SAVE THE DATE! Page 1 Conference 2015 Family Child Care Association of NYS, Inc. 24th Annual Conference Friday & Saturday, March 20 & 21, 2015 Pre-Conference Session, Thursday, March 19th Villa Roma Resort & Conference Center Callicoon, New York Pre-Conference Thursday & Friday Keynote FCCANYS invites Tom Copeland Minnesota Participants & Staff to attend the FCCANYS Pre-Conference & Annual Conference Nationally renowned tax & business specialist for family child care Friday Night Keynote Jim Snack New York Saturday Keynote Jennifer Birkmayer New York Saturday Closing Session Charlie Slaughter Connecticut Quality Scholars Funding 2015 Quality Scholars funding is currently available to support your site’s professional development needs with priority given towards certain types of training, including college/credential coursework & conference attendance. Contact QI Specialist for further details. FCCANYS CONFERENCE REGISTRATION includes all workshops & keynotes on Friday & Saturday (up to 15.5 hours) and Friday Lunch & Dinner, Saturday Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Thursday Pre-Conference with Tom Copeland includes 6 hours of training and Thursday Lunch. Register for all 3 days and receive up to 21.5 hours of training!! Page 2 QUALITYstarsNY PARTICIPANTS Are you a Family Child Care Provider? If so, than this conference is for YOU! FCCANYS invites all QUALITYstarsNY Participants & staff to join us at the FCCANYS 24th Annual Conference at the Villa Roma - nestled in the foothills of the Catskill Mts. When utilizing Quality Scholars Funds to attend the FCCANYS Pre-conference &/or Conference you are required to have prior approval from your QI Specialist. FCCANYS has made it easy to register in two easy steps using your Quality Scholars Funds. Step 1: Contact your QI Specialist to complete the Quality Scholars Funds application. Step 2: Simply go to and click on QUALITYstarsNY to fill out the registration form online OR fill out & mail in the registration form. When you receive your Quality Scholars Award Notification sign & mail it promptly to the FCCANYS. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION INCLUDES: Workshops - more than 25 to choose from Total of 15.5 Hours of Trainings - covering all 9 NYS OCFS training topics ALL Your Meals - Friday lunch & dinner, Saturday breakfast, lunch & dinner PRE—CONFERENCE REGISTRATION INCLUDES: Thursday- 6 Hour Training with Tom Copeland & Thursday Lunch FULL DAY PRE-CONFERENCE SESSION THURSDAY, MARCH 19TH In addition to the 24th Annual 2 Day Conference, FCCANYS is offering the Full Day Session - Taking Care of Business with Tom Copeland on Thursday, March 19th. The full day Pre-Conference Session is designed to offer an in-depth training experience. Taking Care of Business will focus on the business side of family child care, including record keeping, taxes, contract & policies, marketing, insurance, budgets, money management and retirement planning. Tom offers new and exciting ways to improve all areas of your business and your short and long term financial stability. Bring all your questions, spend the day with Tom and leave with new ideas, a wealth of resources and a stronger understanding of the financial aspects of operating a successful small business. SPACE IS LIMITED FOR THE PRE-CONFERENCE SESSION, REGISTER EARLY! 24TH ANNUAL FCCANYS CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS This year we are privileged to have three nationally recognized experts to present the key note addresses. If attending the Pre-Conference and/or Conference you can be certain to have stimulating discussions with presenters, keynotes and fellow family child care providers, valuable sharing plus captivating exchange of ideas through networking. Many of the workshops offered are aligned with the QUALITYstarsNY standards for family child care providers and could assist you (& your staff) in meeting relevant Topic Areas & Standards. PRELIMINARY LIST OF WORKSHOPS Reducing your Risks: Legal & Insurance Issues - “Sock it to Me” - Children’s Rights Navigating Your Child Care Regulations - Avoid Mistakes When Filing Your Taxes Children & Divorce - The Magic of Change Staying Positive - S.T.E.A.M Arranging Play Spaces - Early Brain Development and Attachment - Diversity: Informed Child Care - Developing Mathematical Thinking in Young Children Freedom of Movement - Building a Relationship with Your Licensor Difficult People? Not Anymore! - Circle of Securities - Books! Choosing, Using & Making Picture Books - Child Abuse & Shaken Baby - Providing Reflective Supervision - and many more! PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Thursday, March 19th Pre-Conference with Tom Copeland Morning Session 10:00AM –1:00PM Lunch 1:00PM-2:00PM Afternoon Session 2:00PM - 5:00PM Friday, March 20th Conference Registration 8:30AM - 4:00PM Exhibits 9:00AM - 4:00PM Opening Ceremony 9:00AM - 9:30AM Keynote—Tom Copeland 9:30AM - 11:00AM Morning Workshops 11:15AM - 12:45PM Lunch 1:00PM - 2:00PM Afternoon Workshops 2:00PM - 3:30PM 3:45PM - 5:15PM Dinner & County Roll Call 6:00PM - 7:30PM Evening Session 7:30PM- 9:00PM Saturday, March 21st Breakfast 7:30AM - 9:30AM Conference Registration 7:30AM - 1:00PM Exhibits 9:00AM - 4:00PM Morning Workshops 8:00AM - 9:30AM 9:45AM - 11:15AM 11:30AM - 1:00PM Lunch 1:00PM - 2:00PM Afternoon Workshops 2:15PM - 3:45PM 4:00PM - 5:30PM Dinner 6:00PM - 7:30PM Page 3 HOTEL RESERVATIONS Hotel Reservations can be booked by contacting the Villa Roma at 800-727-8455. Be sure to mention FCCANYS when booking your room. SPECIAL CONFERENCE ROOM RATES $105 Traditional Rooms in Villas $125 Traditional Rooms in Main Hotel $125 One Bedroom Suites in Villas $140 One Bedroom Suites in Main Hotel Based on sgl/dbl (+ taxes & grat.) Add $15 p/p for 3rd & 4th person Special Conference Room rates available March 18-22) Hotel accommodations are not covered by Quality Scholar Funds, but don’t forget it is a business expense/write off, as well as your travel expenses! Room rates include: Nightly music & variety show each night; free wi-fi; indoor sports complex with bocce, shuffleboard, ping pong; indoor pool & jacuzzi; fully equipped fitness center & shuttle to take you around the resort. MULTILINGUAL SERVICES OFFERED FCCANYS is proud to offer simultaneous Spanish English translation services at the 2015 Conference on Friday & Saturday at no additional fee. Servicios de interpretación simultanea al Español en la conferencia. Con gran orgullo la asociación se complace en ofrecer por tercer año consecutivo el servicio de traducción simultánea en español a nuestras proveedoras. El grupo profesional de traductores les proveerá traducción simultánea de talleres y/o discursos de apertura que cubren las áreas de enseñanza requeridas por la Oficina de Servicio a las Familias y Niños en el Estado de NY (OCFS). Este servicio es gratuito... No pierda la oportunidad de participar en nuestra conferencia del 20 al 21 de Marzo del 2015. TRANSPORTATION Shortline/Coach USA bus drops off/picks up at Monticello Raceway. Contact the Villa Roma 800-727-8455 for shuttle details. For Shortline/Coach USA schedule contact 800-631-8405 or PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY Let your child care clients know TODAY that you will be taking a Professional Development Day(s) Thursday &/or Friday, March 19th &/or 20th to attend the FCCANYS 24th Annual Conference / Pre-Conference! VISIT FOR MORE DETAILS! Family Child Care Association of NYS 24th Annual Conference & Pre-Conference Registration Form for QUALITYstarsNY Participants Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Program Name___________________________________________________________________________ Street Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________ City,State & Zip __________________________________________________________________________________________________ County Email ________________________________________Phone#______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Participant Profile Check all that apply: c Provider c Agency c QUALITYstarsNY Participant c New Provider c Experienced Provider c NAFCC Accredited c CDA c Union Member c QI Specialist c Will attend Spanish Translated workshops c Other__________ Full Day Pre-Conference Thursday Pre-Conference Thursday & Conference Friday & Saturday Friday & Saturday Conference w/ALL Meals Friday & Saturday Conference (No Saturday Dinner) One Day ONLY Conference Membership Pre-Conference with Tom Copeland - Taking Care of Business Thursday, March 19, 2015 Includes: Full Day Session on Thursday (6 training hrs.) and Thursday Lunch Thurs. Pre-Conference Session & Annual Conference Thursday - Saturday, March 19-21, 2015 Includes: Thursday Pre-Conference and Friday & Saturday Conference Worskhops (up to 21 hrs.), Thurs.& Fri. Lunch, Fri. Dinner, Sat. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Annual Conference Friday & Saturday, March 20 & 21, 2015 Includes: Workshops & Keynote Speakers (15 hrs. available), Fri. Lunch, Fri. Dinner, Sat. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Annual Conference Friday & Saturday, March 20 & 21, 2015 Includes: Workshops & Keynote Speakers (15 hrs. available), Fri. Lunch, Fri. Dinner, Sat. Breakfast, Lunch (Saturday Dinner NOT included) One Day ONLY Conference Friday OR Saturday, March 20th or 21st Includes: Workshops & Keynote Speakers (6 hrs. Friday OR 7.5 hrs. Saturday), and Lunch ONLY (dinner & evening workshops NOT included) Please indicate c Friday or c Saturday FCCANYS Membership Fee Include a check made out to: FCCANYS to join/renew membership and take immediate advantage of the member discount pricing. Registration Fees (select option) FCCANYS Member NON-Member $140 c $180 c $405 c $460 c $305 c $360 c $275 c $330 c $140 c $180 c $35 c $35 c Quality Scholars Funds - When utilizing Quality Scholars Funds to attend FCCANYS 24th Annual Conference &/or Pre-Conference you are required to have prior approval from your QI Specialist. Contact your QI Specialist for details on how to complete/submit the Quality Scholar Funds application. FCCANYS has made it easy to register for this conference using your Quality Scholars Funds. Simply register online at under the QUALITYstarsNY section or mail in this registration form. c I have received approval from my QI Specialist (name)_______________________________ and have submitted the Quality Scholars Funds application and I am awaiting the award. Mail this registration form: FCCANYS Conference 1081 Tooker Avenue, West Babylon, NY 11704 Any questions please contact Heather Schwegler at or 845.331.2929 or visit for more conference details. The mission of the Family Child Care Association of NYS is to unify, promote and strengthen the profession of Family Child Care; enriching the lives of providers, children, families, and communities.
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