the two buildings
and repaving on Rodeo Road, remain open. Additionally, John Popielarz discussed a preliminary $5,000-$6,000 estimate for a fence that would restrict unauthorized access to the new
HVAC units.
Finances. General offerings have increased somewhat in the last half of the year after a very
sluggish summer. As of the end of November, general offerings are only $6,000 below the
2011 budget. Paul estimated that, while it is not uncommon to have a strong giving month in
December, annual offerings for 2011 may come in around $10,000 below budget. If the 2011
giving pattern continued to 2012, annual giving would be approximately $30,000 below the
2012 approved budget target.
Thrivent Choice Dollars. It was again mentioned that, while the direction of Thrivent Choice
Dollars to LOTH has brought approximately $7,000 to LOTH in 2011, this figure represents
only slightly more than half of the Thrivent Choice Dollars that LOTH members have available to direct.
Facility Use Deposit. Maureen raised the idea of instituting a deposit, either refundable or
non-refundable, for use of LOTH’s facilities, to cover cleaning and other expenses. Maureen
will develop a recommendation for this and Council will discuss in January.
Food Ministry. Brian Theaker reported that he and an ad hoc committee have been working
to develop a food ministry policy for LOTH. Brian praised LOTH’s food ministry, and expressed his hope that codifying a policy would in no way interfere with this very effective ministry, but observed that a policy could help clear up some ambiguity around whether food bank
moneys collected can be used for LOTH-specific food ministry expenses. The council will
review the proposed food ministry policy in January.
Web Site. Pastor noted that LOTH’s web site increasingly could be the first point of contact
for potential visitors, and offered that a “technology committee” could be useful in helping
LOTH better use technology to further its mission. Rich Wright noted that with LOTH no
longer using Member Connect, the web site could be reconfigured with password protection to
allow members to access church documents such as policies.
Please contact me if you have any questions or comments about this report.
Yours in Christ,
Brian Theaker
Congregational President
Alan Sommer, Pastor
LOTH Web address:
Annie Tiberg, DCE
Director Youth & Family Ministries
LOTH e-mail address:
Tristan Engle, Vicar
LOTH Office Phone:
(530) 677-9536
Maureen Popielarz
Business Manager
(530) 677-4376
Church Office Hours
Business Manager Office Hours
Monday - Wednesday
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Monday 8:30AM - 4:00PM
Tuesday 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Thursday 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Thursday - Friday
8:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Church Newsletter
Dorothy Polster, Church Secretary
Dick Anderson, Editor - ”The Beacon”
(530) 677-4721
Light of the Hills Lutheran Church
3100 Rodeo Road
Cameron Park, CA 95682