A FARMER FRIENDLY HANDBOOK FOR GOVERNMENT SCHEMES & PROGRAMMES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS 2014-15 Directorate of Agriculture,Horticulture Road, Haddo, Port Blair, Pin-744102 Andaman & Nicobar Islands Why this Handbook? The department of Agriculture is implementing various schemes and programmes for the benefit of farmers either through State Plan Programme or through various Central Sector Schemes of Government of India. The guidelines of each of these schemes and circulars / instructions issued there under provide relevant details on the type and extent of benefits for different components promoted under these schemes. The Farmers Friendly Handbook basically categorizes 10 themes viz. 1. Soil Health, Soil Conservation & Fertilizers 2. Seeds 3. Irrigation 4. Training & Extension for Farmers 5. Mechanization & Technology 6. Agricultural Credits 7. Agricultural Insurance 8. Plant Protection 9. Horticulture (Cultivation of Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers for Higher Income) 10. Agricultural Marketing Each theme has got three aspects (i) What to do?' - This includes suggestions/advises on practical aspect of the theme. (ii) What can you get?'- This includes the type of assistance provided by the department to accomplish the theme, pattern of subsidy and name of scheme under which the assistance is made available (iii) Whom/ where to contact? - This gives the details of person / institute to whom a farmer can contact to get the information on government schemes. ' What to do? Whom to contact? What can you get? Page: 1 CONTENTS S.No. Description Page No. 1. Soil Health, Soil Conservation and Fertilizers 2. Seeds 3. Irrigation 4. Training and Extension for Farmers 5. Mechanization and Technology 6. Agricultural Credits 7. Agricultural Insurance 8. Plant Protection 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 9. Horticulture (Cultivation of Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers for Higher Income) 12 10. Agricultural Marketing 14 Page: 2 1. Soil Health, Soil Conservation and Fertilizers What to Do? • Always use appropriate fertilizer in right quantity based on soil test. • Must use organic manures to maintain the fertility of soil. • In order to get maximum benefit of the fertilizers, always apply in root zone instead of broadcasting. • Resort to judicious and efficient use of Phosphatic Fertilizers for proper development of roots/shoots and timely maturity of crops, particularly the legumes which fix atmospheric nitrogen for enrichment of soil. • For reclaiming acidic soil, use lime and for saline/usar soil, use gypsum. • Farmers desirous of adopting Participatory Organic Guarantee System (PGS – India) Certification system may form a group of at least 5 farmers and get it registered with the nearest Regional Council or Regional Centre of Organic Farming. What can you get? S.No. Type of Assistance 1. Plant Nutrient in Chemical Form (Urea , DAP, MOP , R/ Phosphate, Complex Fertilizer) Chemical Pesticide and Plant Protection Equipment Organic manures / bio fertilizers / Bio pesticides Soil Conservation work on watershed basis in farmers field Adoption of Organic Farming Production of ordinary compost and vermin compost 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Quantum of Assistance/ Maximum limit 20% cost subsidy and 100% transport subsidy. Scheme/Component 20% cost subsidy and 100% transport subsidy 50% cost subsidy and 100% transport subsidy Rs. 10,000/ha State Plan Scheme Rs.10,000/ ha 100% cost subsidy limited to Rs. 60,000/unit NHM/MIDH CDB Schemes State Plan Scheme State Plan Scheme State Plan Scheme Whom/Where to Contact? Zonal Assistant Director(Agri)/Nearest Agriculture Sub-Depot/Agriculture Field Staff/ Rural Knowledge Centre /Kisan Call Centre - Phone : 03192-243434 Page: 3 2. Seeds What to Do? • Always use recommended variety of seeds as per local climate and adopt recommended seed rate and other package of practices. • Replace seeds of paddy, pulses (except arhar), oilseeds (except mustard and sunflower) once in three years, seeds of maize, arhar, mustard and sunflower once in two years. • Always procure certified seeds from authorized agencies and store the seeds in a cool, dry and clean place. • Always use treated seeds for sowing and test for quality parameters like purity, germination, free from weed seed etc., before sowing. What Can You Get? S.No. 1. Type of Assistance Quantum of assistance Schemes and per kilogram of seeds components Seeds of High Yielding Variety 20% cost subsidy 100% State Plan Scheme of Paddy, Pulses , vegetables and transport subsidy Oil seeds Whom/Where to Contact? Zonal Assistant Director(Agri)/Nearest Agriculture Sub-Depot/Agriculture Field Staff/ Rural Knowledge Centre /Kisan Call Centre- Phone : 03192-243434 Page: 4 3. Irrigation What to Do? • Conserve soil and water through Good Agricultural Practices. • Harvest rain water through construction of check dams and ponds. • Adopt crop diversification, seed production and nursery raising in water logged areas. • Adopt drip and sprinkler irrigation system to save 30-37% water and enhance crop quality and productivity. What Can You Get? S.No. Type of Assistance 1. Installation of Micro irrigation system including pumpset. Supply of Pumpsets / Construction of RCC Ringwell. Excavation of Pond under Loan cum-subsidy/ Shramdan -cumsubsidy to individual beneficiary and cooperatives societies. 2. 3. Quantum of assistance Schemes and per kilogram of seeds components 75% of the cost limted State Plan Scheme. to Rs.93,750/- per Ha. 50% of the approved State Plan Schemes cost 50% of the estimated State Plan Schemes cost Whom/Where to Contact? Zonal Assistant Director(Agri)/Nearest Agriculture Sub-Depot/Agriculture Field Staff/ Rural Knowledge Centre /Kisan Call Centre - Phone : 03192-243434 Page: 5 4. Training and Extension for Farmers What to Do? • Set up or participate in Farm School or Demonstration Plot. • Get exact information from the web or kisan call center or Rural Knowledge Centre. • Tune in to agriculture related programmes on Local Doordarshan (18 Regional, 1 National, 180 Low Power transmitters), All India Radio, FMRadio Stations (96) or even some private channels to get latest knowledge and information. • Participate in exposure visits and trainings for progressive farmers. • Get selected information & services from the web through interactive SMS (USSD) without internet on your mobile. What Can You Get? S.No. Types of Assistance 1. i. Training of farmers Within the State ii. Outside the State(each group of 15 farmers for 20 days) iii. Within the District 2. i. Exposure visit of farmers Within the state (15 days) Each group – 20 farmers ii. Outside the state ( each group 15 farmers for 25 days) iii. Within the District iv. a) Mobilization of farmers group of different types for capacity building, skill development of farmers’ groups and for other support services(for 20 groups per block) v. b) Seed Money to the groups as one time grant for taking up income generating activity. Farm School (06 cr itical stages of training on crop to 25 farmers / season. Pattern of assistance for the activity. Schemes and components Rs. 1000/ - per day per farmers including transport , boarding and lodging Rs.1250/- per farmer per day including transportation, boarding and lodging Rs.400/- per farmer per day including transportation, boarding and lodging HVADA/ATMA Rs.400/per day farmers including transportation, boarding and lodging Rs. 800/ - per farmer per day including transportation, boarding and lodging Rs. 300/ - per farmer per day including transportation, boarding and lodging HVADA Rs.5,000/- group HVADA/ATMA ATMA ATMA ATMA ATMA Rs.10,000/- group Rs. 29,414/- per Farmer/Season. ATMA Whom/Where to Contact? Zonal Assistant Director(Agri)/Nearest Agriculture Sub-Depot/Agriculture Field Staff/ Rural Knowledge Centre /Kisan Call Centre - Phone : 03192-243434 Page: 6 5. Mechanization and Technology What to Do? • Procure appropriate machinery/ equipment as per land holding size and crop. • Machinery & equipment can be used by Custom Hiring/sharing by groups of farmers. • Conserve Resources - Use Zero-till Seed Drill, Laser Leveler, Happy Seed Drill Rotavator, etc. • Learn proper use, routine maintenance and servicing of Farm Machinery through training organized by Department, KVKs, Farm Machinery Training &Testing Institutes (FMTTIs) & Central Island Agriculture Research Institute. What Can You Get? S.No. Type of Assistan ce 1. Tractor upto 20HP PTO 2. Power Tiller/ Modern Farm Machineries Power operated machines/tools including Grass/ Weed cutters, Coconut Palm Climber, Fruit harvester, Arecanut dehuskers, Tree Pruner, Power Saw and Plant Protection equipments etc. 3. Quantum of assistance. 25% of cost subject to a ceiling of Rs. 1.00Lakh 40% of cost subject to a ceiling of Rs. 45,000/40% of cost subject to a ceiling of Rs. 40,000/set Schemes and components RKVY RKVY HVADA under NHM, Horticulture Mechanization Whom/Where to Contact? Zonal Assistant Director(Agri)/Nearest Agriculture Sub-Depot/Agriculture Field Staff/ Rural Knowledge Centre /Kisan Call Centre - Phone : 03192-243434 Page: 5 7 6. Agricultural Credit What to Do? • To save themselves from the clutches of money lenders, farmers can avail loan facility from banks. • Loan facility is available through a large network of Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks and Cooperative Credit Institutions in the country to fulfill the crop loan and term loan needs of the farmers. • Ensure timely repayment of bank loan. • Proper record of loan should be maintained by farmer. • Utilize the bank loan for actual purpose for which bank loan is taken. What Can You Get? S.No. Credit facility 1. Kisan Credit Card 2. Investment Loan Quantum of assistance. Farmers can avail crop loan through Kisan Credit Card. Loan /credit limit is decided on the basis of crop sown on cultivated land by the farmers and Kisan Credit Cards are valid for 3-5 years. Farmers are also provided cover of Rs.50,000/- maximum for accidental death. Loan facility to the farmers is available for investment purposes in the areas viz. Irrigation, Agricultural Mechanization, Land Development, Plantation, Horticulture and Post Harvest Management. Whom/Where to Contact? Nearest Commercial Banks, Regional rural Banks and Cooperative Banks / CoOperative Credit Societies. 8 Page: 8 7. Agricultural Insurance What to Do? • Safeguard yourself financially against non-preventable natural risks like natural disasters/calamities, insect, pests & diseases and adverse weather conditions. • Take benefit of appropriate crop insurance scheme applicable in your area. National Crop Insurance Programme (NCIP) with three components namely Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS), Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) and Coconut Palm Insurance Scheme (CPIS) are being implemented in the country. • Getting yourself covered under MNAIS/WBCIS is compulsory, if you avail crop loan for notified crops. • Coverage is voluntary for non-loanee farmers. Contact nearest branch of bank/crop insurance company for availing the benefits under the Crop Insurance Schemes. What Can You Get? S.No. Assistance 1. Crop Insurance for Paddy and Pulses Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS) 2. Quantum of Assistance 100% of cost Schemes Plan Scheme Insurance protection for notified food crops, oilseeds and annual horticultural/commercial crops. · Actuarial Premium rate for notified crops subject to maximum premium upto 11% & 9% for food & oilseeds crops of Kharif and Rabi seasons, respectively. For annual commercial/horticultural crops, it is capped at 13%. · Subsidy upto 75% of premium is provided to all types of farmers depending on the slab of premium. a. Upto 2% - Nil, b. More than 2 – 5% : 40% subject to minimum net premium of 2%, c. More than 5 – 10% : 50% subject to minimum net premium of 3%, d. More than 10 – 15% : 60% subject to minimum net premium of 5%, e. More than 15% : 75% subject to minimum net premium of 6 % · If the sowing is not done due to adverse weather/climate, claims/indemnity upto 25% of sum insured will be paid for prevented sowing/planting risk. · When the crop yield is less than the guaranteed yield of notified crops, the indemnity payment equal to shortfall in yield is payable to all insured farmers in the notified areas. · However, on-account advance payment, up to 25% of likely claims will be paid as immediate relief in those notified areas where yield losses are atleast 50% of Threshold Yield (TY). Besides, post harvest (upto 2 weeks) losses due to cyclone are also covered. Losses due to localized risks of hailstorm and landslide are assessed on individual basis and claims to affected insured farmers are paid accordingly. Page: 9 2. Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) Insurance protection for notified food crops, oilseeds and horticultural/ commercial crops · Actuarial Premium rate for notified crops, subject to maximum premium upto 10% & 8% for food & oilseeds crops of Kharif and Rabi seasons, respectively and 12% for annual commercial/horticultural crops. It is capped at 12%. a. Upto 2% - Nil subsidy, b. More than 2 to 5% - 25% subsidy subject to minimum net premium of 2%, c. More than 5 to 8% - 40% subsidy subject to minimum net premium of 3.75%, d. More than 8% - 50% subsidy subject to minimum net premium of 4.8% and maximum net premium of 6% payable by farmers. · When the Weather indices (rainfall/temperature/relative humidity/wind speed etc) differ (less/higher) from the Guaranteed Weather Index of notified crops, the indemnity payment equal to deviation/shortfall is payable to all insured farmers of notified crops in notified area. Whom/Where to Contact? Zonal Assistant Director(Agri)/Nearest Agriculture Sub-Depot/Agriculture Field Staff/ Rural Knowledge Centre /Kisan Call Centre - Phone : 03192-243434 Page: 10 8. Plant Protection What to Do? • Bio-pesticides should be given priority over chemical pesticides. • Pest Defender ratio to be assessed by farmers before using any pesticide. Agro Eco System Analysis (AESA) based Integrated Pest Management should be adopted. • Grow such crops surrounding/near the main crop (inter cropping/border cropping) which attract farmer friendly insects which can manage/kill harmful insects. • Resort to deep ploughing during summer season. • Use pest resistant varieties of crops and manage pests by adopting crop rotation, inter cropping and trap-cropping. • Use light trap/sticky trap/pheromone trap for monitoring and mass trapping of the pests. • Use parasitoids and predators for biological control of the insects, pests and antagonists for diseases. • Use chemical pesticides only if the above listed measures are not effective, that too as per the recommendation of the experts and also take following precautions: Ø Follow all the prescribed safety precautions while using chemical pesticides. Ø While spraying the pesticides, always wear safety gadgets like mask, hand-gloves etc. Ø Always spray in the direction of wind and keep yourself safe from the spray drift. Ø Always keep pesticides, plant protection equipment etc. under lock and key away from children and pets. Ø While purchasing pesticides, you must see the packing and validity date of the chemical. Ø In case of any pesticide poisoning, immediately contact a doctor, also carry the empty container and information booklet of the pesticide used. Ø Pesticides should be used as per the instructions on the label. Ø Disposal of used containers should be as per the instructions given in leaflet. What Can You Get? S.No. 1. Type of Assistance 2. Chemical Pesticide and Plant Protection Equipment Bio-pesticides/Fungicides 3. Pheromone Traps and Lures 4. Bio-fertilizer Quantum of Assistance 20% cost subsidy and 100% transport subsidy 50% cost subsidy and 100% transport subsidy 50% cost subsidy and 100% transport subsidy 50% cost subsidy and 100% transport subsidy Sche mes / components State Plan Scheme State Plan Scheme State Plan Scheme State Plan Scheme Whom/Where to Contact? Zonal Assistant Director(Agri)/Nearest Agriculture Sub-Depot/Agriculture Field Staff/ Rural Knowledge Centre /Kisan Call Centre - Phone : 03192-243434 Page: 11 9. Horticulture (Cultivation of Fruits, Spices and Flowers for Higher Income) What to Do? • Grow Horticultural Crops for higher income from lesser area. • For healthy crop use high quality planting material. • To keep fruits and vegetables fresh for longer period, use cold storage facility/cool houses. • Earn maximum profit by adopting correct method of harvesting, cleaning, grading, processing and packaging. • Produce off-season vegetables and flowers in poly-houses, low tunnels. What Can You Get? S.No Type of Assistance Criteria for Assistance/maximum limit Subsidy A. Sub Schemes of NHM under MIDH Hi-tech Nursery (2-4 ha unit) 1. Small Nursery (1ha unit) 2. Maximum Subsidy per Unit Area Cost(Ha*) 40% of cost, as credit linked back ended subsidy 50% of cost in private sector, as credit linked back ended subsidy Rs.25.00 lakhs/ha 100% in public sector Rs.15.00 lakhs/ ha e) Perennial Fruits (High Density planting) Sub Schemes of NHM under MIDH Rs. 7.5 lakhs/ha Establishment of new orchard (For a maximum area of 4 ha per beneficiary) a) Non- Perennial Fruits(Banana & Pineapple) b) Non-Perenial Fruits(T.C.Banana & T.C.Pineapple) c) Non- Perennial Fruits- Papaya d) Perennial Fruits (Normal spacing) Schemes/Com ponents Sub Schemes of NHM under MIDH 50 % (75:25) Rs. 43,750/ha 50% (75:25) Rs.62,500/ha 50%(75:25) Rs.30,000/ha Rs.30,000/ha 50% in 3 installments of 60:20:20 subject to survival rate of 75% in 2nd year and 90% in 3rd year) 50% in 3 installments of 60:20:20 subject to survival rate of 75% in 2nd year and 90% in 3rd year) Rs.50,000/ha Page: 12 Establishment of new garden of Spices( For a maximum area of 4ha per beneficiary) a) Perennial Spices (Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Clove , Nutmeg) b) Rhizomatic Spices(Ginger, Termeric) 50% in 3 installments of 60:20:20 subject to survival rate of 75% in 2nd year and 90% in 3rd year) Rs. 25,000/ha 50% Rs.15,000/ha 4. Establishment of new garden of Plantation Crop(Cashew)- Area Expansion including replanting ( For a maximum area of 4ha per beneficiary) 50% in 3 installments of 60:20:20 subject to survival rate of 75% in 2nd year and 90% in 3rd year) Rs. 25,000/ha Sub Schemes of NHM under MIDH 5. Pollination Support through Bee Keeping (Maximum 50 colonies / beneficiary) 40% of cost Rs. 800/- per hive Rs. 800/- per colony Rs. 8,000 per set of equipments including honey extractor(4 frames), food grade container(30 kg), net, etc. Sub Schemes of NHM under MIDH 6. PROTECTED CULTIVATION I. Green House a) Fan & Pad System (limited to 1000 sq m per beneficiary ) b)Naturally Ventilated System (Maximum 1000 sq m per beneficiary) i) Tubular structure 50% of cost Rs. 825/- per sqm. 3. ii) Wooden Structure iii) Bamboo Structure II. Plastic Tunnel (Maximum 1000 sq m/ beneficiary) III. Plastic Mulching (Maximum 2 ha/beneficiary) IV. Cost of vegetables seedlings grown in Polyhouse (Maximum of 4000 sqm / beneficiary) 7. 8. V. Cultivation of Flowers in polyhouse/ shadenet house(Maximum of 4000 sqm / beneficiary) i) Orchid and Anthurium ii) Carnation and gerbera iii) Rose VI. Integrated Post Harvest Management Cold Storage Units (Construction/Expansion and modernization) (Maximum 5000 MT capacity) VII. Development of Commercial Horticulture (Project Based) Laying Demonstration Plots in Coconut Gardens(Integrated Farming for Productivity Improvement) Supply of Copra Drier Sub Schemes of NHM under MIDH 50% of cost 50% of cost Rs. 530/- per sq m. 50% of cost 50% of cost Rs.270/- per sq m. Rs.225/- per sq m. 50% of cost Rs.30/per sq m. 50% of cost Rs. 16,000/- per ha. Rs.70/- per sq m. 50% of cost Rs.350/- per sq m. Rs. 305/- per sq m. Rs. 213/- per sq m. 50% of cost (Project Based) Rs 4,000/- per MT Back ended capital investment subsidy @ not exceeding 33% 50% Rs. 50.00 lakh/project NHB Rs. 35,000/- in two installment CDB Project Based Whom/Where to Contact? Zonal Assistant Director(Agri)/Nearest Agriculture Sub-Depot/Agriculture Field Staff/ Rural Knowledge Centre /Kisan Call Centre - Phone : 03192-243434 Page: 13 10. Agricultural Marketing What to Do? • Farmer can get the price information of their produce which is available on Agmarknet website (www.agmarknet.nic.in) or through Kisan Call Centres or SMS. • Pull SMS to get information as and when you need, is also available. • Buyer Seller Portal available at www.farmer.gov.in/buysell.htm • Harvesting and threshing should be done at appropriate time. • Proper grading, packing and labeling should be done before sale, for better prices. • Transport of produce to proper market/mandi for getting remunerative price. • Storage of produce should be done, for sale during off season, for maximum profit. • Avoid distress sale. • Farmers in a group may form marketing cooperatives for better marketing facilities. • Marketing cooperatives may open retail and wholesale outlets. • Farmers may also operate cold storages and warehouses to store the produce in order to avoid distress sale. What Can You Get? Type of facilities i) For Storage Infrastructure projects- 1. Criteria for Assistance/Maximum Limit Rate of Subsidy ceiling subsidy Upto 1000 More Maximum MT (in than (Rs. Rs./MT) 1000Lakhs) 30000 MT (in Rs./MT) 33.33% Rs. 1333/- Rs. 1333/- Rs. 400/A) NE States, per MT. per MT. Sikkim, UTs of Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands and hilly* Category Schemes. Integrated Scheme for Agricultural Marketing (ISAM) Criteria for Assistance/Maximum Limit S.No Types of Facilities Category Rate of Subsidy 1. (ii) For other Marketing Infrastructure projects Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) sub scheme of ISAM A) NE States, Sikkim, States of Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, UTs of Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands, hilly* and tribal areas 33.33% Maximum Subsidy Ceiling (Rs. In Lakhs) 500.00 Schemes Integrated Scheme for Agricultural Marketing (ISAM) Whom/Where to Contact? Zonal Assistant Director(Agri)/Nearest Agriculture Sub-Depot/Agriculture Field Staff/ Rural Knowledge Centre /Kisan Call Center- Phone : 03192-243434 Page: 14 Directorate of Agriculture No. 20 Horticulture Road Haddo, Port Blair Andaman & Nicobar Islands Pin- 744102 Email id: diragri@and.nic.in Fax: 03192-233257 Phone: 03139-232272 15
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