Parental Permission Form I certify that my son/daughter has no injury that would limit his/her participation in camp. I hereby release and exonerate and discharge the camp and their employees from any and all actions or causes of actions, known or unknown, from any injuries incurred in camp. The below signed parent/guardian, does hereby delegate to the Bishop Fenwick Camp, its employees or agents the authority to seek, obtain and approve medical care and treatment for the belownamed minor, which in their judgment is necessary for the health and well-being of said minor during his/her attendance at the Bishop Fenwick Camp. Further, I agree to hold the Bishop Fenwick Camp, its employees or agent, harmless for any liability arising out of any good faith actions taken in seeking and obtaining medical care and treatment for the belownamed minor. All costs incurred are the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Are there any Physical or Medical concerns that our staff should know about? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ CAMPER NAME (PLEASE PRINT) _______________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME (PLEASE PRINT) _______________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE DATE A PHOTOSTAT COPY OF THIS AUTHORIZATION SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS VALID AND EFFECTIVE AS THE ORIGINAL. TOP 8 REASONS TO SEND YOUR CHILD TO A CAMP 8.Spend time being active 7.Experience success and gain confidence 6. Gain resiliency 5. Unplug from technology 4. Grow more independent 3. Have free time for unstructured play 2. Learn NEW skills 1. Make NEW friends SEE, CAMPS ARE GREAT! 513.423.0724 2015 SUMMER C A M P S Sports & Enrichment Camps for Children Grades K-9 Bishop Fenwick HIGH SCHOOL Est. 1952 FALCON sports camps Boys Basketball Camp Instructor: Coach Pat Kreke Session I June 8 -11 9am - 12noon Girls Volleyball Camp Instructor: Coach Tyler Conley Session I June 29 - July 2 9am - 11am Grades 4 thru 7 Cost: $60 Session II June 8 -11 Grades 7 & 8 12:30pm - 3:30pm Cost: $70 Session II June 29 - July 2 12noon - 3pm Grades 8 & 9 Cost: $60 Session III June 15 -18 Grade 9 12:30pm - 3:30pm Cost: $70 Baseball Camp Grades 4 thru 6 Cost: $70 Girls Basketball Camp Instructor: Coach John Rossi June 15 -18 9am - 12noon Grades 4 thru 8 Cost: $60 Football Camp Instructor: Coach Joe Snively Fundamentals Camp July 20 - 22 Grades 3 thru 6 5pm - 7pm Cost: $65 July 20 - 22 7pm - 9pm Grades 7 & 8 Cost: $65 Bring cleats, water and running shoes in event of rain. Girls Soccer Camp Instructor: Coach Richard Harknett July 7 - 9 6pm - 7:30pm Grades 1 thru 8 Cost: $50 Boys Soccer Camp Instructor: Coach Dan Lueking July 20 - 23 9am - 12noon Grades 1 thru 8 Cost: FREE Wrestling Camp Instructor: Coach Adam Coffey June 29 - July 1 Grades 1 thru 8 9:30am - 12:30pm Cost: $50 REGISTRATION FORM FALCON enrichment camps Instructor: Coach Pete Maus June 15 - 17 9am - 12noon Grades 1 thru 8 Cost: $60 Cheerleading Camp Instructors: Ali Cesta, Lisa Harris June 15 - 18 9am - 12noon Grades K thru 8 Cost: $60 Girls Lacrosse Camp Instructor: Coach Scott Ricke June 9 - 11 5pm - 6:30pm Grades 6 thru 11 Cost: $50 Boys Lacrosse Camp Instructor: Coach Phil Keegan June 6 - 11 5pm - 7pm Grades K thru 8 Cost: $60 Tennis Camp Instructor: Coach Roberta Matix June 23 - 25 5:30pm - 7pm Grades 3 thru 8 Cost: $60 Instructor: Tracey Ferns June 8 - 11 9am - 12noon ____________________________________________________ PARENT OR GUARDIAN ____________________________________________________ HOME PHONE / WORK PHONE Summer Bible Camp “Catch the Spirit” Instructors: Meg Eckart, Christine Minix ____________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS June 29 - July 2 9am - 11am ____________________________________________________ Grade School 2015-2016 Grade Age Grades 1 thru 4 Cost: FREE Race with St. Paul to discover the fruits of the Holy Spirit! Campers will take on challenges through games, songs, and crafts to understand the fruits of peace, generosity, patience, and joy. Guest appearances throughout the camp by St. Paul and others! CAMP(S) ATTENDING _________________________________SESSION __________ _________________________________SESSION __________ _________________________________SESSION __________ Explore STEM Science Instructors: Andrea Villalobos, Julie Hobbs, John Grefer July 20 - 23 9am - 12noon T-SHIRT SIZE (Please circle one): Grades 5 & 6 Cost: $75 High School Placement Prep Class for 8th Graders Enrichment camps meet inside the building. All camps: Grade based on fall of 2015 school year. Adult Large Child Small Child Medium Child Large Adult XL Contact Judy Robertson Choose only one session Session I Oct. 3 9am - 12noon Session II Oct. 24 9am - 12noon Cost: $60 Adult Small Adult Medium Questions? Instructor: BFHS Faculty June 15 - 17 6:30pm - 8pm Wear gym shoes, bring water bottle and dress comfortably. ____________________________________________________ CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Grades 6 thru 8 Cost: $50 Space is limited for some camps. Please register by June 1. Grades 6 thru 9 Cost: $50 ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS Impressionistic Paintings Acrylic Canvas Art Speed & Agility Camp Explosion Fitness Trainers: Matt Wheeler, Joey Robertson ____________________________________________________ NAME 513.423.0724 | Checks payable to Bishop Fenwick. Mail payment and registration form to: Bishop Fenwick Summer Camps 4855 State Rt. 122 | Franklin, OH 45005 NOTE: ONCE A CAMPER REGISTERS AND PAYS FOR A CAMP, THAT INDIVIDUAL IS OBLIGATED TO THE RESPECTIVE CAMP AND WILL NOT RECEIVE REIMBURSEMENT FOR ANY REASON. PLEASE SIGN PARENTAL PERMISSION FORM ON BACK SIDE.
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