Our Lady of Fatima Roman Catholic Church 2319 Johnston Street Lafayette, LA 70503 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Parish Office (337) 232-8945; Fax (337) 232-0323 Church Website: www.fatimalafayette.org Saturday Anticipated -- 4pm (organ/cantor) Sunday -- 9am (choir), 11am (schola) & 5pm (organ/cantor) Office Hours Mon – Thurs, 8am to 12 Noon; 1pm to 5pm Friday – 8am to 12 Noon Established 1949 Rev. Fr. Michael J. Russo, Pastor Deacon Timothy Maragos Deacon Ed Boustany Monday, Wednesday, Friday-- 6:15am Tuesday, Thursday -- 5:30 pm First Saturday: 8am (followed by the Holy Rosary) Fatima Novena Mass: 13th of Month May through October 5pm Holy Rosary, 5:30pm Mass (with the Fatima Farewell Procession) March 29, 2015 THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS 28 Sat 4:00pm Anticipated: Joseph C. Russo, Jr., Joseph C. Russo, Sr. & Margaret, Frank A. Russo, Sr., Jake F. & Lydia Lipari, Michael & Fred Landry & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Moore, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Forstall, Ryan Guilbeau, Avis Moore Rupert, Brandon John Terry, Mr. Frem Boustany, Sr., Alberta Gossen, Living: Edward & Angela Schoeffler, Edwina Smith Hernandez, Living: Sarah Landry, Living & Deceased Members of the Patin & Trahan Families, Nathan, Loretta & Robert Schiller, Philip S. Scotola, Living & Deceased Members of the Bouvier, Lavergne & Boudreaux Families, For all who suffer with cancer, In Thanksgiving to St. Peregrine, Amanda Claire Judice, Special Intention, Living: William Waguespack, Living & Deceased Members of the Judice, Hamilton, Kallam and Langlinais Families, Harold J. A. Comeaux, Cyril J. Verret, Bill Dazet, Sam Marcello, Clara Aucoin, Deb Justalin, Lawrence "Sonny" Fuller, V, Senoir Gallent, Living: Sid Ortis & Family, Living: Randon Costello 29 Sun 9:00am Fatima Parishioners (pro-populo) 11:00am The Nugier Family 5:00pm Andy & Zetta Stelly, Alberta Gossen, Edward S. Miller, III, Katherine Kishbaugh, Irma Rodriguez, Daniel Fournerat, Jeanette Bonck, Ritter Trahan, Jimmy Gardin, Mona Viator, Dr.& Mrs. Luke Marcello, Leo & Sam Marcello 30 Mon 6:15am William Dazet, Sr. 31 Tue 5:30pm John Paul Martin 1 Wed 6:15am Ruth B. Landry 2 Holy Thu 6:30pm Ashley Cormier (Adoration in Church til Midnight) 3 Good Fri 9:00am Way of Cross 3:00pm Commemoration of the Passion 4 Holy Sat 8:00pm Vigil: Vivian Boudreaux 5 Sun 9:00am Joseph C. Russo, Jr., Joseph C. Russo, Sr. & Margaret, Frank A. Russo, Sr., Jake F. & Lydia Lipari, Michael & Fred Landry and Family, Colonel Thomas N. and Lena B. Ritchie, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Moore, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Forstall, Ryan Guilbeau, Avis Moore Rupert, Brandon John Terry, Melvin R. Boesch, Dr. Frem F. Boustany, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Frem F. Boustany, Sr., Wayne Cornibe, Deceased Members of the McDaniel & Chappuis Families, Charles & Carol Moody, Mary Robicheaux, The Nugier Family, Family of Harry James Stelly, III, William Braun, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gossen, Alberta Gossen, Alton Huval, Edward S. Miller, III, H.A. "Foxey" Lowery, Living: Ashley Boustany, Edwina Smith Hernandez, George Berry, Ralph & Annie Bourgeois, Living & Deceased Members of the Patin & Trahan Families, Nathan, Loretta & Robert Schiller, Daniel Fournerat, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Comeaux, Mr. & Mrs. Otis Monty, Philip S. Scotola, Amanda Claire Judice, Special Intention, Living & Deceased Members of the Judice, Hamilton, Kallam and Langlinais Families, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Guidry, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Edney Guidry, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Castille, Jessie Guidry, Allen Charles Bella, Harold J. A. Comeaux, Living & Deceased Members of the Albert B. Pavy Family, Phyllis Barthelemy, Living: William Waguespack, Living: Sid Ortis & Family, Living: Randon Costello, Buzz Harrison, Joseph Breaux 11:00am Fatima Parishioners (pro-populo) NO 5pm MASS on Easter Sunday SACRIFICIAL GIVING Please note that current offertory information was unavailable when this bulletin was prepared. We are subject to the holiday schedule of the J.S. Paluch Company, which prints our weekly parish bulletin. Current information will be updated in the bulletin as soon as possible Thank you for your generosity! Consider Online Giving: Just go to www.fatimalafayette.org and click on the link. Palm Sunday AROUND THE PARISH AND DIOCESE PILIGRIMAGE TO view the Shroud of Turin exposed (rare viewing). Join Fr. Russo to Northern Italy (St. Gianna Mola, Turin), France (Avignon, LOURDES), Spain (Barcelona), May 30 through June 10, 2015. Brochures NOW at Parish Office. EASTER FLOWER donations can NOW be made at the Parish Office in memory/honor of loved ones. Plan to use the envelope for its purpose found in the monthly mailing. EASTER DUTY: The faithful are obliged by law of the Church (if in serious sin) to make a good confession for the worthy reception of Holy Communion at Easter, traditionally known as the Easter Duty. MOTHER’S DAY OUT PROGRAM for 2 to 3 and 3 to 4 year old children: Register NOW for 2015/2016 year; Catholic program which encourages children to grow spiritually, emotionally and physically. Call 261.5021. FIRST FRIDAY/SATURDAY of April falls on Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Thus, there will be no all night vigil in the Adoration Chapel this Friday nor an 8am First Saturday Mass. CHAPEL HOURS in need of more Adorers Make the commitment. It will change your life! Monday, 8am to 9am Tuesday, 9am to 10am; 12 Noon to 1pm; 2pm to 3pm Wednesday, 2pm to 3pm Thursday, 12 Noon to 1pm, 3pm to 4pm THE EASTER TRIDUUM SCHEDULE Adoration Chapel closes on Wednesday, April 1st and reopens Tuesday, April 7th at 9am. Holy Thursday April 2nd — Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 6:30pm followed by adoration in Church at the Altar of Reposition until Midnight. Please prayerfully consider keeping Vigil with the Eucharistic Lord. (A sign-up sheet is in both the Adoration Chapel and at the post nearest the Marian Altar in Church.) Good Friday, April 3rd— Way of the Cross, 9am Nine day Divine Mercy Novena begins at 3pm followed by the Commemoration of the Passion and Death of the Lord. Holy Saturday Vigil, April 4th— 8pm (time designated byBishop). Blessing of Fire and Easter Water, Reception into the Church (Baptism, Confirmation and Communion) of RCIA candidates. Easter Sunday, April 5th — 9am and 11am (No 5pm Mass) (Blessing of Children’s Easter Baskets) Divine Mercy Sun, April 12th — 9am, 11am, 3pm; no 5pm Mass. FATIMA MERCY WORKS — a MONTHLY outreach to the needy in our community. Activity details are listed on our web page. If you would like to participate, call the Parish Office. DIVINE MERCY NOVENA BEGINS THIS FRIDAY at 3pm in Church followed by the Commemoration and Passion of the Lord The Novena will be prayed each day at 3pm in Church, concluding on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12th at 2pm, followed by Holy Mass. Each day of the Novena is designated with a special intention as found below: First Day: Today, bring to Me all mankind, especially all sinners, and immerse them in the ocean of my mercy. In this way you will console me in the bitter grief into which the loss of souls plunges me. Second Day: Today bring to me the souls of priests and religious, and immerse them in my unfathomable mercy. It was they who gave me the strength to endure my bitter passion. Through them, as through channels, my mercy flows out upon mankind Third Day: Today bring to me all devout and faithful souls, and immerse them in the ocean of my mercy. These souls brought me consolation on the way of the cross. They were that drop of consolation in the midst of an ocean of bitterness. Fourth Day: Today bring to me the pagans and those who do not yet know me. I was thinking also of them during my bitter Passion, and their future zeal comforted my heart. Immerse them in the ocean of my mercy. Fifth Day: Today bring to me the souls of heretics and schismatics, and immerse them in the ocean of my mercy. During my bitter passion they tore at my Body and Heart; that is, my Church. As they return to unity with the Church, my wounds heal, and in this way they alleviate my passion. Sixth Day: Today bring to me the meek and humble souls and the souls of little children, and immerse them in my mercy. These souls most closely resemble my heart. They strengthened me during my bitter agony. I saw them as earthly angels, who would keep vigil at my altars. I pour out upon them whole torrents of grace. Only the humble soul is able to receive my grace. I favor humble souls with confidence. Seventh Day: Today bring to me the souls who especially venerate and glorify my mercy, and immerse them in my mercy. These souls sorrowed most over my passion and entered most deeply into my Spirit. They are living images of my compassionate heart. These souls will shine with a special brightness in the next life. Not one of them will go into the fire of hell. I shall particularly defend each one of them at the hour of death. Eighth Day: Today bring to me the souls who are in prison of my purgatory, and immerse them in the abyss of my mercy. Let the torrents of my blood cool down their scorching flames. All these souls are greatly loved by me. They are making retribution to my justice. It is in your power to bring them relief. Draw all the indulgences from the treasury of my Church and offer them the alms of the spirit and pay off their debt to my justice. Ninth Day: Today bring me souls who have become lukewarm, and immerse them in the abyss of my mercy. These souls wound my heart most painfully. My soul suffered the most dreadful loathing in the garden of olives because of lukewarm souls. They were the reason I cried out: “Father take this cup away from me, if it be your will.” For them, the last hope of salvation is to flee to my mercy. THE WAY WE DRESS FOR MASS Why no shorts? Because it doesn’t fit! Do you go to the beach wearing a tuxedo or an evening gown? We dress for the occasion in which we find ourselves. Does God look at what we wear? Well, He looks at what we believe...and if we don’t act the way we believe, we start to believe the way we act. It is not enough just to “show up” for Mass. We are called to show up with proper understanding, and understanding the wonder of the action of the Mass, we’re going to dress with a bit more care and respect. Thanks for supporting our efforts to teach a return to reverence. SCHEDULED EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES AT FATIMA CELEBRATING THE SACRAMENTS The Sacrament of Penance: Saturdays - 3pm to 3:45pm Weekdays - 15 minutes before am Masses 30 minutes before pm Masses The Sacrament of Baptism: On the third Sunday of each month, immediately following the 11:00 a.m. Mass. Please contact the parish office before the baby is born for required classes. Sponsors are to be practicing Catholics who attend Sunday Mass every week. Sponsors are to be confirmed. The Sacrament of Matrimony: Arrangements are to be made with the priest at least six months in advance. To avoid schedule conflicts, all wedding dates held at Our Lady of Fatima must be confirmed with the priest of Fatima, who should be the first contact of the couple. Please pick up a Wedding Guidelines Booklet at the parish office for details of paperwork and preparation requirements. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of the Little Shepherds (Knight Hall) Monday and Wednesday following the 6:15 am Mass to 5pm; Tuesday and Thursday, 9am to 5pm; Friday, following the 6:15am Mass to 12 Noon; First Friday/First Saturday All Night Vigil (Friday 6pm until the 8am First Saturday Mass) ADORATION COORDINATORS (Call to Commit) If interested on Monday, call Elaine Martin, 234-6752 If interested on Tuesday, call Lesha Theriot, 232.8945 If interested on Wednesday, call Dotsie Butcher, 234-6678 If interested on Thursday, call Lesha Theriot, 232-8945 If interested on Friday, call Bubbles Stelly, 233-8660 If interested on First Friday/First Saturday Night Vigil, call Douglas Touchet, 235-1618 “Come, Lord Jesus!” PARISH BIBLE STUDY Give the leaders (listed below) a call to join! On Mondays 6:30pm (WOMEN): DD McElligott, 319.8866 On Tuesdays 5:30pm (MEN): Art Mixon; contact by email only; amixon@petroquest.com 6:30pm: George McRae, 356.2138 On Wednesdays 10am: Warren Stelly, 989.1611 7pm: Doug Touchet, 235.1618 On Thursdays 9:30am (WOMEN): Blanche Hefner,288.0856; or email: blanchehefner@gmail.com 6:15pm: Jason Crochet, 278.5519 6:15pm: Deacon Tim Maragos, 235.1521 On Fridays 1pm: Adele Connolly, 984.4530 On Saturdays 7:30am: Anne Pesacreta, 235.4019; 257.5872 Parish Representative: Kathy Purpera, 988.3386 Parish Organizations Men’s Group THAT MAN IS YOU (Thursdays, 5:45am to 7:15am) Women’s Group “WOMEN OF GRACE” (Scheduled sessions are on Mondays, am and pm) Catholic Daughters - 3rd Thursday, 6pm Knights of Columbus - 1st Thursday, 7pm Sts. Joachim and Anne Society - 2nd Tues, Rosary/Social Fatima Mercy Works -monthly outreach to needy SACRED HEART HOME ENTHRONEMENTS Call the Parish Office to schedule. Promoters go into the home to conduct the Enthronement, which follows a nine day period of prayer by the family. YOUTH GROUP: Jr. High (6th/7th/8th grade) Seasonal activities. The bulletin outlines accordingly. PRAYER FOR CANCER PATIENTS: A statue of St. Peregrine, patron of cancer patients, along with his precious relic, is made available to go into the homes of those diagnosed with cancer. Call the parish office to get on the roster. BLESSING OF THE UNBORN CHILD at Altar of Mary: First Sunday following the 9am and 11am Masses FR. RUSSO on weekly tv and radio programs: “Tell the People” — Diocesan program, airs Sundays at 11am on Channel 3. 90.5 KLFT FM Catholic Radio for Acadiana: Program airs Fridays (1pm) and Sundays (8:30am). The Church’s teaching on human sexuality NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING COURSES are held at Fatima twice annually. The course is a once a month session for three consecutive months. The instructor is Dr. Kim Hardy, Ob-Gyn. For scheduling information, go to: ccli.org. RECLAIM Sexual Health Catholic Recovery Program www.reclaimsexualhealth.com (online help 24/7) PORN ADDICTION SUPPORT GROUP FOR MEN Weekly meetings are held in the evening for 1 hour. Strict confidentiality is observed. A confidentiality statement is signed by each prospective member of the group before the place and time of the meetings is disclosed. Call and leave a message at 337-944-9180, and the group facilitator will return your call . HEALING HEARTS for women whose relationships have been affected by porn use or sexual addiction of a loved one. Must sign confidentiality statement. Call 337.404.6113. Unplanned Pregnancy: Call 1.800.256.7222 for free, professional, confidential counseling regarding keeping or placing your baby. Post Abortion Trauma: Call Project Rachel (337) 561-5607 for help and healing.
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