“I can't begin to tell you how much it helped having Daisy C.H.A.I.N. come to our house to provide an essential service to a newborn baby and recovering mother...” ~a New-Mother in Friendly Neighborhood “I was so grateful to have Daisy C.H.A.I.N. to turn to...I always felt like I had all their attention. Months later, the women continued to check in on me regularly...they continue to strive for excellence in their mission.” ~ a New-Family in Jefferson Westside Neighborhood New-Mothering Center Visit us at 13th & Lawrence! *OPEN HOURS: Thursdays 12pm -2pm Fridays 2pm-5pm *Ask about using the center for your class or group!* Neighborhood New-Mothering Center is a clean, safe, fun and nonjudgemental community center. " % We address individual barriers to success by providing wrap around support. All programs FREE to clients daisychainmothering.org (541) 505-1139 A nonprofit organization shifting the cultural paradigm of postpartum care by bridging gaps and providing the community with research and evidence based support services and education for new-mothers and their families. 1262 Lawrence #3 Eugene, Oregon 97401 daisychainmothering@gmail.com "The benefits of improved breastfeeding rates for mothers, babies, and society as a whole are substantial and undeniable.We can't simply place the responsibility for this essential practice on mothers but must enact social policies that support and encourage mothers in doing what is best for themselves, their children, and our society."© Because ALL women deserve postpartum doula care and breastfeeding support from qualified professionals in their community. Our FREE Programs: Community Alliances and Ways to Support! Lactation Internships Available! Daisy C.H.A.I.N. is proud to be the only community-based agency in Lane County to receive the International CARE Award! Participate in public breastfeeding awareness sticker campaign every third Monday in collaboration with Available to ALL FAMILIES welcoming a new baby through birth or adoption: • • • • • • • Prenatal Meeting Gently used baby clothing, items, supplies McKenzie Milky Mamas: Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Parenting Peer Group In-home Postpartum Doula Care In-home Breastfeeding Support from International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) Nursing Nook: Weekly walk-In breastfeeding support from an IBCLC, baby scale available 24 hour text/email/phone support Available to the COMMUNITY: • • • • Baby Pop Music with Stardust Round Room Reviews with film screenings and seminars Public Breastfeeding Awareness Events Teen Breastfeeding Education in collaboration with local districts call or email for details! We are staffed by dedicated volunteers who are passionate about the work they do! Read and write in the MotherWork Series. These are guest editorials written by mothers, intended to share their Life experiences & to open a dialogue on motherhood while highlighting our MotherWork: the choices we make everyday as new- mothers. Submissions welcome, email today! Visit daisychainmothering.org to check out our many Alliances with Local Artisans, Crafters, Artists, Authors, and Musicians! Each donates a portion of their proceeds to Daisy C.H.A.I.N.! Mayor Christine Lundberg of Springfield with Board Members for Proclamation World Breastfeeding Week first Week of August! Board of Directors !!%$&"!% Liesha Morgan Owner McKenzie River Maples ! #($) )"%% Marianne Senhouse, BS OSP Forensic Scientist I ! #)%% pendants. Lesa Marlowe, CAPPA Trained Professional Postpartum Doula Jaclyn Mahoney, MA Certificate Nonprofit Management Board Secretary Jennie Hawthorn Mayes, MA International Board Certified Lactation Consultant Board President Baby-wrapping at Brattain House with Volunteer Doula Lesa! "'!!(&& "$!*&"!#%"!&& %)!$&% "
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