April 2015 - First Broad Street United Methodist Church

April 2015
In this edition:
Page 2
Page 3
A Word from Senior Pastor
Sermon Schedule
Page 4
Buffalo Mountain Camp
Page 5
Preschool and Children
Page 6
Students, Young Adults,
Singles & Seniors
Page 7
Small Groups
Wednesday Night Live
Pages 8 & 9
Church Calendar
Page 10
Page 11 & 12
Page 13
Page 14
Congregational News
Page 15
Page 16
Spotlight on Staff
Did You Know? . . .
Contact Us
Church Office
423-246-1361 (fax)
Prayer Line
Child Care Center
Multi-Site Ministry
Recently, you have heard from the pulpit the vision that we as church leadership and staff believe
God is calling our church community to fulfill. That vision is to begin another “campus” of First
Broad Street, which in church language is called “multi-site ministry." This simply means that we
are planning to start another worship service somewhere other than our current location on Church
Circle. When Rev. Andrew Amodei was Associate Pastor at First Broad Street, multi-site was talked
about, yet it was realized that First Broad Street was not at a place to move forward with that type of
ministry at that time. However, through that process we now see that seeds were planted that have
been at work growing over these past years. Our church is now in a place to seriously consider what
multi-site ministry could look like for our congregation. Several reasons have led to this specific
timing, including overcrowding in contemporary worship, which calls for more room to continue
growing, as well as having three appointed pastors in which to open up the possibility for three
services happening simultaneously. We are confident that there are thousands of people in Kingsport
who would benefit from this new campus. We will be able to reach out to those who are un-churched
and those who have been hurt by the church in the past (which we called the de-churched) in a way
that we have never imagined.
D What Multi-Site Ministry Does Mean:
S First Broad Street UMC will begin to meet in multiple locations.
S We are already living into this model as we have Traditional worship and Contemporary worship.
These worship services are separated by a hallway, yet both are fully First Broad Street UMC.
S Multi-Site allows for First Broad Street to add needed square footage for worship, without having
to build a new building on our current location, a task which would take time and lots of money.
S A new worship site or campus that is “off-site” means that First Broad Street UMC will be able to
meet and minister to people we would normally never reach.
D What Multi-Site Ministry Does NOT Mean:
S Multi-site does NOT mean… That First Broad Street is starting another church. The other site,
whatever the name may be, will fully be a ministry of First Broad Street UMC.
S Multi-site does NOT mean… That First Broad Street will not give 100% focus to ongoing worship
at our current site. The other site or “campus" will be only one aspect of all the ministries that First
Broad Street UMC offers to our community.
S Multi-site does NOT mean… That Harrison Bell, the proposed campus pastor, will no longer be
a pastor at First Broad Street. The multi-site campus will only be part of Harrison’s responsibilities,
with much of his responsibilities remaining the same as they currently are.
D Steps Forward:
S On March 15th, 18th, and 22nd there were informational sessions in which the full vision of the
multi-site was cast and individuals were given the opportunity to be part of the launch team. The
launch team, which we expect to have at least 50 adults to be a part of, will be committed to going
through a training process that will begin the last week of April.
S The expected launch date for the new campus will be September 13th, which is the Sunday after
Labor Day.
S At this time we expect to incubate the campus for 12-18 months somewhere in the downtown area,
and then strategically place ourselves in Kingsport where we have the potential to reach the most unchurched and de-churched individuals.
If this is something you might be interested in, it is not too late to consider being part of the launch
team, and we would love to have you! Simply contact me, Harrison Bell, at 423-224-1517 or at
hbell@fbsumc.org for more information. Friends, when God is with us then who can be against us?
Won’t you pray for our church as we embark on this new faith journey? It is one that we believe God
will bless immensely.
Blessings, Harrison Bell
Page 2
A Message from the Interim Executive Director . . .
I can only hope that spring has arrived by the time you receive this newsletter. At this writing, we have just experienced
the three worst weeks of winter weather that I can remember. Four heavy snows in a period of 11 days followed by
freezing rain the next week have placed an exceptional burden on our Building Staff. They have done a wonderful job
keeping sidewalks and parking lots cleared so that regular activities could go on as much as possible. They also had
to deal with a frozen water line in the Cox building that ruptured and created quite a mess. Of course, all these extra
activities were piled on top of their regular duties. If you have the opportunity, please be sure to thank Gary, Fred, and
Chuck for all their extra effort. Also, thank Danny Howe who pitched in and helped on several occasions. Much of this
work is done behind the scenes, and it takes events like we have just experienced to help us really appreciate all that these
folks do for our church.
Before we built the Wesley Wing, I used to joke that I could find something 25+ years old within five minutes because
we never threw anything away. The basis for this comment was brought home to me on a recent Friday evening when
the Church Leadership Council, at the suggestion of Chair Vikki Welch, had their bi-monthly fellowship at the Woodyard
Center and helped clean out a couple of rooms used for storage and do some needed painting. More than twenty folks
gathered, including several associated with the Child Care Center for food and fellowship. We had fun and we got a lot
done. Are we finished? No, but there is now a break room for the teachers, the hallways are painted, and we are moving
toward being prepared to deal with internal moves needed during upcoming renovation work on Woodyard Center. As
Interim Director Susie Pedersen is proposing, the Child Center would love to have your help in showing the love of Christ
to the children entrusted to our care. This can be done in a lot of ways from cleaning and painting to helping the teachers
by sharing your gifts. Give Betsy Cooper a call at 224-1527 if you would like to volunteer. They would love to have you!
Wishing you a blessed Easter! --Mike McIntire
Our own Betsy Cooper has accepted the position of Director, Child Care Center. Betsy has outstanding qualifications for
this important position and feels called to continue her life-long work with young children. She should begin this new
role on our staff about the time you receive this newsletter. We are delighted to welcome Betsy to our team and ask that
you keep her in your prayers as she begins leadership of this very important ministry.
$ 270,927
Other Offerings
$ 75,021
Total Revenue (includes Child Center, Kitchen, etc.)
$ 431,889
$ 273,333
$ 124,316
$ 488,444
$ 426,588
$ 480,306
Capital Debt
$ 231,136
Cash on Hand
(Working Capital)
$ 433,894
All newsletter articles must be submitted for consideration by the first Monday of the previous month for the following monthly newsletter.
The deadline for the May newsletter will be 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 6, by contacting Meredith Brown at mbrown@fbsumc.org or
423-224-1522. All articles are subject to editing.
Page 3
Loving God
A Word from Our
Senior Pastor . . .
When you receive this newsletter
we will only be a few days away
from Easter. I hope you are planning
on being present for one or more
of our seven services in which we
will celebrate the audacious Good
News that Christ is Risen! We will
begin with a 6:30 a.m. Sunrise Service at Glen Bruce Park.
After that it will be one glorious worship experience after
another: Traditional and Contemporary at 8:30, 9:40 and
10:45 a.m.
Easter is not the only celebration the month of April
holds. The weekend of April 11 & 12 is our Confirmation
Weekend. On page 6 of this newsletter, John Rowe,
our Director of Student Ministries, has an article about
Confirmation. He also lists the 24 students participating
in Confirmation classes this year (the largest class in
recent years). These students have been meeting together
every Sunday since last September. March 20-22 was the
confirmation retreat at Lake Junaluska. On Saturday,
April 11, at 3:00 p.m. you are invited to join the
Confirmands, their families and mentors at Wimberly
Woods to witness the baptism of some and the
"Reaffirmation of Baptism Vows" of those who were
baptized as infants.
At 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 12 -my 54th birthday(someone once said, "If no one knows it's your birthday,
it's your own fault") we will confirm the faith of this year's
class. This is our fifth year in which the Confirmation
Service occurs at a time separate from morning worship.
This has allowed us to give full attention to what God has
done in these young people's lives, bringing them to the
moment when they make their public profession of faith.
In this evening service, we do not feel constrained by the
time factor, but are able to give full attention to these young
men and women.
Even if you do not know any of the confirmands, they are
making a choice to become full members of FBSUMC. As
your sisters and brothers in Christ, let me encourage you to
support them by making every effort to attend this amazing
service where we confirm their faith and invoke the work of
the Holy Spirit in their lives.
With my love and prayers,
8:30, 9:40, and 10:45 a.m. Traditional Worship
(Sanctuary) Rev. Mickey Rainwater
*unless otherwise noted
8:30 and 10:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship
(Fellowship Hall) Rev. Amanda Dean
*unless otherwise noted
April 5 Easter Services:
Sunrise Service
6:30 a.m., Glen Bruce Park Gazebo (414 Broad Street)
Regular Easter Morning Worship:
I Am the Resurrection and the Life John 11:17-26
After the Cross Sermon Series:
April 12
Emmaus Road
Luke 24:13-15
*Traditional-Harrison Bell;
Contemporary-Mickey Rainwater
April 19
Mary Magdalene
John 20:11-18
April 26
Doubting Thomas
John 20:24-29
Sunday School - 9:30 a.m.
Radio Broadcast: 10:00 a.m., WKPT (1400 AM)
Our Father’s Place 4:00 p.m. (Chapel)
April 5 April 12
April 19
April 26
No OFP - Happy Easter!
Doris Dexter
Mickey Rainwater
Dory Creech
Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. (Chapel)
April 5 April 12
April 19
April 26
No Evening Worship - Happy Easter!
Confirmation Service (Sanctuary)
Mickey Rainwater
Buddy Bounds
Loving God
Page 4
Since the historic vote to approve moving forward with
selling the Buffalo Mountain property and purchasing
property on Bays Mountain at our called District
Conferences for Kingsport and the Johnson City Districts,
things have really started moving forward. I am sure
you have heard we've hired a new executive director, Jeff
Wadley, who will come on part-time April 1 and
full-time July 1. Jeff is already hard at work on a volunteer
basis in preparation for what is ahead.
Pentecost at the Market
One Combined Sunday
Worship Experience
May 24 at 10:00 a.m.
Farmer’s Market Downtown
More details coming soon!
Jeff has our Board of Directors really focused on working
towards restarting this vital ministry by continually calling
us to envision campers and staff gathered around the
campfire for worship and drawing closer to Jesus Christ
with some coming to know Christ for the first time, some
discerning a call to ministry, and all being touched by the
love and grace of God in Jesus Christ. This is why we are
doing what we are doing; we truly believe this is God's
Here are some other things currently happening to prepare
the way for our reaching God's vision for this ministry:
- We are very close to closing on the new site.
- Jeff has developed a sustainable programming plan for
our new camp that is guiding our site planning for the new
site. Along these lines, we are beginning the design part of
the process for the new site.
- We are also working towards selling the Buffalo
Mountain property.
- We are close to setting a date for a decommissioning
service for Buffalo Mountain to celebrate the many years of
ministry and especially the lives impacted by the ministry.
We will find ways to build on this rich heritage and the long
history of Buffalo Mountain at the new camp.
- By next month, we will have a name for our new camp.
- We are also looking to build on past partnerships and
create new partnerships with other districts, ministries,
community organizations and so forth to maximize the
impact of our new camp.
- The work described above and strategic planning
specifically related to fundraising will get us to the place
in the next few months when we will embark on a capital
funds campaign. We know God will provide the resources
to enable us to build our new camp facility and thus reach
God's vision for this ministry.
Blessings in Christ,
Josh Kilbourne
Page 5
Growing Together
We Love Babies at First Broad Street!
The birth of a child is such an exciting event, both for the parents and for the church family.
When local church members or regular attenders have a baby, Preschool Ministries sends the baby
a t-shirt that says "I am God's masterpiece" and sends the parents a gift card, a baby calendar,
and information about the church nursery. In addition, the baby receives a hat and baby blanket
from our Stitch 'n Pray ministry. If your child (or grandchild) has a baby, we're happy to celebrate
the birth with you by publishing the child's and parents' names in the Traditional bulletin and the
monthly newsletter as soon as we get the information. Please call the church office at 423-2464471, and let us know the baby's and parents' names and the date of birth. This information is
then passed on to the entire church staff and the email prayer team. To schedule a baptism for your child, call the church
office or speak with one of our pastors.
Our Key Question this month is "Who wants to be my friend forever?" Our Bottom Line is "Jesus wants to be my
friend forever." Our Basic Truth is also "Jesus wants to be my friend forever." Our verse for this month is "Go and make
disciples of all nations." Matthew 28:19, NIV
Here's what we're learning this month: Jesus had to go away to make a way for us to be His friend forever, but He came
back, just as He said He would. Jesus gave His friends the very special job of telling others about Him before He left.
God sent an angel to help Peter get out of jail so He could tell others about Jesus. Paul and Silas praised the Lord while in
jail. God caused an earthquake that freed them, but they stayed to tell the jailer about Jesus.
Thank you to all of
those who helped
with/contributed to
Rise Up with Jesus!
The children had a
wonderful time in
stations and worship
together with their
families and of course
the egg hunt was lots of
fun! What a wonderful
way for FBSUMC
to be a part of our
Attention Fifth Graders:
Lock In at the church on May 8th!
RSVP to kblalock@fbsumc.org and be sure to bring a
Rotation Sunday School April/May Theme:
Pentecost and Ascension
Art and Soul: Don’t miss the Art and Soul program on
April 29th for Wednesday Night Live!
VBS is coming soon!
Vacation Bible School will be held on June 22-26 from
9:00 a.m. to noon.
The theme is Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s
Mighty Power.
Volunteers are still needed to be shepherds, teachers, and
for hospitality. Please contact Katie Blalock at 224-1515 if
you would like to help!
Coming this summer: Thankful Thursdays
What: Fun, fellowship, lunch, Bible Stories, and field trips
Who: Rising Kindergarteners – Fifth Grade
When: Thursdays from 12-4
Dates: June 4, 11, 18, 25 and July 2, 9, 16, 23
Space is limited, so please make reservations starting now
by messaging kblalock@fbsumc.org!
Growing Together
Student Ministries
Middle School Spring Retreat (7th and 8th grade) – April
17-18, Doe River Gorge
Student Ministry Retreats are some of the most important
dates on our calendar! Retreats are an excellent
opportunity for our students to get away and rest and
relax from the day-to-day stresses and expectations of
adolescence. Our students will spend the weekend together
growing stronger in their relationship with God through
worship and discussion and closer to one another through
games, conversations, and community! We are also going
to be able to play Bubble Soccer! Your student will leave
this weekend with wonderful memories and relationships!
Middle School (7th – 8th grades)
Doe River Gorge; Hampton, TN: April 17-18
Depart FBS @ 6:00 pm/Return to FBS @ 10:00 p.m.
Registration is due April 12
Cost per student: $50
Youth Sunday – May 3
During the Sunday morning worship services on May
3 our students will be taking over the leadership of all
six services. All worship roles (greeters, ushers, music,
announcements, liturgists, preaching,…) will be filled by
our 6th-12th graders. The sermon schedule will be:
Traditional: 8:30 – Newly Burton; 9:40 – Austin Weaver;
10:45 – Aliza Dixon
Contemporary: 8:30 – Steven Pedersen; 9:40 – Thomas
Jolley; 10:45 – Alden Mason
Senior Breakfast
FBS is honoring our High School Seniors on Sunday, May
3. The United Methodist Women are organizing a brunch
for the High School Seniors and the Seniors’ parents at 9:30
a.m. in the High School room. Please reserve this date
for this great celebration. We will also honor them at the
church service. We need for you to provide us with
some valuable information and pictures to make this a
special day.
1. We need 3 pictures of your Senior by April 10. Send
photos to Sydney Cooper at jsjcvj@aol.com or leave in
an envelope with your name on it at the Church office
addressed to Sydney Cooper. Photos will be returned.
Please print the Senior’s name on the back of the pictures.
A. Baby picture of your Senior,
B. Activity picture of your Senior (church event, special hobby, special interest or sport at any age)
C. Senior Picture.
2. Information from you about your High School
Senior. Full Name; Parents’ Name; Plans after Graduation
Favorite Memory at FBSUMC
Page 6
Confirmation Weekend – April 11-12
April is a special month for our Student
Ministries as we actively confirm our 6th
grade students, and they become fullfledged members of our church family.
Over the weekend of April 11-12 we will
celebrate this rite of passage for our Confirmands with a
Baptism and Remembrance Service at Wimberly Woods
and the Confirmation Service Sunday Night. This year’s
confirmands are:
Tristan Brickell
Afton Burton
Maggie Carter
Anna Cole
John-Michael Cole
Hannah Day
Ella Egan
Will Everett
Sophie Frohlich
Val Guiaudrone
Caitlyn Heglar
Abigail Hilton
Izabelle Hilton
Tayla Holt
William Karst
Faith Kestner
Andrew Larkins
Jackson Martin
Addison Metcalf
Macee Page
Cole Ridings
Matthew Thayer
Alyssa Williams
Noah Williams
Hayden Williams
Bryan Wilson
April 28- Forever Young Fellowship
Join us for the April 28 Forever Young Fellowship at 11:00
a.m. in the Fellowship Hall for a special guest speaker, Lee
Ambrose. In recent years much attention has been given
to the benefits of prayer. Praying as a church family during
worship is just one way prayer unites us. We are also
drawn together when we, as individuals, pray for others and
for our church. Prayer offers us the opportunity to deepen
our personal relationships with Christ. Praying doesn’t
cost anything, can be done anywhere and at anytime, and
can change lives. Lee Ambrose discusses the myriad of
prayer opportunities here at First Broad Street as well
as techniques for developing - or sustaining - a healthy
personal prayer life.
Lunch Bunch Adventure - April 17
Since our trip was cancelled in February, the Lunch Bunch
will travel to the Red Lobster in Johnson City on Friday,
April 17. We will meet in the Wanola Parking Lot at 10:45
a.m. and leave promptly at 11:00 a.m. After lunch we will
make a side trip to the J. C. Mall. Call Mary Jane McVey
at 392-4229 to reserve a spot for you on the bus.
Jubilation XV - April 19 - 21
This year Jubilation is moving to the Mainstay Suites in
Pigeon Forge instead of Meadowview Conference Center
in Kingsport. The reason for the move is purely financial.
This is a retreat for older adults (50+) who desire to explore
and enhance their relationship with Christ. Brochures are
at the front desk in the Church Office.
SingleVision an interdenominational Singles Ministry providing Christian fellowship and worship opportunities. For detailed event schedules,
contact Jane Adams at 246-1727. Note: Programs at the church begin at 7:15 and no reservations are required to attend only the program.
April 6, 6:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall. Dreams and Their Meanings, Rev. Dr. John Wilson. Menu: beef stroganoff, noodles, carrots, salad,
dessert, bread. Cost for meal $7. Reservations for meal required by noon on April 3 by calling 224-1502.
April 11, 9:30 a.m., Bus trip to Gatlinburg. Dinner at Apple House Restaurant and Orchard. Call Jane at 246-1727 to sign up.
April 13, 6:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall. Potluck Dinner. Program: D.B. A Capella Choir. Bring food item to share w/ serving utensil and
beverage for yourself. No reservations required.
April 20, 6:30 p.m., Greenbelt Walk and Dinner at LaCaretta (2008 N. Eastman Rd.)
April 27, 6:30 p.m., Potluck Picnic, Shelter 9, Eastman Bays Mountain Recreation Area
Page 7
Growing Together
Continuing to Explore the Art
God Has Placed in our Hearts
“When we embrace the beauty of our design, when we
recognize that he has made us to be unique expressions
of himself, when we receive the gifts he has equipped us
with and have the courage to pour them out, we worship.”
–Emily P. Freeman, A Million Little Ways
Our group of eighteen recently completed a study of Emily
P. Freeman’s book, A Million Little Ways. We enjoyed six
sessions of sharing our own art and our thoughts about the
book. It was such a rewarding adventure that the group
plans to continue to meet once a month to pursue ways that
we can facilitate more art in our church and worship. If
you have questions, ask Joy Eastridge, Margaret Deans or
Kay Ann Smith.
The Parish Nurse Team is starting something new! We
plan to be present most Sunday mornings in the library for
blood pressure checks, health and wellness counseling. If
you have questions about your physical health, doctor’s
appointments and medications, stop by and talk with one
of us. We can help you find out with our connections in the
medical community. We plan to start in April and be in the
library from 9:15-9:45 each Sunday. Stop by and see us.
We will be giving away free boxes of raisins to anyone that
says hello! If you have questions, please contact our Parish
Nurse, Joy Eastridge, RN, BSN, CHPN at jeastridge@
fbsumc.org or 224-1512.
Read ‘Em & Reap Book Group
You are invited to reap the benefits of belonging to the
Read ‘em and Reap Book Club at FBS! Mingle and Munch
begins at 6:15 p.m. in Room L38. Lively literary discussion
begins at 6:30 p.m. and wraps up at 7:30 p.m.
April 16, 2015
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck,
discussion led by Gail Preslar
May 21, 2015
The Girls of Atomic City by Denise Kiernan, discussion led by Beth Geno with special guests,
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Young
What Love Is Bible Study
The Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning Bible study
groups will meet through April 27. We are using Kelly
Minter’s book on John 1,2,3 called, What Love Is. We
would like to welcome anyone who wants to join either
of the groups.
Tuesdays, 9 to 10 a.m. – Joyce’s Brogden’s home (1501
Dobyns Dr.) Facilitated by Joy Eastridge.
Wednesdays 10-11 a.m.- Gigi Boggan’s (1309 White St)
Facilitated by Gigi Boggan.
If you have questions, call Joy, Joyce or Gigi.
Wednesday Night Live 5:30 p.m.
Make reservations by calling 224-1502. Reservations are accepted until Tuesday at noon.
For your convenience, you may make standing reservations. Standing reservations need to be renewed each year by
calling the reservation line. We only ask that you cancel the reservation if you cannot come on a certain date.
Adults: $7; Children 5-11 years: $3; Under 5: Free; Family Max: $25
April 8
Menu: Mexican chicken w/ rice, queso dip, chips, dessert Program: Lucas Higgins and the Praise Team
April 15
Menu: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, peas, salad, roll, dessert Program: Thankful Baptist Choir
April 22
Menu: Scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits and gravy, pancakes Program: Earth Day Program w/ Mark Peacock
April 29
Menu: Pit ham, sweet potato casserole, green beans, salad, dessert
Program: Spring Orchestra Concert, Directed by Gay Aycock
Sunday *see recurring 9:30 a.m.
9:40 a.m.
10:45 a.m
11:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Recurring Sunday Activities
8:30 a.m.
Contemporary Worship, (F)
Traditional Worship, (S)
Sunday School Classes and Confirmation Class
Traditional Worship, (S) Acoustic Contemporary, (C)
Contemporary Worship, (F)
Traditional Worship, (S)
Godly Play, Rm 240 and Preschool Worship, Rm 137
*no GP or Preschool Worship on 1st Sundays
Our Father’s Place, (C)
Evening Worship, (C)
6:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
Friendship Diner Bkfast, BH
Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal, 108
Easter Sunday Services
6:30 a.m., Sunrise, Glen Bruce Gazebo
Traditional Services
8:30, 9:40 and 10:45 a.m., Sanctuary
Contemporary Services
8:30, 9:40 and 10:45 a.m.,
Fellowship Hall
6:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Friendship Diner Bkfast, BH
SonRisers Choir Rehearsal, 108
Blood Pressure Checks, Library
Stephen Ministry Class, 241
Namesake Study, Rm L06
Mosaic Youth Choir, Rm 108
Confirmation Service
6:00 p.m.
6:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Friendship Diner Bkfast, BH
Sounds of Joy Rehearsal, 108
Stephen Ministry Class, Rm 241
Namesake Study, Rm L06
Mosaic Youth Choir, Rm 108
6:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Friendship Diner Bkfast, BH
SonRisers Choir Rehearsal, 108
Stephen Ministry Class, Rm 241
Namesake Study, Rm L06
Mosaic Youth Choir, Rm 108
5:00 p.m. Children’s Bells, Rm 235
5:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Live, F
6:00 p.m. Art & Soul, 232-233
Orchestra, S (ends May 7)
6:15 p.m. Men’s Ensemble, 108
Gospel Group, L15
AMP 6th-12th, Rm 305
7:30 p.m. Sanct. Choir Rhrsl, 108
Contemporary Worship Tm, F
9:00 a.m. Food Ministry, Wel. Ctr.
9:45 a.m. The Holy Spirit, Rm 141
10:00 a.m. Matin Ringers, Rm 206
12:00 p.m. Circle 6, Rm 241
12:30 p.m. Silver Bells, Rm 206
1:30 p.m. Sounds of Joy, Rm 108
3:00 p.m. Worship Plannng, Rm 302
5:30 p.m. Transportation Committee, Rm 241
6:00 p.m. Vesper Bells, Rm 206
Missions Committee, Rm L06
6:30 p.m. SingleVision Potluck Dinner, F
7:00 p.m. Zumba, WC 104
Boy Scouts Troop 51, Rm 305
9:00 a.m. Food Ministry, Wel. Ctr.
Halo Haircuts, Rm 138
9:45 a.m. The Holy Spirit, Rm 141
10:00 a.m. Matin Ringers, Rm 206
12:30 p.m. Silver Bells, Rm 206
1:30 p.m. Sounds of Joy, Rm 108
3:00 p.m. Worship Plannng, Rm 302
4:30 p.m. Kpt District UMW, Rm 241
6:00 p.m. Stephen Ministry Supervision, Rm 241
Vesper Bells, Rm 206
Reaching Out Team, Rm L30
6:30 p.m. SingleVision Greenbelt Walk & LaCaretta
7:00 p.m. Zumba, WC 104
Boy Scouts Troop 51, Rm 305
9:00 a.m. Food Ministry, Wel. Ctr.
9:45 a.m. The Holy Spirit, Rm 141
10:00 a.m. Matin Ringers, Rm 206
11:30 a.m. A Million Little Ways,Macado’s
12:30 p.m. Silver Bells, Rm 206
1:30 p.m. Sounds of Joy, Rm 108
3:00 p.m. Worship Plannng, Rm 302
6:00 p.m. Vesper Bells, Rm 206
6:30 p.m. SingleVision Potluck Picnic, Eastman Bays Mtn, Shelter 9
7:00 p.m. Zumba, WC 104
Boy Scouts Troop 51, Rm 305
United Methodist Men
6:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Wednesday*see recurring No Wednesday Night Live
9:30 a.m. Child Center Chapel, WC 202
11:00 a.m. Advanced Yoga, Rm 239
11:30 a.m. Intermediate Yoga, Rm 239
2:00 p.m. Circle 2, Rm 141
Growing Together Tm, L30
2:30 p.m. Reaching Out Team, 302
3 & 5:30 Grief Recovery, Parlor
6:00 p.m. Bible Study/Pat Davis, 302
6:30 p.m. Breaking Bread, Tencer Res.
9:30 a.m. Thurs. Morn. Prayer, Parlor
11:00 a.m. Advanced Yoga, Rm 239
11:30 a.m. Intermediate Yoga, Rm 239
Church Ministry Council
Leadership Team, Rm L30
6:30 p.m. YABS: Young Adult Bible Study, Bounds Residence
7:45 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Church Offices
Contem. Prayer, Rm 236
Circle 4, L30
Circle 5, 141
Furniture Min., Wel. Ctr.
Stephen Ministry
Supervision, Rm 302
Men’s Bible Study, Rm L30
Children’s Council, Rm 241
9:30 a.m. Child Center Chapel, WC 202
11:00 a.m. Advanced Yoga, Rm 239
11:30 a.m. Intermediate Yoga, Rm 239
1:30 p.m. Flames of Faith, Rm 108
2:00 p.m. Growing Together Tm, L30
2:30 p.m. Reaching Out Team, 302
6:00 p.m. Bible Study/Pat Davis, 302
6:30 p.m. Breaking Bread, Tencer Res.
Kpt District Academy/New Testament, Rm L06
7:45 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Forever Young Fellowship
11:00 a.m., Fellowship Hall
6:00 a.m. Friendship Diner
Bkfast, Bright Hall
9:00 a.m. Footsteps: Hiking Club
My Notes
Good Friday Service
6:30 p.m., Sanctuary
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Thurs. Morn. Prayer, Parlor
Advanced Yoga, Rm 239
Intermediate Yoga, Rm 239
Academy Certified Lay
Ministers, Rm L06
YABS: Young Adult Bible Study, Bounds Residence
Circle 3, Rm 141
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. Food Ministry, Wel. Ctr.
Contem. Prayer, Rm 236
Furniture Min., Wel. Ctr.
UMW Board, Rm 241
Men’s Bible Study, Rm L30
Building Staff: Gary Lodien
CLC Workshop, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Confirmation Baptism and
Reaffirmation Service
Wimberly Woods, 3 p.m.
Thurs. Morn. Prayer, Parlor
9:00 a.m. Food Ministry, Wel. Ctr.
Advanced Yoga, Rm 239
11:00 a.m. Lunch Bunch
Intermediate Yoga, Rm 239
Read ‘em & Reap Book, L30
YABS: Young Adult Bible Study, Bounds Residence
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
6:15 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:00 a.m. Friendship Diner 11
Bkfast, Bright Hall
9:00 a.m. Academy Certified Lay Ministers, Rm L06
9:30 a.m. SingleVision to
6:00 a.m. Friendship Diner
Bkfast, Bright Hall
Building Staff: Chuck Williams
Middle School Spring Retreat
April 17-18, Doe River Gorge
7:45 a.m. Contem. Prayer, Rm 236
10:00 a.m. Furniture Min., Wel. Ctr.
6:00 p.m. Stephen Ministry
Supervision, Rm 302
7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study, Rm L30
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Thurs. Morn. Prayer, Parlor
Advanced Yoga, Rm 239
Intermediate Yoga, Rm 239
Academy Certified Lay
Ministers, Rm L06
YABS: Young Adult Bible Study, Bounds Residence
9:00 a.m. Food Ministry, Wel. Ctr.
7:45 a.m. Contem. Prayer, Rm 236
10:00 a.m. Furniture Min., Wel. Ctr.
7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study, Rm L30
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
Thurs. Morn. Prayer, Parlor
Advanced Yoga, Rm 239
Intermediate Yoga, Rm 239
YABS: Young Adult Bible Study, Bounds Residence
Orange Curriculum Conference
April 29 through May 1
Looking Ahead:
6:00 a.m. Friendship Diner
Bkfast, Bright Hall
9:00 a.m. Academy Certified Lay Ministers, Rm L06
Building Staff: Fred Howe
Family Missions Day
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
9:30 a.m. Child Center Chapel, WC 202
11:00 a.m. Advanced Yoga, Rm 239
11:30 a.m. Intermediate Yoga, Rm 239
2:00 p.m. Growing Together Tm, L30
2:30 p.m. Reaching Out Team, 302
6:00 p.m. Bible Study/Pat Davis, 302
6:30 p.m. Breaking Bread, Tencer Res.
Kpt District Academy/New Testament, Rm L06
Building Staff: Fred Howe
Crossroads Medical Mission
8:30 to 2:30, Rm 141, pkg lot
9:30 a.m. Child Center Chapel, WC 202
11:00 a.m. Advanced Yoga, Rm 239
11:30 a.m. Intermediate Yoga, Rm 239
1:30 p.m. Flames of Faith, Rm 108
2:00 p.m. Growing Together Tm, L30
2:30 p.m. Reaching Out Team, 302
6:00 p.m. Bible Study/Pat Davis, 302
Child Care Center Board Meeting, Rm L30
6:30 p.m. Breaking Bread, Tencer Res.
Kpt District Academy/New Testament, Rm L06
Maundy Thursday Service
6:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Labyrinth Prayer Walk
April 1-4, Parlor
Contem. Prayer, Rm 236 1
7:45 a.m.
10:00 a.m. Furniture Min., Wel. Ctr.
Elijah and Elisha, Boggan Residence (White St.)
12:00 p.m. Holy Week Luncheon, F
1:00 p.m. Caregiver Support, Rm 141
7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study, Rm L30
Recurring Wednesday Night Activities
9:00 a.m. Food Ministry, Wel. Ctr.
Halo Haircuts, Rm 138
9:45 a.m. The Holy Spirit, Rm 141
10:00 a.m. Matin Ringers, Rm 206
11:00 a.m. Stephen Ldrs Team, Rm L30
12:30 p.m. Silver Bells, Rm 206
1:30 p.m. Sounds of Joy, Rm 108
3:00 p.m. Worship Plannng, Rm 302
6:00 p.m. Vesper Bells, Rm 206
Stephen Ministry Supervision, Rm 241
6:30 p.m. Circle 1, Parlor
SingleVision, Fellowship Hall
7:00 p.m. Zumba, WC 104
Boy Scouts Troop 51, Rm 305
Church Ministries Council Orientation Workshop, L44
Location Abbreviations
Bright Hall
Fellowship Hall
Woodyard Center
Wimberly Woods
Wel. Ctr. Welcome Center
Mother’s Day
May 10
May 24
Reaching Out
Page 10
Ministry Opportunities for 2015
Thank you for your patience as we have been transitioning to the restructuring of our ministries under our mission strategy
of Loving God, Growing Together, and Reaching Out. Our ministry opportunity forms are now available to sign up online.
There will also be hard copies in our Welcome Center.
i Loving God
i Growing Together
i Reaching Out
+ Inviting ministries are now listed as Hospitality ministries
+ Hospitality ministries and Missions Area opportunities are Reaching Out
i Congregation Care (Parish Nurse and Nurture ministries)
i Support Ministries
Instructions for signing up online:
1. Visit our website: www.fbsumc.org
2. Click on Information tab
3. Scroll down and click on Volunteer with Our Ministries tab
4. Ministry Opportunities 2015 page with clear instructions as to how to sign up
5. You will be asked to give your name, email and phone number
6. Click on submit
Your information will be sent electronically to Sue Hopkins and the ministry leader where you wish to serve. You should
be contacted soon by your ministry leader.
Reaching Out to Academic Village
The Pancake Breakfast was such a blessing to all…
that we will return to the Higher Ed Center downtown
on Monday, May 4, and host a breakfast the first day of
Exam Week. This outreach is for students, faculty, and
staff. We will need your help in providing snacks. If
you are interested in serving on the event planning team,
please contact Nancy Tate at ntate@fbsumc.org.
6th Annual Red, White & Boom! Road Race
Saturday Morning, July 4
Race begins and ends on Charlemont Street
behind Wesley Wing
Partnering with Phil & Melissa Horner
and Fleet Feet Sports
Lots of opportunities for reaching out
to our community!
Details Later . . .
If you are interested in serving on the event planning
team, please contact Nancy Tate at 423-224-1507 or
CPR Offered in April
We all sincerely hope that we will never need to know
how to perform CPR. But as part of being prepared to
help, training is essential. On Thursday, April 2, at 6
p.m, the Parish Nurse, Joy Eastridge, will offer CPR/
AED/Adult/Child & First Aid in the community room of
the YMCA. The cost is $25/per person and reservations
can be made through dlharrison@northeaststate.edu.
Outreach on Cancer Unit
at Holston Valley
Being in the hospital is taxing for both the patient and
their support system. As a church family, we do an
annual outreach in the kitchen of Wilcox, 3rd floor the
unit that most commonly houses oncology as well as
hospice patients. During the month of May, we will
provide either a meal or a snack on a daily basis for
family members and also for staff on W3. We invite
you and your friends or family to take a day and bring
whatever suits you best: breakfast, lunch, dinner or an
in-between pick me up. Our goal is to involve as many
members as possible and to have people work in teams
of at least two persons.
Wayne Hoard and Parish Nurse Joy Eastridge are
coordinating this effort. Please contact Joy at 224-1512
or jeastridge@fbsumc.org, if you have questions.
UMW Sponsors Mother’s Day Bulletin
Looking for a simple way to honor a significant female
in your life? For Mother’s Day 2015, the United
Methodist Women will sponsor a Mother’s Day bulletin
insert with the names of these honored women. Please
fill out the form below and return to the Finance Office
along with $5 per person you are listing. Deadline will
be May 3.
Donor name________________ Donor phone_________
Amount of $ attached _____
Name of person in honor of _______________________
Name of person in memory of _____________________
Page 11
Reaching Out
Reaching Out through
“A Great Day Of Service”
Reaching Out Ministries is offering new opportunities
of ministry through an exciting new venue called, “A
Great Day Of Service.” First Broad Street provides
opportunities during the week for the congregation to
engage in relationship and ministry through various
ministries, such as the Food Ministry, Furniture Ministry,
Home Repairs, Halo Haircuts, etc. These opportunities
are very important in the life of our congregation and our
community, but we realize that some of you may not be
able to participate on weekdays due to work and family
responsibilities, but would enjoy the opportunity to be
engaged in ministry with our neighbors and each other
on a Saturday several times a year.
The Reaching Out Team has scheduled our first Great
Day Of Service for Saturday, April 25th. This will open
to all, and will have different ministry opportunities
available for all ages to participate in, children through
adults. It will be an excellent opportunity for families
to serve together. The day will begin with a short
orientation before we move into the various mission
opportunities. Some of the ministries will be on campus
and others off campus.
Watch for more details soon in the FBS Happenings,
worship folders, and on the website about specific
ministries that will be provided and how you can plan to
participate in the “Great Day Of Service.” Additionally,
please be praying with us as final preparations are made,
so that we truly provide an opportunity to connect our
neighbors to a loving and compassionate God through
this time together.
For more information, please call the Missions Office at
Headed to Belize
An informational meeting will be held on April 7 at 6:00
p.m. for people interested in going to Belize September
19-26. This trip, being led by Dr. Joe Smiddy, is for
those interested in medical and evangelical mission
opportunities as well as medical professionals. For more
information, call 224-1532.
“Feed My Sheep”
Mission Celebration 2015
How exciting it
was to see the
Fellowship Hall
full of children,
youth and adults,
coming together
to package meals
that will be
shipped to Haiti
this month to
feed children in
a world in which
2,500 children
die each day from malnutrition. Partnering with Stop
Hunger Now, the participants truly lived into Jesus’
response to Peter when asked if he loved Him. Peter
said, “Yes Lord, you know I love you.” Jesus replied,
“Feed my sheep.” The response of the crowd in the
Fellowship Hall to Jesus was contagious as the last gong
rang, signifying the packaging of 20,088 meals that hold
the ingredients for proper nutrition to enable children
to be healthy and have the opportunities to grow, learn
and know a Jesus of love and grace. This was a truly
transformational time in the life of FBS, and through
your gifts and prayers, it will become transformational
for the children and their families in Haiti who receive
the meals packed on March 14.
Keynote Speakers Bishop Larry Goodpaster and Rev.
Mike Sluder blessed FBS through the vision cast
in their messages, while we were enthusiastically
challenged by the workshop leaders and missionaries
who shared their stories of mission and ministry in our
own community, across this nation, and around the
world. New opportunities are on the horizon to engage
in life and ministry by meeting the needs of those who
are marginalized by societies and cultures, while also
sharing the great news of a loving and redeeming God.
Our children were also blessed with opportunities to
learn from our visiting missionaries by hearing stories of
life’s struggles in our community and around the world,
and how God’s faithfulness is allowing them to be a
part of comfort and peace to those who struggle. They
packed food buckets that will be shipped to Zimbabwe
to be used to provide nourishment for the children of
Ishe Anesu, our United Methodist Orphanage in Mutare,
We celebrate God’s faithfulness lived out in each of
you, as you have responded mightily to the opportunity
to be in ministry through Faith Promise, pledging over
$115,000.00 to support missionaries, ministries and send
people of hope, grace, and peace out into the streets of
Kingsport and all around the world to feed the sheep that
God places along our journey. To make a pledge to Faith
Promise, or to learn how you can become involved in
the mission ministries of Reaching Out, please call the
Missions Office at 423-224-1531.
Reaching Out
Page 12
New Camp Director to Speak at UMM
Jeff Wadley, the new Executive Director of once Buffalo Mountain, will be our
guest speaker on April 27 for the United Methodist Men gathering. Jeff will be
sharing the name for the new camp, located at the base of Bays Mountain at the
site of the camp once operated by The Sullivan Baptist Association. He will also share about
immediate and long-term plans for development of the site to provide a vibrant camping ministry
for Kingsport and Johnson City Districts and others in the region. This is an exciting opportunity
for United Methodist in our area. You will not want to miss this opportunity to learn how we can
support and enjoy ministry for children, youth, and adults through the camp in the years ahead.
Please remember to make your reservation by calling the reservation line at 423-224-1531. We
encourage you to bring your spouse, friends, and even young people to this special opportunity. Dinner is served at 6:00
p.m. and the program follows. Please call the Missions Office at 423-224-1531 for further information.
Bring One Items
Weekly Bring One items for April will be as follows:
April 5
Spaghetti sauce and noodles
April 12
Cash/checks for communion baskets
April 19 Canned corn, green beans, peas and fruit
April 26
Canned meats such as SPAM, ham, tuna
Summer of Reaching Out through Missions
Summer is fast approaching, and with it, the many opportunities planned to
be transformational in our own community as well as other places. The High
School Youth will kick off the summer with their annual mission trip to the
Sea Islands of South Carolina, spending a week on Johns Island partnering
with Rural Mission Inc. in repairing homes on the Islands. The week of June
20th through 27th will find a team from
Johns and Wadmalaw Island here at First
Broad Street, working on homes in our
community. Members of St. Johns Parish
and Rockville Presbyterian Church will be
staying on campus here and partnering with
our local Home Repair Ministry and the
City of Kingsport in this annual event. Our
Middle School Youth will head to Saltville
July 5th through 10th for their annual
mission trip, partnering with Project Crossroads in housing rehab in rural
southwest Virginia.
We appreciate these, and the many,
opportunities that provide experiences of
mission and ministry, and look forward
to hearing stories of lives changed and
life made better for many as we move
through the summer season. Please join
us in prayer as we continue planning for
these experiences, that we are able to
share Christ in word and deed. Each youth
who participates will be asked to invite
three individuals or families to sponsor
them for the trips. We thank you for these
investments in the lives of the families
we will be privileged to serve and the lives of these young people and their
journey of discipleship. Watch for more information about these upcoming
opportunities and how you can become involved.
Home Repair Ministry
Seeking Volunteers
As the weather becomes warmer,
opportunities to assist our neighbors
with repairs to their homes become
available. We approach this
season with a list of repair needs
accumulated over the winter months.
Cloyd Clipse and Bill Campbell,
coordinators for the Home Repair
Ministry, are seeking volunteers to
assist them with these repairs. It is
not necessary to have experience;
all you need is a willing heart.
Repairs range from plumbing repair,
floor repair, minor roof projects,
to painting, window replacement,
porch repair and wheelchair ramp
construction. If you are looking for
a great opportunity to make a huge
difference in the life of an individual
or family who are unable to make
repairs to their home while being the
hands and feet of Christ, give us a
call. For more information, call the
Missions Office at 423-224-1531.
Page 13
To give a memorial in honor or memory of a friend or loved one, please mail your check to the Finance Office at 100 East Church Circle, Kingsport,
TN, 37660 and mark “memorial” on the memo line of your check.
In Memory Of
Alvin Carter-by Patsy Bales
Inez Bennett-by friends
Danny Ellis-by Mr. and Mrs. Rick Baughman
Alvin Carter-by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ladd
Lib Roper-by Mr. and Mrs. Gene Still
Lib Roper-by friends
John Bardsley and Ross Kingdon-by Mr. and Mrs. Gene Still
Sam Preston, Ross Kingdon, Lib Roper-by friends
Lib Roper-by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howle
Jim Witt, Ross Kingdon, Lib Roper-by Jane Adams
Jim Witt, Peter Wadewitz, Pat and Mildred Miller-by friends
Inez Bennett-by Naomi Cunningham
Inez Bennett and Lib Roper-by Ann Keith
Lib Roper-by Catherine Beals, friends, Moore’s Pharmacy, Mr. and Mrs. Les Heaton, Kathy Hirsch, Dr. and Mrs. Peter Wadewitz, Mr. and
Mrs. David Patrick, Dr. and Mrs. Edmond Alley, Rochelle Tillapaugh, Regions Bank, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stapleton
Ross Kingdon-by John C. Phillips
Lib Roper and Violet “Montine” Smith-by Mr. and Mrs. Nick Grabar
Maxine King-by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Melroy
Barbara Bettini-by members of Wesley Sunday School Class
Violet Smith-by members of Trinity Sunday School Class
Michael Collins-by Edith Suit
Inez Bennett-by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fraley
Violet Smith-by Mr. and Mrs. James Crowell
Edgar Martin and Margaret Scott-by friends
Bramlet Beard and Jim Witt-by Mr. and Mrs. Gene Still
Bryan Smith-by Dr. and Mrs. David Sewell
Lib Roper-by Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dorr
Janie Brown-by Mr. and Mrs. Gene Still
In Honor Of
Dr. Beverly Jackson-by Jane Schulz
Life Together
Page 14
Our Newest Member
A picture is worth a thousand words....
Get ready for the new pictorial directory. Lifetouch
will make pictures in August and September. Those
photographed will receive a pictorial directory, a pocket
size roster directory, and a free 8 x 10 photo. Watch for
future information about sign up. For more information,
please contact Membership Secretary, Darres Carter, at
dcarter@fbsumc.org or 224-1506.
Sympathy is expressed to . . .
the family of Lydia Haseltine on the death of her mother, Wen
Soong Chiang, who died February 18;
Harry Fontaine on the death of his brother,
Paul Fontaine, who died February 19;
Lillian Guenther on the death of her sister,
Leola Rowe, who died February 19;
Sharon Duncan on the death of her sister,
Carolyn Flanary, who died February 21;
Rochelle Trent on the death of her stepmother,
Texie Lord, who died February 23;
Josie Reid on the death of her brother,
Walter Hawkins “Hawk” Eggerton, who died March 2; Dan
Martin on the death of his mother,
Betty Martin, who died March 2;
Cheryl Salaita on the death of her father, Darrell (D.A.)
Honeycutt, who died March 6;
the family of Robert Lin on the death of his father, Stanley Lin,
who died March 13; the family of Kathy Powers on the death
of her mother, Irene Cecelia North, who died March 14; and
Nina Myers on the death of her brother,
Larry N. Alderson, who died March 19.
In Memory of
Our Church Family Members . . .
Virginia “Jan” McCartt--March 3
Sympathy is expresed to her husband, Rev. Spurgeon
McCartt and her sister, Katherine McDaniel
John E. (Eddie) Anderson, Jr.--March 11
Wanda Kesterson--March 11
Andrew Marshall “Andy” Brooks-March 23
Sympathy is expressed to his family.
Congratulations to Dr. Bobby and
Anne Gibbons on the birth of their
son, James Truston Gibbons, who
was born February 2.
Congratulations to Gabby Provenzano and
James Range, who were married on
March 14 at Highland Fellowship in Gray.
Kailyn Reid joined by
transfer from Cross Lanes
UMC, Cross Lanes, West
Virginia, on February 22.
She is the granddaughter of
Josie Reid and was baptized
in our sanctuary in 1990.
Kailyn is a student at King
University studying business
administration. During high
school, Kailyn participated in a
mission trip to underdeveloped
McDowell County, WV, and
also assisted her mother in the
3-4 year olds Sunday school class. She enjoys serving
others, and especially in helping children learn new things.
Please welcome Kailyn!
Combating Alzheimer’s with Info
“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God,
who gives generously to all without finding fault,
and it will be given to him.” James 1:5
If there is one thing about Alzheimer’s that everyone agrees
on, it’s this: it’s a terrible and dreaded disease. At this
point, our treatments are minimally helpful. As a church
family we try to support one another—both those going
through the disease and those who are caring for loved ones
with it.
There are resources available that help us arm ourselves
with information. Sometimes preparing can ease some of
the stress for everyone involved. We have a set of CDs
called, “Creating Moments of Joy” by Jolene Brackey. You
are invited to check it out and listen to this very practical
There are also lots of books and pamphlets that help shine
the light on the path forward. The Alzheimer’s Association
has a wealth of information on their website, presented in
an easy to understand fashion.
Additionally, we have a support group for caregivers
each month—it is not just those caring for Alzheimer’s
patients, but certainly encompasses them. We meet on the
first Wednesday of each month from noon to 1:00 p.m. in
room 141. There are usually about ten of us, some from
FBSUMC and some from the community.
If you have questions or would like to be added to the
email list, contact your Parish Nurse, Joy Eastridge, RN,
Page 15
April 1
Bob Brock
Thomas Carty
Jennifer Garland
Katy Golob
Kyleigh Greene
Cathy Harvey
Bobbie Hutchins
Ed Latham
Mandy Owens
Terry Reed
Diane Shaver
Matthew Spivey
Sarah Testerman
Austin Weaver
Austin Wyker
April 2
Linda Abbott
Rachel Bennett
Samantha Culhane
James Harris
David Oaks
Chris Rose
Ross Smith
April 3
Cary Boggs
Christian Humbert
Walker Wolfe
Leighton Wood
April 4
Delaney Boyd
Lee Cornell
James Early
John Leonard
Jessie Pedersen
Sarah Pedersen
Brian Robbins
Julie Sproles
Glenn Ward
April 5
Lynn Doane
Todd East
Victoria Edmisten
Sara Fugate
Ruth Ann Hoard
Laiklyn Meade
J Preston Mercer
Spencer Murphy
Joe Stras
Sarah Vaughan
April 6
T Duane Barnes
Judy Blalock
Preston Carter
Judy Mosley
April 7
Bo Corum
Sheila Cox
Emily Hammond
Joanna Ramey
B.J. Reeves
Mabel Spivey
Miller Spivey
Nancy Walker
Madeline Williamson
April 8
Braden Boyd
Ronald Bussey
Thomas Click
Sydney Culhane
Nancy Fritz
Leo Giaudrone
Drew McIntosh
Michael Pappas
April 9
Tom Brock
Ava Carver
Rick Currie
Mary Louise
Eric Salaita
Preston Smith
Karrie Thomas
Lucas Vaughn
April 10
Ken Ernst
Tim Thayer
Edithann Wadewitz
April 11
Joe Bettini
Art Brown
Lawrence Collier
Ted Glynn
Butch Lady
Drew Romance
Cheryl Salaita
Debra Wurmser
April 12
Kathi Boyd
Ainsley Collier
Elisabeth Cowart
Drew Doran
Roe Harrison
Katie Holt
Susan McKee
Mickey Rainwater
Bryson Thorpe
April 13
Lyndsey Brundrit
Sara Collins
Meredith Dean
Robert Goddard
Martha Parham
Mary Ripley
April 14
Angela Duncan
Eddie Simmers
Rochelle Trent
Carter Vickers
Kelly Williams
April 15
Kyle Bothof
Kristopher Forsha
Eric Hammonds
Tom LaGuardia
Juanita Lane
Eric Quisenberry
Allison Seckler
April 16
June Childress
Ginny Jenkins
Jack Pippin
Parker Rose
April 17
Gary Casey
Jane Dean
Judy Deere
Joe Doran
Nathan Frazier
Dona Gilliam
Katherine Scoggins
Camden Sproles
April 18
Lee Ambrose
Lily Arnold
Lucy Kate Grubbs
Betty Jean Isley
David Leonard
Nicky Mann
Ben Morris
Brad Onks
Margaret Reel
Judith Sadler
Andy Taylor
Mildred Umberger
Bailey Workman
April 19
Madre Forsha
Barbara Lively
April 20
Matthew Bonds
Michael Golob
George Mayfield
Anna Moreland
Vernon Walker
Sithney Wolfe
April 21
David Bagwell
Jan Gibbons
Hunter Jenkins
Ron Paul
Mary Sewell
Jane Skeen
April 26
Max Cobble
Tyler Culver
Kingston Fleming
Charles Fontaine
McConnell Hobbs
Stephanie Jolley
George Salaita
Gage Taylor
Melanie Watson
April 22
Candy Alexander
Marcine Berry
David Dean
B.J. Jolley
Melissa Kiser
Grace Macdonald
Sharon Morris
Kyle Peterson
Penny Roberts
Judy Sneed
April 23
Emily Bounds
Becky Carver
Finley Green
Brantley Kilgore
Bonnie Macdonald
Justice Pinney
Carolyn Salery
Elliot Tate
Isaac Tate
Cameron Walker
April 24
Edith Baker
Marla Campbell
Maribeth Carty
Katherine Culligan
Todd Dickson
Val George
Ellie Gilly
Melanie Hutchins
Jack Kitzmiller
Marjo Reid
Caitlin Richardson
Kristy Rowe
Becky Stone
Rhett Warner
April 25
Dennis Cleary
Janice Cloud
Jim Cox
Peggy Davis
Dennis Golob
Brock Jennings
Matthew Norville
B Fielding Rolston
Thom Throp
Jordan Willingham
April 27
Andrew Bailey
Hoyt Denton
Sparky Dyson
Mike Harvey
Thomas Odom
April 28
Bradley Bacon
Cahill Harvey
Marilee Hull
Amy Luethke
Clara McHorris
Ann Morison
Emily Philip
Martha Provenzano
Lane Taylor
Tricia Taylor
April 29
Henry Boggs
Kaile Fletcher
Christy Free
Glenn Gott
Emma Rogers
Jill Rose
Chase Salyer
Andrew Scruggs
John Staples
April 30
Carly Brooks
Angela Dotson
Jacob Dunnivant
Jennifer Harris
Bryce Herlong
Phyllis Hill
Nancy Mallicote
Alexis Mayo
Michelle McInturff
Kelli Trent
Bob West
First Broad Street
United Methodist Church
100 East Church Circle
Kingsport, TN 37660
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Did you know?
.... you can see a list
of available ministry
by going to the
church website at
fbsumc.org and clicking “Volunteer With Our
Ministries” under the Information menu.
Meet Your Staff . . . Child Care Center
shown left to right (top photo): Morgan Jones, Ramona
Ketron, Bettie Beane, Debbie Howe, Melinda Solomon,
April Hooven, Denise Johnson, Missy Quillen, Jennifer
Carter and Lisa Berish
shown left to right (left bottom photo): Jessica (Turner)
Swearinger and Misty Flanary
left to right (right bottom photo): Rebecca Blalock, Jo
Leftwich, Kim Jeter, and Mary Cain
Not pictured: Teresa Hurt and Tonia Dockery
Ministry opportunities are listed under the
categories of “Loving God,” “Growing
Together,” “Reaching Out,” “Congregational
Care,” and “Support.” Click the category
buttons to see the available opportunities.
Put a checkmark by each ministry opportunity
in which you have an interest; fill out the
contact information at the bottom of the page;
then click the Submit button.
An email will be sent immediately to the staff
contact person for the ministries you selected.