Festive Décor VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1 Design Sheets & Creative Minds Corner Included ` 50/FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 1 4 pg. 12 pg. Festivals in India are an integral part of people’s life. Festivals portray the rich cultural heritage and traditional background of the country. Every region celebrates their festival according to their regional customs and rituals. The commonness in all is that these festivals celebrates humanity. Most religious festivals have elaborate prayers, traditions, customs and rituals attached to them along with a vast display of artistic decors. It’s the festive season again, a season to be with our family and exchange gifts with them. This is a time when we prepare our souls, try to feel better inside but also feel the urge to express our joys. Decorating our homes is the best way of expressing our emotions and welcoming the season with new hopes, prayers and best wishes. 2 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 8 JATARA PAINTING PEACOCK BOAT MURAL UGADI WALL HANGING NAVRATRI JOOTIS RANGOLI CHOWKI PONGAL MURAL KUNDAN TORAN CHRISTMAS TABLE TURNER This issue of FevArt is a compilation of various ideas to make your festivals more special and decorative. We have weaved a vast fabric of ideas ranging from decorative torans, ethnically designed candle holders and rangoli’s. May this festive season bring warmth and prosperity in your homes and fill it with brightness and colour. Enjoy this festive season and add sparkles to your festive décor using our ideas. Amit Singh Head Marketing - ASF Features KUNDAN RANGOLI Gallery Features pg. 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 STUDIO SPACE 13 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 28 KITE PHOTO FRAME pg. 20 HALDI KUMKUM STAND BANDHANWAR GANPATI BACKDROP WARLI LANTERN DECORATIVE WALL HANGING FLORAL POOJA THALI ANTIQUE CANDLE HOLDER PEACOCK TORAN FLORAL RANGOLI KALAMILAN pg. 26 CREATIVE MINDS CORNER INSPIRING CREATIVITY pg. IMPRESSIONIST 19 Amit Singh For Pidilite Industries Limited Regent Chambers, 208 Nariman Point, Pidilite Industries Ltd Mumbai 400 021 Printed by Printskill (i) Pvt Ltd, FEVIART, Art & Craft Resource Centre, Publication Division, Ramkrishna Mandir Road, Kondivita, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400 059 39A, Sidhpura Ind Estate, S V Road, Goregaon (W) Mumbai 400 062 Editorial Co-ordinator Copywriter Ashwini Patil Sridatta Gupta Design & Layout Pidilite Design Studio Edited & Published By Illustrations Avdhut Narvekar Photography Parag Parelkar Send in your contributions as text, drawings or photographs to For further details, Contact our Customer Care Department: T 022-28357387 F 022-28357700 E feviart@pidilite.co.in FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 1 What is your opinion about Pidilite’s products? When I started with Pidilite only Fevicol MR, Fevibond and Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colours were available. Now Pidilite‘s product range is amazing. With the right knowledge of the product and its usage an artist can create innumerable things. Pidilite’s products have awoken the artistic instinct of each individual, without any age bar. The products are simple to use and their usage is unlimited. They can be used for hobby and for commercial purposes. Although all the products are good my favourites are Acrylic Colours, Fabric Glue, Glue ‘n’ Gloss and Crackle Medium. Shyla Prasad Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Super Teacher In today’s generation, art & craft is just considered a hobby. What is your take on that? It shouldn’t be. It is a stress buster for some, hobby for many, and a profession for others. Art & Craft shouldn’t be treated just as a hobby. It has opened many avenues and can be a rewarding profession. Good professional courses in different branches of art & craft, an exhaustive range of good art material, the availability of information on the internet and a good market for the end products makes it a lucrative profession. Shyla Prasad, a name in the art & craft industry has earned an indisputable place in this field. She is a passionate artist with an edge for innovation and experimentation. Her creations always have unique characteristics. Sridatta Gupta takes a peek into Shyla’s journey as an artist and tries to define some basic grounds that an artist can follow to reach such levels of success. When did you start trying your hand at art and craft? I started when I was in school. I would sit with brush and paints rather than prepare for Maths and Science tests. I always knew art was an innate passion. What motivated you to take up art as a career? Art is more than a career for me. It’s my passion which keeps me going. Teaching art gives me immense pleasure and satisfaction. Moreover, I can reach out to people and motivate them to enjoy art. Did you take training to become an art and craft professional? I have pursued many courses in basic drawing & colour study, floral arrangement, interior decoration, etc. However, I value the professional training that I received at Pidilite on art and craft in 1983 and on fabric painting in 1984. This training served as a turning point in my career, which not only honed my skills but also helped me to develop my overall personality. Who inspired you to take up art & craft as a career? As a young girl I watched my mother making beautiful paper 2 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 ‘Art is unquestionably the purest and highest element in human happiness. As the sun colours the flowers, art colours life.’ What will be your guiding path for those hobby enthusiasts who want a career in art & craft? Scope & opportunities in this field are unlimited. Hence, one should focus on the brand of art one is interested in. Good professional guidance and hard work are essential to achieve desired goals. One should constantly update one’s knowledge to keep up with the latest trends and keep on experimenting with new ideas. Good communication skills should be developed. In case a person doesn’t have a flair for art but has a keen interest in it, do you feel he/she can grow up to be an artist? We never know what God has in store for us. Some are born artists but art is in everybody’s soul. When you have a keen interest, with practice, hard work and dedication it is certainly possible to become a good artist. ‘Art is an adventure into an unknown world, which can only be explored by those willing to take risks.’ How does art & craft help children grow? Hobby plays a very important role in the healthy development of body and mind. Art & Craft is one of the best hobbies for a child. It brings out creativity, de-stresses the mind and brings happiness. It gives immense pleasure to the child when the creation is encouraged and appreciated. What will be your word of advice to children who aspire to be like you? Strong interest in the field of art, hard work, sincere effort, good professional guidance & training will ensure children reach their desired goals. With the innumerable opportunities for a good artist, the sky is the limit. Last but not the least, education should never be neglected. Education is very important in the present context. Education helps you to broaden your mind, makes learning easier, develops communication skills and also helps in overall development. flowers, dolls, embroidery, free style rangoli, etc. Her dedication and sincerity towards art was definitely a motivating factor for me to take it up. Constant support from my family has helped me to perform better in my career. To you, what does a festival mean? A festival means tradition, celebration and the joy of meeting friends & relatives. It also provides the best opportunity to bring out new ideas in creating new art & craft items. What are the different kinds of festive decorations you prefer? Colourful Rangoli, toran, mantap decoration, floral arrangement, handmade gifts, greeting cards, etc. The new and amazing products launched by Pidilite makes it very easy and interesting to work. FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 3 S T U D I O S PA C E Studio Space F E AT U R E S Kundan Rangoli Jatara Painting Shyla Prasad has created this beautiful rangoli; a sacred, honorific passageway for the festivals. This painting, created by K. B. Indira, is a replica of the Jatara festival celebrated in the Telangara region of Andhra Pradesh. It glorifies the power of women and pays homage to goddesses. Material Hobby Ideas Glass Colour - Solvent Based (Orange 805, Tomato Red 806, Lemon yellow 801, Turquoise Blue 812, Pink 815, Dark Green 817), Hobby Ideas Shilpkar, Fevicol Decoration Glue, Fine Art Painting Brush, Hobby Ideas Glass Outliner (Black 832) and Stain Glass. Material Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour (Bamboo 46), Fevicol Decoration Glue, Jute fabric, Handmade paper, Ready made motifs, Scissors and Kundans. Method 4 Decorate the leaves and the readymade motifs, stuck on the round shapes and mango shapes, with kundans using Fevicol Decoration Glue. Let them dry. 1 Paint the jute fabric with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour – Bamboo. Let it dry. OyQ> Ho$ H$n‹S>o H$mo hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO EH«o${bH$ H$ba- ~å~y go noÝQ> H$a|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 2 Cut out a round shape, mango shapes and leaf shapes from the jute fabric. 5 Place these shapes in the form of a rangoli on the handmade paper and stick them using Fevicol Decoration Glue. Let them dry. OyQ> Ho$ H$n‹S>o go EH$ Jmob AmH¥${V, Am_ H$s AmH¥${V`m± Am¡a nÎmr H$s AmH¥${V`m± H$mQ> b|. EH$ h¢S>_oS> nona na BZ AmH¥${V`m| H$mo a§Jmobr Ho$ ê$n _| aI| VWm µ\o${dH$mob S>oH$moaoeZ ½by go {MnH$mE§. Bgo gyIZo X|. 3 Stick readymade motifs on the centre of the round shape and mango shapes using Fevicol Decoration Glue. Let them dry. µ\o${dH$mob S>oH$moaoeZ ½by H$s _XX go Hw$ÝXZm| H$m BñVo_mb H$aVo hþE Jmob AmH¥${V`m| Am¡a Am_ H$s AmH¥${V`mo§ na {MnHo$ aoS>r_oS> _mo{Q>âg Am¡a n{Îm`m| H$mo gOmE§. µ\o${dH$mob S>oH$moaoeZ ½by H$m BñVo_mb H$aVo hþE Jmob AmH¥${V Ho$ ~rM Ho$ {hñgo na VWm Am_ H$s AmH¥${V`m| na ao{S>_oS> _mo{Q>âg {MnH$mE§. Bgo gyIZo X|. Method 4 2 3 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 4 Bg {_lU go \y$b Am¡a \$b Ho$ AmH$ma _moëS> H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 5 Paint these pieces with Hobby Ideas Glass Colour - Solvent Based – Dark Green, Lemon Yellow and Pink. Let them dry. ñQ>oZ ½bmg gmµ\$ H$aHo$, Bg na OVmam {MÌ ~Zm b|. hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO ½bmg AmCQ>bmBZa-ãb¡H$ go {S>µOmBZ H$s AmCQ>bmBZ ~Zm b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. BZ AmH$mam| H$mo hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO ½bmg H$ba-gm°ëd|Q> ~oñS>-S>mH©$ J«rZ, bo_Z `obmo Am¡a qnH$ go n|Q> H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 2 Fill the design with Hobby Ideas Glass colour - Solvent Based – Orange, Tomato Red, Lemon Yellow, Turquoise Blue, Pink and Dark Green. Let it dry. 6 Stick these pieces on the design according to the picture using Fevicol Decoration Glue. Let them dry. {S>µOmBZ H$mo hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO ½bmg H$ba-gm°ëd|Q> ~oñS>-Am°a|O, Q>°_oQ>mo a¡S>, bo_Z `obmo, Q>aH$m°BµO ãby, qnH$ Am¡a S>mH©$ J«rZ go n|Q> H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. {MÌ _| ~VmE AZwgma BZ AmH$mam| H$mo µ\o${dH$m°b S>oH$moaoeZ ½bw H$s _XX go {S>µOmBZ na {MnH$m X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 3 Mix the Hobby Ideas Shilpkar Resin Base and Hardener to form an even dough. 1 4 Mould flowers and fruits out of the dough. Let them dry. 1 Clean the stain glass and draw a Jatara picture on it. Outline the design with Hobby Ideas Glass Outliner – Black. Let it dry. 5 A~ hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO {eënH$ma ao{µOZ ~og Am¡a hmS>©Za H$mo {_bmH$a EH$ g_mZ {_lU ~Zm b|. 1 2 3 4 5 6 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 5 Peacock Boat Mural Ugadi Wall Hanging Material Material Hobby Ideas Shilpkar, Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour (Pearl Metallic Gold 352, Black 02), Fevicol MR, Fine Art Painting Brush, Match sticks, Kundans, Scissors and Mount board. Hobby Ideas Glass Colour - Solvent Based (Orange 805, Tomato Red 806, Lemon yellow 801, Turquoise Blue 812, Pink 815, Dark Green 817), Hobby Ideas Shilpkar, Fevicol Decoration Glue, Hobby Ideas Glass Outliner (Black 832) and Plain Glass. 5 Stick matchsticks to the hands of the figures using Fevicol MR. Let them dry. Method The boat race is a part of the festival of Onam, the biggest festival in Kerala. Shyamala Devi has artistically created a replica of one of these boats used in Onam. Method 1 Draw a boat shape on the mount board. EH$ _mC§Q> ~moS>© na ~moQ> H$s AmH¥${V ~Zm b|. 6 Paint the figures with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour – Pearl Metallic Gold and the boat with Black. Let them dry. 2 Cut the different pieces of the boat, assemble them and stick them to form a boat, using Fevicol MR. Let it dry. ~moQ> H$s AmH¥${V go AbJ-AbJ Qw>H$‹S>o H$mQ>H$a, BÝh| µ\o${dH$m°b E_ Ama go Bg Vah O_mH$a {MnH$mE§ {H$ ~moQ> H$s AmH¥${V ~Z OmE. A~ hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO {eënH$ma ao{µOZ ~og Am¡a hmS>©Za {_bmH$a EH$ g_mZ {_lU V¡`ma H$a|. A~ µ\o${dH$m°b E_ Ama go Hw§$XZ {MnH$mH$a ~moQ> H$mo Am¡a gOm X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 8 Apply a coat of Hobby Ideas Glue ‘n’ Gloss on the boat. Let it dry. 4 Mould small figures out of the dough and place them on the boat. Let them dry. AmH¥${V`m| H$mo µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO EH«o${bH$ H$ba-nb© _oQ>m{bH$ JmoëS> go Am¡a ~moQ> H$mo ãb¡H$ go n|Q> H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 7 Decorate the boat further by sticking kundans on it, using Fevicol MR. Let it dry. 3 Mix the Hobby Ideas Shilpkar Resin Base and Hardener to form an even dough. AmH¥${V Ho$ hmWm| na µ\o${dH$m°b E_ Ama go _m{Mg H$s Vrbr {MnH$m X|. BÝh| gyIZo X|. ~moQ> na hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO ½bw EZ ½bm°g H$m EH$ H$moQ> bJm X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. This painting, by K. B. Indira, depicts the festival of Ugadi when the denizens of Deccan India celebrate their New Year. 1 Clean the glass piece and draw the Udagi design. Outline the design with Hobby Ideas Glass Outliner - Black. 6 2 3 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 4 5 6 7 8 2 Fill the design with Hobby Ideas Glass Colours - Solvent Based - Orange, Tomato Red, Lemon Yellow, Turquoise Blue, Pink and Dark Green. Let it dry. 3 Mix the Hobby Ideas Shilpkar Resin Base and Hardener to form an even dough. OyQ> Am¡a AbJ - AbJ H$n‹S>o Ho$ Qw>H$‹S>m| H$mo µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO EH«o${bH$ H$ba-Am°a|O, {H«$_gZ Am¡a ãb¡H$ go n|Q> H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 1 2 3 4 Am_ Am¡a Zr_ Ho$ \y$bm| H$mo hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO ½bmg H$ba - gm°ëd|Q> ~oñS> - S>mH©$ J«rZ go Am¡a N>moQ>o \y$bm| H$mo bo_Z `obmo Am¡a qnH$ go n|Q> H$a b|. BÝh| gyIZo X|. 6 Stick the mango, neem flowers and the small flowers on the design according to the picture using Fevicol Decoration Glue. Let it dry. {S>µOmBZ _| hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO ½bmg H$bg© - gm°ëd|Q> ~oñS> - Am°a|O, Q>°_oQ>mo a¡S>, bo_Z `obmo, Q>aH$m°BµO ãby, qnH$ Am¡a S>mH©$ J«rZ H$ba ^a X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. Bg {_lU go N>moQ>o-N>moQ>o \y$b, Am_ Ho$ Qw>H$‹S>o Am¡a Zr_ Ho$ \y$b _moëS> H$a b|. 5 Paint the mango and the neem flowers with Hobby Ideas Glass Colour - Solvent Based - Dark Green and the small flowers with Lemon Yellow and Pink. Let them dry. EH$ ½bmg Ho$ Qw>H$‹S>o H$mo gmµ\$ H$aHo$, Bg na CJmXr {S>µOmBZ ~Zm b|. hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO ½bmg AmCQ>bmBZa ãb¡H$ go {S>µOmBZ H$s AmCQ>bmBZ ~Zm b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. Bg {_lU go N>moQ>r-N>moQ>r AmH¥${V`m§ _moëS> H$aHo$, BÝh| ~moQ> H$s AmH¥${V na aI|. 1 4 Mould small flowers, mango pieces and neem flowers out of the dough. 5 A~ {MÌ _| ~VmE AZwgma µ\o${dH$m°b S>oH$moaoeZ ½bw go Am_, Zr_ Am¡a N>moQ>o - N>moQ>o \y$bm| H$mo {S>µOmBZ na {MnH$m X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 6 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 7 Navratri Jootis Rangoli Chowki Material Material Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue, Woollen laces, Woollen balls, Braided ribbons, Canvas, Velcro, Scissors and Kundans. Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner (Glitter Green 403, Pearl Metallic Copper 353, Pearl Metallic Bronze 355, Pearl Blue 305, Glitter Navy Blue 414, Glitter Pink 410), Fevibond, Beads & Glass piece. 4 Now stick brided ribbons along the side of the shoes using Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue.Let them dry. Method The colourful and dazzling garba dance adds new colour to the navratri festival. Apexa Tailor has created these traditional jootis to match the sparkling garba dresses. Method 1 Place your feet on the canvas and draw the outline of it. AnZm n¡a H¡$Zdmg na aIH$a BgH$s AmCQ>bmBZ ~Zm b|. 2 Cut two similar pieces of the same shape and stick them to each other Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue. Let them dry. A~ ey Ho$ {H$Zmam| na ~«mBS>oS> [a~Ýg H$mo µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO Zmo pñQ>M µ\¡${~«H$ ½bw go {MnH$m X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 5 Stick strings of woollen balls & Kundans around the top of the shoes using Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue. Let them dry. A~ Bgr AmH$ma Ho$ Xmo Qw>H$‹S>o H$mQ>H$a, BÝh| µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO Zmo pñQ>M µ\¡${~«H$ ½bw go EH$ Xygao Ho$ gmW {MnH$m X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. OyVr Ho$ D$nar {hñgo na µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO Zmo pñQ>M µ\¡${~«H$ ½bw go dwboZ ~m°ëg H$s S>moar Am¡a Hw§$XZ {MnH$m X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. Chowki’s are used to perform religious rites. Sunita Thadani has created this for the Diwali celebration. 1 Clean the glass piece and draw a rangoli design on it. ½bmg nrg H$mo gmµ\$ H$aHo$, Bg na a§Jmobr H$s {S>µOmBZ ~Zm b|. 2 Outline the design with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner Glitter Green, Pearl Metallic Copper, Pearl Metallic Bronze, Pearl Blue, Glitter Navy Blue and Glitter Pink. Let it dry. µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO 3D AmCQ>bmBZa - p½bQ>a J«rZ, nb© _oQ>m{bH$ H$m°na, ½bmg Ho$ nrN>o H$s Vaµ\$ Mmam| H$moZm| na µ\o${d~m°ÊS> go bH$‹S>r Ho$ ~rS²>g {MnH$mH$a ñQ>¡ÊS> ~Zm b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. nb© _oQ>m{bH$ ~«m°ÝµO, nb© ãby, p½bQ>a Zodr ãby Am¡a p½bQ>a qnH$ go {S>µOmBZ H$s AmCQ>bmBZ ~Zm b|. 3 Now taken different kinds of woollen laces and stick them one 6 Stick velcro on the backside of the jooti to complete it. after another on the canvas shoes to give them a look of one OyVr H$mo nyam H$aZo Ho$ {bE Bgo {nN>bo {hñgo na dobH«$mo {MnH$m X|. flowing fabric using Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue. Let them dry. 3 Stick the wooden beads on the four corners of the reverse side of the glass, using Fevibond, to make legs for the stand. Let them dry. A~ AbJ AbJ dwboZ bog boH$a BÝh| EH$ Ho$ ~mX EH$ Ho$Zdme ey na µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO Zmo pñQ>M µ\¡${~«H$ ½bw go {MnH$m X|, Vm{H$ `h EH$ µ\¡${~«H$ Ho$ ê$n _| {XImB© Xo. BÝh| gyIZo X|. 1 8 2 3 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 4 5 6 1 2 3 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 9 Pongal Mural Kundan Toran Material Material Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour (Lemon Yellow 11, Light Green 12, Indian Red 10, White 27, Black 02, Pearl Metallic Gold 352), Hobby Ideas Glass Colours - SB (Orange 805, Lemon Yellow 801), Glass Outliner (Black 832), Hobby Ideas Shilpkar, Fine Art Painting Brush, TT ball, Straw, diya, Glass & Wooden board. Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour (Bamboo 46), Fevicol Decoration Glue, Fine Art Painting Brush, Jute fabric, Golden Ribbon, Readymade Motifs, Scissors and Kundans. Method Pongal is a festival that celebrates the first harvest. Shyamala Devi has created this mural to add the colour of this festival to your interiors. Method 1 Mix the Hobby Ideas Shilpkar Resin Base and Hardener to form an even dough. 4 Clean the glass piece and draw a solar design using Hobby Ideas Glass Outliner - Black. Let it dry. hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO {eënH$ma ~og Am¡a hmS>©Za {_bmH$a, EH$ g_mZ {_lU V¡`ma H$a b|. 2 Wrap the TT ball with this dough to form a pot and rice over the pot. Wrap the straws with another piece of dough to create the sugarcane shoots. Let them dry. ½bmg nrg H$mo gmµ\$ H$aHo$, Bg na EH$ gmobma {S>µOmBZ ~Zm b|. o gyIZo X|. 5 Fill the design with Hobby Ideas Glass Colour - Solvent Based - Lemon Yellow and Orange. Let it dry. Bg {_lU H$mo EH$ Q>r Q>r ~m°b na bnoQ>H$a, EH$ nm°Q> ~Zm b| Am¡a {JaVo hþE Mm§db ~Zm b|. Wmo‹S>m gm {_lU boH$a ñQ´>m° na bnoQ> X|, Vm{H$ JÝZo Ho$ S>§R>b V¡`ma hmo OmE§. 3 Paint the pot with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour Indian Red, Lemon Yellow & White, sugarcane shoots with Light Green & the fruits with Pearl Metallic Gold, Lemon Yellow and Light Green. Let them dry. 1 10 2 3 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 4 nm°Q> H$mo µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO EH«o${bH$ H$ba-B§{S>`Z a¡S>, bo_Z `¡bmo Am¡a ìhmBQ> go Am¡a JÝZo Ho$ S>§R>bm| H$mo bmBQ> J«rZ go n|Q> H$a b| Am¡a \$bm| H$m nb© _oQ>m{bH$ JmoëS>, bo_Z `obmo Am¡a bmBQ> J«rZ go n|Q> H$a b|. {S>µOmBZ H$mo hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO ½bmg H$ba - gm°ëd|Q> ~oñS> - bo_Z `obmo Am¡a Am°a|O go n|Q> H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 6 Place the pot, glass, diyas and sugarcane shoots on the wooden board to complete the mural. 5 A~ nm°Q>, ½bmg, {_Q²>Q>r Ho$ {X`m| Am¡a JÝZo Ho$ S>§R>bm| H$mo bH$‹S>r Ho$ ~og na aIH$a, _wamb H$mo nyam H$a b|. 6 Shyla Prasad has created this beautiful toran; a sacred, honorific gateway for the festivals. mango shapes, using kundans with Fevicol Decoration Glue. Let them dry. 1 Paint the jute fabric with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour - Bamboo. Let it dry. µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO EH«o${bH$ H$ba ~må~y go Á`yQ> Ho$ µ\¡${~«H$ H$mo n|Q> H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 5 Cut out small pieces from the golden ribbon and stick them on the top of the mango and leaf cut outs using Fevicol Decoration Glue. Let them dry. 2 Cut out mango shapes and leaf shapes from the jute fabric. Á`yQ> µ\¡${~«H$ go Am_ Am¡a n{Îm`m| Ho$ AmH$ma Ho$ Qw>H$‹S>o H$mQ> b|. 3 Stick readymade motifs on the centre of the mango shapes using Fevicol Decoration Glue. Let them dry. 4 Decorate the leaves and the readymade motifs, stuck on the 2 3 4 EH$ JmoëS>Z [a~Z go N>moQ>o - N>moQ>o Qw>H$‹S>o H$mQ>H$a, BÝh| Am_ Am¡a n{Îm`m| Ho$ D$nar {hñgo na µ\o${dH$m°b S>oH$moaoeZ ½by go {MnH$m X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 6 Now take a long golden ribbon and stick these cut outs at equal intervals using Fevicol Decoration Glue. Let them dry. Am_ Ho$ AmH$ma Ho$ ~rM _| µ\o${dH$m°b S>oH$moaoeZ ½bw go aoS>r_oS> _mo{Q>µ\$ {MnH$m X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 1 Am_ Ho$ AmH$ma Ho$ ~rM _| {MnH$mB© hþB© n{Îm`m| Am¡a _mo{Q>µ\$ na µ\o${dH$m°b S>oH$moaoeZ ½bw go Hw§$XZ {MnH$mH$a, BgH$s Am¡a gOmdQ> H$a X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 5 A~ EH$ b§~r JmoëS>Z [a~Z boH$a, Bg na µ\o${dH$m°b S>oH$moaoeZ ½bw go BZ H$Q AmCQ²>g H$mo {MnH$m X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 6 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 11 Christmas Table Turner Kite Photo Frame The colourful festival of Christmas is celebrated mainly in the West, observing the birth of Jesus. Kirti Thakur has created this table turner to bring the warmth of this celebration to the dining table. The Kite festival or Vasant Panchami is celebrated on the fifth day of spring glorifying Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, music and art. Komal Wadhera has created this photo frame to signify this colourful celebration. Material Material Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue, Hobby Ideas Glass Colour - Solvent Based (Dark Green 817, Lemon Yellow 801, Pink 815), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour (White 27, Pearl Metallic Gold 352, Pearl Metallic Silver 351, Lemon Yellow 11, Pearl Lilac 307), Hobby Ideas Shilpkar, Fine Art Painting Brush, Toothpick and Wooden photo frame. Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour (Crimson 04, Orange 17, Dark Green 06, Pink 18, Golden Yellow 09), Fine Art Painting Brush, Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner (Glitter Silver 502), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue, Satin ribbon and Plain fabric. Method 4 Further decorate the candles with streaks of Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner - Glitter Silver. Let them dry. \o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO 3D AmCQ>bmBZa - p½bQ>a {gëda go ñQ´>rH$ bJmVo hþE 1 Wash, dry and iron the plain fabric. EH$ ßboZ µ\¡${~«H$ H$mo YmoH$a, gwImH$a BñVar H$a b|. H¡$ÊS>ëg H$mo Am¡a gOm X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 2 Hold the fabric horizontally and trace or draw the candle design on the borders. 5 Stick the ribbon along the border of the fabric using Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue to complete your table turner. Let it dry. µ\¡${~«H$ H$mo Am‹S>m aIH$a, BgH$s ~m°S>©a na H¡$ÊS>b {S>µOmBZ ~Zm b|. 3 Paint the design with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour - Crimson, Orange, Dark Green, Pink and Golden Yellow as shown in the picture. Let it dry. µ\¡${~«H$ H$s ~m°S>©a na µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO Zmo pñQ>M µ\¡${~«H$ ½bw go [a~Z {MnH$mH$a, AnZm Q>o~b Q>Z©a nyam H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 6 Iron the reverse portion of the table turner after 24 hrs. {S>µOmBZ H$mo {MÌ _| ~VmE AZwgma µ\o${d[H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO EH«o${bH$ H$ba - {H«$_ gZ, Am°a|O, S>mH©$ J«rZ, qnH$ Am¡a JmoëS>Z `obmo go n|Q> H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. Method 4 Mix the Hobby Ideas Shilpkar Resin Base and Hardener to form an even dough. 1 Clean the wooden photo frame and apply a coat of Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour - White on it. Let it dry. EH$ bH$‹S>r H$s µ\$moQ>mo \«o$_ H$mo gmµ\$ H$aHo$, Bg na µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO EH«o${bH$ H$ba-ìhmBQ> H$m EH$ H$moQ> bJm X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 5 Mould sunflowers, leaves and ribbons out of the dough and fix them on the photo frame. Let them dry. 2 Then apply a coat of Fevicryl No Stitch Fabric Glue on the frame and apply Hobby Ideas Glass Colours - Solvent Based Dark Green, Lemon Yellow and Pink randomly. 3 While it is wet create textures using a toothpick. Let it dry. 1 12 2 3 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 4 5 6 BgHo$ Jrbm ahVo hr Qy>W{nH$ go Q>oŠgMg© ~Zm b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 1 2 3 4 Bg {_lU go gZµâbmda, n{Îm`m§ Am¡a [a~Z Ho$ _moëS> V¡`ma H$a b|. BZ gmar MrµOm| H$mo µ\$moQ>mo \«o$_ na {MnH$m X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 6 Paint these pieces with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour Pearl Metallic Gold, Pearl Metallic Silver, Lemon Yellow, Pearl Green and Pearl Lilac. Let them dry. A~ \«o$_ na µ\o${d{H«$b Zmo pñQ>M µ\¡${~«H$ ½by H$m EH$ H$moQ> bJmH$a, hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO ½bmg H$bg© - gm°ëd|Q> ~oñS> - S>mH©$ J«rZ, bo_Z `obmo Am¡a qnH$ H$ba go ~oVaVr~ T>§J go n|Q> H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 24 K§Q>o ~mX Q>o~b Q>Z©a H$mo CëQ>m H$aHo$ BñVar H$a b|. A~ hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO {eënH$ma ao{µOZ ~og Am¡a hmS>©Za {_bmH$a, EH$ g_mZ {_lU ~Zm b|. 5 BZ gmar AmH¥${V`m| H$mo µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO EH«o${bH$ H$ba - nb© _oQ>m{bH$ JmoëS>, nb© _oQ>m{bH$ {gëda, bo_Z `obmo, nb© J«rZ Am¡a nb© b¡`_¡H$ go n|Q> H$a b|. 6 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 13 For More Details on WORKSHOP KITS Please contact your local Pidilite Distributor or Contact on 2835 7387. 14 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 15 Haldi Kumkum Stand Bandhanwar Material Material Hobby Ideas Shilpkar, Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic colour (Orange 17, Lemon Yellow 11, Golden Yellow 09, Light Green 12), Hobby Ideas Glue ‘n’ Gloss, Bamboo tray and Candle holders. Hobby Ideas Shilpkar, Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue, Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour (Orange 17, Golden Yellow 09), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner (Glitter Gold 501), Fine Art Painting Brush, MDF board cutout, Kundans & Golden danglers. 4 Paint the inner portion of one flower with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour - Orange and the outer portion with Lemon Yellow. Paint the inner portion of the other flowers with Golden Yellow and the outer portion with Orange. Method Shyla Prasad has created this blooming floral Haldi Kumkum Stand to place on your centre tables during Diwali. Method 1 Mix the Hobby Ideas Shilpkar Resinbase and Hardener to form an even dough. g~go nhbo hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO {eënH$ma ao{µOZ ~og Am¡a hmS>©Za H$mo AÀN>r Vah {_bmH$a, EH$ g_mZ {_lU V¡`ma H$a b|. 2 Use this dough to create petals around the candle holders to form a flower shape around the holder. Let them dry. 5 Paint the leaves with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour Light Green. Let them dry. Bg {_lU go H¡$ÊS>b hmoëS>a Ho$ Amgnmg n§Iw{‹S>`m§ {MnH$mH$a, \y$b H$m AmH$ma V¡`ma H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|.| 3 Use other pieces of dough to mould leaf shapes and place them on the bamboo tray. Let them dry. 16 2 3 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 4 n{Îm`m| H$mo µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO EH«o${bH$ H$ba - bmBQ> J«rZ go n|Q> H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 5 3 Make round ornamental shapes out of the dough & place them on the centre of the sections of the MDF board & paint with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour - Orange. 1 Paint the MDF board in strips starting with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour - Orange on top, Golden Yellow in the middle and the ornamental part in Orange. EH$ E_ S>r Eµ\$ ~moS>© na n{Q²>Q>çm§ n|Q> H$aZo Ho$ {bE nhbo g~go D$na µ\o${dH$m°b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO EH«o${bH$ H$ba - Am°a|O, ~rM _| JmoëS>Z `obmo Am¡a BgHo$ Am°aZm_|Q>b {hñgo H$mo {\$a go Am°a|O H$ba go n|Q> H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. BZ na µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO Zmo pñQ>M µ\¡${~«H$ ½bw go Hw§$XZ {MnH$m X|. 5 Put drops of Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner - Glitter Gold on the ends of the lines, place kundans on them and press them to form rings. Let them dry. A~ BZ bmBZm| Ho$ A§{V_ {gao na µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO 3D AmCQ>bmBZa A~ hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO {eënH$ma ao{µOZ ~og Am¡a hmS>©Za H$mo {_bmH$a, EH$ g_mZ {_lU V¡`ma H$a|. µâbmoab ñQ¢S n{Îm`m| Am¡a ~må~y Q´>o na hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO ½bw EZ ½bm°g H$m EH$ H$moQ> bJm X| Vm{H$ BZ_| M_H$Vm à^md n¡Xm hmo OmE. 6 Bg {_lU go Jmob Am°aZm_|Q>b AmH$ma V¡`ma H$aHo$, Bgo E_ S>r Eµ\$ ~moS>© Ho$ Am°aZm_|Q> {hñgo Ho$ ~rM _| aI X| Am¡a µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO EH«o${bH$ H$ba - Am°a|O go n|Q> H$a b|. 4 Stick kundans on them using Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue. Let them dry. 2 Mix Hobby Ideas Shilpkar Resinbase and Hardener to form an even dough. 6 Apply a coat of Hobby Ideas Glue ‘n’ Gloss on the floral stand, leaves and the bamboo tray to give them a shiny look. A~ {_lU go Hw$N> n{Îm`m| H$m AmH$ma _moëS> H$a|. BZ n{Îm`m| H$mo EH$ ~må~y Q´>o _| aI|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 1 EH$ \y$b Ho$ ^rVar {hñgo H$mo {MÌ _| ~VmE AZwgma µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r Am°B{S>`mµO EH«o${bH$ H$ba - Am°a|O go Am¡a Xÿgao {hñgo H$mo bo_Z `obmo go n|Q> H$a b|. Xÿgao \y$b Ho$ ^rVar {hñgo H$mo JmoëS>Z `obmo go Am¡a ~mhar {hñgo H$mo Am°a|O H$ba go n|Q> H$a b|. This kundan work Bandhanwar, created by Veena Khurana, will serve as a toran for any auspicious occasion. - p½bQ>a JmoëS> H$s q~{X`m§ aI|. BZ na Hw§$XZ aIH$a Bg Vah X~mE§ {H$ Hw§$XZ Ho$ Amgnmg EH$ [a¨J V¡`ma hmo OmE. Bgo gyIZo X|. 1 2 3 4 5 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 17 Ganpati Backdrop Warli Lantern Material Material Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic colour (Golden Yellow 09), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner (Glitter Green 403, Glitter Red 405), Fine Art Painting Brush, Flower sequence and Designer cardboard backdrop. Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour (Lemon Yellow 11, Pink 18, Black 02, Orange 17, Dark Green 06, Crimson 04), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue, Fine Art Painting Brush, Kundans, Laces, Fabric and Cardboard. The Pidilite Resource Team has created this backdrop to be placed behind the Ganpati idol. Method 1 Paint the cardboard backdrop with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour - Golden Yellow. Let it dry. H$mS>©~moS>© ~¡H$S´>m°n H$mo µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO EH«o${bH$ H$ba - JmoëS>Z `bmo go noÝQ> H$a|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 2 Draw criss-cross designs on the border of the backdrop using Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner - Glitter Green. Let it dry. µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO 3D AmCQ>bmBZa - p½bQ>a J«rZ go ~¡H$S´>m°n Ho$ ~m°S>©a na {H«$gH«$m°g `mZr Am‹S>o - {VaN>o {S>µOmBZ ~ZmE§. Bgo gyIZo X|. Vinita Gupta has transferred the traditional Maharashtrian art of Warli on this lantern to light up the room during the festival of Diwali. 3 Draw a floral design in between the intrinsic cut outs using Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner - Glitter Green with dots of Glitter Red at equal intervals to give the appearance of flower buds. Let it dry. µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO 3D AmCQ>bmBZa - p½bQ>a J«rZ go H$Q>AmCQ²>g Ho$ ~rM _| \y$b H$m EH$ {S>µOmBZ ~ZmE§, {Og_| ~am~a Xyar na p½bQ>a aoS> go {~ÝXw bJmE§ Vm{H$ CÝh| H${b`m| H$m ê$n {_b gHo$. Bgo gyIZo X 4 Put droplets of Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner - Glitter Green at the end of the branches and place the floral sequence on them. Let them dry. emImAm| Ho$ {gao na µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO 3D AmCQ>bmBZa - p½bQ>a J«rZ {~pÝX`m§ bJmE§ VWm CZ na \y$bm| H$m H«$_ bJmE§. Bgo gyIZo X|. go Method 4 Cut a rectangular piece of cardboard, roll it and stick the ends using Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue to form a cylindrical lantern shade. Let it dry. 1 Wash, dry & iron the fabric. Paint the major portion of the fabric, starting from top, with Acrylic Colour - Lemon Yellow & paint the lower portion of the fabric with Pink. µ\¡${~«H$ H$mo YmoH$a, gwImH$a BñVar H$a b|. µ\¡${~«H$ Ho$ µÁ`mXm go µÁ`mXm D$nar {hñgo H$mo µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO EH«o${bH$ H$ba - bo_Z `obmo go n|Q> H$a b| Am¡a {ZMbm {hñgm qnH$ go n|Q> H$a b|. 5 Stick the painted fabric around the cylindrical shade using Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue. Let it dry. 2 Draw triangular designs on the top part of the fabric, warli designs in the middle of the fabric and checked designs on the bottom of the fabric. 3 Paint these design with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour Orange, Dark Green, Crimson and Black. Let them dry. 1 18 2 3 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 4 BZ {S>µOmBZm| H$mo µ\¡${~«H$ hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO EH«o${bH$ H$ba - Am°a|O, S>mH©$ J«rZ, {H«$_ gZ Am¡a ãb¡H$ go n|Q> H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 1 2 3 4 A~ Bg {g{bpÊS´>H$b eoS> na µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO Zmo pñQ>M µ\¡${~«H$ ½bw go n|Q> {H$`m hþAm µ\¡${~«H$ bnoQ> X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 6 Cut out a handle from the cardboard, wrap it with laces and stick it on top of the lantern using Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue. Let it dry. µ\¡${~«H$ Ho$ D$nar {hñgo {ÌH$moUmH$ma {S>µOmBZ, ~rM Ho$ {hñgo na dmabr {S>µOmBZ Am¡a {ZMbo {hñgo na Mm¡ImZoXma {S>µOmBZ ~Zm b|. A~ H$mS>©~moS>© go EH$ Am`VmH$ma Qw>H$‹S>m H$mQ>|. Bgo amob H$aHo$, µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO Zmo pñQ>M µ\¡${~«H$ ½bw go Bg na ZoS²>g {MnH$mH$a, {g{bpÊS´>H$b b¡ÝQ>Z© eoS> V¡`ma H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 5 H$mS>©~moS>© go EH$ h¡ÊS>b AmH$ma H$m Qw>H$‹S>m H$mQ>|. Bg na bog bnoQ>H$a, b¡ÝQ>Z© Ho$ D$nar {hñgo na Bgo µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO Zmo pñQ>M µ\¡${~«H$ ½bw go {MnH$m X|. 6 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 19 Decorative Wall Hanging Pallavi Patel has created this beautiful wall hanging to celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights and power. Material Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour (Golden Yellow 09, Chrome Yellow 03, Dark Green 06, Crimson 04), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue, Fine Art Painting Brush, Fevicol MR, Wudfin, Paper Pulp, Clay, Flower shaped MDF board and Mirror. Method 5 Paint the coil design with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic colour - Crimson and Dark Green. Let it dry. 1 Clean the MDF board and draw a design on it. EH$ E_ S>r Eµ\$ ~moS>© H$mo gmµ\$ H$aHo$, Bg na {S>µOmBZ ~Zm b|. 2 Mix the paper pulp, clay and Fevicol MR to make a mixture. 6 Further enhance the design by sticking mirrors on it using Fevicol MR. Let it dry. A~ nona nën, Šbo Am¡a µ\o${dH$m°b E_ Ama {_bmH$a, {_lU V¡`ma H$a b|. 3 Use this mixture to create coils and stick them as embellishments on the design using Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue. Let them dry. H$m°Bb {S>µOmBZ H$mo µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mO EH«o${bH$ H$ba - {H«$_gZ Am¡a S>mH©$ J«rZ go n|Q> H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|. A~ {S>µOmBZ na µ\o${d{H«$b E_ Ama go {_aa {MnH$mH$a, Bgo Am¡a gOm X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 7 Apply a coat of Wudfin to laminate the board. Bg {_lU go µ\$m°Bb ~ZmH$a, BÝh| µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO Zmo pñQ>M µ\¡${~«H$ ½by go {S>µOmBZ na {MnH$mH$a gOm X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. Hobby Ideas Ceramic Colours Permanent & Water Based ~moS>© H$mo bo{_ZoQ> H$aZo Ho$ {bE Bg na dwS>{µ\$Z H$m EH$ H$moQ> bJm X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 4 Apply a base colour of Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour Chrome Yellow on the board. Let it dry. ~moS>© na µ\o${d{H«$b hm°~r AmB{S>`mµO EH«o${bH$ H$ba - H«$mo_ `obmo H$m ~og H$ba bJm X|. Bgo gyIZo X|. 1 20 2 3 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 4 5 6 7 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 21 The Pidilite Resource Team has created this beautiful pooja thali with floral designs to add sparkle to your festive offerings. Peacock Toran Material Material Hobby Ideas Glass Colour - Water Based (Tomato Red 851, Golden Yellow 852, Sea Blue 853, Brown 855, Pink 856, Orange 860), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner (Glitter Gold 501), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour (Pearl Metallic Gold 352), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue, Sponge, Hobby Ideas Glue ‘n’ Gloss, Kundans, Diya, Design sheet & Steel plate. Hobby Ideas Glass Colour - Water Based (Tomato Red 851, Golden Yellow 852, Sea Blue 853, Crystal Green 854, Brown 855, Pink 856, Orange 860), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner (Glitter Silver 502), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue, OHP Sheets, Kundans, Beads and Nylon thread. Method Method 1 Take a sponge, dip it in Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour Pearl Metallic Gold and paint the whole plate. Let it dry. 2 Apply a layer of Hobby Ideas Glue ‘n’ Gloss on the painted surface to make it glossy. Let it dry. 3 Stick the design sheet on the painted surface using Hobby Ideas Glue ‘n’ Gloss. Let it dry. 4 Outline the design with 3D Outliner - Glitter Gold. Let it dry. 5 Fill the design with Hobby Ideas Glass Colour - Water Based Tomato Red, Golden Yellow, Sea Blue, Pink and Orange. 6 Further decorate the diya by sticking kundans on it and stick a lace around the border of the plate using Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue. Let it dry. 1 Draw or trace a peacock design on the OHP sheet. 2 Trace the design using 3D Outliner - Glitter Silver. 3 Fill in the design with Hobby Ideas Glass Colours - Water Based - Tomato Red, Golden Yellow, Sea Blue, Crystal Green, Pink, Orange as shown in the picture. Let it dry. 4 Cut out the motifs from the OHP sheet. 5 Cut another plain OHP sheet according to the same motif and stick it in such a way that you sandwich the coloured area. Use Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue. 6 Further decorate the toran by sticking kundans on the design using Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue. 7 Thread in the OHP motifs and the beads to form the toran. Antique Candle Holder Floral Rangoli This antique looking candle holder, created by the Resource Centre Team, will fill your room with brightness, warmth and light during the festive season. Material Material Method Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner (Gold 352), Candle Holder and Kundans. 1 Cut one square measuring 5”x 5” out of the mount board & another from the green glitter paper. 2 Cut 4 semi circles of 2.5” radii from the mount board & the maroon glitter paper, stick them with Fevicol Decoration Glue. 3 Stick the laces & golden beads using Fevicol Decoration Glue. 4 Stick readymade patches on the centre of the semi-circular shapes along with resham dori using Fevicol Decoration Glue. 5 Further decorate the patches by sticking colourful stones around it using Fevicol Decoration Glue. Let them dry. 6 Arrange the shapes and create a new rangoli everyday to beautify your doorway. Method 1 Clean a wooden candle holder, or any old antique article, thoroughly to remove dust. 2 Put droplets of Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner - Gold on the candle holder, place red kundans on the droplets and press them to form rings around the kundans. Let it dry. 3 Repeat the procedure to complete the background of the candle holder. 22 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 GALLERY Floral Pooja Thali This beautiful door hanging, created by the Pidilite Resource Team, is a traditional method to welcome guests and prosperity. Fevicol Decoration Glue, Mount board, Glitter paper (Maroon, Green), 1/2” Thick golden lace, Flat beads (White, Gold), Resham Dori (Gold, White, Colourful stones & Ready made circlular bead patches. Julie Joshi has created this folding rangoli to enhance the beauty of the doorway during the festive season. FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 23 Lippon Work Painting The Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Kala Milan Club, initiated by Pidilite Industries Ltd., provides an apt platform for Hobby Ideas Teachers to share their ideas with other teachers and experiment with new concepts. Creative Minds Corner Material Fevicol MR, Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour (White 27, Indian Red 10), Hobby Ideas Glue ‘n’ Gloss, Fine Art Painting Brush, Prime Eezytear Tape, Beaded hard board, Red mud, Ceramic powder, Scissors, Plastic sheet and Mirrors. Method 1 2 3 4 5 Anuradha Gopal, from the Bangalore Kalamilan Club, has enlivened the age old lippon art through this creation. 6 7 8 9 Trace the design on the smooth side of the hard board. Cut a plastic piece, make a cone out of it and stick its ends with Prime Eezytear Tape. Mix Fevicol MR and ceramic powder and fill the cone with it. Use the cone to outline the design. Let it dry. Mix red mud and Glue ‘n’ Gloss in a proportion of 1:1/2 spoon. Add some water to this mixture into a running consistency & then add Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour - Indian Red. Paint the whole board with this mixture. Let it dry. Use Acrylic Colour - White to paint the cone work. Let it dry Further decorate the design by sticking mirrors using Fevicol MR. Let it dry. Masai Painting Material Hobby Ideas Colour Spray (Shimmer Pink 477), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner (Pearl Metallic Gold 352), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour (White 27, Dark Green 06, Lemon yellow 11, Crimson 04, Black 02), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue, Toothpick and MDF board. CREATIVE FESTIVE KITS Diwali, a festival of lights, is a joyous occasion to reach out to family and friends and seek the Almighty’s blessings for a prosperous and happy life. This festive spirit is enlivened with beautiful decoration, lots of mouthwatering sweets and the love of dear one’s. Hence, in order to be a part of this festival, Fevicryl Hobby Ideas has introduced three special kits to leave its imprints in your celebration. These kits serve multi-purpose functions. These kits come with all the materials required to prepare a kandil or a rangoli with an easy to follow instruction sheet. The materials in these packages are easy to use and are readily available. These can be used to create rangolis of different patterns and can be used repeatedly over a period of time. Hence, show the sparkle of your fingers & create something different to enlighten your house this year. These kits are: • Decorative Glass Colour Rangoli • Traditional Glass Colour Rangoli • Floral Glass Colour Kandil Method 1 2 3 4 Anju Sharma, from the Lucknow Kalamilan Club, has created this beautiful Masai Painting with a traditional touch. 24 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 Paint the MDF board with Acrylic Colour - Black. Spray Hobby Ideas Colour Spray - Shimmer Pink over it. Draw or trace the Masai design on it. Outline the design with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner – Pearl Metallic Gold. Let it dry. 5 Mix Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour - White with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue and paint the dresses of the figures with it. 6 Then use a toothpick and Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour - Dark Green, Lemon Yellow and Crimson to create textures on the dresses of the figures. Let them dry. FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 25 Inspiring Creativity Young Ladies High School at Fort, Mumbai, is the epitome of true inspiration. This institution inspires its students to delve into the world of creativity and discover their own creative aspects. Your moment of fame is just a mail away. Send your CREATIVE HAND contributions to the address mentioned below and Kajal Patel, Std VII Material Colstar Oil Pastel, Pencil and Black chart paper. Method 1 2 3 4 Draw a swallow portrait on the black chart paper. Start using the Colstar Oil Pastels to colour the portrait. Use bold strokes to complete the portrait with different shades of Colstar Oil Pastels. Frame the picture. Floral Bag CREATIVE HAND Aafreen Siddique, Std IX Material Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour (Pink 18, Lemon Yellow11, Light Green 12, Prussian Blue 19), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner (Glitter Black 415), Fine Art Painting Brush and Plain fabric bag. you could be featured in your favourite Art & Craft magazine. All entries featured in this section will Butterfly on flowers be presented with fabulous gift hampers as a token CREATIVE HAND Please note Mubbashira Shaikh, Std VII of appreciation. Only entries from school teachers and students will be accepted. Material Hobby Ideas Glass Colour - Water Based (Pink 856, Crystal Green 854, Ultramarine Blue 859, Golden Yellow 852, Orange 860, Tomato Red 851), Hobby Ideas Glass Outliner (Black 832), Fevicol MR, Aluminium sheet and Glass Piece. Method 1 Clean the glass piece and draw a butterfly design on a bunch of flowers on the reverse side of the glass. 2 Outline the design with Hobby Ideas Glass Outliner - Black. Let it dry. 3 Fill the design with Hobby Ideas Glass Colour - Water Based Pink, Crystal Green, Ultramarine Blue, Golden Yellow, Orange and Tomato Red. Let it dry. 4 Crush the aluminium sheet and stick it on the reverse side of the glass using Fevicol MR. 5 Frame the picture. Pidilite Industries Ltd. Feviart, Art & Craft Resource Centre, Publication Division, Ramakrishna Mandir Road, Kondivita, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400059 For further details, contact our customer care department T 022 28357387, F 022 28357700, *Conditions Apply. Creative Minds Corner Swallow Portrait Method 1 2 3 26 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 Draw or trace a floral design on the fabric bag. Paint the design with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour - Pink, Lemon Yellow, Light Green and Prussian Blue. Further enhance the design with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner - Glitter Black. Let it dry. FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 27 Impressionist Subscribe Now Pierre-Auguste Renoir Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841 - 1919) was a French artist, who was a leading painter in the development of the Impressionist style. As a celebrator 1 Name Mr/Ms of beauty, and especially feminine sensuality, it has been said that Address Age “Renoir is the final representative of a tradition which runs directly from Ruben to Watteau.” In 1862, he began studying art under Charles Gleyre in Paris. There he met Alfred Sisley, Frédéric Bazille City and Claude Monet. Renoir first started exhibiting paintings at the State Pin code STD code E-mail Paris Salon in 1864. Recognition did not come for another ten years Mob due, in part, to the turmoil of the Franco-Prussian War. Occupation Cheque/DD No. Dated Drawn on TICK Renoir’s paintings are notable for their vibrant light and saturated Amount colour. In characteristic Impressionist style, Renoir suggested the TERM NO.OF ISSUES COVER PRICE YOU PAY YOU SAVE 3 YEARS 12 ` 600 ` 540 ` 60 2 YEARS 08 ` 400 ` 360 ` 40 1 YEAR 04 ` 200 ` 180 ` 20 details of a scene through freely brushed touches of colour, so that his figures softly fused with one another and their surroundings. One of the best known Impressionist works is Renoir’s 1876 Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette (Bal du moulin de la Galette). The painting depicts an open-air scene crowded with people at a popular dance garden on the Butte Montmartre, close to where he lived. A prolific artist, he made several thousand paintings. The warm sensuality of Renoir’s style made his paintings some of the most well known and frequently reproduced works in the history of art. PLEASE TICK Mumbai Cheque Only Outstation DD only PLEASE NOTE Cheque/DDs to be drawn in favour of Pidilite Industries Ltd. The subscription price is based on cover price of ` 50. Do not send cash. Allow 3-4 weeks for processing your subscription. Include your area pin code for prompt delivery of your copy. Mention your name, telephone no and address on the reverse of the Cheque/DD. • This form can be photocopied for multiple subscriptions. • • • • • • Paintings of Renoir Please fill the coupon in capital letters and mail it with your cheque/dd to PIDILITE INDUSTRIES LTD. FEVIART, Art & Craft Resource Centre, Publication Division, Ramakrishna Mandir Road, Kondivita, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400059. For further details, contact our customer care department T + 91 22 28357387 E-MAIL feviart@pidilite.co.in I have read the terms and conditions and I would like to avail the offer Signature 28 Date FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 29 Pidilite Industries Limited Regent Chambers Mumbai 400 021 For further details contact Pidilite Industries Limited Resource Centre, Ramkrishna Mandir Road Andheri - E, Mumbai 400 059 T +91 22 28357387 www.pidilite.com feviart@pidilite.co.in 30 FeviArt | Vol 6 | Issue 1 | July-Sept ‘11 Registration No. MAHBIL/2006/17391 Sept 2011 Create a new dimension in Glass Painting
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