First Baptist Church f of Fort Walton Beach Florida, Inc. Ministry Opportunities 2015- Present Index of Ministry Teams 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Church Ordinance Evangelism & Outreach Hospitality Library/Media Ushers Benevolence Flowers and Decoration Kitchen Transportation Sound and Lighting Guest Greeters • Counting Prayer Wedding Family Life Monday Morning Live Nativity English Language School Farm Day V Page# 3 4 5 6 7/8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Church Ordinance Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities Mission: To make all preparations for baptisms according to the plan and time set by the church. Make all preparations necessary for the observance of the Lord's Supper according to the plan and time set by the church. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Baptism: • Ensure that all necessary baptismal equipment and facilities are available and ready prior to each baptismal service to include baptistry, robes, towels, etc. • On day of baptism, team member will meet with the candidates and assists them in preparation for baptism. • Assist pastor with preparation for entering baptistry. • Assist candidates with entering and exiting the baptistry. • Conduct light cleanup of dressing area after baptism. • Properly care for robes, towels, etc. and ensure they are washed, dried and stored for the next baptismal service. 2. Lord's Supper: • Ensure that all preparations are made prior to each service. • Ensure tables are set up and equipment is gathered from storage and assembled. • Fill juice canisters and bread trays. • Prepare sanctuary by removing obstructions and setting up table for observance. 3. Ensure all equipment is washed, dried and stored for future services. 4. Identifies depleted support items for replacement. 5. Some Bible Study Classes may require special setups for early observance Evangelism and Outreach Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities Mission: To develop and nurture an evangelistic spirit within our church that will encourage our members to have a passion for lost people. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Work with the Pastor, Associate Pastor, church staff and other ministry leaders to help our church present the gospel of Jesus Christ. 2. Plan, develop and sponsor training opportunities for church members to learn how to reach people through personal evangelism and cooperative evangelism. 3. Wor.k with the Pastor, ministers, staff and Bible Study Director to establish a church wide visitation program for prospects. 4. Organize and recruit members to visit prospects and contacts from Farm Day, Live Nativity and the Christian Life Center. 5. Plan and organize church wide evangelistic opportunities and crusades. 6. Serve as the church action team for joint evangelistic efforts with other churches within our community. Hospitality Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities Mission: To assist the membership for preparation in church fellowships, receptions, and family funeral gatherings, unless otherwise designated. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Assist with activities in set ups (decorations, food recommendations) for Bible Study groups, church organizations, ministries, if needed. 2. Assist in private receptions (weddings, anniversaries, funerals) if needed. v^ 3. Serve as the "point" team for funeral receptions, unless otherwise designated. 4. Serve as the "contact" team for use of tablecloths (except for paper) for church use on the premises only. Tablecloths, glassware, platters, etc., are under the charge of the Hospitality Ministry Team and are not to be loaned for use property. 5. In absence of specific leadership from Bible Study Departments, organizations, or other church ministries, the Ministry Team will act as a "contact" to assist with food organization and/or decorations for funeral, receptions. Library/Media Center Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities Mission: The First Baptist Media Center Ministry team is led by God-called servants who strive to provide media resources and services that will advance the Kingdom of God. The media center ministry provides visionary support to the pastor and plays an important role in the effectiveness of corporate worship, Bible Study, Discipleship Training and other small spiritual transformation study groups, and other ministry teams through relevant resources and services. Thus the Media Center Ministry team maintains, promotes the use of, and circulates media for use in evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, ministry and worship that results in spiritual transformation, ministry expansion, and kingdom advance. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Administration - strategic planning, budgeting, team recruitment and development, and coordination. The Media Center Ministry Team Leader carries out the administration actions listed above as he or she leads the team. The Team Leader makes sure the center is open and staffed on Sunday Mornings and at other appropriate times. 2. Collection Development - selecting, processing, repairing, and circulating the church's media. Monetary gift policies for collection are to be formulated by the Team and approved by the church. Media will be accepted as donations from church members on an item by item basis. Annually the Team should conduct a weeding of older and outdated media items 3. Classification and cataloging - a systematic scheme for the arrangement of books and other materials. Currently a computer program is used to quickly process new media. 4. Promotion - make members of the church aware of the availability of resources and encourage frequent use by members. Usher Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities Mission: To be of service to congregational members and guests before, during and after services and to assist in maintaining a worshipful atmosphere in the church. Duties and Responsibilities 1. Greet and Welcome members and guests before and after services. 2. Seat those entering at specified times before and during services. After service begins: •, • Assist people to be seated only at times when their entrance will not disturb the service. • Take note of rear pews that can accommodate latecomers. • Seat late comers at times other than special music, prayer and reading of Scripture. 3. Provide information about church services, programs and facilities. Become familiar with programs and leaders of the church. Know the location of the following: • Church office and hours open. • Preschool facilities and policies. • Restroom locations. • Familiar with parking facilities. • Location of telephones (cannot make long distance calls). • Location of First Aid supplies (defibrillator & basic emergency equipment). • Special needs (locating wheel chair, hearing aide, elevator, etc.) 4. Distribute church bulletins and other information as needed. 5. Receive Offerings. • An usher, accompanied by a deputy sheriff, will transport offerings to the bank. • Coordinate with the Minister of Music the appropriate time to proceed down aisles. • Coordinate with all when to proceed together. 6. Be alert to needs of people during service. 7. Be alert to needs of people during service. Become familiar with church members who have medical skills such as doctors and nurses. 8. Help maintain order during services. • Know how to contact sheriff deputies on duty and what events deputies are on duty. • One deputy will normally be around the vestibule during services. 9. Assist as required in restoring the sanctuary to physical orderliness. Be prepared to assist in worship when called upon, (i.e.'—sharing mission moment & leading prayer in most prayer in most Sunday evening services; help register new/prospective members when they come forward at invitation if ministers are already helping others.) 10. Give special attention to all guests and master the art of introducing people to each other. • Develop the skill of remembering names. • Call people by name. • Try not to have long conversations with friends. This could cause the usher to neglect people desiring to be seated or one who has a special need. 11. When requested, count those attending service. 12. Discuss problem situations with the Pastor and/or other Ministers. Benevolence Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities Mission: Leads the church in assisting needy families both within the Church Family and outside the Church Family Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Establishes the amount and frequency of assistance the church will give to needy individuals or families within the Church Family and outside the Church Family. 2. Develops the guidelines for this ministry. 3. Works with all other ministries in the church serving the needs of families and individuals (WMU, Deacons, Bible Study, etc.) 4. Survey and determine community agencies in our area that share in this cause like Sharing and Caring, Salvation Army, etc. 5. Investigates and administers the church policy for administering the needs and maintains the records of activities for future reference. 6. Ensure both the church and recipients are familiar with and comply with local, state and federal laws and requirements when administering and reporting benevolence benefits. Flowers and Decoration Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities Mission: To provide leadership in planning, preparation for and execution of the decoration of the Church, including flowers, art, etc. A committee will be composed of three (3) members at-large. Duties & Responsibilities: 1. Arrange and decorate the Church for all general services of the church. 2. Arrange and decorate the Church for all specials services, including holidays, and special events. 3. Arrange and decorate other sections of the Church building as requested, i.e. Senior Adult functions. 4. Supervise the decorations for weddings and funerals as directed by church policy. 5. Provide corsages for employee or spouses during special events. 6. Develop a budget and present it to the Finance Committee. 7. Work with the Church staff in storing materials and items used for decoration. 8. Work with Church members that have decoration items that the Church may borrow 10 Kitchen Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities Mission: To determine the food service needs of the church based on staff and church leaders' requests and assist in the successful applications to fit those needs. Duties & Responsibilities: 1. Coordinate with the church Administrator or designee regarding kitchen service & meal selection. 2. Monitor the kitchen budget and provide pricing recommendation for supplies, kitchen functions and other special needs of the kitchen. 3. Accommodate all requests for kitchen use if feasible. 4. Assist the volunteers serving the Wed. night meal to assure adequate servers. 5. Recommend the personnel needs to the Personnel Committee 6. Prepare and present an annual budget to the Finance Committee to be incorporated in the Church Budget. 11 Transportation Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities Mission: To develop plans and participate in carrying out those plans as they relate to the transportation capabilities and needs of the church. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Work with church administrator to develop and maintain the church owned transportation equipment. New equipment purchases require church approval. 2. Determine and carry out the disposal of any transportation equipment as approved by the qhurch. 3. Determine and carry out the disposal of any transportation equipment as approved by the church. 4. Develop an annual budget input for Transportation needs. 12 Sound and Lighting Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities Mission: To support and enhance worship events conducted at the church facility and as called for at other outside church activities. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Provides sound, lighting, and video operation for all scheduled Sanctuary Services such as Sunday services, special music events and revivals . 2. Provides sound, lighting and video guidance and operation for non-sanctuary events such as, Wednesday night prayer meetings, Senior Adult, Youth, Children, and Mission organizational ministries within the church (some of which may involve off campus locations.) 3. Provide sound, lighting and video guidance and operation for funerals, weddings, and outside groups/organizations scheduled by the church. 4. Seek to identify, equip and put into practical use the individual gifts of the membership of First Baptist Church Fort Walton Beach in the Sound and Lighting Ministry. 5. Coordinates and receives its direction from the Minister of Music. 13 Guest Greeters Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities Mission: To communicate God's love for visitors to First Baptist Church of Fort Walton Beach by greeting them with joy and sincerity as they enter our facilities. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Serve as the "face" of the Church when greeting visitors/guests. 2. Greet visitors/guests in a warm and friendly Christian manner. 3. Provide an escort for visitors/guest to the recommended department, class or other area of interest. 4. Ensure that appropriate name, address and other information is delivered to the Director/Outreach/Evangelism leader. 5. Introduce visitors/guests to the class 6. Ensure that visitors/guests are escorted by a member of the class they will attend so that introductions can be made to class members. 14 Counting Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities Mission: To count monies collected by the church, especially & primarily the monies collected on Sunday in Worship services and Bible Study. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Meet with the church financial assistant on Monday morning at the bank handling the church's deposits. 2. Participate in the counting, verifying & depositing of these monies received and managed by the church financial assistant. *These team members are nominated by the Church Treasurer and Financial Assistant.* 15 Prayer Ministry Team Mission: To actively encourage and promote prayer within the church. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Coordinate and plan prayer activities within the church. 2. Work with the Pastor, staff and other ministry leaders to encourage and promote prayer as an ongoing ministry and integral worship experience within the church. 3. Encourage and expand personal intercessory prayer opportunities. 4. Promotes the Christian Life Center prayer room as a resource for personal and church intercessory prayer. 5. Recruit and encourage members to participate in the Sunday morning prayer room. 6. Plan and organize special prayer events in the church such as prayer conferences, workshops and National Day of Prayer activities. 7. Serve as a liaison between our church and other churches in cooperative prayer efforts. 16 Wedding Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities Mission: To oversee the First Baptist Church's Wedding program. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Process and administer all request for Weddings received in the Pastor's Office. 2. Check the church calendar for date availability. 3. Ensure applicate submits an application and ensure copy if provided to Finance Department. 4. Ensure applicant submits a facility request to the Church Administrator for approval of the date. 5. Check with Pastor and verify his calendar if he is requested to officiate before making a commitment. 6. Notify the applicant when a date is final. 7. Notify applicant of identity of the Church's primary contact for the wedding party. 8. Provide maintenance instructions for any specific setup and clean up for the Sanctuary. 9. Collect all funds due the church prior to the wedding date. 17 Family Life Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities Mission: To provide leadership in planning, preparation for and execution of programs, seminars, retreats, conferences, films, etc. designed to strengthen and enrich the lives of church members. A committee will be composed of three (3) members at-large, one member from the single adults and one member from the senior adults. Duties & Responsibilities: 1. Discover the needs of families in the church through other committees/staff by surveys or other means, and as needs become apparent. V ^ 2. Provide education to meet those needs. 3. Provide opportunities for family life enrichment. 4. Teach church members the importance of ministering to families, single adults and senior adults and how to minister. 5. Provide counseling as needed when available. 18 Monday Morning Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities Mission: Monday Morning Ministry consists of volunteers who meet at the church on Monday mornings and perform tasks needed at the church and/or for another church member i.e. shut-in, widow, and widower. This is open to any member of the church. Custodians/Administrator will determine the tasks needed. Any funds needed will be charged to the Building and Grounds maintenance budget. Members will use their personal tools. Members of the church have an opportunity to utilize their skills in service to the church which will save the church money and aid in the attractiveness of the sanctuary, buildings and grounds. This service will develop camaraderie and friendships among church members. \^ Duties & Responsibilities: 1. Survey the Sanctuary, Foyer, Welcome Center and the Choir loft. Pick up trash and leftover items from the worship service. Replace any items needed i.e. envelopes, pencils, Mission Specials. Sharpen pencils if needed. Take all personal items left in this area to the Church Office. 2. Arrange hymnals on each side of the Bible in the pews in the Sanctuary. Check all outside doors and make certain that they are locked. 3. Other actions as needed per administration. 4. Ask maintenance/administration for a list of jobs that need to be taken care of for the church, for a church member and/or the CLC i.e. paint, repairs, lawn work etc. If supplies are needed, a purchase order is obtained from Administration. MMM members will supply their tools as needed. 19 Live Nativity Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities MISSION: To provide the Live Nativity, a very interactive and live manger scene, with costumed characters depicting Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the Magi. Rounding out this replica of Jesus' birthplace are the animals in the stable, the attending angels and the Star that was shining above the stable that Holy Night. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Pray for the preparation and presentation of the Live Nativity to our community that it will be a positive outreach and seeds may be planted that will result in people coming to Christ. 2. Enlist the help of a large number of people for preparation for and conduct of the Live Nativity each December. 3. Widely publicize the Live Nativity presentation throughout the community. 4. Lead in the preparation phase of the presentation at the site on the west side of the First Baptist Church Property between Church and Staff streets. 5. Encourage other church members to participate in the annual Live Nativity and follow-up. 6. Invite friends and neighbors to attend the Live Nativity. 7. Be responsible for storing all of the equipment, costumes, etc. between each Live Nativity. 20 English Language School Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities Mission: To teach English and present the love of God that our students might come to know Jesus Christ, his Son. It is considered an International English School and is sponsored by the Church and Community Department of Florida Baptist Convention. The School is locally sponsored by the Women's Mission and Ministry Department of First Baptist Church. Duties & Responsibilities: 1. Teachers will be trained to perform required activities. 2. Classes are held during the Okaloosa County School sessions. The classes are conducted each Thursday morning from 9:30 AM until 11:30 AM The same holidays for the public schools will be observed and if for any reason the public schools are closed, our school is closed as well. 3. A Thai Bible study and fellowship time will be held immediately following the school (11:30a.m. until 1:00 pm). Lunch will be provided by the Christian Thai ladies. 4. Students will pay the same amount for books that the church paid and books cannot be written in or taken home until paid for. 5. Class instruction and preschool care for the children of the students are free. 6. The church will provide a van service for transportation to and from this school. 7. A state conference is held each year for teachers. It is not mandatory, but the church will pay half of the cost, if the teacher/director attends. 8. Reminders are sent to all prior students each year for the upcoming classes. A student may attend as many years as they desire. 21 Farm Day Ministry Team Duties and Responsibilities Mission: Farm Day is an effort by a group of Christian folks and Churches, SO THAT THE WORLD MAY KNOW WHO JESUS CHRIST IS. Farm Day is a Mission/Ministry designed to provide an opportunity for many people with many skills and talents to present a place for healthy fun, education, fellowship and food. There is no charge for entrance or any of the activities, or any of the fun foods such as funnel cakes, boiled peanuts, snow-cones and cotton candy. We ask that those invited to bring two things; a Big dish of food (side dish or desert) and someone, or family that doesn't go to church. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Pray for the preparation for and conduct of Farm Day that it will result in a positive outreach that seeds may be planted that will, in time, result in people coming to know Christ as their savior. 2. Throughout the year engage people and invite those people that do not have a church home or will not go to church, but are willing to go to an event like Farm Day 3. Enlist the help of hundreds of people to help with the preparation for and conduct of Farm Day, clean up, and follow-up with people desiring a visit. 4. Conduct Farm Day kick-off meeting(s) to enlist specific venue managers and people to man the various venues. 5. Lead in the Farm Day preparations phase at the farm during the entire month of October. 6. Schedule the many volunteers. 7. Solicit vendors from the local communities to donate things like; ice, bread, meat, condiments, tea, drinks, golf carts, etc. 8. Solicit exhibitors and then coordinate their placement as they arrive at the farm. 22
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