April 12, 2015 Upcoming Activities and Opportunities at Federated Ahead At The Fed TO OUR GUESTS.… Please know you are welcomed in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, our Lord, who always meets people where they are, not where they should be. We are grateful for your presence here this morning and hope to meet you later, to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea after worship in Fellowship Hall. CDs of this morning’s service are available there for $4.00 each. You can also listen online for free at fedchurch.org or subscribe to our iTunes podcasts. If you’re worshiping here for the first time, please take a green bag from our Visitors Welcome Center in the Narthex or Lobby. It contains useful information about who we are. God accepts me just as I am, and loves me too much to leave me that way. Federated accepts all people as they are and supports them in the spiritual journey. With Christ we offer hope and healing to change our world. Our Mission Statement Sunday, April 19th Rev. Susi Kawolics preaches 9 am Worship & Church School Music by The Ensemble & Tina Bergmann, Hammered Dulcimer 11 am Worship & Church School Music by Chancel Choir & Tina Bergmann, Hammered Dulcimer April 19th - Lectionary Readings Acts 3:12-19 Psalm 4 1 John 3:1-7 Luke 24:36b-48 Sunday, April 26th Music Appreciation Sunday 9 am & 11 am Worship & Church School Music by every possible musical ensemble we can dream up, packed into an hourlong worship experience with stories of hope and inspiration through music from around the globe. Our Ushers and Greeters are wearing red carnations. They are available to answer any questions you may have and will be happy to assist you in any way. We welcome you to The Federated Church, a place to belong and a place to become. We are people just like you, who hope and love and hurt, and we have found that Jesus Christ makes a transforming difference in our daily lives. Your presence matters to us. We open our hearts to you. Our Staff is Here to Support YOU We at Federated believe in service. We think of our congregation as Ministers to the World and our church staff as Ministers to the Congregation. Should you have questions or need information, please contact us at 440.247.6490. We look forward to serving you. Clergy *denotes part-time staff Hamilton Throckmorton, Senior Pastor Mark Simone, Associate Pastor, Children & Youth Ministries * Susi Kawolics, Associate Pastor, Worship Planning and Faith Formation Administration and Staff Sarah Northcraft Spann, Senior Director of Operations Melinda Smith, Congregational Life Administrator * Brenda Driscoll, Communications & Marketing Specialist * Dolly Herschel, Elderlife Coordinator * Darlene Nichols, Pastoral Care Administrator Bob Brandt, Interim Lead Custodian * Jason Driscoll, * Larry McGurer, Daniel Pecchio, * Brent Simon, *Dylan Burks, Custodians Music Staff Chris Ludwa, Director of Music Ministries * Amanda Powell, Artist-in-Residence * Marcia Snavely, Organist * Pat Haynish, Dir. of Children’s Choir * Thaddeus Quintin, Dir. The Olson Bell Choir Children’s Ministries Staff * Marty Culbertson, Dir., Jr. High Youth * Kiersti Critchfield, C0-Dir., Children’s Ministries * Judy Kreger, C0-Dir., Children’s Ministries * Tracy France, Caregiver * Alexandra Bucewicz, Caregiver 2 Sabbatical SEND OFF CELEBRATION for Hamilton TODAY TODAY, from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm, in Fellowship Hall, there will be a light lunch served, followed by a program honoring Hamilton and providing information about his sabbatical/ planned time away. It will be an opportunity to wish Hamilton and Mary safe travels and to learn more about their plans. We will have fun, fellowship, and share joy with each other. We invite you to personally submit a written blessing to a collection of thoughts and prayers which will be gathered and presented to Hamilton for his time away. If you haven’t yet done so, today’s your last chance to write your thoughts on a card provided in a basket in the Narthex, and place the completed card in the same basket. You may also send a message for Hamilton via email to Fedchurch@fedchurch.org (please note “Hamilton Sabbatical” in the subject line) and your message will be included in the collection that will be put together for him. Hope you can join us for what’s sure to be a spirited, joyous send-off for Hamilton! Rev. Stephen Chapin Garner Visit Saturday and Sunday, June 6th and 7th Don’t forget … Join a congregational committee in planning the congregation and community-wide workshop Saturday, June 6th featuring Rev. Stephen Chapin Garner. Church Council and other elected leaders will be reading “Scattering Seeds: Cultivating Church Vitality” this spring in preparation for Chapin’s visit to Federated. Contact Kristi Horner, Council Moderator, for more information at 216.536.7699 or kristi.horner@yahoo.com. Attention Ladies of All Ages The Congregational Care Commission is sponsoring its third annual Ladies of All Ages Tea Saturday, April 25th at Bell St from 10 am to Noon. Come and enjoy food, fellowship and fun. All ladies of all ages are welcome! Sign up after church in Fellowship Hall, or by phone at 440.247.6490, or online at FedChurch.org. Questions? Contact Bonnie Goldston at bmborman@aol.com or at 440.247.0765. “Like Us” on Federated Church’s Facebook Page Show Your Appreciation for our Federated Musicians April 26th Come celebrate Federated’s Music Ministry as our music groups offer a service full of rich and varied music at the 9 am and 11 am services. All of our ensembles will all join together to lift us up through song. Plan to attend this amazing service where more than 150 participating Federated musicians will share their talents with us. As a congregation, let's show our appreciation to all of our skilled musicians by filling Fellowship Hall with wonderful treats after the services. Goodies should be dropped off on the food tables in Fellowship Hall prior to each service, along with any notes of appreciation which will be collected in baskets in Fellowship Hall. Thank you in advance for helping to recognize and honor our fabulous Music Ministry! Tip from the Telling Our Story Commission NEW Event And Hope Top Ten Reasons to Come to Wine For Water and Hope , April 22, 6-9 pm at the Family Life Center 1) In Nicaragua, one dollar feeds a family of four for a day. 2) Every dollar raised goes toward projects in Nicaragua supported by JustHope and Stitching Hope. 3) Bring your friends and share a table together or meet new friends. 4) You have to eat dinner anyway. Enjoy a Latin themed dinner catered by Mazzulo’s and taste four wines specially selected for the event. 5) Your Federated friends have worked hard to provide for a fun evening and local businesses have really kicked in their support! 6) Bid on silent auction items like restaurant gift certificates, and original Nicaraguan pottery. 7) Win the use of a luxury house for a week in Florida or priceless Ohio State football tickets! 8) Show your support of Brenda Grauer, our honorary chairperson, and her Stitching Hope work. 9) You can help with funding without having to learn Spanish or buy a plane ticket. 10) You just might be inspired to join a Federated trip to Nicaragua to see for yourself! Tickets are limited and on sale in Fellowship Hall after church today! Don’t delay as we hope to sell out the event. Or buy your ticket online at just hope.org/trips. If unable to attend, your tax deductible contribution is welcome. Mail checks to Just Hope, c/o Stitching Hope, 8440 E. Washington St., Box 302, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 Need more reasons or have questions? Contact us at wineforwaterandhope@gmail.com. 3 Trinkets and Treasures, NEW Ministry Team formed by Church Council – Staff Our Fabulous Church Appreciation Ministry Team Rummage Sale Returns Interested in planning events or baking? Are April 29th-May2nd you creative or inspirational? The mission of We still need your trinkets and treasures for our church’s huge rummage sale. Mark your calendar for Sunday, April 26th from noon to 4:30 pm, and Monday and Tuesday, April 27th and 28th from 9 am to 5 pm, to bring your trinkets and treasures to the Family Life Center. We take almost anything from household goods, furniture, crafts, toys, sports equipment, tools, jewelry, antiques, elections, to clothing.(Sorry, but we cannot take computers, mattresses, TVs or encyclopedias). THEN the big sale opens Wednesday evening April 29th from 6 pm to 8 pm with a “First Opportunity to Buy Sale” for $10 admission. The open to the public sale continues: Thursday, April 30th and Friday, May 1st from 9 am to 5 pm and Saturday, May 2nd from 9 am to 2 pm with half price and bag sale. We also need volunteers. Can you help out at any time between Sunday, April 19th and Saturday, May 2nd? A large group of volunteers eases the burden of work. If you can help, look for volunteer sign up sheets at the table in Fellowship Hall after church services. We need many hands to help sort and organize, and to help during the sale days.TNT is also a wonderful way to meet new friends while helping Federated Church with this important fundraiser. Don’t miss out on the “best” rummage sale in the Chagrin Valley. All proceeds go directly back to our church. Questions? Contact Caroline Young at 440.554.4494 or Judy Maloni at 440.478.5361. 4 this new ministry team is to create events and show our appreciation toward the entire staff and clergy. Due to financial limitations we have been unable to offer salary/wage raises in many years. This is a small way we can show our appreciation for all that our staff does to support the mission, vision, purpose, and core values of Federated. We hope to provide monthly encouragement and support through prayer, scripture, notes, food, and events. We will explore ways we can support the staff and show our appreciation for all that they do. If you are interested in being involved, please contact Kristi Horner at kristi.horner@yahoo.com or 216.536.7699. M 3T Men’s Fourth Tuesday is moving AND changing Beginning this month, the Men’s group which met on the fourth Tuesday of the month will now be meeting on the Third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm at Bell St, Lounge. We are offering a new format, with guest presenters and monthly themes. Our first meeting is April 21st and will feature Rev. Mark Simone, who will discuss “Who are you, Really?” Mark your calendar and plan to join us for this time of reflection and fellowship. All men are welcome. PROFESSIONAL VOCAL ENSEMBLE DEBUTS TONIGHT TONIGHT at 7:30pm, The Federated Church presents its next event, the third so far in the concert series dubbed Inspired Stories Presents. The series will expand next year to include a Critical Conversations Series and six concerts. These events offer unique experiences meant to entertain, inspire, and enlighten. Audiences will be treated to a secular vespers concert in the sumptuous acoustics of our beautiful Sanctuary. Repertoire will range from spirituals to vocal jazz, and standards to world music. The singers include Fed's own mezzo soprano Amanda Powell and tenor Chris Ludwa, along with mezzo soprano Melissa Ludwa, baritone Chris Venesile, soprano Claire Connelly and bass Anthony Gault. The evening is designed to bring together the essence of vocal music... perfectly blended voices ringing in harmony, both musically and spiritually. Songs will include selections by The Beatles, Ellington's It Don't Mean a Thing, and Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel, to name just a few. Tickets are $10 for adults pre-sale, $15 at the door, and as always, kids are free. Order tickets via Eventbrite: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/kaleidosong-vocal-sextet-tickets-16300556403? aff=efbevent April’s Featured Artist is Nicholas Cappelli Displaying his abstract art on the walls of our church through April 29th is Nicholas Cappelli of Bainbridge. Nicholas has been working with art since the age of 14, and has worked on building his portfolio ever since. By 17, he was skilled in various media and had a variety of work to showcase in his portfolio. After graduating high school, Nicholas created Cappelli Creative Studios, a studio to host his creative endeavors. His latest artwork focuses around traditional and creative abstract paintings, as well as punk-rock themed artwork created with stencils, spray-paint, silkscreens, and linoleum. A reception to meet the artist will be held TODAY at 10:15 am in Fellowship Hall between the 9 am and 11 am services. All are invited to attend. Contact the artist at cappellicreative@gmail.com for information and sales. Preliminary Meeting for New Ministry Team for Divorced, Widowed or Never Married Folks April 19th The Congregational Care Commission is hosting a get-together during Mid-hour Sunday April 19th to begin discussions on setting up a new ministry for people who are divorced, widowed or never married. This is a preliminary meeting to talk about what sort of activities or programs might be of interest and to find leaders to organize and implement this proposed ministry. Please join us in the Lounge at 10 am for this meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Bonnie Borman Goldston at 440.247.0765 or at bmborman@aol.com. If you cannot make the meeting but are interested in participating, please give your name and email address to Bonnie. 5 CHURCH SCHOOL Preschool through Grade 5: The Road to Emmaus Preschool: Be Ready - Jesus is Alive! K-1: Open your eyes; Jesus is here! 2-3: Jesus walks with us. 4-5: Jesus walks with us. Grade 6: Faith Journey Mary Magdalene Children in Grades K - 6 will be dismissed from their classes early to join their families for Communion today. Classroom assignments are posted at the base of each stairwell and on the screen in the lobby. Questions? Contact either Judy Kreger or Kiersti Critchfield at 440.247.6490 or jkreger@fedchurch.org or kcritchfield@fedchurch.org JOY (Jr. High Youth Group) TODAY - JOY’s annual Lock-In at the church ends at 8 am. April 19th - Reg JOY mtg at the Family Life Center at 4:30 pm Questions? Contact Marty Culbertson at mculbert@fedchurch.org or 440.247.6490 x403. GROUP (Sr. High Youth Group) TODAY CONFIRMATION at the Family Life Center at 10 am - 11:30 am. Bring snacks. GROUP Reg Mtg - Special Time 6 pm - 8 pm. Sex Talk 1 - Family Life Center April 19th CONFIRMATION at the Family Life Center. 10 am - 11:30 am. Bring snacks. GROUP Reg Mtg - Special Time 6 pm - 8 pm. Sex Talk 2 - Family Life Center Questions? Contact Rev. Mark Simone at msimone@fedchurch.org or 440.463.9439. 6 ACTION FAITH IN We need your HELP! The Children and Youth are gathering supplies for Church World Services School Kits We need the items listed on the paper bag as many of each item as you can bring in (but only the items as they are listed). Each Kit is valued at $15 so financial support is also welcome! The Kits will be shipped to distribution centers and then sent to areas in need. The needs are many around the world, especially areas hit by natural disasters! Collections will go until the End of April. Items can be left at Bell St, Lobby Area (the parking lot entrance). Weekly Calendar Activities in bold italics take place at the Family Life Center. Rentals, Scout and non-Church related community events are not listed. SUNDAY April 12th THURSDAY April 16th 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:15 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm 6:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:15 pm 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 3:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Worship and Church School Employment Connections Confirmation Class Featured Artist Reception Worship and Church School Hamilton’s Send-off Luncheon & Program GROUP Mtg Kaleidosong Concert Open Hearth AA Mtg MONDAY April 13th 8:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 1:30 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm Spirit Walk and Roll Elderlife Tai Chi - The Movement of Life Monday Morning Miracles Simple Sewing—Hospice Pillow Making Elderlife Federated Forum Elderlife Ministry Team Mtg Children’s Choir Rehearsal Reiki Clinic Men’s Open Basketball Augustine Fellowship Congregational Care Commission Mtg Good Grief with Dick & Jane Monday Meditation Women’s AA Mtg TUESDAY April 14th 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Spirit Walk & Roll Tributaries Yoga - Spirit - Renewal Pastoral Care Mtg Connected Warriors Mission & Service Commission Mtg Spiritual Formation Commission Mtg Membership Committee Mtg Chamber Singers Rehearsal Green Committee Book Study Fireside Big Book Study The Ensemble Rehearsal WEDNESDAY April 15th 7:30 am 8:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 11:15 am 12:00 pm 3:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm Contemplative Prayer Spirit Walk & Roll Staff Prayer Time Staff Mtg Tender Loving Yoga Elderlife Trip to Cleveland Public Library Twelve to One AA Mtg Bethel Bible Study Telling Our Story Commission Mtg Alive360 Band Rehearsal Augustine Fellowship Al-Anon Beginners Mtg Women on the Move AA Mtg Coed Open Basketball Al-Anon Regular Mtg Spirit Walk & Roll Elderlife Newsletter mailing prep Men’s Discussion Group Ladies Prayer Group Sit-n-Stitch Guitar Choir Chancel Choir Rehearsal Olson Bell Choir Rehearsal FRIDAY April 17th 8:00 am 9:15 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 8:00 pm Spirit Walk & Roll Friday AM Bible Study Friday Noon Big Book AA Mtg Elderlife Bowling Chagrin Falls Friday AA Mtg SATURDAY April 18th 7:45 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:30 am Gathering of Men Federated Combined Choir Rehearsal Mission & Service Mission Mtg Praise Yoga SUNDAY April 19th 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 4:30 pm 6:00 pm 8:15 pm Worship and Church School Employment Connections Single Life Ministry Discussion Worship and Church School JOY (Jr. High Youth Group) Mtg GROUP Mtg (Special Time) Open Hearth AA Mtg Invitation to help plan Worship Liturgy, a churchy name for Sunday worship service, literally means “work of the people.” The Worship and Music Commission is inviting you to take part in this work. Have you wanted to have a say in what happens at the worship service? Do you want a better understanding of how worship is planned and executed? If so, here’s your opportunity. The Commission will be creating the services for Sunday, May 10th, and we’d love to include you in our planning. If you are interested, please contact Rev. Susi Kawolics at 440.247.6490 x310 or at skawolics@fedchurch.org. 7 FELLOWSHIP OF PRAYER Please include in your prayers this week…. Doug and Barb Church, 32817 Lisa Ln, Solon, 44139-5597, on the death of Doug’s brother, David. Lars Larsen, 81 South St, Chagrin Falls, 44022-3260, and Bill and Cynthia VerDuin, 7609 Dines Rd, Novelty, 44072-9724, on the death of Sally Larsen, their wife and mother. A Memorial Service will be held Monday, April 20th at 4:30 pm in the Sanctuary. Helen Pointer, 36 Bellview St, Chagrin Falls, 44022-3202, who is beginning chemotherapy for bladder cancer. Nancy Trace, 108 Bell St, Chagrin Falls, 44022-2955, as she continues her transition under the care of hospice. Those in Federated’s extended family who are confined and will share Elements from today's Communion table shared by our Communion to the Confined ministry. Each month, the Mission & Service Commission is asking us to keep in prayer one of our church’s mission partners. For April, let us keep in prayer Loaves & Fishes, a soup kitchen which serves the near Westside community surrounding our sister church, St Paul’s Community Church. We provide monthly volunteers to prepare and serve this needed nourishment. Each week, we ask your prayers for two of our staff members. This week please pray for Melinda Smith and Sarah Northcraft Spann. The Fellowship of Prayer Note Writers for this week are: Norma Burrows, 330.562.2196; Joyce Gorretta, Elsie Lutman, Karen Perry, Helen Pointer, Sonja Solar, and Myia Sterling. Ushers and Greeters At 9 am: Don Burck, Bill Franz, Kathy Franz, Cindy Hollister, John Hollister, Kelly Kimball (captain), Bill Lentz, Marge Overman, Don Sommers, Alan Shinagawa, Peggie Jo Shinagawa, and Lynde Vespoli. At 11 am: Bill Cayce (captain), Richard Gates, Kaaren Gates, Debbie Medlar, Mariah Penn, Joy Robertson, Scott Schlaker, Tish Schlaker, Barry Stees, and Josie Woods. Altar Flowers The altar flowers this morning are given by Marilyn and Ed Pierson remembering with love their mothers, Helen Steudel Ehle and Ida Laird Pierson. The flowers from today's worship service will be rearranged and distributed by the Angel Flower Ministry Fellowship Treats Join us in Fellowship Hall in between services and after the 11 am service to extend your warmest wishes to Hamilton and Mary as they prepare to leave for an extended sabbatical. Photo Release Policy: Families and others in attendance at a Federated Church function acknowledge that they may be photographed and their image used in church publications and/or promotional materials. 8 76 BELL ST. CHAGRIN FALLS OHIO 44022 ph 440.247.6490 fax 440.247.2516 www.fedchurch.org www.federatedfamilylifecenter.com
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