Projetos para PALAvRA PREFEiTO PALAvRA DO DO PREFEiTO Major’S SPeeCh ORIENTAÇÃO/ ORIENTATION PROFª SIlvIO SOARES MAcEDO ProjeC iO TiETê – SUZANO river tiete FloodPlain Park - SuZano CAIO MAMEDE, CAMILA CAvALhEIRO DANIEL LOCATELLI MARIA BEATRICE RODRIgUES RONALDO ALvES Projetos para OTHER CITY IS POSSIBLE Palavra do Prefeito But it is necessary to change the paradigms. No policy will be transforming if we keep the same concepts, the same values, which means that we don’t seek to create alternatives the actions, projects and plans that really turn into equal the citizens of the municipality. Accordingly, it impresses the high quality of work submitted by students of the Architecture and Urbanism College of University of São Paulo (FAUUSP), which are part of the exhibition “Projetos para Suzano” (“Projects for Suzano”). The issues confronted – railway area, the redevelopment of district centers, improvements of the municipality’s road system and better use of the floodplain of the River Tietê - are those that we deal with in our daily lives. However, they bring the innovation of integration, of the union of interests, of the solution of problems of segregation and the democratization of space. The pieces of work presented compose a strong legacy for the city and its citizens. With responsibility and respect to the local reality, these works will be part of the collection of knowledge to be shared by future governments, therefore contributing to a new city. Marcelo de Souza Candido Suzano’s Mayor ithout vertiCaliZation low vertiCaliZation high vertiCaliZation SquareS treated vegetation project 05 12 The change of concepts such as the ‘legalized city’, popular involvement, the end of privileges, the inclusive measures, are still to build public policies that will comply with the interests of the majority of the population and really bring dignity to a huge contingent of the excluded population of the city. Main roadS ESTUDOS SOBRE PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 24 projeto 05 Major’s Speech Like any other, the city of Suzano suffered the effects of geographical segregation over the years, a predatory occupation, disrespect to nature, and the consequent exclusion of the poor from the benefits of urbanization. As its neighboring cities, Suzano is bringing cultural facilities and different forms of entertainment, besides creating new connections to the circulation between the north and center, integrating the city. Furthermore, the routes coming to the park have got a landscaping treatment. The urban sprawl located northeast will establish three levels of verticalization, following the topography. The existing streams were kept with their natural drawing and receivedlandscaping treatment, providing the recreational use and a pleasant stroll. Realização Throughout the park, the River Tietê has varying width creating different looks and uses, circulation, sports, recreational uses, contemplation and research. The green was articulated in order to create both shaded and sunny areas. At the extremes of the park, two large areas of permanent preservation with two centers of biological research were determined. Besides, because it is a damp spot, the care with the vegetation will respect such conditions. areaS with PredoMinanCe oF Shade aPa Main routeS (PedeStrian) areaS with SeCondary routeS (PedeStrian) routeS For CarS with landSCaPing treatMent route PeriMetral
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