CATALOGUE 2015 Aerosol FAVARON di Favaron Luigi Via Noventana 123 35027 Noventa Padovana (PD) - ITALY Tel. +39 049 89 31 288 Fax +39 049 89 31 289 mail ”A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty» Winston Churchill This is the very essence of Favaron: taking up technical industrial manufacturing. for every challenge, entering in new markets and a deep, strong pride in assisting our Custo- Favaron group is conspicuous for not only for mers in developing new innovative products. its inclination to innovate, but also for its willingness in listening to its Customers’ needs and Established at the end of the 19th century, supporting them in the development of new Favaron used to manufacture some wooden effective products. sabots called “sgalmare”. In the fifties, some manufacturers of the famous Riviera del Brenta This is why in 2011 Favaron was awarded by shoe industry asked Primo Favaron for some its Customers and Suppliers with the “Prestrong, long lasting but pliable and shapable mio per l’Innovazione Amici della ZIP” (Z.I.P. soles. And Primo took the challenge and star- acronym of Padua Industrial Area). ted moulding his first soles and heels. The name Favaron soon became a synonym of leading company in plastics moulding and Primo’s son, Luigi, promoted his new plastic accessories in different fields, such as furniture, health care, household appliances, lighting and Today, Luigi’s son Federico, a young and talented designer, looks at the future with the same enthusiasm of his father and his grandfather, willing to see the opportunity in every difficulty. SPRAY THROUGH with revolving opening element Volta TECHNICAL SHEET - D/65mm - Necked-in - Finish: matt - Suggested valve: Precision Valve ref. PV14642 - Revolving opening element with curved top - Finish: matt SPRAY THROUGH with revolving opening element with plain top Galileo TECHNICAL SHEET - D/65mm - necked-in - Finish: matt - Suggested valve: Precision Valve cod. PV14642 - Revolving opening element with plain top - Finish: matt - Warranty seal with screw driver opening. Closure cap for spray through VOLTA Nuvolari TECHNICAL SHEET - D/65mm - Finish: matt - Suggested valve: Precision Valve cod. PV14642 SPRAY THROUGH with revolving opening element with plain top Giotto TECHNICAL SHEET - D/65mm - necked-in - Finish: matt - Suggested valve: Precision Valve cod. PV14642 - Revolving opening element with plain top - Finish: matt - Warranty seal with screw driver opening. CAP FOR SPRAY BOTTLES Marconi 65 TECHNICAL SHEET - D/65mm - Finish: matt - glossy - Necked-in - Single wall – Double wall CAP FOR SPRAY BOTTLES Marconi 52 TECHNICAL SHEET - D/52mm - Finish: matt - glossy - Necked-in - Single wall – Double wall CAP FOR SPRAY BOTTLES Palladio matt glossy gold / silver metallized TECHNICAL SHEET - D/65mm - Finish: matt - Necked-in - Double wall - Ring finish: matt - glossy gold/silver metalizzed COVER for aerosol bottles with PIPE HOUSING Torricelli TECHNICAL SHEET - D/65mm - Finish: glossy - Necked-in - Single wall PARTICULAR FINISHES Customize your cap with your pad-printed trade mark Particular finishes: - Soft-touch - Glitter - Matt or glossy metallizationP Besides the above mentioned finishes, on request we can offer a wide range of different finishes as: Soft-touch, Glitter, Lacquered (many colours), Etc. SPRAY CAN HANDLE for spray bottles Nemo TECHNICAL SHEET - It fits all standard spray cans - Customizable with your Company logo and colour - Finish: matt - Patent pending •It’s a practical working tool but also an original gadget for your customers •It can be customized as follows: •With your Company logo (pad-printed) •With your Company color •With its bicolor version •With different finishes: the sparkling glitter, the noble silver and golden metalized, the silken soft-touch, and the elegant “metalpearl” red, light blue, violet (and many other colors upon request). Customize your spray can handle with your pad-printed trade mark Particular finishes: - Glitter - Matt or glossy metallization - Metalpearl - Soft-touch SPRAY CAN HANDLE for spray bottles Tucan TECHNICAL SHEET - It fits all standard spray cans - Finish: matt - Light and easy to handle - It fits all standard spray cans - Customizable with your Company logo and colour - Finish: matt - Patent pending
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