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If you are reading this brochure, you have finally found all natural hair
and skin care products that keep your hair and skin smooth, shiny and
best of all, healthy!
All our quality products are handmade with carefully selected
high quality natural ingredients.
No artificial active chemicals or preservatives. The
Hairoine uses no parabens, mineral oil, sodium
lauryl sulphate, silicones, etc.
Careful Swiss-quality research to ensure
effectiveness of all our products.
Two-way communication with our
customers. The Hairoine provides
you with personalized advice and
listens to your views.
Results, results, results !
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Hair Care
The Hairoine’s care range is specially formulated to address the specific
needs of multi-ethnic hair types.
T h e H a i r o i n e ’ s G r o w t h F o r m u l a 125 m l
Clinical studies have shown that the combination
of essential oils of lavender, rosemary, thyme and
cedar wood, provide the best formula for hair growth.
Add apricot, jojoba, sweet almond, olive oil and The
Hairoine’s Egyptian oil blend and your hair will have no
choice but to grow!
T he H airoine ’ s E xtra M oisturizing
F ormula 125 ml
Dry hair doesn’t stand a chance against
this powerhouse formula! It contains
jojoba, castor, and avocado oils, which
are packed with vitamins, proteins and
minerals and provide excellent conditioning
properties. Dry hair and scalp become
hydrated and replenished with moisture
from root to tip. (rated 5/5 stars from Black
Hair Magazine.)
F r e s h S ta r t S h a m p o o 250 m l
Give your hair a fresh start with this refreshing, yet gentle
shampoo. Castile soap does the job of cleaning your
hair while vitamin E and essential oils of lavender, rose
geranium and ylang ylang work to keep your hair from
being stripped of its natural oils.
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Hair Care
H ealthy R oots C onditioner 250 ml
Get to the root of healthy hair. This is a great detangler
filled with moisturizing qualities ensured by essential oils
of grapefruit, rose geranium and lavender.
T he H airoine ’ s F laxseed H air G el 250 ml
This is a great all-purpose, non-flaking gel to bring
out your curls, shape your twists, or simply provide a
strong hold. It’s also great for locs. The moisturizing
properties of castor and sweet almond oils help keep
hair moisturized while keeping your style.
T he H airoine ’ s H air L otion 250 ml
Protect your hair! The healing powers of shea butter,
aloe vera juice, jojoba, and essential oils of lavender
and grapefruit are combined in this hair lotion to protect
and nourish it while giving your hair the style you desire.
Great for all hair types.
T he H airoine ’ s L eave -I n C onditioner 125 ml
Indulge your hair in a mist of spring and rose water,
combined with the exotic essential oil of ylang ylang.
This extra light spray instantly softens, moisturizes and
adds shine. Great for all hair types, including weaves
and braids.
Face and Body Care
C oco -M ango -S hea B ody B utter 200 ml
You’ll be tempted by this whipped body butter treat!
Shea, mango and coconut butter provide the ultimate,
heavenly scented moisture formula for dry skin.
R efreshing F ace T oner 125 ml
A no-nonsense toner that cleans and refreshes
your face. Aloe vera juice, apple cider vinegar,
essential oils of lemon and juniperberry all work
to help balance out your natural beauty.
Fragrance free!
E xtra M oisturizing F ormula
B ody O il 125 ml
This extra moisturizing oil hydrates and
nourishes the skin, giving it a soft feel and a
smooth look. It can also be used as a hair oil
(see page 3).
‘ S aquality,
v i n ghandmade,
y o u r dnatural
a y tproducts
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Natural ingredients
Here are some of the KEY natural ingredients you will find in
The Hairoine’s products :
S h e a B u tt e r
Shea butter comes from the
African shea nut tree, which grows
exclusively in the motherland.
Containing large quantities of
vitamins A and E, shea butter
moisturizes the skin, promotes cell
renewal, and increases circulation.
The fatty acids found in shea
butter help retain skin moisture and
elasticity. It also helps to protect
against harmful UV rays with its cinnamic acid. It is used for many
conditions including cellulite, dandruff, eczema, scars and stretch
vera juice
Aloe vera juice is packed with
protein, vitamins, minerals, amino
acids and many other ingredients,
which help treat dry skin and scalp,
control hair loss, and promote
overall healthy hair and skin.
Natural ingredients
L av e n d e r
Lavender oil assists in healing and
stimulates circulation of blood in
the skin, which can restore hair
follicles and promote hair growth.
In addition, it has antiseptic and
anti-inflammatory properties which
help treat skin blemishes, acne,
dermatitis, and oily skin.
Jojoba oil smoothes and conditions
hair and is great for adding moisture
to dehydrated scalp. Jojoba deeply
penetrates the skin of the scalp and
helps other ingredients absorb more
easily. Its effectiveness as a carrier
oil is also increased since it helps
unclog hair follicles and can prevent
sebum build up which can lead to
hair loss.
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Natural ingredients
b u tt e r
Mango butter is known for its
emollient, hydrating and healing
properties. It has been traditionally
used in the tropics for its skin
softening, soothing, moisturizing
and protective properties and
to restore flexibility and reduce
degeneration of skin cells. Protects
against UV rays. Dermatologists
recommend it for the treatment of
wrinkles, as most people who use it
will notice decreased signs of aging.
About The Hairoine
riginally from Haiti, Angie Brice is
the great grand-daughter of a traditional
herbal healer. Angie grew up in New York
before moving to Europe, where she
lived and researched in Berlin, London,
and now Geneva. With her passion
and expertise in hair and experience
with natural products, combined with
a motivation to educate others about
the benefits of natural products, The
Hairoine has created a brand that is
making waves across the UK, Europe
and the USA.
The Hairoine strives to empower people with the knowledge needed to
make smart and healthy decisions in hair and skin care for themselves
or their loved ones. Using different forms of media, ranging from
Black Hair Magazine to her own internet portals, she has been able to
reach millions with her message of the benefits of natural products to
promote natural beauty.
For more information, visit The Hairoine today at : www.thehairoine.com
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The Hairoine is available for workshops, consultations and seminars
on how to care for multi-ethnic hair.
consulting The Hairoine
six months of a personalized regimen
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Angie Brice
Rue de Berne, 58
1201 Genève
Tel. : +41 76 414 54 56
E-mail : info@thehairoine.com
Website : www.thehairoine.com
GRAPHIST E (except pi ctures a nd fra med p ict ures) : SERGE I MALWANGA-DESIGNS.CO M I +41 78 880 99 27 I G E- C H I 04.2011 I 1000 EX .