SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE 2015 Illustrated by Jeanine Brito jeaninebrito.com TA K E A S T Y L I S H S T E P F O R W A R D T O W A R D S K I D S ’ H E A LT H INSTAGRAM : @FASHION_HEALS TWITTER : @FASHION_HEALS FACEBOOK: FASHIONHEALS4SICKKIDS C O NTAC T SPONSORSHIPS@FASHIONHEALS4SICKKIDS.COM E L KE R U B ACH , CO -CH AI R NATAL I E KO RO L , CO -CH AI R PRES ENTED BY YO U NG PRO FE S S I O NAL S FO R S I CKKI D S Designed by Blueshift Design PF ABOUT ABOUT FA S H I O N HEALS The first annual Fashion Heals is a unique and special evening event for our guests and sponsors with a purpose of raising awareness and funds to support The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids). Hosted alongside one of the most prominent Canadian heritage brands, the luxurious Holt Renfrew on Bloor St. West in Toronto, our prominent guests will enjoy an evening of entertainment, socializing, as well as image and style consultation by Karen Brunger, President & Founder of The International Image Institute. Importantly, the guests will enjoy exclusive, store-wide shopping experience, while 10% of each purchase will be donated by Holt Renfrew to the diverse and vital Possibilities Fund of SickKids. Page 2 THE POSSIBILITIES FUND The Possibilities Fund creates the flexibility to respond quickly and strategically to SickKids’ most urgent funding needs as they arise, including support for people, physical structure, and world-class programs in research, education and patient care. An investment in the Possibilities Fund will help ensure that SickKids remains at the forefront of research, learning and care for the benefit of children everywhere. The Possibilities Fund has the greatest potential to transform child health. W E D N E S D AY , A P R I L 1 5 2 0 1 5 Starting at 6:30pm on Bloor St. West 6:30pm to 7:15 pm: • Mingle and network with professionals, influencers and prominent guests at the stylish Holts Café • Image consultancy with Karen Brunger, President of International Image Institute Inc. • Entertainment from Toronto’s best DJ’s • Hors d'œuvres and drinks 7:15pm – 8:00pm: • Unique ‘before and after’ runway show prepared and emceed by Karen Brunger with guest models • Latest Spring Summer 2015 looks in collaboration with Holt Renfew 8:00pm to 10:00pm: • Private, storewide fundraising shopping evening with exclusive assistance • 10% of purchases will be donated to SickKids Holt Renfrew is home to the most established and recognized designer and contemporary brands of the world and known to be a key player bringing new and exclusive events to the Canadian Fashion, Beauty & Luxury market. Page 3 Karen Brunger, is a Certified Image Professional and Trainer with 28 years of experience. As an image trainer, she has coached some of the top consultants in the industry. Her systems and products are in 68 countries, and she has presented on five continents. Karen has appeared in most major print and broadcast media in Canada, as well as in international media. She is co-author of Executive Power Image and Bushido Business and is a contributing writer to Active Magazine. 2015 SPONSORSHIP OPTIONS We invite you to consider the following sponsorship opportunities and get involved with one of Toronto’s premier events with young professions: TITLE SPONSOR $8,000 BE NE FI TS Page 4 PREMIER CHAMPION SPONSOR SPONSOR $4,000 $2,000 Recognition as the exclusive sponsor in all potential earned media articles ü Opening remarks ü A Behind the Scenes Tour of SickKids ü Logo recognition on printed marketing materials including invitation, thank you cards, attendee letters ü Brand placement in online video ü Logo recognition on digital marketing materials including invitation, website ü ü Sponsor’s promotional materials and items at Holts Café ü ü Media mention in potential blog and online media coverage ü ü Brand and logo recognition in Fashion Heals digital media campaign via Fashion Heals twitter, Instagram and Facebook pre and post-event ü ü ü Logo placement on web-site ü ü ü Mention in post-event media announcement ü ü ü Brand placement on all onsite screens/slide show ü ü ü Complimentary attendance to the event 10 6 2 Alternative Sponsorship Options: VIRTUAL TABLE $1,000 ABOUT YOUNG PROFESSIONALS FOR SICKKIDS ü 8 We welcome your support for Fashion Heals in various other ways, including: • Donation of products or services showcased during the evening • Monetary donations of different amounts Young Professionals for SickKids (YPS) is a vibrant group of young professionals from the legal, financial, medical and media fields in Toronto with an ambition to support and bring awareness to the underfunded divisions within The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids). Over the last three years, YPS hosted a successful and recognized networking and fundraising event for young professionals called Breakfast of Champions. Over the years, the event has raised close to $165,000 to bring awareness and support various underfunded devisions within The Hospital for Sick Children. Please visit www.breakfastofchamps.ca to learn more.
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