BEFORE YOU know it IT' S HERE . " FASHION WEEK SAN DIEGO® HAS BECOME A HUGE EVENT IN OUR COMMUNITY. It's important to the city of San Diego on a couple fronts. it brings tourists to San Diego. FASHION WEEK SAN DIEGO IS HELPING TO build our economy, create jobs and educate young people. THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO IS PROUD TO HAVE THIS EVENT IN OUR COMMUNITY. —TODD GLORIA President of San Diego City Council " INTRODUCTION FASHION WEEK SAN DIEGO® IS A COLLABORATIVE ENTERTAINMENT fashion event that celebrates emerging DESIGNERS BY SHOWCASING, SUPPORTING and highlighting the pulse of these ENTREPRENEURS AND WHAT THEY ARE CREATING. FWSD is a traditional fashion week FEATURING DESIGNERS FROM AROUND THE WORLD. FASHION WEEK SAN DIEGO® IS ALWAYS THE FIRST WEEK OF OCTOBER. OUR 2015 BIG WEEK IS SLATED FOR SEPTEMBER 28TH TO OCTOBER 4TH, 2015 in la jolla. THE GOSSIP " FWSD® events deliver innovation and creativity and are a great opportunity to catch a glimpse into the latest trends THEY PROVIDE A MAJOR SPRINGBOARD TO DISCOVERY AND SUCCESS. It was a great event to get a taste of the great things to come from the art, design, and fashion scene in San Diego. THE STYLES LEFT YOU WANTING MORE! " " D E S T I N AT I O N : S A N D I E G O SAN DIEGO PLAYS A KEY ROLE in the fa shion indu stry. The city is one of the top 10 visitor & meeting destinations within the US. •The State of California is one of the largest employers of designers in the Industry, supporting over 16,000 designers. •San Diego is the eighth-largest city in the US for fashion designers, models and mer- chandisers, holding one of the highest employment rates for fashion designers. •In 2010, San Diego households spent an average, $1,700 a month on items in the industry. • From 1990-2007, employment in family clothing stores increased by 97.2%, with 273,700 jobs growing to 539,800 jobs. • San Diego's proximity to Mexico allows for an economical and competive option for manufacturing opportunities. FAC T S + S TAT S HIGHLIGHTING THE FASHION & BEAUTY INDUSTRY IN OUR COMMUNITY IS A KEY GOAL OF FWSD® • FWSD® is an official and traditional Fashion Week open to both the industry and public. •Our designers are a diverse mix of local, national and international talent. • It is the only Bi–National Fashion Week in the USA. •FWSD® spends up to 8 months coaching these emerging designers to have a strong launch at our runway events and sustain the momentum from their involvement with FWSD®. • FWSD® has had over 20,000 attendees during our week October fashion shows. •FWSD® is a design incubator for emerging fashion designers (designers who recieve under a million in orders a year.) •FWSD® 30% + of the FWSD audience are out of town buyers, press and industry folks. •FWSD ® has been able to help designers get into NYC Fashion Week, national magazines, TV opportunities, showrooms and several retail stores. •In 2012, FWSD ® had the second most media impressions in San Diego next to Comic Con •In 2013, FWSD ® received 2 proclamations making the 1st week of October the official Fashion Week in San Diego. OUR EVENTS FWSD IS NOT A WEEK. It's a whole YEAR! -January: Call for Designers -March: Spring Showcase -April: FAB Authority Workshop -May: FAB Authority Workshop -June: Annual Bikini Fashion Show -July: FAB Authority Workshop -August: Culinary Couture -October: FWSD Runway Shows in La Jolla *SUBJECT TO CHANGE & MANY EVENTS WILL BE ADDED THROUGHOUT THE YEAR at a g l a n c e CLICK HERE to watch COVERAGE S P O N S O R S H I P ov e rv i e w FWSD® OFFERS their partners H I G H I M PAC T SPONSORSHIP EXPOSURE • Gain visibility to a captive and diverse local, national and international audience. • Create more awareness and boost your brand image by aligning with the largest fashion event produced in San Diego & the OC. •Secure promotional marketing at our FWSD® events for all of 2015. •Achieve brand publicity with FWSD® media partners across print, online, video and social media platforms. •Acquire post-event professional photography to support your marketing efforts. •Give your brand the opportunity to support the fashion, beauty & design industry. SPONSOR LEVELS PREFERRED BOUTIQUE $2 , 0 0 0 • Logo on FWSD marketing materials • 4 VIP Tickets to Fashion Week San Diego 2015 (flyers, agendas & email campaigns) • Opportunity to put item in gift bags at • Logo on FWSD website hyperlinked under FWSD runway shows Preferred Boutique Partner • Logo at FWSD runway shows SPONSOR LEVELS PREFERRED SALON $2 , 0 0 0 • Logo on FWSD marketing materials • 4 VIP Tickets to Fashion Week San Diego 2015 (flyers, agendas & email campaigns) • Opportunity to put item in gift bags at • Logo on FWSD website hyperlinked under FWSD runway shows Prefereed Salon Partner • Logo at FWSD runway shows SPONSOR LEVELS PREFERRED HOTEL $2 , 0 0 0 • Logo on FWSD marketing materials • 4 VIP Tickets to Fashion Week San Diego 2015 (flyers, agendas & email campaigns) • Opportunity to put item in gift bags at • Logo on FWSD website hyperlinked under FWSD runway shows Preferred Hotel Partner • Logo at FWSD runway shows SPONSOR LEVELS PREFERRED RESTAURANT $2 , 0 0 0 • Logo on FWSD marketing materials • 4 VIP Tickets to Fashion Week San Diego 2015 (flyers, agendas & email campaigns) • Opportunity to put item in gift bags at • Logo on FWSD website hyperlinked under FWSD runway shows Preferred Restaurant Partner • Logo at FWSD runway shows SPONSOR LEVELS SILVER SPONSOR $5,000 • Logo on printed FWSD marketing materials (flyer, signage, agendas) • Logo on FWSD website hyperlinked • 8 VIP Tickets to Fashion Week San Diego 2015 • Special thank you sponsor reception week of FWSD (Oct.) • Opportunity to put item in gift bags at runway shows SPONSOR LEVELS GOLD SPONSOR $10,000 • Logo on printed FWSD marketing • Special thank you sponsor reception • Special dedicated post on the materials (flyer, signage, agendas) week of FWSD (Oct.) FWSD Twitter on company • Logo on FWSD website • Opportunity to put item in gift • Plus value added customized hyperlinked • 10 VIP Tickets to Fashion Week San Diego 2015 • Logo at runway shows bags at runway shows • Special dedicated post on the FWSD Facebook on company benefits SPONSOR LEVELS PLATINUM SPONSOR $15,000 • Logo on printed FWSD marketing • Opportunity to put item in • Special option to have 1 dedicated materials (flyer, signage, agendas) gift bags at runway shows event before FWSD to promote your • Logo on FWSD website • Special dedicated blog hyperlinked post on company • 15 VIP Tickets to Fashion • Special dedicated post on Week San Diego 2015 FWSD Facebook on company • Special thank you sponsor • Special dedicated post on reception week of FWSD (Oct.) • Logo at runway shows the FWSD Twitter on company • Table at trunk show during Oct. event. brand or company with FWSD audience. • Opportunity to donate to the business package for the winning designer. • Plus value added customized benefits SPONSOR LEVELS FASHION PARTNER $2 5 , 0 0 0 • Logo on printed FWSD marketing materials (flyer, signage, agendas) • Logo on FWSD website hyperlinked • 20 VIP Tickets to Fashion Week San Diego 2015 • Logo at runway shows • Special dedicated blog post on company • Special dedicated post on FWSD Facebook on company • Special dedicated post on • Special thank you sponsor the FWSD Twitter on company reception week of FWSD (Oct.) • Table at trunk show during • Opportunity to put item in gift bags at runway shows Oct. event. • Dedicated portion to company in FWSD email blasts • Opportunity to donate to the business package for the winning designer • Opportunity to have dedicated signage, banner, or pop up banner at FWSD events on company. • Special option to have 2 dedicated events before FWSD to promote your brand or company with FWSD audience. • Plus value added customized benefits SPONSOR LEVELS STYLE PARTNER $50,000 • Logo on printed FWSD marketing • (2) Dedicated portions for • Opportunity to have dedicated materials (flyer, signage, agendas) company in FWSD email blasts signage, banner, or pop up banner at • Logo on FWSD website • Special dedicated blog post hyperlinked on company • 20 VIP Tickets to Fashion • Special dedicated post on FWSD Week San Diego 2015 Facebook on company • Special thank you sponsor • Special dedicated post on reception week of FWSD (Oct.) • Table at trunk show during Oct. event. • Logo at runway shows the FWSD Twitter on company • Opportunity to donate to the business package for the winning designer FWSD events on company. • Opportunity to put item in gift bags at runway shows • Special option to have 3 dedicated events before FWSD to promote your brand or company with FWSD audience. • Plus value added customized benefits SPONSOR LEVELS TRENDSETTER $100,000 • Logo on printed FWSD marketing materials (flyer, signage, agendas) • Logo at runway shows • (2) Dedicated portions for company in • Logo on FWSD website hyperlinked FWSD email blasts • 25 VIP Tickets to Fashion Week • Special dedicated blog post San Diego 2015 on company • Special thank you sponsor reception • Special dedicated post on FWSD Face- week of FWSD (Oct.) • Opportunity to put item in gift bags at runway shows • Table at trunk show during Oct. event. book on company • Special dedicated post on the FWSD Twitter on company • Opportunity to donate to the business package for the winning designer • Opportunity to have dedicated signage, banner, or pop up banner at FWSD events on company. • Special option to have 4 dedicated events before FWSD to promote your brand or company with FWSD audience. • Option to have Runway Show at your venue OR to be the presenting sponsor of one runway show night. • Plus value added customized benefits ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES C O L L A B O R AT E with FWSD® for a unique & fresh approach. • Bar Sponsor $10,000.00 • Press Lounge Sponsor $10,000.00 • Valet Parking Sponsor $10,000.00 • After Party Club Sponsor $1500.00 • VIP lounge $1000.00 • Billboard Sponsor (3) $3500.00 • Items in FWSD VIP $250.00 plus units Giftbags • Dedicated Pre-event $5,000.00 FASHION WEEK SAN DIEGO® LOOKS FORWARD TO YOUR S U P P O RT I N 2 0 1 5 ! ALLISON ANDREWS Founder + Director 858.270.9466
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