Ss 1148 -- Young Mothers and F8ther~ Survey Interviewer InstructIons for Mothere QueetIonne Ire Contents 1 1. Background and purposo 2. Sample 1 3. Addrcsa L1eta 2 4. Rc-allocations 2 5. Arranging mtcrvlewe 3 6. Length 3 7. Introducing the aurvcy 8. Handling the queatlmnalre a) Some general pomta b) 9. The questions lidmmlatratl~n on the questIonnelre 4 6 14 10. Study time 14 11. Chockmg 74 tIme 12. Queries or problems 1. 3 14 1. BACKGROUND AND IIXWOSE In 1978, 9.4% of all llve butha under 20. : n England and Walea were tO women aged Such bzrtha, it la wIdely believed, may have unfavorable outcomes both for the parents and the child. A recent editorial in the Brltlah Medical Journal, for example, remarked on the aoclal problem6 and social dlslooatlon of which teenage pregnancy waa auppoaedly a symptom and a oauae: ‘The same sorry tale of broken homes, breakdown of family llfe, and poor education, as well aa failure of aducatlon about contraceptlvea to reach those most In need of It . . . ! In an attempt to asaeaa how far such feare are ~uatlfled the Social Survey Dlvlalon of the Office of Population Censuses and Surveya and the Inatltute for Social Studlea m Medical Care have been aaked by tha Department of Health and Social Security to carry out a ~urvey Into the experlencea and vlewg of young parenta to fmd out what particular problems commonly arise and how far these problems might be prevented, or If not prevented, at leaat mltlgated, by changea m aoclal POIICY or other measures. You may llke to know that the Institute for Soclel Studlea m Medical Care la an Independent non-profit research organmatlon registered ae a charity. The alm of the Inatltute m health care In waye whmh to study the soolal aapecte of heve a bearing on aoclal PO1lCY. A concern with the viewpoints of both those uamg and those provldug aervlcaa 1s fundamental to Ita approach. 2. SAMPLE The sample IS of approximately 600 young mothers Ln England and Walea who w1ll have had a baby in the month of July 197’9. The upPer age llmlt for thla survey IS 20 yeare, eo any mother who had her 20th birthday on or before the baby’s date of birth la mellgible. may occasionally fmd You a ~ltuatlon where the baby has died or been adopted. Theee mothers are atlll ellglble and should be mtervlewed j whenever poaslble - although of course you may need to be especially ~ gentle and reaaaurmg m such Inter vlewa. -2- The source of the semple 1s the register of births and, as mothers have SIX weeke grace before they need to regleter a birth, we w1ll not know . the fmal quota elze unt11 after fleldwork has begun. Some of you may therefore receive a few extra nemes after the main addreag nets have been Issued. 3. ADDRESS LISTS Your addresa hat WI1l conalst of copies of the non-conildentlal pert of the blrtb certificate for each sampled baby. They will, therefore, lnclude aome Information about the respondent besides her name and addresa (eg. they w1ll always give the date of b~rth and the name and sex of the baby - m some cases they w1ll also give the name and occu- pation of the fathar). Note that THSSE ADDRESS LISTS MUST i?OTBE TAKZN INTO THE FIELD. Copy the eaaentla1 deta119 Into your notebook (but not any references to the father) and then leave your addresa lmta safely at home. At tha and of the fleldwork, pleasa return your addrese hats recorded dellvery and NOT m — queatlonnalres. 4. to the office, by any envelope which contama completed RE-ALLOCATIONS It la unltiely that many of the mothers wII1 hava moved between regmter~g the birth and the time when you call to lntervlew them. Howevar, If eomeone has movad please try to obtau If she haa moved locallY (le. wlthm her new address. reasonable travell~g dlatance from your work area or home), please follow her up at the new addreea. If the new addreaa ia outalde your local area, return the relevant addrese ahoet and a calls and outcome sheet, ao that the mtervlew can be re-allocated. Wzth euch a small sample lt la obviously vital that we follow up movers, so a special plea for prompt sending back of addreeses for re-allocation. As we are alao aaklng Informants If we may Interview the baby!s father (these mtervlews w1ll be carried out m October by male mtervlewers) prompt dagpetch of oompleted echedulea and re-allocations la alao vital, ao that thla second atage la not delayed. -3- 5. ARRANGING lliTERVIEVJS It 1s very Important that, whenever possible , you mtervmw on their ewn. Some of the topics being covered Ln the mtervlew easily be bmaed Addltlonally, Informant could by the preeence of husbands/boy friends/pa renta , etc. anme we shall be alm~g to Interview the husb8nd/baby!a father later, we do not want hzm to hear the mother’e anewere, aa thzs could bias hls anawers when we telk to hlm at the later stage. Since they have yo!.q bablee, meet motherfiare l~kely to be in durng the day and ~t Ie Important that you make as many of your ca11s aa poealblc durug avoldmg the daytime - thle way, you have tha beat chance of Interested husbands, boy frlendfi,eto. aPPOlntmCnt, plcaae euggcat makmg If you need to make an It for a time when the informant M sure that you can talk prlvately9 without other people alttmg n. 6. LENGTH We estimate the length of the Interview to be between 1 and 2 hours. It would probably be unreal>atlc t~ alm to do more than three wtervlewa m one day, et leaat until you have completed your flret few dayei work on the survey and have a clearer Impreeezon of how long each mtervzew takes. 7. INTRODUCING THE SURVEY Following Institute procedure, there la an Introduction printed on the echedule, which you can anlarge upon or adapt aa necessary. You should, of coursa, avoid glvlng any Impresalon that young mothers are llkely to have, or to cauae, nny apeclal problams, but You might fmd It helpful to point out that DHSS la reaponalble for provldmg many of the aervlcee for mothers - It admmletera all the etate maternity benaflta and also, wlth~n the National Health Service, is reeponszble for provldmg many of the maternity and child care aarvlces which new mothers usa. The Depart- ment Ie therefore anxloua to know what needs and probleme pregnant women and mothers hava and how well the current eervzcea ere meetmg needa. these It IS felt that mothers who are themselves young - and, there- fore, In many caaea, have Just had theu! flret baby - may have particular -4- vlewpomts which would be helpful to the Department. It may, m some caaes, also help to point out that we have prevloualy done eurveys among ell women aged 16-49 to ask ebout then vlewe and experlenoeg of pregnancy and motherhood , specml motherg’ vlewa on lookug after under+s atudles to explore and - among people who heva recently had babies - views on breast and bottle feeding. You WI1l, of course, have fitreaaed confldentmllty at the outeet - but be prepared to reassure nformanta view about confldent~allty again during the couree of the mter- and the voluntary nature of the survey, If there are any queatlona they are not happy with. However, going on paat experience of slmllar surveys, the vaet ma~orlty of your mformant9 w1ll fmd 8. the survey both very mterestmg and en~oyable! HANDLING THE wESTIOliTiAIRE a) General points on the queatlonnalre Flrat of all apologies for the smell print - though with a lot of daytime xntervlewmg this shouldnvt be too much of a problem. The double column layout 19 a requnement of the Inatltute coders and necesaarlly means that the layout has to be fa~rly condensed. Some genaral guldelmes (1) on the layout conventions which should ba halpful. QuestIons to be agked These are m ordinary type. The queatlon ends at the queatlon mark. Note particularly the cases where tha queatlon msrk 1s at the end of the hat of precodea (In which cases the precede categories are reed out aa part of the question) and the casaa where the quest~en mark Ie before the precede categories (m which caaea the preoode categories are Alternative wordng for certain not read out ) ag. Q 10 and Q 40 — groups 1s Indicated by brackete or a / - for example, Q 15’31 ‘Do you th~k you have changed m any way suce bec~mug a mother (this tlme)7’ Here, ithla tlmei should ba left out If the survey baby xa the respondent’e flrat child. -5- (2) InstructIons to ths interviewer These ere n capltsle. InstructIons which are underlined mdmste that a question or eet of queBtlsns needs to be sk~ppecifor certain groups; eg. after Q 49. Instructlene which are not undcrlmed generally mduete the eltuatlon m which a dependent questlcm needs to be esked. The Inatructlon gives the answer reqummg a dependent question (eg. IF YES) end often alao gives the code ringed at the main question, as a double check. A further dependent question la md~cated by an Instructlon whmh IS further indented to the right. For example, at Q 11 If the answer M “yes!’,le. you have ringed code 5’,YOU aek the (a) and (b) immediately following the mam queetlon. If the anewer to (b) Ie “not very helpfulN there la another Lnstructlan telling you to ask another dependent question, and then go on to Q 12. If the anewer to Q 11 mam was %o’1, le. You ringed O, you ask the second set of (a) snd (b), and then go on to Q 12. $ next to the question number md.cates a question whl.h should —not be asked If the survey baby has died, been adopted or lS not llvmg wlth the mf ormant. (3) Recording The angwers to open questions must alwaye be written out verbatim. The apace below the question w1ll often not bc large enough for thla however, the blank sheet oppoalte 1s for your uee (apart from the coding boxes). Do make sure It Ie quite clear wh~ch question your verbatim relates to. Put an a~ter~ak * at the question end writ.ethe question number bealde the answer on the blank page. (4) Prob.% You w1ll notice that quite often on the schedule an open question precedes a precOded One; eg. Q 54. The fact that you w1ll subsequently be aakl~ the informant to generallae doee — n~t mesn the open question le unimportant. You should probe the response to the open queetIon -6- fully, recording verbatim and uemg the blank page opposlt.e]f necessary. The only restrlct~on on probing lS at questions Ilke Q 94 where at (a) you could get several people mentioned. In that case~ (b) should be phrased uamg !Ithem”- you do not need to pr~be out each person m It IS en~ugh to get a genaral idea of the Informant’s feelmga turn. at the suggestion. b) Q3 The questlona In the mteresta of confldentlallty pleaae do not record the baby!s name on the queatlonnalre. However, remember the name aa you ~ It M Q4 use any queatlon where there are bracketa around the word ‘baby’. Remember the respondent!s aga - parilcularly whether or not the respondent la aged under 16. If the respondent was aged over 20 when the survey baby wae born do not continue w lth the mtervlew. Thank the respondent for her help and explain that our study la focusaed on a younger age group. If m doubt about the respondent9s age when tha survey baby wae born compare the baby’. date of birth (Ql) with the mother’s date of birth (Q4). Q5 With thm que~tlon It may not be neceaaary to read out all the codes. Justgo through the llst until you coma to the relevant code. If tha baby was born at home (code 3) aak ‘amce rather than ‘since YW Q6 Less than algng < . ten daya after the brcth’ got homor at questlona 9, 12, 13, 15 and 155. 6 lbs < @ precisely 6 lba; preclaely @ 1?)smeana between 6 and @ lbe mcludng lba goes Into the next grcmp: @ lbe < 7 lba. Q8 If the respondent had twma or trlplats but onc haa alnce died, been adopted, or la llvmg alaewhere, record full detalla of the one that 4 has died, etc. here, eakmg aa applicable the dependent questlcms. From queatlcm 9 onwarde aak about the twm with the respondent at present mcludmg hospital. or trlpletg that are llvmg those who ara temporarily m -7- @ See InstructIon ebove (at Q5) regarding use of the bracketed phraae. Here you should go down the llst asking whether theyive had each of the problems. Only after that ask whether they still have any of the problems they have reported. Q11 At the ‘IF NO’ dependent queetlon (b) Include as ‘other profesalonal’ anyone the Informant volunteers and epeclfy their title/function. Q13 Again go down the hat Q15 aekmg about each m turn. Ask about each profeaslonal In turn and code ‘yes’ or ‘no’ m the fn’at oolumn before going on to aak tha dependent queatlonB. Q16 Ask the quastlon ae It le worded, without promptmg each profesalonal coded ‘not at question 15. Q17 and Q18 From these questions we want to be able to code two things: 1) The mother’a natural Ilvmg children, whether by her present hueband/partner or not. 2) Her number of pregnancies wluch reachad a certan stage. Please make sure that you include all natural chlldran who have been adopted, or are now l~vug m a home. Thase should be recordad at question 17(b). If they ara not mentioned Until question 18, go back and add them at 17(b) and code their current whereabouts at 17(c). Step-children and edopted children who are not the mother’a own should not be recorded at all. If you fmd you have recorded one m — cross It out and put the reaaon beside It. An iectoplc pregnancy! IS one m error w hlch the baby develope outalde the womb. Q19 For some respondenta more than one code may be applicable. If that 1s the case, separated t akea precedence over marrled~ wldOwed Over en8aged and divorced over engaged. In other cmcumetances, record full details. . Q20 Do not enter the respondent m elee m the household box, but enter everyone the household - (use the etandard dafnntlon) - mcludng children. all -8- The wordmq of this question and others (eg. 21, 22, 25, 27 ...) m based on the asaumpt~on that you w1ll be Intervlewmg the respondent m , her home. So If you mtervlew the respondent 8omewhere other than m her home, You WI1l have to re-word some questions to ensure that You are asking about her home rather than the place where the lntervlew 1s taking place. For eKample, queatlon 25 would become: ‘Would you eay ~ house (flat) 1s very ... .’ Q21 If the respondent’a household rent their house/flat from an Houamg Agsoclatlon, code 5 and note In apece before question 22. Slmllarly, If the respondent llvea In a mother and baby home or some other mst 1tutlon code 5 and note detalla of the type of ~atltutlon m space before questzon 22. Q24 Take each place m turn. With part of the person they were llv~g with; a) we dontt want to bow the name matead find out about the person!a relatlonahlp to the respondent. See Q20 above for defmltvm of fhousehold . Q,26 You may code thla question from observation, so only If you are uncertain about whmh to code and/or, If applicable, whlcb floor the respon- dent llvefion. Q27 Do g@ Include bathrooma, toilets, closet, laundry, lobby or receag; a scullery that 1s not used for cooking; a storeroom, office, shop or any other room used aolaly for bugmeaa purposes; or any room that la shared wxth other households. A large room which can be dlvldad by a c+lldmg or foldlng fixed partltlon ehould count as — two room6. A room d~vlded by curtama or portable ecreens Into separate sectlona should count as one room. Pre-fabricated extentlona should count as rooms If regularly used for llvmg, eating, sleeping or coohng. Q30 A garden meana an enclosed piece of ground adJommg homa. * the respondent’a If In any doubt about whether to count a garden or not, record full detalla. Q.32 To be coded ‘Ye, - college ... 2! the respondent should be: 1) takug a full-time course at an ustltut Ion of higher or further educatIon or 11) defuntely going to an Inetltutlon of higher or further edu- -9- catlon having Just lsft school (without a longer break than the summer vacation). . Q33 If the su~eY beby 1S the respondent’s flrat child omit ‘thla last’. Q34 If tha survey baby m and Q35 baby)‘. the respondent’s flrat .hlld omit ‘with (the ’234 SOme LOcal EducatlOn Authorltlea provide lesaona or tultlon at home for pregnant schoolgirls. This question and c#8 refer to such lesaona or tultlon. Q.36 Chnt ‘Aa soon as you are 16! lf aged 16 and over. The anawer should be prlorlty-coded downward a; Ie. someone leaving after taking CSE’a and ‘O’ lcvela should be coded 3, not 2. Q41 Going atralght from school to college meana that there wes not a term m Q43 between. Hollday JObS do not csunt ae aomethmg m between. If the survey baby Is the respondent’s first child omit ‘with (the survey baby)’. Q45 Only aek this question lf you are uncertain about to code. If the survey baby 1s the respondent’s first ohlld omit ‘for the flrat time’. Qo and Q52 ‘Full-timei meana 30 hours a week or more. !Part-time’ means between Q53 In any question which asks for Information about Jobs, get aa many 10 and 30 hours a week. details aa posalble. It IS Important for later classlflcatlon that we know aa much as poselble about the level of Job, type of work done, and whether self-employed or not. Thle la an area where Mtervlewera tend not to get enough mformatlon, ao take care here and m questions (58, j36 and 150). Tha un-numbered questlona~ later ‘What kmd of firm or organlsatlon do you work for?’ and ‘Do you have any pogltlon of responslblllty (or employees)e! are probee for you to uae as neceseary. Descrlptlone which are quite Inadequate are general Items llke ‘engineer’ or i?lvlleervant’. For a clv~l servant we need to bow the ectual grade. _qo Q55 See Q34 and Q35 above. Q58 If the respondent IS not workwg _ at present omit ‘before (the baby) waa born! . Q62 If at school or college aak: ‘Do you think there are any problems in being both a student end a mother? v; If working ask: there are any problama In being a working mother?’ Q63 ‘Do yOU think . With this question we don! t want to know the name of the person who looks after the baby. Instead find out about the person’a relatlonahlp, If any, to the respondent and/or whether or not the person 1s a regletered/ quallfled chlldmmder. If the child IS looked after by different people on different deye of the weak, reoord full detalla at Q63 and ask Q@ globally, but at Q65 and Q66 pleaae ask about each person saparetely and mdlcate whloh anawers apply to which person. Q68 Here wc ara interested m the benefits that the respondent herself haa rece>vcd. So If, for example, the respondent saya that her husband (the baby’a father) hae received unemployment benefit but ehe haan’t, code m the ‘Noi column. If In any doubt about whether to count a benefit or not, record full details. Q70 If the respondent haa received any beneflta aak: ‘Have you had any getting this (any of these) benefit(e)?’ ; If the respondent has not received any beneflta ask: t}~aveyou tried to get any beneflta” o probleme m Q73 If the respondent said ‘no! at queatlon 71 j omit ‘again’ . Q76 Again with thle question we don’t want to know the name of the paraon who looks after the baby. Instead fud out about the person!e relatlon- ahlp to tha respondent. @o If more than one person .s mentioned at (a), you do not need to aak (b) an6 @l separately stout each. Uee ithey’ and simply record whatever anawer you are given at IF YES (1). @4, and her partner, The ‘You’ In these questlone refers to the respondent — 85, 87 ao include birth control methods used by either. and 88 -11- @9 Go through the llst (ae per @38), readzng out eaoh n turn and getting an anawer to each about whether thay havo ever ueed the method. @o Here and at other questlona about stage of prcgnency (Q92 and Ql@3), we want to count tbe number of weeks since thclr last period started, not since the ture of conception. If they mleaed a period for some reaeon other than the pregnancy we want an estimate of the etage of pregnancy. @3(a), 94(a), 96(a) Soe note at @5 and Q86 above. ;Ta) v38 If a child died shortly after birth, you may fmd that parts of thus queatlon are dlfflcult. Obviously, do your beat to handle It diplomatically and glvc appropriate rcaasurance. @9 Many people nowadays get them ante-natal care from more than one source - oftan from both a hoapltal and a genaral practitioner but of oourse It could be from two hoepltala. Q109 If the respondent saye ‘no’ to the second part of this que3tlon, ‘Ia your husband (the baby!s) father?! you w1ll need to check the reapondentia anewer to @36 and re-code Lf necessary. QI10-QI17 and Q125-Q139 If the respondent Le single aak about the babY is father. QI10 Read out ‘Now Iid l~e to ask you a few questlone about ,yourhusband (the baby’a fsther)‘ before asking QI10 If y~u have fiklppedfr~m QI04 or Q106. Q116 If the respondent saye ‘no’ to both Q114 and Q115 omit lthen!. Only ask the aocond part of th~s queatlon If you are uncertain as to whether + or not the baby’s father la married to someone other than the respondent. Q124 Use the anawer to the frost part of this question when asking the followmg quest zon. -12- Q125 - Q127 See Q34 and Q35 above. AB usual, the braoketted part of the question applles In certain sLtuatlong. Here >t applles lf the husband (baby’s father) hsd been there . and checks on whether he was there from begnmmg to end or on whether the mdher would have lzkcd hlm there for more of the time or not. Q129 If the baby’s father has never seen the baby ask: ‘So would you llke hlm to see (the baby)q!; If the baby’s fdthcr has seen the baby agki ‘So would you llke hlm to see (the baby) more often, less ~ften, or about the same as he docg nowqf . Q130 Go down the table, coding ‘yea’, ~nO’ or DNA for each ‘task’ before askmg~ where applloabla, the dependent questIon. If the respondent hasn’t ll~ed with the baby’s father since the baby wag born, code ‘Got up to hlm (her) at night’ y. And, lf the baby le breast- fed, codo ‘Fed hlm (her)’ y. Q131 See Q13 above. If the respondent llvea In an mstltutlon, with her parente and/or does not llve with the baby’s fether, thm question may not be relcvsnt. If that lS the caee write a note explaInmg the 9 ltua- tlon. Q132 If It soema that the survey baby IS the flrgt child of the respondent’s husband/‘boyfriend’, omit ‘this tlme’. If the respondent hag not seen tho father since the broth, simply write a note explaznmg thle. Q133 If the respondent saye ‘yesi to part b) ask~ ‘Could you tell me what IF NO happened?! ; If the respondent says ‘no’ to part b) ask: (o) ‘Could YOU tell me why notqi . ~ * Q139 and QI40 If they say ‘ncme, but I/he was brought up a Roman Cathollcl~ code both Q141 When you have found out where they were born end where them and record what they said. born~ we want you, m parents were the laat column, to code your estimate of their ethnm group - someone may be born m too and yet be Engl~sh m orlgn. India and poeslbly them parcnta And of course the other way round. -13- Q142- ~ore WC are interested in the respondent’s ‘natural’ Parentso Q151 . Q143 x If the respondent’s parents are llvmg together ask about parenta; If the reapcmdent’s parenta are . not llvmg together aak, If applmable , about each parent separately. Q145 If the respondent says ehe haa not told her fathar and/or mother about Q~~~ the survey baby, don!t esk the eecond part of the queetlon. Q154 If the respondent mentlona half-brothers/slatere, or adopted brothere/ elstere~ record as slblmga and note n the margin. Only record the chrlatun name of each slblmg mentlmed. Q159 If the survey baby M Q160 If the survey baby IS the respondent’s first child omit ‘(with (the survey baby-’ )t Q170 child omit ‘thle time’. . If the reapcmdent M tg ... ‘; the respondent’a fmat pregnant aak~ ‘How long s time would you have llked If she ~e n~t pregnant askz ‘How long a tlmc would YZU llke to ... ‘ . GSEEN SSEXT Q2 Thla la a very Important queetlon since we would alao Ilke to mtervlew tho respondent’s husband/the baby’s father. If the respondent M con- cerned about her husbmd/the baby!a father flndlng out anything ahe has told us, cxplam that we w1ll not tell hlm anything she hae said. If the raspondant 1s amgle and n~t llvmg with the baby!s father It would be helpful to know how they think the babyia fsther WZ1l react when we oome to mtcrvlew hlm and If there are any problems about cmtectmg hlm (@g. hlm being married to or llvmg w~th somebody olae). the f~llow-up questIon: want to be ntervlewedp! . b So, ask ‘Can you think of any reaaon why he might not . -q4- 9. ADMINISTRATION Pleaee return all work to Room 4Z8. 1 It IS very Important that we get pari.lcularlyyour fuwt , names m 1-2 quegtlon- very early. We w1ll then check these and contact you urgently If you are having any dlffmultlea or bllnd spote. So please aend m Ycur fzrst tv~ (or flrat one mtervlew, If that IS all you do on your first day of work) as aeon as you have completed and ohecked It them. 10. STUDY TTJJd3 An allowance of 4 hours w1ll be paid for studying materlale. Pleaee do ycur studyzng before attendmg the brlefmg. At the brleflng, we shall be doing several “dummlea” and It WL1l be assumed that you are already famllzar with the questionnaire. 11. CHECKING TIME Checking time WI1l be paid at the rate of 1 hour per completed mtervlew. Please use thla time to go over the schedule, paying particular attention to your vcrbatzm record~g, ensurng that It Ie loglble end aufflc~ently punctuated to be read eaally. 12. CJJERIESOR PROBLEMS We apprec~ate that this qucetlonnalre la unfamiliar to you, both u layout and m some of the forms of quaatzon ueed. Ita If y~u have any querlea, no matter how trlvlal, do not healtate t~ ring: Anne Klopacz, Ext. 2281 -. or Caroline Fnch, Ext. 2267. SS 1148 .. . YOUNG MOTHERS ANB FATHERS SURVEY Interviewer InstructIons For .-—--. ---.-----------_-—-Fathere Questlonnane Contents 1. Background and purpose 1 2. Sample 1 3. Address Llata 2 4. Re-allocatlone 2 5. Arranging Intervleva 2 6. Length 3 7. Introducing the survey 8. Handling the quesi,lomalre a) Some general points cm the questionnaire 4 b) The quest~one 6 Admulatrat Ion 11 10. Study t~me 11 11. Checking time 11 9. 12, Querlea or problama .- 3 11 -1- 1. BACKGROUND AND FURPOSE In 1978, 9.4% of all llve broths M England and Walea were to women aged under 20. ble =. m Such blrthe, lt IS widely belleveal,may have unfavora- outc~mea both for the parents and the child. A recent edltorlal the Brltlsh Medical Journal, for example~ remarked on the social problems and social dislocation of whzoh teenage pregnanoy was supposedly a symptom and a cause8 ‘The same sorry tale of broken homes, breakdown of family llfe, and poor educatxon, es well as failure of education ab~ut contraceptlvea to reach those most m need of It ....r In an attempt to assess how far such fears are ~uatlfled the Social Survey DIvIsIon of the OffIce of Population Censuses and Surveya and the Inetltute for Social Studlea m Medical Care have been aaked by the Department of Health and Social Security to carry out a eurvey into the experlencee and views of young parents to fmd out what particular problems commonly arlae and how far these problems m~ht ba prevented, or lf not prevented, at leaat mltlgated, by changes m eoclel PO1lCY or other measures. You may llke to know that the Institute for Social Studlea m Medmal Care lS m Independent non-profit research organlsatlon registered as a charity. The alm of the Institute la to study the social aspects of health care m ways which have a bearing on social PO1lCY. A concern with the vlewpomts of both those uelng and those provldmg services 1s fundamental to lta approach. 2. SAMPLE The sample IS of approximately 400 fethera In England and Walaa. .- Throughout September we w1ll be mtarvlewmg about 6c0 young mothers (upper age llmlt 20 yeara) who had a baby m July 1979. Thla sample waa drawn from the Register of Buths. Each mother w1ll be aaked If she la wllllng for her husband/the baby’s father to be approached for an Interview and your quota w 111 conalst of these fathera. Slngla girls who agree to the baby ’a father being approached w1ll also be aaked whether there IS any reason the father m~ght not wish to be lntervlewad and we w1ll paas on to you any comment which might affect how you dpprOdOh your Informant. -2- 3. ADDHESS LISTS Your address lxat w1ll give the name and addreea of the father aa given by the mother. The coding at the top left hand elde WI1l give you an mdlcat Ion of the Informant1s status$ marrmd to the baby!s mother le.(km) Code 1 married to someone else (MO) Code 2 not married (NM) Code 3 You villl not have any other reformatIon from the previous mtervlew apart from the nsme of the mother. At the end of the fieldwork period, please return your addrcas hats to the offzce, by recorded dellvery and NOT In any envelope which con— tama completed questionnaires. 4. RE-ALLOCATIONS It la Unllkely that any of the fathers w1ll heve moved between the time the mother gives us the addresa and the time you call to mtervlew them. However, If thle should have happened, pleaae try to obtain the father’B new address and If he has moved locally (Ie. wzthm reasonable traveling distance from your work area or home) pleaee follow hlm up. addrose m and a cane If the new outside your area, please return the relevant addrese eheet and outcome sheet to the office PROhPTLY so that It can be re-allocated. 5. ARRANGING INTEHVIJCWS It le very important that, whenever possIble, you lnterv~ew Informants on their own. Some of the toplce being covered Ln the Interview could easily be biased by the presence of wLvee/glrlfrlendg/parente, etc. Where the Informant’e wife/gmlfrlend has already been mtervlewed, thle should cauee no problems ae ehe w1ll hopefully hava appreciated the privacy of her own mtervlew. In other cases, when makmg aPPOmtmntj It for a t~me when the informant IS Please suggest makmg cure that you can talk prlvately~ without other peoplo slttmg an m. If necessary! auggeat, for example, talking to hlm In the kitchen, wh~le the rest of the household watches TV m the llvmg room. -3- 6. LENGTH We estimate the length of the Inter%l$w to be about one hmr. ‘ -1. ~TRODUCING THE SURVEY Followng Institute procedure, there M echedule, whmh an lntroduotlon printed on the you can enlarge upon or adapt as neceesary. You WI1l need to explan how you obtained the father!s name (le. that another Lntervlewer hes talked to the baby’s mother ee part of a etudy for DHSS of YOUW mothere of babies born m July, and thet the mother gave her permleslon for the informant to be approached). In come cases, you may need to be particularly tactful at thle point and etreae that thla placea no obllgetlon on the mforment and that you heve no nformatlon beyond hle name and address. You may fmd It helpful to mentIon the rola of DHSS m provldmg many of the eerv~ces for parents - It admmlaters all the etate maternity benefits, as well ae Social Securlt,y,child benefit etc. and also! wzthm the NHS, la rasponslble for provldwg many of the maternity and ohlld-cere services parents use. The department la therefore anxious to know how well thalr current services sre meetmg needs and whether any new sarvlcee are required. Prevloue eurvaye heve elwaya concentrated on talking to mothers, but there are two raesons for our wentmg to talk to fathera as well~ - (L) no one !.aowelf men have partlcular problems or views In copng with fatherhood or with a wife or gn-lfrland’e pregnancy and If ao, whather aervlcee could be Lmproved or Introduced to help men m thla aItuatIon. (>1) a mother’s v~ev,sor experlencee may well be effaoted by . . her relatlonahzp vllththe father (eg. whether she le married to h~m or llvlng with him, the extent to which he participates m brmgmg up the child, hle clroum- atanceg and h~a reaction to tha pragnancy~ etc.). We therefore want to talk to fathers both about their own feellnge, expermnces and reactions to the birth and also about them rola and -a- relatlonshlp to tha child and Ita mother. You w1ll have strassed the con.f~dentlalltyof the survey at the outact, but be prepared to reassure mformanta aq neceaaary during the course of the mtervlew about this - and about tha voluntary nature of particular questions, aa well as the survey as a whola. However, pilot experience suggeete that most informants are only too pleaaed to be aeked for their views at a time when moat paople are concentrating on the babyfs mother. 8. HANDLING THE QUESTIONNAIRE a) Some general pomta on the questionnaire Flret of all, apologlea for the emall print. The double column layout la a requ~rement of the Institute codere and neoessarlly meens that the layout has to be fairly condensed. Some general guldclmee on the layout conventlona which should be helpful. (1) QuestIons to be aaked These are m ordinary type. The queatlon anda at the question mark. Note particularly the casaa where tha queatlon mark le at the end of a Ilat of preoodea (m which cage the preoode categorlee are read out aa part of the queatlon) and the caeca whore the question mark 1s before the precede categorlea (m which caae the precede categories are not — read out); eg. queetlon 2 and question 3. Alternative wording for oartaln groups la Indicated by brackets or a / ; for example, question 93s !Do you think you have changed In any wa,yamce becommg a father (this tlme)v’ Here ‘thle time’ should be left out If the survey baby is the rcspondent!a fnst (2) child. Inetructlons to the Inter vlawer Theee are m capitals. Inetructlons whmh are underlined lndloata that a question or set of queatlcns need to be eklpped for certain groups; eg. after queetlon 13. -5- I.nstructlonswhich are not undorllned generally mdloete the eltuetlon m which s dependent question neede to be asked. The InstructIon gives the anawer requlrmg a dependent question (eg. IF YES) end often aleo gives the code ringed at the mam queetlon, ae e double check. A further dependent question ~e udlcetod by an metructlon which 1s further Indented to the right. For example, at question 65 If the .jneweris ‘yes’, le. you have ringed code 9, you aak the (a) and (b) Immediately following the mam If the answer to b) 18 aleo ~yes1 there M queetlon. enothcr InstructIon telling you to aak another dependent question, before going on to question 66. If the answer to question 65 wae Inltmlly ‘no!, le. You have rued code O! you ask the dependent qucatlon at the foot of the page and then go on to quastlon 66. @ next to the question number mdlcates a question should @ be asked If the survey beby haa died, been adopted or IS not Ilvmg with the respondent1s w lfa/glrlfrlend. (3) Recordm& Tha answere to open questions must alway8 be written out verbatim. The space below the queetlon w1ll often not be large enough for tb~s. However, the blank sheet opposlta IS for your uee (apart from tho codug boxes). Do make sure It la quite clear which queetlon your verbetlm relatas to. Put an asterisk * at the quaatlon and write the queqtlon number beelde tha answer on the blank page. (4) Probm~ You WI1l notice that quite often on the schedule en open queatlon preoedea a preceded one\ eg. at queatlon 50. The fact that you w1ll aubeequently be asking the Informant to generalize doea @ mean the open question 1s unimportant. You should probe the response to the open questIon fully, recording verbatim and usIng the blank Pege opposite If necessary. -6- The only reatrlction on prob~ng M at quostlons llke Q 75 where at (a) you could get several people mcnt~oned. In that case, (b) should be phrased uamg ‘themt - you do not need to probe out aach person n turn. It Ie enough to get a general idea of the respondent’s feelings at the suggeatlon. b) Q1 The queatlons Remember the respondent’s age - particularly whether or not the respondent IS aged 19 or younger. Q2 For eomc respondents, more then one code may be applicable. If that le the oaae~ separated takes precedence over marrladj and divorced over engaged. In other cmcumstancee, record full details. Q? If they say ‘none, but I waa brought up a Roman Cathollcl~ code both and record what they aald. ~ When you have found out where they wera born and where their parente were born, we want you, m their ethmc the last column, to code your estimate of group - someone may be born m parents too and yet be Englmh u India and possibly there orlgln. And, of courso, the Other way round. Q5 If the respondent la not married to the survey baby’a mother, the aurvay baby!a mother la, m many questions, refered to aa ‘your (glrlfrlend)’. However, you may also use the wmanf E name or !(the baby!s) mother! If you think either one of theee la profarable. In the ntercats of confldentlallty pleaae do not record the baby’s name on the quest, =onnalre. However, remember the name as you ~ use It In any queatlon where there arc brackets around the word !baby’. Q6 From this queatlon we want to fmd out about the respondent’s ‘natural’ llvmg children whether by hls praaent wife/partner ~ not. Step-children and adopted children who are not the father’a — own should not ba recorded at all. If you fmd you have recorded — one m error, croaa It out and put the rcaeon beelde It. -7- Q7 Do not enter the respondent In the household box, but enter everyone else m the household - (use the standard deflnltlon) - moludmg all children. The wording of this quegtlon and others (eg. 10, 11~ 12 ...) lS based on tho aaaumptlon that you WI1l be Intervlewmg the respondent m hls home. So If you Interview the respondent eomewhere other than m hlg homa, You WI1l have to rc+ord some queetlone to ensure that you are aakmg about hla home rather than the plats where the mtervlew la taking place. For axample, question 11 would become ~ u !Would you aay house (flat) Ie very ... .’ Q8 Until you see the father, you won!t know If the aurvcy baby has died, bean adopted or been llvmg somewhere other than with the respondent. The respondent WI1l probably tell you atralght away If the baby hag died, etc. , ao It may not be necessary to aak thla queatlon. If the baby has died etc. omit queatlcms marked @. If the respondent fathered twins or trlpleta but one has since died, been adopted or IS llvmg somewhere othar than with the baby!e mother! record full deta]la of the onc that hss died etc. hera. FYom queatlon 9 onwerde ask about the twm mother mcludmg @ QIO or triplets that Is/are llvmg with there three who are temporarily n hospital. Only ask this question If you are uncertain about which to code. If the respondent’e household rent theIr houee/flat from an Housing Aaeoclat~ony c~de 4 and note m Q13 By worKng apace before question 11. we mean gainful, that la to say, paid employment (use standard defmltlon) . Studente doing a hollday Job should be coded O. To be ooded I) ‘College ... 2’ the respondent should be: taking a full-time course at an lnstltutlon of h~gher or further eduoatlon, or 11) dcfmltely going to an mstltutlon of higher or further education, having Just left school (without a longer break than the s ueunorvacation). Q14 Omit ‘As aeon aa you are 16’ If aged 16 or over. The answer should be prlorlty-coded downwards; 10. somecnm leaving after taking CSE’a and ‘O’ levels should be coded 3 not 2. -8- Q19 Goug straight from school to college means th.!tthere was not a term In between. Hollday ~oba do not count aa somethmg m between. 021 If the survey baby 1s the respondent’9 flrat child, omit ‘with (the survey baby)T. Q23 Sec Q25 Use standard defumtlon; Q26 In any qucatlon which aeka for Information abOut jobs, get as menY Q21 above. le. full-time means 30 hours a waek or more. details ae poselble. It 1s important for later claeelflcatlon that we know as much aa poeelble about the level of Job, type of work done! and whether self–employed or not. Thla la an area where mtervleware tend not to get enough mformatlon, ao take care here and at queetlon 88. The un-numbered queatIons8 SWhat kmd of fIrm or organlsatLon do you work for?’ and ‘Do you have any posltlon of responslblllty (or employcaa)?! are probas for you to uee as neceeeary. Descrlptlone which arc quite inadequate are genera1 lteme llke ‘engineer’ cm ‘clvll servantt. For a CZV1l servant, we need to know the actual grade. Q28 Leas then signs f year, mcludmg . 3 monthe < 1 year means betmeen 3 months and 1 precleely 3 months; precleely 1 year gOea lntO the next grcupp 1 year ( 5 years. Q@ b) If tha respondent has changed hm ‘So have y~u changed your started work durng JOb durlrzgtha past year aakz Job s~ca ...1; the peet year aek~ lf the respondent has ‘Have you started ~]orkemce ...‘. If the aurvay baby 1s the respondent’e first child, omit ~with (the survey baby) ‘. chlld~ omit 1thza time’s Q29 If the eurvey baby Ie the respondent‘e fmBt @o If the respmdant Q33 If the respondent said ‘no! at qucstlon 32, omit ‘again!. Q34 If the respondent le workmgy eern m la Working, Olnlt‘mcludmg ask: the present occasion’. iCould you tell me how much you a typlc31 week or month after deductlcms?’; If the respondent -9- 1s a student or unemployed, ask? gat m . . ~0 and Q41 ‘Could you tell me how much money you a typical week or month after deduotlons?’. If more than one person la mentioned at (a), you do not need to ask (b) separately about each. Use ‘they’ and simply record whatever answer you are given at IF YES (l). these questions refers to the respondent —and hla partner 45’ 48 (which may be tho sampled gmlfrIend/wife or any other partner), ao and 49 Include birth control methods ueed by elthcr. Q44, Tho ‘you’ m Q48 If the respondent does not have acc’urren$@Iirtnor,code Y. QA9 Go throug$ the l~st’{as per Q48), ,~adm~ an srmwer to ~kh Q54 As usual, out each% t-i”~d getting .. . about wh~t~’e$they have”~ver UB6d the method. the bracketed part of the quest.~onapplma m certain eltuetlons. Here It applles If the rcspondant had been there and checks on whether he was there from begmnlng to end or on whether he would have llked t~ have bean there f~r more ‘Jfthe time or not. Q56 If the respondent has never seen the baby askg ‘How do you feel about IF NO not aeemg (the baby)?!; If the respondent hae seen the baby ask: tHow (0) b) do you feel about n~t seeing (the baby) emce then?’. Q57 If tho respondent has never seen the baby ask: ‘So would you llke to see (tha baby)?’ ; If the respondent has eeen the baby ask: you llke to aae (the baby YW ‘So would more often, lees often, or about the same aa d~ now?’. Q60 Go down the table coding yee’~ ‘not or DNA for each ‘task!, before askug~ where applicable, the dependent questlan. If tha respondent hasn’t llved with the baby ’a mother emce was born, code ‘Got up to hlm (her) at nightI y. the baby And If the baby IS breaat-fed, code ‘Fed hlm (her)’y. . Q64 Again, go down the l~st aakmg mother llvea m ab~ut each ‘taak’ m turn. If the baby’s an Instltutlon or with her parents; thm question mey not be relevant. If thle Ie the caae write a note explammg the sltuatlon. _llJ Q66 - If it seems that the eurvey baby is the fird ch~ld of the tispondent1e wife/iglrlfrlendt, omit ‘this time!. If the respondent has not seen the baby!s mother amce the babyts birth, almply write a note explemlng thla. . Q59-72 With these queatlona, make sure that the respondent IB talking about and the baby’a mother and — not, If applicable, hla current girlfriend. Q77 Q71 If the respondent saya ‘no! Q76 Uae the anewer to the first part of thla queatlon when asking the follow- to b~th Q69 and Q70, omit ‘then!. up queatzon. Q77 If the survey baby M the respondent’s first child, omit ‘with (the baby)‘. @o@8 Here me are mtereated m @l If the reapondcnt’s parents are llvmg together ask about parents; the respondents ‘natural’ parents. lf the respondent’s parents ere — not llvmg together esk, If applicable, about each parent separately. Q93 and c@6 If the respondent says he has not told hls father and/or mother abcut @l If the respondent mentions half-brothers/amtera, or adopted brothere/ the survey baby don’t aak the second part of the question. sletera, record as albllngg and note In the margm. Only record the chrlstlan name of each slbln~g mentioned. Q92 If the survey baby 1s the respondent’e first child omit ‘(with the survey baby )‘. @3 If the survey baby Ie the respondent’s flrat ch~ld, omit ‘this time’. . . , . QIO1 If the respondentis wlfa/’gmlf rlendi la pregnent ask: time would you have llked to ...91; !How long a If she le not pregnant aak: ‘How long a time w~uld you llke to ...?’. -11- 9. ADMINISTRATION Pleaae return all work to Room 428. It la vary Important that we get particularly your 1-2 queatlonnalres m very early. you are havl~ We WI1l then check these and contact you urgently If any difflcult~ea or blind apota. So please aend m your flrat two (or flrat one mtervlew, If that IS aIl you do on your fmat day of work) as aeon as you have completed and checked It them. If you have any doubte at all about how well you dld on your first mtervlem(s) , wait until ycu have haard frow ua before going on to do any more. We w1ll telephone you to tall you lf your first mtarvlew(a) la OK or to talk out any problems. 10. STUDY TIME An allowance of 4 hours w1ll be paid for studyng mater~ala. Pleaae do your atudymg befora attending the brlefmg. At the brlefmg, we shall ba doing several !dummles’ and It WI1l be aasumed that You are already famlllar with the questionnaire. 11. CSJ?CKINGTIME Checking time WI1l be paid at the rata of $’s of an hour per completed ntervlev~. Plaaae uae this time to go over the achadule, paying particular attention to your verbatim recording, enaurmg that it ia Ieglble and aufflczently punctuated to ba read eaally. 12. Q.JERIE3OR PRORLEILS We appraclate that this quastlonnalre 1s unfamiliar to you, both m .“ Ita layout and m : querlea, no matter how tr~vlal, do not healtate to rings some of the forme of quastIon used. If you have any .’ Anne Klapacz Ext. 2281 m Caroline Finch Ext. 2267 sN:a175 Ss 1148 YOUNG MOTHERS SURVEY Intefiewer Instructions for Mothere Follow-up Questionnaire Contents Page 1 Baok&round and pmpoee 1 2 Sample 2 3 Address lists 2 4 Tracing cells 3 5 Re-allocatiom3 3 6 Introdusing the survey 4 7 Arrenging Interviews 4 8 Minors 5 9 Interpreters 5 10 The follow-up questionnaire 6 11 The education supplement 12 12 The housing supplement 12 13 Recall questionnaire 12 14 Admlnistratlon 13 15 Study tme 13 16 Checking time 13 ., , -1- 1. Baclwrcund end uuruoee In 19’78,9.% of all live birthe m aged under 20. ble -lend and Wales were to wumen Such blrtha, it ie widely believed, may have unfavora- outcomee both for the parente end the ohild. Britieh Medioal Journal, for example, ram=ked An editoriel in the on the social problems and social.dislocation of which teenage pregcancy wee supposedly a eymptom end a cauee: fThe eeme eorry tele of broken homee, breakdown cf family life, and pocr education, ae wall aa failure of education about oontraoeptlves to reach thoee most in need of it ...i. In en attempt to aseeee how far such feem ere Juetified the Social Survay Divieicn of the Office of Population (!eneusesand Surveye end the Inetitute for Sociel Studies in Medical Care have been asked by the Wpmtment of Health and Social Security to carry out a eurvey into the erperiencee and viewe of young parente to find out what particular problems coraaonlyariee and how fex theee probleme might be prevented, or if not prevented, at leaat mitigated, by chengea fi eccie.1pclicy or other meesuree. The firet part of this wmvey wee carried out last autuum when a •~le of teenage mothare ware nterviewed within four months of the birth of their babiee. liewent now to gc back to theee women tc ftid out how they and the~r babies have fcuwd during the peat year and about their current situation, probloms end perception. Great import- ance ie attaohed to thie eecond pert of the eurvey, etice if there am any major problems abcut teenege motherhood, they - more likely to be apparent ncw that the babies ere about fifteen mcnthe old. You my like to Imow that the Inetitute for Socud Studiee in Medical Cere is en independent non-profit reeeexch organieatlon regietezwd ae a cherity. The edm of the Ihetitute ie to etudy the eocial aapecte of health care in weye which havm a bearing on sociel policy. A concern with the wiewpoints of both those ueing and thcee pro=ding eervlcee ie fundemente.1to ite approach. -2- The sample is of 515 young mothere (I.e. girle who were under 20 when The origlnel they gave bzrth to the baby) in England end Welea. aemple wea from the register of births for July 1979 end the yeung mothers were first titerviewed m from the eemple this ~ar September/October 1979. ere thoee mothers who wre contacts or ineligiblee at the first stage. Excluded refueals, non- Also excluded are thoee whose baby had died or been adopted before the first interview. However, there will be some caeee where the baby hae &Led/been adopted/ fostered since the fi.retintetiew. The mothere of these babiee ~ eligible for the second stage and should be interviewed wherever possible - elthou@ of oourss you may need to be especially reaeeurfng in euch interviews. 3. Address liate The pilot follow-up suggested that about a third of the ssmple might have movwd etice lsat year. A letter was thersfora cent to informant In June, infoming her of the follow-up et= for her current address. end caking In all oaseB where a reply wae received, this is the flret address which appears on the addrees sheet. Where no reply woe received or the letter was retuzned by the Post OffIce, we have given you the led, known address (i.e. es at first interview) plus the address on ths birth certificate if that wae tifferent. Thie ehould give you eeme leede to follow if your infomnent has moved. An Indication that the infonnent did not reply, which nught meen you have to ellow for trac~ cells, is given on the address eheet under ‘jAnyother tifomnation”. Aleo entered here will be the most convenient the to call as given by the nfonnante who snewerad our enquiry end this ❑hould help you in plennhg Other deteds your work. on the eddrese eheet should be a ueeful check in establishing changes since the lsd interview. Note that TSESJ3ADDRESS LISTS MUST NOT BE TAKEN INTO TH73PIELD. Copy the eeaential detaile into ymur notebook (but not my to the father) end then leave Yom references address liete safely at home. At the end of the fieldwork, please return your addreea liete to the office, by recorded delivery and — NOT in any envelope which containe completed queetionneires. ., . -3- 4. TracinE cane Wxt.ha sample of 515, we eze obviouely anxious to minim$se non-response, so WI1l be depending on you to put ae much effort ae poeeible into traoing movers. ne@boure, Pleaae follow your normal practice of approaching landlords, the local corner chop, ae appropriate. It seeme likely that a fair number of nformemts will have been rehoused by the council, eo if other leads fall, w the locel houeing depeztment. &perience suggest you approach on other eux’veyBsmd on the firet stage of Young Mothere suggests that housing depeztmente vw their reeponse to a request for a new addrees. in In some ceeee you WI1l find it ie enough to show yotrccard, explain what Social Survey does end say you are trying to traoe Mre X for a eurvey. Some houeing officmle, howevwr, will be enxioue to preeemwe confidentlelity an~ will not went to divulge a tenant1s exldrese. For euch ceees, we ere prevlding you with a letter addreesed to the houeing men~r explus which what Sociel Survey does end a.skehim to forward a letter to the Infonnent. The Infommnt will then be able to return a tear off clip to ue, giting her new address which w will then peas on to you. Clearly this precedure could produce a considerable delay eo, when planning your work, could ymu please taokle thoee addreeaes tiere w did not get a reply to our June letter first to Increase the chencae of tracing the tifonnant before the field period ends. In any approached to housing officials, you aheuld obviously take care to preee?xe the pledgw of confidentiality we gave to Informants at stage 1 of the eurvey, ❑ o avoid giving any information about the eurvey lteelf or implying that the informant hae elready been interviewed once. If necessary, teJk in general about the eort of werk Sociel Survey undertake 5. and refer eny queries to EQ. Re-allocatlone The pilot follow-up euggeete that meet movee ❑hould be withh area. Where an infozmant has moved within the 10CEJ re~onable travelltig dietance of your work area or home, pleaae follow her up at the new addrees. If the new addrees ie outeide your local area, return the relevant addrees sheet md a celle and outcome sheet eo that the Interview can ,, J -4- be ra-ellocated. With euch a smell sample it is obtiewly vltel that WE follow up movere, eo ple~e send back any eddraeeea for re-allocation p-cmutl~. 6. Introducing the Surv-aY Pollowhg Institute procedure, there ie en introduction printed on the schedule, which you can enlarge upon or edapt eE necaaaery. At the pilot, infonnenta quickly remembered the previous interview. If you need to give mors background detdls, the following points may be useful. You ehould, of course, avoid giving any hpraseion that young mothers are llkely to have, or to cause, any special problems, but you might find it point out that DHSS ia reeponaible for providing many of the services for mothora - it edminlatars all the state maternity benefits end aleo, within the NationeJ Health Sermca, ia responsible for providing many of the maternity and child cue services whioh new mothere uae. lhe Department is therefora enxlous to lmow what needs end prublems mothers have end how well the current cervices are meeting these needs. It IS felt that mothers who em themselves young - end, therefore, In many ceees, have recently had their first baby - may have particular viewpotita which would be helpful to the Department. Some of the neede of young mothers may not have been obvious at the time of the first interview, when tho experience of motherhood wee very new to them. So w exe asking for their help again ttciayear to talk about their erperiencea over the firet year of the baby!e life, both u relation to the care of the cluld cmd to their own health end domestic situation. 7. Arraxw?inginterview It ia very umportent that, whenever possible, you titerwlew infonnamts on their own. Some of the topics being covered in the interwtew could e~ily be biaeed by the presence of husbanda/’boyfh?ienda/perente, etc. Additionally, since we shell be aiming to interviaw the husbemd/baby~s father later, we do not want him to hem the mother’e anawara, ae this could bias hie answers when wa talk to him at the later ❑tag8. Since they have young babiee, most mothers are likely to be In during -5- the day end it ~s important that you make aa many of your cells as - this way, you have the best thence of poeaible durtig the da@me avoiding interested husbands, boy friends, eto. Where your address sheet indioatee that the tifomnant oan only Bee you in the evening, pleese euggeet to her that you meke an appointment for & time when she feele you oan talk privately, without other people eitting h whenever poeeible. (This may meen auggeeting that you do the interview in the btchen, where you will not nterrupt the fanily’s T.V. viewing). The length of the interwlew should be elightly ehorter tble year (depending, of couree, on how much you infonuent haa to cay) - rouod about 1 hour. 8. Minore The normal ruhng I.e. if you fnd the p~nt on interviewing minors applies on this eurvey, a emgle mfonnemt under 18 years who ie living in al home you will need to obtam interview her. theee oeaee. the parents! penniesion to lhe addrees eheet gives you advance warning of You ehould b to see the named pereon flret to explti the eurvey to her aad explzun that you will need the pemnt !e permleeion to proceed with the interview. If the girl retiee to give you permieeion to epproach the parente, you cannot gu ahead with the interm.ew. full det~le You will ham to accept thle aa a refueal end give of the circumstemcee in youx write-up. However, refueele in theee circumstencee ehould have been eliminated last yecz, eo parental disapproval ehould not be a problem in the follow-up. It may oocaslonelly happen that the perente giw you penniseion to interview but only on condition that they era preeent. In theee like en interview, but pleaae make a note beeide any enewer which you feel haa been affected by the praeence of the paxente. 9. Interuretere Casee where the interview waa cexried out with the help of en mter- . i ., -6- preter lad the are marked on your eddzees sheets. Tb mmimise biae which could erise from adcing a member of the houeehold to interpret, w would lilceto repeat lad yeez ~e procedure for obteining interpreter. T%le waa to approach the local Community Relations Council (whcee eddreae ie in the local phone book) and ask them to eupply a female interpreter in the appropriate language. eatiefactorily lad year. In meet eroae, this prooedura wmrked Other poesible sources, If there ie no local CRC, proved to be Community Heelth Advice Centres, end eduoatlon eetabliahmente. If you do come acroee problems finding an interpreter, pleaee ring HQ aud we will endeavouz to help! When you have located you interpreter, ehe will need to ei@ the OfficieJ Secrete Aot eo we will be Ieeulng you with copiee of thie. The mterpretere ez’epelcla flat rate of S1O per titernew (tbie ia in accordance with the etanderd CLvil Service rate for caauel fiterpretera). Ae laet ye=, we era aek.hg you to be reeponeible for this payment, which you will of course clalm back in your wwekly claun. Ai@.n you will be ieeued with receipt fomne which the interpreter will need to eign. IIIa couple of caaee lad to act es interp~ter. yeer, the informantIe hueband volunteered You tight fmd it helpful to expl.dn that we find it werks better if enother wnmen can titerpret for the mother. If he etill ineieta on interpreting himeelf you will need to accept theee terme, but explcdn cerefully that it ie hie wife!e opmione w would like at this atagm. Ae before, make a note on the echedule beeide any enswere you feel have been effected by the husband1e viewe, 10. The follow-up aueetionnare %’ In eny queetion where there are braokete around the worde tthe eurvey baby! you ehould uee the survey baby )s name. However, in the intereate of confidentiality pleaee do not record the eurvey babyte neme on the questionnaire. !lhewurd.ingof this queetion and othere (e.g. 37, 49, 60, 61, etc) ie baeed on the assumption that you will be interviewtig the tiformant In her home. So if you interview the infomeent eomewhere other then In her home, you will have to re-word some queetiona to eneure that you are referring to her home rather than the place where the interview ie taking place. -7- Wd: If the infonmant had twine but one hae Binoe tied, been adopted or ie living eleewhere, reoord full details of the one that hae died, eto. here, aaldng ae applicable qwetions 2 to 11. l?rom question 12 onwerds ask about the twin that ie living with the informent at present. ~l(a). Ii(b). 12(b) end 57(b~ : 1Baby llving in a home! (SF’ECIFY TYPE). Here w want to know whether the eurvey baby 1s living in a council home, a churoh home or some other type of home. ~ : When aeking tk& qwetion, end othere, you have to mention the data of the last interview. !IIIis cen be found on the addrese eheet - itsn 6. ~ : Omit ‘apezt from being in hospital’ un..leee you havB aeked question 7. ~ : Here, and eleewhere, if the tifonaant finds it impoeeible to chooee one of the categories write n full what ehe seye and code !OTHER COMMENT (SPECIFY)t. 9U: ha If the infonmant hee already nent~oned that the eurvey baby been in hosplteJ since the laat interview ask, lMey I just check, hoe (the survey baby) .....?’. othemiee .....?1, Gnly include inpatient eteye here. aak, 1Hea (the survey baby) Do not include any vieite to outpatient clinics or to caaualty. m): If the SWWy baby hae been in hospital on mora than one occaaion make aura you obtain the - length of time ❑ (he) hae epent in hoepital since the lest titervlew. ~ : If the infonaent hae already mentioned that ehe hae eeen a doctor about her own health elnce the lad interview aek, IF@ I juet check, have you consulted ......?f; otherwiee out I just oheck1. the ‘May ., -8- -: ~n’ t for@ to include w consultations for depree~ion or nerves mentioned at question 22 here. !222: Only include inpatient etays here. to outpatient clinics or to caaualty. Do not inolude eny vleite If the informent doeen1t understand the term ‘birth Q2kxl: control1 use the alternative wrding. !?ai?.1: If more then one person is mentioned at (a) you do not need to eak (b) separately about each. Use tthey! end simply ooda what- ever anewer you ere given. Q?)land ~ ~ : The tyou! in these questions refere to the mforment her peztner, eo include birth control methode used by either. Cm through the hat, reading out each in tuzn end getting an !%2: anewar to each about whether they have ever used the method. Q34 —> CHECKC: If the informant haa had more than one pre@mncy elnce the laet interview esk the relevemt seriee of queetions about eaoh pre~ency in turn. Pm example if the infomant hae had a mlscerrlage follomd by a livebirth - a baby who is living with her at the time of the interview - firet aek queatione 44 end 45 about the miacmiage end then aak queetions 35, 36, 37, 44 and 45 about the livebirth. Aleo, if the infommnt haa hed more then one pregnancy, pleaee make sure it ie cleer on the questionnaire which pregnency any verbatim relates to. ~ : The ‘you’ in this queetion refers to the tifozment —end her partner. w: Use the etandard houeehold definition here end eleewhere. If the infonment ie living in en inetltution could you note detells of the type of Institution (e.g. mother end baby home, some eort of hoetel, etc.) in the ❑pace before queetion 49. ,, -9- m 55 and 59 : If the nformant hee moved two or more tties sl.nce the laat interview you may noed to use phraaea euch ae ‘that time1 to concentrate her thoughts on a perticul~ place. ~t Q&J: jnowl if the infonucnt haantt moved since the lest interwlew. You will have to record the type of dwelling and/or, if CEECKE: applicable, the floor the informant l~vea on from observation. If in any doubt about what to reoord ask the infonnent for the relevent detcills. &: If the infomnent!e household rent their house/flat from en Housing Association code 5 end recofi f’ulldetaile. w: A gerden mecns an encloeed piece of ground adjotig nf onnent!e home. or not, (JQ: If in my the doubt about whether to count a gerdan record full detcils. If If seeme appropriate, in any question which contedne the phraae t(the ❑urvey baby)ts fatherI you may say iyour boyfriend!. ~t Q&J: mnce the last internew. C&: tme 1,gnce you tvc been here t if the infomnant haan 1t moved Pleaae note that we are interested in any pert-time or fulleducation that the infonncnt hae received since the last interview. Q68 +7 2: If the infommnt is not working now, but hae had a job since the laat interview, aek about her last job. QiQ: mere Q2: Gn th.ieeurvey pert-tmne mans is ~ lese them 30 houre a week. minimum time. If the lnfomnent ie working you ask, !Do you think there are anY problem in being a working mother?t; if ehe is at school or college you aak, ‘Do you think there are any probleme in being both a etudent and a mother?s. -1o- If the tiforment ham’ t had a job sinoe the laet interview aek, Qu: iSince I(n) laat saw you hava you tried to get a job?f; if She hae had a job since the lad interview ask, 1Since you left YOW lest job have you tried to get enother job?t. ,backl ~t Q3!2: titerview. if the ~fo=t haenlt hed a jOb ~in~e the l-t Mt tmo~ often now! if the informant never @mee OU* now (i.e.~ w: if coded 1 at question 79). *: If the tifo?mumt emokes cigars or a pipe record full detdle. 92: Ibr soma i.nfonrmntsmore thao one code m~ be applicable. If that ~e the caae, separated takes precedence ovwr married, widowed owr e-d end divorced owr In other circumstances, record engagad. full detedls. CHEC!KF: If in any doubt about which to code get the respondent to clerify the eituation. Q95(b) end 10l(b~ : If more then one pereon Is mentioned at (a) you do not need to ask (b) eeperately about each. Uee ‘theyf or !them!, ae applicable, and eimply record whatever answer you are given. Q@: If the infonnent ie seperated aek, iCould you tell me why you seprrated?t, if ehe is &vorced ~k, ‘Could you tell me vhy you got divorced?1, end if ehe is widowed ~k, happened?’. tCould you tell me what The latter is a courtesy question, so juet let the infomnant eay what abe wante to and leave it at that. Here gu down the net coding ‘yeet or ‘noi for eaoh ‘task!, QJ2: before aaking, where applicable, the dependent queetion. -$ the ~fo~ent d.o-’t use the alternative wording. If Und=et=d the word ‘ frewantly’ 9114 and 112 : If the infomnent livee with her or the baby!e father1❑ parents, these questione may not be relevant. the caae write a note explaining the ❑ituation. If that ie . . -11- ~ : Omit ~othert if tho infomnaut ha. had no help in looking after the euzvey baby from her huebend/boyfriend/the eurvey baby’E f.ather. Q12&: (lBit‘more’ if the Informed says she haa had no help at queetion 124. Omit ‘or (the eurvey baby)! if the survey baby isntt living Q22: with the Infonrmnt (i.e. ooded 1,2,4,5 or 6 at question 1 or 9 at question 7). You may find the sigaposting a bit confueing here. Qui2: If the informant enewera 1yes! to this question eak (a) follomd by question 154; however, if the lnfozmant enswers ‘no! to this question aek (b) followed by queetzon 134. ~ : Here, w ere interested in the benefits that the informant herself has received end/or the benefits that someone else (e.g. her husband, mother, etc.) haa received on her behalf. For exmuple, if her hueband rece~veB family income supplement on behalf of the infonnent end their family ring code 4. If in any doubt, however, about whether to oount a benefit or not, record Ml Wi!2: details. Here go down the liet coding 1yee’ or ‘no1 for each profeselonal, before aeking, whezw applicable, the dependent question. g, You ham to ineert the answer(s) to question 138 when caking this question. If the informent eaye she ha. seen a health visitor at W!2: question 138 omit !a heelth tieitorj fmm thie queetion. similarly, if the infomnent .%ye she hea eeen a social worker at quaetion 138 omit 1a social worker! from thie question. Ww!l: eakmg You have to Ineert the anemr(s) to question 1dO(a) when thle question. . . -13- Infonaent. You mey need to the confidentiality of her interview end the fact that it will be a different (mele) titerviewer who calls on the baby ie father. 14. Administration Pleeee return ell work to Room 432. Ae up-to-date eddreeeee for the fatherts ❑tegs (which followe irmnediatelyin October) will be obtained from YOU very imPotient that you eend in work quickly. interview, it ie Please do not hold on to eny completed ❑chedules. 15. study time h allowemce of 3 howe nll be peid for ❑tudying materiele. Pleaee do your etudying before cdtendin.gthe briefhg. . 16. Cheoking time !l%iswill be paid at the rate of @I claimed en your deepatch note. YOU per completed interview, to be Pleaee p~ perthuler attention to verbatim recording, eneuring that it is legible end euffio%ently punctuated to be reed eeeily. Itieldqueries: Anne Klepacz Ext. 2282 Sampling queriee : Andy C!allins Ekt. 2366 SS 1148 sErmL NmmEs 1 EI?El EYYl w. Divi.ior.,vbich 10 s &omrtmont ra..ruchore-i.ation Your .=. k b..n ..l.ctedfrnm th. .ioInsm .t.ds for mss ●bcut th. view and .xp.rl..c..of YOW moth.~ rwi.t.r of birth, 8. I und.mtmd that WI hmw had a r.contly. Itd liko to talk to mu about ymrm.lf prmmcrm fm. Sc.Cial -Y I - (-d th. WI ho. you ham farad .-. th. lat f.. mntim. A@m YOU tell m till b. trsatedu mtriotly confld.ntisl=d I‘d like to .*-.. that w n.wr U. name. or id.ntifyGIYOIUin any of tlw —y ramvlt.or raporta 1 W. w“ the baby born? 5. blure wan (the baby) bo?=i. 1 In = SSS hoapits.1 or Giaternlty hem. ““0”1” 2 = At b- w“ it * boy or girl. Sc.Y.. .. ..l Girl . .. or NOmawh.m .1..7 (SPTKTFr). khat do you all Mm (her/thcm)? ~ .. . Cau.ldyou tell - IwN(s) - 6. sw much did (tho baby) w.igh wlmn he (-he)w- born? La,, than 5 lba (sPSC1S7) bow old w 5+1ba<61bs Undm 14 (SFwFf) .... 14 . 16 17 .. ...... ..... j .. . .. ... .. 200rmme .... .7 ., .8 lb. .4 5 7 lb. < li lb. 6 +lb, 7. Did (th. baby) bavo w . , .7 .s lb. <91b8.. 9 lb. lx mm born nucb u .5 @ lb. <7 lb. 0 lb. < & 6 . 1 2 . 7*lbm<.91bm. .. 4 5 18 . 19 6 lb, < @ 1 .. 2 15 .... ... 5 lb, le., than 5+ lb. *an (t& baby) “m w- born aud your date of birtb? ‘“0”” 4 5 m NOT szcom os ~STIQJN4 > .2 Tvh. (Smcm) 5 .2 In . privatenur.iw homo (SPM@ . .. 9 . 0 when he (ah.) w- jwmdioe, premattweor w- anything .1.. wx’onswith him (her)? IF AGED OWIN 20 (CUIW8 AsOWO)WJSJ = NUSVSYBASY WAS No preblema 0 CODE ALL Jwndi.e 1 ‘lltAT APPLY Prmatum 2 Otber (2PSC1FY) 3 Bommmmsvmwmus IF ANY PS0BLEH3lWiTIOflU!Could you toll m thh( thori)~ bout 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 1> 14 . 15 -2- 8 1. (tho b,by) livinshom with you .t Pm,ent? r.. . 9 NO. 1P HO (0) Could YOU tell M O why thmt 1s? Baby tied . .. B*by Alopted . ... 1 . . ..... 2 b) Sow do yau feel abut thl,- Baby in homPital . . . . Baby livir.s with fmter pezent. . ... 4 ..:1> Baby li~ in s b Baby li~ ●ls*I,+Mm(EPL!cI?Y) . . 6J c) AU4 how .aftm h w me. him (her)q .1 Mly U SAW D~ (1) ●) C.mldm mm tall “ ~ th, baby died? than weekly > kilY W..kly .... 2 . . . 5 k.. oft.. (SicScmr) . . 4 d) S5 ~NOi%SEILN b) And COdd PI toll “ .) mm ~ +-t (tha baby) &iod off IIM?4OFTGSI~ ~ DBABY AmlF—mD (2) S5 Immvmms OmOslm $.WPm Q,12 1> BASY D EOWITAL (j) a) Sow Ion& h“ Is.. thml wok .. lWokl.,, tbm2wmks 2wmks Wm. (th. b-by) b... in hc.,pitol? <>vmek, .. . . .. ... ...... .. . . > wnkm <1 mth .. 1 SlnCO (th# baby,.) birth ..... ham You had w smm ‘m SABrtSBmm .... . s . . 5 ...... . .. 6 (6) pmbl.m titer tho birth) with the baby .b..t: m S1..pillg at &&t %dims mu 11 .. 22 W* or wind .. Not &nin,g ●GU@ c- m ( dm . .2 . ... 4 1 mnth < -inc. (the baby,.) birth 2v. sot ham . . ~isl-.t .. too =Ch WI@t or 4J@ling .1,,* (mclsY) 33 . 4 . 55 ... 66 4 .) bhat i. tho mattertith tb baby? Nm. of thee. . 00 IF .UiTPFOBm2S5 1s that still a pmble. o, ha, he (ah.) wt on. it now- CODE AsO= 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 1> 14 . 15 , 3$10 20 on ba.ancawuld yw describo(tho My) - A very ●UY baby to 100k titer . . A ftirlY9-Y baby to look after . . 12 bhat .bo.tyourmelr- ■ince you got homo (min..ten . . 1 . 2 Verj 6Qod 1 3 Fairly mod 2 A ratherdifficultbaby to look after, dw. fir the bifih) would Y.. d..cribeYOU h.dth u (Mf!XRCil!miT- 2PEC1FY) or Not good- .. 3 (Ol?iNR COH!R7T- 5PECIn) $11 Sam ww tekon (tlm baby) to a baby C1hiC for a chock-upwho. (tho b-by) VU .011? 13 Y,. . 9 No . .. 0 Ea., you had w mu @t km. of theme ❑jmptoms m’ problomaaim, (.1...h. &. nft.r th. ~ifih) YEs IF YEs (9) a) R.. many them? b) Did you find YMU the elm o 0 Bleedin& 2 0 Troubl.pamir.gwaz.r .. 3 0 . Comtimtlo” Very holpiM . .1 hirly h.lpful .. . .2 Hot V*Z-Yhdplul, . . 3 (OTSIP. -T - 2FSC1FY) NO .. 1 Tt-mtbl. with YOU breast. 0 .4 Nemo. cm deprnmeion 5 0 Irritability 6 0 Backach 7 0 .8 Undue tirodneam Pain!llinterc.urme.. -~ .lnev (-IPY) . . .. 0 9 0 Y 0 1? NoT VERY IIUFTJL (>) Could you tell me w~ mu fo~d w risit(c)not very h.lptll, 14 Eamm you had you poet-natalexdnat ion yet~ Yea No IF NO(0) a) Cauldyou tell m ~ you haven’tttien (tho baby) to a baby clinicfor a b) w ha- YOU tak.n (tho baby) to a C P or familydoctoror ..MC oth.r profeemionalfor a th. baby ““ “.117 Y.. - a C P or fmmilydoctor 1 Y.. - oth.r prnf.mione-l(SFECIPY) 2 no . 0 . IF NO (0) could you tell MO bhy YOU hsvunst had Y.= pomt-nat~ ex~.=t..n Y*t’ ohwk-uP~ 9 0 1 2 5 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 7 -4- 15 2C ainc.p. got how (-inc.ton dw. aft.r tho birth)havu YOU B... (b) IF 2E2N bud (d) (.) (.) [F NOI SETN _ :FKUND NWT VEXY ZELHWl Why 1. that? Llk,d to hav. :FLINFDT02AVESE2N ●..n —’ hat liked to hmve ■ean — k G.P or 1 0 123 7 2 0 123 7 123 7 125 7 ●bout’ folly doctor? A midwife- A hodth Vimitcm? A social 4 0 worker? Inyom .1.. 50 1 7 23 Mke that? (mclFf) FOR EACR MJliT1021FiT EaVE YOU found_ WTY hdp~, felrlyhelpfulor not verj h.lpful~ not very helpfUl~ IF S’GONDANT NOT VKRY 2ELF2UI Cauldyou tell me why mu found_ CODE IN @3L. (b) EEcom IN mL 1F2E2?IALL S5L12TOQ17 6 Would you II.- liked to ha- .... any (other.) of th.n~ IF = (9) bho? CODE AT QI5 ~OV= ~L Ye, 9 No 0 (d) FOR EAGi H21FF10TiED tit WOtid Y.. ha- like to havm .... _ about~ RECOFD IN COL. (e) (c) 1 2 ~ 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 U 14 15 517. Han YOU YQur..lfd 19 my oth.r childr.nq You b r.. 9 Slngl. 1 NO 0 tid 2 -i,d 5 Widow,d 4 Zaparst,d 5 or Divorc.d? 6 IF 73S (9) a) E.. manyq b) couldYOU t.11 m. thi. child,.(their) date(,) of birth and ,.X, SIX IMm OF BIEIN MALs Fs2LAlJDAY MO~ 1 1 2 2 1 2 5 1 2 c) I. (h) 20 2s who live. with You hers in your hou8.ho1d7 YEAS Nm )(IF P3LATIONSSIPlV SU8JECI 11121 Ill h. (.he/they)livinswith y.. ●t P=.e.t or h- (havn)h. (mhe/anY)been adoptedor living in a home or vhat~ All livingwith mother 1 & adopt.d 2 LivinN in . how 3 IJVinS●lmwhmn (SPSCIST) . 11121 .. 4 IF ANY AIOFiTZ(2) hhich ...(.)? mmm 78. And hen w. had w corm No(s). C6WN othr Pr%nanci.. that ended in a mimc=iaga or ●ctopi.prewmcy, 21 abortion,at.llbix+hor 9 N. 0 tiiah.d did the ptmwan.y .ndv b) ROW many month.we- you premumt thenq c) Bow did it end, 22 GQTCOHE m Ww2ss MIs- YSAR FREGNAN2 cAmIAm 1. th.t fmm th. councilor privately IF FilWSII PSIVAIXLY 1. this ho... (flat)rent.d Yes IF YSS (a) 9.. mmy - IIA~ OF F&2 of YOU altogether m Y.. .r Y.= h.u..h.1dOWI or -nt t~n ho=_* (flat)’ IF EZN~ a baby that h- ainc. died or be.n MX FOR EA~ a) h. $0 them DIW _ or unfumi.hedq Gml 1 sent COvnc.1 2 Red privat.unfluniahed > sent pr.vate furnished 4 Other (81EC1FY) 5 !30w1on6 b... you llved 1“ thie I.e..then 1 YeOl’ 1 STILL LIVI AsOR- 1 year 1,.. then 2 years 2 BIRm TION 31m 2 y.~. ~ 3 Y.=, 5 1 5 ye=w < 10 Y.=. 4 2 10 years or more 5 3 IF ONE YEAS OR KOSE XIF TO Q 23 25 HOW UUIY tire..have YOU....d ~. *h. p-t Y*.=’ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 1> 14 . 15 -6- 24 minking ... of tho place y-auwere liviw in on. Y.* ago - mm THIRD S3cmm FIN2T Iw%. Ii-d with you them in YZXU ~=..~ld’ ) khan diflYOU M~ ) CQUld YVU tell m Vhy you l.ft the= 9 mmmmmom R2A51TNs what w. your main reason for leavingther.~ 1)mat Probloms, If Non. 0 None . 0 NoIIe 0 my, did you have in finding .Ou-whem elm. to lIVE (that tlmo)~ IF MOVED IQHE W oNCE F3!PEAT .), b) AND c) FJR EACN MOVE Tn. place you moved from there - a) None c 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 29 .uitabl. or r.thorunmuitabl. for your pr...nt nee& * you got your .bm indoor lav.tory.. im it mhund or outeide? Very nuitable 1 In#i& t ohm F~rly 2 Inmid., ,tid Rather un.uit.ble 3 mt.ide (OmER Commm 1 . 2 3 - 2PEC1FY) 30. hla ham You 6nt your C+% gull.”? Y.. . ...9 NO . .. 0 T!?R6TTERmSVITAkZE (3) In what way 1. YOIIIho”.. (flat) ratheruneultable” IF NO (0) b YOU haw -C*99 tO O1l.v . 8 No . 0 rem 51 26 =m umy 1 check, Eve YOU tried to find m.m.when .1.. to 1. yuur hoYe. Mm? R.aume , dattid 9 ... 1 N. IiOU,.,,eml-detached. ZoU.e, terrace .. . 5 llst or,.elf-contnin.d pup... hilt 4 Flat or md.on. tte, ..lf-.or.tdn.d conversion. 5 ,fist* not self-contained Otklor?(mm-f) .. 0 2 . IF YES (9) .) kht problem, if any, havm you had in trYiru2 to find .otmwhm .1.. to llw? Non. . . . ..1 .6 . ... 7 1P FLAT,MAISCR7ETI’E OR RcOUS Vnat floor do you livm on, 27 E.. .UIY reom# do YOU (that8e your Imnehold) havm halVWIIatabout Eodroom (in. bed.itt.r) b) h yuu still t- to find .o_WhOIW Kitchencm .culleryused for .1.. to 11-V cookins (notshared) LIv-ing rooms (not nhamd) Tbtal 28 EBVE YOU got your o’.nbathroomor i. it h-a with oth.r peoplenot in thl. hcm.hold? 1FOWN0R~(10R2) h 1 Zhared 2 Nom 0 Eaitmnninzhotmd cold water? Yen 4 No . 5 Yes 7 No 8 1 2 5 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 < -8- >2 ~ YOU .tt..~g w ~d .f .cJI..l Or c.11.e ~1-ti~’ 34 1 Ye. - .011.s0 2 Y.m 9 No 0 No 0 eny 1..s..sor tuitionat home? IF YEs (9) .) Fur how many w..k. h... you had 1...0.. 1FNO(0)~@16mO~WD or tuition.t homv ITJM4 b) In a typicmlweek, how many hours Of ~AG~UllDES16 .) C-addYOU t.11 ~ PniyJ-t (with (the baby)) ha- you had Ye, - ■choc.1 IF AT COLLD2S=IP TO Q3F lFNO(0) Sin..YOU h.- WhY YOU &V t. mohool- 1..,...or tuitiondid you h.vmv .) mat do you tlinkof tho le,,onmor tuitionYOU had at homo~ b) mull did rolltop Sd.ns to mhool~ IF IUSIW (~S LAST)P_AJCY Can you may how many monthspmraant you were th.n~ 8 or mra mmthm propsnt 1 6 or 7 2 3 < 6 month. prasnant. > b.. than 3 month.pnmt .. 4 IF NOTAT SCSOOL (NO (0) AT Q32) ~IF ‘RI‘W otherw.-ion (~CIFY) 35 And ●ire..P. bocum P=@mt (with (the baby)) have you tilv 5 r.. 9 No 0 IF YZS (9) Catidyou tell me why mu ha.. chansud ,ohool.~ C) IC YOUthii+ K.. “ill @ back to school? Y.. 9 No 0 IF NO (0) Hnat do YOU feel aboutnot SOir..y 36 Wun do YOU PIUI to lean .choolq Will it be (Am ,... u you _ back to .ohoolp 16) After takinEKS, B 2 titer t&ins 10, levnl. 3 After taking SAS levml. 4 or At some other tire- (sPECIFY) 5 d) sXIQ TO Q34 35 IurinsYour (thi.1A) &a Ywu top SOiw to .Chool at all? IF AFIES ‘A, LWELS 5ZP TO Q38 Ye. , No .9 0 37 h%at do YOU feel about leavlngschool at that etnsev IF Yss (9) can y.. .9Y ho. many month.P~W~t YOU .... Vh*n YOU mtom+d so@ to Oohool’ 3S. ht smm~ 1 do YOU “-t t. dO Vh.. YOU I..m .Ch0017 1 2 4 5 i 5 6 70 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9- 39 44 Could P. tell ~ how old yo” wore when yuu left .choolT I*! ~ow~m 1 Under 76 (SFECIFY) 1 S.cretnriti 2 16 2 Nvrains 3 17 3 T..ohingdipl.~ 4 18 4 mm. 5 19 5 . Oth.r (SFZCIN’Y) 6 45 mm Hay I ask, We- y.. PIW@mnt (with (th. baby)) when you 1.ft mcboo1* 40 hd “h.- m IF N05tIPTQQ Coil.&mof further.duoaticm , . No 0 46. Can P. ●ay how many monthsPn~cuIt you wre when you .3 Unimrslty . stoppedNQti to mchool~ 4 Other (sPECIPY). .. 5 47 Dit YOU leavm echoolat th. .b.fom you b..- 6U ,tl’QiNht hm 4$! .2 P+-t.chnic Did m 9 . . . 1 VI form 41 Yee y.. atUd.Yil@ tlma .. you intendedto pre@mz.tor had you intendedto .tay 0. lor.gor, .&1001t. C01hP7 r., . 9 same 4 No . 0 stay on lon@m, 5 IF NO (0) mat dld you d. in 40 hd dt.r YOU b.camopzveant, did you havm any 1...... or tuitionat homc~ Yea 9 No 0 IF YES (9) a) Fbr how .my week. did you ham lem.ona 42 tit do YVU want to do “h.. you leaw or tultlonat home, b) In a t~ical week, how nnny hours of lemmon,or tuitiondid YQ” h.”.v 43. 1. thi, th, .Pr.Wt u you waut.dto 60 YOU became (with (thebaby)) or had You intendedto do c) blat do you thiml of the lemon. .. ■a.tblng .1.., Sam .1 tuitionYOU had at home, PQmtldng .1** 2 IF SMfS’FdINC SU2i (2) Wlat had YOU intendedto Loe I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 , -1049 h YOU hav9 w ●durationalqunlifioaticme~ 54 Y.. ti th. bl. how do y~ feel ,bc.utthim job? .9 0 No IF IZS (9) Could You tell ma what they am, CSE 1 cum ALL !,J!~ov*~ 2 ~T ,A, 1.”.1 3 very aatinfi.d . .1 Other (=CIYY) 4 Se.timf ied .2 AFFLY I SZPT0Q62 1? AT 6CMSOLOR @3L1.ECE IF EOTATSCXOOL AND AGELDUNDES16 =’MQ 50 So would YOU .W you mm, Di..atimfi.d . 61 ,. 4 v.ry .. 3 0, E.- yOIJ@t mixed fOelin@ about it, . . 3 How many fu.11-th job., if any, hmm YOU had 9itlC0 55 1. thin the 0- job M YOU vmted t. do b.fom YOU you left ,Chool? b..IF Em pra~mt (with (the baby)) or had m intended a) Couldy-cmtoll me why that i.? to do ,oQ9ttArq●1..? sum .. .. ..... 1 Somothing.1.. .. . 2 IF sO~ b) SUFTOQ,67 51 A- P. .Orw r.. ~w’ . No . IFBO (0) mTOQ. 52. S0 m USE (2) hhmt had yuu intendedto do? 9 0 5.Z 56 you wrkins full or part-time, PJ1l-tima (w) WI. mu doing th. sam job before (the baby) .ss bmn~ . 1 Y.. 2 ..9 No 0 53. tit is your job, IF WOFSTSG IWLIAm (1 AT Q IF NO (0) =3F m IF mS 51 (9) = m 52) AND Q, 58 Q. 62 W.. dld you top Ml-the w.arkv tint kind of fixm or orti.ation do you wmk forq IF IUFUNG (TTIISLAST) P6SGNANCY Can P *W ho. mew month. pr.cant you ware the”, 8 or more b P. ha- w pomltionof .MPIOYO.. ), .1 6 or 7 month.presne.nt 2 3 1.s. than 6 .onth.pxnmnnt 3 b,. then 3 mmth. pro~mt 4 Self-OMPlOY.dwith .MP1OY... 1 Befor. iuxkherpreemncy 5 FaIf-employ.dwithoutemploy... 2 other occasion(SPSCIFY) 6 W. 3 S.1p.1-vl..r 4 Other .mploy.. 5 1 2 5 4 5 6 18 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 - . 11 50. met wai your last ~1-ti~ b%.., if ...?. do you think YOU will @ bd job (befozm(thebaby) tO W*’ vu bon)? IF SOBZT~. % do mu think you will 6n bmck to work hhat kind of fim or org-laation did you work for, b man en po..ibl. ..... 1 2 Befor. (th. baby) go.. to priury ..hool .. WI.” (the baby) SO-, to primuy mchool . or At .0- othr tire? Did mu ham w IF m Could YOU tell m back to work? FO.itiOnof ro,Pmuibility (Or mpl.v..m )? ., 4 why YOU think you wa”,t @ .7 %lf emuloy.~with .mploy.e. SO1f ●M91OYO6without.MP1OY... 2 M-r 3 . sup.rvi.or .4 . ... 5 Other .MP1OY.. 59 . . 3 gIP m .$tm Q67 m Q67 Eo YOU think th.r. are w Cm the whole how did YOU f-d &bout this jobv pmbl.m. in being (both. .tude.t-fl a moth.r) (IIworkinamother)v Ye. No . 9 .0 IF YES (9) !hat are the.. probl.mcq .% would You ■w you WWN very ,mtl.fiod. ~ . Sati,fLed 2 Di.aatiafiod 4 very dimmatimfi.d 5 so who look. after (the baby) while y.. am c.tBcho.1 or Did YOU havw mixed f.elin@ about it? 3 (colle~/work)q IF hKFKISGNO.’(YES (9) AT Q5l)ssv’f0Q62 60 Sin.. (thobaby) W- bom havm you tried to & a job, Ye. .9 N. .0 IF YES (9) Could 70. tO1l w tit” 1 2 > 4 5 6 7@ 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 . $’, ,,:, -12# 65 I’oen(Co) .he (h./they)look after any other children 69 h YOUStill_COiVIII.Z thi. (OllYOf tho,o)b.”.fit(,)? (.pnrtfrom your obn)~ Ye. . . . . 9 Ye. 9 NO 0 No . 0 IF YSS (9) Mlich o..(.)? CODS A’IQSS IF YES (9) How many, 70 B.”. YCIU(had my Problem i“ &ting benefit/a) (triedto & ~ 66 w thi./my of th.m. b.mfit, ), Vlmre d... (d.) she (he/they)look after (the baby)? Eer (hi.)home 1 YOU home 2 Other pmnt,. home . . 9 N. 0 IF YES (9) Couldyou tell me whet h.ppen.d~ 3 Other (~CI@ Yee 4 In YOU think your Job prospect.hnve been aff.otedin 67 18d lie next to ask you m. or two qu.mtio”eaboutyour my WUY by the PIW@mmy, Y.a 9 NO 0 71 flnalmial,ittl*tion would you may mn”ey i, * problem for you ., not. IF YES (9) ‘dOWq (Olms Commm Y.* 9 No 0 - SP2cmf) IF YES (9) Could you tell me whz you think that? 68 Sinceyou b.cme Prngnmt (with (the baby))havew receivedany of the followingbenefits AIOP~ .4NIRS=om BAS NO _ (1F BABY DIED OR C$IILD~ OF?ITBENEFITS 72 HAmzc .) or the ~.W -) o short of m+hi.s YOU .eed’ Yea 9 N. 0 maternity allowance 1 NO 0 Maternity &2-allt 2 0 2 0 3 4 0 4 5 0 5 6 0 6 s,Ipplermntwbenefit 7 0 7 would you ear you were better off fim?nc ially, worse off unemploymentbenefit 8 0 s or about the same as them? F&e ~lk and vitamin. 9 0 9 Red or rate rebateor &ll.wfmce y 0 Y Seine 2 AmY other benefit.(sYEc12’f) 0 7 worm. orf 5 ms ● Ca YOU(- .> RJR Q 69 1S’YES (9) WIat em+ of thinsm, * IF DIVORCEDChild?a 8P9Citi Sllowmoe ● IF SINGLEGild benefitmcrewe + Tamily incomeBUpplemnt IF NONS SXIF TO Q70 I 73 C.mpced with people who em about the .me ‘a& a. YOU, F,espo”dentBetter off (A@.) could you tell me why y.” think that” 1 1 2 > 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 . - u , 74 ~ now Of YOIUl.vm.ill@,how oft.” do you ~ 17 Out in . ty@oal vwk? . . SOMOthm _ or both, 0 than o“e evenins cm. ..ning 1 Mui . ... 2 TV. .V.nlnga 5 nun. e.nillga. 4 mu 5 or mom .vmnln&-# 1. tbi. mare oft..,10.. oft.. or about th. .b.foreyou b..- to b. -.pon,ibl. for taking Pm.aution. to ●mid Pr.gnmcy - th. .~, tb mu Never 75 Mm do m“ think m@t ..... 1 Womu, . ... 2 Seth .3 (0’niEs MHT - SFECIW) !Jlydo y.11fe.1 thmt? as pro~ant? hr. often . 1 sm. .2 Lea often (Omm ... 5 78 coMfmT - SFECwf) Did you ha- my ... ,duo&tio”l..aonm, that i., 1..s...bout ..xul interc.atuaor wh.r. babie. come fro., in mchool? 79 Ye. 9 NO 0 tid wai birth control.-r di..uwed 1. w 1...... .t ~ Irmcommmmcsmmsc SKIP m 1P DS (O AT Q.-i~) Ins!rmcmom Bsmm Q Ye, 9 NO 0 (9) Could you t.11 ma how old W. were wh.n you first had l.msorm about birth controlat 71 .chool? $76 b.. W.. lo.k tier the baby .bih You @ out, Can,t -ten.db.r/dons t bow Y*B .. 9 NO 0 . so Sin..YW be.- Prsmult hmvm E . 8 uk.d anyon. for nd”ic.or help about birth control? IF YZS (9) hlo~ IF ~S Ye❑ 9 No 0 (9) a) Wm ha,. you aeked, ~, next few queetlormete about ..X and birth control Some of then. que.tlonmaro about the method.of birth controlyou or your m.rtn.rhe.v.used when havin~ 1‘d jamt like to eay asain that aerialintercotua. ell yuur enr+armm confident id b) Did he (she/they)mention eny Particulexmethod.of birth Control- If thel-.i* any qu.ation YOU .i.n* t w-t to m.tmr jumt *V .0 ~d I,II &m o“ to the mxt one IF YSS (1) h?uch o“es~ Ye. 1 No 2 1 2 5 4 5 6 7’9 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 -1481 &d ●in.. you b.w smzmmt he mmne a8kedw smDEm62mmTTsE~cm if 84 wuld like tivic.or h.lp at-out bifih Oo.tmlv rem Did m W. my methcd of birth oontrc.1 tin yu. fimt hnl ●,xuml int.rc-.? . 9 Y*. .. No. ..O No . ..... 9 . ... 0 C-tt r,-mb.r ...... 8 IF YSS (9) .) k%o mk.d ynu? IF YES (9) a) hlich one? Anythin8.l.,V DK8 w m. pill .,. 1 cw!ii.pbx~ b) Did he (.he/they)mnntio.w .2 Cdl-lo.wintrauterin. rins-IU’D. Smath-nbbar-condom-tix-mnch Particulu method.of birth control, Y.. ... 3 .4 mticd.-fo--tmblo tjsllili ..- 1 9uppo.itorie .-C film-onown No ...2 .. 3 6 f2mlwithdraw+ttie. Cm Sda vrlod-whm IF YES (1) Which cm.., m ,.. 1 .. 8 method other mathod? (sPEC1F2) . No mthod . 0 b) SIF TO Q, 86 82. B YOU fool you tiw -O@ 85. couldyou t-l] m the. whiti .- the fir-t method of birth 64 o.mltrol yvu umea? USSCAD-CCIIWATQ about birth ocmtrolnow or VOu.ldyou llko to hlw mm? 06. _ .. Know .Lumsb would like to bc+ mom 1 ... 2 &out tho t- ymi b.c- preannntwom you md your husband (the babyna father)uming w mathod of birth contrel? 9 Ye. (Omm. CCs2mm - Smcm) .0 no B Cen,t mmomber IF Y8S (9) a) Wch am? us Q h.vthinselse? ckFCl- ~0~ CODE = FfOU 84 b) Iu you think you became pregnentbecaume You didnlt alwaystake 1* (u.. it) 1 You didn*t nlwr.y. ... lt pr-sperlx O= m. method .- 2 5 (mm 83 Ceuldy.. t.11 - how old you Wm +. m= - mm-f) yOU first had ..,q he. tham 15 (SFECIIY) .... 1 2 13 14 .3 15 .. 4 16 .. 5 . 17 18 .. . .. 6 .. 7 19 canIt rememb. r/donSt know . .8 b) So for long had you been b.viw intercoursewithout takingprecaution.UP unt,l you became Pre6n-t7 9 la,. than 3 nmntha 1 5 month. le.. *ha 6 months 6 month. < 9 month. 9 month, <1 you 2 5 4 1 yeex or more (SFSCIIT) 5 1 2 > 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 K v 14 15 -1587 w 1 ch,ck~ 90 Would you aay you intendedto beccma prneant that time or not, bhen did you flr,t think that you ti&t b. Pre@mtt? C- W“ may how many w..k. plW@l~t you welm then . Ye. intended 9 No did not 0 that 1., how long was it ●ince your last period? U“d.r 5 .1 5 1.s, than 6 88 h You ..ins w .2 b.rth ...trol...? Y.. 6<7 3 7<8 .4 9 No 0 8<9 IF YSS (9) !ihioh...- An@Ans elme, .3 Um cm 9 <10 CODES P3R Q 6 10 <11 89 .7 11 <12 USDIG Now YSS NO me Pll 1 1 0 Cap-diaphrasm 2 2 0 IF NO ESTIM6~ 3 0 4 4 0 .. 9 could you %v how many had mi,e,d thenv 3 8 12 m mare (SESCIFr) Coil-loop-int raut●rin. rinsIus . ETJNsKR _ c-, t remnmber/d on,t know 0 %eath-abber-oondo=tiexFrenchletter 5 5 0 Man Vithdrawa-take. CU. 6 6 0 Sd. period-rhythmmethod 7 7 0 h 8 80 .-C film-~ other method, (SI?SCIFf) couldyou any whetherYou have ~ m.thodain the psst~ GO -GH hhat we- your Macti ona when you frr.t thou~t that YOU mist be Pre&nnnt* m.ticti.-fo--tablejellielie.- .99 ha 91 um.d cnY of th.m. LIST ON Cm .4SKTNG ABOUT E.ACEINKFN-0JIEATQ8S S0 ‘.uuldy.. ,W y.. w.10 IF NO Wil?30DOF BIETE CONTFOL~ US131 Couldyou may 1 V.ry pleu.a why you b... n.ver used my method of birth c.”tr.1~ .2 F1eued Upmet .4 Very wad .5 or Did you have wix.d feelinss~ (- c- - mclFr) 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 9 10 11 12 U 14 15 -1692 tie. did you first... a doctor aboutyour - 94 Y., . .. ... 9 NO . YOU we~ then - Under 5 1 5 1,,s than 6 2 6<7 5 7<8 4 8<9 5 9 <10 6 10 ( ?1 1 11 < 12 8 (S7EC1FY) b) How did mu ... 0 thisto you? IF Y2S (9) e) k%. _mt.d this IS, hov lon~ was lt .1”.,your last P,riodT 12 0, mom that you ,hm.ldtry to -t m abortlo”~ or aboutthe po..lbilitythat YOL misht be pneent, Can you may how many week.premmt ktd did anyone~~mt f..l -bout Mm (her/th..) .Ugge.tingthi. to you. IF NO (0) TO Q93 AND 994 SKIP m 0.96 9 95 20 did you try to & au abortion- IF NO ESTIMATS Could you ..Y how many per.oday.. Y., .. 9 NumBER _ had mi.a.~ thenv NO Cm)St renemb.+. on, t know .. 0 0 1s’YEs (9) a) Couldyou tell me what happened, IF I-TITF3R NINE =S OR MOEi (MISSEII TWO OR MOES FERIODS) Could y.. tell w? WhY YOU dititt.0, . 6..*OXbefore then, b) %. did you fe.1 about thi, at tiu tlmoq c) And how do you f..1 about thl. noi!v Nay 1 3..t amk a f.. q.e.tiona*bout&borti.nsnd adoptioz 93 Did you at nny time think of tryirby to @t am abortion, Yes 9 No o IF NO (0) a) C- YOU mw * IF YES (9) Did YOU talk tO ~YODO about t~*’ Yea No 1 Yo” d-id.~ @n9t tryingto got UI abortic..- .2 IF YES (1) a) Wl10with? b) sow do you f..1 -bout tti. now, b) Couldyou tell me what h. (she/thy) said, 1 / 2 5 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 1> 14 15 -17lFBAEYN’QFIKO .5XPT0~ 98 = &id you try to h-n th, baby adopt.d~ Y., 96 .. 9 Did you at any timo think of the bmby adopted? No Ye. 9 No 0 IF Es 0 (9) a) Could YOU tell ma what happ.n.d, IF YES (9) Did you talk to anyoneabout thi❑Y*B 1 No.2 . IF YES (1) a) hbo with, b) Eow did you feel about thi, at the time, b) Could you tell me what he (@he/they) .aid~ c) 97 ha did anyoneauggeetthat YOU shouldhe.. the baby And how do you f.,1 about this now, IF NO (0) a) Can ymu ,ay w >0. deoided a@n.t trying to ha,. the baby mdopted~ 9 0 IF YES (9) a) b) Eow do YOU feel domlt thin U..v b) BOW did you feel abouthim (her/them) .Uggemtingthl, to you, 99 k%em did YOU @ your ~t.-n.te.l.-9 CODE ALL None . 0 ~T EO.pital 1 mY GP,, m~ry IT no =NATfi 2 or health o.ntre nom 4 Other (6TEC11T) 7 cm (0) .) c.~d YOU tell ma VW ~u .ii.dn, t gm to antenatal OUn? IF NO (0) TO Q96 AllIQ97 SKII ‘m Q9y ., ---- J ! b) sKIF TO Q1OI ‘i .- 1 2 5 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 1> 14 15 ~, -l B- ,w 03. Did ynu gn to w hid when did you NO for your first mnt.-n.talvimit~ Can you sw how - ve.k, pm~ar,t youw.= than - prq~,tion cl”,., for childbirth or mothercrtiT that 1., how ions .ss it .ino. yotr l-t P.riodv Y,, . .1 Und.r 8 a 1... then 12 . IF ~S (9) a) bhat did yau thi~ of th.m” .5 16 <20 4 20 <24. 5 24 ox mm., (SFSCIFf) 6 b) % vould you ,a.ythy W= IF NO ESTIXATS Could mu may how many ym hmd mis.ed th.n~ Can,t --mb.r/don, t know OR mEd =S mss FSSIODS) could you t.11 m .0 2 12 <16. IF IEiT FJR S~ .9 No . (~S= ~ V,ry helpful 1 ?e.irly h.lpill 2 or Not wv 8 h.lF.fhV? .5 IF NO (0) Couldyou tell me VIIYyuu didn,tN& OR why you dldn,t &a then, 104 E.” -Y week. Pm~e.nt were P W+UII(th# baby) “m boln~ 101 Did rou w .-i-y tim You ..- m-t to? b,. thm 56 ww.k. (sPSCIFf) . . 1 .. 2 36. . . 9 Y.. 3 NO o 57 Uncmtd.m . 8 58 .4 39 .. 5 40 .. 6 IF HO (0) s) ROW maziytime. did YOU mi989 .. 41 b) W.y w- that? . 42. . . .N 9 43 or mx9 (SPSCIFY) 1? WY ~ ASS Q103 AND Cl06 mE RSST. IF smARAmm, DIWR~ 102. kiut did YOU thfnkof the mte-nate.lC- 7 OR wrnmc SIP ?0 YOU “.rc SiVWIINSI’IWCTIONS SSIWC2 Q 101 am IF SINCIEOR MMWU2ClAm LIVi31G RlST177CT10NS SEFOKS Q SUSSANDSSIP m 110 105. Could YOU toll - k+v you decidedto have the baby dOPt@ S0 wouldmu sw ymu felt .1 Very satisfied Sstlmfl.d 2 Dim,atis fled . 4 v.ry . . 106 Bow do you feel ,bmt the sd.apt 1.” now, .. 5 .X Did you ha- mlx.df.clings●bout i’P . > IF SINGLS0S WRRIED MTD L1TC4CW% INSTRLKX1ONSBSFORS Q 110 NVSEMD =IF m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7B 9 10 11 lz 13 14 15 Now 1,d like to ask you a f.. Weati on. aboutyou snd 112 How 10IIShad YOU been soin.yout with (the baby,m) f .th.r bef.- you becamepre~ant~ ConEs GOING CIIT SOR Q 113 107 108 I09 fir how 10IISha”. you been e.Puated/tiwrced/vldw.dv IF — SD TO Q. 10~ Could you tall me what hqvr,.d, Lem. thm 1 month 1 1 1 month 1.., than 3 mcmthe 2 2 > months < 6 month. 3 3 6 month, < 1 year 4 4 1 ye= < 1% year. 5 5 ~+ Y.=. ~ 2 Y*=* 6 6 2 year. or mom 7 7 (SFECIIT) Wne this beforeo, after (thebaby) wan boin? 113 Before 1 After 2 And for how long had YOU been h.vins 8.x with him beforo Y.. be.=. Presner.t?CODE AT Q112 IF BI%ORS (1) May 1 ask, Is your husband (the baby,. ) 114 father~ xirri. d ~~ Y.8 9 Ye. 9 No 0 No 0 IF NO (0) A% Q110 OWJASDSAS IF RESPONDENT1S -. Save you and (th. baby,e) father talked about @ting CEXCX AN- (Now 1qd l,ke to -k IF YES (9) MI.* was hi. attitudet. 6+*,.K marri.d~ TO Q86 AND IC1-CODE IF NECXSSASY you . f.w queetim,about your husband (th. baby,s father)) I1O k%at ..,. your husband, s (the baby,a fathor,m) reactions 115 wh.n you told him you wer. prewar.t~ Eav. you talked about marriageto (the baby,.) father with onyoneelse? not told him sODE AND ~ TO INSTF?JCTICNS - Q 111 .. 0 Ye. 9 No 0 IF YES (9) n) klo with” 20, would you may he wvery pleaaed 1 PleaBed 2 4 Vezy upset 5 or D,d b. hav. mix.d fe.lingn~ 3 b) ‘#hatdid h.(mhs/they)eug~et~ IF ~STONDFXT 1S AGED = 116 71 bhatdid you feel about him reaotiorm~ 16 =IT TO Q. 111 Can you ,w (the”) why you haven,t married (the baby!m) father, IF IN ANY XIJBT ASOUT TdS BABYSS FATHESVS it4RITALSTAKIS ASS May 1 ask, 1. (the baby,s) fathermerrled to someone 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 -20117. ~ & YO. thm wi.d 122, Did won. YOU ml (the baby,,) & eventuallyor not, of tho r.rowmncy, Y.. 9 Ye, .9 No o No. o IF ~S 11B. gow lonK ~ you W- euggoot thatyou mhould-t”me (9) a) b SU&f8etedthie to yn.~ You b... AVi% OUt wi*h YOVI’huebiand befor-a wi.d~ b) E[OWdid y-m feel abouthim (her/them) GOING OUT m nlug@Btti tum to you’? h.. than 1 month .1 1 month le.. than 3 months 3 months ( 6 month, 6 month. <1 Pex . 1 2 2 3 3 4 .4 I23 1 Y*= c 7+ p-s . 5 5 6 6 7 7 Did YOU at w time think of having the baby tit lv!lelnin.g ,imgl., J% m-s < 2 Y*are 2 years or mom (sFsclFr) 119 fid P“ bnv. me. with you husbandtmf.mnyou W. 1.9 9 No 0 I-O IF IZS (9) Could you nay thy you dec,dei-t thia~ -i,d~ roe 9 No 0 IF YSS (9) fir how 10IISb.foroyou murri,tdid F. htVO B.X with your humband, CODS AT Q!1B 20 124 b YOU. . m=riw h be very happy 1 Quite hmppy 2 Neitherh.pp~ nor tie.ppy 3 Quits happy 4 vner,ala you get mamied~ DITS OF MAFCUAGE a . or V.ry Unhspw Hay 1 were you pr.~mt (OIBESc@ - SFSCIFT) mnrried? Yea 9 No. O Couldy.. tell w why you your marria6n to be _V IF NO SX12 TC Q. 124 21 5 ‘atth. t1.. you the ml” men.. for yu” guttingmu-l-id w- tha pl-omallcy .t that tim.~ Y.. No. 9 .O 125. In “hat“e-y,if d IF YSS (9) Sa do you think that you and YOU husband would havn &vt married,vmntudlr if YOU had mat all, ham your relationshipwith your huebamd (the baby,, father)chan&wd,inceyou becnm. }r+saent (with (the baby)), beoonm PremmIt~ r., 1 No 2 .-. — IF = BESUFCSTKS BABY WAS BO~ 6XP_~-~~ 1 2 > 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 lb . 15 T -21~~TOQ.132 J26. Sin.. (tho baby) was bom has you husband (his~er wbil. you ,,m in labod fmth.r) .v.r Y*. 9 No 0 IF YSS W,. h. do thlm YEs No INA Z-requ.ntl, 0. Occuiondly IF YES (9) Was he tha~ when the baby w,, born? ChWd hi.~er nappy, Y*. ..1 NO 127. % 2 1 0 ~at? 2 0 Fmd l@@ > 0 Bathed Mn/hafl 4 Lhn,eedhi+fi Got up t. I@h.r 8 9 y 8 9 Y 8 9 0 8 9 5 0 8 9 6 0 s 9 7 0 e 9 at vould YOU have liked him to b. th.ra (for morn of th. time - or ma h. with YOU from b.@mning to .nd)~ Ye. - would hew llkedhim (mom) . .. 5 No .6 ~.ra h. be~ to ..d Iac.k.dafter U+.. .. 7 tile ymu-n been Q,,(I molw out for an bu IF MASHED OR ~ WtlE ‘ECSBABY,S FA~ _ ~ lFWUWn’ED~’TUQ13~ Tab. h.i.q%er out IF BABY DIED OR ~ 128 .. ~~ SKP lY2Q1>~ Ss0 (tho baby,,) fathar,... MM (her)in the Imt IF NO (0) AT Q.128 S2JTKIQ 132 ~ IWV Of 3USt the lwt 9.V8D d~, - durins that the has YOU huabnnd (tho b~by,. father)helPedtith ..-. dayl~ Ye. . 9 No o Y2S a) m. .aehingup IF YES (9) a) BOW mmy times? b) 1, that .. 1 r....often than Ugual . . > b) flakhs tho bed. 20 c) Cookills 30 About aver- ~ 2 ❑ eon th. baby 1 week 1... than 2 week. qu . .2 3 ..ek. <1 month ~ 1 month or MOIW asn .. 3 4 b) Eow do you feel about thi,? .5 60 K) W“hlng . 70 h) Ironlns . 80 .l.e~ (S?ECIFY) .90 b ~ *hiUk YOU humbamd (the bsby,B father)Iw.s.h_d ~ - w ❑ ince b.ocmtmga father (thi. time)? r., No 29 % would you like blm to ... (th. baby) (man often, 1.,, often, or about tho mu as h. do.. now)? Like him to ,.. (mm often) . Not like him to ,,. (16.soften) About the seine. lF!CS?Z!S S2K#HISBABYSF.IPTO Q1~ I 5 .2 0 f) SFlopping i) or Pnytti 0 I 2 week, < 3 week, ~ .. 40 e) Scmm.holdzmPtir. IF NO (0) a) !+I,II waa ths Inst tti bc ... (t~ baby)? N.-r .. 10 d) C1.ming More often then uuud NO IF YSS (9) How b you thinkh ha, chmgad~ . 9 .. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 133. Ibea (tho baby,.) futh.zhelp you financiti1y9 135. S- (Ed) h. hd w -her r., ... 9 Ye. No. No.0 .o IF YES (9) a) 9.,. you had any &ting Y., 1 No ..2 TJnivnrmity or Polytechrm 4 TrainingCO1l.m 5 Tbohuical.oll.&.a . 6 Apprnntic..h1p 1 problomshavm you Other (~C1@ had? 1>6 ~ Y., No. . . . .0 Cauld you toll me what job YOU husbend (tho baby,8 father)do.,, (1F -IOYED IF ~S 9 IF l-m (9) h?lat~kll.m~ this? IF WS (1) Wt ed.cationor trainin# OR M ASX dlGUT ~S JOS) 4 3 (4) Couldyou toll M. how much money h, tiv.m you in a Vhat kind of firmor orgmf sationd... (ma) h. typioalw.k? c work for. Can,t know .. 8 IF no (o) .) Eow do you r..l about thim~ lb.. (did)he havn any po.itionof re.pon.ibility (Or .~l.w.)’ .1 .%lf emloyed with emP1oY..m b) so h,vm you tried to get any mon.y f!alfemP10yw3withoutemP1OYO.S l-remM.? --, Y.. No. . 2 .. 5 .4 7 sup.mi war 8 Other employ.. 3 c) Couldyuu t.11 me (whathapPenod) 131 Could You t.11 ma how old your (the bmby,❑ fath.r (why.ot)~ AGE i. and U, date of birth, MY nom YEAR 158. In what countrywu yovr Inwband (the baby!❑ father)bonr 134. Did your humbmnd (*b. babY8m father)1..- u a! h “U ❑oon oIQ .n.ti to do 10, Still at school Left u .... aa old eno.ti Staywdon msl-d md Wale. AT s~LIJL (1) = TO Q, 137 .. . Scotlsnd. . .1 ... 2 ... 3 N Ir,lard .1 .... 4 2 F.iN 3 . Africa. IF ~LL . ... 5 -. -+!”” ‘g’ ... ...... i ~ India,Pakistm: or Bsncl$oe.h. .. 8 went Inti.9 O*h.r (~C71FY\7..:. A&. ~...,.. 4 1 2 3 4 9 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 . 15 7 142. Non. . Churchof ti~lmnd . 0 Y., .1 OtherFrat.etmt . 9 No o 2 IF NO (0) a) What*❑ the Pomitlon~ Famnn Catholic .5 b) Jewi.h P-nta other (mclFY) nevmr married ~ 5 .2_ Parnnts●painted I40 AGE .4 REcosm Parent# divurced 3_ ALL mm Father died . 4_ #lPLY ~th.r did Vnat abouty.auaelf- what i. yuvr religion,if any? Non, .. 5_ .0 Fatherremerried. Churchof Ea@md 6_ 1 moth., mmamlea Othmr Rot.etsnt .7_ ... 2 Otho, (SPECIFY) SOmmn catholic 3 J.wi■h 4 Othnr (SPSCIFY). 8_ . 5 C2EL% EM he (.h./they)rem@rried, 031LSAMVE b) IF CODES 2 - 8 E.. old werw you wh.n IF MY F3L1G1cU4 l!FdTIONSKso Woul& you mw Iwli,glon this h.pp.n.d~ FSCORU f.BOVS i. lFBm T.i-ylqm-tmntto you .1 Jkirlyiqm-tmlt to you .2 or Unimportantto POU9 .. > PAFmPs IE?ADsKrPmc150 14>. tin did VU m.. Y.UI Puant, (mother/f athm) lamtv PAFINTsHO= 111 %.. in laot 24 hour. 141 FA= tit 00w1trp..,. r.. I-am i“? ?dmy<2day, r@ 2 2 3 3 5 4 4 4 1 week <2 week, U@ 5 5 5 2 w..x. < 1 month asn . 6 6 6 1 MO”th < > MOnthm q 7 7 ? 8 8 E 9 9 0 0 2day8<3dw, a@ 3day8<1wnk W ,2 . AUd what coumtrpwsre your yrents boin IIV LWBJECTMOI?3JJB FATBERCOIW &,gland nud Wales .111 .2 Scot1-6 N Irole.nd 1 2 3 2 33 2 . 3 3 month. C 6 months aso . Eim 4 4 5 55 6 6 4 4 6 month, <1 year ago otherEuropem . not .*.” h Africa 6 lut ye= 6 Oth.r coma.”+ (s+’EC1F7) We,t Indiem hdh, Pakint.mor Bn!@ad..h Othar (SFSCIFf) .7 77 8 8 9 99 .9 5 7 0 0 9 IF W3= IENI SKIP ‘M Q141 0 1 2 5 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 . 15 144 E.. well do you & on with pm ~th.r? Would YOU .W very “.11 fdkm,~ your 1 ACE _ .... 2 mn, t know . . Ftirlyw.11 . 149. sow old 1s or Not at all well, .3 150. CouldyMl tell m (MKss Com .. 8 vhat Job YUUX fatherdoe.? (1F - S2SC1FY) mLO~, E$lYRED OR DSA3 ASK ABOUT SIS LAST J02) 145. mat wem your mdher,. roactic.rm when you told her you were plmemlt~ Wmt kind of fim or .r@mmtlon I’m.,(did)b doe. (did)he work for, haw my Positionof re,p.ansibil.ty (o, .mploye.a ), So would YOU eay ,im .8s 1 S.lf emPloyefl with .MP1OY.M very pl.=ed 1 Pleened 2 Salf ●mployedwithout●mP1oyeem .. 2 M-s8r upset .4 V.ry ups.t . .5 . 3 slr+l-dnor 4 Other mz.loyee or Did mh, ham mixed feelinss? (OTEmsc- .5 5 - SPECIFY) 13 BOTS P-S 151. w(.. ) w ~ S?CTPTO RISTSDCTIONSRSFUB3 Q152 P=.nt. (m.ther/fath.r) help rJU fin-. itilyv Y.. 9 No 146 .0 EOW old i, YOU mother, AGE _ IF YE5 (9) So do(.,) they (h+) Iar., t how .. 0 & money re&-.l.lar1y? Y.. 1 IF FA’i?3ER DFAD SKIP TO Q150 No.2 147 E.. hell a. YDU set on with Yom f.therq Wovld you my. IF FA13SR (RS)MAKWSZ!ASS QI52 V.ry W1l 1 Fairlywall 2 IF H= ALL~ or Not *t all well? (KS)— ASK Qlfi SM7P lVQ154 .5 (OTExsC-c2mmT. mclw) 152 %3” well do you @t cm with YOU step-mothm~ Would YOU -Y 14S, fiat w.ra your father,.reactiona b. you told him you Vely well were Plnsmllt? . .1 Fairly “,11 . .2 or Not at all well? ... 5 (criT4xmcOlmlFm - P2EC1FY) So would YOU may h, “SS 155. SoW well do you @ Vmy pleamd . on with your .t.I+fatherq Would you . 1 SW ?leaemd .. 2 Upmet .. 4 Very well ... .. 2 Fairlywell very Up*et cm Did he ha”, mixed foolin@ ? . .. 5 3 or Eat at all wellT 1 . .. 5 (OIflEs CtmmnWT- SFECIST) ~ (Oi’msCOlmsrr- .WSC12Y) f 1 2 > 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 . 15 -25154 ~ Y.. have any brother.or aietero? Ye. No 9 o IF YEs (9) .) could YOU tell MO their name. and a&ne~ b) F& _ (Hsve nny of them) e“er be.n married, IF YSS ho, c) Io(e#)_ (my of them) have an-vchildranq IF YES Whoq FOR Em SIBLINGmcmc i) ! ohildrwndoe. _ havm~ ii) How old la hl, (ho,)child (.aide.t oluld)~ NAlt% AGE HARRIED Ye, 6NY CSII.DPIN, NT13ES OF No Y.. No 1 1 2 5 4 2 ? 2 3 4 3 7 2 3 4 4 1 2 > 4 5 7 2 3 4 6 1 2 > 4 7 1 2 3 4 8 1 2 3 4 9 1 2 3 4 10 1 2 3 4 cKIIrJHm AGEOF CHILD (OLDESTC5D) $ WJ2 ‘m INsl’mwmcm 3Esom Q. 12 $155 ~ 1 check, Sinceyou @t home (Sinceten day. fi,r th, broth)have you Id w help in lookingtiter (th. bi+by) fmm MIST ms ‘fo~ true.bmd(tho babyCa father) 1 YOU mother 20 No ~LFFJL IF YES (9) Wht Withq 0? 2 Your mother-in-law(the baby,s father,s mother) .303 YOVI-.i.ter(.) or sistdo )-m-law (the baby,. father, m si.tors) hy .th.. aati.. 156. Would you have lik.d nny mom h.lp~ (5TEc.Iw) 40 4 505 Fri.nd*., m L#lb.ur, 60 6 ~yo.. .1..9 (~cIFf) 70 7 IF MOB THAN 0~ - Wm. haa b... the mod helPfulV Y*. .9 No. O 1 2 > 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 ‘ . $157 khat &,.. -26- enjoymoat aboutb,ims a .o,,.,v fiSKIFN7Q163 :165 tit & P. think you wuld b. doir.s,if yvuvd not hal the babfl d 158 And that do YOU dialik.Mont .baut it? 164. Eow do you fe.1 about thim, 160 IF B6BY DllDoB~=TTJQ. 159 b YOU thlIIkYOU lUVO ch~d in w WW .fllCO beoo~ a mother ( t-)? r.. ... 9 165 No. tit dvioe would yuu sin to .-MU .1.. who be.- ..o p-mant in ■ imilar circnmtmc.m to P.- 17 YES (9) E.” do YW think YOU ha,. chsngmd~ 166 160 - Y~ t~~ t~t w Wb find. W- ●h is PNSnd Iookti back t. tho time whmn YOU foundw. wozn Pm-t when mho do.. not want to b. shouldbe able tO & (withthe surveybaby) - on btimc. havo thingswork.d abortionif sb, want. it? an Yes out .1 titter thu, you ,qect,d then no or Worse than you expectedthen~ .. . 0 G21alifi.d . . 2 AS You .~..t.d tb.n 9 8 3 IF NO (0) on mmsmm IF CODES 1 or 3 In what ww W, d. m t- (e) k w.t .izm.t~..., . ~= .h~d if b. .bl. t. sst ~ ,b.fiion? 161. Tak.n togetherwould you de.cribothe way thingsam 167 reins for you thew day. u V.ryw.11 . wt. ..11 Not too w.11~ 162 .. 1 To obsnse soma Pert. of it or % chm m&my Port.of it, IF CODES 7 OR 8 In what my, “ny . YUUtti VU Will havm allYPartictiz problems during tha lust ywd 2 Y., ... 9 .. 3 Eo. o so thinkinsof how YOU life i, SUinsmaw, woula you wi,h It to COlltillU. in MUCh thm ,- B . 6 .. 7 .8 IF YES (9) kh.t problemsdo YOU t- YOU will ha-? 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 T ~ 160. 1. ‘h*m WUW that YOU vOtildP-tlculedy like to do, 170. How long a tim muld ZDU liko (ha- liked)to havm or to swt, or to .avo up for in th. n.xt y.u-~ bet-on (the b-by) mmd the next baby? I Y.. 9 No .. 0 ~ Y.= 1..8 than 1+ yearn . 2 ~+ P=* IF Yss (9) hhat~ Anyihing•l.e~ 771 169 1 h.. *ham 1 mar ~ 2 P- .3 2 P-m < 5 P-9 .. A 3ymu. <4 yearm. 5 4 Y@. .r MO- (SPECIFY) 6 WIIYdo you Prof., to ha- FIR next child th.n~ DO Y.. hOP. YOU ill h-u mY mom children? r.. .1 no 2 Unc.rtti . ~wt ... 5 .4 now . 172. S0 CE, PU Catl, t L- any mom . ■qf ●bout how _ chilbn YOU would liko 5 to h.w altowther? IF HO (2) a) Can YDU tell - why FU feel like that? 775. And how mmy b-aymm.d how many girl. muld y.. Ilk. to hn altog8thm? BOYS GISLS b) Ib yOU thinkyou mi@t ever than@ m TOTAL mir.d~ 18fimit.lynot ... 0 Po..ibly IF UNCERTAIS(j) Wht sort of thiw .1 m.i.@tInfluonc. YOU ... .aY or tIM .th.r- IF IWS NCT WAFI ASY MOSE (2) OR C4X1TSAW AliTHORS (~ SKIP TO GKSFNSEZST b’wmmamnmmsou mscsmsi S3EtT 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 u 15 33 14 15 ‘w . i. ImEmTmm To KEcorm ti) i) Int.qmt.r wed Y., .. 9 No, O Fio,Pcm&”twfllincfor husbmd (the baby,B fatner)to b. i“t.rvi.w.d 1,, 9 No 0 m Ea.e.suantof mothers. FJ@i.h, Int.rvi...r” N,tiv. ..1 vii) RwPona.nt qmntu,.ously asked to be Infotm,flabout Not n.tiwm &vod . ... 2 the zwsultm, fdr . .. 3 Poor 4 none .. 5 iii) I.-&l of Int.l+ew hm. thm 1 hour . . .... 1 2 .. 5 .. 4 .. 5 6 .7 8 iv) P.opl.pmm.nt . . 0 None ( CnildN” (aPd .. 1 from b-by) 2 (tho babyt❑ father) . .. 3 Adult ral.ti%m.,f.mal. Adult rolatim., mde 4 Adult fri.nd., 5 Adult friend.,male 6 other (2P2c1Ff) v) Respondent.illin&to b. intm-ri.vede&aln r.. Na .9 . .0 Ye. 9 N. 0 -.—. . —. —.— ——-— . . —.. . -—. .. .—- .—— ——. -- . . . SN: a75 1 I SS 1148 cmFflmT1a YWNG K“J’llCJRS ANI FA~RS SWRV2Y Father.Cm etiom=re ~ NAM3 mm mm AUT2. NO. DAY mm YEAS ! from SocialsurveyDivinion,wiu.h 1. a bnvenunentrn..arohorganiaetion. w. are doing a INIROLUCTION 1 em _ study for D88S mboutthe .1... and .Xp..i.ncenof young mother., to ... whetherthe service.providedfor tb.m .ould b. imProvodin any way k A. part of thle study,we would ala. lik. to talk to father. who save .. Fur name .. her babyto father)and 1 wsuld of our inte~l.ver. hns talkedtO (YUtU“Lf.) (_ th.r.fon like to talk to YOU about Fur view. and becominga fath.r Anythinsthat you tell w in .trictlyco.fide”tial- it till “ot b. pans.d cm to your wife/@ rlfrie”d.. to any....1.. and .. nams. am ev.r ua”tionedin an.vmp.rt which in p.blinh.d 1‘d lik. to begl” by askinga fow questlormaboutYVU, .. 1 your h.aumins situationmnd the job YOU &, or YOU 2 ..hoolor coil.m if yun uo a student 3 1 could p. t.11 ❑ . how old YOU ars and your dat. of .. 4 birth? 5 Under 18 (2PEC1FY) 1 1s . 2 19 . 3 Vmt i. your rel.gim, if nny~ 20 .. 0 None .3 1 Churchof Fm81emd .. 4 21. . .5 OtherFrotastant.. .2 22 . .6 &man Catholic.. .3 25 . .7 Jewish . .4 24 .8 Other (SF8C1FY) .5 . 25 end over (SPECIFY) 9 IF ANf IC4L1C1ON MIT!PC1ONED Vould you ❑ ay that DAY MON~ YEAX rellgio”is “m “F”” ~ Very importantto you .. 2 Fdrly importantto you or Umlmportantt. you, 1 .. (Ores cOiWiFIVI - sFEclFf) j 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 1> 14 15 . 4 27 Uht countrywere y.. born 1., w And what countrywere you’ parent.boxn in, SUBJECT CODE FA~ MOm ihglmd and Wale. . 1 1 1> Scotlmd .. . 2 2 22 N Irelnnd 3 5 3 3 Eire 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 Africa 6 6 6 6 west Indle, 7 7 7 7 8 8 88 9 9 9 OtherEurorman . % who Ii”,, w,th YOU here in YOUI househo1d7 5 1 2 6 1 2 India,Paki,tnm or Banglad..h . Other (BPECIFT) 5 1 understandthat your wif. (glrlfri..d)ha baby Vlat,m the bsby,m name, -ES 9 1’1 11121 just had NAhE(S)- IQ NWI SECOSD ON GZWTIONNA1RE 6 Have you yourmelfet any other childr.n~ Ye. 9 No O CKSCS w th.r. ue _ of you altogether IF SUSVEYBABY 1S LIVINGWITS KSSFONDEN’I ~lP TO @ IF YSS (9) a) How manyq — 8 b) Could you tell w Could you tell me where (the baby) i. I.vzng, this child,.(their) date(e)of birth ad sex, DATE OF BIRTS m m PEMALE 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 DAY YEAR mNm Baby livingwith hi.(her)mother 0 Baby died . 1 Baby adopted . .2 Baby in hospital .5 Baby livingwith fosterparent. 4 Baby l.ting in a home 5 elsewhere(STECIIY) 6 c) May I .ek - do all your childrenhave lF BABY IN HOSI’lTAL(3) Has (the baby) the ma. mother, r.. 1 No 2 bee” in hoaPitaJall the time a,nce hi. (her)bn’th~ 7 NO 8 IF B6BY 1S DEAD, AIx3PTED, LIVING lNTERVIFWERNOTi EL5WHEPLEOR SA2 B~ (i e x,, IN HOS?lTALSIN’CS BIR~ CODEI 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 OR 7 ABOVE)OMIT ALL QUBSTIONS_ $ 12 5 4 5 6 18 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 -39 MASITALSTATJSCESCS 12 7 Single -d t. the ❑W.Y k-d to ....0”..1.. h 1 check, Have YOU tried to find mcmewhere.1.. to 11”.? 2 baby! Y** 9 No o 5 IF YES (9) a) Wlmt problem, if any, have YOU haA Harriedto the .-Y baby,e mother 4 in tryinsto find .omawhera,1.. to llve- tiled to .cmeon..1.. 5 Non, %parat.d fm. the -ey Zqarat.d from eon.... .1.. 7 Divorcedfrom the .urveybaby,.!mther 8 D.vorced fr-m .omeonee1.. 9 IF IIJAN1’-T b) b ABOUT~lCS TO CODE ASX MUY 1 ?.mk? you still tryingto find emevhern .1.. to 11”., k, you ensnsed (wied/.ep-at,d/tivorced) to (from)(the baby,s mother), COIIE6BOVE IF CO12JS5, 7 OR 9 sELmE ALL mmm SMTL221CmJTumm 10 m YOU ox r= m NOT To m QO-SSTIQWm msmmm’r, 1 6 baby,,~th.r Y.. 7 No 8 Y.. 9 No 0 m s (m) mm h.u..h.1d.~ or ret t~a h.u.e (flat)? IF H2NT 1, thmt from the councilor pr.vat.1~ C1.n 1 Fw”t council 2 IF KSS (9) Sal m ‘w p or am you IF NO (0) Az. you at schoolor S.ll. Sent prlvatel~ .3 unemployed, Other (S?ECIFY) 11 . 4 school 1 2 Uneqloyed > Would you sw this house (flat)IS very m.itzble, fdrly suitableor ratherurmdtable for yam preeentneed.v IF AT COLLEGESKIF TO Q1‘( Very mdtable 1 Faf,ly,Uitabl, 2 F&her vnmlt able 3 IF IINE3FLoYE0 SIP ‘IOQ22 74 Wnen do you P1an to learn ,chool~ Will it be (h moon ma you - (Om 16) 1 COMMENT- SFEC12T) After taking CSE,a 2 After taking ,0, level, 3 After takins CA, 1.,,1. 4 or At some other t.m.? (slSCIF’f) 5 IF SAT&ES. U’NSUITAB~(3) In what ..Y .. your houee (flat)ratherUnauitablev 1FA2TER, A- IJWELS-TOQ 15 16 fiat do you feel about leavins BcJIool at that etaauv 1 2 3 4 5 6 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 . .4 16 a fiat d. you want to do when you leave .chool? 1. t!i. the mm. .. YOU wanted to do beforeyour wife (~rlfr,end) becnmepregnant (nth (the sur.eybabY)) or had you .ntendedto do eonethmg .1..7 .%me . . . ...l sa.etiungelse sxzPm 17 Q21 IF 20KSTd1NGEfSl (2) fiat had you Intendedto do? tit courseare YOU te.lung’? ‘A lW.lS, . .. . . 1 2 SKZP lU Q ~~e. . . a . ... 3 other (2FECIFY) .. . 4 22. Ind you leave mhml do m 18 2 or lid ym .. 8... as y.. were old enough to .tty m? And where are y.. etudylng, Left ma 8..” n6 old enoub . . .. 1 VI form college. . .. .. . 1 Stayed.. . .... .. colle~eof furthered”catzon. .2 Polytechlc .3 . .. . 2 IF AGED OVER 19 SKIP T3 Q 24 Unlveralty .. . .. . ... . 4 ...... . Other (SPECIFY) . .. . 23. my 1 check? Did you leave echoolbefore or after your . ...... 3 wfe (g?. rlfriend)hemme pregnant(-th (the survey baby))? 19 md YOU e .trtightfro. ..11.6.7 Before Ye, . .. 1 9 After . No 2 .. 0 IF ATT2R (2) Dld you leave at the .ame tme .. you II f?2(0) What &d you do in bet”..”? wantedto beforeyour *f. (gmlfrzend) became pre~~t or had YOU ,.t..dedt. .tw .. 1.ns.r7 Left when l“te”dedto Intendedto st&y o“ 23 tit do Y.” want to do when you 1~.V, college? 24 R.Ve YOU had w . 4 .. 5 furtheredu..ti..or tr~.i.g? Ye. ‘3 No 0 IF YSS (9) ‘wht, / Where? Univereatyor P.alytecbnlc Tral”lngcollege . Tecbn,cd College @Pre.t..e*1P . .. . . . - Other (=ECIFY) 23 HOW mow full-tuneJob, have you had s,.., you left school, IF Nom a) Could you tell .. why that 10? b) SKIP’10Q29 . 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 1> 14 . 15 -526 What .s your present (wan Your lad 28 f.11-t.meJob? Lnd for how long have YOU been do.”g tlm. yob7 Less than 3 month. 3 month.> 1 YeU 1year>5yeer8 mat kmd M f,,. or o.-gan,.at,o” do (d.d) you . . 2 ..3 4 5 yearn .r ~re IF IA9S ~N work forq - IF - Ix - 1 1 YEAR AND LAD MJSE THAN Om JOB (Q 25) ASK a) mnd b) MI 0K2 JOB (Q 25) ASK b) .) Can you tell me why y.. changedyour Job then? (In. d) you have any po.ztlonof reepone>’ (or Wployee.)? Self-employedwith employee. . . 1 Self-employed w,thout.MP1oY,... .. 2 Manager . 3 b) (SO)h... you (changedyour Job) (startedwork) 4 .I.c. your tnfe (Srlfr.end) becamepresnat .. . . . . . S.perv.eor . . . Other emP1oyee .... . . (with (the mu.ey baby))? ... 5 Ye. ... . 9 27 On the whole how do you (ha you) feel about thl. Job? No. IF YZS (9) Are you no. .O the job the.t you wanted to do beforeyour -f e (gmlf,>end) becameprepant or had YOU mte.ded to do .ometh.ngelse? S. .0.16 you MY you were Job wanted +. & very sat,sf,ed .. . . . . . .- .... ..,ng ,1.. . .%t,mf,ed . . . . . .. . . . . Very tieaat,af.ed. . . . .. .. 2 2 (0’1’EmR co- Dtss.tlaf, ed .. 1 . 1 - SZCIFY) 4 . . . . 5 IF S0fCW2Z$GELsZ (2) h%at had YVU intended or Have y.. (Did You have) sot mixed to do+ feeling.about it? . 3 IF GN2?LPL0YED SSIP ‘M Q. 2Y @29 EC YOU tlunk beconunga father (this has affected y..r prospect.,. ~Y UC@ Ye. No. IF ‘fS2(9) How IF U~WILWZt 2X1P ‘IO22X.OND PART OF Q IF AT SCHCOLOR cOLLEGESKIP IO Q 32 P . 9 O { 1 2 . -6P. 34 Have you ever been unemployede.... 1..vI.sschool? Yes 9 No 0 Could you tell me how much you earn (money Y.. tmi..d .eek ., after,..e? Lmsc WNTA IF YE.?(9) For how long altogether(Incl”tingthe Pr=nt set) ,. a C_ 0.,?..,..) have YOU been unemployed? 35 l%mk.”s ... of YOU. eve”,ngs,how oft.. do you P out ,“ AL’PKSTFZX Tk3S L4ST TINS a typicalweek? Less than 3 months . . 1 1 . 2 2 6 month.< 1 year 3 3 1 y.- O, ~re 4 4 Never 3 mo.the~6 month. . . . . 0 Somet.mes> one even,ng . 1 0“, eve”,ng 2 w. ,“,.,.s. . 3 %,, 4 IF NO (0) OR IF WOFXRIGNWJ SKJ2 ‘lU~sTIuICT1~S SSIU~ u 31. And for how long have you bee” unemployedthis lad t,.,? COtiSAT Q F.”, or nor. even,”ga 1,d l,ke next to ask YOU o“, or two quest,...about 32 . . 5 30 36 y.., f,”mc,d .Vemllga 1. thie mare often,lee. often or about the came u before w., =fe (Prlfrmd b..- Prepmt? b,. often .Imat,.a” Ssme Would YOU .ay money ,. a problemfor you or not? Y,. No (Om .. .3 9 (Om . . . .. ..o Com 2 Less often ..... .. 1 mMlmNT - SPFZIFY) - s?sclm) IF IXSS OFTSN (3) How do y.” feel about that? IF YSS (9) Couldv 33 tell me why you think that, The next few q.eetionsare about m. and bzrth cor, trol. Comparedw,th peopleho are about the .ame age as you, Some of thee q“e.tlo”.are about the methods of b,rth wouldyou SUY you were betteroff fi.anc,ally, worm, controlYOU or your Dart”erhave used when havx”g .exunl off or about the same an them? SO.pmde”t Better off . . 1 S&m . .... . Voiwe off (Again)could You tell me utw YOU thinkthat? . 2 .3 intercourse 1,d just l,ke to say agmn that all your anew.,.are If there .e any queatuar, you do”,t want to anew., J“St .ay so and 1,11 go o“ to the next one 37 WI. do YOU tiumk Ou.@t to be req,o”mble for tak,”g preca.t,.n.tO ~v..d Pr.@~.y - the .m, the ...= or both? Man 1 woman . 2 Both . 3 (urms mmfctm - SPECIIT) hby do ymu feel that, 1 2 3 4 3 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7. 42. ~ sw f..l YOU ~.. ...wh 1...... about●uuti inte.mur.eor whmm babies co- vould you like to know wre, tin, in echool~ Y.. . 9 No .. ..o ever diwctm. ed in w 39. And was b.rth c.antrnl about birth oontml now cm k.. .nougb 1 Wczuldlike to know non 2 (0’lmsco- - SFSCIFY) 1.B.o.. at BChoolv IF WOJLC LIXS TO KNW MO~ Y., (2) mat would YUU like 9 to know mor. about, No. IF YTOs(9) m .O AGED 19 OR UNIIEs could you tell ma how old you we- tin you firmthad 1...... 43 CouldYQ. toll me how .li p. era when YUU first had aboutbirth oontrol at .cboo1~ .I@ Can,t ~n.mber/don,t how e h,. than 13 (sPSCIFf) .. 1 2 1> . 40 Sinco your wif. (girlfriend)be.- pr+nmt ham 14 .. = ~k.d wn. . 3 for ndtic.or help aboutbirth .4 15 .. oontml~ 16 . r., . 5 9 11. . 6 18. . .. 7 No .. .. 0 IF YES a) k%. hava YOU d,d? 19. . ... 8 - Cmn t member/dontt know ... b) Did ho (nbn/they)mentionmy particular s6nn REsFOmfNT mCQlrrsACImlVE .. 9 CAsD method of birth control, 44 Ye. . Did you “.. sw -thod of birth mntzwl when you flr.t 1 had eexualint,rooume? Ye, . .. 9 No .. .. 2 IF Y7dS(1) W* N. 0 Can,t remember 8 ‘ano,~ (02ms Cm4msrl’ - SPECIFY) IF Yss (9) a) bhich one? Al@blng •l,e~ us 41 And aim. your wif, (girlfriend)becameprn~mt me pill ~Wn. CAsD has .... 1 asked YOU if YOU would like eny adviceor help C.p-dlapbrw 2 Coil-loor-intrauterine rins-IUC 3 mu ath-mbber-co”dou-tix- Frenchletter 4 aboutbirth contm17 Ye. 9 No .0 Chemical a-fo_t ableta-jelliea- IF YES (9) a) h%. ankod you, eu9poeit.rie .-C fihz-~ Nan WIthdrawa-t tie. CE?E Safe period-rhythmmethod b) Did ho (si+hoy) mention any b .*herm.thod~ (SPSCIYY) . .5 6 .7 8 pruticul- method of birth control, Yes. .l No IF YES (1) khich ...., ..2 No method . b) SKm ‘M Q, 46 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 LA. . . .,. . -048 45. CouldYOU t.11 ma then whioh was the first method of bitih cmtml you uned~ USE CAFn - ~E ~ P. .sti w .etbd of birth control.... YU!..9 AT Q. 44 No 46. Found about tho time YOU wife (@rlfYiend) be.Pm=~t IF YZs (9) Winch one, @ttung (~th (t~ =iuwmYbaby))-re ,itherof You u-h w No ... .... mcosn cons ~ Usmc .. 9 .. . Cmtt remember IF Yss (9) a) Iklickl ml.? 0 el.eq U5S Cm ~th.a Of biflh oontnlq r.. . .. IIM. ..y Nod 0 m. pill . 8 cpdi AnythingC.lB*. *hI-@ . Coil-loop-intrauterin. rin,g-IU’D ~OH Q. 44 Wmss mR Q 49 X?S 1 10 2 2 3 30 ~,ath-zubber-ccmdom-tixF-l’e”*letter NO 4 0 0 b) Lb P. think youz wifa (girlfriend) beoame pnvamt b.cmme 50 6 60 Safe p.riod-r~lm mthod . 7 7 0 - 8 E o Nan withdrawn-t akem c&w You (me) dib,t dw.ay.take it (u.. it) .. You (m.) didn,t Slway.U.. it P~P=lY . . 3 . ., 1 . .. 2 or lb. method “U unreliabla~ . .tbr -th.&T (ST@CIFf) . 3 (C’mxscCmlTlrI - S2SC1FY) 49 6nd could you .W have ~ method,in tb pad? IF NO (0) a) W w ... it thatyou were not using for how long had yuu been h~”~ intercom, vithoutany up until yvur vife (girlfriend) be.- pn~-t~ Less then 5 months 1 3 month. le.. than 6 month. 1 48 method? * 47. Hay GO lTiFOUGE LIST ON CAHO -G 6B5JTIikm~~-CODEATQ IF NO ~OD b) % ue.d any of the.. . .. z 6 < 9 month. 3 9 E-antha<1 yew 4 1 ye= or mom 5 (SPEc~) check, Would YOU sw YOU intsn&e&your “ife (slrlfri.nd) to becomeprepant tbe.ttime or not? Yea intended No-aid not... .. 9 o OF Bn~ YOU ham Mwr @NTSOL .m*d w TJSCO tiuld you may method of birth control, 1 2 5 4 5 6 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... . . . . , , -973 tint .ere your reactmna vhen you first ses.llz.d that IF BABY AKPI?ZU2KiT TO Q. 5i 52, YOU ~f. (drlfii.nd) .- m-mt’ (And)did you at any time think that your vlf. (girlfriend) Ye. ..9 shouldhavm the baby dnpted? No. SO would you eay you .,,, IF YES (9) a) Could you tell me wby you thoughtth,.? Very PleUed . .. Pleased ..O . . . . . . . .. . 2 4 . V,- upset 1 . . . . 5 or Czd YOU ha.. mixed feellngs~ 3 b) So &d you auggeeten adoptuanto you’ bafe (gIrlfrie.d)7 (OTHERC!’3K!5NT - 2m!.clFY) Ye, . No 1 .. .. 2 12’I-Es(1) i) mat were your rife,. z. Lad you at any tm,e think that your Wife (gulf r.emd) [@rlfriend,s) reaction. ehould t?y to get an abort= ..? to the? Ye. . 9 No 0 .. IF YES (9) ,) Could you tell me why YOU thou@t th,e~ .,) And how d,d you feel about her reactionsto tiie~ b) So &d you eug2eatto your nfe (ezrlfrie.d)that ehe should try to @ an abort...? IF !k3(2) Could you tell w..then why you Yes .... 1 &dn, t mlgge.tthis to your No wife (gulf riend)7 ..2 IF YES (1) 1) what were your mfe,. (8,rlfr,end,s) react,... to till B? .>) And how &d you feel about her react,... to thle. IF N) (2) Could you tell me then why you &dn* t mg~est the to y..r ~f e (@’if r.e.d)? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 @ 9 10 11 12 14 13 I . 15 . .s. . ..4 . . . .10 53 Trmk,ng now about the the baby ... born were - 56 Have you seen (the baby) in the last seven days, Y.. mth YOU, =fe (~rlfr,end) at any d.r,ns Ye. 9 her lab..,? No 0 Yes 9 No 0 IF YE (9) a) How many tune. b) 1S that IF YSS (9) Were YOU therewhen the baby w.. born? MOre often than usual 1 3 Y,. 1 Less often the.ru6ual No 2 About ,“,,,s,, . . 2 IF NO (0) a) When ..8 the last t,., you .,, 54 Wouldyou have l,ked to ha,, been there (for .0,, of the (the baby), t,.. . 0, were you there from beg,nn,r,~ to end)7 Ye. - wauld have l,ked to have been there (more) 5 No .. .. 6 .. . .. ..... There from be~nnir,gto end . . . . . Ne%mr .... the baby 0 1 week 1.s. than 2 week. a@ 1 2 w.,ke < 3 week. agv .2 5 weeks <1 month w .. 3 7 1 month or more +m 55. Ezd you @ to any Preparation.1...,.for fatherhood? Yee 9 No. O b) Il..& 4 you feel about not Beeins (the bmby) (s.noe then)? IF ITS (9) a) Wnat &d y.. th,mkof them? 57 b) So wouldyou any they .,,, c) ~ Very helpful . ... 1 Fairlyhelpful . 2 or Not very htlpful~ 3 often or about th. ._ IFmSE12T~B6BYSKp~Q $SXnrne @n, to if you hed wanted to? Y*8 . 5 6 No . Don*t hm.v .. 7 IY YEs (5) kil.y dldn,tyou me OR ~= lF_lW’19E ~IF ‘M Q. 58 u you & now), Ye. or mom often . 1 No or 1... often 3 About the same 2 lU INSTFUCTIQJSBE2V~ Q. 56 IF NO (0) Wera the- any C18S8e,you oouldhave IF BABY B~ So WOuld YOU like t. Bee (tha baby) (moreoften, 1..6 sXIT’TO DJsTRVCTIUJSBETD~ Q BABY,SMOiTER ORLIVINGWITE HER @59 61 61 h bdnnco wuld YOU describe(the baby) as A V.V emy baby to look after 1 A ftirly.&ey baby to look art.. 2 A rather difficultbaby to look after. 61 . 3 r 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 -f -11- $59 $63 Ea.. YOU helPed in lookingalter (the b,by)? Ye. .9 No .. 0 And what & YOU di,likomoat about it7 IF NO (0) AT Q IF YXS (9) Row ha- you h.lped~ $64 56 2NIT TO Q. 6L lMr.kinsnow of jumt the laet mew” day. - dw~ that time havm you helped you’ wife (girlfri.”d)with, YES a) Li60 So ha- you evnr (Can 1 IF YES NO DfM YSS Co .v.. ban) YOU do ttia The washi~ UP 10 b) Mmkins the beds 20 c) Caokin& >0 d) C1eaninS.. 40 a) EoumeholdrePtirm . 50 F80que.tlyor Occasionally f) . ~ g) walling .6 .,d h@.r~ 4 0 8 9 timed 5 0 8 9 .. 80 .) or Anything.lmo~ (SPECIFf). lFmRNmN$an boked tier tile you wife Y girlfriendhas been out for em hour or mon” 6 0 8 9 Take” hi+, out u? 7 0 B 9 65 0 10 h) Irmuns hud/herT NO . .9 0 TO Q.6Z IO YUU helP (tho baby’● ) mother rinaucielly~ Y** ... 9 Nc. . ..O IF YES (9) 8) Row do YVU feel about tti., 61 Would YOU ow YUU felt reeponniblofor (thebaby1S) Y.. ..g welfare, No IF YES (9) tn what wW~ 0 b) So do ycm gi- her umney ~.@s=lY? r.. . No. IF Es 4 . 5 (4) Could you tell me how mmh money you give her in a IF NO (0) could typicnlweek, you tell me why YUU don‘t feel c_ Don,+ know . IF NO (0) Could YOU t.11 ma why YOU don,t help her finnncially~ .s 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 14 13 . 15 -1266 Do you think your Wfe (girlfriend)has changed1. 71 Can you any (then)why you haven!t me.rr,ed (Ym enY ww sl..ebec.mng a mother (tht. tree), r.. 9 No 0 IF ES (9) ROW do you think ah. ham chwd~ 72 @rlfiiend)’ Se do y.” think you and (yourgirlfriend)WL1l set marr,ed eventually.x notv IF B#BY ACCIPTEE ASK Q FOR REST —! slaP m 67and Q6!3 IF SINGIISUP ~ Q Yes 9 No ... 0 Q 7’? Q IF NARRIED, S131RATSDOR DIVORCED DAY SKIP 21JQ. 72 ‘Am 0’ -AGE 67 mNTH YEAR C333 Couldyou tell me why you and your WIfe (gu-lfr,e”d) May 1 chock? we. YUUX wife Pr%!memtat the time you dec,dedto have the baby adoPted, Ye. 9 No. ..O 1FN06K=TQQ 68 76 flowdo YOU feel about the edoptuan.0W7 74 Was the PreEnancythe -. ,,..0” for your &nttin& murled at that t=me? Yea No IF IF UAP.RIED , =ARA’TED OR DIVORCSZSYJP ‘IOQ 7> YES 9 .. .. 0 (9) So do you think that YOU and y.”. mfe would b“, et married CVent”allyIf 69 Have you and (yourgirlfriend)talked&bout getting she had “ot becme piegnnnt? m-l. d ~? Ye. No .. 1’,, 1 No ... 2 9 .. 0 IF YSS (9) Vhat was her attitudeto Eattug marriod” 75 Ead anyoneaggec.tthat you nhould get marr.adbecause of the pregnmcy? 73 Rave you talkedwith a!yoneelse aboutmarzlaaeto IF YES (9) a) h%. -stcd Ye8 9 No. O tbia to YOU, (Your Elrlfrlend)with anyoneelee~ Yen 9 No 0 b) BOW d,d 70” IF FE.?(9) a) WiIonth? feel P.bOUth,m (her/them) s“gge.t.”gtillsto you? b) what tid he (she/they)e“gseat? IF MMIIISZlU OR SiTAF.ATSD 2FLOHSDKSOICi OTESR I%AS ~ BASYISKfIESR (LODES5 MI 7 AT Q AGED UNES 16 S.11 TO Q, 72 9) OR IF 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I -1376 l,d llke now to aak a few quest,...aboutyour famzly Do you Consideryour marr.age to be very happy .. 1 ?0 Qnte happy . . Are your parentsl.vlng together? 2 Yes Ne,therhappy nor unbaPPy 3 Cylteunhappy 4 . 9 No . .. 0 IF ?0 (0) a) WhatS. the pocatxon? or very unhappy 5 b) AGE (Om ~HJfSt?l’ - SPECIFY) Parent.never married 1 Psrent8 .eparated 2_ Parent. &vorced 3 _ RECORD ALL Father tied 4_ THAT PFFLY Mother d,ed . . Could you tell me why you cmuuder you, .c,I.E, to be 7 . 5 _ Father (re)marr,ed . 6 _ Father (re)mnrr,ed .. 7 _ Other (SPECIFY) CESCSE- ho(.ho/they)(- )mmied~ 7? happ●ned? *f. (parlfrlend)chnngedsm.. ah. becamepregmnt FCscom mom IF EOTH PARENTSDEAD SSIP ~ (withthe (baby)), 81 Q 88 ulen &d YOU eee you, parent. (uother/fether) last? Pmh”rs Seen z. lad 24 hour. 1day<2 ~sm~~s ~ BESUFC? Q LIVINGwTT2 ~sSAXD x~ 80 ‘R1 79 Pur how long have you be.n m.parated(diwroed)~ .. daya @.@ 2 day.< 3 days aso . . ... mm FAl!iES 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 .... . 4 b . . 5 5 5 . . 6 6 6 7 7 7 3 months< 6 month. ng.a . 8 8 8 6 month.< 1 year agm . 9 9 9 Not s,,. .. laat year . . 0 00 3daysc1’deek .s0 1 week < 2 week. ago 7.9 COLm ABom b) IF CODES 2-8 How old were YOU when tius In what way, If at all, ha. your mth your IF SISGLEOR — . 8 _ 2 week,< 1 month ago . 1 months 3 month. .= . . Couldyou tell me what h.ppen.d~ other comment(SPECIFY) IF WTHKR DEA3 SKIP TO Q 82 1 2 5 4 5 6 70 9 10 11 12 lJ 14 15 I . - 14 82 HOW .,11 do you @ .. mth your mother? !dc,ul d you 06 -w what were your father,G react>...when he v.. told that your wife (girlfriend)was pre~e.nt~ very.,11 Not told 1 F*rly !4,11 .2 or Not at all well? 3 So ‘.ouldyou en-vhe ..s (OTHtXCOK.ENI- sPECIFY) . very pleased Pleased 83 . that yaw wife (girlfriend ) “an Pmsnant, very upset . . (OllIiX COWNT 8? Pleaeed . .. . .. . . .. . . ... Upset ... . ... . .. . . . cOmNT .... .5 3 AGS con,t how 8 Could you tell me what job your father d.enq 5 (IF UNZWUYED, mnmD (om 4 . 4 .... 0, D.d she have m.xed feel>ng.V 2 How old 1. your father? 1 88 very .Pmet 1 - SPECIFY) . 2 ... . 0, D,d he have m,xed feel,ng., 0 % ‘.n.ldYOU say she ... . . . upset Not told .. . h%t were your mother,e react,ormwhen ehe v@n told Very pleaeed 0 OR LMAD ASK mum HIS LAsT JOB) . 3 - SPECIFY) mat kind of firm or (*d) he 84 work for? How old IS your aother? AGE — DO.,t km” 8 &es (tid)he have any of respon.xbzlzty IF FAIH.SS DEAD SKLP TO Q 88 (or emlor*.~)’ 85 H.. well do you get o. mth Your father? Wouldyou my Self-e@qwd very well . 1 Famly “,11 2 or Not at all well, . 3 m th ,w1oY,.?. Self-employedmthout ..P1oY,, B Manager .... ... super”,.., .. (O= cO~T . . .. . 1 . . . .. 2 > .. .. 4 - sISCIFY) Other employer . .. ... .... ... 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 70 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 1 . -15IP FAm (RE)MAP.RIED ASK Q 89 IF (RI) UARPJED ASK Q AU u3~ OITZSS D. you have any brothersor .I.ter.v Y,. ‘w No. SKIP T3 Q 91 9 .O IF YSS (9) .) could YOU tell me their .e.w. and agesq 89 How well do you get on ‘.nthyour .tep-nmther” Wouldyou B8Y (Haveany of them) ever b) H., _ very well . . ... Fa,rly well been nm.rrled7 1P YEs tio~ .. c) Do(ee)_ (any of them) have nnY or Not at all well, . ciuldren’? (OTIERCOIQCSNT - &PECIFY IF Yzs *O? w How well do you @ on vith your .tep-fatherq mR EACB SIBLINGJ5’4T10tLCD Would you BEIY i) Ho. my very well Fa,rlTwell . ch.ldrendoe. _ ha.e” I,) How old z. h,. (her) child . .. .. or Not at all “.11? (.lde.tchild)? . (OTEiR COMlfiNT5PFX1FY) GO IUIWOFNZXT COLJl?fNFORQ 91 M4J!EIED ml’ cKHJxmi7 NAKi AGE ms w m w c~ 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 3 1 2 3 4 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 3 4 7 1 2 3 4 8 1 2 3 4 9 1 2 3 + 10 1 2 3 4 92. Lookl.gback to the time when YOU found out that your 93 have thins.‘.orkedout . 1 k. y.. evected then 2 or Worse than you expcted then, 3 OR 3 1“ what way, IF BAEY DIED OR AtOPTXDSSIP TC Q 94 AGE OF CH~ (OIDESTCKLD) Co You thinkyou have changed.“ ?.IUway SLnce becoramga father (th.s tl.e)9 w~fe (g~rlfr~end)..s prewent (mth the 6urveybaby) - Better than you expectedthen mllmm OF Yes .. 9 No. .O IF YES (9)HOW do YOU think you have .han@dv 1 2 > 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 . 16 94 Knat advice‘.muldyou s.. to eomeone,1,. whoa. -s, 99 1S there e.nyth,”g that you would particularlyl,ke to do, or to get, or to save UP for .“ the next year? (~rlfr,end) becamepregm,nt=. GImle.r.*rcurnste.nce. to your.? IF YES (9) What? 95 - Ye. 9 NO. O #nytiungelse? You th.~ that ~Y ‘-mm who finds .he ,S prewant A.” she doe, not want to be shouldbe able to get lca an abort,...f ehe went. ltv b Y.u imp. you .111 have any more chlldre”~ l.s ..9 Ye. No . . ..o No Q.Ialxfxed d. 3’..t~~ ... . . Can,t have any w,, a .oman shouldbe able to get an IF ~ . . 1 .. . W,fe (g,rlfr,end)Pre~mt abort,..? 96 . . Uncerta.” 8 IF N3 (0) OR QUALIFIED(8) 1. what c.,c”matancea, if W, .. 2 . 3 now . 4 ... .. . .5 (2) .) Can you tell me why you f..1 lI!+cthat? b) Da you ttunk you right ever changeyour Take” together,wouldYOU de.crxbethe ww timngeare nund? p,ng for you the., dwa as very well . cult, well . ... 2 Not too well, Definitelynot 1 .. 0 Posa,bly ... . . .. 1 IF KW,SIBLY (1) &at eort of tiungaMIgbt 3 you changeyou, Ullnd? 97 So thuifms of how YOU= llfe 1. go,”~.0., would you wlah It to Oant,nu,.“ nmch the same way 6 To changeone part. of it 7 . .. IF UNCERTAIN(3) wet ml-tof or ‘lochangemany Part. of ,t? . . thing.mght Ulflue.ce 8 Y.. ... ww 01 the other? IF CODES 7 OR 8 In what way, IF IO% NOT WANT ANY M2SE (2) OR CAN,T EAV2 AN1’ 98. mm 9 0 IF YSS (9) WIat problemsdo you tblnkyou will havm~ (5) SSIP m HECA.LLSBlm 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 1> 14 15 - 17 lNTEIWIEkERT3 RECORII 101 How long a t,., would you (have l,ked) to have I) Interpreter.aed between(the baby) and the next baby” Le.. than 1 year 1 1 Y-I lem than 1~ year. . ]re. 9 No o 2 >>) Inter.lewer, . asaemment of respondent,.Engllsh ~47e~*~2ye-. 3 2 Y.=. ~ 3 Yeare 3 year.~ 4 years 4 Year. or more 102 wv . Nat,., 1 4 -. Not nat,”e 5 . (SPECIFY) good . Ialr 2 . .6 3 Poor 4 none 5 do you prefer to have YOU, next ch,ld then? ,1,) Length of ,“t,r”l.. Lea. than lho.r .. . 1 2 1 hour 1,,s than 1* ho~s 12 hour, < lb hour. 103 So can YOU my about how many ch.lirenyou would llke 13 hours < 1; hours to have altogether? L04 1$ hour. < ~ hour. And how DUY boys and how many Eirla would you l,ke to 2 houre ‘=21?hours . have altogether d hour.< 2+ hours BOYS . . _ .. . .. 3 4 . 5 6 . 7 @ hourso. m.,.(STECIFY) 8 GIRLS IV) People present None (exceptsurveybaby) mTAL . NOWASI Tt23QUESTION(S)CU ~ R=CALL- . . 1 Cimliren(apart from surveybaby) 2 W,fe (the baby,. mother) . . . 3 Adult relat,ves female 4 . .. 5 Adult relatlves,male . . Adult frzed.s, fmale ? Adult fr,enda, male Other (2PEC1FY). .. 6 . . 8 V) RespondentaPOnt-eOUaly r,.kedto be infoluedabout the rerult. Y,. 9 No 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 1> 14 15 I 12 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 5 4 5 6 1 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ● a: aJ79 CONFIDENTIAL SS1148 YOUNG M3TFD%RS ~LLOW-UP I17153NIEWSR’ AuTH SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE S NAME : SBRIAL NO. NO: I I m --”45PP1 from Social Suz=fey DLV1S1OII. You may INTRODUCTION I SIU YOU were kmd about a year ago. rsmember that you sew me (one of my colleagues) enough then to help us with a study we are doing for DHSS abut the VISWS and experiences of yomg ~the=. I how you will help ue agan now as we would llke to hear hcw you end your baby have been getting on. As before, enythng you tell me WI1l be treated as strl c!tly conf ldent~al end I‘d lmke to stress again that we never use names or ldent~fy anyone n any of the survey results or reprts. 1 I‘d ldce to beg~n by asking you a few questions about (the survey beby) SQ, my I lust check, IS (tie s~ey with you at present? baby) liv~n9 here Yes . . . No . . . . 9 jQ12 x —.-. +(a) PAGE 6 IF M (a) Could YOU tell me why that Baby d~ed . . . . . Baby atipted Beby m . . . hospital . 1s7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ~ Q2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 I+@ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ~Q7 4 I Baby llvmg w~th foster parents B&Y In a home l~vmg . . . . - . . (SPECIFY TYPE) . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Baby llvmg elsewhere (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . 6 Q8 PAGE 4 I Office of Populat~on Censuses and S-eys e-” 1 PAGE 3 TO THOSE WIP3SE BABY HAS DIED 2 Could you tell me when (the survey baby) d~ed? EAR DAYlmmilY 3 And could you tel 1 u baby died of? what (the survey baby) o Q3 ‘M Q18 PAG3 10 TU TW3SE WI-EXE BASY HAS BEEN ~PTED 4 Could you tell me when (the survey baby) was adopted? I I 5 0 DAY I lQNTH I YEAR I I And could you tell me why you decided to have survey beby) adopted? 2 I (the I a“ 6 So, hcm do you feel about the adoption new? o m TO QIB PAG3 10 TO THOSE WI-DSE SABY IS IN HOSPITAL 7 Has (the survey bsby) been In hospital all the ture since I (we) laSt saw you on . . . ? Yes . . . . . . . . . 9 ~ (al+(b) No o ~ Q12 PAGE 6 . . .. ----- IF YES (a) could YOU tell me what’s the ~tter suney baby)? o (b) And hcw often do you see hm WLth (the (her)? Dally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 More than weekly but less than dally . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Weekly Less Often (SPECIE) . . . . . . . . . . . . Q18 PAGS 10 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 TQ THOSE DIRECTED HEFE Could you tell me why (the survey baby) is living (WIM foster parents) [m a home) (. . . .)? Hcw do you feel about (the survey baby) llvmg (. ...)? foster parents) (n a h-) And hm often da you ses km (with (her)? Dally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 l.mre then weekly but less than daily . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 weekly Lasaoften (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +Qll 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ‘~1 Ha:(the survey (nahane) you on...? baby) baen llvmg (with fester parents) (. . . .) all the tma since I(We) lest sew Yes . . . . . . . . . . 9 > QIB PAGE 10 No .— --- +(a) . . . . . . . . ..X IF NO (a) so, for how long has (the survey baby) been livLn9 (with foster parents) (m a home) (. . - .)? Less than 2 weeks.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . 4 2 weeks but less then 1 month 1 month but less than 3 months 3 months or more (SPECIFY) 1 >(b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) And was (the s~ey b*y) llv1n9 With YOu befOre he (she) went to llve (w~th hls [her] foster parents) (m a hems) (. . . .)7 Yes . . . . . . . . . . 7 +Q18 No 8 j (1) 4 b . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 10 IF NO (I) So could You tell me wlx?re else (the survey baby) has l~ved since I (we) last saw you? Baby l~ved with foster persnts CODE M-L THAT APPLY . . BSbY llved In a hen= (SPECIFY ‘1’!fFE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beby llved elsswhere 5 . (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . 6 Q18 PAGE 10 lC THOSE LIVING WITH THE SURVSY SASY (CODED 9 AT Q1 OR O AT Q7) 12 And (apart from being In hospital] has (the survey baby] been llvmg with you all the tm.e snce I (we) last saw you on.....? EXCLUDE ANY STAYS IN HOSPITAL Yes . . . . . 9 + Q15 No 0 + (a)+(b) . . . . . IF NO (a) Could You tell me why (the survey baby) hasn’ t been l~vng with you all the tune since I (we) last eaw o you? (b) So, may I 3ust chmlc, suite I (we) laat saw you has (the survey baby) at any tne: Yes NO (I) l~ved w~th foster parents? 1 o (11) llved in a hcune? (SPECIFY TYPE) 2 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Lli) or l~ved elsawhere? (SPECIPY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )Q13 . 3 . . . 0 . HCW tid you feel about (the survey baby) living foster parents) (n a home) (. . . .)? (with And for ha long did (the survey beby) llve (with foster parents) (m a bane) (. . . .)? Less then 2 weeks.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . 4 2 weeks but less then 1 month 1 month butlessthan3nmntha 3 mcnths or more (sPECIFy) 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Q15 so, hw has (the surwey baby) ‘s health been since I (we) last saw you? Would you say It has on the whole been: very good . . . . . . . . 1 fairly good . . . . . . . 2 P ornotgwd? 3 +(a) 4 +Q16 . . . . . . . OTI-ESRCOMMEWT (SPECIFYI . Q16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF MT GOOD (a) Could you tell me what has been the matter with (the s.ney baby)? o I 16 Has (the survey beby) been seen professionally by a general practitioner or farm ly doctor at all slnce I (we) last eaw YOU? Yes . . . . ..x No . . . . . . . ---- >(a) 0 SQ17 1 97 IF Yss (a) ‘IhUIIUng, then, Just of (the survey baby) have you on the whole found the general practitioner or fem ly doctor: very helpful fauly . . . . . . . helpful . . . . . . or not very helpful? 2 . . . 3 )(i) OTIS?R Co!@lSN’r(SPECIFY) . . 4 }Q17 Yes . . . . . . . . 9 (a) No 0 Q18 PAGS 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF NOT VERY HELPFUL (x) ‘flmnking, again, jw t of (the survey baby) could you tell me why you’ ve found the general practl’uoner or farmly doctor mat very helpful? o 17 (*Y I Just check) haa (the survey baby) been J& hospital at all since I (we) lest saw you? . . . . . . . . IP Yss (a) Could you tell me how many tuaes (the su?wey baby) haa been jJA hospztel gnce I (we) last saw you? - . . (b) 8 ,. .— S (b) ALfor how long (altogether) has (*. .umfw baby) been M hospital since I (we) last saw you? wssthanl week..... . . . . . . 2 . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . 4 1 week but less than 2 weeks 2 weeks but less than 1 month 1 month or rore 1 . . . . . . . (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (c) so, COU2 d you tell me why o been n hosp,tal? (the survey baby) has I I ENTSR PJ3=oN (s) IN Box =~w .st STAY IN HOSPITAL nd STAY N HOSPITAL 3rd STAY [N HOSPITAI 9 V3 ALL 18 your kw what about youxse lf Would You descr health as havng been verf gocd, fairly gcod ox not good s mce I (we) last SEW you? Very goad . . . . . . . . . 1 Fauly good . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . 3 +(a) Other Conraent (SPEcrE’Y) . . 4 +Q19 Yes . . . . . . . . 9 +(a) No 0 3Q27 PAG8 14 Notgocd ●)Q19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF NOT @30D (a) C@uld YOU tell me what haa bean the matter? o 19 Have you suffered from depress Ion or ne~es s~ce I (we) last saw you? at all . . . . . . . . IF YSS (a) Can you say why ycns~ve had depreaslon or nerves? o 10 a“ 20 Has your depression or nerves stoppad you frnm doug anytlung, SUICS I (we) last saw you? Yes . . . . . 9 + m 0 >Q21 Yes .,... 9 +Q22 No 0 + (a) . . . +Q23 . . . . . (a) IF YSS (a) Could you tell me what your depression or nerves O has stopped you from doang? 21 So, have you consulted, that Is, seen professionally, YOU= a 9eneral Practxtloner or fare.dy doctor iibOut depression or nerves since I (we) last saw you? . . . . . IF NO (a) o could you tell me why you havan’ t consulted a general practitioner or fanmly doctor about Yom depress Lon or nerves? GJ TO Q26 PAGE 13 22 could you tell me hcw many timss you ‘ve consulted general practitioner or fsmly dnctor akout your deprass~on or nerves, ag=n since I (we) last saw 11 e 23 At tins (these) consultation(s) dld the doctor prescrtie any medlclnes or tablets for your depress~on or nerves? .—— - Yes . . . ..x No . . . . . . 0 IF Yss (a) May I just check, d~d you take the me~cznes tablets you were prescrfied? or Yes . . . . . . 9 No 0 . . . . . . Other comment (SPD21FY) 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF ~ (1) Could you tell me wfiy you dldn’ t take them? o C3JTO Q25 24 1 So, do yOU think the raeditines or tablets you were prescr~bed for your depmsss~on or nerves helped you or not? Yes, helped . . . . . 9 No, didn't . . . . . 0 IF NJ, DID KIT (a) COuld VOU tell me why vou think the med~clnes tablet; d~dn’ t help ~~? o 12 or . . . . . . . .. 9’ 25 (And) ad the doctor give you any (other) help or advice about your depression or nerves? Yea . . . . . . . 9 + (a) No 0 +Q26 . . . . . . . IF YES (a) Could You tell m, then, what other help or advice the doctor gave YOU about your depressl;n or nerves? n 26 m you still suffer from depression or nerves or have you got over this now? Yes . . . . . . . . . . . 9 No 0 . . . . . . . . . . . Other cmment IC!HECKA 8 (SPEC1l’f) . CHECK A Has the Informant seen a general practitioner or fanuly doctor about depress~on or nerves s mce the last lntervlew Yes . . . ..x NO 13 . . . ..Y— - ——. )Q27(a) —— )Q27 27 (MaY I ]ust check) have you consulted, that 1S, seen PrOf eSS1Onally, a general practitioner or famuly doctor at all about your cun health since I (we) last aaw you on . ...? Yes . . . . ..~ No . . . . . . .——. o . —Ma) + Q28 IF YEs (a) About your own health, then, how many tunes (altogether) have you consulted a aeneral practitioner or fanu ly doctor s~nc; I (we) last saw you? INCLUDS ANY CONSULTATIONS NERVES . Once Twce Sm FOR DEPRESSION OR . . . . . . . . . . ...... but less then su tUneS or more tumss (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . ..... 1 . . . 2 . . . . 3 ~ 1 . . . . . . . . . . . Q28 2 !J . . . . . . . . 3 -)(11 (SFECIFY) . . . . . . . 4 +28 or not very helpful? 09TDZR COMMENT b ... (b) ~d, a9aln about your cwn health, have you on the whole found the general practlt~oner or fEmu ly &ctOr: very help ful . . . . . . . . . . . . fairly helpful (b) N3T VERY HEIPFUL (i) Could you tall me why you’ve found the general ~ practiti.m er Or fam lY doctor not very helpful about Your cwn health? 14 . .<.,. .... . ..— . . ... ..-. T..---.. ”-T---* (And) have you, yourself, been ~ I (we) last saw YOU? hosplt~ at all s~n= Yes . . . . . . 9 (a) No o Q29 . . . . . . IF YES (a) could you tell me hw may ‘a.mesyou’ve been In hosp~tal since I (we) last saw you? (b) . . . (b) So, could you tell me why you ‘ve been n O ~~Rt&ON 1 (S) IN BOX BELOW St STAY N HOSPITAL Znd STAY [N HOSPI_ 3rd S17iY IN HOSPITAL 15 29 I ‘d lfie ncw to ask you a few questions about buth control (contraception) . Have you asked anyone for - or has anyone asked you If you would lfie - adnce or help about buth control (contraception) slnca I (we) last saw you? Yes . . . . . . . 9 + (a) No . . . . . . . 0 +Q30 doctor. . . 1 Other doctor (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . 2 IF YES (a) NIIO was that? General pract~t~oner/fawly CODE AM TmT APPLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~(b) Health v~sltor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Other person(s) (sPECIFy) . . . . . . . . 4 (b) What method of bn’th control he (she/they) mention? Ncmemant~oned M NOT P=T ‘rhep~l Cap- CODE ALL THAT APPLY . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 &aphragm CO1l - (contraception) dld loop - . . . . . . . . . . . . ntrauterlne rmg - IUD 2 3 Sheath - rubber - condom - Dursx French let@r . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 chemicals - foam - tshldts - 3ellles suppositories - C film . . . . . . . 5 care . . . . . . 6 Man withdraws - takaa Safe period - rhythm method . . . . . 7 Other method(s) (SPECrFY) . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Q30 - 16 —— a 30 (Soj do you feel you knm enough shout buth control (cantraceptlOn) now or would you lfie to knew more? Kr@# enough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Q31 Would hketokncwm . . . . . . . . 2 (a) Othsr camnant (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . 3 Q31 ---- >(a) 0 )Q32 . . . . . . . . ore . . . . . . . . . . . . Ye9 . . . . ..x No . . . . . . . C? WJULD LIK2 ‘lKI KKJW KIRS (a) What emuld you l~ke to knw mare about? o HAND INFORMANT CAFD A 31 Are you Using any method of broth control (contraception) now? IF YES (a) Whlti one? ‘lheplll DO NOT PROMPT CX3DE ALL THAT APPLY Cap- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 diaphragm . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 CO1l - loop - Intrauterine - 17JD 3 Sheath - rubber - condom - mrsx French letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ch-cals - foam - tablets - ]ellles suppoaltorles - C f11.m - on own. . . . 5 Man withdraws - takes care . . . . . . 6 Safe period - rhythm method. . . . . . 7 (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . 8 Other method rmg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 9Q33 32 0 Could you tell me why you aran’ t uamg any methcd of buth control (contraception ) at present? 33 (And) could you say whether you have ever used -Y these methods of birth control (contr~tion) m the past: of Yes (a) the PI1l? 1 0 (b) cap or d~aphragm? 2 0 3 0 4 0 (c) COI1, 10C.P, ~ntrauter~ne rmg or IUD? (d) sheath, rubber, condom, mrex letter? or French )Q34 (e) chenucals, foam, tablets, ]ell~es, Supposltorles or C film - on their csm? 5 0 (f) man withdraws or takes care? 6 0 (g) safe permd 7 0 8 0 or rhythm method? (h) or any other method? 34 No (SPECIFYI (WY I lust check) are you, or have you been, pregnant since I (we) last saw you? Yes . . . . . No . x . . . . . . . ---- 0 )(a) )SEE Q49 PAGE 24 IF Yss (a) So, could you tell me how many times you’ ve been pregnant since I (we) last saw you? (b) And, what was the out mme (pregna.ncles)7 . . . )(b) of your pregnancy l-== 2nd PSEG-NANCY L —--1- SXGNANCY _. . . . . . . 1 Llvabnth 1 Mscaxrlage . . . . . . 2 2 Stlll!xrth . . . . . . 3 3 . . . . . . . 4 4 5 5 Abortion Pregnant nm . . . . . )CSSCK B 18 .—— 3“ 1 CHECK B How &d the informant’s fxrst pregnancy end Llvablrth . . mscarrlage . 1 Q35 2 Q44 PAGE 22 Still.birth. . 3 AbortIon. 4 . . b ~ Q44 PAGS 22 5 Pregnant now. Q46 PAGE 22 1+ TO THOSE WHO HAVE HAD A L2XSBIRTH 35 Could we (now) talk about the baby you had after (the survey baby) When was the baby born? I 2nd --l 1st PEG- PREG- l-=!!= -NANCY DAY 3I > 36 Was it a by or a gnl? 1st PRitG-NANCY BoY . . . . . . Girl . . . . . . Twins (SPECIFY) Q36 2nd PREG-NANCY I II k3 1 1 2 2 3 3 Q37 I 37 Is he (she) llvmg here with you at present? 1 2nd PWG-NANCY 1= PREG-NANCY Yes. . No. . IF N k 9 o (a) Could you tell m? why that 1s? 1st PFJ3G-NANCY t--i 9 Q44 PAGS 22 0 (a) 1 1 2nd PREG-NANCY 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Baby adopted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Baby mhospltal 3 3 . . . . 4 4 (SPECIPY TYPE) . . 5 Bebydled . . . . . . . . . . . . Baby llv~ng with foster parents Baby llV1ng m a hone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .saby llvmg elsswhere (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 6 ~ Q38 Q39 k J 5 6 II J Q41 PAGE 21 Q42 PAGE 21 TO THOSE WHOSE BABY HAS DIED 38 Could you tell me what the baby died of? o C3JTO CIECK C PAGE 23 lU THOSE WI-KLSEPASY HAS BEEN AtX3PTED 39 () Could you te11 me why you dec~ded to have the baby adopted? 40 And how do you feel about the adoption new? o @ ‘ICICHECK C PAG3 23 20 . ,.. a“ . . .. . . . . ,. -...& ,.. . . . . . . ,., ... ,.. ?.. . !.,.,.. .. TO THOSE WH3SE BABY IS IN HOSPITAL 41 Could you tell me what’s the matter with the baby? o [ TO THOSE DIRECTED HERE 42 Could you tall ma why the baby 1s llvlng (with foster parents) (in a home) (. . . . )? o 43 o And how do you feel about the baby 11vln9 foster parents) (In a h~a) (. o - . )7 21 L (With J ‘TOTHOSE WHO ARE PFEGNANT NCXi OR HAVE HAD A LIVEBIRTH, A MISCARRIAGE OR A STILLBIRIli 44 INTRODUCS IP PFC3GNANT your present NOW Could we (now) talJc about pregnancy INTP13DUCE IF HAD A MISCAPRIACZ OR STILLBIRTH My (nw) lust ask a couple of questions eimut Your nuscarrlage (stlllb~rth) I Round about the time you became pregnant with th~s baby(that tne) were you using any method of birth control (mntraceptlon) ? 1st PPEG -NANCY l-- nd ‘WEG NANCY Yes . . . . . . . /9 9 /0 0 Can ‘t remember. . 18 8 No . .. ---- I Q45 } I 45 So, would you say you Intended to be coma pregnant that time or not? 1st PREG -NANCY Yes, Intended . L-1 9 No, dld not . . . 10 nd ‘REGNANCY 9 0 Tt3THOSE WI-F3HAVS HAD AN ABORTION 46 May I (now) Iust ask a couple of ques tlons about your abortion Could you tell me why you decided to have an ebort~on? (1 22 1“ .. . . 0’ 47 .. . . .. !., .*A ,4.,.,,,, .. 1 . -u, .. .. D1d you have any problsms getting an abortum? Yes . . 9 ) (a) No. . . 0 )Q48 IF YES (a) Could you tell me what problems you had? n 48 (And) how do you feel about the abutlon now? 0 CHSCK C (a) Has the Informant had another pregnancy (SSS Q34(a) PAGE 18) Yes . . ..x ———- + (b) No --—— +SEE Q49 1 ~Q35 PAGE 19 . . ..y (b) what was the outcome of thks next pregnsncy (SSE Q34(b) PAGS 18) L~vsblrth . . . . . . mscarrlage . . . . . 2 stllllnrth . . . . . 3 . . . . . . 4 AbortIon Pregnant now 23 . . . . 5 b Q44 PAGE 22 ! Q46 PAGE 22 Q44 PAGE 22 Tu ALL EXCEPT miosE LIVING m AN INSJTLTOTION DNA, LIVING IN AN INSTITUTION 49 (So) who llves with you here n RING NO. . .X your household? – Q50 –- n SEx HALE FEMALE PJ2LATIONSHIP TU IIC?OP.MANT INFORMANT 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 2 5 1 2 6 1 2 7 1 2 8 1 2 9 1 2 10 1 2 T3 ALL 50 F@.y I lust check, are you llvmg m the same place as when I (we) last saw you on . . . . ? Yes . . . . . . . No . . . . ..x 9 SEE Q60 9PAGE 2S -—-, (a) . . >Q51 IP NO (a) So, hcw many times have you moved since I (we) last saw YOU? ~ 51 Could we talk ,then, about the places you ‘W SJnce I (we) last SEW you llved In %, when dld you leave the place you were llvmg at the time I (we) last saw you? In ——-. —----m ‘-- 24 +Q52 .— —.. . . ...-..!. ! L... . .. “ .“ - ,- ‘AL,.”. .. ~---- I . . . . . . -- ..,.,, .. . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . ..-. S 52 .Odd you tell me why you left there? o TO THOSE WITH M3PJ3 THAN ONE REASON FOR LEAVING DNA, 53 ONLY ONE S0, what was your main reason for leaving REASON there? o TO ALL WHJ HAVE M3VED 54 0 What problems, If any, dld you have In fmdmg somewhere else to llve (that tiw)? 25 . . . x ,—— — +Q54 TO THOSE WHO HAVE FJJVED ~RE THAN DNA, 55 ONCE ~VED ONLY ONCE . . . . X ‘Ifmnkmg now of the place you moved to (that tune) Who l~ved wzth you there ~n your household? RING No. 1 56 ~SEE Q60 PAGE 28 SEX MALE FEMALE RELATIONSHIP TO INFORMANT INFORMANT 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 2 5 1 2 6 1 2 7 1 2 9 1 2 10 1 2 Could you tel 1 me when you left there? ~m 57 1 ---- ‘--- .- —- And why dld you leave there? o 26 .,. ,. .-— . . - .- ------- +Q57 ,. .,.,. ‘9’ “,,. ,, m THOSE WITH MORE THAN ONE REASON FOR LSAVING THE SECOND PLACE IXJA, ONLY ONE REASON . . . . . 58 So, what was your man reason for leavng X. .—— - Q59 .-—. CX3T0 HOUSING SUPPLEMENT ---- SEE Q60 there? o lU ALL WH3 HAVE MOVED A SECOND TM 59 What prablems, If any, dld you have m somswhere else to llve (that tmms )? fln&ng o C?E3CK D Has tha informant moved three or more trees since the last ntervlew (SEE Q50(a) PAGW 24) Yes . . . . ..x No . . . . ..y 27 ~ ALL EXCEPT THOSE LIVING IN AN INSTITUTION DNA , LIVING IN AN INSTITUTION 60 .X --- Q64 PAGE 31 ‘l%nlang (rim) of ~ house (flat) , would YOU saY It IS very sutable, famly sutable or rather unsu~t-able for your present needs? Very sutable SZE CHECK E . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 3 b(a) 4 ~SEE CI-DZCKE Fairly stutable Rather unamtable Other conment (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF SATHER UNSUITAEIE (a) In what way 1s your house (flat) rather umnntable? o m ms3sE wso nvs MOVED --- DNA, NOT IKWED. . . . ..X }SEE Q63 PAGE 30 CSECK E (a) COes the informant lIW house, detached (a) , 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 house, saml-detached. houae, terraced m flat or ma~sonette, self-contained purpmse built . . 4 f1at or ma~sonette, self -cnntzmned convers Ion . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . 6 room or ‘flat’ not self -contaned +Q61 +(b) 7 + Q61 . . ) Q61 other (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) what floor does the mf ormant llve on 28 ..-. . ..-. —— ‘S 61 vi. lb (or (flit)? our - household) mm or rent tb. Or house e . . . . . . . . . . Rent . . . . . . . . . . X Other (SPECIFY) . . . . . 1 IQ62 ----- ) (a) 5 )Q62 2 1Q62 IF P3NTED (a) Is that from the council or a private landlord? COlulcll . . . . . . . . . Private landlord . . . . Y ----- %1) IF PRIVATE LANDLORD (1) S0, do you rent unfur~shed? thl s house (flat) furn~shed or Furnished . . . . . . . . Unfurn~shed 62 . . . . . . . 3 )Q62 4 And do you (or your household) have: F YEs (a) YOwo-bathroa? — (b) Your — cwn lndmr (c)your cwn garden? — . . . . . . . . . . . . lavatory? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 1 NO o I* 0 ]3 0 }.5EEQ63 TO THOSE LIVING W I’Tll THE1 A PM?L~S OR PARENTS- IN-LAW OR TH33 SURVEY BABY ‘S FATHER ‘S PARENTS (SEE Q49 PAGE 24) DNA, LIXCNG ELSEWHEFJ3 . . 63 X- ---- } *4 You’ve told me that you llve with your parents (parents-In-law/ [the survey baby] IS fathers parents) ~ YOU fmd that llvlng with them “Orks: very well . . . . . . . . 1 famly . . 2 . . 3 j (a) . . 4 j@34 well . . . . . or not too wellT. OTHER cotmwT . . (SPECIFY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Could you tell me why llvmg with your parents (J (paxents-in-law/ [the survey baby]’s father’s parents) Isn ‘t working out too well? 30 . . . +*4 .,. , .. . . . . . .. mAIL 64 May I lust check, (since you’ve bsen here) have you tried to f~nd somewhere else to lIV=? ---- Yes . . . ..X No . . . . . . 0 IF YES (a) What problsms, If any, havm you had m O fmd somewhere else to l=ve? trying to (b) SO, are You still trying to find somewhere else to llW? Yes . . . . . . No 65 . . . . . . 8 I’d l~ke ncw to ask you a few questions about any jobs you may have had since I (we) last saw you or If you’ve been a student, &out your school or college. So, may I lust check, have you attanded any knd of schml or college, eltber full- or part-tree, since I (we) lest saw you? Yes - schml. 66 7 . 1 Yes - college . 2 No 0 ..,... (And) have you had a paid lob since I (we) last saw you? Yes . . . . . . No . . . . . . Ge l-o + EDUCATION ‘9 + (a) 0 +SFX Q73 PAGE 33 IF YES (a) So, how many p-d last sawyou? lobs have you had since I (we) . . . ~ 31 + Q67 . . 67 68 Are You working now? INTRODUCE IF NECESSARY: presant (last)]ob. Yes . . . . . . 9 No o . . . . . . Could we talk, then, about your What is (was) your (last) lob? occupat~on: Industry: self-employed with employees . . self-amployed without employees. manage r....... 69 Is (was) ths 2 -- ----- --+Q69 . . ...3 fOremen/supervisor other mployee 1 . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . ...5 lob full- or part-time work? Full-tlnls . . 1 Part-tins 2 . . SEE Q70 TO THOSE NCT WOFXING NOW DNA, W2RKING NCW 70 . . . . X Could you tell me why you left tins (last) lob? o 32 ----– --3Q71 .,. ,, s“ ,,. > ‘K1THOSE WHO HAVE HAD A JOB 71 (So) on the whole, hw do (did) you feel about this ]ob? Would you say you were: very sat~sf~ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . satisfied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d~ssatlsfled +Q72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . very dlssatlsfled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or have you (d~d you have) nuxed fealmgs about it? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Could you tell me hod much you earn (were paid) m a tYP1cal week or month after ded”ct=on~? +SEE Q73 -’m----+~ ~ THOSE WHO ARE LIVING WI~ THE .SUFWEY EASY (CoDED 9 AT Q1 OR O AT Q7) AND AFE ~FKING OR AT SCHOOL OR COLLEGE — NOW — DNA, OTHEFUS. . . . x 73 Do you ti-mnk there are any problems m mother (both a student and a nnther) ? -——. being a working Yes . . . . . . . . 9 No 0 . . . . . . . . IF YES (a) Could You tell me what these problems are? o 33 }SEE Q77 PAGE 35 . . 74 (So) who looks after (the survey baby) wtmle you are at work (school/college) 7 Husband (the survey baby’s father) . . . . . (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other msmber of household CODE ALL lliAT APPLY Relatlve not m (3.pECIFY) . household 1 2 3 Q75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Registered ch~ ldnunder. . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . 6 (spECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . 0 Nelglbour/friend. Unregistered Other chlldnunder. NO-one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) IF NO-ONE (a) Do you (work at home or) take (the survey baby) to work (school/college) with you or what? . . . . . . . . 1 Take survey baby with her . 2 Other conrnent (SPECIFY) . . 3 Work athme . . . . . . 75 . . . . . . . . Hrw satl.sfzed are you with this arrangement? you say ycm ware: ve~satlgf~ed Would . . . . . . . . . . 1 .9jE Q76 . . . . . . . . . 2 or not very satisfu3d with It? . . 3 (a) OmER 4 SEE Q76 fa~rly satisfied COWNT (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF ~T Q75 VERY SATISFIED (a) Could you tell me why you aren ‘t very satlsf~ed with this arrangement? o 34 ,, s’ TO THOSE CODED 2 - 7 at Q74 DNA, CODED 1 ONLY OR O Al’ Q74 . . . . X 76 r .- —- Q79 m you have to pay for having (the survey baby) 100ked after wlule you are at work (school/cmllege) ? Yes . . . . .. No (a) x---- . . . . . . . I 0 Q79 ——— Q79 I IF YSS I (a) So hcw much do you pay n a typical week? ,~ TU THOSE NOT WOFJ(ING OR MT AT SCH~L OR COLLEGE DNA , WOFSUNG OR AT SCHOOL OR COLLEGE NOW . X 77 (Since I [we] last saw You) (Since you left your last job) have you tried to get a (another) lob? IF YM (a) Could you tell me what happened? o 35 Yes . . . . . . 9 (a) No 0 SIIS Q78 . . . . . . TO THOSE LIVING WITH THE SURVEY BABY (CODED 9 AT Q1 OR O AT Q7) WITH TIE SURVEY BABY DNA , NOI’ LMNG 78 X .-— _ j Q79 (So) when, If ever, do you think you WI1l go (back) to work? As seen as posszble P~KPT AS NECBSSARY . . . . . . . . . . 1 Be fore (the survey baby) goes to prunary school. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . When 2 (the survey baby) goes tO Pr~av . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . schml At some other tme 3 4 (.9pEcIFy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s Never . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o rnn’t know j (a) IF NEVSR (a) Could you tell ms why you thmic you won’ t go O (back) to work? ‘IUALL 79 Tlnnking nm of your evenngs and weekends, hcw often do you go out n a typ~cal week? . . . + Q80 Never . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 •) Q82 Sanetuoes but less than once . . 2 + Qao 36 And when you go out m the evenlnqs or at weekends, what do y& u&ally do? Vlslt parents Vlslt other relatlves CODE ALL THAT APPLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vlsltfrlends 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . Go to a pub, club, disco or the cinsma 4 Other (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x- ----- I Q81 7Q82 So, who looks after (the survey bsby) when you go out In the evenings or at weekends? CQDE ALL THAT APPLY 82 2 (sPECIFY) . . . TW TSOSE LIVING WITH Tlil?, SURVEY BABY DNA , NOT LIVING WI~ THE SURVEY BAEY 81 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . Informant takes survey baby with her . . 1 Husband 2 (the survey beby ’s father) . . . Other member of household (SPECIFY). . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w latlve not In household (SPEC~Y). . . 4 . . Nelghbour/friend . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Other (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Q82 To ALL Compared to when I (we) saw you last would you say you want out m the evsmngs or at weekend~ (more often now) , less often now or about the samount? MOre often...... . . . . . . . . . 1 About the same . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Less of ten..... 3 + (a) 4 + Q83 . . . . . . . . . . Other conroent (spEcIW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF LESS 0~ (a) So, how do you feel about go~ng out less often new? o 37 . Q83 P 83 May I now ask a few quest~ons about smoking ~ you snmke at all? Yes . . . . 9 Q85 .—— —- )(a) No. ..x Yes. . . . 8 Q84 . . . . 0 SEE Q90 PAGE 40 before you became pregnant with (the sumey baby) . . . . . . . . . . . 1 durng the tme you were pregnant with (the survey baby) . . . . . . . . . . . 2 or after (the survey baby) was born? 3 Il?tm (a) Rave you ever smoked? No TO PAST SM3KERS 84 So ,when dld you stop smokmg? RUNNING PW3WFT. Was 1t: . SEE @o PAGE 40 IF DURING OR AFTER THE PREGNANCY (a) Could You tell me why you stopped smokmg? o SEE QS O PAGE 40 38 . .__— 85 Sor when dd RuNNING PFS3MPT you start smokmg? Was It: before you became pregnsnt with (the survey baby) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 286 during the tne you were pregnant wlth(the survey baby) . . . . . . . . . 2 (a) or after (the survey baby) was born ? . 3 IF DURING OR AFTZR THE PF@3NANCY (a) Could YOU tell me why you started smoking? o 86 About how nm.ny cigarettes a day do you usually smoke? Would yOU Say: under 10 away..... 10 butlessthan20 or200rmore 87 . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . 3 aday aday?. ~87 Since I (we) last saw you has anyone suggested to you that you should try to give up smokmg? Yes . . . 9 (a) No 0 Q88 . . . IF YES (a) Could YOU tell me who has suggested th~s to you? Gsneral practlt ~oner/f am ly doctor . . 1 Other doctor 2 (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cODE ALL THAT APPLY Hea.lth vlsltor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Other msmber of household 4 [SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relatlve not n household (SPECIFY) . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nelghkmur/friend . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Other (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Q88 88 (And) how do you feel about glvmg up amoklng~ o 89 So, smca I (we) last saw you, have you tried to give up amokmg or not? Yes . . . No 9 }SEE @o 0 ..- TO ALL Ex2EPT THOSE LMNG E ITI-ER IN AN INSTITUTION OR WITH WN CHILDREN ONLY — DNA, O’ITEZPS X 90 COes anyone (else) who llves w~th you here In your household smoke? Yes . . . No --- -——— 9 , (a) 0 ~Q9i IF YSS (a) Who IS that? (the survey baby’s father). . . 1 Mother . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Father . . . . . ..- 3 Husband CODE ALL THAT APPLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Other (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . Brother(s) or alstar(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >Q91 . TO ALL 91 wow may I lust check, are you single . . . . . 1 engaged. . . . . 2 married. . . . . 3 widowed. . . . . 4 separated. . . . or divorced? 40 . . CHECK F 32 ) CHECK F 5 Q92 6 CHECK F .,, *’ 92 . .,, And were you engaged lastsaw you on..... .. ,,’. (married/sepsrated) when I (we) ? ..- 9 CSECK F l----f Yes . No . . . . 0 single, not cohabltzng . . . . . . . . . 1 + Q93 single, cohab~tmg with survey baby’s father . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 + Q94 single, cohakmtlng with somsone else . . 3 + SES Q109 PAGE 4B married, before last Intervlsw . . . . . 4 + Q102 PAGE 45 marr~ed , after last zntermew . . . . . 5 + Q9B PAGE 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 j Q104 PA= > Q107 PAGE 47 CHECK F Is the Informant widowed TO THOSE w-X3AM 93 separated, before last interuew . . . . 7 separated, after last ntertuew . . . . s divorced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 P Yes . . . . 9 + Q94 No 0 > SEE Q109 PAGE 48 SINGI.E~D Q104 PAGE 46 NOT COHABITING I ‘d llke now to ask you a few questions &out (the survey baby) ‘s father you and Are you still going out w~th him? TO THOSE wliOARE SINGLE mD LIVING WITH THE S~Y B=’ 94 . . . . EI’ITIERGOING OWf WITH OR S FATRER INTR3DUCE IF NECESSARY I‘d l~ke now to ssk you a few questions about you and (the survey baby) ts father Have you smd (the Sumey baby) ‘s father talked about gett~ng ma.rr~ed at all since I (we) last saw you? 41 Yes . . . . 9 No 0 . . . . Q95 1- 46 n f) 95 And have you ta3.ked about gett~ng married to (the survey baby) ‘s father with anyone else, since I (We) la.Stsaw you? Yes. . . . No . . . . IF YES (a) ~o w~th? CODE Au TSAT APPLY +(a) o +Q96 Mother . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Father ---------- . 2 Sister . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Other relatlve 4 . . . ..- (SPECIFY) . . other (SPECI=) . . ..-. I }(b) . . . . . . .. . . . . 5 . . . . . . 6 Friends/nelgtiours. (b) What &d 9 . . . . . . .. he (she/they] su99est? o 96 Could you tell me why You and (the SWeY father haven’ t got married? b~y)’s o 42 I . (s:) 397 d. YOU think you and (the survey baby) ‘s father WI1l get married eventually or not? Yes . . . . . 9 No 0 . . . . . Q103 PAGE 46 h TU THOSE WWJ HAVE MAP.RIED SINCE TIE LAST INTERVISW 98 I ‘d llke ncu to ask you a few questions about you and yOU husband. Could you tell me when you got marr~ed? PiEFl 99 And may I ask, IS your husband father ? (the survey baby) ‘s Yes . . . . . 9 + Q1OO No 0 +’SEE Q109 PAGE 48 100 Can you say why you and you husband deczded to O get m=rled at that part~cular time? 43 . . . . . 101 (So) d~d anyone suggest that you and your husband should get merr~ed because of (the survey baby) ? Yes . . . . No . . . . IF YES (a) Could you tell me who suggested this to you? Mother . . . . . . . . . . Father . . . . . . . . . . .51ste r . . . . . . . . . CODE ALL THAT APPLY Other relatlve (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Friends/nelghtmUs . . . . Other (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) And hm dld you feel about hn (-J this to you? (her/them) suggesting 44 a“ ‘M ALL THOSE ~RR_IED TO TSE SU17JEY EASY’S FATHER 102 INTFK3DUCS IF NSCSSSARY I’d llke now to ask you a few questmns about you and your husband m You cons~der Your marriage to be: =V happy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 neither happy nor unhappy. . . . . . . 3 qulteunhia~y . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 or very unhappy ?.... . . . . . . . 5 OTHER COMM5NT . . . . . . . 6 qmtshap~ (SPECIW). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF QUITE OR VERY UNHAPPY (a) Could you tell me why you cons lder your marriage to be qute (very) unhappy? o 45 -)Q103 +(a) + Q103 ‘m ‘IHOSE GOING OUT wITH , LIVING WITH OR MARRIED TO THE SURVEY BABY ‘S FATHER I I 103 On balance (then) would you gay you get on with your husband [(the survey baby) ‘s father] better new, worse ncw or about the sane as when I (we) last saw you? Better now...... . . . . 1 . . . 3 About the same . . . . . . . . 2 Other connnent (SpECIFy) . . . 4 Worse new . . . . . . . . ..-. . . . . . . . . . . (a) F CiECK G PAGE 49 F I I IF BETTER OF WORSE NW (a) Could You tell me why that Is? o I~ ‘NJCI-DICKG PAGE 49] II lU lMOBE WIU2 HAVE SEPAFA’IZD S INCR THE LAST IWrERVIEW OR ARS D2VORCED OR WICOWRD I I I 104 I‘d llke now to ask you a few questions about you and yOUI (ax) husband For hcn long have you been sep=ated wudowed) ? NO. OF FS2NT-LS~ (divorced/ I . . . SES Q105 k TO THOSE WHO AR3 DIVOFCED DNA, SEPARATSD OR WIIX)WED 105 And for hm long were you and your ex-huab and separated before your d~%mrce? tA3. OF 192WTHS ~ 46 x ---II . . . +Q106 L Q106 l-l. TU THOSE WMJ HAVE SEPAPA~D SINCE THS LAST INTERVIEW OR WHO ARE DIU)ICED OR WILX3WED Could you (what happened) tell rre (why you separated lgot ~vorcedl ) ? TU AIL THOSE WW3 MU% SEPARATED DNA, DI~RCED . . . . . . . : DNA, wIKx4ED. . . . . . . . ! ----- ) SEE Q109 ,—— - )Q121 PA= 107 INTRODUCE IP ND2ESSARY I‘d llke now to ask you a few ques tmns about you and your husband (So) do YOU think you end your husband WI1l get together again or not? Yes . . . . No 108 Could you tell me why you thnk ~ together again> you WL1l .,.. 9 0 (won ‘t)get . 47 ) Q108 55 TO ALL EXCEFT TWOSE WWFJW THE SURVEY BABY HAS DIED OR BEEN AD3PTED ,--— DNA , SUPS??Y BABY DIED OR AL13FTED X — ,+Q128 PAGE 59 109 INTRODLKZS IF NFCESSAPX Ttmnklng now of (the survey baby) snd h~s (her) father Hea (the survey baby)’s fatbei seen h~m (her) In the last seven days? Yes. . . x —--- No . . . . 0 .+(a) ~ Q11O IF YES (a) so, how many tunes has he seen (the survey baby) ~n the 1ast seven days? . . . a(b) (b) Is that: 110 so, when was the last t~m more often than usual . . . . 1 lese often than usual . . . . 2 or ebout average? . . . . . . 3 he sew (the su~ey 1 2 weeks but less then 1 month ago . . . . . . 2 1 munth but lees than 3 months ago . . . . . . 3 3 months or more ago (SpECIm) 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEEN (a) EIW do you feel about this? o SEE Q119 PAGE 54 48 Qlll 1 . Never seen the survey beby . . . . . . . . . . IF WVER i baby)? 1 week but less than 2 weeks ago . . . . . . . . Qlll 0 *(.) B’111 So, would you l~ke hm to see (the survey beby) more often, less often or about the same as he does new? More of ten . . . . . . . Less often . . . . . . . About 1 (a) 3 n the same . . . ..1 2 ~CRECKG IP 143RE OR LESS OFTEN (a) Why lS that? n CHECK G (d Is the informant llvmg w~th the survey baby (~DED 9 AT Q1 OR o AT Q7) Yes. .X No. ..Y (b) Is the informant llvmg survey baby’s father with or married to the Yes. .X No. . .Y ---– H ‘--11 +(b) +(d) ---– II --—— +Q112 + (c) It (c) Has the survey baby seen his/her father during the past month Yes. .X No. ..Y -––1/ ---– +Q112 II +SEE Q119 +AGE 54 . (d) Has the survey baby tied or been adopted Yes. .X No. . . Y ---– +Q128 --–- + (e) PAGE 59 II (e) Has the survey baby seen his/her father during the past month Yes. .X No. ..Y 49 ●Ql16 PAGE 52 ---1/ -––– +SEE Q119 PAGE 54 H I I 112 ‘Timnlung now of lust the last month, that time baby) ‘s father] (a) changed has your (ex) husband during [ (the survey ever. (the survey baby) R?QUENTLY (OFTSN) KCASIONALLY 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ‘s nappy? Yes . . 9 No. . 0 Yes . . 9 No. . 0 Yes . . 9 No. . 0 Yes . . 9 No. . 0 Yes . . 9 No. . 0 Yes . . 9 No. . 0 Yes . . 9 No. 0 (b) fed (the survey baby) ? (c) bathed(the survey bay)? (d) dressed (the survey baby) ? (e) played w~th (the survey baby)? (f) looked after (the survey baby) while you’ve been out for an hour or more? (g) taken (the survey baby) out alone? . — FOR EACH YES FECOPJIED AT (a) - (g) ASK (1) frequently (often ) or (l) Has he.... o ccaslonally during the past nmnth? ENTER IN COLUMN 50 B 113 So, would you say your (ex) husband [(the survey baby) ‘s father] gave you a lot of help, some help, a llttle help or no help at all with looklng after (the survey baby) ? A lot of help. 1 . . . . %mehelp . . . . . . . 2 Little help . . . . . . 3 No help at all 4 . . . . + SEE Q114 m TSOSE LIVING WITW OR MhP.RIED TO TI-E3SURVEY BASY ‘S FATHER ~A, OTWEBS. . . . . X ---- + Q116 114 ThInkng nm of lust the last seven days, dur~ng that tme has your husband [(the survey baby) ‘s father] helped with: YBs N3 (a) the washing up? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 . . . . . . . . 4 0 (e) shopping? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 (f) washing?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0 (g) Lronlng?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0 (h) or e.nyttmng else? (SPECIFY). . . . . . . . . 8 0 . . . . . . . (b) makng the beds?. (c) cookng?. (d)cleamng? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 So, would you say your husband 1(the survey baby) ‘s father] gave you a lot of help, some help, a l~ttle help or no help at all with the housework? Alot of help-.., 1 Some help . . . . . . 2 Little help . . . . - ‘3 No help at all 51 . . . 4 I Q116 ~ 116 THOSE D YOU father] was DIRECTED thlA has HEPJI YOU (=) husb~d changed in any way 1 (the Since survey baby) ‘s (the survey bay) born? Yes . . . 9 No 0 . . . IF YsS (a) So, how do you think he has changed? n 117 Could you tell me what job your (axsurvey baby) ‘s father] dOes? husband [(the IF uNEMPLOYED ASK A2J3L?THIS LAST JOB OccupatlOn: Industry: self -employed w~th enployees . . . self -amployed without amployees . i . . 2 . . . . . . . 3 foreman/supervisor . . . . . . . . . 4 manage r....... .—-. ) SEE Q118 --- > SEE Q119 PAGE 54 other employee . . . . . - - - - . . :5 . . 6 at school . . . . . . . ---at college . . . . ..never worked. . . . . . . 7 . . . . . - . . . . . E 52 1 * . ..-, —.. - .-! .4. .. . .1. - .4. - .. . > — TU THOSE WXOSE IS WOFKING (EX) XUSEAND ITHE SURVEY BABY ‘S FATHER] ENA, (EX)HUSBAND [TWE SURVEY BABY ‘S FATHER] UNEMFI.OYED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..X ---- ~ SEE Q119 118 Is your (SW) husband [(thesurvey baby) ‘s father] working at the sems placa as he was when I (we) last saw you on . ...? IF tU (a) Could you tell me why he’s changed lobs? n 53 Yes . . . 9 + SEE Q119 No o + [a) . . . TO THOSE MARRIED ‘IOSOKSONE OTSER THAN THE SURV2Y BABY ‘S FATHER DNA , Q31NG OWT WITH, LNING WITH OR MARIUED nJ SURVEY BABY’ S LATHER... . . . . . ..-. .- —- > SEE Q124 PAGS 57 DNA , COHABITING WITS SOMZONZ OTSER THAN T+IF. SURVZYBAEY’ S LATHER... . ... . . . ..Y .— -- > SEE Q122 ~A , OTHERS . . . . . . . . . . . . .--...--2 .- > Q121 .X —- 119 ‘rlnnkmg once again about you and your husband. 0 Can you say why you and he decided to get married when you did? 120 So do you cons~der your marriage to be: very happy . . . . . . . . . . . 1 qutehappy . . . 2 . . - 3 . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . ne ~ther happy nor unhappy qu~te unhappy or very unhappy ?.... OTHZR CO-NT . . . . . . . . . . (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q122 1 (a) 5 h 6 + Q122 - IF QUITE OR VERY UNHAPPY (a) Could you tell me why you cons Ider your marriage O to be q.=te (very) unhappy? 54 — *“ TO THOSE DIRECTED HERE 121 May I 3ust ask, do you have a steady boyf rzsnd at presant? Yes . . . . No . . . . 9 + SEE Q122 0 + SEE Q124 PAGE 57 T3 THOSE LIVING WITH THE SURVEY BASY (CO12ED9 AT Q1 OR O AT Q7) AND GOING OUT WITH, LIVING WIlli, OR MiP.WSD ‘lY3SOMECWS =—R THAN ~ SURVEY BABY ‘S FATHER DNA, OTHERS. . . . . X .—— —. + SEE Q124 PAGE 57 122 INTF83DUCZ IF NECESSARY are about your husband The next couple of quest Ions (boyfriend) and (the survay baby) Does ycur husband (boyfrzend) he 1P In looking after (the survay baby) at all? IF YES (a) How does he help? o 55 Yes . . . . 9 += (a) No 0 + Q123 . . . . 123 So, how well does your husband (boyfriend) get on with (the survey baby) ? WOuld YOU saY very well . . . . . . -- 1 furly 2 well. . . . . . . . . . 3 ~ (a) OTSER COMMEIJT(SPECIFY) . ~ ~ SEE Q124 or not very well?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF NOT VERY WELL (a) Could You tell me why that Is? o 56 . 1 TO THOSE LIVING WI~ THS SURVEY BABY (CODED 9 AT Q1 OR O AT Q7) DWAVOTHEFS . . . . ..X ----4+0128 ;AGS 59 124 I ‘d hke ncu to ask you about any (other) he 1P you may have had m looking after (the survey baby) (So) durng the past month have you had any he 1P ~n looking after (the survey baby) from: your Inothsr? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 (b) your mother-m- law ([the survey baby] ‘s fathe r‘s mother) ?........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (c) your sisters or s~sters-m-lsw ([the survey beby] ‘s father’ ssmters)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (d) other relatlves9 (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 (a) I Q125 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (e) friends ornelghbours?. (f) OranyOne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 else? (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tm-oNE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Q126 125 who, then, during the past nmnth, hss been the nmst helpful In lmklng after (the survey baby)? Husband (the survey baby’s father) . . . . . . . . . . 1 Mther. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Mother-m-law (the survey bsby ’s father’s nmther) . . 3 Sister or slstsr-m-law (the survey baby’s father’s sister) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Other relatlve (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frxendornelghbour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Someone else (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 6 7 Q126 126 would you have lfied any (more) help ~ (the survey baby) ? lmk~ng after Yes . . . . 9 p (a) No . . . . 0 + Q127 . IF YES (a) (So) what would you have llked help with? o 127 On balance then, would you describe as: (the survey baby) a very easy baby to look after . . . . 1 a fa~rly easy beby to look after . . . 2 or a rather difficult beby to leek after? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 + (a) OTSER COMMENT 4 + Q128 328 . . . . . . . (S~CIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF 8ATSER DIFFICULT (a) could you tell m why you find (the suney a rather d~fficult bsby to look after? o 58 baby) . mm T1-m-Jung ncni about mney Would you say that mney M a problam for you or not? Yes . . . . . . . . . . . 9 No . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Other cmmsnt s } Yes . . . . 9 + (a) No . . . . . 0 +-Q130 129 (So) do you (or [the survey baby] you need? (SPECIFY) Q129 go short of anything IF YES (a) What sort of thngs? o 59 130 If you had a b~t IKJrenmney comng 0 what would you do with It? in each week IF SAVE IT [a) wOuld yOU save It for anyVmn9 m particular? o 131 Conpared, then, to when I (we) laSt saw YOu wOuld Y@J say you were better or worse off (fin= ClallY) now or about the same? Better nW . . . . . . 1 Worse rim------ 3 About the sam 2 IF BETTER OR WOFSE NOW (a) Could you tell me why that Is? o 60 . - . - Ja) > SEE Q132 B’ TO AIL LIVING wITH THE SURVEY BABY (CODED 9 AT Q1 OR (JAT Q7) ExCEPT THOSE LIVING WITH ~ MAPJUED ~ ~ wIEOWED FFs3MTHE SURVEY BABY‘S FATHER DNA, BABY DIED OR AU3FTED . . . . .X ---- Q144 ●PAGE 69 DNA, OTHERS -. .--— >Q134 --—— + . . ..-. . ..-Y 132 May I lust ask, does (the survey bsby) ‘s father (your [exl husband) help you w~th money at all? Yes . . ..X No 0 . . . . . (a) % Q133 IF YES (a) Have you had any problam m getting tlus money? Yes . . . . . 1 No 2 . ...< (b) What problam have you had? o does (the survey baby)’s father (YOU (c) so, husband) g~ve you money regularly or not? [exl Yes . . . . 9 h (i) No 0 ● Q134 . . . . IF YEs (1) Could you tell me, then, how much he gives you m a typical week? —-----l---r- Don’t knew 61 f 1- Q134 I 8 133 So, have YOU tried to get any money from hum? Yes . . . . ..- 9 + No . . . . . . . . 0 + (b) (a) (a) Could you tell me what happened? o (b) why IS that? o ‘MALL 134 Since I (we) last saw you have you receaved any of the followm.g benef~ts: INCLUDE ANY FECBIVED ON THE INFORMANTS BESAIF (a) ch~ld benefit? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 IF CHILO BENEFIT RECEIVED AND IF smm (~) ch~ld benefIt ~ncrease?. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 IF CHILLIBENEFIT RECEIVSD AND IF DIWJK!ED (LI) d-mid’s spec~al allowance?. . . . . . . . . . . 3 (b) fianulylnccxnesupplement?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 (c) supplementary benefit? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 (d) a rsnt or rate rebate or allowance? 6 . . . . . . . . (e) or any other benefit? (SFBCIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N3BENEFITs DECEIVED ~ 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 I 0 1 + Q137 PAGE 64 D’135 Are you still recelvmg tires(any of these) benefits? Yes . . . 9 + No . . . 0 +Q136 (a) IF YES (a) Winch ones? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ch~ld benaflt Increase . . . . . . . . 2 C!lnld’sspsc~al allowance . . . . . . . 3 Fauuly lncone supplement . . . . . . . 4 Supplementary benefit . - . . . . . - . 5 &lldbeneflt CODE ALL mlAl! APPLY Pent or rate rebate or allowance . . . I Yes . . . 9 + (a) No 0 + Q138 gettzng tins (any of these) IF YsS (a) Could you tell w 6 7: Other benefit (SPECIFY). . . . . . . . 136 Have you had any problsms m or any other benef~t(s)? ] Q136 what happened? o 63 . . . 137 Have you tried to get any bsnef~ts? Yes . . . No . . . . IF YES (a) Could you te11 me what happened? (l 13s NOW my I just check, during the psst nmnth hsve you seen professionally: D 9 (a) o Q138 E REIPFUL YEs —m ;EEN (a) a health vlsltor? Yes.. 9 No. .. 0 Yes.. 9 No ... 0 (c) or anyone else l~ke that? (SPECIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes.. 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .No. .. 0 +1 (b) a social worker? t FOR EACH YES =ORDED AT (a) - (c) ASK (1) (1 so hsve You found . . . . helpf~ or not? SNTER IN COLU4N 64 +1 +1 2 ! 2 2 a“ CmK!x H H= the Informant found either a health vlsltor or a social worker or anyone else lfie that not helpful Yes. . x No. TO TROSE DIFJ3c’IED HSRE 139 Could you tell me why you dmin’t fnd 0 helpful? ENTER REASON(S) IN BOX WI..OW . Y ---I--— FOR EACH FOUND NCT + HELPFUL ASK Q139 + Q140 I I . . . . xmLTH VISITOR SOCIAL WORIOZR OTHER PK)FESSIONAL (SPRCIFY) I 65 TOALL 14o (so), durxng the past nmnth, would YOU hava lfied tO have seen (a health vlsltor) or (a social worker) or any one else l~ke that? Yes . . . . . . No . . . . . . 9 +(a)+(b) 0 j Q141 IF YES (a) Who would you have llked to have seen? CODE ALL THAT APPLY Health vlsltor . . . . . . . 1 Social worker. . . . . . . . 2 other professional (SpECIFy) 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . -. FOR EACH PERSON NR4TIONED ASK (b) (b) (And) what would you have l~ked to have seen o . . . . about? BNTER ANSWER IN BOX BEIJ2W EALfm TsI’N3R xx IAL w3RX.ER 2THER PRTE3SSmrw (SPECIFY) . 66 9’ 141 And st~ll thinhng of the past nmnth, during that tune have you vlslted a duld health clmlc at a217 Yes . . . 9 No 0 . . . IF YES (a) So, how many trees have you vlslted a ch~ld heelth clumc during the psat month? ~ . . . (b) Could you tell me why you’ve visited a tild o health CIIIUc the psat month? (c) D1d you fmd your v>slt (s1 to the ckmld health clmi c helpful or not? Helpful . . . . . . . 9 Not helpful . . . . . 0 Other cmnent (SPECIFY) 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF NOT HEI.PF’UL (I) So, could you tell me why you d~dn’t find your () visit (s) to the chzld health clinic helpful? 1 back ncw to the tune when you found out you 142 Lmkmg were pregnant with (the survey beby), on balance h=e things worked out: 1 (a) 2 Q143 3 (a) 143 so, on balance =e you pleased you had (the sumey baby) when you dld or not? Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ,Q144 No . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . (a) Other c-nt 8 ,Q144 better than you expected asyou expected then . . . . . . . . . . . or worse than you ~cted IF RE~R . . . . . . . . then? . . . . . CR WORSE (a) In what Way? o . . . ..- (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . .. IF NO (a) Could you tell m why that Le? o 68 1’ ● ’ 144 rm you thnk you have clmnged In any way s~nce I (we) last saw you? Yes . . . . 9 , No 0 ,Q145 ..-. (a) IF YES (a) So, how do you think you’ve changed? o 145 Taken together would you descrfie the way things are gong for you thesa days as: very well. . . . . 1 quite well . . . . 2 or not tca well? . 3 146 So, thmklng of how your llfe IS gong wish: )Q146 now, would you It to continue n much the same way . . . 1 .SEE Q147 tochenge scmepertsof~t . . . . . . . 2 J) or to change many parts of It? . . . . . 3 IF CODED 2 OR 3 (a) In what way? o 69 a TO ALL EX(XPT ‘INOSEWHERE THE SURVEY BABY RAS DIED OR BEEN ALYJFTED DNA , SURVEY BABY DIED OR AtK)PTED >Q149 x 147 If you had a canpletely free cho~ce which of the following would you prefer to &: look after (the survey beby) fiull-tne 1 workpart-tme. .-. . . . . . . 2 work full-tuna . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . or would you prefer to do smnetlmng else (spEcIFy)?. . . . . . . . . . . . 3Q148 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Could you tell me why you would prefer to do this? 0 149 DO you ttunk you WI11 have any particular problems durng the next year? Yea . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 No 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . Other -ent (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF YES (a) What problfm do you tlunk you WI1l have? o 70 . . . . 8 + (a) Q150 b c’ 150 Is there anything that you muld parhcularly l~ke to do, or to get, or to save up for in the next year? Yes. . .,.. 9 ~ No . . . . . 0 . SEE Q151 NOW . . .X .— -- (a) IF YsS (a) Could you tell me what that Is? o ‘M AIL EXCEPT TI-B3SE WW3 AR5 PFC3GNANTNOW DNA ,PRE~ 151 ~ ~ Q156 PAGE 73 you hope to have any more ckmldren? Yes . . . . . . . . . . 1 N Q154 No . . . . . . . . . . 2 ) Q152 Uncertain . . . . . . . 3 } (a) Can ‘t have any more . . 4 )mm RECAI.L SHEET IF ONCERTAIN (a) what sort of th~ngs would help You to decide 0 one way or the other? IW3+iGO TO TI-DZ PECAIL SHEET 71 I I Li2 cm YOU tell me why you don ‘t want to have ~Y more ~ .h~ldrene I 153 so, dO YOU th~nk YOU might ever change YOU ~nd’ Defuutely not . . . (a) Possibly . . . . . . IF POSSIBLY (a) what sort of things nught make YOU ch~ge ~ your nund? NOW GO ‘M THE FJZCALLSHSET would YOU l~ke to have between(th 154 so, how lon9 a t= the next babY~ last baby) ~d Le~~than ayear . . . . . . . . . . I year but less than 2 years . . . . 2 years but less than 3 years. . . . 3 years but less than 4 years. . . . 4 years or mOre (spECIFy). . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . 72 1 2 ?Q155 3 4 5 — ● 155 why do✎you prefer to have your next child then? o 156 (So) can you say about how many children you would llke to have altogether? 157 And how many boys and how many gnls would you l~ke to have altogether? mys ~ GIsLS — 73 > . . . . . . . . . k GOTO PJKAI.L H-EST CHECK J (a) Interpreter used: Yes . . . . . . 9 No. 0 . . . . . (b) A (b) Length of mtervlew: . . . . . . . 1 1 hour but less thsn 1+ hours . . . . . 1* hours but less then 1* ho~s . ...’ 2 Iessthsnl hour..... 3 ●(c) . . . . 4 l! hours but less than 2 hews . . . . . 2 hours or nmre (SPECIFY) . . . . . . . 5 l+ hours but less than 1! hours 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . (c) People present. None (excspt s~eY b*Y) . . - - . . 0 . . 1 Husbsnd (the survey baby’s father) - . 2 Adult relatlves, fede 3 children (apzt frOm su~ey bay) - . . - . . . Adult relatlves, male . . . . . . .Adult friends, f=Mle . . . . . . 6 Other (spECIFY) . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . ..- (d) 5 -. . . . . . . . . . Adult friends, ~le + 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . onnsnt WIllmg to be interviewed agan: (d) IIIf . 9 No . . . . . 0 Yes .-. (e) Informant spontaneously asked b the results: M) bs Infomed SbOut Yes . . . . 9 No . . . . . 0 Social Survey DIvIsIon, Office of Population censuses and Surweys, st Cathen.nes House, 10 fingswaY, tin~n ~2B ~p 74
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