Presented by Fell’s Point Main Street for the benefit of the Preservation Society 49TH Annual Celebrating the Fabric of a Great American Neighborhood! Friday — 5:30 p.m. Opening Ceremony with Continued Festivities 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday & Sunday — 11:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. Historic Fell’s Point, Maryland, USA TM VENDOR CONTRACT Application Instructions: TM • Complete attached Application in FULL (Incomplete applications will be returned.) • Vendors must attend both days — otherwise they are in jeopardy of losing their prime location for the following year. • Send your signed Application and required materials to: Mail: FELL’S POINT FUN FESTIVAL — 1632 Aliceanna, Baltimore, MD 21231 E-mail: INFO@FELLSPOINTFEST.COM Fax: 410-558-6658 • Be sure you have included your one time non-refundable Application Fee Check or Money Order in the amount of $20.00 made payable to: Fell’s Point Main Street (ONLY MONEY ORDERS ACCEPTED AFTER SEPTEMBER 1, 2015) • ANY CHECKS RETURNED AS UNPAID WILL BE CHARGED A $35.00 FEE. • Color photos of items you wish to sell/exhibit (Photos will be returned only if you include a self-addressed stamped envelope.) Application Process: • You will be notified of your application decision via e-mail within 5 business days of its receipt. • If your application is accepted, an invoice for the balance due will be attached to your acceptance via email. • This invoice will need to be paid in FULL prior to September 1, 2015 to avoid a late fee assessment. • Applications accepted after September 1, 2015 must pay in FULL prior to September 15, 2015. • Applications WILL NOT be accepted after September 15, 2015. • If your application is denied, you will be notified via email. • Space(s) will be assigned by the Festival Coordinator only after completed applications and FULL payment of fees are received. • Spaces are non-transferrable and cannot be resold. All fees are non-refundable. • All items sold at the Fell’s Point Fun Festival must be legal and within the family oriented nature of the event. Should you be caught with counterfeit items, the police will confiscate your inventory and eject you from the Festival. You will be banned from attending future festivals. Prohibited items include: • Counterfeit Products of ANY kind such as designer clothing, handbags, t-shirts or sunglasses. • Weapons of ANY kind — including knives • Items which infringe on a registered trademark. This includes the Fell’s Point Fun Festival’s trademark; you may not sell products bearing the Festival’s name or logo without prior written permission — this includes selling previous year’s t-shirts. • Snap-Pops, Fireworks or Silly String MARYLAND SALES TAX • All exhibitors eligible to pay Maryland Sales Tax are required to take care of their obligations. • For specific information please contact: • Maryland Sales & Use Tax Division, Special Events Section — Room 201, 301 W. Preston Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, 410-767-6961 After receipt of your application information and ALL fees, the Festival committee will send information confirming your attendance. In September 2015, we will send directions, assignments and other pertinent information. Looking forward to seeing you! Go to our website at for information about local hotel reservations. Mail applications early! All placements are on a first come, first serve basis. Contact Information: About You: 49TH Annual Last Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ First Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Company Name: _________________________________________ D/B/A Name (if applicable): ___________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________________ State: __________Zip: _______________________________________ Physical Store Address (if applicable): ___________________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________________ State: __________Zip: _______________________________________ Day Phone: _____________________________________________ Cell Phone: _________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Website: ___________________________________________________ Maryland Retail Sales Tax # (if applicable): ___________________ Non- Profit # (if applicable)*: __________________________________ About Your Business: Did you participate in last year’s Fell’s Point Fun Festival? q YES q NO If yes, what was your booth space number? ____________ Where did you hear about us? q Website q Email q Facebook q Friend q Postcard q Other: _________________________ Which category best describes your business? q Arts & Crafts q Photography q Antiques/Collectibles q Non-Profit q Commercial / General Retail q No sales — just marketing the business Will your booth contain? q Arts / Crafts / Photography 100% made by you / Antiques q Reselling others goods or services (retail products, etc.) Please describe ALL items that you will be selling and/or exhibiting. You MUST attach photos of your products and an example of a previously exhibited booth if available. Applications will not be accepted without photos of products. You may not sell food or beverages. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rental Fees (10 x 10 space): Quantity Antiques* ________ Commercial — General Retail ________ (Commercial Products: Commercial made crafts & jewelry must apply under this category. The category also includes all other commercial products & services. Items made in foreign countries, even if they are handmade are considered commercial. Make your own food? Check out the Food Vendor Application and save money by incorporating a food tasting in your booth!) Handmade — Arts / Crafts / Photography ________ (HANDMADE PRODUCTS: 100% made by you. This includes paintings, sculpture, photography, Handmade clothing, jewelry and other accessories.) Non-Profit* ________ Political Parties ________ Discounts: Fells Point Main Street Medallion Member Price per Space x $300.00 x $600.00 Total $ __________ $ __________ x $325.00 $ __________ x $275.00 x $500.00 $ __________ $ __________ -20% $ __________ Optional: Electricity (Please specify what you need it for) ______________________________________________ Festival location listing in printed Festival Guide & Map and Name and/or web link on Friday Night Space Premium (Limited Availability) Late Fee (If submitted after 9/1/2015) Subtotal $ __________ $250.00 $100.00 $ __________ $ __________ $200.00 Optional Subtotal $100.00 Total Amount $ __________ $ __________ $ __________ $ __________ Please do not send your total invoice amount until you receive an acceptance email. Application decisions will be sent within 5 business days. Late fees will be charged if payments are not made prior to the September 1, 2015 deadline. After application is completed in FULL, please be sure to include: • Your non-refundable one time Application Fee Check or Money Order in the amount of $20.00 made payable to: FELL’S POINT MAIN STREET (ONLY MONEY ORDERS ACCEPTED AFTER SEPTEMBER 1, 2015) • Color photos of items you wish to sell/exhibit. (Photos will be returned only if you include a self-addressed stamped envelope.) *Discounts not applicable. NON-PROFIT: Only 501(c)(3) are considered for Charitable Rates 49TH Annual FELL’S POINT FUN FESTIVAL 2015 VENDOR CONTRACT Acceptance of Terms: SPONSORSHIP: Should the festival secure a food/beverage sponsor, Food Vendors may be required to sell an official festival soda/bottled water at a fixed price point. BEVERAGES: Food Vendors may not sell alcoholic beverages of any kind. WATER: The festival has limited access to water. The festival does not provide direct hookups. Specific fire hydrants will be dedicated for water use but it is recommended that you bring your own water source. The festival will turn the hydrant on/off each day. Vendors should come prepared with equipment such as hoses and hydrant adapters to “tap” the hydrants. TENTS: Vendors must provide 10x10 tents with a back rear wall to cover their spaces. Tents must be properly secured to minimize damage to other vendor’s property in the event of a windy day. TRASH REMOVAL: Grounds must be kept clean and free from debris. There will be designated trash dumpsters provided for Vendors to use during the weekend. At the end of each night, you may neatly leave bags of trash directly in front of location for pickup. Vendors are expected to provide their own trash bins and trash bags. GREASE: Vendors are responsible for the disposal of their own grease. There will be no grease bins available on site for Vendor use. All grease must remain with Vendor and be taken off site for disposal after the festival. All food Vendors using fry oil are to provide ground cover inside their designated area for the absorption of grease where applicable. No food Vendor will be allowed to open for business (or stay in business during the weekend) if this ground cover is not in place. Grease absorbent mats work the best. Absolutely no grease or grey matter is to be disposed of on the grounds, in portable restrooms or down any drains. Anyone found doing this will be fined $1,000, immediately be ordered to leave the event site, and could potentially face criminal charges. ICE: Ice will be placed in strategic areas. Ice may be purchased for $7.50 (40lb.) bag, and Vendors must provide own transportation of ice from trucks to their location (i.e. hand truck, cart, wagon, etc.). Vendors must use the festival’s official ice Vendor. FIRE MARSHAL: Vendors must meet all requirements set forth by the Baltimore City Fire Marshal. This includes, but is not limited to, having all labelled fire retardant structures (tents/sidewalls, etc.) when applicable. All fire extinguishers must have a valid recharged tag. If you are operating with fryers or grease, you must have a special K silver extinguisher. If you have any additional questions, please contact Baltimore City Fire Department, Office of the Fire Marshal, 410 E. Lexington Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202, (410) 396-5752. INSURANCE: Once accepted to the festival, Vendor must furnish a Certificate of Insurance no later than September 15, 2015. The required coverage shall not be less than the following: • Workers Compensation: Statutory Requirements • State Disability: Statutory Requirements • General Liability: $1,000,000 occurrence / $2,000,000 aggregate • Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 Insurance certificates shall name Fell’s Point Main Street, Inc., the Society for the Preservation of Federal Hill and Fell’s Point, Inc. and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City, and all their respective employees, agents and representatives as additional insured parties. LIABILITY: Vendor shall bear sole responsibility for any personal injury, loss of property or merchandise placed upon or sold at or from the Festival, from set up to break down. Vendor agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Fell’s Point Main Street, Inc., The Society for the Preservation of Federal Hill and Fell’s Point Inc., their respective employees, agents and volunteers and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, its elected/appointed officials, employees, agents and volunteers, from any and all claims, demands, suits and actions, including attorney’s fees and court costs, arising out of this Contract or as a result of Vendor’s activities on the Festival grounds and/or within its boundaries (the “Festival Grounds”), including selling, storage or merchandising, and/or Vendor’s occupancy or use of the Festival Grounds or any portion thereof. HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT: All approved Food Vendors will be required at their own expense to carry a Temporary Food Permit from the Baltimore City Health Department. You can reach the Baltimore City Health Department at 410.396.4424. The deadline for receiving that permit is September 15, 2015. Vendors will not be permitted to set up at the 49th Annual Fell’s Point Fun Festival without a copy of this permit. NON-COMPLIANCE: Fell’s Point Main Street, Inc. has the right to refuse any Vendor participating at the 49th Annual Fell’s Point Fun Festival if they do not comply with the rules set forth by Fell’s Point Main Street, Inc. If a Vendor is found noncompliant, Fell’s Point Main Street, Inc. will not refund Vendor fees. CANCELLATIONS: No refunds will be given for any cancellation. All fees are non-refundable. IMPORTANT: ONCE ACCEPTED BY THE FESTIVAL COMMITTEE, THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. AS WITH ALL CONTRACTS, BE CERTAIN THAT YOU READ AND COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND THIS CONTRACT BEFORE SIGNING IT. I understand that this application is an offer to participate in the 49th Annual Fell’s Point Fun Festival, and that this offer is not binding on the 49th Annual Fell’s Point Fun Festival, Fell’s Point Main Street, Inc., the Fell’s Point Fun Festival Committee or The Society for the Preservation of Federal Hill and Fell’s Point, and that I have no rights hereunder until said Committee has accepted this offer. I recognize that the Festival Committee has the right, at its sole discretion, to accept or reject any and all such offers. I accept complete responsibility for the care and safety of my exhibit and materials during the Festival, and I will not hold the 49th Annual Fell’s Point Fun Festival, Fell’s Point Main Street, Inc., the Festival Committee or Society for the Preservation of Federal Hill and Fell’s Point, responsible for any loss or damage of any kind. Vendor shall pay all sales and other taxes, fees and assessments required by any applicable federal, state and local laws in connection with Vendor’s participation in the 49th Annual Fell’s Point Fun Festival. Vendor shall hold Fell’s Point Main Street, Inc., The Society for the Preservation of Federal Hill and Fell’s Point Inc. harmless from any and all taxes, including fees and penalties, if any, required to be paid in connection with Vendor’s activities under this Contract. Vendor shall provide Fell’s Point Main Street, Inc. with all requested documentation to evidence Vendor’s compliance with tax laws, tax codes and rules and regulations. This application, when accepted by the Festival Committee, along with the Rules and Regulations governing the Festival contain the final and entire agreement between the parties hereto, and neither they, nor their agents shall be bound by any terms, conditions or representations not herein written. I, the duly authorized participant, or agent of, have read and understand and so hereby expressly acknowledge receipt of and agree to all the terms, conditions and authorizations contained in the application for exhibit space and the attached Rules and Regulations and Liability Provisions governing the Festival and I expressly agree to abide by the terms and conditions contained herein. Signature: Printed Name: Business Name: Title: Date:
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