Annual Report Committed to Empowerment... 2014 Foreword by the Chairman of the Board of Directors I have always believed that, as Palestinians, we have no choice but to be hopeful. Ours is a story of farmers, teachers, business owners, bedouins, refugees, of men and women, young and old—at home and in the diaspora—who all share the same dream of living as free people with dignity. But, beyond our hope that there are better days ahead, we believe that the future is ours to shape. In that spirit, we are determined to build a state that is worthy of our people’s sacrifices and our children’s promise, a state that advances values that are universally shared: tolerance, equality, justice and human dignity. We want a state that derives its strength from its transformative potential by unleashing new ideas and empowering its citizens to create positive realities on the ground. This means building and equipping schools; providing access to new technologies that improve agricultural productivity; investing in renewable energy to enhance sustainability; revitalizing historic sites as a means of reclaiming our national heritage; and empowering the marginalized segments of our society by investing in small and medium-sized enterprises that harness their productivity and lift them out of poverty. In essence, not only do these initiatives cultivate ingenuity; they inspire a sense of possibility that stands in direct opposition to the sense of hopelessness and despair precipitated by a seemingly endless occupation. By enabling us to see a state in the making, they undercut the pervasive sentiment of defeatism that so often afflicts us. With that in mind, efforts must be focused on empowering our people, particularly those living in areas that are most adversely affected by the occupation—especially Jerusalem, Gaza, and the Jordan Valley—by working with them to develop and implement sustainable, community-based initiatives to reinforce their steadfastness. It is this fundamental principle—enduring, in spite of the occupation, to end it—that is the bedrock of Future for Palestine (FFP). Since its founding in August 2013, FFP has implemented more than 100 development projects, with a focus on strengthening the resilience and steadfastness of Palestinians in their homeland. FFP has spearheaded quality development interventions in education, health, culture and the arts, agriculture and renewable energy, and implemented home repair and rehabilitation projects in refugee camps. In August 2014, FFP launched “Stand for Palestine: Support Gaza,” a grassroots campaign for aid relief to Gaza, which has paved the way for implementing important development interventions in Gaza in the coming year. This report showcases FFP’s various projects and initiatives, and includes our audited financial statements for 2014. Spending on projects totaled approximately $6.2 million, $1 million of which went to a renewable energy project aimed at reducing electricity cost for the residents of the Old City of Jerusalem. As the largest alternative energy project to ever be implemented in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, it reflects FFP’s forward-looking vision and the high empowerment content of its programs and initiatives. Of course, none of this would have been possible without the generous support of the United Arab Emirates, whose commitment to supporting FFP reflects a most noble and enduring commitment to Palestinian self-determination and regional peace and stability. I am especially grateful for the allocation of an increasing portion of the Emirates Red Crescent’s generous assistance program for various development projects in Palestine. I am also very grateful to the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Czech Republic for their contribution to our development efforts, and I look forward to expanding our donor base in 2015. I would be remiss were I not to extend my sincere gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to my FFP colleagues on the Board of Directors and General Assembly for their dedication and commitment to FFP and to the furtherance of its objectives. I owe a special thanks to our technical and administrative team for their hard work and professionalism, which have played a crucial role in ensuring high levels of efficiency and effectiveness in managing FFP’s operations. Last but not least, I would like to thank our development partners and the thousands of beneficiaries of FFP’s initiatives, who provided valuable input, feedback and guidance on FFP’s priorities. With full and abiding commitment to empowerment for Palestine, Salam Fayyad Chairman March 19, 2015 Board of Directors of “Future for Palestine” Salam Fayyad Khaled Al-Qawasmi Mohammad Chairman of the Board Deputy Chairman Abd Al-Qadir Al-Husseini Secretary Mahmoud Abu Mwais Majid Abu Ramadan Janet Mikhail Raji Zeidan Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Table of Contents Areas of Operation of “Future for Palestine” 04 Organizational Structure 05 Summary 06 Jerusalem 08 The so-called “Area C” 12 “Stand for Palestine, Support Gaza” 16 Education 20 Palestinian Identity: Culture and the Arts 24 Social Sector 28 Agriculture Development 36 Marginalized and Most Affected Areas 40 Economic Empowerment 44 Renewable Energy 48 Financial Statements 54 Areas of Operation of Future for Palestine Education Palestinian Identity: Culture and Arts Social Sector Agriculture Development Marginalized and most Affected Areas Economic Empowerment Renewable Energy 5 | Annual Report 2014 • Rehabilitation and furnishing of schools and higher education institutions • Rehabilitation and equipping of vocational education institutions • Rehabilitation and furnishing of cultural centers • Supporting Culture and the Arts initiatives & activities • Rehabilitating and equipping health centers • Building and enhancing the educational environment of preschools and kindergartens • Building and rehabilitating sports facilities • Enhancing services provided to senior citizens and people with special needs • Empowering non-governmental organizations • Rehabilitation of water wells used for irrigation • Reclamation of farmland • Supporting animal husbandry development • Rehabilitation of homes • Supporting Infrastructure development • Enhancing humanitarian services • “Stand for Palestine, Support Gaza” Campaign • Providing equipment for small-scale projects • Empowering product-making NGOs • Empowering small- and medium-sized businesses • Enabling key educational and health institutions to utilize solar energy • Enabling marginalized areas to utilize solar energy • Enabling communities to connect to electricity supply network Organizational Structure “Future for Palestine” has, since it’s founding, striven to be pioneer in development and to be highly efficient in management. To this end, FFP set up managerial and financial functions systems on the basis of high international standards and best practice. FFP has adopted a system of internal financial control and appointed an external international auditor to audit its accounts on a quarterly basis. Moreover, FFP uses a modern financial system, an electronic archiving system, and a computerized system to manage projects in order to ensure effectiveness. FFP has also developed a website where it posts projects and initiatives, audited financial reports, and invitations for bids in order to ensure transparency. To ensure cost-effectiveness, FFP has adopted hiring standards, that emphasize experience, competence, and proven ability to achieve results. FFP has a ten-member staff team, including support staff. The organizational structure of FFP ensures that the team communicates and cooperates easily for efficient, effective, and speedy project implementation. “Transparency and accountability are keys to management success. FFP has, therefore, adopted a financial and managerial system consistent with high international standards. FFP’s accounts are externally audited on a quarterly basis. FFP posts audited financial reports on its website.” Emile Said - Administration and Finance Manager Annual Report 2014 | 6 Summary 2014: Our First Year Renewable Energy 3 Economic Empowerment 11 Marginalized and Most Affected Areas 30 Agriculture Development 15 Social Sector million $ 2,8 30 10 Education $ 6,2 Palestinian Identity: Culture and the Arts 114 projects beneficiaries 40,000 million spent in East Jerusalem 15 Number of Projects Annual Report 2014 | 8 Jerusalem The Crown Jewel Al-Hassan II School, East Jerusalem Edward Said National Conservatory of Music , East Jerusalem Burj Al-Luqluq Social Center Society, East Jerusalem Sewar Association, East Jerusalem In view of the severe impact of the occupation authorities’ policies and practices on the Palestinian population of East Jerusalem, FFP focuses efforts on strategic interventions designed to help bolster resilience in the face of adversity. FFP interventions in East Jerusalem include six key sectors, namely, education, alternative energy, Palestinian identity, civil society organizations, marginalized areas, and economic empowerment. FFP has so far spent approximately US$ 2.8 million, or 45% of its total development expenditure in 2014, on development projects in East Jerusalem and US$ 3.5 million, or 56% of the total expenditure, on development projects in the Jerusalem Governorate. Distribution of Projects Expenditure by Sector in East Jerusalem in 2014 2% 6% Renewable Energy Education Marginalized and most Affected Areas Social Sector Palestinian Identity Economic Empowerment 36% 19% 15% 22% FFP helped 5,000 households in the Old City of Jerusalem with their electricity bills. The cost of this intervention was approximately US$ 1.6 million, including US$ 1 million paid for the first phase of the renewable energy project, which was an endowment to help reduce cost of electricity, and US$ 600,000 to assist in paying electricity bills before operating the solar energy project. The education sector’s share of FFP’s development projects registered US$ 650,000, followed by the share of NGOs’ sustainability projects and Palestinian identity protection projects. Dar Al Hekma School, East Jerusalem 11 | Annual Report 2014 Al-Hassan II School, East Jerusalem FFP seeks to ensure more interventions in East Jerusalem in 2015 by investing more in solar energy, NGOs’ sustainability, Palestinian identity protection, empowerment of the private sector, and education. “We will safeguard Palestinian presence in East Jerusalem by supporting Palestinian institutions to function and enhancing the resilience of the Palestinian population of East Jerusalem in the face of the policies of the occupation, which have isolated East Jerusalem from it’s Palestinian surroundings.” Mohammad Abd Al-Qadir Al-Husseini Chairman of the Board of Directors, Faisial Husseini Foundation Jerusalem Governorate Projects $3.5 million 5000 32 2000 Families Establishments Students 40 Projects Annual Report 2014 | 12 The so-called “Area C” An Integral Part of the State of Palestine Completed Projects of 2014 & Tulkarem Ongoing Projects of 2015 in so-called “Area C” Qalqilia Salfeet Tubas Ramallah Jericho Hebron so-called “Area C”, West Bank Agriculture Development 30 Projects Marginalized and most Affected Areas 5 Projects Economic Empowerment 1 Project Palestinian Identity 1 Project The so-called “Area C” comprises 60% of the West Bank area. It stretches along the western border of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley. In addition to the severe adverse impact of the settlements and the Wall, “Area C”, which is mostly rural, is subject to Israeli policies that impede Palestinian construction, access to basic services, farming and harvesting of farmlands and the utilization of natural resources. More than 150,000 Palestinians live in “Area C”, mostly in small, scattered localities, including bedouin localities where 35,000 people live and rely on raising livestock as their main source of income. Palestinians living in “Area C” are constantly under threat of expulsion and house demolition. Al-Khan Al-Ahmar FFP tries to provide the population of “Area C”, especially at distant localities, with basic services such as water and electricity. FFP helps farmers rehabilitate water wells and pursues socio-economic empowerment for bedouin families. The total value of FFP’s projects implemented in “Area C” in 2014 was US$100,000. Dardala, Turmus Ayya 15 | Annual Report 2014 Moreover, FFP has allocated US$4.5 million for the implementation of vital projects in “Area C” in 2015. Hence, FFP signed two cooperation agreements with the Emirates Red Crescent totaling six million dollars, which will mostly be spent during the first half of 2015. Rehabilitation of Ras Atiyi Water Well, Qalqilia “Efforts must be doubled to enable farmers to rehabilitate water wells and use electricity to operate them, which would reduce cost. We will reclaim more farmland.” Ghasan Harami - Mayor of Jayoos Projects in “Area C”: $100,000 Money Spent on Projects $2.5 Million Money to be Spent on Projects 7,000 + Beneficiaries 5 Completed Projects 34 Ongoing Projects Annual Report 2014 | 16 “Stand for Palestine, Support Gaza” “While being loving, merciful, and compassionate, believers seem to be one body, which when one of its organs is sick, the rest of it is sleepless and feverish.” – Hadith Shareef As a response to the effects of the Israeli offensive on Gaza in July and August 2014, FFP launched “Stand for Palestine, Support Gaza” campaign and funded two relief programs; one for providing potable water and the other for supporting displaced families. FFP managed to provide Gaza shelters with 300,000 liters of potable water in total. The water was obtained through FFP procurement of bottled water from manufacturers in the West Bank and through in-kind donations by people in the West Bank. The water bottles were delivered to people at shelters in Gaza through the UNRWA. “When we were forced out of Shuja’iyi, we had to drink seawater. Now we have fresh water. Thank you for giving us fresh water.” A Gaza child from the destroyed Shuja’iyi neighborhood 19 | Annual Report 2014 “Karama (dignity) Family Solidarity” was an FFP campaign to provide cash aid to displaced people as well as the families hosting displaced people, to cover expenditure on basic needs. FFP conducted this campaign in partnership with ten local community organizations operating in the Gaza Strip. The organizations conducted field research to produce lists of displaced and host families. Cash aid was sent to the families via local bank transfers. FFP formed a committee to oversee the process in Gaza. “I thank those who helped us and those who hosted us. I am thankful for the social solidarity. I thank FFP very much and I respect it. May God bless you for your help and support in this time of distress.” Umm Izz, displaced lady who benefited from “Karama Family Solidarity”. Donations from Beitin to Gaza )FFP’s Stand for Palestine, Support Gaza campaign( Bottled water for Gaza from Ramallah “Stand for Palestine, Support Gaza” Campaign $170 Cash given to each host family 1,275 Number of host families 15,000 + Beneficiaries $30 Cash given to each displaced person 6,350 Number of displaced people Annual Report 2014 | 20 Education Education is Our Investment in the Future Al-Hassan II School, East Jerusalem Al-Hassan II School, East Jerusalem Dar Al Hekma School, East Jerusalem Bitunia Girls’ School Industrial Islamic Orphans School, East Jerusalem FFP works on education in East Jerusalem and other Palestinian towns and villages that lack or have weak basic public education components. FFP’s strategic plan defines interventions in education to include building, rehabilitation, maintenance, and furnishing of educational institutions. Nour Al Quds School, East Jerusalem Al-Khan Al-Ahmar School Burj Al-Luqluq Social Center Society, East Jerusalem FFP carried out 15 projects in 2014, including 10 projects in East Jerusalem, at a cost of US$600,000 in education. This amount is 10% of FFP’s expenditure on projects. There are two ongoing projects in Nablus and Al-Far’a. They will be completed in 2015. 23 | Annual Report 2014 Distribution of Costs of Completed and Ongoing Projects in Education in Palestinian Governorates in 2014 11% 8% 2% Jerusalem Nablus 79% Tubas Ramallah “We urgently needed a playground and a laboratory at the school, especially after the Israeli authorities shut down our ground floor which contained computer and science laboratories…” Salih Salah Al-Deen - Deputy Principal Al-Hassan II School - East Jerusalem The Next Phase in Education FFP has completed the design work for rehabilitating six schools and vocational education institutions in East Jerusalem at a cost of three million US dollars. FFP is currently working on securing funding for implementing these projects in 2015. FFP also seeks to obtain a license for the Mawhubin (the talented) School in East Jerusalem. Education Sector Projects: $600,000 + Money Spent 4,000 + Number of Students 15 Projects Annual Report 2014 | 24 Palestinian Identity: Culture and the Arts Building a future on strong foundations to enrich the human civilization. We are open-minded and self-confident. Edward Said Institute, East Jerusalem Sewar Association, East Jerusalem Beit Anan Culture Center, East Jerusalem Sewar Association, East Jerusalem Beit Anan Cultural Center, East Jerusalem FFP interventions in this area are twofold; build, rehabilitate and furnish cultural centers and support and empower cultural and artistic activities. FFP completed three projects of building, rehabilitating, and furnishing cultural centers. Two of the centers are located in East Jerusalem. One center is located in Beit Anan in the Jerusalem governorate and was jointly funded by the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of the Netherlands. FFP also funded artistic performances, festivals, and printing of books for 7 organizations, including three in East Jerusalem. The average cost of these activities was six thousand dollars per organization. “We thank FFP for building, rehabilitating, and furnishing the Cultural Center. We also thank the donor countries of the UAE and the Netherlands for their support. The project helps us preserve our cultural identity, which the occupation seeks to weaken.” Husam Al-Sheikh - Head of Beit Anan Cultural Center Inauguration of Beit Anan Cultural Center “The cultural component of development is very important… we are trying to assist wherever possible in the Palestinian Territories, especially where the people are interested.” Gilles Beschoor Plug Head of Mission - Netherlands Representative Office in Palestine 27 | Annual Report 2014 The total of FFP’s expenditure on Palestinian identity projects is US$470,000, or 7% of the total FFP’s expenditure on projects. Wadi Al-Sha’eer Festival, Anabta Palestinian Identity Projects $450,000 + Money Spent 1,000 + Beneficiaries 10 Projects The Next Phase in Palestinian Identity FFP seeks to ensure necessary funding for culture-enhancing projects in Palestine, including Faisal Husseini Theater in East Jerusalem and Al-Quds Open University Theater in Bethlehem. FFP has the architectural designs of the theatres ready; the total cost of these projects is two million dollars. FFP also seeks to rehabilitate the centers of old towns and villages, which will cost $1.5 million. Annual Report 2014 | 28 Social Sector Palestinian NGOs are cornerstones of resilience and service delivery Al-Dahrieh International Stadium Beit Al Noor Society, Beit Jala Our Lady of Annunciation Roman Catholic Kindergarten, Jerusalem Union of Cooperative Associations for Savings and Credit, Ramallah Rawan Association for Child Development, Ramallah FFP is involved in five subsectors of social and NGOs’ services, including rehabilitation and furnishing of service organizations for better and sustainable service delivery. The total amount spent by FFP on projects in this area in 2014 was US$750,000. The ongoing projects in this area are of a value of approximately $1 million. FFP’s achievements in the five subsectors of social and NGOs’ services include: 5% 6% 9% 29% 51% • Kindergartens • Senior Citizens and People with Special Need • Health • Sports and Youth • Empowerment of Institutions Kindergartens FFP implemented projects in 2014 to enhance the learning environment at ten kindergartens. FFP rehabilitated and furnished these kindergartens. FFP is currently in the process of completing a new kindergarten in Dir AlGhsoon. FFP spent approximately US$0.5 million on kindergartens and seeks to secure funding to rehabilitate ten more kindergartens, develop curricula for kindergartens, and train kindergarten teachers in 2015. The cost will be US$300,000. Al-Hasad Kindergarten, Jerusalem 31 | Annual Report 2014 Our Lady of Annunciation Roman Catholic Kindergarten, Jerusalem Senior Citizens and People with Special Needs Palestinian NGOs deliver social services to senior citizens and people with special needs. FFP works to upgrade the offices of these NGOs and provide them with equipment to assist them and ensure their sustainability. In 2014, FFP conducted six projects to rehabilitate buildings and facilities of NGOs that serve senior citizens and people with special needs. The projects’ total cost was US$100,000. Moreover, FFP has allocated US$150,000 to fund ongoing projects in 2015. FFP has also completed the designs and necessary tender documents to expand, rehabilitate, and furnish five NGOs that work with senior citizens and people with special needs. Moreover, FFP has prepared tender documents for using solar energy to generate electricity at these NGOs to further enhance their sustainability. The total cost of these projects is US$1.5 million, which FFP seeks to raise. House of Hope Society for the Blind & Disabled Before the project was carried out House of Hope Society for the Blind & Disabled After the project was carried out “Rawan Association for Child Development has a humanitarian mission. It seeks to help children with special learning needs become responsible for themselves, their families, their society, and their homeland. Children with special needs at Rawan Association for Child Development have learning difficulties, attention deficit and hyperactivity. With the right attention, they can overcome the psychological, social, and academic difficulties.” Salam Asya Executive Director of Rawan Association Center For Speech and Learning Difficulties, Ramallah Rawan Association Center For Speech and Learning Difficulties, Ramallah Annual Report 2014 | 32 Health In cooperation with the Czech Development Agency, FFP provided medical equipment to clinics in Kober and Marj Ibin Amer, as well as to the Family Planning and Protection Society in Hebron. FFP also funded maintenance and rehabilitation works at Beit Al-Noor Eye-care Center. . Beit Al-Noor delivers services through field visits in the Bethlehem governorate mainly to school children and refugee camp residents. The total cost of FFP’s health projects in 2014 was US$150,000. “Furnishing the Kober clinic is a major step for enhancing primary care services in Kober. Therefore, Kober village council wishes to extend sincere gratitude to FFP for this support, which saves the village time and money.” Aqil Al-Tuqz - Head of Kober Village Council Marj Ibin Amer Clinic, Jenin Beit Al Noor Society, Beit Jala FFP seeks to raise funds to help improve the provision of healthcare services in rural and marginalized areas. This will be achieved by rehabilitating and equipping healthcare centers and supporting their activities. The estimated cost of the projects that are ready for implementation in the health sector by FFP is US$1.2 million. 33 | Annual Report 2014 Sports and Youth FFP develops facilities for sports and youth centers. In 2014, FFP implemented five sports and youth-related projects. FFP is in the process of implementing phase one of building Al-Dahrieh International Stadium, which is expected to be completed in April 2015. The total amount spent by FFP on sports and youth interventions totaled approximately US$1 million. FFP seeks to increase the revenues of sports and youth centers by providing them with income-generating projects, which will enhance their sustainability and enable them to use the revenues to fund their activities. These projects include rehabilitating and furnishing the Women Sports Center in Shu’fat refugee camp and the solar energy project of the Children Center in Al-Amari refugee camp. These FFP projects and interventions in youth and sports, including completing Al-Dahrieh International Stadium and other interventions at sports and youth centers, are estimated to cost US$8 million. FFP will raise part of these funds in 2015. Al-Dahrieh International Stadium before the project was carried out Al-Dahrieh International Stadium under construction (project’s being carried out) Annual Report 2014 | 34 Empowerment of Institutions FFP is involved in capacity building of civil society organizations through a number of interventions. FFP implements projects that enhance the work environment at these organizations in order to improve the quality of services they deliver to beneficiaries. To this end, FFP furnishes civil society organizations with equipment and rehabilitates their offices. In 2014, FFP provided these services to five civil society organizations at a cost of approximately US$100,000. Women Beauty Training Center in Al-Ezariyi Women Sports Center in Shu’fat 35 | Annual Report 2014 “Economic empowerment of Palestinian families and institutions will help positively change economic realities for individuals and for society as a whole through creating new opportunities for income-generation, especially for marginalized people and new graduates. This helps the Palestinian people become more resilient.” Qassam Barghouthi - Empowerment Program Manager Social Sector Projects: + $1,5 Million Money Spent 25 + Number of Beneficiary NGOs 30 + Projects Future Outlook FFP will continue implementing strategic projects in the social sector and will work constantly in partnership with civil society organizations to assist them in implementing projects and extending their outreach to the largest possible number of beneficiaries. Therefore, FFP will implement more projects that involve building and furnishing 10 kindergartens in Gaza and the West Bank. In 2015, FFP will initiate work on building and furnishing two kindergartens at bedouin localities in Ezariyi in the Jerusalem governorate and in Nwi’mi in the Jericho governorate. FFP will raise funds to implement five projects for the benefit of senior citizens and people with special needs. The designs for these projects are ready. Their cost is estimated at US$1.5 million. FFP also completed preparation for health sector projects at a value of US$1.2 million. Work will start once funds are raised. Annual Report 2014 | 36 Agriculture Development Palestinian farmers safeguard the land; agriculture is key to resilience Murooj Water Well, Qalqilia Turning Pipes for Water Wells, Qalqilia Renovating Water Pumps at Sofeen Well, Qalqilia Sprouted Barley Fodder Sheds, Jericho Farmland, Qalqilia Agriculture is a main source of income for people in rural areas; it enhances people’s resilience and protects their lands from expropriation for settlement construction. FFP conducted pilot projects in 2014 to guide and improve its interventions in agriculture in 2015. The projects included the rehabilitation of irrigation water wells, support for animal husbandry projects, and reclamation of farmland destroyed during the latest Israeli offensive on Gaza. Sprouted Barley Fodder Sheds, Jericho The projects to rehabilitate irrigation water wells included the rehabilitation of the Murooj Well, which is located behind the Wall and irrigates 250 dunums [a dunum is 1,000 square meters] of fruit trees belonging to approximately 40 farmers in Jayoos. The well was drilled in 1954 and has not been rehabilitated since. The rehabilitation included installing a new pump, engine repair, and use of electricity instead of diesel to operate the well. The rehabilitation of the Murooj Well took 28 days to complete. Now, its capacity is 90 cubic meters per hour, compared to 36 cubic meters before the rehabilitation took place. Moreover, FFP has completed the rehabilitation of an additional 25 water wells during the first four months of 2015. Water Wells Rehabilitation, Qalqilia 39 | Annual Report 2014 FFP developed experimental sprouted barley fodder sheds for bedouins in Jericho. This is an alternative option for herders and cattle raisers to feed their livestock and overcome the high prices of animal feed. This has a major impact on sustainability for cattle raisers. The work includes developing sheds for sprouted barley fodder at the lowest prices and flexible designs to allow installation at bedouin areas. FFP also developed a training program to teach cattle raisers to use sprouted barley fodder sheds to ensure even more sustainability. “FFP’s projects include rehabilitation of irrigation water wells, providing cattle raisers with sprouted barley fodder sheds, and reclaiming farmland. The objective is to enhance competiveness of farmers and herders, strengthen their resilience and resistance in the face of the Israeli settlements.” Hani Kayed - Projects’ Director Agriculture Sector Projects: $650,000 + Money Spent 2,000 + Beneficiaries 4 Completed Projects 11 Ongoing Projects Next Phase of Agriculture Sector Development FFP will rehabilitate approximately 50 water wells used for agriculture irrigation and build 20 sprouted barley fodder sheds for cattle raisers during 2015. This is in light of FFP’s successful experience in pilot projects in agriculture development in 2014. Annual Report 2014 | 40 Marginalized and Most Affected Areas They shall not remain so Ain Beit Al-Ma refugee camp, Nablus Al-Aroob refugee camp Tulkarem refugee camp Ein Al-Sultan refugee camp, Jericho Children Center in Al-Amari refugee camp FFP’s interventions are focused on marginalized areas, including refugee camps, rural areas, and bedouin localities. The interventions include housing of impoverished people, basic infrastructure development, and providing bedouin localities with basic services. The following summarizes FFP’s interventions in marginalized and most affected areas. Shelter for the Impoverished FFP has implemented phase one of its home renovation project. This phase covered 120 homes in 20 refugee camps. In addition, FFP has refurbished three housing units at Al-Aqaba, and partly funded building a home for an impoverished family in East Jerusalem, as well as provided for a home renovation in Silat Al-Harthiyi. The total cost for phase 1 of FFP’s home renovation and refurbishment project reached US$780,000. FFP is currently raising funds for phase 2 of the refugee camps home renovation project at an estimated cost of US$1.5 million. Home makeover at Ein Shams refugee camp, Tulkarem “The home renovation program at refugee camps and areas under the threat of settlement building and displacement aims to reduce the suffering and help the needy. The program provides better and dignified living conditions and strengthens steadfastness and resilience” Yousef Alzamer - FFP’s Comptroller Home makeover at Aqbit Jabir refugee camp, Jericho 43 | Annual Report 2014 Infrastructure Services FFP’s completed basic infrastructure projects in 2014 include the provision of water services to impoverished areas in Ain Al-Dyook Al-Tihta in Jericho, the Tamoon water project, and Dardala water and electricity project. Dardala is located to the north of Turmus Ayya. It is surrounded by settlements. FFP also rehabilitated Ezbet Abu Basal, located to the west of Salfeet, and electrified it using solar energy. In addition, FFP implemented a jobcreation project in Bita. Bita Projects in Marginalized & Most Affected Areas: + $2 Million Money Spent 120 + Homes Renovated 30 Projects The Next Phase FFP will implement a comprehensive program to enhance humanitarian services to bedouin communities in Palestine. The program is funded by the Emirates Red Crescent at a cost of US$2.2 million. The program includes provision of basic infrastructure services such as electricity using solar energy, building schools and kindergartens, health units, and tents. The program also covers economic empowerment of bedouin communities by providing sprout barley fodder sheds and provides bedouin women with small production equipment. The program will be implemented in 2015. Annual Report 2014 | 44 Economic Empowerment Economic empowerment is key to combating poverty Products by Union of Cooperative Associations for Savings & Credit Women Beauty Training Center in Al-Ezarieh Sewing machines in Shu’fat Women Sports Center in Shu’fat School Cafeteria, Jama’een FFP provides support to product-making NGOs, small businesses, and poor families as part of its economic empowerment strategy to combat poverty. FFP spent a total of US$150,000 on economic empowerment interventions in 2014. The following summarizes such interventions. Product-making NGOs and Poor Families FFP rehabilitated, refurbished, and provided equipment to six women NGOs operating in the areas of food and product-making and in cosmetology. The total cost of this FFP intervention was approximately US$30,000. Sewing machines at Qalandia refugee camp, East Jerusalem Kitchen tools for Union of Cooperative Associations for Saving and Credit, Salfeet FFP provided 17 sewing machines to women heads of household in Qalandia, Aida, and Ain Beit Al-Ma refugee camps. FFP also agreed with women NGOs at these refugee camps to provide training for these women and assist in marketing their products. FFP will raise funds to support 10 more product-making NGOs in 2015. The total cost of this intervention is estimated at US$200,000. “Socio-economic empowerment of Palestinian women at home and in the community by enhancing vocational capacity to start income-generating businesses is among the most important interventions to combat challenges and socio-economic difficulties Palestinian families face. Socio-economic empowerment projects ensure stability and decent living and reduce Palestinian communities’ dependence on contingency projects. However, project ideas must be carefully considered. Randomness, favoritism, and funders’ conditions must be avoided. We are proud to extend our appreciation to FFP for their support for projects with obvious economic and development impacts.” Randa Abid Rabu Head of the Union of Cooperative Associations for Savings and Credit 47 | Annual Report 2014 Private Sector FFP carried out limited interventions in support of the private sector in 2014. Such support is important; however, studies are required to maximize benefit to avoid falling into the constant need for exceptional funding. FFP’s intervention in the private sector included renovation of three restaurants under threat of closure by the Israeli authorities in East Jerusalem. These interventions cost a total of US$51,000. Philadelphia Restaurant, East Jerusalem Economic Empowerment Projects: $150,000 + Money Spent 500 + Beneficiaries 11 Projects Economic Empowerment in the Future FFP has completed an initial study about microfinance in Palestine. The study identifies the obstacles and challenges that face beneficiaries of ongoing microfinance programs to learn from them. Hence, FFP will develop a microfinance program to finance businesses for the economically disadvantaged, new graduates, and the unemployed. To this end, FFP will raise US$1.5 million for the microfinance program and for the provision of training to approximately 250 small and micro businesses. Annual Report 2014 | 48 Renewable Energy We protect the environment and benefit from modern technology Solar energy electricity-generating station, endowment for the old city of Jerusalem Ezbit Abu Basal, Salfeet Arab American University, Jenin Dardala, Turmus Ayya Children Center in Al-Amari refugee camp FFP believes that renewable energy can be used to achieve social and development objectives such as: 1. Ensure sustainability by reducing cost or increasing income. 2. Reduce electricity bill for poor households. 3. Support the needy university student fund. “FFP seeks to benefit from the continuously advancing renewable energy technologies to alleviate some of the financial burdens of Palestinian households and civil institutions, to enhance their resilience.” Ayman Kaloti - Renewable Energy Program Manager FFP projects in 2014 included building the biggest solar energy electricity-generating station in the 1967-Occupied Palestinian Territories. This endowment for the old city of Jerusalem helps 5,000 families reduce their electricity bills. The station generates 710 kilowatts of electricity. It cost approximately US$1 million. Solar energy electricity-generating station, endowment for the old city of Jerusalem $1 Million Cost 5000 Homes benefiting from endowment Old city of Jerusalem 51 | Annual Report 2014 710 kilowatts Capacity FFP’s renewable energy projects include solar energy electricity-generating stations at Palestinian universities. Phase one of the renewable energy station at the American Arab University in Jenin was completed at a cost of US$100,000. Phase one of the Hebron University station is in the process of being completed at a cost of US$375,000. FFP is currently preparing plans for the first phase of Birzeit University solar energy station to be built in 2015. FFP and the various universities have agreed to allocate funds saved on electricity bills to the needy student fund. “This pioneering project is a distinct achievement for the Arab American University. It is implemented in cooperation with our distinguished partners at FFP. This is a major step forward; it is one of the major achievements of the University to be added to its achievements in academic progress and quality of teaching methods and development projects.” Dr. Mahmoud Abu Mwais - President of the Arab American University Annual Report 2014 | 52 Arab American University, Jenin FFP also raises awareness among communities about the benefits of renewable energy in Palestine. During the first year of operation, FFP conducted six projects for utilizing solar energy by institutions and needy households. More than 20,000 people benefit from these projects, including university students. The total cost of these projects is US$1.5 million. FFP constantly urges donors to support expanding the utilization of solar energy and encourage investment in this vital area. This will benefit individuals and will enhance the competitiveness of institutions. Renewable Energy Projects: + $1,5 Million Money Spent 53 | Annual Report 2014 20,000 + Beneficiaries 6 Projects “Utilization of alternative sources of electricity generation is an urgent need in light of dependence on purchase of electricity from the Israel Electricity Company, which controls prices, and the accumulation of Palestinian debts, and to reduce reliance on Israeli companies.” Hisham Al-Omari - Director General of Jerusalem District Electricity Company Future Outlook FFP is currently raising funds for phase two of the old city solar energy endowment at a cost of US$1.5 million. According to a study by FFP in 2014, the cost of supplying main Palestinian universities and hospitals with solar generated electric power will cost US$20 million. FFP will raise funds to implement part of the projects to supply such energy. Moreover, FFP is working on developing solar energy programs for the various Palestinian towns to ensure supply of electricity via solar energy to public facilities and NGOs. Annual Report 2014 | 54 Financial Statements For the year ending on December 31, 2014 including the independent auditor’s report. Annual Report 2014 | 56 57 | Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 | 58 59 | Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 | 60 61 | Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 | 62 63 | Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 | 64 65 | Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 | 66 67 | Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 | 68 69 | Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 | 70 71 | Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 | 72 Ramallah - Al Masyoun +970-2-2977712/3/4 +970-2-2977715 ... Because it’s Palestine
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