May News & Events - The Feldenkrais Institute

Improving the quality of
each individual life
Class Schedule
Awareness Through Movement®
The powerful do-it-yourself aspect of the Feldenkrais Method
Drop-ins: $25 • 6 Classes: $125 • 12 Classes: $250 • Members: All classes are free
Basics Class: Ideal for newcomers Open Class: All are welcome
Newcomers: Your second class is free
Pre-registration is recommended but not required. Mats are provided.
12:30 pm Open Class with Marek Wyszynski
1:45 pm Basics Class with Nancy Gayle Judson
6:30 pm Basics Class with Belinda He
12:30 pm Open Class with Kasia Wyszynski
5:30 pm Open Class with Tamala Bakkensen
12:30 pm Open Class with Mark Hirschfield
3:00 pm Community Class with Belinda He
5:30 pm Basics Class with Mark Hirschfield
12:30 pm Open Class with Mark Hirschfield
5:30 pm Open Class with Suzanne Ausnit
12:30 pm Open Class with Nancy Gayle Judson
12:30 pm Open Class with Thais Silva
1:45 pm Basics Class with Janin Gunderman
5:30 pm Open Class with Tamala Bakkensen
134 West 26th Street, Second Floor
New York, New York 10001
© 2015 Kaethe Zemach-Bersin, Feldenkrais Institute of New York
Workshops, Classes & News
May 5 Your Free & Flexible Rib Cage with Mark Hirschfield
May 7 The Biotensegrity Model and Dynamic Anatomy
with Steven M. Levin M.D.
May 12 Moving From the Middle with Joshua Wolk
May 14 You Do You with Miguel Gutierrez
May 19 Your Pain-Free and Healthy Hip Joints
with Marek Wyszynski
May 21 Focus on Breathing with Kathy Yates
May 27 Balance Basics with Nancy Judson
May 30 The Art and Science of the Feldenkrais Method
with David Zemach-Bersin
MAY 2015
at the Feldenkrais Institute of New York
This month, the Feldenkrais Institute presents
six fascinating workshops on weekday
evenings, a distinguished guest lecture, and
a Saturday afternoon introduction to the
Feldenkrais Method.
Your Free and
Flexible Rib Cage
with Mark Hirschfield
May 1-10 is International Feldenkrais Week!
Many special events will be taking place at locations
in New York City and across the globe. We plan a
rare evening with Dr. Steven Levin, on May 7,
to explore ‘Biotensegrity.’ This is a new way of
understanding the body, which complements the
Feldenkrais Method.
Change is in the air as we wish “bon voyage!” to Jordan Sheely, our
Administrative Director and office organizer extraordinaire for the past eleven
months (and office manager for PT& FNYC for the past 5 years). She is hiking
the 2,663 mile Pacific Crest Trail, from the Mexican border to Canada!
You may follow her journey on Instagram @wafaringlittlefoot and on
And, last but not least, we welcome
Laura Kay as our new Administrative
Director. Laura experienced the Feldenkrais
Method for the first time as a music student
at Penn State, and was formerly a Director
of Programming at Turtle Bay Music School.
We are delighted to have Laura with us.
Feel free to stop by to say “hello!”
Feldenkrais for greater movement and comfort
Tuesday, May 5 • 6:30-9:30 pm
You have tremendous potential for freedom and flexibility in your rib cage.
Built for movement, it consists of twenty four bones each capable of
moving independently and also in concert with one another. But tension
frequently interferes with our ability to enjoy the freedom that is possible
in our chest and rib cage. By bringing awareness to this important and
central part of our body, we can make many surprising improvements in
the way we move and feel.
If you have ignored your rib cage in the past, or experience it as “locked”
or restricted, this workshop with Mark Hirschfield may be revelatory! It will
feature a selection of Awareness Through Movement exercises designed to
improve your understanding of the important relationships between your
ribs, spine, posture and breathing. You will gain a new sense of space,
expansion, and relaxation, greater comfort in all your movements, and
better breathing.
Mark Hirschfield is a terrific Feldenkrais Teacher. He is looking forward to
helping you to set yourself free!
Member Tuition: $30 • Pre-Registration: $55 • Day of Event: $65
The Biotensegrity Model
& Dynamic Anatomy
An integrated evening of lecture, discussion and
Awareness Through Movement
with Steven M. Levin, M.D.
Moving From
the Middle
Integrating your biggest
muscles for power in action
with Joshua Wolk
Thursday, May 7 • 6:30-9:30 pm
Biotensegrity recognizes that the human body is
not a stacked tower of parts, connected by muscles
and joints as mechanical levers. Instead, it
understands the body as a structure of tensegrity:
a wholly integrated or plastic biologic form, in which
changes in one area are reflected immediately
throughout the entire structure.
Biotensegrity is an extremely potent model for helping us to recognize
dynamic relationships inside the body, and in movement. Steven Levin M.D.
originated and has developed the concept of Biotensegrity. We are thrilled
to welcome him to the Feldenkrais Institute of New York. To complement
Dr. Levin’s talk, David Zemach-Bersin will lead a related Feldenkrais lesson
and discussion.
Stephen M. Levin, M.D. trained as an Orthopedic and Spine Surgeon, and
was formerly Clinical Associate Professor at Michigan State University and
Howard University. He studied General Systems Theory with noted biologist,
Dr.Timothy Allen, has been closely allied with others emphasizing the work
of Buckminster Fuller and its applications. Dr. Levin has published numerous
papers and book chapters focused on systems biomechanics.
Member Tuition: $30 • Pre-Registration: $55 • Day of Event: $65
Tuesday, May 12 • 6:30-9:30 pm
Why do so many practices — including yoga and tai-chi — place a special
significance on the body’s center, a point just below the navel identified as
the “dantian,” “hara” or “one point?”
When our nervous system is organized in such a way that the movements
of our extremities are coordinated to draw support and force from the
large muscles around our pelvis, we feel an ease and power in movement
that can be quite extraordinary. Efficient organization can help to bring
about dramatic shifts in our self-image and confidence; moving from the
middle allows us to feel capable, powerful, centered, and calm.
Please join us for a workshop with Josh Wolk, an exciting Feldenkrais
teacher and martial artist, to focus on organizing your body and mind
from this important middle point.
This workshop will be especially
relevant if you dance, practice
martial arts, meditate, or simply
wish to access greater power and
efficiency in your daily activities.
Member Tuition: $30 • Pre-Registration: $55 • Day of Event: $65
You Do You
Happy Hips
A Feldenkrais approach to
joint health and protection
with Marek Wyszynski
Feldenkrais in a dancer’s body:
Scores for improvisation with Miguel Gutierrez
Thursday, May 14 • 6:30-9:30 pm
The Feldenkrais Method reawakens, restores and revitalizes our capacity for
movement and function. It is a supremely generative practice for people who
are devoted to movement as a means of exploration and expression. In this
workshop we will use the principles of Awareness Through Movement and
Functional Integration® as “scores” for complexly embodied improvisational
dance practices that we can use either in process…or as performances,
in and of themselves.
Miguel Gutierrez is a 2010 Guggenheim Fellow in choreography, and
will soon receive his certification as a Feldenkrais Practitioner. His work is
presented frequently in NYC, across the country and internationally at venues
and festivals such as the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Walker Art Center and
Centre Pompidou. His most recent show premiered in the 2014 Whitney
Please call 212-727-1014 to register!
Performing Arts Workshop: Sponsored by the Feldenkrais Foundation
Take 5 workshop package not applicable.
Pre-Registration: $35 • Day of Event: $45
Tuesday, May 19 • 6:30-9:30 pm
Each year, close to 200,000 Americans have hip joint
replacement surgery. With better organization of the hip
joints, many of these surgeries may be avoidable.
Your hip joints are the largest weight bearing joints in your body and they
play a key role in your physical comfort and ease of movement. Every
moment in which you are upright, your hip joints work to support your
body upright against the pull of gravity while at the same time, providing
you with flexibility and mobility. This is not an easy task, and your hip joints
are vulnerable to strain and injury.
Marek Wyszynski, Co-founder of the Feldenkrais Institute, President of
Physical Therapy & Feldenkrais NYC, and a Hospital for Special Surgery
Advance Hip Clinician, is offering a practical and therapeutic workshop to
help you improve your hip strength, mobility and function.
Learn ingenious Feldenkrais exercises to improve the comfort and function
of your hip joints. And, as new research shows that excessive stretching can
cause joint damage and instability, find out how much flexibility is safe for
your hip joints. Clarify the important relationships between your hips and
your spine, neck, chest and shoulders and learn how to reduce pressure in
your hip joints any time you like.
Member Tuition: $30 • Pre-Registration: $55 • Day of Event: $65
Focus on Breathing
with Kathy Yates
Reduce stress and increase energy
Thursday, May 21 • 6:30-9:30 pm
Do you ever notice that your breathing feels shallow or partially restricted?
Or that you are holding your breath — unconsciously — without knowing
why? Would you like to have more energy, more stamina, and be able to think
more clearly? The Feldenkrais Method can help by improving the way
you breathe.
By enhancing the way air enters and exits your body, the Feldenkrais Method
can help you to maintain a relaxed sense of wellbeing, and have a positive
effect on many aspects of your physical comfort. This stress-reducing
workshop with Kathy Yates will feature Feldenkrais exercises designed to
improve the coordination of the muscles involved with your respiration —
including those of your ribs, stomach, shoulders, neck and pelvis — so that
you can breathe better in any situation. Better breathing can help you to
reduce sensations of anxiety and pain, improve your posture, and promote
freedom in the way you use your voice.
Feldenkrais for stress reduction and health!
Member Tuition: $30 • Pre-Registration: $55 • Day of Event: $65
with Nancy Gayle Judson
Wednesday, May 27 • 6:30-9:30 pm
When people have difficulties with their balance, they typically assume that
their problem is somehow related to the way they use their feet. Few
people realize that in fact, there is a profound connection between the way
we use our eyes and the quality of our balance. Whether we are standing
still or dodging traffic while crossing a busy street, our vestibular system,
which is responsible for keeping us upright and stable, uses our eyes to
establish our orientation in space. Hence, the way we use our eyes can
naturally effect our balance.
Please join us for a relaxing evening workshop in which we will explore the
connection between the movement of our eyes and the stability provided
by our feet. We will use carefully selected Feldenkrais exercises to focus
on this important relationship. As key aspects of your ‘eye-balance’
organization are clarified and strengthened in your brain and nervous
system, your balance will improve and you will begin to regain confidence
in your body’s flexible stability.
Nancy Gayle Judson is a warm and enthusiastic teacher. She has been
studying movement all her life, and loves using the Feldenkrais Method to
improve the way her students and clients experience ‘life in a body.’
Member Tuition: $30 • Pre-Registration: $55 • Day of Event: $65
Announcing a new
Feldenkrais Method
Professional Training Program
The Art & Science
of the Feldenkrais Method
with David Zemach-Bersin
with David Zemach-Bersin
Beginning Summer/Fall 2015 in New York City
A new Feldenkrais Training Program will begin at the Feldenkrais Institute of New
York, August 22-27. The program is an exploration of human learning and
improvement in which students benefit from doing Feldenkrais exercises and
having Feldenkrais treatments, while developing the sophisticated skills necessary
to be certified as a Feldenkrais Practitioner. It is for people interested in improving
their own health and comfort, and also for those interested in developing
professional skills.
Directed by David Zemach-Bersin, this training program features an excellent
teaching staff and a convenient weekend-based schedule. Students of all ages are
welcome. Students will be accepted through the Fall, as space allows.
Trainers: David Zemach-Bersin, Aliza Stewart, Carol Kress, Deborah
Bowes, and Elizabeth Beringer
Assistant Trainers: Anastasi Siotas, Paris Kern, Sheryl Field,
Anna Johnson, and Raz Ori
David Zemach-Bersin was twenty four when he met Moshe
Feldenkrais and began to study the Feldenkrais Method.
Four decades later, David is one of the world’s most
dedicated proponents and practitioners of the Feldenkrais
Method. Co-founder of the Feldenkrais Institute of
New York and the Feldenkrais Foundation, David is a
committed and enthusiastic trainer of the next
generation of Feldenkrais Teachers.
For more information or program prospectus, please call 212-727-7595 //
Saturday, May 30 • Noon-5:00 pm
An opportunity to experience the Feldenkrais Method with a
distinguished and inspiring teacher.
The Feldenkrais Method accesses the brain’s neuroplasticity to improve the way
we feel and function with a sophisticated combination of gentle movement and
guided attention. By facilitating changes in the motor cortex of our brain,
it helps to bring flexibility to our habits of posture, movement, feeling and
action, and gives us new options for our physical comfort, efficiency, and sense
of wellbeing.
Whether this workshop is your first Feldenkrais experience, or you are
considering studying the Feldenkrais Method in depth, this workshop will be
a treat and reassure you of your ability to feel better, learn, and heal. The
afternoon workshop will include beneficial Awareness Through Movement
exercises, information about the Feldenkrais Method, and a demonstration of
Functional Integration (the manual, “hands-on” aspect of the Feldenkrais Method).
David Zemach-Bersin studied directly with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais for ten years.
He has a warm teaching style and is a respected leader in the field.
Heal, Improve, Learn
Member Tuition: $55 • Pre-Registration: $70 • Day of Event: $80
The Feldenkrais Institute’s 4th Annual
Through Movement
with Marek Wyszynski and David Zemach-Bersin
Friday-Sunday, July 3-5
Friday, July 3rd: 12:30pm – 6:30pm,
Saturday, July 4th: 9:00am – 3:30 pm
Sunday, July 5th: 9:00am – 3:30pm
Restore & Rejuvenate in New York City
Once a year, the co-founders of the Feldenkrais Institute of New York get
together to create a special Feldenkrais retreat experience for the public.
Spanning three days (over the 4th of July weekend,) this sustained
Feldenkrais event is designed to give your nervous system and body
a refreshing vacation without leaving New York City.
Doing Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement exercises once or twice a
week is good, but immersion in the Feldenkrais Method can help to bring
about more profound results. The exercises featured in this workshop will
have a cumulative, “building” effect, to interrupt your old patterns of posture,
pain and tension and present new, more comfortable options. Please join us
for a memorable three-day experience of Awareness Through Movement, and
gain a repertoire of effective Feldenkrais tools for your future use.
Use this three-day immersion in the Feldenkrais Method to put yourself onto a
new path towards better health.
If you would like to schedule individual Functional Integration sessions before
or after the workshop hours, please call in advance.
Member Tuition: $275 • Early Bird: $325 by June 19 • Regular Tuition: $350
Performing Artists
Spring Workshops 2015
for Dancers, Actors, Musicians, & Vocalists
The Feldenkrais Foundation is sponsoring a series of Feldenkrais workshops at the
Feldenkrais Institute with distinguished teachers, especially for Performing Artists.
Finding Your Voice (Part 1)
For anyone who wants to improve their voice with Tamala Bakkensen
Thursday, June 18 • 6:30-9:30 pm
Pre-Registration: $35 • Day of Workshop: $45
You Do You
Feldenkrais in a dancer’s body: Scores for improvisation with Miguel Gutierrez
Thursday, May 14 • 6:30-9:30 pm
Pre-Registration: $35 • Day of Workshop: $45
The Radiant Actor
Chekhov Technique meets Feldenkrais Method with Connie Rotunda
Sunday, June 21 • Noon - 5:00 pm
Pre-Registration: $65 • Day of Workshop: $75
To Register for a Workshop:
Call 212-727-1014 or visit
Give the gift of Feldenkrais
Mother’s Day is coming…
For more information, stop by at the
front desk or call 212-727-1014
Bridging the Feldenkrais Method
& Physical Therapy
A Feldenkrais
Approach to the
Treatment of Cervical
Spine Dysfunctions
with Marek Wyszynski, PT, GCFP
June 26-28, 2015
A three-day workshop for Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, and other
medical clinicians. Changing habitual patterns of posture and movement to improve
the rehabilitation of patients with orthopedic and neurological disorders, and acute or
chronic pain. NY, NJ, CT Continuing education credits available.
Regular Tuition: $450 – Early bird Tuition: $400 through May 31st
For more information and to register, call 212-727-1014.
A Workshop for
Dynamic Anatomy
& Awareness
through Movement
A series of three Workshops for Feldenkrais
Practitioners and Training Program Students
with Anastasi Siotas, GCFP, Assistant Trainer
June 7, August 2 and October 11
For Feldenkrais Practitioners and 3rd and 4th year Students
For the full series of three: $330 – Single workshop: $130
Early bird Tuition: $300 through Thursday, May 21
FPTP Students: $264 – Single workshop: $104
Space is limited; Pre-registration recommended. Travel Discount: 10% off
regular tuition. For more information and to register, call 212-727-1014.
Workshops Coming in June
June 2 with Marek Wyszynski
Mindfulness & The Art of Letting Go
June 7 with Anastasi Siotas
Dynamic Anatomy and ATM #1
For Feldenkrais Practitioners and Training Program Students
June 11 with Dayana Henwood
Engaging Your Feet for Support
June 17 with Nancy Judson
Free Your Neck
June 18 with Tamala Bakkensen
Finding Your Voice #1
Workshop sponsored by the Feldenkrais Foundation
June 20 with David Zemach-Bersin
The Art and Science of the Feldenkrais Method
June 21 with Connie Rotunda
The Radiant Actor
Workshop sponsored by the Feldenkrais Foundation
June 23 with Mark Hirschfield
Healthy Posture
June 26-28 with Marek Wyszynski
Bridging the Feldenkrais Method & Physical Therapy
For Physical Therapists & Health Care Professionals
Improving the quality of
each individual life
Class Schedule
Awareness Through Movement®
The powerful do-it-yourself aspect of the Feldenkrais Method
Drop-ins: $25 • 6 Classes: $125 • 12 Classes: $250 • Members: All classes are free
Basics Class: Ideal for newcomers Open Class: All are welcome
Newcomers: Your second class is free
Pre-registration is recommended but not required. Mats are provided.
12:30 pm Open Class with Marek Wyszynski
1:45 pm Basics Class with Nancy Gayle Judson
6:30 pm Basics Class with Belinda He
12:30 pm Open Class with Kasia Wyszynski
5:30 pm Open Class with Tamala Bakkensen
12:30 pm Open Class with Mark Hirschfield
3:00 pm Community Class with Belinda He
5:30 pm Basics Class with Mark Hirschfield
12:30 pm Open Class with Mark Hirschfield
5:30 pm Open Class with Suzanne Ausnit
12:30 pm Open Class with Nancy Gayle Judson
12:30 pm Open Class with Thais Silva
1:45 pm Basics Class with Janin Gunderman
5:30 pm Open Class with Tamala Bakkensen
134 West 26th Street, Second Floor
New York, New York 10001
© 2015 Kaethe Zemach-Bersin, Feldenkrais Institute of New York
Workshops, Classes & News
May 5 Your Free & Flexible Rib Cage with Mark Hirschfield
May 7 The Biotensegrity Model and Dynamic Anatomy
with Steven M. Levin M.D.
May 12 Moving From the Middle with Joshua Wolk
May 14 You Do You with Miguel Gutierrez
May 19 Your Pain-Free and Healthy Hip Joints
with Marek Wyszynski
May 21 Focus on Breathing with Kathy Yates
May 27 Balance Basics with Nancy Judson
May 30 The Art and Science of the Feldenkrais Method
with David Zemach-Bersin