St. John The Baptist Catholic Community Welcoming • Learning• Maturing • Healing • Celebrating A Ministering Community 12319 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, MD Let all the Earth rejoice! Schedule of Masses (April 11 & 12—Divine Mercy Sunday) Saturday - 5:00 - Fr. Ochu/Dcn. McCormack Sunday - 7:30 - Fr. Picazo 10:30 H - Fr. Willis 9:00 - Fr. Brault 12:00 - Fr. Willis/Dcn. McCormack 10:30 Ch. - Fr. D’Souza 5:00 - Nitz Daily Mass: Monday-Friday - 7:30 & 8:30 a.m. Saturday - 8:30 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays 4-4:45 p.m. and after Daily Masses. Baptism: Parishioners are asked to call the Parish Office for the times of the monthly liturgical celebrations and to arrange for classes. Marriage: Parishioners requesting a marriage date must have been registered in the parish for six months. Please call the pastor or associate pastor at least six months in advance to make arrangements for a wedding. page two Week-at-a-Glance Monday, April 6 6:30 p.m. - Athletic Ministry Board Mtg. – Parish Center Tuesday, April 7 7:00 p.m. - Eco Ministry Solar Meeting – Parish Center 7:30 p.m. - Meditation – Church Wednesday, April 8 9:15 a.m. - Spiritual Talks with L.J. – Parish Center 1:00 p.m. - SSC Sr. Theophane’s Group – Parish Center 6:00 p.m. - Community Fund Meeting – Parish Center 7:30 a.m. - Spiritual Talks with L.J. – Parish Center Thursday, April 9 9:30 a.m. - Bible Study, a.m. Session – Parish Center 7:30 p.m. - History of the Church – School Library 7:30 p.m. - Bible Study, p.m. Session – Parish Center 7:30 p.m. - Knights of Columbus – Lyon Center Friday, April 10 11:00 a.m. - Leisure Club – Lyon Center Saturday, April 11 7:30 a.m. - Mass for Sodality – Chapel 9:00 a.m. - Adult Faith, Living Flame – School 10:00 a.m. - Polish School – School For updates see Google Calendar, via Access Bulletins Online via Bulletins are posted on Wednesdays. April 19 Bulletin deadline: Friday, April 10, 9 a.m. Submit items to Next Week’s Altar Servers April 11 & 12 5:00 p.m. - Caroline & John Hechinger 7:30 a.m. - Will Donaldson 9:00 a.m. - Malits Family 10:30 a.m. Ch - Micha Cunningham & Oliver Wolcott 10:30 a.m. H - Morgan Anaya & Thomas Maloney 12:00 p.m. - Riley Langan & Matthew Wise 5:00 p.m. - Cheyenne & Sienna DeGross 2015 Annual Jubilarian Mass The annual Jubilarian Celebration of marriage honoring couples married 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 or more years will be held on Sunday, June 21, 2 p.m. at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Married couples who would like to attend the Mass should call the Parish Office, 301-622-1122 by Monday, April 10, to register. Papal Intentions for April ■ That people may learn to respect Creation and care for it as a gift of God. ■ That the persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. April 5, 2015 Mass Intentions (April 6-12) Monday 7:30 8:30 - Tina Gormley (M. Flynn) - Apple Sununta Rattanavadee -L(P. Phimmasone) Tuesday 7:30 - No Special Intention 8:30 - Maureen Looney (S. & L. O’Neill & Family) Wednesday 7:30 - Julia Jarkiewicz (K. Walls) 8:30 - Russ Hogan (S. & M.A. Dulski) Thursday 7:30 - No Special Intention 8:30 - Helen Hogan (J. & S. Sklamm) Friday 7:30 - No Special Intention 8:30 - Anna Carbonara (Langton Family) Saturday 8:30 - William M. Fisher (SJB Parishioners) Saturday 5:00 - John Cordes, Sr. (J. & P. Young) Sunday 7:30 - Marion Hessman (Community of Light Prayer Group) 9:00 - Nancy Pierce (SJB Leisure Club) 10:30 Ch - Bernard Durkan (Durkan Family) 10:30 H - Holy Souls in Purgatory (T. & R. Bueno) 12:00 - Richard Chauncey (G. Chauncey) 5:00 - Parishioners Parish Staff Rev. Y. David Brault Rev. Tony D’Souza Rev. Glen Willis Rev. Austin Charles Ochu Rev. Eliot Nitz Deacon John Cermak Deacon James Gorman Deacon Ed McCormack Brian Blomquist Susan DeCamp Cynthia Norris Louis J. Milone Alison Fram Marie Ferman James Ottley Pastor Associate Pastor Weekend Associate Weekend Associate Weekend Associate Permanent Deacon Permanent Deacon Permanent Deacon Parochial School Principal Director of Liturgy & Music Director of Social Concerns Director of Faith Formation Director of Youth Ministry Faith Formation Coordinator Facilities Manager Parish Directory Father Brault Father D’Souza Parish Office Finance Office Faith Formation Faith Form. Co-ord. Youth Ministry Liturgy Social Concerns Pastoral Council Parish Website Athletic Ministry Parochial School Parish Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Sunday Phone Numbers: Parish Offices & Rectory: 301-622-1122 Fax: 301-625-9266 School: 301-622-3076 April 5, 2015 page three Remember in Prayer Pastoral Council Elections Andrew Rolinski, longtime parishioner, who recently died. Your Parish Gift The offertory had not been counted by the print deadline for the Bulletin. See next week’s Bulletin for the offertory amount for March 28 & 29. Sprinkling Rite for Easter Time During the Easter season, instead of the customary Penitential Act, the blessing and sprinkling of water takes place as a reminder of Baptism. The music this year comes from Marty Haugen’s Mass of Creation: If we have died to ourselves in Jesus, than we shall arise to new life in him. Alleluia, alleluia! Mercy Sunday Adoration, April 12 Please join with members of our St. John the Baptist Community in devotion to our Blessed Lord on Mercy Sunday, April 12, after the noon Mass (approximately 1:15 p.m.) in the Visitation Chapel. There will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, recitation of the Holy Rosary and of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and time for silent Adoration. Confession will be available from 2-3 p.m. The Divine Mercy Novena begins on Good Friday. Copies of the Novena are available in the Sacristy. The Novena can also be found at devotionals/mercy/novena.htm. If you are not familiar with St. Faustina and Divine Mercy Sunday, please visit Elections for four regular members of the Pastoral Council will take place after all Masses on Saturday and Sunday, May 2 & 3. ■ A regular member is any registered parishioner, sophomore in high school or older who is willing to serve a three-year term. ■ A youth member is any registered youth parishioner, sophomore in high school through college who is willing to serve a one-year term. The Pastoral Council meets monthly to discuss various issues, such as those identified in last year’s parish survey, parish initiatives, parish ministries, and to make recommendations to our Pastor. Nominations can be made by submitting a short (100 word) biography and photo to or to the Parish Office by Friday, April 10. Help us find a few good people to serve the parish on this volunteer advisory council. Please contact Josephine Awich at or Peggy Farrell at for additional information. Nominate yourself and encourage any parishioner you think would like to serve. Thank You! Openings in SJB School Registration for the 2015-2016 school year is ongoing. There are openings in Kindergarten, Grade 2, Grade 4 and Grade 5. If you are interested in applying to the School you may register by calling the School Office, 301-622-3076 or by visiting the School Website, Eco Ministry St. John’s next Eco Ministry meeting will be held on Sunday April 12, 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Large Conference Room in the Parish Center. New members and new ideas always welcome. Come learn more how you can help preserve God’s creations. For more info. contact Dave Pettit at 301-622-5051. Recent Baptisms Maria Fabrienne Medina, daughter of Tia and Tomas Medina Christian George Restrepo, son of Christi and Luis Restrepo Kaden Christopher Watson, son of Kanika and Kenneth Watson Welcome New Parishioners Joanie M. Allen Lisa Allen Graciela Flores, Layla Dave Michaels Lisa and David Miller, Kiersten, Colin, Henry Regina Nwabichie The Sauers Family Méeraf Taddesse, Nubiya Matlock Little Sisters of the Poor -will be here next weekend, April 11 & 12. They will be accepting donations to help them with their work caring for the poor and elderly. Wedding Announcement As this couple prepares for marriage, we offer our prayers and best wishes. I Sarah Wedgewood & Kevin Cecilio page four April 5, 2015 Social Concerns Cynthia Norris, Director, 301-622-1122, Below is a list of Social Concerns Ministries in which parishioners at St. John the Baptist are involved. If you wish to volunteer for one (or more) of them, please contact the Parish Office, 301-622-1122, and your name and contact information will be passed along to the coordinator of your chosen ministry. C-4 Spring Fundraiser Dinner Social Justice Committeee Blanket Sunday Eco Ministry Lenten Supper Talks Alternative Christmas Bazaar Prison Ministry Respect for Life Ministry Sister Parish in Haiti The Colesville Council of Community Congregations (C-4) will hold its Spring Fundraiser Dinner on Thursday, April 16, 6 p.m. at the Greek Village Restaurant, 13476 New Hampshire Avenue (next to Giant in the Colesville Shopping Center). Cocktails (cash bar) begin at 6 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. Dinner menu includes salad, your choice of entrée (fillet kabob, chicken kabob or grilled salmon), rice and fresh vegetable, bread and butter, coffee, soda, hot or iced tea, and baklava for dessert. Cost is $45 per person and includes gratuity. Reservations are required. Checks can be made out to C-4 and payment can be accepted on April 16. For reservations or more information, contact Alyssa Ranko, 703-851-5993 or RSVP no later than April 14. Casserole Project Colesville Council of Community Congregations Shepherd’s Table Soup Kitchen & Homeless Drop-in Center If you cannot attend but would still like to make a contribution to C-4, please send a check to “C-4,” P.O. Box 4192, Silver Spring, MD 20914-4192. Thank you. St. Camillus Food Pantry Catholic Community of Langley Park The St. John the Jogger 5K or 1K Obstacle Course is May 2 How Will You Participate? There are many ways to participate in the St. John the Jogger 5K Race or 1K Obstacle Course. The race, which benefits the SJB Scholarship Fund will be held on Saturday, May 2. We are expecting over 600 participants this year, but if running isn’t your thing, there are many ways you can be a part of this community event: ■ As a participant—Registration is now open. Runners or walkers are welcome to participate in either the 5K or the 1K Obstacle Course. To learn more or to register, go to www.sjb5k and click on “register.” ■ As a volunteer—It takes a village to put on a race so there are countless ways to volunteer. You can help with race set-up, race clean-up, packet pick-up or you can be a buddy runner for our youngest participants. To offer your time and talents to this worthy cause, visit www.sjb5k and click on “volunteer.” ■ As a cheerleader—Our runners love encouragement! Come share in the pre-race Spaghetti Dinner on Friday, May 1, cheer the runners on their course through the SJB neighborhood, or attend the festivities at the race finish. ■ As a sponsor—To learn about the benefits of sponsorship or to become a 2015 race sponsor go to and click on “sponsor.” April 5, 2015 page five Faith Formation-Adults L.J. Milone, Director, 301-622-1122, History of the Church Thursdays in April and May, starting April 9, 7:30-9:30 p.m. in the School Library Join L.J. Milone, St. John’s Director of Faith Formation, for an exciting and lively tour of the history of the Catholic Church, with a special focus on how the Church has changed, mysticism, and the development of our beliefs. SJB Christian Meditation Class Every Tuesday, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. in the Church Experience inner peace, reduce stress, improve health, gain clarity of mind, deepen faith, connect with God. Come any Tuesday evening to receive instruction in the ancient practice of Christian meditation, to hear lively and relevant teachings, and to experience a spiritual community. All are welcome—those of any faith or of no faith at all. No experience is necessary. Spiritual Talks with L.J. Wednesdays starting April 8, 9:15-10:15 a.m. or 7:30-8:30 p.m. in the Conference Room Come any Wednesday morning or evening for informal talks on spirituality and its eminently practical nature. Each session will begin with a short spiritual exercise, there will be a brief talk on a spiritual theme (like attachment, meditation, Jesus’ teachings, silence), and then time for questions. Participants are encouraged to bring up issues important to them—whether or not they are related to the subject of the talk. Everyone is welcome, those of any or little or no faith. See upcoming Bulletins for future Faith Formation Programs for adults. Boy Scout Mulch Sale The Boy Scouts will be holding their Annual Mulch Sale here at St. John’s on April 18. This year, at the same time as the Boy Scouts Mulch Sale, the Cub Scouts will be selling native Maryland plants suitable for planting in your yard or garden. Healing or Human Enhancement? The Future of Medicine April 17-18 at The Catholic University of America Rapid technological and biomedical advances, though they hold out great diagnostic and therapeutic promise, have put the very nature and end of medicine in question. Is the goal of medicine the traditional end of human healing, or is it the new ‘posthuman” goal of human enhancement? Is this distinction sustainable? This symposium will engage with these and other questions surrounding the new possibilities not only for healing but also for so-called human “enhancement” by exploring the effect these have on our expectation of health and the practice of contemporary medicine. To register, and for more information, visit Knights of Columbus The Knights of Columbus urgently appeal to all Catholic men, aged 18 and older, to join its 1.8 million-man “army,” including 27,000 members in Maryland in service to our Church, country, and community. Members of this parish’s council financially support seminarians; sponsor sports programs for our youth; distribute rosaries to fourth graders; host the annual Sock Hop; financially support Breakfast with Santa; conduct weekly breakfasts and monthly Community Sunday gatherings; and raise money and awareness for programs that aid both intellectually challenged individuals and pro-life groups in this county. But, there is so much more that needs to be done! Your Knights need the active contribution of all Catholic men today, not in five, ten or fifteen years when the kids have left home and they’ve retired from active employment. We seek to enlist their services for only a few hours per year on one or two projects. For information about the Knights of Columbus, contact Grand Knight, Bill Legato, at 301-622-0668. Stephen Ministry Announcement from Deacon Cermak Last Fall when I began therapy for esophageal cancer, we announced that the Stephen Ministry program here at SJB would be on hold until I returned. In the meantime, we said that anyone who wished to have a Stephen Minister could contact our neighboring parish St. Andrew, (on Kemp Mill Road), that also has a Stephen Ministry program. I plan on returning in the next month or two to my role in Stephen Ministry here at SJB. However, my colleague at St. Andrew’s, Deacon Mike Bond, has reminded me of their continued offer to help us with Stephen Ministry. They will also help us as we train new Stephen Ministers for SJB beginning next September. page six April 5, 2015 Youth Ministry Alison Fram, Director, 301-622-1122, Confirmation Checklist □ Liturgical Ministry—Volunteer four Youth Ministry at SJB includes spiritual, social, and athletic programs for Middle School and High School Youth, as well as Religious Education for sixth through eighth grade and Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation. For High School Youth... Every Sunday, from 6 to 8 p.m., following the 5 p.m. liturgy, high school students from around the area come together to read the Scriptures and reflect on how those passages apply uniquely to their lives as teenagers. In addition, SJB Youth Ministry hosts social outings like BBQs, dances, and trips to local sporting events, like Washington Nationals games, in an effort to cultivate a community of faith among the teens of the parish. For Middle School Youth... SJB offers Faith Formation classes for grades K-8, and Confirmation Prep for those in eighth grade. In addition, SJB hosts Seventh and Eighth Grade Dances, as well as socials, movie nights, service trips, and other events designed to build community. For more information, contact Alison Fram. Athletic Ministry St. Johns’ Athletic Ministry Programs, including CYO soccer, basketball, baseball and softball teams as well as intramural flag football, basketball and volleyball are considered part of our Youth Ministry Program. More information on Athletic Ministry Programs can be found at times as a liturgical minister (usher, greeter, lector, gift-bearer, singer/ musician) between now and May. □ Sponsorship Forms—are past due. Contact Alison Fram ASAP if you have not already turned yours in. □ Forms from the Parent Packet—Students and parents work on forms together at home—Mass Reflections, Discipleship in Daily Life, Service, and more. □ Confirmation Retreat—Confirmation students are strongly encouraged to attend the Confirmation Retreat. Mark your calendars for April 10-12 and register today! T-Ball Registration is Now Open! Come join an SJB tradition, have a child play, or stop by the Snack Shack for a Friday night family meal! ■ Season runs April 17 - June 5. ■ Games are Friday Nights at SJB at either 5:30 or 6:30 p.m. ■ Cost is $40 ■ Open to all incoming K-2nd grade ■ Coaches also needed ■ Register at (click on the Register Now button at the top right). Please contact Steve Hazleton at with any questions. ***Around Town*** The Franciscan Monastery, 1400 Quincy Street, NE will host a concert by Jeremy Filsell, Professor of Organ at CUA on Sunday, April 12, 4-5 p.m. The program will feature the works of Bach, Roth, and Demmessieux. A reception follows the recital. Live streamed at For more information, call 202-562-6800, x374. Men’s Discernment Dinner will be held Sunday, May 17, 5-8:30 p.m. at St. John Paul II Seminary. Participants should be single men, college age and up who are practicing Catholics. For more information contact Fr. Carter Griffin, 202-636-9020 or visit Gabriel Network 20th Anniversary Gala on Saturday, May 2, 6:30-10 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus, Rosensteel Hall in Silver Spring. Tickets are $50 and will allow Gabriel Network to offer support to the moms and babies who live in their homes in Gaithersburg, Bowie and Ellicott City. For tickets or sponsorship, visit or call 1-800-264-3565, x301. The Fifth Annual Ben’s Run will be Saturday, April 25. The Run is in memory of Ben Goldfogle, a former parishioner, who passed away in 2009 at the age of 11 from complications related to leukemia. Register, volunteer, shop, and donate at Run for Vocations registration is coming! Marine Corps Marathon 10 K registration opens May 20. Time to get our team together. Visit for more info. - ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - DR. ANN M. HARVEY GENERAL DENTISTRY 301-931-8632 “We Love Your Smile” 11108 Cherry Hill Rd., Adelphi, MD THE WASHINGTON VEIN INSTITUTE Alex W. Kuzemka EXECUTIVE ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. Tax Preparation 13321 New Hampshire Ave. #200 (O) 301-384-3153 (H) 301-384-3817 Remi Olufotebi, R.Ph. 12838 New Hampshire Ave. • 301-622-0744 Caring Beyond Prescriptions OUR WILLIAM JOHN ARMSTRONG III Have painful or swollen legs or ankles? RODEEN RAHBAR, MD, FACS Medical Director & Board Certified Vascular Surgeon 1010 Wayne Ave, Suite 410 • Silver Spring 301-679-5773 Se habla español HIT HOME(S)! If interested in this space please call us at 410-578-3600 Specializing In Wills, Trusts, Estates And Real Estate Transactions 301-384-9233 • 1804 Briggs Chaney Rd. • Silver Spring, MD 20905 Washingtonian Top Orthodontists 11120 New Hampshire Avenue • Silver Spring 301-593-6363 • Joseph F. Gaffigan Attorney at Law BAKER & GAFFIGAN, LLC Civil Law • Family Law • Simple Wills Criminal Law • Business Law 301-577-4600 Same Day Service, 7 Days a Week! ASBESTOS • LEAD • MOLD General Home Maintenance Handyman Services & Remodeling HIGH QUALITY DIGITAL PRINTING 301-960-5335 Aria Flooring & Remodeling Quality materials, service and expert installation 12860 New Hampshire Ave. Spring/Summer SALES $200 OFF Purchase of $1500 or more see store for details WHAT CAN STRAY CATS TEACH US ABOUT LIFE?... 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Esquire 400 University Blvd., West Silver Spring, MD 301-593-3945 MHIP#126579 Fast, Reliable, Local Service ANOTHER 11937 Tech Road Silver Spring, Maryland 20904 Steve Hoffmaster - Owner 301-622-9797 11120 New Hampshire Ave. #409 Call today for your FREE consultation GET 301-989-0904 PAIN CONTROL Acupuncture, Acu Massage, Herbs Lisa DeMarco, D.D.S., M.S. • Nancy Tilkin, D.D.S., M.S. $50 + $50 "No Job Too Small or Too Large" ATTORNEY AT LAW Drs. DeMarco and Tilkin 301 328 5949 Residential & Commercial ROBERT J. COYNE Send $10.00 plus $2.00 for postage & handling to FATA • P.O. Box 4889 • Baltimore, MD 21211 (checks only payable to FATA) Fast Turn Around All Types of Jobs Send your file for a quote to printing@ 410-578-3600 Maryland's Premier Full Service Residential Electrician Since 1991 301-384-8880 $2000 OFF Next Job Priority Service for Parishioners 40% 60% OFF CABINETS Beautiful Selection• Impeccable Results 301-981-0320 5700-C Sunnyside Ave. Beltsville Discounts up to 40% Niko Di Giulio, Agent $ Hablamos Español Next 2000 OFF Your Service Call 301-937-1929 301-924-4252 5006 Cook Rd, Suite C • Beltsville, MD 20705 CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Peter McPartland Parishioner of St. Peter’s Randolph Road - Georgia Ave Glenmont Shopping Center BACK AND LEG PAIN NECK & ARM PAIN PINCHED NERVE SLIPPED DISC 301 946-8720 We Cater To PAIN! Since 1983 Same Day Appointments AM & PM Hours Available 12335 - B GEORGIA AVE. WE THANK OUR ADVERTISERS. PLEASE LET THEM KNOW YOU SAW THEIR AD IN YOUR PARISH BULLETIN. LOCAL BUSINESS MERCHANTS, PROFESSIONALS AND SERVICE PROVIDERS ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE. For ad information, call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at (410) 578-3600, toll free at (800) 934-1620, or write P.O., Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - ©2015 - ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - COLLINS, Member KRONSTADT , O'NEILL & PARTNERS, LLP of The American Institute of Architects CUSTOM HOMES, ADDITIONS & COMMERCIAL ARCHITECTURE Stephen O'Neill, AIA 301-587-8642 301-572-5867 1111 Spring Street, Suite 301 • Silver Spring MD 20910 12210 Plum Orchard Dr. (Back Entrance) • Silver Spring & PAWN 11205 New Hampshire Ave. (White Oak Shopping Ctr.) 301-439-4260 301-650-9100 PRUNING CLEARING STUMP GRINDING Lic. 782 Virtual Road Runner "Prompt Medical Care When You Need It" 1-800-689-1341 Silver Spring & Kensington BURNT MILLS BP SERVICENTER Deli • Grocery Needs • Coffee 10% Contribution to Church (With This Coupon) 12830 New Hampshire Ave. Silver Spring 301-622-6767 Full Service Auto Repair & Maintenance For All Makes & Models bp 301-593-1036 Too much to do & too little time. 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Periodontist and Dental Implants Comfortable Treatment • Conservative Care Most Insurance Accepted • Free Parking 10801 Lockwood Dr., Suite 240 • Silver Spring Piano/Keyboard Voice/Organ LESSONS FREE TRIAL LESSON the gums Love you’re with 301-587-1127 H&A "Come Let Us Prepare Your Taxes" Gift Certificates Available Bryan C. Hinds 10762 Baltimore Ave., Beltsville 301-595-2888 ext. 1 Tax and Financial Advisor Parishioner 301-879-5111 113 St. Mary’s Place Laurel, MD 20707 H bl Español Habla 240-477-6254 18777 North Frederick Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20879 301-495-3009 2306 Perkins Place, Silver Spring, MD 20910 WHITE OAK EXXON SERVICENTER 11177 New Hampshire Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20904 CHUCK FRANK MARK SMITH 301-681-4188 BRACES FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS Dr. Karlene-Anne Hill For a more Confident Smile, Call Today for a FREE Consultation 301-622-5610 12316 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring Advantage LLC 301-384-4300 Assisted Living Facility Family Owned & Operated 12508 Eastbourne Drive Silver Spring Mail Box Special - One Month FREE (with four month contract) 43 Randolph Rd • Silver Spring 301-580-2618 Joseph E. Frew, Free Initial Exam & Consultation D.D.S. State-of-the-Art General Dentistry for Over 30 Years Board Certified Orthodontist Specialist in Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 301-879-7926 13106 New Hampshire Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20904 Members American Association of Orthodontics HIGH’S CHIMNEY SERVICES 301-585-3800 • 9604 Colesville Road • Silver Spring LET YOUR CHILD AMAZE YOU Little Precious Treasures, ELC 240-450-2427 God is love 1John 4:16 301-586-0406 Silver Spring - North 11161 New Hampshire Ave, Suite 104 James R. David, Ph.D. Individual & Couples Psychotherapy Resurrection Parishioner 301-519-3500 Chimney Sweep & Wood Burning Stove Services Give the gift of a family to a child in foster care. We pay a generous stipend. 301-681-4812 Hinds & Associates, llc Tax Service (Located in Twin Chimneys Office Park) Drug/Food Allergies • Hives Eczema and Much More! Board Certified 10801 Lock wood Dr. Ste. 180, Silver Spring Silver Spring, MD 20904 Any Plumbing Service Allergy & Asthma Care of Maryland, P.C. High School Metal k's SScrap & Salvage Fran2 LOCA LOCATIONS 301-681-6077 • 11237 Lockwood Drive • Silver Spring "Our Priority is You" St. Vincent Pallotti TRADITION EXCELLENCE COMMUNITY Personalized One-on-One Treatment Now Treating TMJ and Headache Pain! 10301 Georgia Avenue, Suite 207, Silver Spring, MD 20902 (301) 439-1655 Woodmoor Shopping Ctr. Charles M. Dilla, P.T. Orthopedic Physical Therapy ALICE M. BASSFORD, D.M.D, M.A.G.D. P Neck & Lower Back • Trigger Point Dry Needling • Post Surgical/Fracture Rehab Arthritis/Bursitis/Tendonitis • Total Shoulder, Hip, Knee Replacement Rehab 10711 Columbia Pike Silver Spring, MD 20901 1730 Elton Rd. Hoover-Fisher Florist, Inc. 301-593-4700 Answered 24 Hours Repair While You Wait • BUY Repair Remodeling Drain Cleaning Water Heaters Piney Branch Opticians Eye Exams • Eyeglasses Contact Lenses 301-646-8200 MANUFACTURING Serving the Catholic Community Since 1986 HILLANDALE OPTICIANS 805 Tanley Rd. • Silver Spring, MD 20904 Silver Spring Jewelry BILLY SILK Tree & Stump Removal Experts 301-384-4746 Furnitureworks Upholstering Services Fabrics & Foam 15% Discount Free Estimates O R T H O D O N T I S T JOE MAIER • Private Parties • Open Jump • Moon Bounces • Interactive Games where your imagination comes to play 301-989-9155 THE RIGHT CARE FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILY 3207 Castleleigh Road • Beltsville Mark J. Bernstein, D.D.S. Jeffrey Perkins, D.D.S. General Dentistry 301-989-3400 Call 301-326-1357 Today! 13321 New Hampshire Ave. Suite #102 Corner of Randolph Rd. (Colesville Professional Building) Mrs. K's Toll House Restaurant Lunch • Dinner • Weddings • Repast After Funeral "Sunday Brunch" 301.589.3500 9201 Colesville Road • Silver Spring, MD 20910 • Burnt Mills Auto Body "If it's broken...We Can Fix It" 301-593-1100 10753 Columbia Pike Silver Spring, MD Dr. Jangha Appointments 7am - 8pm & Saturdays! 301-879-8337 Buy 1, Get 1 Free (BOGO Free) 11211-A New Hampshire Ave. Silver Spring • 301-328-0457 13401 New Hampshire Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20904 Dr. Nesbitt Dr. Valentine No Insuran No Proble ce? m Affordable ! In-House D tal Coveragen e Available. For ad information, call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at (410) 578-3600, toll free at (800) 934-1620, or write P.O., Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - ©2015
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