Responsible Retrofit for Traditional Buildings

Conference organisers:
confer al
–––––––– nce
Wedn ––
3rd Ju esday
9.00a ne 2015
m – 5.
Responsible Retrofit for
Traditional Buildings
Identifying risks, managing unintended consequences
and delivering real energy savings
At-Bristol Science Centre, Anchor Rd, Harbourside, Bristol, BS1 5DB
This national conference is aimed at professionals from
Local Authorities, Housing Associations and private landlords
who are planning or delivering retrofit programmes.
Who should attend? Sustainability practitioners, building
surveyors, engineers, asset, programme and risk managers.
Conservation and planning officers, contractors, designers
and supply chain associates.
Collaborating with the UK’s most experienced
organisations and individuals, the event will:
1 Identify risks and unintended consequences associated with the retrofit of
traditional buildings and share best ways of managing them.
2 Equip delegates with the knowledge, practical resources and skills required to
successfully and effectively carry out work on their traditional housing stock.
3 Share practical, affordable and achievable case studies.
4 Develop expertise and establish a practical support network.
Join us for a day of presentations, discussions, practical workshops,
hands on training and networking.
To book your ticket visit
For general booking enquiries, please email
For further information please visit