Farmington Freshman Academy The purpose is to provide a nurturing environment which caters to the educational, emotional, and social needs of freshmen. Ensure a smooth transition from middle school to high school. All students will be engaged in a rigorous curriculum which prepares them to be successful in high school. Allow students to concentrate on academic courses with the support and encouragement from a core group of teachers, peers, counselors & administrators. Increase the number of students who successfully complete 9th grade Increase the attendance rate Raise student achievement levels Create a safer & more personal high school learning environment. Promote student awareness of post-secondary education and/or vocational needs in planning for the high school career. Core teacher classrooms, freshman lockers & principal located in one central location. A common planning period for the core teachers to facilitate developing intervention strategies, planning student activities & developing professional learning communities. Freshman students attend classes with only other freshman students. Freshman students & teachers have a common lunch. A two-hour freshman orientation in August. A career academy is an SLC that has a career theme, shows students links between their academic subjects and this theme, and involves employers and higher education institutions in preparing students for college and a career. Within our Career Academies, we offer several programs of study, also know as Career and Technical Education (CTE) and completer courses. Agriculture Biomedical Business E.A.S.T. Initiative Family & Consumer Science Journalism Theatre Mission is to prepare future generations for the challenges of feeding a growing population. Agriculture is more than planting & harvesting – it’s a science, it’s a business & it’s an art. It’s Future Farmers of America but also Future Biologist, Future Chemist, Future Veterinarians, Future Engineers & Future Entrepreneurs of America too. Through this program students develop their potential for leadership, personal growth & career success through agriculture education. From the moment students walk into the classroom, they are immersed in a scenario and asked to investigate, document, and analyze evidence to solve the case. Case-based scenarios span all Biomedical Science courses. Students explore a range of careers in biomedical sciences as they learn content in the context of realworld, hands-on activities, projects, and problems. The Business Department offers a variety of pathways for students interested in business. Digital Communications I/II Computerized Business Applications Digital Communications III/IV Digital Communications Completer Accounting II Accounting Completer Management Management Completer Marketing Apprenticeship Marketing Tech. and Research Completer Accounting I Marketing Environmental & Spatial Technologies Designed to allow students to familiarize themselves with technology while at the same time helping their community and/or school. Students identify problems in their local communities & then use these tools to develop solutions, collaborating with civic & other groups in the process. Focus is not on the technology but the unique learning environment of the EAST classroom where students are responsible for creating their own project-based learning experience. WHAT is FAMILY and CONSUMER SCIENCE? FACS is a year long course that prepares young people for living in today's world as well as tomorrow's. MISSION: Working to strengthen individuals, families and communities through education. • • • • • Childcare and Development Family Life Parenting Foods and Nutrition Healthy Living • • • • • Consumer Education Personal Money Management Housing and Interior Design Career Exploration & Preparation Clothing and Textiles Students will explore the various careers available in the field of journalism including both print and nonprint media. In addition to traditional classwork, students will compile portfolios of their work for grade assessment and for use as a permanent record of their accomplishments. Theatre 1: This course is a year-long course that covers the basics of both Theatre and Production and Technical Design. Students would learn the history of the theatre and the art of drama. They will learn and apply the basics of acting including: Improv, mime, character study, blocking, theatrical movement, and many more aspects of the art of Drama. Students will also learn and apply the basics of the technical and design basics of the Theatre including: set design, make-up, lighting, and sound. This class will help the student decide on which direction they would like to precede on this path, either Theatre Performance or Tech and Design. ACE/Quiz Bowl Future Business Leaders of American (FBLA) Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Future Educators of America (FEA) Future Farmers of America (FFA) Key Club Student Council Pre-AP course selection is based on teacher recommendation, standardized test scores and student/parent request. The Advanced Placement Program (AP) is a program of college-level courses organized by College Board. Colleges may grant college credit (hours), placement in certain college courses, or both, to students who take the AP test and score well enough to meet the criteria for the college in which they enroll. Students enrolled in an AP course will read and study college-level literature at an accelerated pace. They will also be expected to complete summer reading and writing assignments. English (regular or Pre-AP) Math (Algebra or Pre-AP Geometry) Physical Science (regular or Pre-AP) Civics/Economics Career Focused Elective PE (or equivalent) Fine Arts Health/Keystone In the new A/B (or Alternating Day) Schedule, students take four classes one day and four different classes the next day, repeating the process for the entire school year. Block 1 8:00 – 9:35 (95 minutes) Class change ---5 minutes-Block 2 9:40 – 11:15 (95 minutes) Class change --5 minutes-Lunch A Block 3 (9th grade) 11:10 – 11:45 (30 min) 11:20 – 12:05 (45 min) Block 3 11:50 – 1:25 (95 min) 9th grade lunch 12:05 – 12:35 (30 min) Block 3 12:40 – 1:25 (45 min) Class change --5 minutes-Block 4 1:30 –3:05 (95 minutes) Block 3 11:20 – 12:55 (90 min) Lunch C 12:55 – 1:25 (30 min) Child Nutrition Director: Gena Smith 2014-15 Meal Prices Breakfast - $1.75 Lunch - $2.60 Milk - $0.50 2015-16 Meal Prices to be announced at a later date Free and Reduced Lunch Applications will be available in August Phone: 479-266-1861 Farmington District Webpage: Pinnacle Parent Internet Viewer E-mail: Example: Phone Messenger (Attendance & Information) Freshman Orientation o Schedules o Meet faculty o Find classes August (TBA) Open House August (TBA) First Day of School August 17th from 3 – 5 pm from 5 – 6 pm Farmington Freshman Academy 479-266-1861 Bob Echols, Principal Lisa Stevens, Attendance Donna Norsworthy, Counselor
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