e x p r e s s i o n...

Winter 09-10:dec newsletter 12/1/09 10:07 AM Page 1
A Ministry of Women for Life, Inc.
Doctors Park, Suite 405
1517 Nicholasville Road
Lexington, KY 40503
Non-Profit Org.
US Postage
Permit No. 415
Lexington, KY
expressions of
Winter 2009
a newsletter of Women for Life, Inc.
Sanctity of Life Sunday is Jan. 24: Materials
Now Available!
efforts to empower young men to be strong
Sanctity of Human Life
Sunday Materials
Men’s Ministry Update
Every Day Miracles:
A Client Story
Choosing Life Pays Off
CHOOSE LIFE license plates are increasing in
popula-rity and effect! This year they brought in
$37,488 up from nearly $6000 in the first year and
approximately $29,000 last year." Hooray for
Kentucky! The check our Center received from
your donations was $3,338.
When it's time to renew, remember your license
plate can save lives! Make sure your County
Clerk knows to direct the $10 gift from the sale of
the plate to the nearest pregnancy resource
center (Us!). Thanks to those who are already
sporting one. For more information, visit
REACH Boutique Revamp
Assurance would like to express our great
appreciation to the team from Center Pointe
Church for the incredible work they did on
revamping our REACH Boutique with new
paint, shelving and clothes containers.
Donate Online to Women for Life
Supporters of Women for Life can make donations to the ministry
via our secure, online giving feature. Visit www.womenforlife.org
and click the “Donate” button from the homepage. (All donations
are processed via Authorize.net, a trusted industry processor of
electronic transactions.)
Life fly
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of 2010
What’s Inside!
Do Your Christmas Shopping with GoodShop
When doing your online Christmas shopping
this year, think of Women for Life before you
finalize your purchase. More than 700 of your favorite internet
retailers including Amazon, eBay, Best Buy, Target, Apple, Expedia
and more will donate a percentage of all your purchases to us at no
additional cost to you!
It takes just a few seconds to go to www.goodshop.com, select
"Women for Life" as your charity, and then click through to your
favorite store and shop as usual. Also, Yahoo has teamed up with
GoodShop's sister-site, GoodSearch.com, to donate a penny to your
cause every time you search the Web. This is totally free as the
money comes from advertisers.
Please tell 10 friends about GoodShop and GoodSearch today!
Thank you,
MOPS group at
Porter Memorial
Baptist Church,
for the adorable
handmade baby
On-going Center Needs
Donations of everything from computers to tissues
are precious to our ministry! Please consider if you
or your group might be able to contribute some of
the following items: paper products (tissues, toilet
paper, paper towels), copy paper, blank note cards
(for thank you notes, etc.), bottled water, cleaning
supplies, baby wipes (esp. anti-bacterial wipes),
diapers, and preemie clothes.
859.278.8469 • www.womenforlife.org
supporters and involved fathers?
Assurance is here to support all our
local churches as they observe Sanctity of
Life Sunday. We have many resources
available: professionally designed
educational flyers (at no cost), videos and
speakers to assist with planning your 2010
Sanctity of Life celebration! Our goal is to
bring awareness to the sanctity of all human
life, as well as ways your church family can
be a part of the difference we’ve been
making in this community for nearly 25
Call 859.278.8469 to secure the FREE
educational flyers for your congregation or
visit www.womenforlife.org for more
Reaching ‘Joe Client’
Given a chance to take her first breath,
she can accomplish anything.
Given a chance to smile into his mom’s
eyes, he will own her heart for life.
Since 1985, Assurance has been in the
business of giving chances. To date, more
than 1,950 children have been given a
chance. On Sunday, Jan. 24th we invite you
to celebrate with us those lives and the lives
of the thousands more to come “if given a
chance” through the 2010 Sanctity of Life
Sunday celebration.
Will you take a stand this year and join
us as we celebrate this important day? Will
you speak up for the millions of unborn
babies? Will you support young women
facing difficult circumstances who feel they
have nowhere to turn? Will you join our
by Ryan Douglas
When God provided the board and staff of
Assurance with a vision to begin reaching
“Joe Client” in late 2008, He was already
putting into place the necessary resources
to launch this new aspect of ministry. In a
matter of a few months, we had our first
group of male volunteers committed to
becoming equipped to meet “Joe” wherever
he was in life. The single most startling
statistic that originally drove us to this type
of outreach and continues to move us to
serve these men is this: 80% of post-abortive
women said they would have chosen life for
their babies if the men involved would have
spoken up for the baby’s life. cont. on page 3
859.278.8469 • www.womenforlife.org
Every Day Miracles
by Ande Jelley, Counseling Supervisor
February brought cold weather and
a beautiful young lady named Monica to
Assurance. Walking into the intake
room, I saw a petite, young woman
with fear in her eyes. Small talk was
made in an effort to ease the tension.
Monica was a graduate student
planning to complete her Masters
degree in May. She was working as a
waitress to support herself through
school. When she wasn’t in class or
working, the party scene was her home.
A missed period wasn’t in the plans.
For Monica, alcohol and men had been
the perfect recipe for disaster. The guy
in the picture had no clue Monica was
dealing with the thought of an
unplanned, unwanted pregnancy. There
were no plans to inform the guy of a
pregnancy because Monica knew he
wasn’t interested in being a father.
Monica was going to graduate with a
huge amount of debt, no male support
for a pregnancy, no father for her baby
and no job.
The answer? Abortion. Or so she
thought. As the risks and abortion
procedures were explained to her, a
new look appeared on Monica’s face. It
was a look of dread. She knew her
choice was one the most difficult ones
she would ever have to make. After
talking awhile, I discovered Monica was
from a single parent family. She didn’t
want that kind of a struggling life for
herself or a baby. Who could blame
continued on page 2
Winter 09-10:dec newsletter 12/1/09 10:07 AM Page 2
Love Walk 2009 Report
Every Day Miracles
(continued from front page)
Monica and Preston
The ultrasound we did that day showed
that Monica was very early in her pregnancy and she was encouraged to come for
a second ultrasound in two weeks. I was
able to share with Monica that her Creator
knew every ounce of pain and fear she was
carrying at that moment. The tears began to
flow and we prayed together, surrendering
the situation.
Two weeks later, the ultrasound
confirmed that the pregnancy was viable.
After the ultrasound, we talked about
where Monica was with the situation.
Despite all odds, fears and misgivings,
Monica had decided to keep her baby.
A few weeks ago, I received a phone
call asking if I would be up for a visitor.
With great anticipation, I replied yes! In
the door walked Monica, her mom and
another one of God’s most amazing
miracles. His name is Preston and he the
picture of perfection. Monica’s mom
greeted all of the staff and told us how
excited she was to meet all of us. She’d
heard so many wonderful things about the
ladies at Assurance from Monica and what
they meant to her.
We don’t always get to meet the
babies whose lives have been saved by
our ministry, but when we do they are
extraordinary gifts from God! Preston and
Monica inspire us all to keep working
despite the challenges. I Cor. 15:58 comes
to mind, and we will keep on!
Volunteer Spotlight: Why I Volunteer at Assurance
by Linda Leugers
“I volunteer because I feel God has invited me to be a
part of the Kingdom work He is doing at Assurance. I had
been rather passive about my position on abortion until I
heard Mo and the author of Reconciled speak to our Sunday
school class. The book ignited a passion not just for
speaking out about abortion, but for offering women in
crisis compassion, understanding, information and hope in
the name of Jesus.
I view my work at Assurance as mission work.
Sometimes it is thought that we have to travel to some distant place to be a
missionary. I only drive about 15 minutes to get to Assurance and I have the ultimate
privilege to represent Jesus and offer His care, His hope and His love with those who
need His touch. Each month I create the schedule for the Center and Hotline
volunteers. I also meet with clients, and time and time again I have seen women
convinced that an abortion was their only option, but when they see their babies are
forming and that the heart is beating on the ultrasound they change their minds.
I have grown spiritually through the Assurance community. I believe the work at
Assurance is on the frontline battling Satan for the next generation. Most women in
crisis pregnancies do not want to abort their babies, but feel helpless and hopeless. I
have learned to listen and to encourage them to think beyond their circumstances.
One client that stands out to me is a young lady who came thinking she was coming
to an abortion clinic. She saw no way that she would be able to have her baby. We
talked, looked for options and then… the ultrasound. Prayers were being said as the
procedure was underway. After the ultrasound she ‘melted’. She was so grateful that
she had come to us and indicated that she was going to find a way to have her baby.”
– Linda Leugers
Assurance volunteer, Linda Leugers, is a wife, mother, former school principal, a worker
and lover of the Lord. As with all our wonderful volunteers, these traits and experiences
come into play as she gives generously of herself at our Center. If you feel led to investigate
how God might use your giftedness at Assurance, check out www.womenforlife.org and
click on the “Volunteer” tab to see the possibilities, or call the Center at 859.278.8469.
With the chill of fall in the air, the 15th Annual Love Walk was a heartwarming day
to celebrate life. Held Saturday, Oct. 10 at Applebee’s Park in Lexington, KY, more than
250 dedicated supporters of all ages turned out for the event.
With any event of this magnitude, it can’t be done without many helping hands.
Thank you to our countless volunteers who served in immeasurable ways to make this
day possible. From meeting weekly on the Love Walk Planning Team to painting faces
to helping register walkers the day of the event; we appreciate your time and talents.
The generous support of local business sponsors through monetary gifts and giftin-kind donations, and walker pledges from 140 sponsored walkers brought this year’s
Love Walk total to over $51,000! Check out more photos at www.womenforlife.org.
Welcome Aboard
We are blessed to
introduce our newest
staff member, Dr.
Regina Berry. Regina
serves part-time as
Counselor and
Outreach Director
when she is not working
as Executive Director of
the Center for Family
and Community Services. She and
her husband, Michael, both Lexington
natives, have been married for 34
years and have two daughters, four
grandchildren and one great
Regina first served Assurance on our
Strategic Planning Committee. When
asked if she would consider this
position she gave it prayer and
thought and accepted in obedience
to a call from the Lord. In her own
“My spiritual gifts of compassion,
giving, teaching, and discernment
have always led me to support
women and children. This certainly will
not change at Assurance. However,
God has revealed to me that I will be
a part of a capacity building initiative
here at Assurance that will facilitate
healing to a larger number of people
of diverse races and backgrounds in
Lexington and beyond.
I was recently blessed to witness a
counseling session where Aaron and
Peggy (two volunteers) ministered to
an African American family. At the
end of the session, Mo suggested that
Debora (board member, Debora
Lanier) and I be introduced to the
couple and their young daughter
because they recently started
attending our church. Aaron, Peggy,
Debora and I talked, cried, and
prayed with the family. Debora was
able to offer Christian peers for the
girl to meet. It was apparent the
family left feeling supported,
respected and loved. I am truly
excited about the promise of this
capacity building initiative!”
Peace and Blessings,
Regina Berry, Ph.D
Thanks to our
friends at
Freedom Radio!
2009 TOP Walkers
Bruce Willis & Family
John Slugantz
George & Patty Gilpin
Isabella Cross
Butch & Pam Vernon
Marshall & Donna Kearns
Lorri Mills
Hans & Kendra Hahnenstein
Friend of Assurance
Thanks to our 2009 Love Walk
Business Sponsors!
Reaching ‘Joe Client’
Champion for Life
continued from front page
Since July 2009, our Male Client
Advocates have ministered one-onone with 40 men involved in a crisis
or unplanned pregnancy. They have
provided a compassionate, listening
ear, educated the men on the truths
about abortion and challenged them
to partner with the mother of their
child to choose life. The men also
hear a message of hope, as our
volunteers affirm the value that they
have in Christ.
We need additional men to
partner with us and to become
client advocates, mentors and role
models. If you would like to join us
as we work to guide men to become
responsible fathers, reestablish
men’s views of manhood and to
ultimately see God turn the hearts
of these men towards His Son,
please contact Ryan Douglas at
Gainesway Small Animal Clinic
Lynn Imaging’s Monster Color
Physicians Sales & Service, Scott Stanley
Partner in Vision
Integrity IT
Mike Kerwin Custom Homes
Pedal Power
Pruitt Property Inspection Inc.
Round Mtn. Biological & Environmental
Drayer Physical Therapy Institute
First Southern National Bank
Jimmy Nash Homes
Karen Billings Design
Lexington Infectious Disease Consultants
McKenney Carpet & Flooring
McCauley Team Real Estate, Milestone Realty
Modern Web Studios
Tatro Capital
The UPS Store of Hamburg & Tates Creek
In-Kind Sponsors
Commonwealth Technology
Danelle Alexis Photography
Dr. Jeanie Dassow, OBGYN
Freedom Radio
Lexington Women’s Health, PLLC, Dr. Jeanne
Bobby Willhoite Golf for Life Raises $10,000
The 8th annual Bobby
Willhoite Golf for Life was
held Sunday, Sept. 27 at Golf
Club of the Bluegrass.
Conducted annually by our
friends from Broadway
Christian Church and the
AGAPE Class, this event helps
to propel our ministry by
donating all proceeds to
Assurance. With 19 teams, this
year's Golf for Life raised $10,000!
Thanks to Broadway Christian
Church and the AGAPE Class for their
wonderful support of this ministry and the businesses who
supported this year's event.
We would like to extend a
special thank you to Dion Spencer
and Craig Yates for their
dedication to make this event
Plans are underway for the
2010 Golf for Life.To volunteer or
for more information on next
year's event, contact Craig Yates at
cyates@broadwaychristian.com or call
2009 Golf for Life Sponsors: Horizon Financial Group, COPS Class, Kentucky Insurance Group,
Gary Ginn, Journey Class, Yeagle Contracting, Seybold Heating & Air, Jim & Janet McClanahan,
Hampton Inn of Winchester, Encourager’s Class, Sisters In Spirit Class, Spark’s Plumbing, H&W Realty
Consultants, ZZ Turf, Reliable Roofing, Jeff & Mary Richeson, Davis, Edens & Stanbaugh Dental,
Dinsmore & Shohl LLP, Garcia Concrete Construction, Missions MAC, AGAPE Class and BB&T.
Assurance Ministry Statistics Jan. 1 – Nov. 1, 2009
1,330 Client visits
540 Clients at risk for abortion
778 Pregnancy tests
572 Positive tests
220 Positive tests at risk of abortion prior to counseling and
98 Abortion-leaning clients known to have chosen to parent
their babies after counseling and/or ultrasound
15 Clients considering adoption plans after counseling
67 Clients at risk for abortion who’s decisions remain unknown
475 Clients who had a spiritual discussion
218 Clients who heard the gospel presented (seed planted or
15 Clients committing or recommitting their lives to Christ
1,958 Lives Known to be Saved since Center Opened in 1985