Rock Chip Reporter APRIL 2015 Far West Lapidary & Gem Society Inc. P.O. Box 251, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420 State Rock: Thunderegg Gemstone: Sunstone Bird: Western Meadowlark Flower: Oregon Grape Nickname: Beaver State Motto: She Flies With Her Own Wings ROCK CHIP REPORTER FARWEST LAPIDARY & GEM SOCIETY, INC. P.O. Box 251, Coos Bay, OR. 97420-0026 The "Rock Chip Reporter" is the official publication of the FARWEST LAPIDARY & GEM SOC. INC... This organization is affiliated with the American Federation of Mineralogical Soc.; Northwest Federation of Mineralogical Soc.; Oregon Council of Rock and Mineral Clubs. The FARWEST LAPIDARY & GEM SOC. INC. was incorporated August 17,1962. 2015 OFFICERS President: Vice-President: Secretary: Treasurer: Board Member: Board Member: Board Member: Board Member: Federation Director: Oregon Council: Terry Innes Karl Granzow Anita Harris Debbie McPherson Pat Ames Kelley Argenta Roger Gary Matt Vegar Don Innes Don Innes 541-396-5722 541-808-4936 541-751-1980 541-269-0276 541-982-4568 541-373-0336 541-572-2968 541-294-2877 541-396-5722 2015 COMMITTEES Delegate NWFMS: Sunshine Chair: Show Chairman: Telephone: Field Trips: Librarian: Program Chair: Workshop: Refreshments: Bulletin Editor: Roger Gary Connie Cooley Don Innes / Terry Innes Sarah Slechta / Glenda Hadden Roger Gary Veneita Stender Karl Granzow Terry Innes / Karl Granzow See Sign Up Sheet Sue Granzow 541-808-4934 541-572-2968 541-404-1488 MEETINGS: meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the first & third Tuesday of each month (except December) at the Faith Lutheran Church, 2741 Sherman Ave., North Bend, OR., the meeting on the first Tuesday is a business meeting. The meeting on the third Tuesday is a social meeting. WORK SHOPS 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month at Sherman address---5:30pm to 8:00pm? DUES: Membership dues are $15 per year for one; $20 per year for a couple or family. Dues are due in December. (However you will do our treasurer a favor if you pay them in November.) BULLETIN: The bulletin "Rock Chip Reporter" is mailed free to all members. The aims of this club shall be the study of lapidary, mineralogy, geology and the locating and preserving of mineral Specimens. We are not responsible for the authenticity of information in articles accepted for publication in this bulletin ,nor are the Opinions expressed herein necessarily those of the editor, officers of the club, or members of the club. Permission to reprint material from this bulletin is given freely provided proper credit is given. BRING A FRIEND TO A MEETING - VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME WE VALUE NEW MEMBERS Rock Chip Reporter Page 3 APR 2015 President’s Notes for April Hello everyone! I hope that you had a great March, with the good weather we had on the beaches looking for agates and jasper, or wood and bone. And I hope that if you have any fruit trees that you got them pruned. Dad and I have been really busy with the pruning here and got as much done as we can for now. Dad has been cutting a lot of rocks for the shows coming up and for the tumbler, and trying to get some stone cut for wire wrapping. We are starting to pull the yard signs out of the trailer to see how many signs need new dates on them. I would like to thank Karl for the video last Thursday night on the fluorescent rocks from Franklin, New Jersey. They have a really nice display with a lot of colors. It is great to see more and more people showing up for the meeting and workshop nights now that spring is here! And thanks to all those that help with cleaning up after the meetings and workshops. It helps so that everyone can get home at a good time. Don’t forget that April 21st is pie social night and that April 25th we will be at the Bay Crest Village with the Reedsport club doing a Show and Tell and Demonstration day with the fluorescent display. We have a sign up sheet for people to help or demonstrate at that show. We will be there at 8:00 am to set up, open to the publi9c at 10:00 am until 5:00 pm. that Saturday. There is a sign up sheet for the club show display cases and we are starting to get things together for the show, as it is not that far off. When the weather gets nicer we will start working on the rocks for the silent auction and we will need to start getting tumbled rock together for the kid’s rock bags. We will be starting a sign up sheet for all those who can help out at the show. Don’t forget - if there is a place people like to go to rock hound, or if you hear of a trip, please let us know so that maybe we can all go, or if you hear of a show, just in case I forget to let everyone else know about it. And remember, if you have a story or something to share, let Sue know so she can put it in the newsletter! Thank you, Terry Rock Chip Reporter Page 4 APR 2015 Meeting Minutes March 3, 2015 President Terry Innes called the meeting to order on March 3, 2015 at 7 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church in North Bend. The meeting opened with the Flag Salute. Terry announced he had a sign-up list for demonstrators who will be attending the Baycrest Village Show and Tell display on April 25th. We will have five tables for demonstrations. A large table will be set up for displays. We will be able to set-up at 8 a.m. and the event will be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Members are welcome to sell items. Don Innes asked members to bring their special items for the display. Our club is on the calendar to fill the display cases at the Coos Bay Library for the month of September. September 5th will be our demonstration day at the library. Members need to be thinking about displays for our rock show in August. He has a sign-up sheet available for members to reserve a display case. The name for our rock show will be “Are You Ready to Rock”. The letter for show and tell at the April meeting will be the letter “T”. Karl Granzow shared with members the new DVD our club has recently purchased for our library. This DVD is titled Ore-Rock-On and shows dig locations in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. The DVD includes a USGS topo map with digs clearly marked and waypoints to upload to your GPS. Terry gave the treasurer’s report for Debbie McPherson who was unable to attend this meeting. Respectfully submitted, Anita Harris, Secretary From the Editor: If anyone is currently receiving their newsletter via U.S. Mail and would prefer to switch to email (you get it much sooner), please let me know, so the club can save some money on postage. Membership dues are due NOW. Please make sure to pay them immediately, if you have not already. You will be removed from our mail list if dues are not paid. Rock Chip Reporter Page 5 APR 2015 Meeting Minutes March 17, 2015 President Terry Innes called the meeting to order on March 17, 2015 at 7 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church in North Bend. The meeting opened with the Flag Salute. New members Harold and Roy Clark from Coquille and Johnny Clements, Howard’s grandson, were introduced. New member Cerina McPherson was also in attendance. The club welcomed other new members or returning members, Tony West from North Bend, Galen and Shana Black from Myrtle Point, and Mike and Lisa Miranda from Myrtle Point. The DVD movie for the meeting, on Franklin and Sterling Hill New Jersey fluorescent minerals and mining, was enjoyed by all. The DVD reported that there are 91 fluorescent minerals found in this small area of northwestern New Jersey. Terry reminded members that our pie social will be held on April 21st, and Saturday, April 25th, will be our joint Show and Tell and Demonstration Day with the Reedsport Club at Baycrest Village. Respectfully submitted, Anita Harris, Secretary Articles and rockhounding stories are always welcome for our newsletter. If you have any you would like to include in our next newsletter, please email them to They need to be submitted prior to the 25th of the month in order to be included in the newsletter for the following month. SHOW TIME: May 2, 9:00 to 5:00: May 3, 10:00 to 4:00. Mark your calendar to be at the Douglas County Fairgrounds, 1-5 Exit 123, at Roseburg, OR. The Umpqua Gem and Mineral Club will present it's 45th Annual Show. The theme this year is "River of Rocks". All of the activities you would expect at a Rock and Gem Show will be there, plus free activities for boys and girls. This is the time to choose a lapidary gift for your precious deserving Mother. Perhaps even win a free door prize. Be on board Sunday morning, May 3 at 7:00 a.m. for the "Ye Old Timers" breakfast. Elmer's Restaurant has the Vineyard Room where we will be able to choose from three or four entrees. The Restaurant is at the corner of 1-5 and Garden Valley. We will throw around a few stories, catch up on news and make a few new friends. Don't Miss Out! Rock Chip Reporter Page 6 APR 2015 April Birthdays 4/2 Bill Daffron 4/16 Vernon Gene Ray 4/18 Sarah Parten 4/19 Michelle Shull 4/28 Kelley Argenta April Birthstone: Diamond A diamond is one of the most valuable substances known to man, and the hardest. Nothing can scratch a diamond except another diamond. This gem comes in many different colors, as well as different grades. FL diamonds are flawless, IF are internally flawless. VVS is very very slightly included, VS diamonds are very slightly included. SI diamonds are slightly included and I grade are imperfect and contain inclusions which are obvious to a trained grader. Usually the purchase price of a diamond is based on the “4 C’s”, which are: Cut, whether the stone was cut to maximize sparkle, Color, the “whiteness” or lack of color of the stone, Clarity, based on the tiny natural identifiers found in the stone, and Carat weight, the weight and reflection of the stone’s size. Diamonds promote strength of character, purify and strengthen the brain, nerves, sensory organs and blood vessels. From the Editor: My birthday list has not been updated for quite some time. If you are new to the club (if you have joined in 2014 or 2015) please let me know your birthdate (the year is not necessary) so we may all join in wishing you a happy birthday. Email to Rock Chip Reporter Page 7 APR 2015 New Member Information (Good Stuff For Old Members Too) THREE ORGANIZATIONS IMPORTANT TO OUR CLUB #1 Northwest Federation of Mineralogical Societies (NFMS) The Northwest Federation of Mineralogical Societies, Inc. is a member of the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies. It was founded in 1938. In 1947 it was one of the original four founders of the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies. It encompasses the states of Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Idaho, Montana and a portion of Utah. Our own Don Innes is the NFMS past president and current nominating chairman. NFMS assists all member clubs in coordinating show schedules, field trips, and achievement awards. They maintain a video library to share with clubs. #2 Oregon Council of Rock and Mineral Clubs (OCRMC) The mission of the Oregon Council of Rock and Mineral Clubs is to establish communication to state and national government representatives and agencies. A primary objective is to preserve access to public lands for rock and mineral collectors. OCRMC is responsible for the rock and mineral display case at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem. In December 1982, Ted Jackson, then president of the OCRMC, presented our handsome showcase to the State of Oregon. Individual clubs take turns filling the display case with rocks, mineral and gemstones that come from the state of Oregon. #3 Public Lands Advisory Committee (PLAC) The Public Lands Advisory Committee is authorized by Oregon Revised Statue 270.120 and 270.100 (1)(d). The primary role of the Committee is to advise the Department of Administrative Services on all real property acquisitions, exchanges or terminal dispositions valued at $100,000.00 or more for which the department must give its consent. The State of Oregon is divided into five regions each having a committee representative. Don Innes has appointed our own Kelly Argenta as our Southwest Committee Representative to PLAC. 03-18-15 DI:aih Rock Chip Reporter Page 8 APR 2015 Rock Chip Reporter Page 9 APR 2015 Farwest Lapidary & Gem Society “Rock Chip Reporter” P.O. Box 251 Coos Bay, OR 97420 FARWEST LAPIDARY 53RD GEM AND MINERAL SHOW NORTH BEND COMMUNITY CENTER 2222 BROADWAY NORTH BEND, OREGON July 31, August 1 and August 2, 2015 Friday and Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Sunday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Admission $1.00 - Children under 12 FREE Silent Auctions Door Prizes Displays Jewelry Gemstones Rough and Polished Rocks
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