i i The Colonial Carriage and Driving Society colonial crier DEVOTED TO FURTHERING THE HISTORY AND ART OF DRIVING FOR PLEASURE vol. xii FALL 2013 Tub Parade - September 21st The 22nd Annual Lenox Tub Parade set off from the lovely grounds of Shakespeare & Company after a sumptuous brunch organized by Maureen Gamelli. Glenn Van Oort announced the 18 turnouts from the grand stand which was bedecked with fall blossoms and a Victorian Lady wire sculpture by Sue Treat. The parade traveled twice around the center then returned to Shakespeare for some friendly competition on the cones course designed by Glenn. Many thanks to Shakespeare and Co. for their hospitality, Harvey, Maureen, Glenn, area sponsors, and all of the Tub Parade committee members and volunteers who donated time, talent, and funds to keep the “Gilded Age” tradition alive. Photos by Sue Brennan pg.1 BITS & TRACES MCR Whips- the “Hyper-Lite” whips! Handmade driving, training, and riding whips utilizing modern material and traditional techniques. Sizes: Mini to 10 1/2’ team whips Holly and other whips repaired. Call or email for pricing, ordering, and dealer information. 401 529-3735 mcrwhips@gmail.com PG. 2 For Sale ` 17 inch wide tree, cut back Hartley (made in England) English leather. Combination saddle. Very good to excellent condition. Asking $400. Call Maureen Gamelli 1-413-822-1028 AMONG THE INDUSTRY NEW ENGLAND REGION- CARRIAGE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA New England Region/Carriage Association of America has scheduled its annual meeting and learning weekend for Friday through Sunday, January 31, February 1 and 2, 2014 in Shelburne, Vermont. There will be a choice of activities for Friday: a bus tour to Paul Bienvenu’s very large collection of carriages and sleighs in Bromont, Quebec or a tour of the University of Vermont Morgan Horse Farm in Weybridge, VT and a visit to the Morgan Horse Museum in Middlebury, VT. Attendees who tour the Bienvenu collection will have the opportunity to visit the Morgan Horse Farm and Museum on Sunday afternoon. On Saturday morning there will be three speakers followed by lunch. In the afternoon, there will be guided tours of the Shelburne Farm Coach House, Breeding Barn and The Brick House. Following the tours, we will return to our host hotel, The Comfort Suites, and prepare for the evening: a social hour combined with a silent auction, dinner and a short talk by Paul Bienvenu on aspects of his collection. On Sunday morning, we will visit the Shelburne Museum Round Barn to view some representative horse-drawn vehicles guided by Ken Wheeling. We will return to the hotel to hear a speaker on carriage conservation from the Shelburne Museum. Lunch will be served followed by a short members’ meeting. There will be another opportunity to visit Weybridge and Middlebury or the Museum Shop. For additional information or a registration form, please call Carol van Schaik, Program Chair, at (802)226-7364. PODIATRY MEETING REPORT On October 19, 2013, Jennifer and Wayne Wilcox attended the 8th Annual Podiatry Meeting hosted by The Equine Clinic at Oakencroft in Ravena, NY. Dr. Steve Naile of Oakencroft invited the Wilcox’s to attend the meeting and to bring along their horse as a demo horse to be used as an example of frontlimb lameness. Dr. Steve O’Grady of Northern Virginia Equine Therapeutic Farriery and Equine Podiatry Consulting Service was this year’s guest speaker for the meeting. Dr. O’Grady was a professional farrier for ten years prior to obtaining his degree in veterinary medicine. He travels worldwide to apply his expertise in complicated podiatry cases. The two day meeting included classroom lecture sessions followed by live demonstrations using four horses provided by Oakencroft clients. While the target audience for the meeting was to draw in area farriers and veterinarians, Dr. O’Grady’s presentation was clearly conveyed so that a nonprofessional horse enthusiast would be able to grasp the concepts he presented. Wayne and I both learned a great deal from the detailed explanations of hoof anatomy and physiology during the classroom session on Saturday. Dr. O’Grady’s PowerPoint slides made it easy to follow the key points of the discussion and included many photos of before and after hoof scenarios. During the live demonstration session for our horse, Dr. O’Grady first listened to the history of our horse’s lameness issue and the treatment plan we have been applying in our attempt to resolve it. After reviewing the horse’s prior radiographs on the classroom’s digital TV screen, he advised the staff to immediately take a fresh set. Displaying the old and new radiographs side by side on the screen, Dr. O’Grady was able to explain to the group the conformation issues with the horse’s front feet, what has been improved since the time of the original radiographs, and explain what therapeutic changes he would apply in an attempt to promote some additional improvement in the horse’s hoof configuration. Next, he went to work applying therapeutic farriery to our horse’s front feet. He methodically explained each step of the process making sure that everyone in the group had a clear view of the process. He also took the time to reiterate and apply many of the proper trimming concepts he presented in the classroom session. By the end of the session our horse had a new therapeutic farriery treatment plan implemented to hopefully help resolve his lameness issue in the coming months. As an added bonus, we came away with a wealth of knowledge on horse conformation analysis and proper shoeing techniques that we did not have prior to the session. We extend our many thanks to the Equine Clinic at Oakencroft for their generous hospitality for hosting the event. Their top notch facilities and welcoming staff were more than accommodating to both human and horse attendees throughout the event. Submitted by Jennifer Wilcox BITS & TRACES PG. 3 HAT DECORATING PARTY Always wanted to create a new look with your old hat or embellish a new one? Join fellow drivers at a hat "decorating" party hosted by Mary Stokes Waller in the Coach Barn at Orleton Farm on Saturday, November 16 at 2:00 pm. Mary will have a supply of feathers and other materials for purchase or bring your own supplies (flowers, pins, scarves, tulle, etc.) and ideas. Bring your jacket and apron if you are trying to put together a stunning outfit! Registration required by November 9th to Carol Terry at caterry@gmail.com or 413-243-3569. MeetingMinutes -September 18, 2013 Meeting was called to order by Harvey Waller at 7:27 PM at Orleton Farm, Stockbridge, Ma. Welcome and Introductions. A total of 22 members and one new member (Terry Klein from Averille Park, NY) were in attendance. Minutes from August 21, 2013 were not completed in time for meeting. Treasurer’s Report – Chris reported a balance of $ 3,432.14. Membership Report – Kay Konove reported 100 + or - members currently. A reminder- The club is always looking for volunteers. You may have skills that would benefit the club in other ways and suggestions are always welcome. Committee Reports – June Show ReportNew Date included in the Omnibus. JUNE 13-15, 2014 Discussion on the following: Cost basis per entry. $80 difference or $25/class. Approximately losing $5 per entry. Reminder: Harvey and Mary Stokes Waller have donated costs which include the facilities, electric bill, help to prepare grounds, help to set up signs, the course, safety grounds check, organizing, and much more. The committee met and has been looking into ways to save on the show. Suggestions: Hire more local judges- Billie Hill, Craig Kellogg. Secretary- Ann Willey. Harvey remarked that this is still a new show which is getting a friendly reputation. Compared entries at other events: CCDS-55 entries, CAA Kentucky 45 entries, Wisconsin Villa Louis-110 entries, Walnut hill 164 entries. The committe aded a draft Horse Division. Three entries are needed to break even. Singles and pairs will be combined. Tub Parade- Maureen-September 21. We have 18 entries. Enough food for 80 people. Maureen met with the police two weeks ago and went over details including maps. Sponsorships are coming in. Discussion on the route, meeting times, use back gate for trailers. Entry fee includes brunch for two. Caterers: Have Cafe & Bakery, Patisserie Lenox, and Home Sweet Home Bakery. Windy Hill donated a crate of apples and apple cider to sell. Sue Treat make an actual size woman in a carriage hat out of wire. Sue is also decorating the state. This event “What’s Out There in the Berkshires” is being advertised on TV and all over the nation to come to Lenox. Also placed ad in the Berkshire Record. Lenox Chamber of Commerce has weekend full of activities including wine tasgting and estate tours. Sones Course by Glenn Van Oort. Town zoning area is in a “oise barrier.” sound system needs to be used with discretion. David Joseph cut a tree down so you can see the back gate entrance. Parade Grand Marshal is George “Gige” Darey. Traffic shut down for an hour. Check web site at 8am in case of cancellation due to rain. Please come if cancelled and EAT ALL THE FOOD! Maureen (413-243-3407) looking for volunteers. Brunch is included and a volunteer shirt.pull down the entrance. Old BusinessNewsletter- Sometime after the Tub Parade 2014 Annual Meeting Date- Our 25th Anniversary. A discussion on where to have it. Photos for the calendar- So far received one photo. A discussion on Tub parade photos. Club’s 25th anniversary-Please send in old photos to Kay. Need to have done by November meeting. Membership Directory- Kay will start work on the 2014 edition in January. New BusinessNeed writer for Equine Journal-Maybe someone different each month. Laurie Danaher volunteered for next month. CAA questions. Gloria Burgess (Tom Burgess’ wife) called to see if the club would be interested in submitting two questions for the CAA “To ask the experts?” 1. Terry Klein-What precautions do you take for traffic? 2. Rikke Borge- How often do you grease the wheels? Gate Keeping 101- Notes and a review for the Gate Keeper at a horse show. Next month: Water Hazards. Cones & Scones- End of October. low key social event. Come as you please. Drive through Orleton Farm after 11am and meet at Coach Barn at 2pm for Tea and Scones. Massachusetts’s new bill- Change a horse from livestock to pet. Insurance issues, etc... A vote was taken to write to the Agriculture Commission and also Farm Bureau on why this is not a good decision. 22 yes, 0 no. Jeanette Rotondo volunteer to present to Farm Family. NYC- Is thinking of eliminating all carriage driving in NYC. A vote was taken to write a letter to the mayor. In response that the Carriage Horse is part of the history and is important to keep. 22 yes, 0 no. Announcements- North Shore Coaching Weekend. October 4-6. Myopia Hunt Club-14-15 coaches-polo match on Sunday. Adjourned at 8:50 by Harvey. Respectfully submitted, Sue Brennan, Secretary Next Meeting on Wednesday, October 23th at 6:00 pm. Pot Luck Supper. Note earlier start for Quiz Bowl with Dick Lahey at 6:30pm. Colonial Carriage and Driving Society 1294 Main St Agawam, MA 01001 Colonial Carriage 2013 -2014Calendar of Events Wednesday, November 20 Meeting With Food Pantry Drive/Harness Cleaning Sunday, December 8 Holiday Open House-Devonfield Inn Saturday, January 25 25th Anniversary CCDS Annual Meeting-Lenox Club Wednesday, March 19 Pot Luck Meeting-Devonfield Inn Saturday, April 12 Spring Seminar All events held at Orleton Farm, 31 Prospect Hill Rd, Stockbridge unless otherwise noted Saratoga Driving Association www.saratogadriving.com january 11 February 15 12th night party Mid-Winter conference
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