j MORNING J3REGJOKIAN. .. JTBffi ORATORY ever.- 'Jhat It waV 'TYoung's 'Intention to Fcna me cara dck from the steamer ny the pilot-bo- at to show that he was on the IS ALL III ITT HOT sea. SITS DEAD AS HOUSE BURNS Patterson Jury Nan Be Bay Will City British ' Commons Pass Alien Bill .Easily. Carpenter's JSody Roqhc! by Firemen. Charged Today. - SAN... FRANCISCO. May 2. Sitting bolt upright in a'chair, with his coat "and" vest 'thrown toTdne'lsIde and his feet upon an deration. Colvln McNeil, QUOTE AMERICAN EXAMPLE a carpenter, was found, dead by Battalion Chief M. O'Brien, of the fire department, today,, while the were trying"- - to get under control a blaze that nearly destroyed McNeil's Chamberlain Calls It Step Towards home on O'Farrell street. When the l?rotectlpn Balfour Complains flr6si apparatus assembled. Fireman Michael Wright discovered that In the That, Fit Emigrants Go lotfer story' of the burning building McNeil was surrounded by flames. In .on .to America. the meantime McNeil's wife and chilon dren, who slept the floor above, had been arouaed and removed, together with several persons who roomed 1n ' , :ONDON, May Z The House of Comthe place. 4r Wright broke into the house, and in mons reassembled tbday after the Easter attempting to reach McNeil, was over- recess. The debate on the aliens bill was come by. smoke, and had to be carried commenced by Sir Charles Dllke, who out. O'Brien took his place and recovthe measure, contending that It ered the dead body at the risk of his opposed was unnecessary. I ACTRESS STILL CONFIDENT rs After Hearing jicrseUsrbrcbea "With Hand's 'Rasping. Tongue, She Docs pToC; FJinch Hand Gives tlic Lie to'Lcvy. . -- XEW YORK. May 2. Xan The;fa,te,o Patterson in nerhIrd'f'trlalTpr,tne .mr.r-d- er of Caesar Young. .be In, the bands of the jury early tomorrow. "Assistant District Attorney Hand completed .tbe arsunfents-fpi- ; ciosinsr the the-cou- cr FIGHTING (Continued from First Page.) . city railway's "strike here some months ago, and who has recently been active In labor troubles at St, Louis. Crowds, followed Curry's novel procession, and as it turned- into Jackson boulevard the strike sympathizers, with yells of defiance, began throwing bricks. Police Lieutenant. Billon was struck on the head, staggering him. Other police and a number of the strikebreakers were also hit. The barns at Franklin street were reached without' severe Injury to anyone. A hundred colored pi en. Imported as by the - JJmployers' strikebreakers Teaming Company struc1c""loJay. The negroes complained that they could not protect themselves with wooden, sticks or canes which were being furnished by the company. The colored men declared that the canes could not give protection against bricks, stones and similar missiles. The men wanted revolvers. Their request was refused and they quit work. Eager Spectator Moved by the scene of yesterday, when courtroom. the-cas- No Evidence . rjrr - - e, protec-Smith- i .Ambassador Building: Laborers on Strike. at Tangier. NEW YORK. May 2. Work on nearly all the large buildings now under construe tion In Brooklyn has been stopped by a strike of hodcarrlcrs. bricklayers and plasterers laborers. The demands are day shall be granted that an eight-hothe hodcarrlcrs, with double time for ex. employment of none but tra work; the union workmen, with a wage rate of 13 a day for bricklayers' laborers and 53.50 for plasterers' laborers. This Is an advance of 20 and 50 cents respectively. 'TANGIER. May 2. Count Morocco, von Tattenbach Ashold. head of the German mission. Js to arrange a special commercial treaty between Germany and Morocco, left here for Fez. Most of the members of the diplomatic corps and the principal native authorities gathered at the Gerinan Legation to bid the Count farewell, and a large, crowd of Moors hailed him as the "defender of Morocco." Roentgen Hides From His Fame, BERLIN. May 2. Professor .Roentgen is too shy to attend the international congress called to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the ..discovery ot the Roentgen ray. and to collate the latest appllcatlons'and developments. The congress opened here April 23, and the pro promised to be present, but he said last night, fessor PPOrtI mIlllee.?1f v,Tr118 - he simply could not attend the sessions, beS,n and tmorro. as it would be Impossible for him to face cure the necessary funds. the crowd which had gathered to gforlfy work. Consequently the professor hla - Hcrny G. Carlton Seriously 111. telegraphed his acknowledgments from "Wuerszburg, Bavaria. JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. May. G. Carlton, the noted playwrlKht. .was paralysis "at "fhc"hbme of a. CABLE TO TANGIER COMPLETE uricken with friend In this city today. While the at- tack is not considered dangerous, Mr. Another Step In French Control of Carlton is quite ill tonight. Eagle to Scream at Eugene. EUGENE. Or., May 2. (Special.) under the leadersnip of the Merchants' Association, arrancements havA heen started for a celebration In;Eugene on of Suicide. case, He declared'that It had been proved oy mc prosecution that Xoung never owned a revolver, and that .even If he had one, it would have been a physical Impossibility for him to have Inflicted upon himself such a wound as caused his death. He called the attention ot the jury to the preparations made for his European trip, and told them that alone proved that the bookmaker had no Intention of taking his life. The contention of the defense that it was Young who opposed breaking .off the relations between him and MJss Patterson, he claimed, was proved untenable by .the evidence, which, he satd. showed that Young had. kept away from her during the whole month Just preceding his death. Of the souvenir postal card bearing Miss Pattersons name and address n Young's handwriting, which was found in the young woman's handbag at the lime of her arrest, Mr, Band said he had. a different theory .than the on advanced by They had suggested that K was put there by Young for the purpose of. identification to. the event of a aiBk:14. --He --brhered. how- - Joseph Chamberlain supported the' bill as being a measure tending to keep out cheap labor. He said the bill was merely a step toward greater ends and was an effort to protect worklngmen against the labor of foreigners. It would be but a small step between the bill for keeping out this class of labor and the bill whlch Mr. Chamberlain said., he hoped to see EMPLOYERS LOSE BUSINESS. Introduced shortly to prevent the go6ds these people make from coming Into competition with those made In Great Britain. Secessions Do Not Discourage Them. Premier Balfour pointed out the moderation of the bill, which, he maintained, Have Taken Big Contract. did not Interfere with the right of asylum CHICAGO, May 2. It is estimated that as it was understood by the forefathers, through tho secessions today the Employ- and expressly provided that poverty alone ers' Teaming Company has lost the de- should not exclude aliens. He said the question of alien immigration was wholly livery of about 2000 tons of coal per day. General Manager Reed, of the Em- distinct from the Jewish question as It ployers Teaming- Company, said of the appeared on the Continent. conditions today: American. Power of Absorption. "ViTe at no time have had as many teams employed as today and I regaiJ He agreed that the United States had shown a remarkable power of absorbing the situation as: exceedingly good." Secretary Job, of the Employers" As- men of different nationalities and turning sociation, corroborated Manager Reed's them all by the press of national alchemy Into. American citizens: but the absorbing statement. Outsido of the teams and trucks owned, power had limits. Foreign countries, and notably the United States, realize that comby individual merchants, the truck panies or firms of the city arc estimated unrestricted Immigration might become a to have Invested at the present time national evil. It must be observed, the about $23,000,000 in horses, barns, harness, Premier continued, how foreign legisla tion, and especially that of the United real estate, etc. It is understood that the Employers States, has reacted upon Great Britain. Teaming Company proposes to take over Many aliens on the way to the United who were not provided with the properties. of the individual firms "at State a fair valuation. Issue stock in payment through tickets have, remained here, and many guarof these who reached the United of the same, and then attempt to antee an annual dividend on the stok. States unfit have returned to this coun A number of the largex- eamlng concerns try! Great BrltalnHras" become a sort of are said to be of the .opinion that the sieve which let through' the !flt to Amer Teaming Company has undertaken more ica, but retained thrf unfit. Sir Charles Dilke's amendment was re than .it cah accomplish, and that the sooner peace s. secured, the better It will jected, 211 to 23. and the bill passed second reading without division. everybody concerned. be for The attitude. o the packers, which has debeen Involved In some doubt, is now BRIGANDS RAVAGE CRETE. clared to he opposed to the extension of the strike to their teamsters. In general Oatbrrak ef Crime Causes D cms ad on it was stated the various packing comrowers for Help. panies will pursue their practice of conveying meat to their own distributing Maj' 2. A report frotm Crete, JOME. stations. by ' union teamsters and selling which wishes to unite to Greece, says from these stations to the' boycottcd the situation In that island Is very firms-'- , as . to any other customers. The grave, the Insurrection- having boycotted firms will be promptly served, the character of brigand methods, taken companies. .provided,, trje .packing are not theft, murder. Incendiarism and with outasked to make deliveries. rages upon women. The need for "coal rapidly Is developing The being quite Inadelocal force Into, one of the most Important factors quate to cope with the situation Inof the teamsters' strike. With the excepdeed, eight gendarmes have already tion of Marshall Field & Co.. and one or been killed Prince X3eorge himself has two other big houses, the supply of fuel asked Italy and another protective on hand in State street averages from osower to adopt energetic two to four days. Marshall Field tc Co. send a battalion each to measures and check the Inhave coal for two weeks or more. surrection, which only nominally has The seriousness of the situation was. for its object union of the island with emphasized by John C. Fetzer. receiver Greece. The representatives of the for the Union Traction Company, who protective powers have decided to use said: force to maintain the status quo. ' "In several of our stations, unless we get coal In 24 hours wo will have to close Greek Flag; Mauled Dena, down. Of course we will try every posLONDON, May 3. With reference to sible scheme first." A promise, alleged to have been given the dispatch from Rome, giving a reto Secretary Probst, of the Commission port of a serious insurrection in Crete, Teamowners Association by President dispatches received here from Canea Shea, of the teamsters, that the commis- do not record any new developments sion men would be allowed to remove except that the foreign Consuls In the perishable produce lylug lri express cars Island presented a note to the Cretan was Government demanding that It haul In the Illinois Central freight-housnot respected today. Pickets stationed at down the Greek flags from government turned back the com- bnl!dings. This having been refused, a the freight-housmission men's teams. British detachment yesterday lowered A number of the wholesale grocery the Greek flags from the government houses were badly crippled today, al- house at Caridia and at Retimo, and though some teams were secured for de- hoisted the Cretan flag with due honor. liveries. The population is remaining tranquil. all the. large Drivers and helpers'--:ot-' express companies In South Chicago went "DEFENDER OF MOROCCO." out today on a sympathetic strike. The . companies have asKed for police tion. Greeting Given German - al Mr. Rand reviewed the evidence In the ic - Shut'Out. will not look back to with regret. It- - would be unrr&tcful also. If 1 Old not mafce my ac knowledgement to the learned court and it. would be ungrateful of me, roundly as I was abused yerterday to your faces. If I took offence, at what the counsel on the other side In exlgenrle of a ont and rotten cause, was compelled to say. He accused me of every crime on the calendar, and put me on trial it this bar for high crimes committed as a public officer. He told you that I thirsted lor blood and' had bounded Mrs. Smith. Tou observed my. examination of Airs. Smith. Did I atk. ner an Impolite question? X)ld I npt treat her thoroughly as a lady? I would not make mypelf an Issue here if I had not been injected as an issue in the case by the defendant's counsel; It Is not an Issue at all. I might be all that Levy Kiii. in the chagrin of a lost cause, and it would not affect this question. I want and must have your confidence. If I could sway the judgment of men and' paint the fair face or truth with a eweet cosmetic, you would not listen to & word from me. If I could do theco Things, there would be but .one place for me, and that would be nt'.thls woman's side, a tit object of contempt. Continuing Mr. Rand said: Mr. Levy has accused me of suppressing evidence and other things, but are those charges true; I wonder if you are such 'men as to be waved fromyour duty by such a shabby, outworn devloeas trying to attack the pro.e. cutor. Levy did pot .make a point yesterday that was not based on a lie. He told you that Young wanted .not a severance, but a continuance of the 'disgraceful alliance. that hi logic Is sound regarding the Cogginr letter, where ar the facts? Says Mrs. Smith Lied. Now. with regard to Jdrs. Smith'a testlmonv and my hounding- - her. Air. Levy said I tried to make you believe that these pawn tickets bore date of June 5. I did not say that the tickets represented articles pawned on June IS. because I knew they were- dated October. I did aak Mrs. Smith If they were renewal tickets for article pawned on June 3. and ber answer was a lie. She also .llej 'when hc n&Id she could not remember which one of the bracelets Klvcn her by her mother was pawned In sterns' by her husband, j. Morgan .1 knew that If I put Ivyhva po4 rltton he would help me Ret the pawn tickets in evidence, in a moment of forgretfulnews he did the trick. In a moment of forretfulness he put before ,you gentlemen a piece of truth. Then he naya I have concealed material evidence. That would- be a wronp thine for mo to do In a murder case, when a woman's life waa at stake. I wonder if. when he wo making that charge ' of concealing evidence, hi thaushto were wandering- along- the Canadian border to Toronto. And-- wonder when he was chanrin unfair method. Jf he wan thlnklnr o'f the articles which kept C Morgan Smith and his wife away from the first trial. Since when hae Levy the right to tell m to be a gentleman ? He swore to mc to bring the bluh to Mrs. Tounga honest face to answer hia question. Have I tried to drag this defendant through the mire and covering her with jUench. asked you to convict? nave i not treated her with the utmoM. But Lew well knew that Via Vai4 but to win but one Juror to his aid. while I must convince you all. Kaiser Arrive at Venice. VENICE, May 2. Emperor William of Germany. Empress Augusta and Princes Eltcl Frederick and Oscar, on board the Imperial" yacht Hohenzollcrn, which was escorted" by the battleship Frledrlch Karl and the cruiser Slelpnon. entered the harbor here today. The German ships cast anchor amidst the booming of cannon and salutes from a myriad ot gondolas. Retains 'Brlsbcn Walker as Editor, but Will Organize Staff Among HISfcNewspaper Men. . v became necessary for a court officer to request several women to leave the Recorder Goff today directed that only those having a. direct Interest In be admitted. Tp carry out the order the force of officers on duty .in the Crim.-InCourt building was .greatly Increased. Prospective spectators began to gather around the building early in the day. Among them were many women, some of whom lrad followed the trial from the first. Today, however, they were not permitted c"cn to approach the outer door to the courtroom, Only those able to prove their right to enter or who had friends among the court officials or attorneys were successful in gcttlns Into the courtroom. Every f5at was taken, however, when the proceedings were resumed. As soon as the prisoner had been brought In', Recorder Goff ordered that the doors of the courtroom be locked and that no one be permitted to enter or leave before the recess Rand Retorts to Iicvy. In beginning his closing argument for the state, Mr. Rand said: This trial has been a bard experience for yon. but I venture to say that It Is one that you it was one of the brilliant episodes of the Pekln siege during the Boxer troubles, is dead at Pekln. Several hundred Chinese were killed by the collapse of a portion of the city wall of Nanking In AprlL AkcrsT-Dpugl- - " Hero or Pekln Siege Dead. VICTORIA, B. C, May 2. The steamer Pleiades brings news that Bishop Fayler. whose defense of the Peitang Cathedral Evans-Gordo- - t -- CHICAGO. IN remains on the recks with her back broken. The Syren was steaming at the rate of 25 kaots when she was wrecked. Her crew were taken off by the other vessels of the flotilla, and her gaits and stores are being saved. There Is no hope of saving the Syrlen. Build V. M. C. A. In St. Petersburg--. PARIS, May 2. James Stokes, of New York, today "informed the St. Petersburg delegates to the "World's Conference of the Y. M. C A. that he would purchase and equip a large Y. M. C. A. building Charles P. Trevelyan (Liberal) In sec- in one of the principal streets of St. Petonding Sir Charles Dilke's motion provid- ersburg. The Investment ' wilt cost him ing for the rejection "of the bill, referred about $75,000. Mr. Stokes organized the to the "universal sympathy with the op- St. Petersburg branch. pressed, misgoverned Russian people, who are flying' from their" country to escape King Edward Spends Day Calling. conscription for the universally detested war In Manchuria." These, he said, would PARIS May 2. King Edward spent a be excluded from this country or find quiet day In driving about the city and greater difficulty In reaching America If visiting Intimate friends. Among the n the bill was passed. William E. calls made by him was one on Baron de (Conservative) defended the bill. Staal, the former Russian Ambassador' In said the London. Home Secretary bill only aimed to exclude undesirable aliens. He described the excellent deterrent effect of the American exclusion law on this class of Immigrants and disYELLOW MAGAZINE NEXT tendency on the claimed any part of the British government- - He believed that If the existing state of affairs continued there would be a chance for agitation In ignorant' Quar- HEARST BUYS COSMOPOLITAN, ters. AND WILL CHANGE COLOR. Chamberlain Rides His Hobby. own life. prqsec;ifUpn shortly before'. 5 o'clock this .afternoon, adjourned for tlie day." and Goff announced that he. would charge the jury on the openIngof court tomorrow. , It is believed that hfs will not he lengthy, and probably before noon the Jury will have retired to consider a verdict. At the cosc p" the . argument today, filter the prosecution had arraigned her In the inost scathing terms and hid- asserted that h'er silence in this trial- - was a confession of her guilt; had declared that her ais.tcr had lied on the' stand and that her counsel had made his plea for her life on a foundation 0f fabrications. said she still felt confident the jury would bring, in aniarly .yordict of acquittal. "tyr. Hand Is , a Une .orator.' she de-clared.'"but I Know those 12 .men will not , hang a. girl on oratory' Mr Rand consumed practically the .ena" day." part large his Kc devoted tire of teieech to a defense of himself and bis method's In tbo" present' trial. ""He ' declared made against. him,.by Abraham TLevyr attorney for '.the .defendant, were unjust and' mlsleadlng. Hd. denied that. 'lie had been" guiltypf .suppressing evidence that might lavc .helped ' the girl. WEDNESP.AirJ3L ! ! -- , Dr. Harper Peeling irine. NEW YORK. May Dr. William Harper, of the University of Chicago, who came here Sunday to have an y ex amination is improving. He said: "I certainly am feeling fine and I have gained in weight." 2.-- - Bank Falls, Cashier and Cash Gone. JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. May 2. The Middleton Sank in waverly. Ma. has failed for J,000. The cashier, E. H. Lewis, is accused of disappearing with -- Morocco Taken. TANGIER, May 2. The French cable connecting Cadiz. Spain, with Tangier, h con provided for by the vention, ha? ben cons Dieted. The cable belongs to the French ..government and constitutes. It Is consloere. here, another step toward the consolidation of French interests in Morocco. Franco-Spanis- British Destroyer CORK. boa tfee t-- May 2. "Wrecked. Duriag a 'torpedo at et rover Syren mater eatraace d ms ea a reef at ef tae harbor as4 TARRYTOWN. N. Y., May 2. (Special.) WIHam Randolph Hearst Is to try his hand at running a magazine. He has purchased the Cosmopolitan Magazine from John Brlsben Walker, the latter to remain as editor for a period of five years, but under the employ and control of Hearst. Walker could not be seen today, but there Is no doubt the deal has been completed. It is thought that Hearst will use-thmagazine to exploit theories In the way of fiction, whlch are not exactly suit"With the exable to his newspapers. ception of Walken It is intimated that he will replace the writing staff with men recruited from his newspapers, all of whom are familiar with his ideas, and will present them In attractive form to Cosmopolitan readers. BANK'S MONEY JUST WENT Bigclow Cannot Explain How, for He Kept Books in Head. MILWAUKEE. Wl?., May 2. The first authentic statement. In regard to the cause of the downfall of Frank & Blgc low, the defaulting, bank president, was made today by an intimate friend ot the former banker. In brief. Blgelow's friend attributes .the disaster to overconfidence In his business ability, which the banker possess. Bigclow, his friend did not states, denies that he lost the money in wheat deals. "If you were to ask him how the money was spept, 'he would be unable, to tell you," said1' Blgclow's friend. "His" affairs- - are In a remarkable tangle. TO my minu. mere s no reason to Deueve that the defalcation dates back more than comparatively a few years. "He kept no books and for odds and ends of all. sorts he had mind only as their depositories. 1 am; sure I don't know whether It indicates mental weak ness on his part. I can but repeat, he supposed he was a greater business man than he was. "Juat when Bigelow began to take the bank s funds is a matter I am unable to determine from anything he says. When an examination of the bank was made last January, nothing was' disclosed. For all ,1 know. It did not begin until after that time- There was an absolute lack of system about anything he did, so far as his own affairs were concerned." . 3,. 1905.' IT fc. v REIN by Getting Rid of Leaders 61 ..... An- NEW YORK. May 2. The Evening World reports that the Frick Investi gation committee summoned James W. Alexander before it today and asked him to resign his place as president ot the Equitable Life Assurance Society. According to the Evening World, Mr. Frick said that, although he could not promise It for a certainty, he would try to get Mr. Hyde to retire, temporarily, anyway. If Mr. Alexander , would resign. The Evening World says: Mr. Frick did not ..criticise Mr. Alexander's ad ministration of th;. office ne has held so Jong, but snldit mUst be obvious tnat his period or usefulness was over and nothing but his retirement would accomplish what the eommltte is striving for the end of the controversy. Mr. Alexander was also asked to use his influence with Second dent Tarbell to get nlm to resign, too. Mr. Alexander was very auch affected. but declined to resign then. He told the committee he would think the matter over. . Tne Eventing World also announces that Mr. Hyde Is about to tiring suit Mr. Alexander from for the removal his positron as tfhe of the trustees of Hyde holdings of stock In the the Equltabfc. Concerning the report that he had been requested to( resign, Mr. Alexander said through his secretary that the Frick com mittee had never made any suggestion to Mr. Alexander and that ne has no Inten tion whatever of resigning. Vice-Pre- Hi'DE' FORMS ruts In HAND si COMrAXx Large Tracts In Several Cal ifornia Counties. May SAN FRANCISCO. F. A. Hyde, who has been held to answer by the United States authorities for alleged misappropriation of timber and other public lands on the Pacific Coast, and Is resisting removal to Washington, D. C. to be tried. has organized the Standard Investment Company and put nto It a lot of land In California which x he owns. The comDany has been Incoroorated Of this with carjlta! stock of S10.000. amount VGA has been paid in. five direc) a tors taking ten shares each, at share. Into the company Hyde put 66.000 acres of land In Santa Clara County and other tracts of land In Kings, Kernr Fresno and Tulare Counties. Four of the five directors are clerks and stenographers working In his office and that bt a friend, artd are as follows: Agnes T. McGlIlan. Clay Slocum. Mabel Q. Sterling and Mary H. Mtybcrry. The fifth direc tor Is W. F. Sawyer, an attorney and a friend of Hyde. The Federal authorities are quietly Investigating the Uyde compan and believe It Is part of his plan to adjust hit business affairs s.0 aj to be .prepared for any contingeny which may arise during his trial for alleged land frauds. Alexander Denies Hyde's Story. NEW YORK. May 2. James W. Alexander, president of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. In affidavits filed with Supreme Court Justice Maddox today In reply to the petition of James H. Hyde for permission to intervene la what are known as the Lord suits, denies allegations made by Mr. Hyde. Mr. Alexander "are says' that the Hyde statements wholly Immaterial and the only force or effect thereof Is to drag Into this litigation a real or imaginary controversy between myself as an officer of the society and Mr. Hyde as an officer of the society." Xeed Not Distribute Surplus. MADISON, DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. May 2. Maxlmunf temperature. 02 deg.; minimum, 47. River reading at 11 A. M.. 6 feet; change in past 24 hours, rlae, 0.1 feet. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.. trace: total since September 1. '1004. 29.28 Inches; normal. 41.02 Inches; deficiency, 12.34 Inches. Total sunshine May 1. 1904, 9 hours and 30 minutes; possible. 14 hours and 20 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at o P, M 29.70. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The storm central yesterday evening over the Great Salt Lake Basin has advanced slowly eastward, but Its influence Is still being felt In the Rocky Mountain and- - the Pacific" Coast States, where unsettled showGood rains have ery weathr continues. today in Northern California, occurred Southwestern and extreme Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho. It is cooler in the Pacific Northwsst east of the Cascade Mountains and In Southern Oregon. The Indications are Tor unsettled cloudy weather with showers la this district Wednesday. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts- - made at Portland for the 23 hours ending at midnight. May 3: Portland and vicinity Cloudy and unset-tie- d wjth' light showers; variable wlndi becoming southerly. Western Oregon and Western Washington Cloudy, with probably showers; variable winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Unsettled weather with showers. . A..B. WOLLABER. Acting District Forecaster. ' ..... Apolli naris TarbcU Is other of the Doomed. Factions MIbIbc Stock. SAN FRANCISCO. May 2. The official closing Quotations, for mining stocks todsy were aa follows . .IBIJustice Alpha Con .09 Anden 31IMezlcn 2.25 Belcher .2e;OecldenlaL Con... .PO Bert & Belcher - 1.93 Ophlr 10.38 Bullion SOiOverman .21 Caledonia .... .16 BijPotOlI Challenge Con. .2,Sayage .40 Chollar , .20Soorpion .27 Confidence .. .S3lSff. Belcher .03 Con. Cat & Vs. 1.90 Sierra Nevada... .4 con. imperial... 1.1 .OllSllver Hill Crown Point 16iUnlon Con....'.. exchequer SOUtah Con. Gould &. Curry.. .34lTellor Jacket... .30 " ' Hale & Norcrois 2.151 ' NEW YORK. May 2. Closing quotations Adams Con V .20!Uttle Chief $ .05 AHc 4.00 .50iOntarlo 23!Ophlr . Breece 10.50 0; Brunswick Con. .05iPh6enIi Corastock Tun. .OSIPotoM 17 Con. CaL & Va l.TSISavage Horn Silver.... 1.65telerr Nevada,... .40 Iron Silver 3.I0!Srhalt Hopes .23 AT THE HOTELS. Leadvllle Con... .0r.;Standard 1.S0 THE PORTLAND. BOSTON. May 2. Closing quotations: S 50.50 Adventure . . .s . 4.90 Mohawk 8 O Tucker, Delaware F R Chambers, Jr, Mrs . AJIouex 20.75 Moat. C & C S O.Tucker, do Tork Amalgamated. 81.13 Old Dominion.. .24.50 Q XeV t ?.. Kinney. Seattle r-- tv J Atlantic 93.00 x Goldle. Seattle H.60 Qslncy D Peabody. Detroit J :B!nghaxn 32.25 Shannon M Seattle; Mrs C O F MtachanT. Sheehaa. S F .CaL & Hecla.. S&O.eO Tamarack 117. k. h. escer. San Fran C S Moody.. Manila CenUnalal 8.25 19.75JTrlnltr A Curtis. Los Angls' J C Garretsoa. Sookn Copper Kaage. 71JW United Copper. 24.ee E K no C Kryoher. Chles.ro E A Curtis, Daly West.... --13.73 U. S. Mlslng... S1.75 Mrs H A Bleaklron. Hast- T H Cnrtlss. Astoria Dominion Coal &.SS LyM, Pt Hares 9.ee U. S. Otl ing J J 9,ee C M Cellar. Astoria. 42.25 Mrs Blenklron. do Franklla Graaby ....... 5. J8.Victoria 14.S6 D H rnl n. do E M NewfleMl New V Isle Royal.. tr.ee D JB Fredrick. Seattle' K C Srady. D4rlt Winona .. Misc. Mtalnr, ier.ee W W Cressler. X T Mrs X G ArstrMtc. W4rertae 1J.W IS Kaitr. Xw Trk 1 Waks&a, Wis ........ REFRESHING Effort to End Equitable Controversy semi-annu- DENVER, May 2. Uvestock circles are manifesting a great Interest In the first annual convention or the American Stock- growers' Association, to be held In Denver commencing May 9. The executive committee will race, here May S. Presl dent Roosevelt Is to be in Denver On that date, and is expected to meet, many of the Ltocxmen. Murdo Mackenzie, of Trinidad. Colo., Is practically the only rran mentioned for the presidency of tho association, which Is now vacant, owing to the death of Con rad Schaefer. PURE HEALTHFUL STEP DOWfj Wis.. May 2. The State Supreme Court today denied a rehearing in the case of State Insurance Commissioner Host against the Equitable Life Assurance Society. Host sought, some time Southern Pacific's New Bonds. ago, to compel the Equitable to distribute NEW YORK. May 2. The Southern several millions of its surplus funds Pacific Company today notified holders of among its policy holders in Wisconsin, and the court decided adversely. The its 44 per cent gold bonds that It would denial of a rehearing ends the case in redeem' these bonds at par and accrued Interest on June 1 and that It had created Wisconsin. "530,0)0,000 an Issue of of 4 per cent gold oonas, reaeemaoie at par anti interest on Mrs. J. rcCormlck, of Astoria, Dying June 1. 1507. or any Interest day thereafter. Holdern of the bonds are Mrs. J. McCormlck, one of the most offered the option of exchanging them for prominent women of Astoria, is slowly the new bonds on even terms, plus J12.50 dying of cancer at the Portland Sanicasn tor eacn race value or the bonds called for redemption, and with the June tarium and Is not expected to live more and December coupons attached. than a few hours. Mrs. McCormlck Is 70 years of age. She is the mother of Mrs. Alee Duniway, of Portand. Roosevelt May Address, Stockmen. - . Frick Committee Wants Alex ander to Go. HYDE MAY ALSO ., x t OF TABLE WATERS "THE QUEEN Hartragel. S BendjG A Waltz. New Tork E "Well. New York L F Jones. Mfnneaola Lapp, Seattle F Brown. Chicago E O McCov. T Dalles Mrs B Roger?, do Mrs E O McCoy, do A Herbert, .New York M II Tobln, wife ana A Stuart. Detroit bov. Shrevenort. Ta. G, O Kniae I.HIS8 TotlC. do J I Baker. Chicago !C W IIThompson, wife v jaiii. did r run and child. Cascade L C W Caltregan. San F P H Reed, "Seattle w u xacKiebury. Cln- Li Turner. Jr. Seattle .ctnnau. u J D Condlt, St Paul K H Scherxnan. Phi la w S Shaw. Portland. I i Stearns, City Me Mrs Ij .B Stearns, do H W Topping. St Paul B T Dansdown R J Elliott. St Paul O B Heg&rth. Ft Stev ,G C Link. Cosmopolfs, G W Sanborn. Astoria Pa P 1. Serlve. Seattle G W McBrien, do J B "Wlnson, Seattle P- - Gretnberg. San K A Newman, Detroit t, E Bailey. New York K G Dunn. Detroit R S Brltz,' Seattle E G DeWald. San FJ THE PERKINS. E I EmerlCk. AstorlalW A Bchuler. Chicaco W A Schuler. ChlcagoiS Chittenden. Aurora G W Pnimps. Hood RMrs Chittenden, do Madras J D Gordon. Dundee Jas M Walker. Y D Maddlcks, Seattle u Piper, city S Waldman. City MIs D Cllne; Marshld Kate Pearl. Arlington M Morgrove. Milton ty M Connor. City E Hicks. Canyon-CR T Strichorn. Mason Mrs M Miller. Los A City jT VigalB, North Bend Mrs J H Bonay. St P J W Saranee, S Rosa Pendleton Mrs Saranee. do Ju W Ayres, xos .uertson. Anju C K Bland. KallDel H P Deihen Wasco u u union, ao Small. Butte J J Ware, Salem JMrsS Small, Pullman do JMrsJ Ames.Ames, Miss D. Small, do do J J Sparling. Iowa W D Winter, Helena E E J X McLean. Wash F McHargoI. Pendltn Mrs W J Stephens, Mrs H W Aldrlcn. Bridal Yell tjena Mrs C Bright. Wasco: G Snepf. Newberg Nelllri Belshe. Moro Alice E Merryman. A Gersendoffer, The Hlllsboro J canes G Rlneart, Ashland A S Bennett, do Mrs Rlnehart. do G H Gllman. St Paul T S Thomas. Nashvlll Tacoma Mrs Thomas, do JR Bruce. W Dervltt. Tacoma J Dunham. S S W Roanoke Mrs a Mullock. La Gr X. J Beck, Lexington R F Beecber. Slletr W C Wahburn, F C Beaton. Seattle W J Carter. Seattle Junction City Y J Corbtn, Seattle City JA HR Kern. Congdon. Cthlmt G W Corbln. Seattle II B Armstrong, do F J Norton, Seattle W C Bufour. Seattle M Manasse. Ohio Weltzel. For G P A Smith. N Yamhill JMrsK Weltzel. W D German. Wash do L D Vincent, do E C KIrkpatrlck. W Ifoore. Tacoma Dallas P Jj Hunter. Dallas o u HODson, Tacoma Rnth M Little. Helna O Kew YorkiJI JII C Mayer. J Solomon. NY J B Rogers. Canada " ' THE IMPERIAL. v H Cocherllner AlbanyiMrs W Pratt. Francis C H Marsh. City IL J Furber. Seattle: ,W E Barnes. St Paul D J Fltr. City City ;F A Grimm. City ' . v JA HK Fltz. Shrove. Cathlmt.D C Brownell. "CmatllV B F Eshelman, Tacm D R Norton, Hood R F D Nelson. LouIsTllijMrx Norton, do SI K West. La OrandlF W Benson. Rosebrr F E Alley, Roseburg A Meyers. Pe EU E W Daggett. Blalock W G Curtis. Torrlngtn Mrs Daggett, do IMrs W G Curtis, do Miss Daggett, do tMrs Harrington A Headier, Chicago iC H Brame, Texas. F Penning. Chicago iMrs Brame. do Mrs W J Sullruth, IA F Bailey. Chicago" '.Mrs A F Bailey, do Prairie City San FranlF B Davis. Lincoln-.-J RM Molera. Kelsey. Hood R IMrs F B Davis, do ... Mrs Kelsey. do !G C Shedd. Lincoln. . Miss Klma Fletcher, :A M Cannon. Salem Perrydale .Mrs N "Rich.- - Turner Mrs W A Keyt. do IW A Hill. Peoria. VU Mrs C Gilchrist. Cen Mrs Hill and son. do C Dublin. Wardner-Mr- s traua ls Mrs H E Borsh, H O Sorensen, do G Van Dran, Albany. ' THE ST. CHARLES. . H L Skirvln. MarqnvJ Wellington, St Helns W Wright. TroutdaleJ N Wood. Buttevllte R H HpwelL Toledo jT Brown. Cathlamet F B McJunken, do Mrs T Brown, do Mrs Anna White and S L Wood, Sly two children. KalamjZ N Seelye. Centralis.". N L Bundy. SprgfldiR L Beverley. Shrridn IO A Rosendahl. Chink H C Churchill, do E A Thompson, CitylD R Hurlbut. L Hous S B Thompson. CltyJMrs Kate Hurlbut. do Mrs Thompson, City ISusan M Russell, do .', C B Thompson. . Cityjj Dunwoody. Colfax :' Mrs Thompson. City ICharles Ruff ;Jesse Smith. C Rodk Mrs Mary Kelsey E Schmeer. TroutdalelVan Kagg. San Fran-a- . W E Hornlbrook. (F W I&udson. Eugene-- Goldendale iJ T Krueger, MlchJ- ' D S Sllvius. St Helns) gan City fJ Carlstad. Gertie Spieler .A Julstad : E L Martin. Turner F M Jagncr. La. Crosslj W Wright, Camas wry ant .M a Bump, iiuisooroijs . W Hlnman. ButtevlllejP Fischer . . . G D Scott David Hlnman, do ' Fred. Relff. Chinook Mrs J D Bush M Merr. Chinook Miss Bush Ijames Cronk - t. H R Foot ,S A Patterson. Boston R L Parker G L Simmon iu j luc, jaoiaua. Charles Harrington !H Hout. Corvallls C G Wallace, Camas JC N Plowman, Or City? H G Cox. Tillamook IA II Lundey T L Davidson, Jr.Salmi John Hohan '' ' Tnesma Hotel. Taenia a. American plan. Rates. S3 and ajk flat! Donnelly, Taeem. First-clarestaurant In conn actios. ss BECOMING A MOTHER Is ordeal which &9 approach .with " indescribable fear, for nothing compares with the pain and horror ol" The thought of the suffering and danger In store for her, robs the expectant mother of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her A shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women have found that the use of Mothers Friend during pregnancy robs, confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother, and child. This scientific liniment is a d to all women at the time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend carry womdn safely through the perils of child-birtbut it use gently prepares-thsystem for the coming event, prevents "morning ' An women child-birt- h. god-sen- h, MOTHER'S comforts of this period. Sold by all druggists at $i.oo per bottle. Book containing valuable information free. Tfcft Bradfietd tcqnlrttor Co.. Atlnl.G. FRIEND CHOSSOT so 400 ciinr For Home or Club your dealer sells Crossett shoes he nas the gratification of know-i- g that every pair o' Crossatt shoes means a' pair of satisfied feet. T F o )fyw iiili' imt r.ct ttp ihtm, ui irill ttni any it'jlt hy mail a xprtzt an rt'teipt itiiX 25 c. additional to pay forwarding ef ?rw ehatx Write tor sllnnrnted cMtxleg. LEWIS A. CROSSETT, incorporated. North A &lrg:ton, Mass MAKES LIFE'S WALK Quaker Maid Ry THE WHISKEY WITH A' REPUTATION Awarded the Gold. Medal at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sitioci for Purity, Quality: and Perfection ot Age FOR. SACK AT ALL XXADIXO BARS, CAFM AXI XK?e STORZS S. HffiSCH & DSKautsJBttT.Me. EASTf
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