“Knights of Pythias, helping Servicemen and Veterans since 1864” GENESIS LODGE #64, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS M AY 2 015 Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 8:00PM - St. Mark School at Avenue Z & E. 19th St. (Enter via Parking Lot on Ave. Z & E. 18th St.) CALENDAR: WED., MA Y 1 3th MAY 13th 8:00PM; BUSINESS MEETING – 1 ST NOMINA TIONS; WELF ARE ASSOCIA TION NOMINATIONS; WELFARE ASSOCIATION ELECTIONS, B Y -LA W S AMENDMENT BY -LAW S AT., MA Y 1 6th MAY 16th 8:00PM; BINGO (OPEN) Y 20 th WED., MA MAY 7:00PM; EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Of s, Committ ee Chair (Offf icer icers, Committee Chairss & PCs only) WED., MA Y 2 7 th MAY 27 8:30PM; G AVEL NIGHT – CL OSED (DRESS APPR OPRIA TEL Y) GA CLOSED APPROPRIA OPRIATEL TELY) S AT., MA Y 30 th MAY 1 0:30AM; A TLANTIC CIT Y BUS TRIP (RESER VATIONS REQ’D) ATLANTIC (RESERV WED., JUNE 3 rd 8:00PM; BUSINESS MEETING – 2 nd NOMINA TIONS & ELECTIONS NOMINATIONS GENESIS MOURNS THE LOSS OF: Abraham Blachman, Albert Covelman, Bernard Gold, Israel Kapler, Joseph Rosenfeld, Melvin Scheier, David Siegel, Sidney Winkelman, Goldie Berman, Clara Eskeles, Rose Miller, Anna Olen, Sara Skolnick SERVICEMENS POSTAGE DONATIONS: Anna & Ron Sartini, Marion & Barry Resnick,, Gwen & Lowell Goldberg, Yvonne & Julius Caputo BUFFET DINNER Hudson River Yacht Club Rib Steaks, Marinated Chicken Breast, Ribs, Grilled Salmon, Burgers, Cheeseburgers, Hot Dogs Penne, German Potato Salad, Salad, Desserts, Pastries, Fruit Platter, Coffee, Soda ENTERTAINMENT BY THE ACCORDS June 6 th - 7:30pm to 11:30pm Members: $ 95/cpl - All Others $190/cpl By May 21st, give/mail your check, payable to Genesis Lodge, to: Jerry Bale, 1600 Ocean Parkway – Apt. 5J, Brooklyn NY 11230 (718) 336-5955 or Allan Greenberg, 444 Avenue X, Apt. 4E, Brooklyn NY 11223 (917) 803-9208 GENESIS LODGE #64 Chancellor Commander…......................Julius Caputo CHANCELLOR COMMANDER’S MESSAGE (718) 339-0328 Vice-Chancellor........................…..............Barry Resnick (917) 838-4788 Treasurer..............................................PDGC Lewis Smith Recording Sec..….............................PACDGC Sir Sid Wieder TEL (718) 845-2595 FAX (718) 845-9128 E-Mail: VOICEOFGENESIS@YAHOO.COM Financial Sec..............................…....GMA Philip Feigel E-Mail: RABBITT54@AOL.COM (718) 251-2760 ALPHA-GENESIS SUNSHINE FDN President………………..............PDSC Allan Greenberg (718) 376-4359 Vice-President…………..................GOG David Stanger (718) 336-2533 Treasurer………….......................DGC Lowell Goldberg FAX (718) 531-5806 TEL (718) 531-6726 Secretary………...........................…...........PC Errol Lewis (718) 375-9229 E-Mail: EL719@AOL.COM GENESIS WELFARE ASSOC. President…………...................PACDGC Norman Green (718) 376-4859 Vice-President…………............PDSC Allan Greenberg (718) 376-4359 In Case of Member Death, contact: Cemetery Chairman………..............PDGC Lewis Smith (718) 252-9351 or (718) 633-0400 BULLETIN EDITOR DGC LOWELL GOLDBERG TEL (718) 531-6726 FAX (718) 531-5806 E-Mail: VOICEOFGENESIS@YAHOO.COM BUSINESS MGR…...…...........PACDGC Sir Sid Wieder (718) 845-2595 To be a good Pythian, you can’t just utter the words “friendship, charity & benevolence”, you have to live by them. Dear Brothers: It was a great year; it was a terrible year. Yes, we had some horrid weather, but that is behind us. But we did not let that stop us from partying and planning exciting events. Our Valentine’s Party was a huge success as was our Hunterdon Dinner-Theater trip. Over 50 brothers enjoyed our free Pre-meeting Chinese dinner on April 22nd. Although my year is winding down, as they say, “the best is yet to come”. We still have our OPEN BINGO on 5/16, Alpha-Genesis Foundation’s May 30th Atlantic City trip, and on June 6th we have a BBQ Dinner Buffet at Hudson River Yacht Club with entertainment by the Accords. We also have our June 24th OPEN Installation of Officers at AOH Hall (our new home next year) On the Pythian front, the Diabetes Golf Tournament is on June 13th at Riis Park. We are also subsidizing attendance to the Grand Chancellor’s Dinner on June 20th at the exquisite Temple Avodah in Oceanside (for our Majestic Lodge brother, Sir Robert Ross) and we celebrate our ladies by subsidizing attendance to the Grand Chief’s Dinner (for our own sister, Cindy Nathanson) on June 15th at Il Fornetto Restaurant in Sheepshead Bay. Let me also remind you that our elections start on May 13th with 1st Nominations of Officers. That meeting will be followed by the Genesis Benevolent elections for several Board of Directors positions. Lodge elections will take place at our June 3rd meeting. And lastly (but NEVER lastly), this month we honor those fallen men and women of our Armed Services on Memorial Day. Their ultimate sacrifice is the reason we wake up each morning, free! Fraternally yours, A donation to our Alpha-Genesis Sunshine Foundation is a special way to honor a loved one or a particular event (60 characters maximum- copy MUST be received 4 weeks in advance of the 1st day of the issue month.) Mailed Cards or Bulletin lines are $6 each (both are $10). Send checks payable to AlphaGenesis Sunshine to: Lo well Goldber g, 1462 E 70th Str eet, Br ookl yn NY 11234 Low Goldberg Street, Brookl ooklyn Gloria & Herb Sorkin congratulate Herb’s parent, Beatrice & Fred Sorkin, on their 75th Anniversary. We wish you continued good health & happiness in the years to come Gwen & Lowell Goldberg give thanks for Errol Lewis and Sid Wieder returning home from Rehab Gwen & Lowell Goldberg for the continued recovery of Greg Posniack Marcia & Stan Fefferman in honor of Josh Fefferman on his 3rd of many more birthdays PLE ASE MAIL WITH Y OUR DONA TION: PLEASE YOUR DONATION: ……………………… ……………………………… CUT HERE…………......……………… CHECK ONE: Both Bulletin Announcement & Mailed Card-$10.00 or more Bulletin Only-$6 or more …………………….....…………. Mailed Card Only -$6 or more In Honor Of (or) In Memory Of_____________________________________ Occasion (60 Char. max.)____________________________________________ Please notify: Name____________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ Gift From: Name______________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ 2 BINGO MAY 16th – 8:00PM LOT$ OF PRIZE$ ---- Collation at Intermission $12/person includes 3 cards, 2 Specials + Raffle Give/Mail check by 5/1, made out to Alpha-Genesis Sunshine, to: Norman Green,1744 E. 24th St, Brooklyn NY 11229 (718) 376-4859 or Allan Greenberg, 444 Avenue X, Apt. 4E,Brooklyn NY 11223 (718) 376-4359 ATLANTIC CITY BUS TRIP TROPICANA HOTEL CASINO SAT., MA Y 30 th MAY $35 per person (over 18 only) Giveback $15 Casino Slots BUS LEAVES FROM AVE. V & HENDRICKSON ST AT 10:30 AM SHARP By 5/13, mail/give your check, made payable to Alpha-Genesis, to: Jerry Bale, 1600 Ocean Pkwy-Apt. 5I, Brooklyn NY (718) 336-5955 or Lowell Goldberg, 1462 E70th St, Brooklyn NY 11234 (718) 531-6726 Testamonial Dinner for GRAND CHANCELLOR’S DINNER Grand Chief honoring Cindy Nathanson Sir R obert Ross Robert Mon., J une 15 th - 7PM June SAT., JUNE 20 th, 7:30pm MEMBERS- $80/cpl All Others -$105/cpl (Subsidy limited to the first 30 coupls) Temple Avodah of Oceanside 3050 Oceanside Road, Oceanside NY $115/CPL; $225/cpl dual & non-members Il Fornetto Ristorante (subsidy limited to the first 30 couples) 2902 Emmons Avenue Cocktail hour, Open bar, Full Course Dinner, Entertainment By May 21 , give/mail your check, payable to Genesis Lodge, to: st Lewis Smith, 1895 Flatbush Ave., Bklyn NY 11210 , Tel. (718) 377-8610 Give /Mail Check by 5/13, payable to Genesis Lodge, to: Lewis Smith, 1895 Flatbush Ave., Bklyn NY 11210 , Tel. (718) 377-8610 SCOOTERS: A group rate of $80 for the entire 4-day Grand Convention in Atlantic City has been negotiated for motorized scooters. Contact Gwen Goldberg (718) 531-6726 by May 7th to make your reservation for this special rate. 3 Installation of Officers (OPEN MEETING) Wednesda y, JJune une 24th ednesday AOH HALL – 8:00pm 2750 Gerritsen Avenue - Collation follo ws installation follows KofP DIABETES RESEARCH FDTN GOLF TOURNAMENT SATURDAY, JUNE 13 GAVEL NIGHT – closed meeting Wednesda y, ednesday Ma y 27th, 8pm May th 8:00 AM Riis Park Golf Course $25,000 Hole in One + same to charity—Raffles $60 per Golfer (includes breakfast & BBQ) BBQ ONLY-$20 advance; $25 day of Brothers: Please join us as GENESIS LODGE presents our Grand Chancellor with the Gavel he will use to close his last convention – COLLA TION TO FFOLL OLL COLLATION OLLOO W PRESENT PRESENTAA TION – INFO: Robert Kaufman (718) 375-8931 or Allan Greenberg 917-803-9208 - PLEASE DRESS APPROPRIATELY - tr ict honor s its as t Deputy Gr and Chancellor The 46th dis distr trict honors its’’ P Pas ast Grand ERIC PLATT Sat., November 14th, 2015, 7PM, at Roma View Caterers DETAILS TO FOLLOW May Anniversaries: Brian & Bunny Bender Ruth & Roy Bennett Mollie & Israel Berkowitz Lynne & Herbert Binder Gloria & Lawrence Cohen Denise & Jacob Dorra Maureen & Eugene Dreyer Adelle & Michael Ellis Laurie & Philip Evans Judy & Kenneth Gaines Mariza & Jeffrey Goldstein Sylvia & Richard Goldstone Terri & Joseph Harary Jennifer & Mitchel Hyams Maureen & Joel Kirschner Patricia & Jeffrey Korn Susan & Barry Mandel Barbara & Harold Mazer Gertrude & Philip Pliner Gloria & Arnold Plotzky Susan & Arnold Ringle Sharon & Gary Roth Corinne & Michael Rothstein Lorraine & Harvey Saiken Ethel & Leon Schneider Esther & Charles Schrier Iris & Ronald Schultz Sara & Marvin Skedelsky Beatrice & Fred Sorkin Barbara & David Stanger Helen & Charles Stein Renee & Louis Waller Sharon & Milton Zemarkowitz NO TE: Bir thda saries are pr tin. The Edit or DOES NOT maint ain NOTE: Birthda thdayy s and Anniver Anniversaries proovided bbyy the Lodge Secre Secrett ar aryy ttoo the Bulle Bulletin. Editor maintain a lis thda saries. An hanges should be repor ecor ding Secre listt of bir birthda thdayy s & anniver anniversaries. Anyy and all cchanges reportt ed ttoo the Lodge R Recor ecording Secrett ar aryy. 4 (718) 934-9800 Perry’s Restaurant Seafood - Steaks - Chops Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner 3482 Nostrand Ave. Brooklyn, NY 20% Discount for Lodge Members (718) 377-4424 (718) 377-4152 MIDWOOD MATTRESS FURNITURE DISCOUNTERS SERVICING THE COMMUNITY FOR 80 YEARS AGENCY FOR SEALY * SERTA * SIMMONS FURNITURE - FUTONS - BEDDING MICHAEL ACKER 1833 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11210 CROWN • TROPHIES • AWARDS • PINS TROPHY • MEDALLIONS • PLAQUES • RIBBONS (718) 769-4111 Fax (718) 648-3326 MIKE FELLER LARRY BROWN 3024 AVENUE U * BROOKLYN, NY 11229 Alpha-Genesis Baseball Night at MCU Park VS. Aberdeen Iron Birds M.C.U. Park - 6:30 PM, Saturday, Aug. 29th - Promo & Fireworks Night $ 20/ticket Give/send your check by 6/19, made payable to Alpha-Genesis, to: Allan Greenberg, 444 Avenue X - Apt. 4E, Brooklyn NY 11223 (917) 803-9208 -or- Lowell Goldberg, 1462 E. 70th St, Brooklyn NY 11234 (718) 531-6726 5 1625 Coney Island Avenue (cor. Avenue M), Brooklyn, NY 11230 Toll Free: 800-396-9103 / 877-327-7702 • 718-377-2700 (Brooklyn) • 212-674-3600 Owned and Operated by Stanley & Peter Nieberg, Directors Monuments and Lettering Available in all Cemeteries Graveside Services, Pre-Need, Shipping to Israel Oppenheimer & Co., Inc. Boca Village Corp. Center 4855 Technology Way, Suite 400, Boca Raton, FL 33431 Phone: 561-367-4700 • Fax: 561-750-0597 • Toll-Free: 800-711-2032 nathan.alters@opco.co NATHAN ALTERS Vice President – Investments nathan.alters@opco.com JOSEPH M. HARARY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Income Taxes • Business Accounting • QuickBooks Professional Advisor 3115 Quentin Road, Brooklyn, New York 11234 Tel: (718) 376-6635 Fax: (718) 336-9181 Email: joe@joehararycpa.com • www.joehararycpa.com FLASHBACK NO TICE: NOTICE: By-Laws amendment to be voted on at the May 13th meeting: A dd tto o Ar ticle IV s): Article IV,, Sec. 11 (Arrear (Arrears): An Anyy member member,, who is in arrear arrearss on his dues after November 1 st , shall be charged a lateness fee of $20 on top of his dues. Any member member,, who is in arrear s solely on an assessment on that date, shall be charged a $10 lateness fee on top of his assessment. If any member is still in arrears by January 1 st, the same lateness fees noted above shall incur and shall be cumulative. If a member is in arrears on both dues and assessments, all ffees ees no nott ed shall apply apply.. 6 INSURANCE MYTH: I don’t need Renter’s insurance because my Landlord’s insurance covers my apartment. FALSE: Your landlord’s insurance insures “his” building and “his” liability. It does no nott cover “your” personal property or “your” liability. Some common examples, (1) you would be liable for structural and/or water damage to your landlord’s property if your tub, sink, washing machine or dishwasher overflowed –or— (2) if someone fell in your apartment and was injured. Also, can you afford to lay out the large lawyer fees to defend yourself? Renter’s insurance protects “you”, not only by providing coverage in the event of an award, but to pay the lawyers! YOUR CAR WARRANTY WILL BE VOIDED if you use the new E-15 gas in your BMW, Toyota, Nissan, Chrysler, Ford, Honda, Hyundai, KIA, VW or Mercedes vehicles (and the list is growing) per AAA. The government is pushing this new fuel, but testing shows the fuel can damage critical engine parts. May Birthdays: Florence Alters Sylvia Beekman Karen Bernstein Walter Bilzinsky Karen Black Bernice Bogash Irving Bogash Sheryl Bouzaglou Harriet Caplan Lillian Cogan Matthew Cohen Norman Cohen Michele Davis Gail Eisen Betty Farkas Marvin Feinberg Francine Fishman Joan Fluhr Elena Francis Irving Friedman Judy Gaines Jay Giller Naomi Ginsberg Marjorie Goldberg Sheila Goldberg Barry Gossett Rhonda Greenberg Milton Grill Charlotte Haber Pearl Hager Jennifer Hyams Ralph Kahn Edith Katz Harriet Keller Susana Lax Leon Levitt Rhoda Levitt Louise Linder Murial Linn Rochelle Lissak Jonathan Loring Charles Lorowitz Ann Mannino Leya Miller Sandy Nussbaum Alfred Ozer Linda Parnes Linda Pinchoff Gloria Plotzky Henry Polan Ruth Polansky Steven Pupkin Sandra Roher Joan Rosenblatt Lois Rosenstein‘ Stanley Ross Roberta Rottblatt Ethel Schneider Susan Schochner Phyllis Schulman Roslyn Shapiro Elaine Sherman Sidney Siminoff Rose Smith Pearl Spivak David Stanger Helen Stein Burton Steinberg Cheryl Sussman Marilyn Sussman David Weinstein Helene Weiss Gregg Wieder 7 ( a publication of Genesis Lodge #64 , Knights of Pythias) 1462 E. 70th Street Brooklyn NY 11234 - 5712 FORWARDING ADDRESS SERVICES REQUESTED I.J. MORRIS Jewish Funeral Directors Since 1888 1-800-624-8282 www.ljmorrisbrooklyn.com Providing quality funeral services with care and compassion For assistance, contact Lewis J. Smith Brooklyn- 1895 Flatbush Avenue Florida- Serving all Florida communities 1-800-624-8282 Pre-Need Funeral Arrangements – Monuments This firm is owned by a subsidiary of Service Corporation International 1929 Allen Parkway Houston, Texas 77019 (713) 522-7141 PRINTING by Brooklyn Printers - Your One Stop Print Shop, 1087 Utica Ave., Brooklyn, NY (Tel: (718) 629-1454 • Fax: (718) 451-1799
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