MonthlyNewsletter-May15 1.6 MB

Fendrich Men’s Club
May 2015 Newsletter
We’ve finally made it to May and the beautiful weather is finally kicking in. I hope
you game is shaping up as well.
The Spring Scramble in April was a lot of fun with seven foursomes battling for a
top prize of $200 for the team. Congrats to Greg Gorman, Brad Nash, Tom Martin
and Bill Miller for their winning score of 67.
The next big tournament is the Member-Member/Member Guest tournament on Saturday, May 9th. Grab a partner and join us for this fun format. The cost is only $10
per team…..but remember that the signup deadline is Wednesday, May 6th.
The regular weekly tournaments have started. Please remember that we have made
two revision to the format. First, you may only post one round per week….and you
must signup for your round before you begin play. In other words, you cannot play
multiple rounds in a week and pick the best one to post….you MUST signup for
your tournament round before you begin play. (This is just like every year before last
year). If you have any questions on this, please email us or ask Dave Drake at the
pro shop. The second revision is that we now have three flights:
2015 Important Dates
Tuesday October 13
Monthly Meetings
(meetings are on 2nd Weds of the month)
May 13
June 10
July 8
August 12
September 9
Weekly Tournaments
(Tuesday Through Monday)
*Week of April 28 through September 22
(21 weeks of tournaments)
* No weekly Tournament the week of 8/11
A = 0-7
B = 8-14
C = 15+
You will still find your handicap posted next to the weekly tournament signup sheet.
If you’re handicap is not posted, you most likely have not entered your most recent
five scores (from any course) in the computer, which is required to establish a handicap for our weekly tourneys. Again….any questions, please email or ask Dave at the
pro shop.
Finally, our May meeting is on the second Wednesday of the month, May13th….
with pizza, beer and lots of prizes. Come for the food, fellowship and fun.
In the meantime, Hit ’em Straight! Let’s have Fun at Fendrich!
Jim Mattingly, Fendrich Men’s Club President, 2015
2015 Men’s Club Officers & Board of Directors
President……..……….…Jim Mattingly
Membership Chairman....Jay Inman
Secretary/Treasurer……Steve Wagner
Sponsorship Chairman….Ron Reisinger
Board Member………….Dave Drake
Board Member…………..Dave McGuire
Board Member………….Terry Martin
Board Member…………..Gary Miller
Board Member………….Leon Freeman
Board Member…………..Howard Williams
Board Member………….Dick Van Zant
Board Member………….Tan Vu
Member-Guest /Member –Member
Saturday, May 9
3-Club Tournament (9-hole)
Tuesday June 16 @ 4:30p
Men’s Club Championship
Friday, August 14th (Shootout)
Sat. August 15th & Sun. August 16th
Senior Championship
Thurs. Sept. 10th & Thurs. Sept. 17th
Sat. October 3rd & Sun. October 4th
Fall Scramble
Saturday, October 10th
Fendrich Men’s Club
May 2015 Newsletter
* You MUST sign up prior to each round.
* You may only post one round each week (Tuesday through Monday), and this
must be the round that you originally signed up to post.
* You MUST validate that your score is correct and the scorecard is signed by a
member playing in your group, enter hole by hole on the posted tournament sheet,
enter gross score only in the computer and put your scorecard in the Men’s Club
Box to be eligible for weekly prizes.
* Any weekly winnings can be taken in:
* English Pro Shop Gift Certificates
* Sand Trap Certificates
* Sponsor Gift Certificates
* OR….LET IT ACCUMULATE FOR LATER PURCHASE (build up a bank so to speak)
* (20) weekly tournament prizes will be paid out as follows:
 $15 low gross in each flight (3 winners)
 $10 low net in each flight (3 winners)
 $9 through $2 (6 winners….ALL NET) based on the participation in each
flight….i.e. Flight B has 50% of the signups for the week, 50% of the (6)
prizes will go to that flight.
* Based on club finances, the Board has the right to make adjustments as needed to
keep the Men’s Club in solid financial position
* All prizes must be picked up by October 9, 2015
* Decisions on prizes can be relayed through Dave Drake in the Pro Shop
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Fendrich Men’s Club
May 2015 Newsletter
You MUST have an established handicap. (You may enter your name on the Flight
A sheet and play to win only the low gross if you don’t have a handicap).
You must be a member of the Fendrich Men’s Club by Tuesday of a tournament
the highlighted number.
Enter your name and handicap under the proper Flight sheet PRIOR to playing
your round.
Enter you hole-by-hole results next to your name on the Flight sheet.
Enter your net result.
Place your scorecard in the metal tournament box.
Enter only your gross score into the computer after playing.
Used Golf Balls to benefit our Muni Cup Team!
Just a reminder to everyone that we are collecting used golf balls and Rawhide has told
us they are still buying. It does not matter the condition of the ball, so turn in any that
you may have. The proceeds from the sale of these will be used to fund our 2015 Muni
Cup Team. There is a collection box at the Pro Shop. Just bring the balls in and a member of the staff will gladly show you where to put them.
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Fendrich Men’s Club
May 2015 Newsletter
If you have not paid your membership dues, please use this application and sign
up soon. If you know someone who would like to become a member, please forward this application.
Thank You.
John H. Fendrich Men’s Golf Club
1900 Diamond Avenue
Evansville, Indiana 47711
January, 2015
Dear Member:
We’d like to welcome you back for another year of golf and good times with the Fendrich Men’s Club. It is
time to renew your membership for one of the best golf values in the tri-state area. For only $60 annual
membership, you get banquets and monthly meetings…with food and drink, regular tournaments and special golf events throughout the season…and the Men’s & Senior Club Championships. All this for ONLY
$60 for the whole year! Please encourage your friends to join, as well. We welcome new members.
NOTE: We do the majority of Men’s Club correspondence through email, so please write your email address legibly on the entry blank below.
We sincerely wish everyone a fun-filled year in 2015. Remember, this is YOUR golf course and YOUR
Men’s Club. Play at a good pace and repair your divots (plus someone else’s divot) on every green.
Let’s have some Fun at Fendrich this year!
The officers & directors of your Men’s Club
Please tear here and send in with your check
Please Print Clearly
Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________ State: _____ Zip: _____________________________
Email address: _______________________________ Phone: _____________________________
Mail check ($60) payable to Fendrich Men’s Club w/application form to:
Fendrich Golf Course
ATTN: Men’s Club
1900 E. Diamond Ave.
Evansville, IN 47711
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Fendrich Men’s Club
May 2015 Newsletter
>$30 Charles Crocket
>$20 Bob Goff
>$30 Jim Barnett
>$20 Dwight Merkel
>$14 Bob Goff
Yes....Bob Goff won two prizes in a row.
Congratulations Don
Don Shull had a hole-in-one on Monday, March 30th. His was on hole #15. He
used a 8 iron. Witnesses were Dave and Steve Meyer. Don also shot his age that
day (74). Don has played Fendrich for 60 years and never got a hole-in-one at
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Fendrich Men’s Club
May 2015 Newsletter
Fendrich Men's Club Spring Scramble
We had great weather and a nice turnout for the Fendrich Men's Club Spring Scramble on Saturday. The $10 entry fee included two drinks and a hot dog at the Sand Trap for each player...and
prizes for the following winners:
1st place with a score of 67....(team wins $200 Pro Shop certificates split equally)
-- Greg Gorman
Brad Nash
Tom Martin
Bill Miller
2nd place with a score of 68...(team wins $80 Pro Shop certificates split equally)
-- Jim Mattingly
Ron Reisinger
Don Underwood
Closest To The Pin on #15....Gary Miller wins $20 certificate to Golf Plus'
Longest Drive on #10....Bryan Compton wins $20 certificate to Old Fashioned Butcher Shop.
Once again, thanks to Gary Miller for volunteering to organize this event.
We hope to see you at the next club event...the Member/member - Member/Guest on Saturday,
May 9th. Cost is just $10 per team (plus your green fees and cart if desired). Entry deadline is May
6th......but please sign up as early as you can to help Terry Martin organize the event.
May your balls go where you aim them,
Jim Mattingly
Week #1 Blind Bogey Results
March 31st thru April 6th - Winning number was "70". No one netted that number.
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Fendrich Men’s Club
May 2015 Newsletter
MAY 9, 2015
MAY 6, 2015
5:00 PM
9:00 AM)
MEMBER NAME: ___________________________________________________
GUEST OR MEMBER NAME: ____________________________________________
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Fendrich Men’s Club
May 2015 Newsletter
The list below are members who have paid 2015 dues (prior to 3-24-15).
If your name is not on this list, and you wish to be a Men’s Club member this year, please pay
your dues at the Pro Shop as soon as possible.
We would like to welcome, and recognize this years
NEW MEMBERS designated by *
Adair, Tony *
Fisher, Ken *
Isbill, Bill
Neidig, Greg
Tanoos, Sam *
Alpers, Scott M.
Fleming, Tony
Isbill, Greg
Neidig, Jim *
Tate, Jim
Baker, Robert
Flick, Dick
Jewell, Brian *
Neidig, Roger
Thomas, Ricky
Barnett, Jim
Flowers, David *
Johnson, Kent *
Thomas, Rob
Barr, Daniel
Foertsch, Roy
Keach, Michael
Nix, Dan
Titus, John *
Beachler, Randy
Freeman, Leon
Kellams, Harry
Packer, Fred
Turpin, Ray
Berg, John H.
French, Jeremy
Keller, Chuck *
Paul, Jerry
Ulrich, Brian
Bitter, Bill
Freyberger, Jerry
King, Joe
Peters, Mark
Underwood, Don *
Bockting, Jerry
Friend, John
Kirk, Bill
Pharr, Jason
VanZant, Dick
Borries, Tom
Garrett, Roy A.
Kirtley, William, Sr.
Pharr, Mike
Vu, Tan
Byram, Gailen
Gatewood, Ron Sr.
Kolp, David L.
Wagner, Steven
Carpenter, Welby
Georgette, Richard
Kuebler, Steve
Pietrowski, Dan
Waterman, Clay
Clark, Mike
Goff, Robert G.
Landmark, Jim
Ploch Randy
Smith, Paul
Claybourn, Doug
Gorman, Greg
Lindenberger, Jack
Pritchett, Steve
Wedding, Hal V.
Cole, Mark
Gronotte, Joe *
Lloyd, Russell G. Jr.
Quehl, Greg
Weeks, Lee
Comptom, Bryan
Hagan , Ken
Marsch, Mitch *
Rehman, Rick *
White, Alan *
Couch, Daryl
Martin, Terry
Reisinger, Ronald
Whitehead, Jim *
Covey, Don *
Hames, Ron.
Martin, Tom
Riney, Matt *
Willams, Howard E.
Crockett, Charles
Harper, Richard
Mattingly, Jim
Robinson, Bill *
Williams, Allen
Davenport, Norman
Harris, James M.
Mattingly, Randy
Rohner, Aaron *
Williem, Stephen E. *
Ddiehl, Tom *
Harris, Pete
McAtee, Mike
Rohner, Derek
Zahn, Brian *
Dickinson, Steven
Hart, Ken *
McBride, Dave *
Schmidt, Jim
Zahn, Jack *
Dillman, James G.
Henderlong, Mitch *
McCoy, Ed
Schmitt, Michael *
Zahn, Terry *
Drake, Dave
Higgins, Richard *
McGuire, David S.
Schoffstall, Dannie
Zeller, Jim
Eickhoff, Mike
Hile, Glenn
McHugh, Dwayne
Schreiber, Jerry
Ziemer, Ed
Ellerbrook, David
Hoover, Glenn
Merkel, Dwight J.
Schreiber, Troy
Zizzo, Kenny
Endicott, Bill *
Horning, Bob *
Meyer, Dave
Schultheis, Larry
English, Dave
Huddleson, Otis
Meyer, Stephen W.
Shackelford, Michael *
English, Steve
Huffman, Ron *
Michael, Mark *
Shull, Don
Ennis, Bob
Hunt, Jeff
Miller, Bill
Singer, Mel *
Eskridge, Ken
Hurt, Lion *
Miller, Gary
Skinner, Daryl
Evans, Albert L.
Hutchens, Wayne
Miller, Tom *
Sterner, Bob
Farrell, Walter
Nall, Bucky
Summers, Marty
Feldhaus Wayne C.
Inman, Jay
Nash, Brad
Swain, David
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Fendrich Men’s Club
May 2015 Newsletter
The list below are sponsors who have paid 2015 sponsor dues (prior to 4-28-15).
If your business name is not on this list, and you wish to be a Men’s Club sponsor this year,
please pay your sponsor dues at the Pro Shop as soon as possible.
Arc Construction
Bartley's Paint & Body Shop
Bob Walther's Golf
Browning Funeral Home
Burger King (Newb & Hend)
Cambridge Golf Course
Chris West Side Auto Clinic
Corner Bar & Grill
D Patrick Ford
DreamYard Landscaping
English Pro Shop
Golf Plus
Hardee's (Boeke Road)
Henderson Auto Clinic
Inman's Picture Framing
John Friend & Co
John Neidig Memorial
Libby & Moms Café
Liberty Auto Salvage
Mark Coles Auto Glass
McAlister's Deli
Merry Go Round
N M Bunge
Northside Liquor
Oak Hill Phaymacy
Old Fashion Butcher Shoppe
Order of Owls
Papa John's Pizza
Raben Tire
Rounders Pizza
Sam Tanoos Allstate Insurance
Schultheis Insurance
Shine On Car Wash
Sign Graphics
Spoiled Rotten Pet Grooming
Texas Roadhouse
The Sand Trap
Tornatta Tire
Tracy Zeller Jewelry
Unity Taxi
Vendair Vending
Western Ribeye & Ribs
Zesto on Franklin
Ziemer Funeral Home
Please patronize these fine sponsors!
If you have a business or know of a business that has not previously been a
sponsor but would like to be a sponsor this year, please email information to: or call the Pro Shop at 435-6070 and leave a
message for the Men’s Club.
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Fendrich Men’s Club
May 2015 Newsletter
If you are a sponsor and would like to have your business card
included on this page, please drop it off at the Pro Shop to
the attention of Dick VanZant….or email it to:
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