2015 FA BOOKS CATALOGUE School of Architecture ◆ Editorial Team 1 PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT School of Architecture / Facultad de Arquitectura Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM Vestíbulo Principal de la Facultad de Arquitectura Circuito Interior s/n Ciudad Universitaria Delegación Coyoacán C.P. 04510 Mexico City, México +52(55) 5622 0318 editorial.fa@unam.mx editorialfarq@gmail.com www.arquitectura.unam.mx /publicaciones.html /libros.html www.revistas.unam.mx /index.php/bitacora /index.php/aca @editorialfaunam Editorialfaunam ABRAHAM ZABLUDOVSKY AND HOUSING / ABRAHAM ZABLUDOVSKY Y LA VIVIENDA Miquel Adrià English - Spanish bilingual edition 10,63 x 8,26 in // 27 x 21 cm 2 lb 0.4 oz // 0.918 kg 216 pp. First edition: 2001 ISBN: 968-464-092-7 Price: $ 32 USD Facultad de Arquitectura, unam Instituto Mexicano del Cemento y del Concreto Arquine In this book, the author gathers one of the most complex architectonic composition genres of Abraham Zabludovskys’ work. Housing proposals and solutions go from single-family houses to condominium buildings passing through medium scale social housing complexes. Far from being a recipe book, this publication pretends to ease formal and functional solutions, working as a reference book for architects and students. 5 DRAWINGS FROM AUGUSTO H. ÁLVAREZ’S WORKSHOP / LOS DIBUJOS DEL TALLER DE AUGUSTO H. ÁLVAREZ Lourdes Cruz González Franco Alejandro Aguilera González English - Spanish bilingual edition 9,21 x 6,60 in // 16.8 x 23.4 cm 14.1 oz // 0.400 kg 152 pp. Second edition: October 2014 ISBN: 978-607-417-258-4 Price: $ 35 USD Universidad Iberoamericana Facultad de Arquitectura, unam Augusto Álvarez’s workshop was one of the most important architecture firms in Mexico during the second half of the twentieth century; it was distinguished by its professionalism, solidity, continuity and, above all, time work. Rationality, modulation, the development of detail, the use of simple forms without formal excesses and the application of adequate proportions distinguished its architecture in the forties. Drawing was an invaluable tool in the prefiguration of the building and its parts since projects were developed down to the smallest detail. 6 FÉLIX CANDELA FÉLIX CANDELA Juan Ignacio del Cueto Ruíz Funes English edition (also available in Spanish) 11,42 x 8,31 in // 29 x 21.1 cm 13.3 oz // 0.376 kg 61 pp. First edition: 2012 ISBN: 978-841-52-7223-6 Price: $ 20 USD Gobierno de España Acción Cultural Española Columbia University Facultad de Arquitectura, unam SPAIN arts & culture Catalogue of the exhibition organized in 2010 by the organism Acción Cultural Española in the Valencian Institute of Modern Art, the Museum of Modern Art in Mexico (MAM) and the Wallach Art Gallery of Coumbia University. Since then it had being shown all over the world. It gathers the work of the Spanish architect —famous for his concrete shells— to commemorate the centenary of his btirth in a collaborative exercise specialists from three countries: Mexico, Spain and the US. 7 LIVING CU 60 YEARS Salvador Lizárraga Sánchez Cristina López Uribe English edition (also available in Spanish) 10,54 x 8,26 in // 26.8 x 21 cm 3lb 1.1 oz // 1.384 kg 350 pp. First Edition: November, 2014 ISBN: 978-607-02-5997-5 Price: $ 55 USD Facultad de Arquitectura, unam Centro de Enseñanzas de Lenguas Extranjeras, unam Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial, unam In 1954 the construction of the new headquarters of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico was finished. Today after six decades, it has been declared World Heritage by UNESCO thanks to its extraordinary combination between landscape, city, architecture and plastic arts. This urban complex of almost inexplicable measures for its time has been the melting pot of the scientific thought in Mexico. The country’s social and historical changes of the past six decades can be registered in its history. 8 MIXTEC STONE CUTTING ARTISTRY / EL ARTE DE LA CANTERÍA MIXTECA Benjamín Ibarrta Sevilla English - Spanish bilingual edition 11,03 x 8,46 in // 28 x 21.5 cm 1lb 7.5 oz // 0.664 kg 152 pp. First edition: 2014 ISBN: 978-607-02-5706-3 Price: $ 23 USD Facultad de Arquitectura, unam Universidad de Texas en Austin Mixtec Stone Cutting Artistry is an innovative work that allows to understand a bright moment in Mexican architecture from a unique perspective. This book identifies and analyzes three sixteenth century buildings constructed in the Oaxacan Mixteca covered with complex ribbed vaults. Using digital technologies, professor Benjamín Ibarra Sevilla addresses the challenge of representing and explaining the details and intricacies applied in the design, development, and construction of the lush vaults and in the stone pieces that form them. Benjamín Ibarra Sevilla was recipient of the University of Texas, Creative Research Excellence Award in 2014 for this work. 9 SÁNCHEZ ARQUITECTOS AND ASSOCIATES / SÁNCHEZ ARQUITECTOS Y ASOCIADOS Sánchez Arquitectos y Asociados Roxana Villalobos Waisbord English - Spanish bilingual edition 9,45 x 9,45 in // 24 x 24 cm 2lb 1.1 oz // 0.938 kg 199 pp. First edition: 2006 ISBN: 968-5893-40-3 Price: $ 34 USD Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes Facultad de Arquitectura, unam This book portrays the talent and vision that led Sánchez Arquitectos y Asociados to the top of their professional career. Its essence is in the understanding of how the group goals became many and continuous achievements. This edition offers an approach to the most authentic ways to conceive this Mexican architecture, a logical way of thinking it that exceeds the specific vocabulary of forms to reinterpret with a personal signature the signs of history, life and space. 10 TEODORO GONZÁLEZ DE LEON. COMPLETE WORKS / TEODORO GONZÁLEZ DE LEÓN. OBRA COMPLETA Miquel Adrià / William J.R. Curtis/ Teodoro González de León English - Spanish bilingual edition 11,42 x 10,23 in // 29 x 26 cm 6lb 8.7 oz // 2.968 kg 440 pp. First edition: 2003 ISBN: 968-5208-24-7 Price: $ 50 USD conaculta — Arquine Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores Facultad de Arquitectura, unam El Colegio Nacional This publication gathers for the first time more than fifty years of disciplined compromise towards architecture. His works such as banks, deputations, museums, schools and corporates have contributed to define the urban tissue in most parts of the city and the country, through a concept of monumentality and timelessness. His texts insert throughout the book just as his icons do in the city. 11 TEODORO GONZÁLEZ DE LEON. COLLECTED WORKS / TEODORO GONZÁLEZ DE LEÓN. OBRA REUNIDA Miguel Adrià / William J.R. Curtis/ Teodoro González de León English - Spanish bilingual edition 10,54 x 10,54 in // 26.8 x 26.8 cm 6lb 6.3 oz // 2.900 kg 464 pp. Third edition: 2010 ISBN: 978-607-7784-05-0 Price: $ 55 USD Arquine Facultad de Arquitectura, unam The publication reviews Teodoro González de Leon professional work and critical thought on architecture over six decades. Architect, urban planner, painter and sculptor, his career is crucial in defining Mexican architecture on the second half of the twentieth century and early twenty first century. This third edition, modified and updated with his latest projects, such as the University Museum of Contemporary Art, MUAC and the Reforma 222 complex, proposes a comprehensive and rigorous analysis of his most important works. 12 THAT CREATIVE SPRING...REINFORCED CONCRETE SHELLS IN MEXICO / AQUELLA PRIMAVERA CREADORA...CASCARONES DE CONCRETO ARMADO EN MÉXICO Juan Ignacio del Cueto Ruíz Funes English - Spanish bilingual edition 10,67 x 8,18 in // 27 x 21 cm 13.8 oz // 0.390 kg 96 pp. First edition: 2008 Price: $ 10 USD ISNB: s/n Facultad de Arquitectura, unam International Association for Shell and Spatial Strucutres The “Golden Age” of shell construction in Mexico had a clearly defined period: form the beginning of the fifties to the mid sixties. Fifteen years in which the “Mexican miracle” was produced: the transformation of an agricultural country into a modern one, all trough an intense process of industrialization. Along came the construction of thousands of square meters of roof structures made of laminar reinforced concrete. The advantages offered by these covers, which gave a new physiognomy to industrial architecture, allowed their use in other genres, such as religious, recreational, hospital or educational architecture. 13 T2. MOCKINGBIRD OVER THE VALLEY / T2 CENZONTLE SOBRE EL VALLE Victoria Eugenia Cifuentes García Roberto López Moreno English edition (also available in Spanish) 12,20 x 14,06 in // 35.7 x 31 cm 4lb 8.2 oz // 2.046 kg 185 pp. First edition: 2008 ISBN: 978-607-2-00065-0 Price: $ 34 USD Facultad de Arquitectura, unam Centro de Enseñanzas de Lenguas Extranjeras, unam Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial, unam A great work is the product of many efforts and wills that converge together. It is a summary, a mirror that reflects culture, history and society’s situation that gave it life. It is an evidence of planning, an act of conscious design that cares about functionality. The Terminal 2 of the Benito Juarez International Airport in Mexico City will be recognized as an outstanding architectural work, its execution needed the impulse of the authorities, the talent and determination of hundreds of professionals formed in Mexican classrooms and of thousands of hands that with different tools wielded the construction force. 14 Editorial Team Director Salvador Lizárraga Sánchez Editor in Chief Cristina López Uribe Editorial Design Erandi Casanueva Gachuz Amarantha Aguilar Escalona Proofreading Leonardo Solórzano Sánchez Carlos Chávez Calvillo Editorial Board Pedro Camarena Berruecos Facultad de Arquitectura, UNAM Yara Colón Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico Marcio Cotrim Programa de Pos- Gradaçao em Arquitectura em Urbanismo, Universidade Federal da Paraiba Juan Ignacio del Cueto Coordinación de Investigación en Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Piasaje, UNAM Juan Manuel Escalante Rafael Mauleón iconos. Instituto de Investigación en Comunicación y Cultura Maritje van Rosmalen Facultad de Arquitectura, UNAM Jimena Torre Facultad de Arquitectura, UNAM Auribel Villa Avendaño Facultad de Arquitectura, UNAM Mostly Spanish text, some abstracts, keywords and articles in English. 13,39 x 8,46 in // 34 x 21.5 cm Approximate weight: 1lb 5oz // 0.6 kg ISSN: 1045-8901 Price: $ 7 USD Facultad de Arquitectura, unam Mostly Spanish text, some abstracts, keywords and articles in English. 13,39 x 8,46 in // 34 x 21.5 cm Approximate weight: 1lb 5oz // 0.6 kg ISSN: 1045-8901 Price: $ 7 USD Facultad de Arquitectura, unam bitácora, born in 1999. is an arbitrated academic journal of the Graduate School of Architecture of the unam created in 1999. It specializes in critical study, history and theory of Architecture as well as Landscape Architecture, Industrial Design, Urbanism, and Art from various disciplines. It is published three times a year and it is oriented to outreach besides being aimed at a wide audience either academic or professional such as architects, philosophers, city planners, designers, artists, historians, critics and theorists of art, architecture and social science as well as any other person interested in the topics proposed. Indexes: Avery index to Architectural Periodicals / Periodica / Latindex. It is also available on line in the website: www.revistas. unam.mx For further information visit http://arquitectura.unam.mx/bitaacutecora.html 15 BITÁCORA 26//ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE & PUBLIC SPACE / BITÁCORA 26//ARQUITECTURA, PAISAJE Y ESPACIO PÚBLICO The selected topic for this number was Landscape and Public Space. Some of the articles included here were developed after the collective action of the 8th National Congress of Landscape Architecture and the 3rd. Congress about Public Space “Transformations; Everyday Landscape, Landscapes for Life”, that was held this year in the School of Architecture at UNAM. We included texts that display the ideas exchanged in a multidisciplinary and collaborative spirit to understand our environment. 16 BITÁCORA 26 //ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE & PUBLIC SPACE Table of Contents: Research: Reflexiones sobre la cultura del paisaje en México Martín M. Checa-Artasu Mitos e indicios en los textos de Le Corbusier. Conjeturas en torno al modo base Sandra Inès Sànchez México y el CIAM. Apuntes para la historia de la arquitectura moderna en México {primera parte} Juan Manuel Heredia Estética de la Estática: de la técnica funicular a las vigas óseas Concepción Rodríguez Montero Paisajes en el borde: dos apuntes sobre entropía en Mexicalli Alejandro J. Peimbert Duarte La (ir)responsable óptica de la ciudad dependiente Johanna Lozoya Mies en Tultitlan Salvador Lizárraga Sánchez Espacio abierto: límites y codificaciones Una aproximación dialéctica Mònica Inzua Estrada | Jaime Irigoyen Castillo Essay: El diseño (no) industrial en México Alberto Villareal Entrevista a Gilberto Méndez El arquitecto Charles Zogeuron Reviews: Casa Cevallos David Noble, Luisa Farah y Yair Perdigón Bioparque urbano San Antonio Concepción Rodríguez Montero Convocatoria Hiato Expo. Ciclorama Expo. Hotel Garage + Happy city Expo. La Historia, ella misma y yo 17 BITÁCORA 27//ARCHITECTURE, CITY & MEDIA / BITÁCORA 27//ARQUITECTURA, CIUDAD Y MEDIOS In this issue of Bitácora, the theme " mass media, architecture and the city" allows us to explore the importance of mass media in our disciplines ( architecture, planning, industrial design and landscape architecture). Reflecting upon this theme and its possible outcomes forces us to rethink many things that we usually consider ordinary. Profound changes originated with the invention of mechanical printing; this was the moment when -for the first time- information and knowledge that had until then been limited only to a few, was accesible to a greater amount of people. Later on, along with modernity, the definitive incorporation of media and its influence on everyday experience triggered a more radical shift; not only did we have at our disposal novel representation tools, but the way we saw the world changed, and the world itself was changed by the media. Avant-garde showed us many of these changes in the artistic realm. But architecture, being in a closer contact with reality, absorbed all these changes in a more disregarded way. 18 BITÁCORA 27 //ARCHITECTURE, CITY & MEDIA Table of Contents: Research: La casa de Mies: exhibicionismo y coleccionismo Beatriz Colomina Del brazo y por la calle. Construcciones culturales de la ciudad Georgina Cebey Montes de Oca Conexiones en el espacio Gabriel Benítez Gutiérrez Escenarios para la historia y el olvido en el México moderno 1942-1958 La ciudad imaginada por Juan O’Gorman, Luis Barragán, Mathias Goeritz y Mario Pani Keith L. Eggener México y el CIAM Apuntes para la historia de la arquitectura moderna en México {parte dos} Juan Manuel Heredia Medios y tecnología en la concepción arquitectónica Ronan Bolaños Linares, Un día nublado Cristian David Luna La arquitectura de contenedores y el paisaje: una nueva mirada a través del Site Specific Art María Cabrera Vergara Los cielos del sur Tres casas de Wladimiro Acosta y una interpretación de la arquitectura moderna en Argentina Luis Müller Essay: Los videojuegos y su implicación arquitectónica José Manuel Márquez Corona Realidad Virtual vs. percepción humana Jorge Tamés y Batta HiaTo (Bitácora de viaje para una serie de detenimientos espaciales) Alterritorios: Nuria Benítez, Sergio Beltrán, Francisco Erazo Reviews: Casa Noriega Regina de Hoyos Duarte | Cassandra Gutièrrez Oosthuyen | Sebastiàn Rivera Tiol | Andrès Berjòn de Gortari Estación Metrobus Centro Cultural Universitario Honorato Carrasco Mahr 19 BITÁCORA 28//ARCHITECTURE, CITY & DARKNESS / BITÁCORA 28//ARQUITECTURA, CIUDAD Y OSCURIDAD Inquire about the darkness forces us to pay attention to that half of our existence which we often overlook. We are asleep –or stunned in a world of artificial lighting that attempts to recreate daylight– most of that time in which our world experiences thousands of climatic, physical and chromatic variations. Much of the research on our cities, architecture and landscape –but also on other sciences of knowledge – focus on the world experienced during daylight. We often that to know something is to see it in the light, that those things that we do not see are those which we cannot really know. Le Corbusier said in the early twenties: "Architecture is the learned game, correct and magnificent, of forms assembled in the light". Following this assumption, we could then understand that there is no architecture at night, or that in a world without artificial lighting, architecture would depended on the moonlight to exist, but again, it would disappear in moonless nights. 20 BITÁCORA 28 //ARCHITECTURE, CITY & DARKNESS Table of Contents: Research: Los hilvanes del sastre Sistemas de techos altos en la arquitectura de Amancio Williams Luis Müllerr Caracterización de la noche metropolitana. El espectáculo de la luz eléctrica a finales del siglo XIX David Caralt La noche y la ciudad de México Alejandra Contreras Landscape city. Nature and urban regeneration in American cities. Juan Luis de las Rivas |Juan Miró Sardá La arquitectura de los cinemas de circuitos británicos en los años treinta: una mirada a través de las investigaciones de Allen Eyles Andrés Ávila Gómez Museo Moderno frente a Museo Contemporáneo La crisis de las tipologías ante un cambio de paradigma Ángela Baldellou Plaza En torno a los Manantiales: La reconciliación con el territorio lacustre en Xochimilco Alejandro Núñez Alfaro | Marisol Montserrat González Pacheco La casa de un hombre es su castillo: fortificaciones domésticas Roger Ekirch Essay: As the down draws ever nearer Joachim Schlör El espacio del curador Espacio para exposición en Stampa, Suiza David Haber Reviews: Edificio de la licenciatura en Ciencia Forense, CU Fernando Tepichín Jasso Casa del Pedregal: Casa Galvez Antonio Attolini Caribde Grecia Palacios Pérez Sara Martínez Martínez Entrevista: La fórmula de Andrés Lhima José Manuel Márquez Corona El hombre de la multitud Edgar Allan Poe De concursos y tamales Gonzalo Mendoza Morfín 21 BITÁCORA 29//ARCHITECTURE, CITY & LIGHT / BITÁCORA 29//ARQUITECTURA, CIUDAD Y LUZ From XIX century onwards the effervescence produced by technological development made itself clear in Western culture. The creation of new theories, devises, systems and artifacts, all of them illuminated by the light of Science, redefined collective imaginary with a new perspective of society’s environment and reality. In this context, light –always present in Human Kinds’ history – was theorized, manipulated and rethought as one of the main subjects of the formal discourse of Western culture. Representations and social forms, along with its architecture and cities, were never the same again. Under the light of such ideas as progress, welfare, hygiene, security –sometimes used correctly, sometimes manipulated for the worse, but always present throughout modernity– architecture, city planning and design have played a decisive part in this development. 22 BITÁCORA 29. ARCHITECTURE, CITY & LIGHT Table of Contents: Research: Ciudades vividas, ciudades pintadas, ciudades proyectadas El futurismo italiano (1909 - 1915) Antonio Pizza La iluminación Postura analítica de la experiencia social en la imaginación colectiva Gustavo Avilés Las fachadas luminosas de las salas de cine: La irrupción de los cinemas den el paisaje urbano nocturno, 1920 - 1940 Andrés Ávila Gómez Luz y sombra construyendo espacio Vanessa Loya Piñera Sobre luz natural en la arquitectura Cecilia Guadarrama Gándara | Daniel Bronfman Rubli Crystal Clear City of Glass. La construcción invisible del imaginario urbano Marijke van Rosmalen Farías Aprendiendo de Thoreau: Un proyecto para la comunidad de Hammaro en Suecia Federico Colella Cuerpo de modernidad, cuerpo de publicidad: Las bañistas de Jorge González Camarena Fabiola Hernández Flores Fachadas Media. Elementos para un debate crítico Ignacio Valero Ubierna Essay: La luz y sus efectos. Vivencias Enrique Quintero López Diseño Lumínico. La fotometria Sergio A. García Anaya La luz como factor en la experiencia sensorial del Video Mapping y sus escalas de implementación en México Hugo Hernández Quezada El kilòmetro 3500 Ángel Badillo Almanzo | Omar Mejía Mendizàbal La estrategia del sombrero Luis Coll Méndez Reviews: En busca de la historia Jorge A. Vadillo Lòpez Centro de exposiciones y congresos UNAM Salvador Lizárraga Sánchez El jardín de Fernando González Gortázar Adriana Malvido Casa Fontanot: Enrique Castañeda Tamborell Salmah Beydoun Orozco | Julieta Inclán Rosas Landa | Caribde Grecia Palacios Pérez 23
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