A V O N D A L E P R I M A R Y S C H O O L AVONDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER 2nd of April, 2015 132 Breezes Road Christchurch Phone: 3888371 Fax: 3887025 Email: avondaleschool@paradise.net.nz Website: http://fc.avondale.school.nz/~aps/home.htm PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE With the end of the term already upon us with the start of the school holidays tomorrow (Good Friday) I would like to pass on my thanks to all staff, students and their families for a successful term. The holiday period is a time for parents to check on whether their children have winter term clothing and footwear requirements up to speed. Also research clearly shows us that children who keep reading over the holidays don’t “regress” and are able to seamlessly carry on with their learning in the new term. Out Teacher Only Day last Friday was attended by over 100 staff from Avondale, Aranui Primary, Wainoni, St James and Aranui High School. We had key note speakers from Tamaki College sharing their modern learning practices journey over the last 4 years. They were able to show the significant achievement gains made by their students over this time. The big secret to this success was teachers working collaboratively and sharing best practice and students able to access their learning on-line throughout the school day as well as after hours, including weekends and holidays. We supplied presenters for some of the workshops undertaken on the day. Kevin Boyce presented “Boys’ and Girls’ learning style differences”. Rae Marsh, Alice Gibb & Pam Jackson from our year 5/6 teaching team presented a brief preview on Google Apps in the classroom and hoe it works for their team as well as the blended use of digital technologies. CHILD CANCER DONATION This week we were delighted to host Tanya Cooke from the Child Cancer Foundation and present her with a cheque for $220 raised at our recent St Patrick’s mufti day. Tanya met Josiphia Hamill (Head Girl) and Jaze Jones, Lex Solomon, Joshua O’Connor and Karjah Brady (House Captains) “Our core business is learning and teaching.” S E Q U O EASTER RAFFLE Congratulations to Mark Chatterton (1st), Lucas Robinson (2nd), Tanya Harvey (3rd), Keith Milne (4th), Krystal Day (5th), Bradley Knight (6th) and Kane Quartly smith (7th). Special thanks to our PTA for the effort in organising this raffle. I A C L U B SCHOOL CAR PARK The school has approved only seven passes allowing parents to drive onto the school grounds. These approvals were given following written application. We note fewer incidences of parents driving onto the school grounds without a pass. This goes a long way to ensuring the safety of our/your children. HEALTH ISSUES Look out for the flu bug which has suddenly appeared over the past week. It starts out quite innocently with the odd sniffle but quickly turns into quite a nasty flu. Treatment is to keep children warm and hydrated. HEAD LICE Sadly we are finding an increase in head lice amongst children at Avondale. The holidays present the perfect opportunity to treat children before they return to school next term. TERM TWO COMMENCEMENT DATE Term two 2015 starts on Monday the 20th of April. We look forward to welcoming your children back to school for another busy and fulfilling term. TERM TWO EVENTS • Every Wednesday for weeks 1-8 rooms 12 to 19 will be participating in the “First Tee”, a golf coaching program. • T.B.C. - A Top town competition for our senior teams. • April 22nd - El Gregor - the $4 cost to be paid by the school. • April 27th Anzac Day commemoration Avondale School will be closed. • May 5 - Science Alive • June 15 - 19 - Art Week. BEST WISHES Take time to enjoy your children and the many community assets available. The children have worked well this term and staff have presented programs that have challenged student progress. FOND FAREWELL It is with regret that we farewell Bruce Tomlinson from the position of caretaker at Avondale School. Bruce has endeared himself to us all and his absence will be felt. We wish him every success in his new role as Property Supervisor at Van Asch Deaf Education Centre.
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