INVITATION FOR B2B MEETINGS within The Fair of Franchising

The Fair of Franchising, Financial and Consulting Services, FEC
29 - 30 May 2015., Opatija
Croatian Chamber of Economy - County Chamber Rijeka and Enterprise Europe Network
Croatia are pleased to invite you to participate on the business meetings which will take
place within the Fair of Franchising, Financial and Consulting Services FEC (Franchising
Exhibition Croatia) in the Congress Hall of Hotel Royal in Opatija, on 29th May 2015. The
event is coorganised and supported by the Italian EEN partner Unioncamere del Veneto –
The event aims to offer to companies the possibility to meet other companies
operating in the same sector with the objective to present and discover new products and
services, to explore new business opportunities, find new potential clients and exchange
business experiences.
Who can participate:
Companies that are thinking about buying or selling a franchise or intend to invest in a tried
and tested business model and those who wish to engage in entrepreneurial ventures,
especially companies that offer financial or intellectual services.
Although the fair is thematically related to the franchise, financial and consulting services,
the business meetings are also aimed at entrepreneurs from other industries who want to :
 find business partners
 exchange their best practices
 place their products and services on new markets
 previously arranged meetings with several potential partners in one place
 meetings with potential foreign partners
 support of the Enterprise Europe Network
Participation is free of charge!
Additional information about the event can be found on the link, which is also the link for the
on-line registration:
In case of difficulties in the registration or further questions, please contact:
Croatian Chamber of Economy – County Chamber Rijeka
Sanja Antonin, Senior Associate
tel: 00385 51 209 139
Croatian Chamber of Economy – County Chamber Rijeka EEN
Elizabeta Margitić Mihelec, Senior Associate
tel: 00385 51 209 138
Croatian Chamber of Economy EEN
Jelena Ravlić, Expert Associate
tel: 00385 1 4561 763