WEDDING SERVICES – “VENEZIA” linea Epoca Album digital photo book (70 sides + 2 extra pages). Filmstrip digital album to modify if needed. Personalised Cover, choose from more than 80 suggestions. Pretty case (album case) personalised. 4 mini album soft cover. 15x22 cm. (Miniature of album) 2 15x22 digital photo book albums rigid sheet (miniature art). 20 magnification 20x30 cm. on photo paper (or equivalent) 1 giant 40x60 or 50x70 or 100x70 cm.a choice. Excluding mounitng DVD with all the original prints of your wedding. Slideshow online with your favourite song Not even € 1.00 more than the price agreed, very short delivery times and the presence of the photographer for the entire wedding day. EURO 2,490.00 ALL INCLUSIVE WEDDING SERVICES – “SIRMIONE” linea Celebra Album digital photo book (70 sides + 2 extra pages). Filmstrip digital album to modify if needed. Personalised Cover, choose from more than 80 suggestions. Pretty case (album case) personalised. 4 mini album soft cover. 15x22 cm. (Miniature of album) 2 15x22 digital photo book albums rigid sheet (miniature art). 20 magnification 20x30 cm. on photo paper (or equivalent) 1 giant 40x60 or 50x70 or 100x70 cm.a choice. Excluding mounitng DVD with all the original prints of your wedding. Slideshow online with your favourite song Not even € 1.00 more than the price agreed, very short delivery times and the presence of the photographer for the entire wedding day. EURO 1,990.00 ALL INCLUSIVE WEDDING SERVICES "FINE-ART" Exclusively produced album with "fine art" finishings, handmade and crafted, images also printed on natural cotton fiber, extraordinary sensory effects. Traditional Wedding Album" FINE-ART "(50 sides + 2 extra pages). Paper “FINE-ART " hand-printed ONLY STAMPING B / W. Filmstrip digital album to modify if needed. Personalised Cover, choose from moreRoberto than 80Pedi suggestions. Fotografo Via Savorgnana, 10 album) Osoppo (UD) – Via Garda, 42 San Donà di Piave (VE) Beauty case (prestigious portable customised. tel +39.347.2240876 - - 2 photos 20x30 digital photo book albums rigid sheet (miniature art). 4 mini albums, soft cover 15x22 cm. (Miniature of album) WEDDING SERVICES "FINE-ART" Exclusively produced album with "fine art" finishings, handmade and crafted, images also printed on natural cotton fiber, extraordinary sensory effects. Traditional Wedding Album" FINE-ART "(50 sides + 2 extra pages). Paper “FINE-ART " hand-printed ONLY STAMPING B / W. Filmstrip digital album to modify if needed. Personalised Cover, choose from more than 80 suggestions. Beauty case (prestigious portable album) customised. 2 photos 20x30 digital photo book albums rigid sheet (miniature art). 4 mini albums, soft cover 15x22 cm. (Miniature of album) 20 magnification 20x30 cm. on photo paper (or equivalent) 1 giant (40x60cm or 50x70cm or 100x70cm.) Of your choice. Excluding mounting DVD with all the original prints of your wedding. Not even € 1.00 more than the price agreed, very short delivery times and the presence of 2 photographers for the entire wedding day. EURO 2,490.00 ALL INCLUSIVE Roberto Pedi Fotografo Via Savorgnana, 10 Osoppo (UD) – Via Garda, 42 San Donà di Piave (VE) tel +39.347.2240876 - -
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