j indow the A publication of The First Baptist Church of Ahoskie, North Carolina Volume 48 April 1, 2015 No. 7 In celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord, we thank the following persons for adorning the sanctuary with Easter Lilies. Lilies Given in Honor of Loved ones Given By In Honor of Given By In Honor of Carolyn Arrington Carolyn & William Arrington William ‘Bill’ Arrington Rev. Dr. Daniel, Andrea, Ella & Ashley Glaze Katie Hyatt R. D. & Finette Matthews Buddy & Nikki Hyatt Our Grandchildren: Josh, Jessica & Lily Ann Johnny, Michelle, & John Boyd The FBC Family (for all you have done during my illness. We love you!) Janice Morris My Children & Their Families Frances F. Bracy Paul & Barbara Helfrich and the Daniel Glaze Family Kay Byrd; Lee, Melanie & Lanie Byrum; and Jenni & Sophia Byrd Mary & West Myers Gertrude Myers The Nelson & Sheckells Families Dot & Bob Newsome Lanie Byrum & Sophia Byrd Our Children & Grandchildren Brooks Peel Mike & Nancy Perry My Grandmother, Jean Dilday Our Grandchildren Judy G. Pierce Garnette B. Pierce Billy & Claire Presley Our Children & Grandchildren Charles & Gloria Freeman Daniel & Andrea Glaze Charlie & Judy H. Pierce, Carolyn & Catherine Pierce Our Children & Grandchildren The Deacon Ministry Penny& Frank Rose Rev. Dr. Daniel Glaze, Andrea, Ella & Ashley Bill & Carolyn Arrington Daniel & Andrea Glaze Jesse & Mary Anne Croom Carroll & Ella Thompson Bryan, Liz, Lauren & Cade Harrell Charles & Patricia Hughes Pat Byrd Lee & Lou Wilson Judd Byrd Kay and Judd Byrd Sue & Malcolm Copeland Betty Duke Bill & Susan Earley Our Grandchildren, Stephen & Ben Edgar & Rosa Swain Our Children & Grandchildren Betsy Bazemore Lilies Given in Memory on next page Lilies Given in Memory of Loved ones Given By In Memory of Given By In Memory of Carolyn & William Arrington R. W. ’Moe’ & Minnie Hardison, and Mary Katherine & Lacy Warren Katie Hyatt Evelyn Brown Mary F. Baker Vernon Baker, Jr. Betty Joyner Frances F. Bracy Edith Freeman and James W. ‘Wig’ Bracy Don & LuAnn Joyner Frank & Sylvia Britt Hubert Lee Mizelle, and Mr. & Mrs. Henry Britt Bill & Debbie Magette Lindsay & Janet Hurdle, and Nicholas Hurdle Wingate G. & Helen M. Joyner,and Harry W. ‘Pete’ Whitley & Harry W. Whitley, Jr. T. S. and Florence Overton Johnny, Michelle & John Boyd Bryan, Jessica & Austin Britton Austin, Bryan & Jessica, Tim & Angie Britton Gene & Geneva Mustian Rachael Modlin Mr. & Mrs. W. T. Modlin Kim Britton Janice Morris Kim Britton, and Roland & Minnie Hardison The Nelson & Sheckells Families Pat & Henry Byrd Lori Pridgen Mary & West Myers Tommy Morris & Fred Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Troy Newsome, Mr. & Mrs. Guy Phelps, and Jenny Newsome Wayne Myers Lee, Melanie & Lanie Byrum Kay & Judd Byrd Gilbert & Sylvia Vaughan Jean Parker Eddie Parker Gilbert & Sylvia Vaughan Mike & Nancy Perry Judy G. & Garnette Pierce Fletcher & Leah Stubbs C. D. & Doris Wiggins Gayle Cross Jewel Copeland, and Mable Copeland & Frances Leary Roxie Boyce Daniels, Henry Herman Daniels, and Ida Rose Daniels Perry Bobby Shelton Cross Eloise B. Perry, and Melvin & Linnie Perry William Chadwick ‘Chad’ Pierce and Emily Miller Carroll & Ella Thompson Bill & Susan Earley Fred Lowe Mary Ann Umphlett Lula Mae White, and Mertie J. Thompson Tommy Umphlett Ernie & Austine Evans Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Evans, Sr., and Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Odom Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Godwin, Sr., and Mr. & Mrs. W. T. Freeman, Sr. Lucy L. Fretwell and Mary Ann Harrison Eston Earl Futrell, Sr., Mary Lee & Jake Bullock Little David & Kenny Cobb, James & Richard Hannon, and Roma & Claude Ryder Sandra ‘Precious’ Meeks, Dorothy Harrell, and Myrtle Bennett Ruth Ward T. E. Ward Ed Copeland, Sr Hallet & Ann Daniels & Family Mr. & Mrs. Larry Freeman Tom & Carol Fretwell April, Earl & Linda Futrell Noreen Hannon Bryan, Liz, Lauren & Cade Harrell JoAnn & Gene Herring Ruth & A. T. Spivey and Joyce Byrum Paul, Elizabeth, Steven Paul & Jane Marie Hollingsworth Linda Vinson Jernigan JOY Fellowship Senior Adult Ministry Thursday, April 9 12:00 pm Lunch Cost $4 per person The menu: fried chicken, string beans, potato salad, roll & dessert. Sign Up by 5 pm Tuesday, April 7 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Regular Sunday Schedule 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship 5:00 Chairo Music Ensemble 6:00 Youth Group No Adult Evening Activities Thu Fri Sat 2 Maundy Thursday 6p Maundy Thurs. Meal & Worship 7:30p SC, VE, Chairo Reh. 4 3 Good Friday 9a CWJC 6:15p SC, VE, Chairo Rehearse 7p Good Friday Worship 6 Church Offices Closed for Easter Holiday 7 9a Staff Mtg. 10a Women on Mission (WOM) Grps 2 &4 7p WOM Gp 3 8 5p Library Committee No Afternoon or Evening Activities 9 12p JOY Fellowship 10 9a Christian Women’s Job Corp 11 1p FH Reserved for Baby Shower 13 5:30p Girl Scout Troop 1702 14 9a Staff Mtg. 15 12p Ahoskie Woman’s Club 3:30p Junior Garden Club 16 1p WOM Gp 5 17 9a CWJC 18 19 2nd Sunday after Easter 3:30 pm Chowan Univ. Choral Concert. Murf. BC 20 5:30p Girl Scout Troop 1702 21 9a Staff Mtg. 7p Deacons’ Meeting 22 23 24 9a CWJC 25 26 3rd Sunday after Easter 27 5:30p Girl Scout Troop 1702 28 9a Staff Mtg. 29 30 5 Easter 9:15 SC, VE, Chairo Rehearsal No Evening Activities 12 1st Sunday after Easter 1p FH Reserved for Baby Shower 1— Lou Riddick Don Viersen 3— Bill Arrington Debbie Fields 5— Colby Hauser Mike Neal Debbie Sisler 7— Rebecca Cale Hallet Daniels 10—Kevin Croom Stephanie Rose 12—Claire Presley 13—Ella Harrell Regular Wednesday Schedule 5:00 Children’s Music & Missions 5:30 Girl Scout Troop 1604 6:30 Mid-Week Prayer 7:00 Sanctuary Choir 8:00 Vocal Ensemble 15—Gloria Freeman 16—Charles Hughes Debbie Magette Kathy McCaskey 17—Ginger Greene 22—Arthur Brown 23—Austine Evans Jennifer Kellett Logan Kinlaw 24—Chloe Dunn Anna Pierce 25—Wally McKeel Gray Pierce 26—Anna Greene Walt Pierce 27—Ian Kinlaw Emily Marra 28—Will Chamblee Paul Helfrich 30—Josh Brinkley Church April 5-11 Minister on Call — Dr. Daniel Glaze, 862-5108 Deacons on Call — Austine Evans & Nancy Freeman Extended Session Birth-Age 2: Rosa Swain, Lee & Lou Wilson Ages 3-5: April Futrell & Ginger Greene Sunday School at Creekside Care Bess Leary Ushers Tim Frei, Gloria Freeman, Cade Harrell, Jane Marie Hollingsworth, Frank Rose, Carroll Thompson; Balcony—Larry Freeman & Ernie Evans Sound System — Rick Burns Floral Offering — Easter Lilies Home Delivered Meals (Apr. 6) Jayne Frei & Margaret Winn Mother’s Day in the Media Center Refreshments served to all Mothers. Mothers—you are invited to stop by the library to view the Mothers’ Day Cards (hand-made by our 3-5 year olds) on display throughout April and until Mother’s Day, May 10th. While in the library browse our stacks for just the right book to read as well as to register for a gift basket. Drawing will be on Monday, May 11. Food Pantry (Apr. 10) — St. John Baptist With Sympathy . . . The Church Family extends heartfelt condolences to: Jeffrey & Rita Myers Bula in the death of his mother, Lois McGee Bula of Windsor, Ontario, on March 5; and to Peggy Lowe, Sue & Mike Byrum, and their family in the death of husband & father, Fred C. Lowe, on March 19. Chowan University Spring Choral Concert Sunday, April 19 at 3:30 pm At Murfreesboro Baptist The Window First Baptist Church of Ahoskie Main and West Streets PO Box 649 Ahoskie, NC 27910-0649 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED phone 252-332-4003 fax 252-209-0225 email office@fbcahoskie.org web www.fbcahoskie.org Office Hours: 8:00 am -5:00 pm Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-12:00 noon Friday NON PROFIT ORG. BULK RATE U. S. POSTAGE PAID AHOSKIE, N. C.
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