THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF NATAL ***** CRAFTS AND HOME INDUSTRIES SECTION PRIZE LIST ***** 2014 ROYAL SHOW 23 MAY – 31 MAY ENTRIES CLOSE 25th APRIL 2014 1 THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF NATAL OFFICE BEARERS 2012- 2013 Patron The President of the RSA Vice-Patron The KwaZulu-Natal Premier President Mr M. Moncur * Vice-Presidents Mr K Makan * and Mr T Nixon* Honorary Life Presidents Messrs R McDonald, JM Fowler, RJ Glaister*, HD Spencer, A. Line and G Ellis* Honorary Life Vice Presidents RB Lobban, Dr MJO Taylor and Mr KR Howes and Mr G D J Atkinson Honorary Presidents The Judge President of KwaZulu-Natal The Msunduzi Municipality Mayor KwaZulu-Natal Minister of Agriculture Honorary Vice-Presidents The eThekwini Municipality Mayor The President of Kwanalu The Chairman of the SA Sugar Association The President of the Pietermaritzburg Chamber of Business The President of the Durban Chamber of Commerce & Industry The Chairman of the Umgungundlovu Regional District Municipality The President of the Women’s Institute of KwaZulu-Natal The Executive Director of Forestry South Africa Trustees Messrs R McDonald and R.J Glaister EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President, Vice-Presidents & Honorary Life Presidents Elected Members: S. Colenbrander, GI Ellis*, Mrs D Fitzsimons, C A Froneman, K Makan, * A Shaw and Dr I Stewart* Chairpersons of Standing Commitees: Finance : Mr N Thomas* Agricultural Implements : Mr D Botha Capital Projects : Mr RJ Glaister Cattle : Mr E Köhne Crafts & Home Industries : Mrs H Whelan Commerce & Industries : Mr MJ Frickel Sheep/Goats/Horses : Mr J Tyler Birds & Rabbits : Mr T Nixon Garden & Leisure Show : Ms P Ellis Horses : Mr C Scott *Members of the Management Committee General Manager Mr TD Strachan 2 THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF NATAL CRAFTS AND HOME INDUSTRIES SECTION COMMITTEE 2013-2014 President Mrs H Whelan Vice-Presidents Mrs W Gold & Mrs J Anderson Honorary Vice-Presidents Mesdames, N Tatham, M. Andrews. E Roberts, D Fitzsimons Committee Mesdames, D Fitzsimons, S Dale, A Duckworth, C Quicke, J Harrison, J Titlestad, B Boast, J Aldworth, J Hardman, C Morrison, E Steenkamp, P. Truter, H McDonald, L. Taylor, F Burger, M Gray, L Hibbs A Musgrave, I Osborne, S Weaving, P Hughes, L Grobler, V. Pretorius President Mrs H Whelan 486 Alexandra Road Pietermaritzburg, 3201 Tel : 033-3866220 Secretary Mrs R Kypreos P O Box 12158 Dorpspruit 3206 Tel : 033-3457037 Fax : 033-3457037 Office will be open from 7th April to 6th June 2014 8.30am – 4.00pm Royal Agricultural Society of Natal PO Box 12158 Dorpspruit 3206 Telephone: (033) 3456274/Fax: (033) 3943540 Email: & 3 The Crafts and Home Industries Section of the Royal Agricultural Society of Natal records its appreciation to the following companies and organisations for their sponsorship, donations or contributions towards the awards offered in 2014 ADAMS & CO - PMB AMAFU HAND DYED FABRICS - WESTVILLE BERNINA KLOOF BERNINA PIETERMARITZBURG BROTHER & EMPISAL - PINETOWN BODY AND BEAUTY CLINIC - ELRé DU PLESSIS CENPROP REAL ESTATE (PTY) LTD. COATS S.A. COTTON TALE - HILLCREST ELNA FAIRFIELD DAIRY HOWICK KENWOOD HOME APPLIANCES KODAK EXPRESS KWAZULU-NATAL QUILTERS’ GUILD G & R KYPREOS MIDLANDS WOODWORKER’S GUILD L&N MOMMEN PMB CAMERA CLUB SAPROTEX - EAST LONDON SA THREADS (D.M.C.) CAPE TOWN SEW MANY THINGS - HILLCREST SPECIALITY PAPERS - PMB TEGS TIMBERS THE CRAFT CO - CASCADES THIMBLES ‘N THREADS - HILTON WOOL & HABY CENTRE - PMB 4 CRAFTS AND HOME INDUSTRIES SECTION PRIZE LIST INDEX GENERAL REGULATIONS....................................................................................................................6 SENIOR CLASSES A – Crafts...............................................................................................................................................11 B – Toys................................................................................................................................................ 13 C – Woodwork.......................................................................................................................................15 D – Patchwork&Quilting........................................................................................................................17 E – Embroidery......................................................................................................................................18 F – Hand-made Needlework.................................................................................................................21 G – Machine-made Needlework............................................................................................................22 H – Hand Knitting..................................................................................................................................23 I – Machine-made Knitting.....................................................................................................................25 J – Crochet............................................................................................................................................26 K – Veterans..........................................................................................................................................27 M – Preserves.......................................................................................................................................30 N – Home Products...............................................................................................................................32 P – Photography....................................................................................................................................33 Q – Handicrafts by the Handicapped....................................................................................................35 JUNIOR CLASSES JUNIOR REGULATIONS.......................................................................................................................37 R – Crafts..............................................................................................................................................39 S – Woodwork, Metalwork and Models.................................................................................................43 T – Needlework.....................................................................................................................................44 U – Knitting and Crochet.......................................................................................................................47 V – Cookery...........................................................................................................................................48 Y – Art....................................................................................................................................................49 Z – Photography....................................................................................................................................51 WOMEN’S INSTITUTE COMPETITIONS WOMEN’S INSTITUTE REGULATIONS...............................................................................................52 Handicrafts – Sections 1 – 5.................................................................................................................57 Home Products – Section 6...................................................................................................................60 Home Products – Section 7...................................................................................................................61 5 GENERAL REGULATIONS OF THE CRAFTS AND HOME INDUSTRIES SECTION ******* FOR DETAILS OF THE ENTRY CLOSING, DELIVERY, JUDGING AND REMOVAL DATES PLEASE SEE THE PROGRAMME THAT APPEARS AT THE FRONT OF EACH SECTION ALL EXHIBITORS ARE KINDLY ASKED TO READ CAREFULLY THROUGH THE FOLLOWING REGULATIONS AND THOSE THAT APPEAR AT THE HEAD OF EACH DIVISION BEFORE COMPLETING THEIR ENTRY FORM. ******* 1. SECTION SECRETARY (a) The Crafts Section Office at the Showgrounds will be open at the following times: 7 April - 6 June 2014, weekdays 8.30am – 4.00pm (b) All correspondence and parcels posted to the Secretary should be addressed to Crafts and Home Industries Section, Royal Agricultural Society, P O Box 12158, Dorpspruit , 3206. (c) The telephone number of the Crafts Section office at the Showgrounds is 033-3457037 and the fax number is 033-3457037 2. ENTRY FORMS (a) Entry Forms will be found inside the back cover of this Prize List. (b) All information requested on the entry form must be provided. 3. CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRY FORMS THE CLOSING DATE OF ALL ENTRIES IS THE 25th APRIL 2014. Entry forms can be posted or delivered from 8th April 2014 4. CLOSING DATE FOR DELIVERY OF EXHIBITS (a) All exhibits, except where otherwise stated, must reach the Secretary’s office at the Showgrounds by NOT LATER THAN 4.00 pm ON THURSDAY 8 MAY 2014. (b) Exhibits may be delivered or posted to the Secretary from 8th April 2014. 5. PACKAGING OF EXHIBITS (a) Exhibitors are specially requested to send their work in strong boxes. (b) Please label all packaging with name and Exhibitor number. (c) It is essential that the Secretary be advised if any article, which has been entered on an entry form, has not been sent. (d) N.B. The labels provided by the Secretary must be firmly attached to the exhibits, (e) In the case of exhibits to be returned to the exhibitor by post, it is essential that a minimum payment of R45.00 for return postage be remitted with the entry form. Please ensure that return postage (if required) is sufficient. Cheques to be made out to Royal Agricultural Society please. (f) Items posted must be posted 14 days prior to closure of entries. 6 6. RESTRICTION OF EXHIBITS (a) No article may compete in more than one class. (b) All work must be the bona fide production of the Exhibitor. In the case of Juniors, this should be certified by a parent or teacher. Any breach of this regulation may incur the disqualification of the Exhibitor’s work in one or more Division. (c) Articles that have received prizes at any previous Royal Show are ineligible. Any Exhibitor disregarding this Regulation will be prohibited from competing again. (d) All work must be new, clean and finished since the previous Show. (e) EXHIBITORS SHOULD NOTE CAREFULLY THE REQUIRED OVERALL SIZE OF EXHIBITS OR MOUNTS IN EACH CLASS WHERE THIS IS STIPULATED AT THE HEAD OF A DIVISION. (f) The Committee of the Crafts and Home Industries Section reserves the right to transfer exhibits into the correct class if incorrectly entered. (g) The Committee further reserves the right to reject any entry made and to prohibit such entry from exhibition and shall not be bound to give any reason for so doing. (h) The Committee reserves the right not to display all the entries if there is a space constraint. All prize-winning entries will be displayed. 7. ENTRIES FROM INSTITUTIONS All entries from Institutions must be entered under Division Q - Handicrafts by the Handicapped. 8. JUDGING (a) Only members of the Committee and the Stewards will be allowed to be present during judging. Consequently, exhibitors and members of the public are not permitted to be in the Hall while any judging is in progress. (b) Any Exhibitor who shall attempt to interfere or influence the Judges shall forfeit his or her right to any prizes to which he or she might otherwise be entitled. (c) Throughout all classes of the Crafts and Home Industries Section, the Judge’s decision shall be final and binding on the Exhibitors. 9. PRIZES (a) Trophies and sponsored prizes will only be awarded to Exhibitors gaining at least a First Prize and then only provided sufficient merit has been obtained. (b) In the event of a Judge awarding a double first, second or third prize, the Committee reserves the right to either divide the prize offered or to increase the published prize for the class. (c) All trophies remain the property of the Royal Agricultural Society unless otherwise stated. 7 10. CALCULATION OF MOST POINTS AWARDS Except where otherwise stated, the calculation of Most Points Awards throughout the Crafts and Home Industries Section shall be in accordance with the following: Special Prize First Prize Second Prize Third Prize Highly Commended Commended 6 points 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point 11. LIABILITY (a) All exhibits shall remain on the Showgrounds at the expense and risk of the Exhibitor. (b) Whilst every reasonable care will be taken of exhibits, no responsibility or legal liability whatsoever shall be incurred by the Society or by the Committee of the Crafts and Home Industries Section, which shall under no circumstances be liable for any loss of, or damage to, any exhibit. PROGRAMME FOR THE SENIOR CLASSES Entries Closing date of Entries........................................................................................................... 25 April Delivery Latest Date for Delivery of Exhibits: Preserves, Home Products.................................................................................8 May by 10.30 am All other Divisions ................................................................................................................... 8 May Judging Preserves, Home Products, Cookery ...............................................................................8 & 9 May All other Divisions .......................................................................................................... from 14 May Removal Packing of Exhibits by Committee ...................................................................................2 & 3 June Removal of Exhibits ..........................................................................................................4 & 5 June 8.30 am – 3.00 pm PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR EXHIBITS ARE COLLECTED BY THESE DATES 8 TROPHIES OFFERED FOR THE SENIOR CLASSES All Divisions A to P The Championship Trophy and the Royal Show Medallion for the winner of the most points in the Crafts and Home Industries section. Points to be gained in not less than 4 Divisions, having obtained First Prizes in 3 Divisions and at least a Second Prize in the 4th Division. The Hockly Jug for the Runner-up to the Championship Trophy. Points to be gained in not less than 4 Divisions, having obtained First Prizes in 3 Divisions and at least a Second Prize in the 4th Division. Divisions A & B – Crafts & Toys The R.G. Line Memorial Trophy The Dunlop Trophy The Anne Oldacre Trophy The Stuart Hall Calligraphy Trophy The P W Story Trophy Division A - Crafts The SFW Trophy Division B - Toys The Ronel Hojem Trophy The Ingrid de Haast Trophy The Moniques Ceramics Trophy – Advanced The Anne Cameron Trophy The Moniques Ceramics Trophy-Novice The Elaine Mackenzie Trophy The Alex Drysdale Trophy Division C - Woodwork The Tegs Timbers Trophy The Austin Smith Memorial Trophy Division D – Patchwork & Quilting The United Tobacco Floating Trophy Division E - Embroidery The Art Leather and Handicrafts Trophy The Saville’s Trophy The Embroiderers’ Guild Trophy The Mrs Walter Reid Trophy The Bobs Forsyth Memorial Trophy The President’s Trophy The Embroiderers’ Guild (Coastal Branch) Trophy The Elin Hammar Trophy The Natal Bobbin Lace Guild Trophy The Arthur Gosling Memorial Trophy The Anne’s Bakery Trophy The Ruth Knopping Trophy F - Handmade Needlework The Felicity Shave Trophy The Sarmcol Trophy G - Machine-Made Needlework The Trico Trophy The Enid Wessels Trophy The Woolgrowers’ Trophy The Audrey Palmer Trophy H – Hand Knitting The Mrs C.R.Turner Trophy I – Machine-Made Knitting The D.M.C. Trophy J – Crochet The Dorothy Westwood Trophy The Old Mutual Trophy The Priscilla Wilby Trophy The Lisa Vera Cup K - Veterans The Mrs Thomas Morton Trophy The Elin Hammar Memorial Floating Trophy B.E.S.T. Trophy 9 The Mrs Reynders Trophy The Muden Valley Trophy M - Preserves The Consol Trophy The Pickles and Chutney Trophy N - Home Products The Mrs M.P.Pakes Trophy The Margy Oliver Trophy The Father Alston Memorial Trophy P - Photography The Smylie Trophy Q - Handicrafts by the Handicapped The Roger Schouten Trophy The Dorothy Robinson Trophy The Jimmy Robertson Trophy The Sylvia Moyle Trophy The Essie Kirkel Trophy The Guildhaven Trophy The Val Murray-Rogers Trophy The Janet Fraser Trophy The Bakers Ltd Trophy 10 DIVISION A - CRAFTS For Section Programme see Page 8 Trophies and Sponsored Prizes The R.G. Line Memorial Trophy for the winner of most points in Classes 1 – 73 The Dunlop Trophy for the best exhibit in Classes 1 – 73 Excluding Calligraphy The Anne Oldacre Trophy for runner-up to Dunlop Trophy The Stuart Hall Calligraphy Trophy for best exhibit in Calligraphy – Novice The P W Story Trophy for best exhibit in Calligraphy – Intermediate The S F W Trophy Prize for best exhibit in Calligraphy – Advanced Voucher from The Craft Company Cascades for Best article in Scrapbooking Voucher from Speciality Papers PMB for Best Handmade Card NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS (a) Exhibits must be the competitor’s own work. (b) Limited to three (3) entries per Show Class (c) No meccano is allowed in this division. (d) Where Novice and Advanced categories exist, any person who has won a Special or First Prize at a previous Show, will be deemed to be no longer a Novice in that particular class. (e) A greetings card must have a greeting inscribed inside and a hand made envelope. Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. An article in wood sculpture / carving A miniature scene eg a room, shop, garden etc. 90% of contents to be crafted by exhibitor. A piece of hand crafted miniature furniture. Dressed miniature Doll - Clothes to be handmade A set of 3 hand moulded articles – maximum height 5 cm. An article in Mosaic Work Calligraphy – preferably mounted (Novice). Calligraphy – preferably mounted (Intermediate). Calligraphy – preferably mounted (Advanced). A hand made Greetings Card using digital images A hand made Greetings Card in Stamping – 80% of decoration must be stamping. A hand made Greetings Card in 3D. A hand made Greetings Card, hand painted. A hand made Greetings Card using pressed flowers. A hand made Greetings Card in Prick n Stitch A hand made Greetings Card using any other technique or combination of techniques. Scrapbooking – single subject, single page. Scrapbooking – single subject, double page. A Christmas decoration / stocking. A Hand Painted Cushion. A Hand Painted Article – no framed pictures An article in Bead Work, using commercial and / or hand made beads. An article in woven Bead Work. A decorated photo frame A hand painted Flower Pot. 11 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. An article in hand-made Jewellery. An article in Serviette craft An Article in Ethnic handwork. A decorated Plate - no decoupage. A Decorative Handmade Tassel – beads allowed An article in Hand Made Felt [ Wet felting method used) An article in Hand Made Felt (Dry felting method used) Any large craft article not mentioned above - no needlework or paintings Any small craft article not mentioned above - no needlework or paintings Any Craft article to be donated to a charity. Article in decoupage SPINNING (Hand-spun Yarn) 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Skein - fingering weight Skein - sport and/or double knitting weight Skein - worsted weight Skein - bulky weight Skein - lace weight Skein - textured or art yarn 12 DIVISION B - TOYS For Section Programme see Page 8 Trophies and Sponsored Prizes The Elaine Mackenzie Trophy for best Teddy The Alex Drysdale Trophy for best miniature Teddy The Ronell Hojem Trophy Porcelain Dolls, Judges Choice Trophy presented by Moniques Ceramics Prize for most promising Novice exhibit in Porcelain Dolls Trophy presented by Moniques Ceramics for best advanced Antique Doll Trophy presented by Ingrid de Haast for best novice Antique Doll Trophy presented by Anne Cameron for best advanced Modern Doll NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS (a) Limited to three (3) entries per Show Class (b) Where Novice and Advanced categories exist, any person who has won a Special or a First Prize at a previous Show will be deemed to be no longer a Novice in that particular class. All clothing must be made by the exhibitor. Class 43. Educational toy, any medium except wood 44. A Knitted or crocheted toy 45. A Traditional Rag Doll, to be made and dressed by exhibitor 46. A Cloth Doll, to be made and dressed by exhibitor 47. A Doll, not less than 22cm, dressed in woollies, clothing only to be judged 48. A Dressed Doll, not less than 22cm, clothing only to be judged (no woollies) 49. A Stuffed Toy, no knitting or crochet 50. A Soft Toy, no knitting or crochet 51. A Felt Toy dressed in felt 52. A Toy Family, or pair or set 53. A Traditional Teddy Bear with moving limbs, fur fabric only, no pellets or accessories, over 20cm 54. A Traditional Teddy Bear with moving limbs, fur fabric only, no pellets or accessories, under 20cm 55. A Teddy Bear with fixed limbs, any fabric 56. A Teddy Bear with moving limbs, over 20cm, any fabric, pellets allowed. 57. A Teddy Bear with moving limbs, under 20cm, any fabric, pellets allowed. 58. A Teddy Bear any fabric with accessories e.g. clothes, glasses, etc. Over 20cm 59. A Teddy Bear any fabric with accessories e.g. clothes, glasses, etc. Under 20cm 60. A Miniature Teddy Bear less than 10 cm. - no accessories 61. A Miniature Teddy Bear less than 10 cm - with accessories 62. An Embroidered Bear 63. A Crazy Patch Bear 64. A bear set / pair or family 65. A Felted Bear 66. A handmade Miniature Toy less than 10 cm - no bears 67. A handmade toy over 10 cm - no bears 68. Any other toy not mentioned above 69. Any toy or doll to be donated to a charity. 13 Porcelain and Ceramic Dolls NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS: Entries should have been made in the last two years with name and date clearly incised near neck on back of head. If doll is sculpted by the entrant this fact should also be inscribed on head. Novice Section for those who have not won a Special or First prize in any competition and/or have been teaching doll making for less than two years. Advanced Section for those who have won a Special or First prize in any competition and/or have been teaching for more than two years. All clothing to be made by the exhibitor. 70. 71. 72. 73. Modern doll. Dolls in this section should be made to exhibitors’ interpretation of doll. Points awarded for originality – NOVICE Modern doll. Dolls in this section should be made to exhibitors’ interpretation of doll. Points awarded for originality – ADVANCED A Fantasy Doll A Miniature Doll – maximum 15 cms 14 DIVISION C - WOODWORK For Section programme see Page 8 Trophies and Sponsored Prizes The Austen Smith Memorial Trophy for the winner of most points. The Tegs Timbers Trophy and R200-00 for the best exhibit. Midlands Woodworkers’ Guild – R100-00 for Best Turned Article in the Novice Classes 74 - 76 R100-00 for Best Turned Article in the Advanced Classes 83 - 88 R100-00 for Best Article in the remaining Novice Classes 77 - 82 R100-00 for Best Article in the remaining Advanced Classes: 89 - 109 Notes for Exhibitors Limited to three (3) entries per Show Class Class Novice 74. A turned Article – Faceplate /chuck work. 75. A turned article – Spindle work . 76. A turned article – Faceplate/ chuck and Spindle work. 77. A Clock - bought mechanism 78. A Wooden Toy 79. An article of Furniture 80. A Doll’s House 81. Any other Article not mentioned above, smaller than 300mm. 82. Any other Article not mentioned above, larger than 300mm. Advanced 83. A turned Bowl. 84. A turned Platter – Diameter to be 200mm or more, and height to diameter ratio not more than 1 to 10. 85. A turned Tall Hollow Form – height to be 200mm or more, and height to diameter ratio not less than 2 to 1. 86. An article incorporating much Spindle Turning, e.g. a Lamp, Candlestick, Spindle Chair, Table with turned legs etc. 87. A turned article which must pass through a ring of 25mm inside diameter, e.g. a pair of Lace Bobbins, a Needle Case, Thimble, Miniature etc. 88. A turned Box, Lidded Box or Goblet. 89. An article with enhancements by wood removal , e.g. carving, piercing, spirals, pyrography etc. 90. An article with enhancements by addition, e.g. colouring, metal, beads etc. this article may also have some material removed if desired, 91. A ‘Little Gem’ – an exquisitely crafted piece not exceeding 100mm in any dimension 92. An article incorporating inlay work. 93. An article incorporating Segmented work. 94. An article involving collaboration between two or more persons. (separate entry form requires both names of collaborators. 95. A Clock - bought mechanism 96. A Clock - home-made mechanism 15 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. A Wooden Toy A Musical Instrument An Article of Outdoor Furniture A Table A Chair A Desk A Cabinet, Bookcase or similar item. A Doll’s House A Box, maximum dimension across any side to be not more than 400mm A Wooden article Repaired or Restored - upholstery not to be judged Any other Article not mentioned above, smaller than 300mm. Any other Article not mentioned above, larger than 300mm Any wooden article to be donated to a charity. 16 DIVISION D – PATCHWORK AND QUILTING For Section Programme see Page 8 Trophies and Sponsored Prizes The United Tobacco Floating Trophy and Gift Voucher for R200 from Sew Many Things for Best article in Patchwork and Quilting Gift vouchers sponsored by the following:Sew Many Things – Hillcrest – Best Exhibit – Machine Appliqué. R150 voucher. Cotton Tale – Hillcrest – Best Exhibit Hand Quilting. R100 voucher. Bernina – Kloof – Best Exhibit Machine Quilting. R250 voucher. Bernina – PMB – Innovative- Large. R250 voucher. KZN Quilters – Best Exhibit Wholecloth Quilt. R200 voucher. KZN Quilters – Best Exhibit Crazy Patchwork. R200 voucher. Elna – Best Exhibit Group Quilt. R250 voucher. Amafu Hand Dyed Fabric - Westville – Best Exhibit Innovative Small. R200 voucher. Brother & Empisal – Pinetown – Best Exhibit Wearable Art. R200 voucher. Brother & Empisal – Pinetown – Best Exhibit Outreach Quilt. R200 voucher. NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS. (a) There is no limit to number of entries entered by exhibitor. (b) All work must be completely worked by the exhibitor except the Group Quilt. (c) Both hand and machine work accepted. (d) All Quilts to have sleeves and if laths are provided these must be clearly marked with the EXHIBITOR’S NUMBER. (e) All Quilts are to be made with 3 layers and quilted through all 3 layers. Class 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. Traditional (pieced and/or applique) – Large: no side longer than 250cms Traditional (pieced and/or appliqué) – Small: no side longer than 150cms Innovative – Large: no side longer than 250cms Innovative – Small: no side longer than 150cms Wholecloth Quilt: no side longer than 250cms Miniature – no block must be more than 10cms and should be a scaled down version of a large quilt – no side to be longer than 60cm. Wearable Art – all garments should be wearable Group Quilt – a quilt worked on by 4 or more people. No side longer than 250cms Crazy patchwork 17 DIVISION E - EMBROIDERY For Section Programme see Page 8 Trophies and Sponsored Prizes The Elin Hammar Memorial Trophy for most points in Embroidery and DMC prize. The Art Leather and Handicrafts Trophy for the best exhibit in Hardanger. The Bobs Forsyth Memorial Trophy for the best exhibit of Modern Jacobean The Embroiderer’s Guild Trophy for the best exhibit in Pulled Work. The Mrs Walter Reid Trophy for the best exhibit of Canvas work The Arthur Gosling Memorial Trophy for best exhibit in Cross Stitch The Anne’s Bakery Trophy for best overall article in Counted Thread Trophy sponsored by MACS - The Ruth Knopping Award for best creative embroidery The President’s Trophy – awarded to the exhibit showing the most originality in design, or combination of stitchery excluding Creative Embroidery. A NOTE CONFIRMING OWN DESIGN MUST BE ATTACHED. Embroiderer’s Guild (Coastal Branch) Trophy for Creative Embroidery using own original design. A NOTE CONFIRMING OWN DESIGN MUST BE ATTACHED. The Saville’s Trophy R250 gift voucher from Thimbles ‘n Threads for the best Exhibit in the Embroidery Division. LABELS TO BE ATTACHED TO EXHIBITS. Presented by Coats South Africa. Gift Pack for best exhibit using Anchor Tapisserie Wool. (a) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) NOTES FOR EMBROIDERY EXHIBITORS Limited to three (3) entries per Show Class Where “an article” is specified, please submit only one (1) article. WHERE LARGE AND SMALL IS MENTIONED THE LONGEST WORKED SIDE IS EITHER LONGER OR SHORTER THAN 50 CM EXCEPT FRAMED CROSS- STITCH WHICH MUST BE LONGER OR SHORTER THAN 30 CM, These measurements are to be inside the mount. All must be completed and where necessary, must be mounted or framed. All pictures to have strong hanging devices. No machine embroidered articles allowed. An original design is from the exhibitor’s own original conception. It is not an adaptation or near copy of the work of another person. Exhibitors are requested to indicate on the article where original design or combination of stitches are used, variety of threads and stitched to be used. All work must be NEW, CLEAN, and finished since the previous show. Classes 151,155,157,159,161 - 70% of work must be of the stated class. Class COUNTED THREAD (Allied stitches may be introduced) 119. An Embroidered Card.- no envelope 120. A large article in Hardanger. 121. A small article in Hardanger. 122. A large article in Cross-stitch, framed. 123. A small article in Cross-stitch, framed. 124. A large article in Cross-stitch, unframed, e.g. cushion, tray cloth, etc. 125. A small article in Cross-stitch, unframed, e.g. cushion, tray cloth, etc. 126. A large article using 3 or more counted thread techniques. 127. A small article using 3 or more counted thread techniques. 128. A large article in Pulled work. 129. A small article in Pulled work. 130. A large article in Blackwork, colours allowed. 131. A small article in Blackwork, colours allowed. 18 132. An article in Community Counted Thread – Worked on by a minimum of 4 people. 133. A large article in any other type of Counted Thread work, not eligible for any other class. 134. A small article in any other type of Counted Thread work, not eligible for any other class. CANVAS EMBROIDERY (No rugs) 135. An article in Needlework Tapestry worked from a Chart. 136. An article in Needlework Tapestry, untrammed, stencilled design. 137. An article in Needlework Tapestry with the introduction of Petit Point. 138. An article in Needlework Tapestry in Petit Point. 139. A large article in any other type of Canvas Embroidery not eligible for any other class. 140. A small article in any other type of Canvas Embroidery not eligible for any other class. GENERAL EMBROIDERY 141. An Embroidered Card. – ( no Prick n Stitch – see Craft Section) 142. An article with a Christmas Theme. 143. An article in Embroidery, free choice of yarn, commercially traced or iron-off design. 144. An article in Embroidery, stranded cotton, commercially traced or iron-off design. 145. An article in Needle Painting on printed background. 146. An article in Needle Painting on plain background. 147. An article in needle painting, allied stitches & painted or printed background & padding allowed. 148. An article in White Work, including Mount Mellick. 149. An article in Shadow embroidery. 150. An article in Australian Cross-stitch (“Chicken Scratch”). 151. An article in Candlewicking, colour and other stitches allowed. 152. An article in Free Style Composite embroidery. (Free Style- where the emphasis is on the varieties of stitches used). 153. A piece of Creative Embroidery, own design. See note (e). 154. An article in Embroidery, free choice of yarn, own design. 155. An article in Ribbon Embroidery on printed background – variety of ribbon stitches recommended. 156 An article in Ribbon Embroidery; supplementary stitches allowed. 157. Article using predominately folded or gathered ribbon techniques. 158. A Household article eg Tissue Box, Toaster cover, etc. 159. An Article in Stumpwork. 160. An article in embroidery on photo-generated background. 161. An article in Gold and/or Metal Work. 162. A Community work article - Minimum of 4 people. 163. An article in Jacobean – Traditional. 164. An article in Jacobean - Modern. 165. An article decorated with beadwork. 166. An article in Heirloom Sewing where the embroidered section equals at least 70% of the handwork. 167. Any other article in embroidery not eligible for any other class. 168. An article in Japanese embroidery 19 Trophy and sponsored Prize THE NATAL BOBBIN LACE GUILD TROPHY FOR BEST EXHIBIT OF BOBBIN LACE and DMC Gift Pack LACE MAKING NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS. (a) Small articles in this Division should be neatly mounted. (b) For Novice and Advanced categories, any person who has won a Special or First Prize at a previous Show will be deemed to be no longer a Novice in that particular class. Novice 169. An article in Torchon Lace 170. Bobbin lace around a handkerchief 171. A Bookmark in bobbin lace 172. A piece of jewellery showing bobbin lace e.g. a brooch or pendant 173. A small Bobbin lace article, mounted, (e.g. under glass or in a frame) 174. A large Bobbin lace article, mounted, (e.g. under glass or in a frame) 175. Bobbin lace by the metre 176. Any other type of bobbin lace not mentioned above Advanced 177. An article in Torchon Lace 178. Bobbin lace round a handkerchief 179. Bookmark in Bobbin Lace 180. A piece of jewellery showing bobbin lace e.g. a brooch or pendant 181. A small Bobbin Lace article, mounted, (e.g. under glass or in a frame) 182. A large Bobbin lace article, mounted, (e.g. under glass or in a frame) 183. Bobbin lace by the metre 184. Any other type of bobbin lace not mentioned above 20 DIVISION F - HANDMADE NEEDLEWORK For Section Programme see Page 8 Trophies and Sponsored Prizes The Felicity Shave Memorial Trophy for most points in Handmade Needlework. The Sarmcol Trophy for the best exhibit. Gift Pack to the best exhibit using Anchor Stranded Cotton. LABELS TO BE ATTACHED. Presented by Coats South Africa. NOTE FOR EXHIBITORS (a) Limited to three (3) entries per Show Class (b) Articles must have been finished within the previous year. (c) In Heirloom Sewing, where the embroidered work is more than 70% of the total handwork, this article should be entered under Division E – Embroidery. (d) All handmade articles may be made up by machine unless specifically stated otherwise Class 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. A Smocked Garment 6 - 18 months. A Smocked Garment 2 - 7 years. A Baby’s Frock - completely hand made A Christening Robe. A Smocked Article e.g. cushion, decoration etc. An article/pair/set in Heirloom Sewing Any other Handmade article not mentioned. 21 DIVISION G - MACHINE-MADE NEEDLEWORK For Section Programme see Page 8 Trophies The Trico Trophy for the winner of the most points. The Enid Wessels Trophy and Bernina Gift Voucher for best exhibit. Elna Gift Voucher R100 for best article showing Machine Embroidery (a) (b) NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS The major portion of garments must be machine made and only hand finishing is allowed. Limited to three (3) entries per Show Class Class 192 Christening Robe – may be embellished with embroidery or smocking. 193. A Romper or Sunsuit 194. A child’s frock (1 – 3 years) 195. A child’s frock (4 – 6 years) 196. A child’s frock trimmed with machine embroidery 197. A child’s Nightdress or Pyjamas 198. A child’s Dressing Gown 199. A pair of Slacks for a woman 200. A ladies dress (NO stretch fabrics) 201. A ladies dress – stretch fabric 202. A long or short Evening Dress (2 pieces allowed) 203. A lady’s Two-piece Suit 204. A Lady’s Skirt 205. A Lady’s Blouse 206. An article / set / pair of Lady’s Lingerie 207. A Slack Suit or Track Suit 208. A pair of Slacks for a man 209. A Sport Shirt – short sleeves, open neck (no stretch fabric) 210. A Long Sleeved Lounge Shirt 211. A Jacket 212. A Windcheater 213. An attractive Apron – no bib 214. A Cushion 215. A Household article /pair or set 216. A small article with Presser Foot Machine Embroidery 217. A large article with Presser Foot Machine Embroidery 218. A Machine embroidered article (computerised). A note stating make and model of machine used MUST be attached to the exhibit. 219. An article in Free Hand Machine Embroidery. 220. An article in Free Hand Machine Embroidery on a printed background. 221. Any small article/outfit not eligible for any of the above classes 222. Any large article/outfit not eligible for any of the above class 223. Any machine made article to be donated to a charity. 22 DIVISION H – HAND KNITTING For Section Programme see Page 8 Trophies and Sponsored Prizes The Woolgrowers’ Trophy for the winner of most points The Mrs C R Turner’s Trophy R500 Prize from Saprotex for class 232 - using Elle Yarns R500 Prize from Saprotex for class 248 - using Elle Yarns NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS (a) PLEASE ATTACH THE YARN LABEL OR FACSIMILE THEREOF AND A SAMPLE OF THE YARN USED TO THE BACK OF THE ARTICLE WITH A SAFETY PIN. Nylon, Orlon or Wool or mixture may be used except where otherwise stated. (b) Any article may include embroidery in embroidery thread or wool. (c) SMALL knitted doilies and small table centres must be mounted on thin card. (d) Limited to three (3) entries per Show Class Class 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240 241 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. A Baby’s Matinee Jacket A Set of Bonnet or Cap and Bootees A Baby’s Cot Blanket or Pram Cover A Pair or set for a Baby, 6 months (No bootees) An Article for a Baby, 6 months (No matinee jackets) A Pair or set for a Child 1 - 2 years An Article for a Child 1 - 2 years A Pair or set for a Child, 3 - 5 years (No socks) An Article for a Child, 3 - 5 years - using Elle Yarns, An Article for a Child, 6 - 12 years An article/pair/set for a child decorated in Fair Isle A Child’s Jersey – colour crazy A Child’s Jersey with swiss darning A Jacket An article in Aran Style knitting An Article for a child including cable stitch An Article for an adult including cable stitch An article in Patchwork knitting A Lady’s Sleeveless Jacket An Article– using a variety of yarns A beret / beanie and scarf set A Sleeveless Pullover A Pullover, any yarn – may include a motif. An Article in Fair Isle A Pair of Ribbed or Patterned Socks - using Elle Yarns. A Pair of Bed Socks or slippers A pair of mittens or gloves A Poncho A Scarf A decorative gilet or waistcoat A Cardigan, round or V neck. An article for a lady which includes beads and/or sequins An article for a lady in cotton 23 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. An article in motif knitting for an adult or child An article for an adult decorated with fair isle A small article in Cotton or cotton-mix, not mentioned above longest side or diameter not more than 30cm A large article in Cotton or cotton-mix, not mentioned above longest side or diameter not less 30cm A small article NOT Cotton, not mentioned above A large article NOT Cotton, not mentioned above An Article in left-over yarn, longest side not more than 80cm Tea cosy An article on a loom Any article to be donated to a charity. A small article using hand spun wool only A large article using hand spun wool only Article decorated with knitted flowers 24 DIVISION I – MACHINE KNITTING For Section Programme see Page 8 Trophies and Sponsored Prizes The Audrey Palmer Trophy for the best exhibit in Knitweave (W.I. exhibits included) The Geo Carter Trophy for the best exhibit. A Blue Ribbon Trophy for the winner of the most points. (a) (b) (c) (d) NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS PLEASE ATTACH THE YARN LABEL OR FACSIMILE THEREOF AND A SAMPLE OF THE YARN USED TO THE BACK OF THE ARTICLE WITH A SAFETY PIN. Nylon, Orlon or Wool or mixture may be used except where otherwise stated. Any article that does not comply with the requirements will not be judged. Limited to three (3) entries per Show Class A note stating type and make of machine used MUST be attached to the exhibit. Class 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. An Article pair or set for Baby (up to 6 months) An Article/pair or set for a Child up to 12 yrs - in stocking stitch An Article/pair or set for a Child up to 12 yrs - in stocking stitch & cable. An Article/pair or set for a Child up to 12 yrs - Jacquard An Article/pair or set for a Child up to 12 yrs – incorporating Fair Isle An Article/pair or set in Motif knitting An Article/pair or set for an Adult - Jacquard An Article/pair or set for an Adult – incorporating Fair Isle An Article/pair or set for an Adult all over pattern stitch An Article/pair or set for an Adult, using a combination of stocking stitch & pattern stitch An Article/pair or set knitted incorporating cable stitch An Article in Stocking stitch decorated in any medium for an adult An Article for a teenager using “Knit, Cut and Sew” method, decorated in any medium An Article an adult using “Knit, Cut and Sew” method, decorated in any medium A Lady’s Sleeveless Top, any yarn. An Article using geometric design, multicolour An Article using double bed machine e.g. Fisherman’s rib (excluding Jacquard) A single bed cover A Baby’s Cot Blanket or Pram Cover Any article not mentioned above. Any machine knitted article to be donated to a charity. KNITWEAVE 291. An Article/pair or set for an adult. 292. A Baby’s Blanket 293. A Jacket 294. A pullover, creative design 295. A Short sleeved pullover 296. An article in Knit/Cut/Sew method 25 DIVISION J - CROCHET For Section Programme see Page 8 Trophies and Sponsored Prizes The DMC Trophy for the winner of most points. The Dorothy Westwood Trophy for the best exhibit. Gift Pack for the best exhibit in Crochet using Coats Tridalia, Mercer Crochet or Knit Cro Sheen. LABELS TO BE ATTACHED TO EXHIBIT. Presented by Coats South Africa. Gift Pack for the best exhibit in Tatting using Coats Tridalia, Mercer Crochet or Knit Cro Sheen. LABELS TO BE ATTACHED TO EXHIBIT. Presented by Coats South Africa. R500 Prize from Saprotex for class 310 using Elle Yarns. SA THREADS (DMC) CAPE TOWN – Gift Pack (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS Limited to three (3) entries per Show Class All crochet work may be pressed but not starched. SMALL exhibits may be mounted, preferably on thin card with an opening to view at back of card. PLEASE ATTACH LABEL OR FACSIMILE AND SAMPLE OF YARN. No straight pins to be used at all. Class 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. A tea cosy A Tray cloth, in filet crochet A Beaded Milk Cover, with net or linen/material centre A Beaded Milk Cover, no net or linen/material centre A Baby’s Matinee Jacket An article/pair/set for a Toddler Two Place Mats – minimum 28 x 42 cm A Table Runner in motif crochet A Knee Rug - square or rectangular A small Household article in cotton A small Household article not in cotton A Baby’s Shawl An article for a Woman A Cot Blanket - using Elle Yarns A Poncho A large Household article in cotton A large Household article not in cotton An article in Afghan tricot or Tunisian crochet An accessory for the home An article or set in Tatting Any article not mentioned above. Any article to be donated to a charity. Article in creative crochet. Article decorated with crocheted flowers. 26 DIVISION K - VETERANS For Section Programme see Page 8 Trophies and Sponsored Prizes The Old Mutual Trophy for the winner of most points and DMC prize The Mrs Thomas Morton Memorial Trophy for best exhibit. The Priscilla Wilby Trophy for runner up to Morton Trophy. The Lisa Vera Cup for best exhibit in Embroidery Gift Pack for the best crocheted article using Coats Tridalia, Mercer Crochet or Knit Cro Sheen. Labels to be clearly visible on outside of Exhibit. Presented by Coats South Africa. Gift Pack for the best exhibit using Anchor Stranded Cotton or Tapisserie Wool. Labels to be clearly visible on outside of Exhibit. Presented by Coats South Africa. R250 prize from L&N Mommen for best patchwork and quilting R100 prize from Midlands Woodworkers Guild for best article in woodwork B. E. S. T. Trophy - for best machine embroidery (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS Exhibitors may only enter one (1) age group. The work exhibited must be started and completed within the age group. Limited to three (3) entries per Show Class Exhibitors are asked to attach a small label to each exhibit stating the year when work on the exhibit was started. SMALL knitted and crocheted exhibits must be mounted on thin card. Exhibitors are asked not to starch their exhibits. Where “an article” is requested, only ONE item will be accepted, not a pair or set. Please attach yarn label to article. Class 70 years to under 75 years 321. A Covered Coat Hanger 322. A small article in Crochet, in cotton, less than 30 cms 323. A large article in Crochet, in cotton 324. A small article in Crochet, not in cotton, less than 30 cms 325. A large article in Crochet, not in cotton 326. A small Knitted article - less than 30cms 327. A large Knitted article 328. A Knitted tea cosy 329. A Knitted Household Article less than 30cm 330. A Toy – any medium 331. A Teddy Bear 332. A hand painted Ceramic article 333. An article in Embroidery 334. An article in Tapestry 335. An article in Counted Thread (This applies to all stitches listed under the Counted Thread classes in Embroidery Division) 336. An article in Woodwork 337. An article in Woodcarving 338. An article in Pottery, stipulate hand built or hand thrown on the article 339. A Shopping Bag 340. An article in Fabric Painting 341. An article decorated with beads 342. An article, pair or set in beaded jewellery 343. An article in Serviette Craft 344. A Greeting Card - any medium, no envelope 345. An embroidered card - no envelope 27 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. An article incorporating patchwork An article in embroidery on photo generated background Any other small article, pair or set, not mentioned above Any other large article, pair or set, not mentioned above An article in machine embroidery. 75 years to under 80 years 351. A Covered Coat Hanger 352. A small article in Crochet, in cotton, less than 30cms 353. A large article in Crochet, in cotton 354. A small article in Crochet, not in cotton, less than 30cms 355. A large article in Crochet, not in cotton 356. A small Knitted article - less than 30 cms 357. A large Knitted article 358. A Knitted tea cosy 359. A Knitted Household article less than 30cm 360. A toy – any medium 361. A Teddy Bear 362. A hand painted ceramic article 363. An article in Embroidery 364. An article in Tapestry 365. An article in Counted Thread (This applies to all stitches listed under the Counted Thread classes in Embroidery Division) 366. An article in Woodwork 367. An article in Woodcarving 368. An article In Pottery, stipulate hand built or hand thrown on the article 369. A Shopping Bag 370. An article in Fabric Painting 371. An article decorated with beads 372. An article, pair or set in beaded jewellery 373. An Article in Serviette Craft 374. A Greeting Card, any medium - no envelope 375. An embroidered card - no envelope 376. An article incorporating Patchwork 377. An article in embroidery on photo generated background 378. Any other small article, pair or set not mentioned above 379. Any other large article, pair or set not mentioned above 380. An article in Machine Embroidery 80 years to under 85 years 381. A Covered Coat Hanger 382. A small article in Crochet, in cotton, less than 30cms 383. A large article in Crochet, in cotton 384. A small article in Crochet, not in cotton, less than 30cms 385. A large article in Crochet, not in cotton 386. A small Knitted article - less than 30 cms 387. A large Knitted article 388. A Knitted tea cosy 389. A Knitted Household article less than 30cm 390. A toy – any medium 391. A Teddy Bear 392. A hand painted ceramic article 393. An article in Embroidery 394. An article in Tapestry 395. An article in Counted Thread (This applies to all stitches listed under the Counted Thread classes in Embroidery Division) 28 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. An article in Woodwork An article in Woodcarving An article in Pottery, stipulate hand built or hand thrown on the article A Shopping Bag An article in Fabric Painting An article decorated with beads An article, pair or set in beaded jewellery An article in Serviette Craft A Greeting Card - any medium, no envelope An embroidered card - no envelope An article incorporating Patchwork An article in Embroidery on photo generated background Any other small article, pair or set, not mentioned above Any other large article, pair or set, not mentioned above An article in Machine Embroidery 85 years and over 411. A Covered Coat Hanger 412. A small article in Crochet, in cotton, less than 30cms 413. A large article in Crochet, in cotton 414. A small article in Crochet, not in cotton, less than 30cms 415. A large article in Crochet, not in cotton 416. A small Knitted article - less than 30 cms 417. A large Knitted article 418. A Knitted tea cosy 419. A Knitted Household article less than 30cm 420. A Toy – any medium 421. A Teddy Bear 422. A hand painted ceramic article 423. An article in Embroidery 424. An article in Tapestry 425. An article in Counted Thread (This applies to all stitches listed under the Counted Thread classes in Embroidery Division) 426. An article in Woodwork 427. An article in Woodcarving 428. An article in Pottery, stipulate hand built or hand thrown on the article 429. A Shopping Bag 430. An article in Fabric Painting 431. An article decorated with beads 432. An article, pair or set in beaded jewellery 433. An article in Serviette Craft 434. A Greeting Card - any medium, no envelope 435. An embroidered card - no envelope 436. An article incorporating Patchwork 437. An article in Embroidery on photo generated background 438. Any other small article, pair or set, not mentioned above 439. Any other large article, pair or set, not mentioned above 440. An article in Machine Embroidery. 29 DIVISION M - PRESERVES For Section Programme see Page 8 Trophies and Sponsored Prizes The Mrs Reynders’ Trophy for the winner of most points overall. The Consol Trophy for the winner of most points in Jams and Jellies. The Muden Valley Trophy for the winner of the most points in Marmalades. The Pickles and Chutney Trophy for the winner of most points in Chutneys and Pickles. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS Exhibitors may not enter more than 1 (one) exhibit in each class except where different varieties can be used in Classes 442, 443, 445, 450, 451, 454, 457, 458, 461, 465, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 483, Every bottle must be labelled, must be full and MUST BE WELL SEALED. The name of the contents and ingredients on a small label must be placed at the base (but not underneath) of the bottle, and the exhibitors label on the opposite side. All jams, jellies, pickles, chutneys etc to be exhibited in glass honey jars with NEW metal twist lids. The use of commercial pectin is not allowed. NB PLEASE NOTE NEW RULING ON BOTTLES AS DESCRIBED IN (d) ABOVE Class 441. Bottle of Fig Preserve, ½ or 1 litre bottle or honey jar 442. Bottle of any other Preserve, ½ or 1 litre bottle or honey jar 443. Bottle of fruit in syrup, ½ or 1 litre bottle or honey jar Jams 444. Bottle sliced Peach Jam 445. Bottle Berry Jam, state variety 446. Bottle Apricot Jam, dried apricots may be used 447. Bottle Plum Jam 448. Bottle Pineapple Jam 449. Bottle Jam made of mixed Fruit 450. Bottle Jam not mentioned (State variety) 451. Bottle Microwave Jam 452. Bottle Fig Jam Jellies 453. Bottle Apple Jelly 454. Bottle Citrus Jelly (State variety) 455. Bottle Guava Jelly 456. Bottle of Mint Jelly 457. Bottle of any other jelly not mentioned above (State variety) 30 Marmalades 458. Bottle Jelly Shred Marmalade 459. Bottle Lemon Marmalade 460. Bottle Orange Marmalade 461. Bottle Marmalade not mentioned Chutneys 462. Bottle Sweet Chilli Sauce – sauce bottle allowed. 463. Bottle Fruit Chutney 464. Bottle Dried Apricot Chutney 465. Bottle any other Chutney - cooked Pickles 466. Bottle Sweet Pickles 467. Bottle Mixed Pickles 468. Bottle Curried Beans. 469. Bottle Piccalilli 470. Bottle any other Pickles - NO OIL Cordials and Liqueurs Note for Exhibitors: All bottles to be plain, clear glass bottles with plain lid - minimum 500ml. 471. Bottle Fruit Cordial - free choice of flavour - in clear glass bottle 472. Bottle of Home-made Liqueur (no milk products) - clear glass bottle - fancy bottles may be used 473. Bottle of Home-made creme Liqueur - clear glass bottle - fancy bottles may be used Other preserves 474. Bottle of Curd - state variety 475. Bottle Christmas Fruit Mincemeat. 476. Bottle of Tipsy Fruit – fancy bottles allowed. 477. Bottle of Dessert Topping. 478. Bottle of home made mayonnaise. 479. Bottle of braai sauce. 480. Bottle of Salad Dressing – cooked or uncooked (no French dressing) 481. Bottle of Sousboontjies. 482. Bottle of Relish - mayonnaise based 483. Bottle of Relish - no mayonnaise 31 DIVISION N - HOME PRODUCTS For Section Programme see Page 8 Trophies & Sponsored Prizes The Mrs M P Pakes’ Trophy for most points. The Margy Oliver Trophy for best exibit in Home Products Tri Blade Blender from KENWOOD (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS Where appropriate, the use of honey bottles is preferred. Exhibitors are asked not to use commercial containers unless the brand name has been either deleted or removed. Exhibitors may not enter more than one exhibit per class. Articles in sealed containers unless otherwise stated. Not necessary to use given recipe. Class 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 3 Shortbread Fingers - 20mm wide x70-80mm long x 10mm thick 3 Hertzog Cookies 3 Buttermilk Rusk - broken 3 Ginger Biscuits ± 45mm in diametre 3 Filled biscuits - any variety and any flavour 3 Oat Crunchies 50mm square 6 small savoury biscuits 45mm in diametre Container of Biscuits – 4 varieties only. ( no ginger nuts or peanut(s) /butter) Container of Sweets – 4 varieties only - no chocolates allowed. 3 Meringues - 40mm in diametre - in a jar Container of chocolates – 4 varieties. 6 squares of fudge - 20x20x20mm state variety - not microwaved 6 square of fudge - mircowaved - 20x20x20mm state variety Hertzoggies Flaky or Short-crust Pastry 2 egg whites 75ml caster sugar 2,5 ml baking powder 190ml coconut Jam - apricot Preheat oven to 200ºC (400ºF) Roll dough out on a floured surface. Cut circles to fit a shallow muffin tin. Place 2,5ml apricot jam into each pasty shell. Beat egg whites until stiff and gradually add caster sugar, baking powder and coconut. Spoon about 15ml of meringue on top of jam. Bake 10 to 15 minutes - or wait until a pale brown colour is achieved. 32 DIVISION P - PHOTOGRAPHY For Section Programme see Page 8 Trophies and Sponsored Prizes Father Alston Memorial Trophy for the winner of most points.One additional point is given for the winner of the Smylie Trophy. The Smylie Trophy, R500.00 from Cenprop for best exhibit NOT digitally manipulated. R500.00 from Cenprop for best digitally manipulated photograph. R500 Gift Voucher 1 year free subscription to club – PMB Camera Club (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS Photographs must be submitted in firm, strong containers clearly marked with the exhibitor’s name and number. Minimum size of prints: 20cm x 15cm. Maximum size of prints, including mounts not to exceed 50cm x 40cm. Photographs by any process are eligible, but they must have been taken by the exhibitor. No visible signatures are allowed. No titles. No photograph may be entered in more than one class. Any exhibit that does not conform to the size requirements will not be judged. If, in the opinion of the judge, a photograph has been entered in an incorrect or inappropriate class, it may be transferred to and judged in another class. The use of spray adhesive glue is recommended for attaching prints to mounts, which should be new, firm, clean and inexpensive lightweight cardboard. (Nails are used for display purposes) Attach labels on lower right corner. Exhibitors may not enter more than 3 (three) exhibits per class. Mounts must not be more than 3 cm over all sides Exhibitors name and contact number must be on the back of each photograph, as well as the type of camera used. NB ALL BACKING TO BE LIGHTWEIGHT BOARD ONLY INTERMEDIATE • Judging will be based on the assumption that the higher standard of photographic technique has not yet been attained. • If, in the opinion of the judges, a print in this section is deemed fit to be awarded a First or Second prize in the Advanced Section, it may be transferred. • Any person who has won a Special or First Prize in any Intermediate classes will not be eligible to compete in that specific class in the future. Class 497.Portrait 498. Human Interest, which may include pets/documentary/photo journalism - excluding sport 499. Landscape or Seascape 500.Sport 501.Floral. 502.Birds 503. Animals - warm blooded creatures - no domestic 504.Insects 505. Reptiles / fish - cold blooded creatures 33 506. Still Life Please Note that strictly speaking a “Still Life” is a photograph of a man made arrangement of inanimate objects created by the photographer 507. City Scapes and Architecture 508.Abstract 509. Manipulated Digital Images ADVANCED • It will be assumed that those competing in this section have attained a high standard of photographic technique. • Any person who has won a Special or First in these classes will not be eligible to compete in the Intermediate Section in future. Class 510.Portrait 511. Human Interest, which may include pets/documentary/photo journalism - excluding sport 512. Landscape or Seascape 513.Sport 514.Floral. 515.Birds 516. Animals - warm blooded creatures - no domestic 517.Insects 518. Reptiles / fish - cold blooded creatures 519. Still Life Please Note that strictly speaking a “Still Life” is a photograph of a man made arrangement of inanimate objects created by the photographer 520. City Scapes and Architecture. 521.Abstract 522. Manipulated Digital Images 34 DIVISION Q - HANDICRAFTS FOR THE HANDICAPPED For Section Programme see Page 8 Trophies and Sponsored Prizes The Roger Schouten Trophy for the best exhibit in 6 - 8 years. The Dorothy Robinson Trophy for the best exhibit in 9 - 12 years. The James Robertson Trophy for the best exhibit in 13 - 17 years. The Sylvia Moyle Trophy for the best exhibit in 18 - 21 years. The Janet Fraser Trophy for the best article of woodwork. The Essie Kirkel Trophy for the best article in needlecraft/needlework. The Guildhaven Trophy for the most original exhibit. The Val Murray-Rogers Trophy for most points. The Bakers Ltd Trophy for best article in the Physically Handicapped Section. R200-00 Wool & Haby Gift Voucher for best hand knitted article. (a) (b) (c) (d) NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS Paintings, pictures or collages - not larger than 30cm Not more than 3 (three) entries in each class from each Institution unless otherwise stated Articles will not be judged if they do not conform to the size requested. Where “an article” is specified please submit ONE article not a pair or set. HANDICRAFTS FOR THE HANDICAPPED WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES Class 6 - 8 years 523. A Finger Painting 524. A Picture - paint or crayon - not larger than 30cm 525. A Community collage (not metal) 526. Any other craft 527. Small article in sewing 9 - 12 years 528. A Picture in paint or crayon - not larger than 30 cm 529. A Community Collage - (not metal) 530. A Small article in canvas work 531. A model using waste material 532. An Article in bead work 533. Any other craft 534. Small article in sewing 13 - 17 years 535. A Picture in paint or crayon - not larger than 30 cm 536. A Craft for beginners 537. A Small article in canvas work 538. A Community Collage - not metal 539. A Model using waste material 540. An Article in Embroidery 541. An Article in bead work 542. A Small article in pottery 543. Any other craft 544. Small article in sewing 35 18 - 21 years 545. A Small article in canvas work 546. An Article in bead work 547. A Small article in embroidery 548. A Small article in sewing 549. A Paper patch work 550. A Collage - not metal 551. A Small article in pottery 552. Any other craft Woodwork - Up to 21 years 553. A Small article in wood All other ages 554. A Small article or pair in knitting for Beginners 555. A Hand knitted garment for a child 556. A Hand knitted article for a man or woman 557. Article in sewing 558. A small article in crochet 559. An article in embroidery 560. A small Hand knotted pile floor rug 561. A small Hand knotted mat 562. A small Hand knotted wall-hanging 563. An article in patchwork 564. An article in bead work 565. An article in pottery 566. An article in Fabric Painting 567. Any other craft not mentioned above Woodwork 568. A small article in wood HANDICRAFTS FOR THE PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED Junior - State Age 569. A small article in sewing 570. A Knitted garment 571. Any other craft 572. An article using Waste Material 573. A Small article in pottery Senior: 574. An article in embroidery 575. An article in sewing 576. A Garment in sewing 577. A Cushion in sewing 578. A Knitted article 579. An article in canvas 580. An article in bead work 581. An article in pottery 582. Any other Craft 36 REGULATIONS FOR THE JUNIOR CLASSES ALL EXHIBITORS ARE KINDLY ASKED TO READ CAREFULLY THROUGH THE FOLLOWING REGULATIONS AND THOSE THAT APPEAR AT THE HEAD OF EACH DIVISION BEFORE COMPLETING THEIR ENTRY FORM. 1. ELIGIBILITY (a) Wherever age restrictions apply in the Junior Classes, the age of the Exhibitor should be reckoned as at 1 May 2013. (Exhibitor’s age to be supplied) (b) Junior Exhibitors are permitted to compete if they wish in the Senior Classes, but points gained towards trophies will only count in the Junior classes. (c) Parents and teachers are requested to refrain from assisting Junior Exhibitors, as the children’s unaided efforts are more appreciated. 2. ENTRY FORMS FOR SCHOOLS (a) Special entry forms for the schools must be obtained from the Secretary in good time before the closing date. (b) School Entry Forms must be submitted in duplicate. 3. LIMITATION OF SCHOOL ENTRIES (a) In the Craft and Woodwork Divisions schools are limited to NOT MORE THAN 5 ENTRIES in any Show class, per school grade, extra entries will not be judged. (b) Limitation of entries is listed at head of each section (c) Individual entries are limited to 2 per person per Show class. 4. 5. SCHOOL EXHIBITS (a) Work completed in the previous year may be entered under the grade of that year. (b) Washed or dry-cleaned work, if new, will be accepted. REMOVAL OF EXHIBITS Junior exhibits entered with schools will be returned with school exhibits. Exhibitors must make arrangements to collect from the school and not from the Showgrounds. PLEASE NOTE: 1. THE NAME OF THE SCHOOL AND THE SCHOLAR MUST BE INCLUDED IN THE ENVELOPES. 2. THE NAME OF THE SCHOOL AND THE SCHOLAR MUST BE WRITTEN ON THE BACK OF ALL ARTWORK AND PHOTOGRAPHY. 3. THE NAME OF THE SCHOOL AND THE SCHOLAR MUST BE PASTED ONTO THE BASE OF ALL PRESERVE JARS. 4. PLEASE ADHERE TO THE SIZE RESTRICTIONS. 5. THE SHOW STAFF ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR PUTTING LABELS OR ENVELOPES ON ANY ENTRY SUBMITTED. THIS MUST BE DONE BY THE SCHOOL OR INDIVIDUAL CONCERNED. 6. THE SCORING IN INTER-SCHOOL MOST POINTS TROPHIES WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: Special………………6 points First………………….5 points Second…………… 4 points Third…………………3 points 37 TROPHIES OFFERED FOR THE JUNIOR CLASSES All Divisions R - Z The Mrs Walter Reid Trophy and the Royal Show Medallion for the winner of the most points in the Junior Section. Points to be gained in not less than 3 Divisions. The Mrs J.A.Gooding Inter-School Trophy for the Senior School winning the most points in the Junior Section. Points to be gained in not less than 3 Divisions. Exhibits may be individual and/or community work. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes only count for points. The Leonard Line Junior Inter-School Trophy for the Junior School winning the most points in the Junior Section. Points to be gained in not less than 3 Divisions. Exhibits may be individual and/or community work. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes only count for points. The Junior Crafts Trophy for the best exhibit overall in the Junior Divisions, Grade 1 - Grade 7. The Junior Crafts Trophy for the best exhibit overall in the Junior Divisions, Grade 8 - Grade 12. R - Crafts The Janet Fraser Memorial Trophy for the best article in Crafts. The Louise Win Trophy for runner up to Janet Fraser Memorial Trophy S - Woodwork and Models The Armitage Cup for the best exhibit. The TimbaCenta Trophy for the school winning the most points. T - Needlework The Embroiderer’s Guild Trophy with Teaspoon for the best Exhibit. The Newton High School Trophy for School with most points V – Cookery The Wesley Shield for the best Exhibit The Mrs Preller Trophy: Grade 1 – 3: Grade 4 – 7: Grade 8 - 12 The Masters Cup - most points in cookery - for boys. Y - Art The Mrs M Reynolds Trophy for the Junior School winning the most points. The Preema Trophy for the Senior School winning the most points. Z - Photography The Baird and Oliver Trophy for the Best Photograph on Show in the Junior Section. The Hirsh Trophy – for the Best Junior Photograph –for under 15 years of age. The Margy Oliver Trophy - my best snapshot 38 PROGRAMME FOR THE JUNIOR CLASSES Entries Closing date of Entries.........................................................................................................25th April Delivery Cookery ..............................................................................................................19th May by 11am All other Divisions: SCHOOLS................................................................................................................................ 6 May INDIVIDUALS............................................................................................................................ 7 May Judging Cookery ......................................................................................................... 19 May from 12 noon All other Divisions............................................................................................................from 13 May Removal Individual exhibits...............................................................................................................4 & 5 June ............................................................................................................. 8.30 am – 3.30 pm School Exhibits...................................................................................................................4 & 5 June ..............................................................................................................8.30 am - 3.30 pm PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR EXHIBITS ARE REMOVED BY THESE DATES 39 DIVISION R - CRAFTS For section Programme see Page 37 Trophies and Sponsored Prizes The Janet Fraser Memorial Trophy for best exhibit in Crafts The Louise Win Trophy for runner up to The Janet Fraser Memorial Trophy R250 Prize from L & N Mommen. NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS PLEASE REFER TO THE GENERAL REGULATIONS AS WELL (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) No exhibits may be made of construction or kit parts except where stated. The use of plasticene is not permitted. Exhibits of needlework are not permitted in the Crafts Section except where stated. Exhibitors are asked to ensure that clay models are firmly constructed. It is suggested that toothpicks be used inside the clay for joints. All articles in wood must be entered in Division S for Woodwork. No perishables to be used. All Paper Collages to be entered under Art (unless otherwise stated.) Mobiles must be able to move in the wind. SCHOOL ENTRIES LIMITED TO FIVE (5) ARTICLES PER GRADE PER SHOW CLASS. Private entries limited to 3 (three) entries per child per show class Class GRADE R, GRADE 0 AND GRADE 00 583. A small article in Salt Dough 584. A large article in commercial waste, larger than 50cm x 50cm x 50 cm 585. A small article in commercial waste, less than 30cm x 30cm x 30 cm GRADE 1 AND 2 586. A model of an animal mounted on a base (no plasticene), not larger than 12 cm 587. A model of a Creature, clay fired 588. A Handmade Model from a commercial modelling medium (No plasticene) 589. A small article made from commercial waste, not larger than 15 x 25cm x 30 cm. State materials used. 590. A Hand Puppet – must be usable 591. A Fantasy Creature made from Dried Material – pieces to be well secured 592. An article in Fabric Painting 593. A Mobile - any medium on nylon thread (No Branches or coat hangers) 594. A Collage, any medium other than metal, able to be hung 595. Decorative Beadwork 596. Community or Class work e.g. duvet cover, tablecloth, wall hanging etc. Any medium. 4 or more children to be involved 597. Article in pottery GRADES 3 AND 4 598. A model of an animal mounted on a base, no plasticene 599. A Fantasy Creature using Dried Plant material – pieces to be well secured 600. A small article in Clay modelling, fired, not decorated or painted 40 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. A Hand Puppet – must be usable A Mobile, any medium, nylon thread (No Branches or coat hangers) Collage, not larger than 30 x 30cm, any medium except metal or paper, able to be hung An article in pottery, hand made on a wheel An article in commercial pottery, decorated An article in handbuilt pottery, decorated An article made from handmade Pom-Poms A Greetings card – postable An article in Fabric Painting, completed. e.g .cushion cover, tray cloth etc. An article in Papier mache not too big. A sun-dyed Fabric painting – completed article A Wind Chime An article in Beadwork A set in Beadwork Scrap Booking – single or double page A Scrap Book – any subject. 8 pages Community or Class work e.g. duvet cover, tablecloth, wall hanging etc. Any medium. 4 or more children to be involved. GRADES 5 AND 6 618. An article in Papercraft, not paper mache 619. An article in Handmade Pottery, decorated 620. An article in commercial pottery, decorated 621. A small article in Clay modelling, fired 622. A sun-dyed Fabric Painting – completed article 623. A Puppet – must be usable 624. A Collage, not larger than 30 x 30cm, any medium other than metal, able to be hung. 625. A Greetings Card using a rubber stamp - must be postable 626 A Greetings Card, hand painted - must be postable 627. A Hand painted article – plate, tile or bottle. 628. An article in Fabric painting, completed e.g. cushion, tray cloth etc. 629. A DECORATED box, any medium. Not larger than 20cm x 20cm x 20cm. 630. A Wind Chime 631. A soft toy - any medium except knitting or crochet 632. An article in Bead work 633. A set in Bead work 634. Scrap Booking –single or double page 635. A Scrap Book – any subject- 8 pages 636. Community or Class work e.g. duvet cover, tablecloth, wall hanging etc. Any medium. 4 or more children to be involved 637. An article in origami GRADE 7 638. Collage, not larger than 30 x 30cm, any medium other than metal, able to be hung 639. A small article in Pottery - handmade or hand moulded 640. An article in commercial pottery, painted 641. A Sun-dyed Fabric Painting – completed article 642. A soft toy in any medium except knitting or crochet 643. Fabric painting, completed article 644. A handmade Picture Frame, any medium 645. Scrap Booking – single or double page 646. A Scrap Book – any subject 8 pages 647. A DECORATED box, any medium. Not larger than 20cm x 20cm x 20cm. 41 648. 649. 650. 651. 652. A Wind Chime An article in origami An article in Bead work A set in Beadwork Community or Class work e.g. duvet cover, tablecloth, wall hanging etc. Any medium. 4 or more children to be involved GRADE 8 653. A small article in Clay modelling, fired 654. A DECORATED Box, not larger than 20cm x 20cm x 20cm. 655. Article in Pottery – handmade 656. An article commercial Pottery, decorated 657. A handmade Picture Frame, any medium 658. An article in Fabric painting, completed article 659. A greetings card - using Iris folding 660. An article in Beadwork 661. A set in Beadwork 662. A Soft Toy, any medium except knitting or crochet 663. Hand-painted article e.g. plate, tile etc 664. A Scrap Book =any subject – 8 pages. 665. Scrap Booking – single or double page 666. Community or class work e.g. duvet cover, tablecloth, wall hanging, any medium. 4 or more children to be involved. 667. An article in origami GRADES 9 AND 10 668. A handmade Picture Frame, any medium 669. An article in commercial Modelling medium 670. A Sun-dyed Fabric Painting – completed article 671. An article in Fabric painting, completed article - not printed design 672. An article in Beadwork 673. A set in Beadwork 674. An article in mock cloisonné 675. A hand-painted ceramic article e.g. plate, tile or bottle 676. Collage, any medium other than metal, able to be hung 677. Scrap Booking 678. A Scrap Book – any subject – 8 pages. 679. A greetings card - using Iris folding 680. Community or Class work e.g. duvet cover, tablecloth, wall handing etc. Any medium. 4 or more children to be involved 681. An article in origami 682. An article in handmade pottery GRADES 11 AND 12 683. Any article completed since the 2013 Royal Show 42 DIVISION S - WOODWORK, METALWORK AND MODELS For Section Programme see Page 37 Trophies and Sponsored Prizes The Armitage Cup for best exhibit. The TimbaCenta Trophy for the school winning most points. G & R Kypreos R150 CNA Voucher for Best Turned woodwork article Grades 9 & 10 G & R Kypreos R150 CNA Voucher for Best Woodwork article Handmade Grades 9 & 10 (a) (b) (c) NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS Exhibits of woodwork must be made entirely of wood. High Pressure Laminate and other manufactured substances are not permitted unless otherwise stated. SCHOOL ENTRIES ARE LIMITED TO FIVE (5) ARTICLES PER GRADE PER SHOW CLASS Individual entries are limited to 3 (three) entries per person per show class GRADES 3 AND 4 684. A Metal Collage (nuts, bolts, screws, etc may be used) Not larger than 30cm x 30cm 685. Small model made from kit parts 686. Model, no kit parts 687. A Collage made from different types of wood – maximum size 50cm x 50cm 688. Article made from Matchsticks (on a firm base) 689. Article made from pegs 690. Community or Class work - in any medium - 4 or more children to be involved GRADES 5 , 6 and 7 691. A Metal Collage (nuts, bolts, screws etc may be used) - not larger than 30cm x 30cm 692. Small model made from kit parts 693. Model, no kit parts 694. A Collage made from different types of wood – maximum size 50cm x 50cm 695. Article from matchsticks on a firm base 696. Article made from pegs 697. Community or Class work, any medium, 4 or more children to be involved 698. Any article in woodwork, handmade 699. A Wooden Kitchen Item GRADE 8 700. A Model, kit parts allowed 701. A Model, no kit parts 702. Article made from Matchsticks (On a firm base) 703. A Collage made from different types of wood – maximum size 50cm x 50cm 704. Community or Class work - model in any medium, approx. 75cm. Four (4) or more children to be involved. 705. A Metal Collage, not larger than 30 x 30cm 706. Any large article in Woodwork, turned 707. Article made from pegs 708. Any article in Woodwork, handmade 709. Wooden kitchen item 710. Article in metalwork 711. A hand-carved article in woodwork 43 GRADES 9 AND 10 712. A Model, kit parts allowed 713. A Model, no kit parts 714. A Collage made from different types of wood – maximum size 50cm x 50cm 715. Community or Class work - model in any medium, approx. 75cm. – Four (4) or more 716. A Metal collage, not larger than 30cm x 30cm 717. Any article in woodwork, turned 718. Any article in woodwork – handmade 719. Wooden kitchen item 720. Small article in metalwork 721. Large article in metalwork GRADES 11 AND 12 722. Any article completed since the 2013 Royal Show 44 DIVISION T – NEEDLEWORK For Section Programme see Page 38 Trophies and Sponsored Prizes The Embroiderers’ Guild Trophy and Voucher, for the best exhibit of Embroidery. Newton High School Trophy for school with most points in the Junior Needlework Division Gift Packs to the best exhibits using Anchor Stranded cotton or Tapisserie Wool in Grades 3 - 7, and Grades 8 - 12. Labels to be attached visibly. Presented by Coats South Africa. Gift Pack SA Threads (DMC) Cape Town (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS Framed pictures may not exceed 45 x 60cm. Work completed during the previous year may be entered under the grade of that year. Candlewicking should have 80% French or Colonial knots SCHOOL ENTRIES ARE LIMITED TO 5 (FIVE) ARTICLES PER GRADE PER SHOW CLASS Individual entries are limited to 3 (three) entries per child per Show class. All labels to be attached with a safety pin Class Grade R. 723. An article in Needlework GRADES 1 AND 2 724. A small article in Decorative Tacking 725. A small article worked on Coarse material 726. An article in Felt 727. An article in Patchwork & Quilting. 728. Any article not mentioned above. GRADE 3 729. A small article showing appliqué and blanket stitching 730. A small article in Decorative Tacking on coarse material 731. A small article worked on coarse material 732. A bookmark in cross stitch 733. A small article in Counted Thread 734. An article incorporating beadwork 735. An article in Patchwork & Quilting 736. Any article not mentioned above. GRADE 4 737. An article showing Top Sewing etc and suitable decoration 738. A Cushion - embroidery only to be judged 739. A small article in Counted Thread 740. An article incorporating beadwork 741. A small article worked on coarse material 742. An article showing appliqué and blanket stitching 743. An article in Patchwork & Quilting. 744. Any article not mentioned above. GRADE 5 745. An article showing Patchwork 746. An article showing Herring-bone and one other stitch 747. An article incorporating beadwork 45 748. 749. 750. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. A small article in Embroidery A small article worked on Canvas or coarse material A small article in Candlewicking (See note (e) pg 44) A small article in Counted Thread A Machine made article An article showing appliqué and blanket stitching An article in Patchwork & Quilting Any article not mentioned above. GRADE 6 756. An article showing Binding, Appliqué and at least 2 decorative stitches 757. An article worked in coarse material 758. A Machine made article 759. A small article in Embroidery 760. A small article in Counted Thread 761. A small article in Candlewicking (See note (e) pg 44) 762. A small article in Cross stitch 763. An article in Patchwork and/or Quilting – quilting must be through 3 layers 764. Any article not mentioned above. 765. An article incorporating beadwork GRADE 7 766. A Machine -made article 767. An article in Cross Stitch - no transfer permitted 768. An embroidered bookmark 769. An article in any other Embroidery 770. An article worked on Canvas or coarse material 771. An article in Candlewicking (See note (e) pg 44) 772. An article in Patchwork and/or Quilting – quilting must be through 3 layers 773. Any article not mentioned above. 774. An article incorporating beadwork GRADE 8 775. A Machine-made article 776. An article showing design in Counted Thread work 777. An embroidered bookmark 778. An article in tapestry work 779. An article in any other Embroidery 780. An article in Cross stitch 781. An article in Candlewicking (See note (e) pg 44) 782. An article in Patchwork and/or Quilting – quilting must be through 3 layers 783. Any article not mentioned above. 784. An article incorporating beadwork GRADE 9 785. A Machine-made article 786. An article in Counted Thread 787. An article in any other Embroidery 788. An article in Candlewicking (See note (e) pg 44) 789. An article in Patchwork and/or Quilting – quilting must be through 3 layers 790. Any article not mentioned above. 791. An article incorporating beadwork 46 GRADE 10 792. A Machine-made article 793. An article in Counted Thread 794. An article in any other Embroidery 795. An article in Candlewicking (See note (e) pg 45) 796. An article in Patchwork and/or Quilting – quilting must be through 3 layers 797. Any article not mentioned above. 798. An article incorporating beadwork GRADES 11 AND 12 (School entries - 5 (five) exhibits per grade per Show class) 799. 800. 801. 802. 803. A Machine-made article A Hand Embroidered Article An article in Patchwork and/or Quilting – quilting must be through 3 layers Any article not mentioned above. An article incorporating beadwork DIVISION U - KNITTING AND CROCHET For Section Programme see Page 38 Sponsored Prizes Gift Pack for the best exhibit using Coats Mercer Crochet cotton, Tridalia, or Knit Cro Sheen. Labels to be attached to exhibits. Presented by Coats South Africa. Class GRADE 3 804. A Knitted or Crochet article GRADE 4 805. A Knitted or Crochet article GRADE 5 806. A Knitted or Crochet article GRADE 6 807. A Knitted or Crochet article GRADE 7 808. A Knitted or Crochet article GRADE 8 809. A Knitted or Crochet article GRADES 9 AND 10 810. A Knitted or Crochet article GRADES 11 AND 12 811. A Knitted or Crochet article 47 DIVISION V - COOKERY For Section Programme see Page 38 Trophies and Sponsored Prizes The Wesley Cup for Best Exhibit in Junior Cookery. Mrs E Preller Trophy’s – Grades 1 – 3 : Grades 4 - & : Grades 8 – 12 for most points Masters Cup - most points for cookery - boys Tri Blade Blender from KENWOOD Gift Packs X 2 from Fairfield Dairy NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Articles to be delivered on paper plates in a Sealed Bag/Container The name of the child and the school MUST be placed onto the base of all preserve jars 5 entries per class per grade may be entered Honey jars with new lids to be used 3 entries per individual, per class allowed Class GRADE 1 - 3 812. 3 pieces Fudge in a jar 20x20x20mm 813. 3 Meringues in a jar 814. 3 Cheese Straws 815. 3 Decorated Biscuits GRADE 4 - 7 816. 3 pieces Fudge in a jar 20x20x20mm 817. 3 Meringues in a jar 818. 3 Cheese Straws 819. 3 Decorated Biscuits GRADE 8 – 12 820. 3 pieces of Fudge in a jar 20x20x20mm 821. 3 Meringues in a jar 822. 3 Brownies 823. 3 Cheese Straws 824. 3 Jam Tarts 825. 3 Simply iced cup cakes. 826. Bottle of Lemon Curd 827. Bottle of Jam – any flavour - state variety 828. Bottle of Marmalade 48 DIVISION Y - ART For Section Programme see Page 38 Trophies The Mrs M Reynolds Trophy for the Junior School winning the most points. The Preema Trophy for the Senior School winning the most points in the Junior Art Division. Special Book Vouchers of R250 and R150 presented by Adams & Co for the School winning the most points and the Runner-up. NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS PLEASE READ THE GENERAL REGULATIONS (a) The scoring in Inter-School Most Points Trophies will be as follows: Special...................6 points First........................5 points Second...................4 points Third.......................3 points (b) In all Art Division classes, SCHOOLS ARE LIMITED TO NOT MORE THAN FIVE (5) ENTRIES IN ANY SHOW CLASS PER SCHOOL GRADE. (c) All Art preferably to be mounted on clean, smooth, stiff paper or very thin cardboard. Size of art for Grades 1 - 7 must not exceed 60 x 80 cms. If mounted the border may not exceed 5 cm. Size of art for grades 8 -12 may not exceed 65 x 100 cm. If mounted, the border may not exceed 10cms. HEAVY PICTURES E.G. THOSE DONE ON MASONITE MUST BE PREPARED FOR HANGING WITH HOOKS, PICTURE WIRE OR STRING PROVIDED BY THE SCHOOL OR EXHIBITOR. NO PICTURES TO BE FRAMED. ALL EXHIBITS MUST HAVE EXHIBITOR’S NAME AND ADDRESS ON BACK OF MOUNT. (d) Stick-on labels provided by the Secretary to show on the bottom of front right hand edge of mount - must be glued on. (e) “Painting by Numbers” outfits are not permitted. (f) Copies of any other works of art are not acceptable. Drawings from paintings and photographs could be penalised. (g) Private entries are limited to 2 entries per child per Show class. Class GRADE R, 0 AND OO 829 A picture, any medium GRADE 1 (OR 8 YEARS AND UNDER) 830. A Picture, any medium GRADE 2 831. A Picture, any medium GRADE 3 832. A Picture, any medium GRADE 4 833. A Picture, any medium GRADE 5 834. A Picture, any medium 49 GRADE 6 835. A Picture, any medium GRADE 7 836. A picture – any medium. GRADE 8 837. Drawing, any medium 838. Painting, any medium 839. Advertising / Commercial art GRADE 9 840. Drawing, any medium 841. Painting, any medium 842. Advertising / Commercial art GRADE 10 843. Drawing, any medium 844. Painting, any medium 845. Graphic art 846. Advertising / Commercial art GRADE 11 847. Drawing, any medium 848. Painting, any medium 849. Graphic Art 850. Advertising / Commercial art GRADE 12 851. Drawing, any medium 852. Painting, any medium 853. Graphic art 854. Advertising / Commercial art 50 DIVISION Z - JUNIOR PHOTOGRAPHY For Section Programme see Page 38 Trophy The Baird and Oliver Trophy and R100.00 Gift Voucher from Kodak Express PMB for the Best Photograph Hirsh’s Trophy and R100.00 Gift Voucher from Kodak Express PMB – Best Junior Photograph for under 15 years of age. The Margy Oliver Trophy - My best snapshot. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS Photographs must be submitted in firm, strong containers, clearly marked with exhibitor’s name and phone number, and exhibitors number. The maximum size of prints, including mounts, may not exceed 50cm x 40cm. Mounts should be new, firm, inexpensive, lightweight and clean board. The use of spray adhesive glue for attaching prints to mounts is recommended. Photographs by any process are eligible, but the photographs must have been taken by the Exhibitor. No visible signatures are permitted. Duplicate prints from one negative may not be entered in different classes. Exhibits that do not conform to the correct size will not be judged. If, in the opinion of the Judge, a photograph has been entered in an inappropriate class, it may be transferred to and judged in another class. Exhibitors may not enter more than FIVE (5) exhibits per class. No picture frames allowed. Exhibitors name, phone number and type of camera used, to be on the back of each photograph. NB ALL BACKING TO BE LIGHTWEIGHT BOARD ONLY Class UNDER 12 YEARS 855. My Best Snapshot 12 TO 14 YEARS 856. My Best Snapshot 857.Sport 858. Nature / Wildlife 859. Human Interest, which may include pets 860. Still Life 861. Manipulated Digital Images 15 TO 18 YEARS 862. My Best Snapshot 863. Human Interest, which may include Pets 864.Sport 865. Nature / Wild Life 866. Still Life 867.Portrait 868. Landscape, Seascape and Architecture 869.Abstract 870. Manipulated Digital Images 51 WOMEN’S INSTITUTE SECTION REGULATIONS FOR THE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE COMPETITIONS No Theme 1. General Regulations of the Crafts and Home Industries Section Information relating to the following will be found in the General Regulations on the front pages of this Prize List: (a) Addresses and telephone numbers for the Show Secretary (b) Dates and hours during which the Crafts Hall Office at the Showgrounds will be open. 2. Categories of Institute (a) Category `A’ Institute is one which has an average attendance of over 30. These Institute are required to enter: (i) 10 articles in Handicrafts and/ or (ii) 5 articles in Baking and 5 articles in Bottling (b) Category `B’ Institute is one which has an average attendance of 18 to 30. These Institute are required to enter: (i) 8 articles in Handicrafts and/ or (ii) 4 articles in Baking and4 articles in Bottling (c) Category `C’ Institute is one which has an average attendance of 17 or under. These Institute are required to enter: (i) 6 articles in Handicrafts and/or (ii) 3 articles in Baking and 3 articles in Bottling 3. Limitation of Entries by Individuals (a) Irrespective of the category of Institute to which a member belongs, no member may exhibit more than three articles in the Handicrafts Section and three entries in the Home Products section. (b) Institute members who belong to more than one Institute may only exhibit for one at the Show. 4. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Entry Requirements To determine the Category of the Institute, a Certificate of Average Attendance must accompany all Entry Forms from the 12 months from 1st February 2013 to 31st January 2014 The Entry Form must state clearly the number of articles entered. It is essential that the telephone number of either the President or the Secretary of the Institute be given on the Entry Form. Institute are not permitted more than one entry per class. All work entered must have been completed within the year ending April 2014 All work must be new, clean and finished since the previous Show. 5. (a) (b) (c) Judging Details Each article is judged individually and entirely on its own merit. Prize tickets will be awarded in all classes, dependent on the quality of the exhibits. No staging display will be eligible for judging unless it strictly complies with Rule 6. 6. Staging (a) Each Institute is responsible for the arrangement of its own Stall. (b) Only two Institute member ticket holders will be allowed to stage the exhibits and to remove them after the Show. (c) No children are allowed in the Hall during staging. 52 (d) (e) (f) (g) Small steps suitable for display only, are available. Where possible, prize tickets should be firmly attached to the appropriate exhibit. Staging: simple small props allowed. Because of the danger of fire and theft, it would be appreciated if the floor drapes do not lie too close to the barricade Category A - Category B - Category C - 7. (a) MEASUREMENTS OF STAGING SPACE 180cm wide x 165cm deep x 190cm high (Bottom of Rafter) Table 90cm x 150cm x 62cm high 150cm wide x 165cm deep x 190cm high (Bottom of Rafter) Table 90cm x120cm x 62cm high 120cm wide x 165cm deep x 190cm high (Bottom of Rafter) Table 90cm x 90cm x 62cm high Calculation of `Most Points’ Awards for Institute In the first instance, a Preliminary Score for each Institute shall be obtained by allocating the following points in respect of the prize tickets awarded to each Institute in the relevant Sections: Special Prize 7 points First Prize 6 points Second Prize 5 points Third Prize 4 points Fourth Prize 3 points Highly Commended 2 points Commended 1 point Points will not be given in respect of staging awards. (b) Having obtained the total Preliminary Score for each Institute, the totals will be adjusted to achieve the Final Score for each Institute by the application of the following factors: Category C Institute - multiply by 2 Category B Institute - multiply by 1,2 Category A Institute - no change. 53 TROPHIES AND SPONSORED PRIZES OFFERED FOR THE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE COMPETITIONS Sections 1 - 7 The Mrs F.K. Lawson Shield and Royal Show Medallion for the Institute with the most points in Handicrafts and Home Products. The Alex Drysdale Memorial Trophy for the Institute that is runner-up to the winner of the Lawson Shield. The Jubilee Jug President’s Choice of Article Sections 1 - 5 The Jean Elizabeth Kirby Memorial Trophy for the Institute with the most points in Handicrafts. The C & H.I Committee Trophy for the Institute that is runner-up to the winner of the Kirby Trophy. The President’s Trophy for the best exhibit in Handicrafts – Sections 1 - 4 The President’s Trophy for best Community work – Handicrafts The McDonalds Seeds Trophy for best exhibit in Section 5 Sections 1 - 2 Gift Pack for the best exhibit using Coats Tridalia, Mercer Crochet, or Knit Cro Sheen. (Labels to be visibly attached to exhibit). Presented by Coats South Africa. Section 4 The Dorcas Trophy for the best exhibit in the Hand Embroidery sections. Gift Pack for the best Exhibit using Anchor Handicraft threads. Presented by Coats South Africa. (Labels to be visibly attached). Sections 6 and 7 The Daily News Trophy for the Institute with the most points in Home Products The Lyons Tea Trophy for the Institute that is runner-up to the winner of the Daily News Trophy. The President’s Trophy for the best exhibit in Classes 1 - 12. The President’s Trophy for best exhibit in Iced Cakes and Sugarcraft. The President’s Trophy for best exhibit in Bottling. The President’s Trophy for best Community work - Baking and Bottling 54 Category A Institute The Art Leather and Handicrafts Trophy for the Category A Institute with the most points in Section 1 - 7. The Elizabeth Mabel James Shield for the best staged Institute in Category A. Category B Institute The T.S.Taylor Trophy for the Category B Institute with the most points in Sections 1 - 7. The Royal Baking Powder Rose Bowl for the best staged Institute in Category B. Category C Institute The Hulett Trophy for the Category C Institute with the most points in Sections 1 - 7. The Albert Falls Trophy for the best staged Institute in Category C Staging - All Categories The Shell Digest Trophy for the best staged Institute. 55 PROGRAMME FOR THE WOMENS’ INSTITUTE COMPETITIONS Entries Closing date for Entries...........................................................................................................25 April Cancellation date of all Entries.................................................................................................. 6 May Delivery and Staging Handicrafts & Home Products............................................................................ 8 May by 10.30 a.m. Staging of Stalls .................................................................................................... 21 May 8 – 12 pm Judging Handicrafts.............................................................................................................................. 13 May Home Crafts........................................................................................................................8 & 9 May Staging ............................................................................................................................... 21 May Removal Removal of all W.I. Exhibits......................................................................................... 4 June - ONLY ........................................................................................................... 8.30 a.m. – 12 noon PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR EXHIBITS ARE REMOVED BY THIS DATE NO THEME PLEASE READ ALL REGULATIONS AND NOTES CAREFULLY! JUDGE’S DECISION IS FINAL 56 HANDICRAFTS For details of Trophies offered in this Division see Page 54 and 55 NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS (a) Institute are not permitted more than one entry per class. (b) The articles entered by each Institute must cover at least four of the five Handicrafts Sections. (c) Irrespective of the category of Institute to which a member belongs, no member may exhibit more than three articles in the Handicraft Section. (d) All work entered must have been completed within the year ending April 2014 (e) Every article entered must be the unaided work of the individual, except where otherwise stated. (f) Every exhibit must be clearly marked with the small label supplied, and numbered in accordance with the list of classes detailed below. (g) A large transparent plastic sheet (approx. 180 x 90 cm) must accompany the Handicrafts exhibits to keep them clean during the judging period or points will be deducted. (h) Wool, yarn and/or Embroidery labels to be clearly visible on the outside of exhibits. (i) Own-design notification to be placed on embroidery where applicable. (j) N.B. A list of the articles submitted and each exhibitor’s name, correctly numbered according to the class, must accompany the exhibits at the time of delivery or points will be deducted. N.B. The Judge’s decision shall be final and binding on the exhibitors. Class 1 - KNITTING SECTION Hand Knitting 1. An article/pair/set for a Baby up to 6 months (no bootees) 2. An article/pair/set for a Toddler - 7 months to 2 years 3. An article/pair/set for a Child aged 3 – 5 years 4. An article/pair/set for a Child aged 6 – 12 years 5. A pair of Socks . 6. An article for a Woman (No Fair Isle, Beads or Appliqué) 7. An article for a Man (No Appliqué) 8. An article for a Woman, any medium 9. An article in loom knitting. 10. A Household article/pair or set 11. Any article/pair/set not mentioned above Machine Knitting State type of machine used – attach to article 12. An article/pair/set in single bed machine knitting. 13. An article/pair/set in double bed machine knitting. 57 2 - CROCHET AND TATTING SECTION 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. An article for a Baby up to 6 months, wool and/or yarn An article for a Woman, free choice of thread A Household article/pair or set - longest side or diameter 30cms or more A Household article/pair or set - longest side or diameter 30cms or less An article in Filet Crochet An article in Tunisian Crocet An article in Tatting Any article/pair/set not mentioned above 3 - MACHINE SEWING SECTION 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. An article/pair/set for a Boy or Girl up to 5 years A Smocked Article An article/pair/set for a Girl or Boy aged 6 – 12 years An article made from a single metre of material – maximum width 1.5 m A Jacket or waist coat. A Blouse or Shirt An article/pair/set for a Lady An article/pair/set of Lady’s Lingerie A Decorative Half Apron An article with machine applique , patchwork and quilting . An article with machine appliqué and patchwork , quilted by a second person. An article / pair / set for a teenager An article/pair/set for a Man. A Large Household article/pair/set over 50cm A Small Household article/pair/set up to 50cm A Machine embroidered article - no computerised motif embroidery allowed A Machine embroidered article using computerised techniques. Specify machine used Any article/pair/set not mentioned above 4 - EMBROIDERY SECTION 40. An article in Hardanger, colours allowed 41. An article in Embroidery on Photo Generated Background 42. An article in Needle Painting - on a photo generated background 43. An article in counted thread not mentioned elsewhere 44. An article in Candlewicking – colours allowed 45. An article in Bobbin Lace 46. An article in Needlework Tapestry – free choice of threads. No partially prepared work. 47. An article in Shaded Embroidery 48. An article in Ribbon Embroidery, supplementary stitches allowed 49. An article in Ribbon Embroidery, painted or printed background, supplementary stitches allowed, minimum of 50% of area to be worked 50. An article in Canvas work, not needlework tapestry 51. An article in Jacobean embroidery, modern or traditional 52. A framed article in Cross Stitch, allied stitches allowed. Longest worked side 30cms or less. (No canvas) 53. A framed article in Cross Stitch, allied stitches allowed. Longest worked side 30cms or more. (No canvas) 54. An unframed article in Cross-stitch, e.g. tray cloth, cushion, bell pull etc; allied stitches allowed. Longest worked side 30cms or less. (No canvas) 58 55. 56. 57. 58. 59 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. An unframed article in Cross-stitch, e.g. tray cloth, cushion, bell pull etc; allied stitches allowed. Longest worked side over 30cms or more. (No canvas) An article in Gingham Embroidery – coloured threads allowed An article in Stumpwork An article in Composite embroidery An article in needle painting - on a plain background An article in Modern Black Work An article in Traditional embroidery not mentioned elsewhere An article in Hand Patchwork /Applique – hand quilted. An article in Hand Patchwork / Appliqué, machine quilted. Any article/pair/set not mentioned above 5 - CRAFTS SECTION 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. A Stuffed Toy (accessories allowed). Longest measurement at least 20cms. (No teddies or Knitted Toys) A Soft Toy for a Baby, no knitting A Knitted Toy A Teddy Bear - maximum, 30 cms in length A Toy family - any medium A page or 2 in ‘Scrapbooking’ – not computer generated - no kits allowed A page or 2 in ‘Scrapbooking’ computer generated An article in Woodcarving An article decorated with mosaic An article in Decoupage - traditional. No block mountings An article in Decoupage - 3 Dimensional or elevated An article in textile painting A Painting or sketch , any medium, framed or blocked Calligraphy, preferably mounted A Decorated Box A Handmade Card OR Notelet, with envelope A computer generated card or notelet – wording optional. An article/set in Jewellery using commercial beads. An article/pair or set in Creative Beadwork – no knitting or crochet An article decorated in Serviette Craft A photographic portrait - animal or humam - mounted, NOT framed (Refer Photographic Regulations pg 33) Any other article not mentioned above 59 HOME PRODUCTS NOTES FOR EXHIBITORS (a) Institutes are not permitted more than one entry per class. (b) Irrespective of the category of Institute to which a member belongs, no member may exhibit more than three entries in the Home Products Division. (c) Every exhibit must be the unaided work of the individual. (d) Every exhibit must be clearly marked with the small label supplied, and numbered in accordance with the list of classes detailed below. Attach the small label to a small paper plate or polystyrene tray (cut to size) within the sealed bag/container. Do not attach the label to the sealed bag/ container. (e) A list of the products submitted and each exhibitor’s name, correctly numbered according to the classes, must accompany the exhibits on delivery or points will be deducted. Lists to be attached to outside of box for easy access. 6 - BAKING SECTION (No packet mixes) 1. 3 Shortbread Fingers - 20mm wide x70-80mm long x 10mm thick 2. 3 Hertzog Cookies -recipe on page 32 3. 3 Buttermilk Rusks - broken 4. 3 Ginger Biscuits ± 45 min in diametre 5. 3 Filled biscuits 6. 3 Oat Crunchies 50mm square 7. 6 small savory biscuits 45mm in diametre 8. Container of Biscuits – 4 varieties only. ( no ginger nuts or peanut(s) /butter). Points given for presentation. 9. Container of Sweets – 4 varieties only - no chocolates allowed. Points given for presentation. 10. 3 Meringues 11. Container of chocolates – 4 varieties. 12. 6 squares of fudge - not microwaved 20x20x20mm - state variety - in sealed container 13. 6 square of fudge - mircowaved - 20x20x20mm - state variety - in sealed container. 14. Article in sugarcraft. 15. Article in sugarcraft - decorative. 60 7 - BOTTLING SECTION (a) (b) (c) All bottles must have a label describing their contents and ingredients fastened to the base of the bottle, BUT NOT UNDERNEATH. All jams, jellies, marmalades, chutneys, curds, pickles etc to be in metric glass honey jars with NEW METAL twist lids. Bottled fruit and preserves to be in ½ or 1 litre jars or honey jars, as appropriate. MUST HAVE NEW LIDS. BOTTLES AND LIDS ARE AVAILABLE AT VICTORIA PACKAGING, PIETERMARITZBURG. N.B. PLEASE NOTE RULING ON BOTTLES, AS DESCRIBED IN (b). 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Bottle of Jelly - state variety Bottle of Marmalade – state variety Bottle of Jam, any other variety except berry - state variety Bottle of Berry Jam - state variety Bottle of Conserve – state variety Bottle of Preserve (Konfyt) - state variety Bottle of Fruit in Syrup – state variety Bottle of Curd, any flavour – state variety - no pips Bottle of Relish - may be mayonnaise based Bottle of Pickles – state variety Bottle of Dessert sauce – state variety Bottle of Chutney- state variety and ingredients - in a glass honey jar or a chutney jar . Bottle of mayonnaise Bottle of Fruit Cordial, 750ml bottle – state variety Bottle of Home Made non-crème liqueur or wine – in a clear, glass bottle – state variety - minimum 500ml - fancy bottles allowed Bottle of Home Made crème liqueur – in a clear, glass bottle – state variety - minimum 500ml - fancy bottles allowed 32. Community Work Collection of 5 bottles. Points given for presentation. Fancy Bottles allowed. (Worked by not less than 4 members all of whom may still submit 3 other articles in the Home Products Section. This exhibit to be included in the required number of Home Products entries.) 61 NOTES 62 63 2014 ROYAL SHOW SENIOR JUNIOR L Class Description of Exhibit/s SIGNATURE: ..................................................................... I hereby certify that the above articles are the bona fide, unaided production of myself the Exhibitor / or child. Division .......................................................................................... No of Entries C When completed, please sen this form (and return postage if required to: The Secretary, Crafts and Home industries Section, P O Box 12158, Dorpspruit 3206 ((Tel/Fax No.: 033-3457037) R RETURN PARCEL POSTAGE OTHER POST Instructions for disposal of Exhibits after Show (post or otherwise) WILL COLLECT ............................................... Packed by: ................................................................................................................... Postal Code ........................ Tel No (during office hours) / Cell no / email address: Age of Child: Collected by: Postal Address: .................................................................................................................................................................. Full Name: Mr/Mrs/Miss ........................................................................................................................ EXHIBITOR’S NUMBER CRAFTS AND HOME INDUSTRIES SECTION ENTRY FORM FOR OPEN CLASSES FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 64
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